Astm C311 - C311M 22
Astm C311 - C311M 22
Astm C311 - C311M 22
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: C311/C311M − 22
1. Scope*
Effectiveness of Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolan in
1.1 These test methods cover procedures for sampling and Controlling Alkali-Silica Reactions
testing fly ash and raw or calcined pozzolans for use in
portland-cement concrete. Effectiveness of Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolan in
Contributing to Sulfate Resistance
1.2 The procedures appear in the following order:
CALCIUM OXIDE, MAGNESIUM OXIDE, SULFUR 17.1 Calculate the results as weight percent of the original
TRIOXIDE, SODIUM OXIDE AND POTASSIUM OXIDE sample material. Report as equivalent percentage of sodium
oxide (Na2O), calculated as follows:
15. Procedure
15.1 Determine the percentages of these oxides as required Equivalent Na 2 O, % 5 Na2 O, %10.658 3 K 2 O, % (3)
in accordance with the applicable sections of Test Methods
C114 for materials having an insoluble residue greater than AMMONIA
1 % (Note 6). Analysts performing sodium oxide and potas-
sium oxide determinations shall observe the precautions out- 18. Procedure
lined in the applicable section of Test Methods C114. Most 18.1 Weigh 1.00 g of the fly ash sample into a 125-mL
pozzolans dissolve completely in lithium borate fluxes. Erlenmeyer flask. Add 100 mL of ammonia-free water. Place a
NOTE 6—Rapid and instrumental methods may be employed similar to neoprene rubber stopper on the flask and swirl the contents to
those in Test Methods C114 and D4326. thoroughly mix the sample and the water.
500 g of portland cement
1375 g of graded standard sand 31. Calculation
242 mL of water
31.1 Calculate the water requirement for the Strength Ac-
tivity Index with Portland Cement as follows:
27.1.2 Test Mixture: Water requirement, percentage of control =
(Y/242 × 100) (12)
400 g of portland cement Y = water required for the test mixture to be 65 of control
100 g of test sample
1375 g of graded standard sand flow.
mL of water required for flow ± 5 of control mixture
Appendix X1)
27.2 Number of Specimens:
27.2.1 Since Specification C618 specifies that “meeting the 32. Procedure
7 day or 28 day Strength Activity Index will indicate specifi-
cation compliance” only one age might be required. At the 32.1 Determine the expansion of a test mortar mixture,
option of the producer or the user after preparing six-cube made with fly ash or natural pozzolan and a test port-
batches, only three cubes of control and test mixtures need to land cement, as a percent of expansion of a control mor-
be molded for either 7 day or 28 day testing. tar mixture made with a control portland cement, in accordance
with Test Method C441/C441M as modified in the following
28. Storage of Specimens paragraphs:
32.1.1 Control Mixture— The control mixture will be made
28.1 After molding, place the specimens and molds (on the as required in Test Method C441/C441M except that the
base plates) in the moist room or closet at 23.0 °C 6 2.0 °C control cement shall have a total equivalent alkali content less
[73.4 °F 6 3 °F] for 20 h to 24 h. While in the moist room or than 0.60 % (Note 13).
closet, protect the surface from dripping water. Remove the
molds from the moist room or closet and remove the cubes NOTE 13—Generally, the control cement should have a total equivalent
from the molds. Place and store the cubes in saturated lime alkali content between 0.50 % and 0.60 %. However, lower alkali control
cement may be used, if desired, to demonstrate equivalence.
water as specified in Test Method C109/C109M.
32.1.2 Test Mixture Using Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolan—
NOTE 12—Take care to ensure against zones of stratification or pockets The combined quantity of cement plus fly ash or natural
of variation in temperature in the curing chamber.
pozzolan shall total 400 g (see Appendix X1). Use 900 g of
29. Compressive Strength Test borosilicate glass aggregate and sufficient mixing water to
produce a flow between 100 % and 115 % as determined in
29.1 Determine the compressive strength, as specified in accordance with Test Method C1437. The cement used in the
Test Method C109/C109M, of three specimens of the control test mixture shall have a total equivalent alkali content greater
mixture and three specimens of the test mixture at ages of 7 than that of the cement in the control mixture (Note 14).
days, or 28 days, or both, depending upon how many speci-
mens were molded as prescribed in the section on Number of NOTE 14—Generally, this test cement will have a total equivalent alkali
content equal to or higher than that used in the job.
