Oil Spill Term Paper

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Writing a thesis on any topic can be a daunting task, but when it comes to a complex and sensitive

issue like an oil spill, the difficulty level increases significantly. An oil spill term paper requires
extensive research, critical thinking, and in-depth analysis of the topic. It is not something that can be
completed in a day or two, and it demands a considerable amount of time and effort.

An oil spill is a catastrophic event that can have severe consequences on the environment, economy,
and human health. Therefore, writing a thesis on this topic requires a deep understanding of the
subject matter and its implications. It is not just about presenting facts and figures; it is about delving
into the root causes, impacts, and potential solutions to prevent such disasters from happening in the

One of the major challenges of writing an oil spill term paper is finding reliable and relevant sources
of information. As this is a complex and constantly evolving issue, it can be challenging to find up-
to-date and accurate data. Moreover, sifting through numerous sources and determining which ones
are credible can be a time-consuming and daunting task.

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With so much research and literature already available on this topic, it can be challenging to come up
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A hundred hectares (or one square kilometer) of coral reef can generate between 15 and 20 tons of
fish a year. The second half of this chapter describes the Rayong Oil Spill incident, the clean-up
procedure and rehabilitation actions carried out by PTTGC, and the human dimension impacts that
have emerged. The long-term effects include, one, water pollutants may lead to the extinction of
species because of the bottlenecking that may happen to attempt to repopulate the creatures.
However, dispersant use is suggested for spills of high paraffin oils if temperatures are above the
pour point (the temperature at which the oil loses its flow characteristics) of the oil because it may
assist in avoiding the formation of persistent waxy residues. After dispersants are used, the natural
recovery process will begin, but this process should be monitored in order to track the amount of oil
remaining in the ocean. 28. 12. While the dispersant used, Slickgone NS, was approved by the
government, media coverage and community concern has focused on the potential for long term
contamination in the area due to residual oil and dispersants in the ocean. The equipment required
for the response unit is determined by what type of oil is discharged into the sea. What is needed is a
long-term rehabilitation and recovery plan. A team of divers were sent by the Department of Marine
and Coastal Resources and its departments mentioned previously (Saithong, 2014) to investigate the
quality of corals on 2 August 2013 at 12 stations (Koh Kudee, Koh Pla Teen, Koh Kharm-Koh
Gruay, Laem Ya Koh Samet, Ao Giw Nah Nok, Ao Phai, Ao Look Yon, Ao Loong Dum, Ao Noy
Na, Laem Noy Na, Ao Phrao Neur and Hin Ao Phrao beach). Following the incident and the use of
Slickgone NS, researchers from Ramkhamhaeng University and Burapha University carried out an
investigation of the environmental damages caused to the marine lives and its ecosystem. The results
from the second sampling show that Ao Phrao suffered most from the oil spill due to oil travelling
on shore causing damage to the ecosystem 48. 32. This report represents the work of four WPI
undergraduate students and three Chulalongkorn University students is submitted to the faculty as
evidence of completion of a degree requirement. Oil spills are devastating for marine birds as
documented by Piatt, Lensink, Butler, Kendziorek, and Nysewander (1990) in a study of the
immediate effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on marine birds. Resources Dive into our extensive
resources on the topic that interests you. He earned his HDR Habilitation in Industrial Mathematics
at the University of Limoges, 2010. Fishermen village leaders described a decrease in the amount of
fish available for them to harvest. Many reports on air and water pollution have shown that there are
areas in Rayong Province with higher amount of pollution than standard levels. Fullscreen Sharing
Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. The drilling rig, located 66
kilometers southeast of the Louisiana coast, left an oil gusher that was finally capped on July 15,
almost 2 months later. Birds are considerably affected when their feathers lose their water resistant
qualities when coated with oil and mammals can lose the insulating properties of their fur (Clark,
2013). Literature review Current oil spill cleaning techniques There are a number of oil spill cleaning
