Endocrine System Activity Sheet

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Name:________________________________________ 10-________________________Group:___Date:______

Activity 1 Activity 3:Complete the table below by listing the gland and
Directions: Recall the different words about endocrine hormone in each described scenario.
system .Given the crossword puzzle below, complete the
boxes to get the correct answer and refer to the clues given.

Activity4:Identify what is being asked by filling in the gaps with

letters to complete the word at the end of every sentence.
1. This gland is located at the base of the brain and stimulates
growth. (P _ T _ I _ A _Y)
2. This is a gland that secretes adrenaline hormone which
affects the heart rate. (A _ R _ N _ L)
3. This refers to the group of glands that releases hormones
into the body. (E _ D _ C R _ N _ S _ S T _ M)
4. These are the two hormones secreted by the ovaries.
(E _ T R O _ _ N) and (P _ O G _ S T _ R _ N E)
Across Down __________________________________________________
1.hormones secreted by 2.secreted by pancreas 5. It refers to the gland that regulates blood sugar level.
adrenal 4.also called the master gland (P _ N _ R E _ S)
3.a system that contains 5.gland that controls the calcium __________________________________________________
glands levels in the body
Activity 5: Match the glands in column A with the
7. primary male sex hormones 6. gland that poduce female sex
hormone secreted in column B by writing the letter of
8. gland that regulates body hormones
metabolism 9.hormones secreted by the ovary your answer.
10. gland that produces T cells 11.gland that regulates body A B
12. small pea shaped gland in metabolism a. Thymosin
the brain 13. gland that secretes insulin and _____1. Pituitary
b. Insulin
14. chemicals secreted by glucagon _____2. Thyroid c. Estrogen
endocrine 15. gland thst secretes male sex _____3. Parathyroid d. Testosterone
hormones _____4. Thymus e. Melatonin
_____5. Adrenal e f. Parathormone
Activity 2
_____6. Pancreas g. Adrenaline
Directions: Identify the glands of the endocrine system.
_____7. Testes h. Thyroxin
Choose your answer from the box below.
i. Growth hormone
_____8. Ovaries
Activity 6: Complete the statements(Choose the word on the
The (1) _______________ system consists of (2)
____________ that secrete chemicals called (3)
_______________ that control various body processes. This
control system usually brings about slow changes in the (4)
_______________ because hormones move through the
circulatory system. The major glands in the body are the
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, (5)
_______________ and testes. Reproductive glands of
endocrine system release sex hormones to keep the male and
female reproductive systems properly. The (6) _____________
of male which lie in the scrotum, secretes hormones called (7)
________________; the most important of which is
testosterone. These hormones are secreted that affect many
male characteristics such as development of the secondary
sexual characteristics like the growth of hair in various body
parts as well as (8) ______________ production. On the other
hand, the (9) ________________ of the female produce
estrogen and (10) _________________________. These
hormones cause the development of female sexual
characteristics like breast enlargement and in the regulation
and maintenance of menstruation and pregnancy, respectively.
Words on the board

body endocrine glands hormones ovaries

testes testosterone progesterone androgens
sperm ovaries

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