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Oracle® E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager Guide

Release 22.2.1
Part No. F35809-20

October 2022
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide, Release 22.2.1

Part No. F35809-20

Copyright © 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: Clara Jaeckel, Tiffany Morales Romero, Mildred Wang

Contributing Author: Santiago Bastidas, Rama Doodala, Noby Joseph, Prasad Joshi, Sridhar Kulkarni,
Saritha Merugu, Biplab Nayak, Shravan Kumar Nethi, Terri Noyes, Manoj Palivela, Sanyukta Palod, Praveen
Pappu, Raja Sekhar Putchakayala, Vijay Yarramsetti

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com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Send Us Your Comments


Part 1 Overview of Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud


1 Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1-1
Features...................................................................................................................................... 1-1

Part 2 Implement Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

2 Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud

Overview of Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.......................................... 2-1
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................... 2-2
Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Accounts and Resources.................................................. 2-5
Create Network Resources for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager........... 2-14
Create Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance......................................2-30
Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance............................... 2-33
Update to Latest Version of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.................................. 2-46
Obtain the CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SMTP Server.................................... 2-46
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Deployment for Demo and Test Purposes........... 2-46

3 Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments
Overview of Setting Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments........ 3-1
Create or Identify a Compartment to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments............... 3-4
Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group and Assign Policies.................... 3-5
Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment Administrators...............................................3-10
Create Network Resources for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments..............3-12
Create Network Profiles.......................................................................................................... 3-45

4 Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine

Overview of Managing the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine.........4-1
Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version.................................. 4-1
Perform Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Tasks............................... 4-6
Manage Ksplice Uptrack Actions............................................................................................ 4-18

Part 3 Move On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instances to

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

5 Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Overview of Creating Backups................................................................................................. 5-1
Verify Prerequisites for Traditional Lift and Shift.................................................................. 5-3
Prepare the Source Oracle E-Business Suite Environment...................................................... 5-9
Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager................................................................... 5-11
Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module...................................................5-11
Create an Advanced Configuration Parameters File (Optional)............................................ 5-12
Create a Backup with the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module.......................... 5-14
Troubleshoot Backup Issues................................................................................................... 5-25

6 Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-

Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database
Release 19c or
Overview................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Requirements for Creating a Standby Environment................................................................ 6-4
Preparations for Creating a Standby Environment.................................................................. 6-5
Create a Standby Environment for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises
Environment............................................................................................................................ 6-12

Part 4 Manage Oracle E-Business Suite Instances Using Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager

7 Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Overview of Accessing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager........................................... 7-1
Log In to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.................................................................. 7-2
Specify Your User Details (Conditionally Required)...............................................................7-2
Check Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version......................................................... 7-4
Navigate within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager...................................................... 7-4
Review Environments............................................................................................................... 7-6

8 Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features

Set Up Network Profiles........................................................................................................... 8-1
Set Up the Extensibility Framework......................................................................................... 8-9
Set Up Scheduling Policies..................................................................................................... 8-16

9 Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance

Requirements for Provisioning a New Environment............................................................... 9-1
One-Click Provisioning............................................................................................................. 9-4
Advanced Provisioning............................................................................................................. 9-6
Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks.............................................................. 9-23

10 Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance

Overview................................................................................................................................. 10-1
Prerequisites............................................................................................................................ 10-3
Review Discovery Requests.................................................................................................... 10-3
Prepare for Discovery.............................................................................................................. 10-5
Submit a Discovery Request................................................................................................... 10-5
Review the Discovery Report.................................................................................................. 10-7
Resubmit a Discovery Request............................................................................................... 10-8
Register a Compliant Environment........................................................................................ 10-8
Unregister an Environment..................................................................................................... 10-8
Rediscover an Upgraded Environment................................................................................... 10-9

11 Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration................................................................... 11-1
Access Your Oracle E-Business Suite Environment............................................................... 11-1

Access the Fusion Middleware Control and WebLogic Server Administration Console with
SSH Port Forwarding for Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure............. 11-4
Review Environment Details (Standard)................................................................................ 11-7
Review Standby Environment Details................................................................................. 11-13

12 Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management

Add and Delete Nodes............................................................................................................ 12-1
Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance............................................................................ 12-5
Back Up an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance...................................................................... 12-16
Promote a Standby Environment.......................................................................................... 12-26
Delete an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment................................................................. 12-32

13 Monitor Job Status

Monitor Job Status.................................................................................................................. 13-1

A Tasks in the Extensibility Framework

Seeded Tasks in the Extensibility Framework......................................................................... A-1
Custom Task Scripts in the Extensibility Framework............................................................. A-4
Create a Wrapper Script...................................................................................................... A-4
Test the Script.................................................................................................................... A-20
Package the Script in a Zip File.......................................................................................... A-21

B Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager............................................ B-1

Send Us Your Comments

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide, Release 22.2.1

Part No. F35809-20

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If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, then please tell us your name, the
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Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that you have the latest version of the
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 22.2.1 of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of Oracle E-Business Suite system
If you have never used Oracle E-Business Suite, we suggest you attend one or more of
the Oracle E-Business Suite training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.
com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?
ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

1 Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
2 Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
3 Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments
4 Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine
5 Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud

6 Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or
7 Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
8 Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features
9 Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance
10 Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance
11 Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration
12 Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management
13 Monitor Job Status
A Tasks in the Extensibility Framework
B Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Related Information Sources

This book is included in the Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library.
Online Documentation
All Oracle E-Business Suite documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
• Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.

• Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library - This library, which is included

in the Oracle E-Business Suite software distribution, provides PDF documentation
as of the time of each release.

• Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Web Library - The web libraries, available
on the Oracle Help Center, provide the latest updates to Oracle E-Business Suite
documentation for Release 12.2 [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​index.htm]
and Release 12.1 [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E18727_01/​index.htm]. Most
documents are available in PDF and HTML formats.

• Release Notes - For information about changes in this release, including new
features, known issues, and other details, see the release notes for the relevant
product, available on My Oracle Support.

• Oracle Electronic Technical Reference Manual - The Oracle Electronic Technical

Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of
database tables, forms, reports, and programs for each Oracle E-Business Suite
product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications
and integrate Oracle E-Business Suite data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle E-Business Suite products. The Oracle eTRM is available
from My Oracle Support.

Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.

Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite Guide
This book is intended for database administrators and system administrators who are
responsible for performing the tasks associated with maintaining an Oracle E-Business
Suite system using the Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business
Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite Metric Reference
This book lists the target metrics for Oracle E-Business Suite that Oracle Enterprise
Manager monitors.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation
This documentation describes how to use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, a set of
complementary cloud services that enable you to build and run a wide range of
applications and services in a highly available hosted environment. In particular, see:
• Welcome to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-

• Developer Tools and Resources [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-


Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts

This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the
Oracle E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics,
giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus any
installation and configuration choices that are available.
Oracle E-Business Suite CRM System Administrator's Guide
This manual describes how to implement the CRM Technology Foundation (JTT) and
use its System Administrator Console.
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install
This book describes how to run Rapid Install to perform a fresh installation of Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2 or to replace selected technology stack executables in an
existing instance.
Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set
This documentation set provides planning and reference information for the Oracle E-
Business Suite system administrator.
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide
contains information on system configuration tasks that are carried out either after
installation or whenever there is a significant change to the system. The activities
described include defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling Oracle
Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help. Oracle E-

Business Suite Maintenance Guide explains how to patch an Oracle E-Business Suite
system, describing the adop patching utility and providing guidelines and tips for
performing typical patching operations. It also describes maintenance strategies
and tools that can help keep a system running smoothly. Oracle E-Business Suite
Security Guide contains information on a comprehensive range of security-related
topics, including access control, user management, function security, data security,
secure configuration, and auditing. It also describes how Oracle E-Business Suite
can be integrated into a single sign-on environment.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, Oracle E-Business Suite System
Administrator's Guide - Configuration contains information on system configuration
steps, including defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling Oracle
Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help. Oracle E-
Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance provides information for
frequent tasks such as monitoring your system with Oracle Applications Manager,
managing concurrent managers and reports, using diagnostic utilities, managing
profile options, and using alerts. Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide
- Security describes user management, data security, function security, auditing, and
security configurations.

Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

This guide explains how to navigate products, enter and query data, and run
concurrent requests by means of the user interfaces (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. It
includes basic information on setting preferences and customizing the UI. An
introduction to Oracle Enterprise Command Centers is also included. Lastly, this guide
describes accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Business Suite.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps

track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Part 1
Overview of Oracle E-Business Suite on
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Introduction
• Features

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager is a web-based application that drives all the
principal automation flows for Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,
including provisioning new environments, performing lifecycle management activities
on those environments, and restoring environments from on-premises.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager was designed to simplify the diverse tasks
Oracle E-Business Suite database administrators (DBAs) perform on a daily basis, with
the goal of reducing the effort needed to perform them.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager offers the following benefits:
• Security, with a load balancer that works as a TLS termination point.

• Deployment on a subnet that is not directly exposed to the user's network (internet
or corporate intranet).

• The ability to allow multiple database administrators to manage the same set of
Oracle E-Business Suite environments.

• Full integration with Oracle Identity Cloud Service for authentication services.

This section describes available utilities and lists all key features delivered with the

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 1-1

automation for provisioning, lift and shift, and lifecycle management when running
Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Automation Tools

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager is a web application that provisions and
manages Oracle E-Business Suite environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It is
deployed as a virtual machine within the customer tenancy. Major capabilities include
One-Click Provisioning, Advanced Provisioning, and Cloning.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module is a standalone tool that interviews the
user to establish settings, and then uses those settings to back up an Oracle E-Business
Suite on-premises environment to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage as part of
a "traditional lift and shift".