techniques, which have been used for decades to address this problem. Chapter four provides the
state-of-the-art in the science of a mid-depth-living fish species affected by the treatment of oil
pollution by chemical dispersion. On 27 July 2013, a pipeline owned by PTT Global Chemical, Plc.
(PTTGC) a flagship company of the Thai state-owned oil company Petroleum Authority of Thailand
(PTT), ruptured while transferring oil from an undersea reservoir to a tanker. This population had
membrane inflammation that was caused by exposure to crude oil and dispersants. Externalities
Externalities takes place when the business of a company is hampered due to the impact of
something that has not taken place in the firm but have occurred in the external environment. Twitter
posts were analyzed for positive and negative sentiment and used to determine how the attitude
associated with the oil spill evolved. The identified pollutants from the spill will affect the
atmosphere. In particular, this paper includes discussion and evaluation of different aspects of BP oil
spill to identify ethical issues related to it and lessons that can come from it. CASRAI CDC
Embezzlement CDC Embezzlement Richard William Hoffmann, Sr. Greenpeace Thailand with the
head activist Mr. Ply Pirom specialized on Rayong oil spill is intensively working with the head of
small fisheries (Pirom, 2013).
Furthermore, if the government took a more active role and involvement in the companies carrying
out the drilling before they actually started doing so, the probability is that fewer accidents would
occur, as most occur from a case of negligence or compromised standards of quality. The amount and
type of dispersant to be used also depends on the specific type of oil spilled, weather conditions, and
physical conditions of the area that the spill occurred. Please contact us for more information and we
will get in touch with you shortly. It can be seen that there is an increment of mucous cells at the
mantle. The vicinity of Koh Samet, Area A, was severely affected by crude oil deposited on Koh
Samet shorelines. Additionally, advertising mechanisms and the social media were used. From this
research, response methods can be improved to predict the concerns of the affected community.
Skimming Skimming equipment with fine filtering systems may be utilized to clean up oil spills.
Local merchants and businesses suffer due to loss of tourism until the coastal environment and the
reputation of the area can be restored. The spill instigated rapid response from AGL to remedy the
situation from further damage. Ideally, responding agencies and the oil company would
communicate potential hazards of the oil spill to all community members and potential visitors of the
affected area and also provide economic assistance to locals (Webler et. al., 2010). Transferring
information to community members in an efficient and effective fashion is a challenging yet essential
task. Our project team first determined the existing economic and health effects in the regions
affected by the Rayong Oil Spill. The area is known for supplying seafood products which are a
popular tourist souvenir. Figure 2.4-1 shows the location of Rayong Province in Thailand. In the
United States’ context, tourism seems to be among the most vital. This oil was washing up the
shores even after the gushing well was capped in July 2010 Griggs, 2011. The size of the oil slick on
the surface of the sea was decreasing due to the dispersants that caused the oil to mix with the
seawater and deposit at the bottom of the ocean. The goal of this project was to identify the key
characteristics that may have caused a decrease in trust or increase in perceived risk between the
local businesses and PTTGC. The Federal Government's Role In BP Oil Spill, May 25 2010 8. Even
though no crude oil was found to be deposited on the coral, the bleaching of the corals in the areas
seems to be progressing rapidly. Figure 2.4-8 shows the mucus on the coral. Further results showed
that the point of leakage exhibited a large amount of hydrocarbon contaminants in the surface of the
water. If these companies are drilling for oil, they are naturally doing it with the consent of the
government, who are in turn doing it for the betterment of the citizens. Most countries have
regulations and guidelines with procedures to follow in the event of an oil spill. Beach cleanup with
absorbent boom, debris collection. An effective determination of an appropriate fire safety strategy
with respect to oil spills requires acquiring knowledge on oil spills including sources or causes of oil
spills, currently used fire strategies and their effectiveness and other relevant issues. Once the leak
occurred, they underestimated the extent of the leak. Future researchers can expand our research to
improved oil spill response protocols in the future. 4. ii. The results of this study focused specifically