32.1.3 Store and measure specimens as required in Test
30. Calculation Method C227. Measure length of specimens at ages of 1 and 14
30.1 Calculate the strength activity index with portland days.
cement as follows:
33. Report
Strength activity index with portland cement = 33.1 Include in the report for each test mixture comparison
(A/B) × 100 (11) made:
33.1.1 The 14 day expansion of the test mixture as a percent
of the control mixture at that age,
6 7
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may These values represent, respectively, the (1s) and (d2s) limits as described in
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:C09-1008. Practice C670.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Test procedures in Section 32 are designed to deter- X1.4 Selection of the Percentage of Fly Ash or Natural
mine the effectiveness of fly ash, or natural pozzolan, in Pozzolan—It may be necessary to make test mixtures with
preventing excessive expansion resulting from a reaction several percentages of fly ash or natural pozzolan to determine
between certain aggregates and alkalies in portland-cement the minimum amount necessary to be considered “effective” in
mixtures. Tests are made in accordance with Test Method reducing expansion to the level produced by the “control”
C441/C441M using: portland cement. The minimum amount of fly ash or natural
X1.1.1 400 g of portland cement or a combined total of pozzolan should be 15 % by mass of cementitious material.
cement plus fly ash or natural pozzolan of 400 g, X1.5 Selection of the Alkali Content of the Cement Used in
X1.1.2 900 g of borosilicate glass, and the Test Mixture—In some instances it may not be necessary to
X1.1.3 Sufficient water to obtain a flow of 100 to 115 %. demonstrate that the fly ash or natural pozzolan will reduce
expansion, but rather that it will not increase expansion. In this
X1.2 The control mixture is made with a portland cement instance the test and control mixtures should be made with the
with less than 0.60 % total equivalent alkalies. The test same portland cement used in the control mixture to better
mixture, made of a test percentage of the fly ash or natural delineate any increase in expansion. The fly ash or natural
pozzolan, can be made with the same cement or any other pozzolan percentage used may need to be sufficiently high to
cement having a total equivalent alkali content greater than demonstrate that the percentage exceeds the pessimum if such
0.60 %. pessimum exists for the combination.
X1.3 Interpretation of Results—The fly ash or natural X1.6 Selection of the Control Portland Cement—The test
pozzolan should be considered “effective” when used at procedure in this test method is designed to measure the
percentages equal to or greater than the percentages used in the relative effectiveness of the fly ash or natural pozzolan in
test mixture with cements having total equivalent alkali con- reducing expansion due to alkali-silica reactions. The effec-
tents that do not exceed by more than 0.05 percentage points tiveness is a function of both the total equivalent alkali content
the total equivalent alkali content of the cement used in the test of the cement used in the test mixture and the percentage of fly
mixture. ash or natural pozzolan. The higher the total equivalent alkali
X2.1 The test procedures in Section 34 are designed to addition of fly ash or natural pozzolan influences sulfate
evaluate the performance of particular fly ashes or natural resistance. However, as referenced in Test Method C1012/
pozzolans in contributing to the resistance or durability of C1012M, research has indicated that mortars meeting the
concrete in a sulfate environment. Tests are made on mortars in expansion criteria will perform adequately. Under Procedure B,
accordance with Test Method C1012/C1012M. the fly ash or natural pozzolan will be considered to be able to
contribute to sulfate resistance if the expansion of the test
X2.2 The control mixture should be made with a cement mixture does not exceed that of the control mixture at an
that by performance or definition (Specification C150/C150M, exposure time of at least 6 months. It is recommended that the
Section 1.1) is expected to give satisfactory results for the proportion of fly ash or natural pozzolan used in the test
anticipated level of sulfate exposure. ACI 201.2R recommends mixture be the same one proposed for use in the project 62 %,
Type II cement when the sulfate content, expressed as SO4, is and that the C3A content of the project cement be equal to, or
0.10 to 0.20 percent in soils or 150 to 1500 ppm in waters. ACI less than, that which was used in the test mixtures. See
201.2R recommends Type V cements when the sulfate content, Appendix X1, Technical Background, Test Method C1012/
expressed as SO4, is 0.20 % to 2.0 % in soils, or 1500 ppm to C1012M.
10 000 ppm in waters. The test mixtures for both procedures
may be made with varying percentages of fly ash or natural X2.4 Selection of the Percentage of Fly Ash or Natural
pozzolan. Test mixtures can use cements with equal or higher Pozzolan—It may be necessary to make test mixtures with
or lower C3A contents that might not have given satisfactory several percentages of fly ash or natural pozzolan to determine
results when used alone. the amount necessary to obtain adequate resistance to different
concentrations of sulfates. Percentages used in a project should
X2.3 Interpretation of Results—The absolute expansion be within 2 % of those that are successful in the test mixtures
limits used in Procedure A make it difficult to ascertain how the or should be between two percentages that are successful.
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C311/C311M – 18) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved February 1, 2022.)
(1) Revised 32.1, 33.1.4, X1.2, X1.4, X1.5, X1.6 and X1.6.1 to
address text related to alkali contents of portland cements.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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