SCC Antet Nou 2022

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Spitalul Clinic


Costina-Cristiana Mutu
I am third-year dermatology-venereology resident in the IInd Department of Dermatology at
Colentina Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania, since 2021.
Main activities:
- Examining patients and making therapeutic decisions in accordance with the level of
training and with the rules of the department of the hospital where I follow my internship
- Performing dermatological surgical procedures under the supervision of the
coordinating doctor: surgical treatment of skyn cysts, removal of papillomas and condylomas,
cryotherapy and curettage of skin lesions, surgery of benign tumors, punch or excisional
- Participation in internal and international conferences and congresses (both passively
and actively through oral presentation or posters)
- Participation in volunteer actions for melanoma screening in general population within
the Euromelanoma campaign
- Participation in clinical studies carried out within the department of dermatology where
I carry out my activity


I am a dermato-venereology resident in the IIIrd year of clinical training at

Colentina Clinical Hospital in Bucharest, Romania, very passionate about this medical
This clinical fellowship is very important for me because I consider that in this
way I can reach in one of the most influential, well-known dermatology center, a high
standard European centre, with the chance to learn from the best professionals and bring
back new approaches.
This fellowship will provide me a well-defined clinical observational
experience in your department. With this program, I can learn from the usual practice in
your department.
Also, I believe that this experience will perfectly complete my education with a
significant contribution, it will open different doors and opportunities for me and will
increase my chances of success in my future career.

Adresa: Şos. Ştefan cel Mare nr. 19 - 21 sector 2, Bucureşti

Tel. Centrală : +40 021-3180615 ; +40 021-3173245 ; +40 021-3165895
Tel. Secretariat: +40 021-3174785 ;
Fax: +40 021-3165512
E-mail: [email protected]
Operator de date cu caracter personal : 00031228

„Prezentul inscris poate contine date cu caracter personal ce intra sub protectia Regulamentului (UE) 2016/ 679. Persoanele vizate carora li se adreseaza
prezentul inscris, precum si tertele persoane care intra in posesia acestuia, au obligatia de a proteja, conserva si folosi datele cu caracter personal in conditiile
prevazute de Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679”
Spitalul Clinic

In my opinion, the experience that this clinical fellowship offers to the

participants is unique and cannot be compared to another. I think it will help me in
many ways, medically, but also socially and culturally.
This clinical fellowship will help me to achieve one of my most important goals
as a dermato- venereology resident.
Until now, I haven`t had the opportunity to receive a clinical fellowship, so this would
be a huge and very important first step on this line, which would give me more
confidence and enthusiasm.

Candidate’ signature:

Adresa: Şos. Ştefan cel Mare nr. 19 - 21 sector 2, Bucureşti

Tel. Centrală : +40 021-3180615 ; +40 021-3173245 ; +40 021-3165895
Tel. Secretariat: +40 021-3174785 ;
Fax: +40 021-3165512
E-mail: [email protected]
Operator de date cu caracter personal : 00031228

„Prezentul inscris poate contine date cu caracter personal ce intra sub protectia Regulamentului (UE) 2016/ 679. Persoanele vizate carora li se adreseaza
prezentul inscris, precum si tertele persoane care intra in posesia acestuia, au obligatia de a proteja, conserva si folosi datele cu caracter personal in conditiile
prevazute de Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679”
Spitalul Clinic

Adresa: Şos. Ştefan cel Mare nr. 19 - 21 sector 2, Bucureşti

Tel. Centrală : +40 021-3180615 ; +40 021-3173245 ; +40 021-3165895
Tel. Secretariat: +40 021-3174785 ;
Fax: +40 021-3165512
E-mail: [email protected]
Operator de date cu caracter personal : 00031228

„Prezentul inscris poate contine date cu caracter personal ce intra sub protectia Regulamentului (UE) 2016/ 679. Persoanele vizate carora li se adreseaza
prezentul inscris, precum si tertele persoane care intra in posesia acestuia, au obligatia de a proteja, conserva si folosi datele cu caracter personal in conditiile
prevazute de Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679”

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