on sites of significance to the Rayong Oil Spill such as Ao Phrao Bay and the oil leakage site. The
wind speed was on average a mild speed of around 9 kilometers per hour for 27- 29 July but the
history did reference wind gusts up to 22 kilometers per hour (Wunderground, 2013). Oil spills are
devastating for marine birds as documented by Piatt, Lensink, Butler, Kendziorek, and Nysewander
(1990) in a study of the immediate effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on marine birds. BP initially
rejected those estimates but was confronted with environmental assessments that revealed a spill
potentially worse.
Besides tourism and fishing, Rayong Province is a major industrial hub for Thailand with multiple
chemical companies, processing plants, and factories. Interviews with local business owners were
completed in two trips to Mueang Rayong District where the oil spill occurred. A fall in the supply
of oil would cause its scarcity in the market and thereby increase its prices. Most analyses of oil spills
are focused around the financial and environmental impacts of the oil industry and the spill area.
WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review. Community
relations team sent from PTTGC to collect information about impacts and. On 27 July 2013, a
pipeline owned by PTT Global Chemical, Plc. (PTTGC) a flagship company of the Thai state-owned
oil company Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT), ruptured while transferring oil from an
undersea reservoir to a tanker. Combining this information with the stated goals of PTTGC and their
actions can help to breach the gap in understanding about the human dimension impacts and
information dissemination after the Rayong Oil Spill. The upkeep of pipelines and proper procedures
for pumping the oil are vital to preventing spills. An 21. 5. As shown in the above graph the sudden
supply shock of oil in the market of petroleum in U.S. would surely cause an upward shift in the
supply curve. The natural resources and environment recovery plan. Research teams from prestigious
institutes were set off to monitor the water contamination in the Rayong area of the Gulf of Thailand
after the oil spill (Makesumphan, 2014). The next advised strategy defined in Table 2.2-1 is
dispersants in most cases. By contrast, government departments and agencies face inevitable
concerns about public dissent that may influence their decisions during response and may lead to
future issues with oil sales and public support for government. The spilt oil caused considerable
damage to the wildlife and marine animals. University, Burapha University, Ramkamhaeng
University, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, and Mahidol University.
Dispersants also hasten the degradation of oil compared to when it was still a bigger slick. The
lasting impacts caused by economic effects are significant impacts to humans in the area for the
long-term -- even after the oil is cleaned up. The highest priority was to remove all free-floating oil as
quickly as possible. In addition, the levels of mercury in seawater at Ao Phrao and Koh Samet were
reported to be 29 times higher than the safety standard and more than 70% of corals at Ao Phrao had
been bleached. It causes a lot of degradation to the environment like the marine life. And if it is
indeed their responsibility to do so, in the light of the fact that failure to do so has occurred time and
again, what is the government doing to prevent further such mistakes. Other countries have
contingency plans and government agencies in place to protect their surrounding environment like
the PTTEP Australasia that works intensively with the government Australian Maritime Safety
Authority (AMSA) to regulate safety on vessel shipments (PTTEP Australasia, 2013). More Features
Connections Canva Create professional content with Canva, including presentations, catalogs, and
more. The economic impacts of the spill are still felt and many of the community members are still
not satisfied with the compensation process. PTTGC worked with the Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment and Laem Ya Moo Koh Samet National Park to create a response plan to treat
environmental damage and assist community members. This infographic shows NOAA's varied suite
of responder tools, many of which have clever, user-friendly names. The ploughing process was
facilitated to allow the naturally occurring bacteria and other organisms to degrade the oil more
rapidly. In a similar way, the fifth chapter addresses new explored and exploited ocean with extreme
environments such as the Arctic and deep sea. The centralized plan strengthens the public opinion of
the government when it can form a more organized response to oil spills.

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