Oracle Applications Manager

Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) is a web-based tool that supports managing and
monitoring of an Oracle Applications system from an HTML-based central control
console. You can run on-premises OAM and use the new Cloud Standby feature to
create a standby environment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as part of a "reduced
downtime lift and shift".

Separation of Duties
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager allows for differentiated roles between
different personnel in your organization: network administrators, Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager administrators, and Oracle E-Business Suite administrators
(DBAs). These are achieved using the following constructs:
• Multiple Compartments - You have the option to create and use distinct

• Groups - Different groups of users can be assigned different roles.

• Network Profiles - You will define Network Profiles, which map compartments
with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network definitions to fulfill Oracle E-Business
Suite network requirements. The use of predefined Network Profiles greatly
simplifies provisioning for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager users (DBAs).
When you create a network profile, you can optionally designate a regional subnet
for your Oracle E-Business Suite application tier, database tier, or load balancer.

1-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

One-Click Provisioning
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager One-Click Provisioning is used to provision
new demonstration environments in which the application tier and database tier reside
on a single VM.

Advanced Provisioning
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced Provisioning can be used to
provision an environment from object storage backups as well as to provision a new
environment. Advanced Provisioning includes the following features:
• Selection of network topology.

• Support of both single availability domain and multiple availability domain


• Choice of one or more application tiers, with either a shared (recommended) or

non-shared file system. If you choose to deploy a shared file system, note the
• Starting with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Release 22.2.1, Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure File Storage Service is automatically configured to support
the shared application tier file system.

• Prior to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Release 22.2.1, Oracle E-

Business Suite Cloud Manager deployed the shared file system with the
primary application tier node hosting an NFS server remote-mounted from the
secondary nodes.

• Choice of one or more internal and external zones.

• Placement of the database on one of the following: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Compute Service, Oracle Base Database Service 1-Node DB System, Oracle Base
Database Service 2-Node DB System, or Oracle Exadata Database Service on
Dedicated Infrastructure.

• Ability to upload and deploy public SSH keys during provisioning to support
secure shell access.

• Choice of one of the following:

• Deploy Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS).

• Use an existing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure load balancer.

• Use an existing, manually configured load balancer.

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 1-3

• Configure your application tier node as the web entry point for your Oracle E-
Business Suite environment.

• Configuration of your web entry point as the TLS termination point for the HTTP
inbound connections to your Oracle E-Business Suite environment.

• Ability to define logical host names for the application tier and for the database tier
running on Compute.

Lift and Shift

Traditional Lift and Shift

The traditional lift and shift contains two phases:
1. In the first phase, you will use the Oracle E-Business Suite Backup Module to back
up your on-premises environment to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure object storage.

2. In the second phase, you will use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Advanced Provisioning to provision an environment from that Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure object storage backup.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager combined with the Oracle E-Business Suite
Backup Module provide this lift and shift capability.
Lift and shift automations support an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.3 or later, or
Release 12.1.3 installation (with Oracle Database 19c,, or to Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure and certified Oracle Database cloud services.

Reduced Downtime Lift and Shift

You can create a standby of your on-premises Oracle E-Business Suite installation in
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and promote that standby to accomplish your lift and shift.
This capability is currently available for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.3 or later
with Oracle Database 19c or Oracle Database, with a target of Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Compute.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager provides the capability to discover an Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure environment that meets the standards described in My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 2656874.1, Standards Used by the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager for Provisioning Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Source environments will typically be environments that result from one of the
following operations:

1-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• A manual migration from on-premises to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

• A platform migration from on-premises to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

• An environment initially deployed by Cloud Manager, where either Oracle E-

Business Suite or Oracle Database were upgraded.

• An environment initially deployed by Cloud Manager, where any of the following

configuration changes were later made:
• A load balancer was added.

• A node was added or deleted.

• The size of the block volume attached to an application or database tier node
was increased.

• The File Storage service was manually configured. See My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 2794300.1, Sharing the Application Tier File System in
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 or 12.1.3 Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
File Storage Service.


Database Platforms
Automated provisioning and lift and shift utilities provide the option to run your
database on the following platforms:
• Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Service (Compute)

• Oracle Base Database Service 1-Node DB System - Single Instance

• Oracle Base Database Service 2-Node DB System - Oracle RAC

• Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure - Oracle RAC

Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Database with a Certified Quarterly Database Patch
This feature allows you to select a certified quarterly database bundle patch when using
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to perform the following:
• Provision a new environment.

• Lift and shift an existing environment.

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 1-5

Transparent Database Encryption
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is automatically enabled for environments
provisioned using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager if the target database is on
one of the following platforms:
• Base Database Service 1-Node DB System

• Base Database Service 2-Node DB System

• Exadata Database Service Dedicated

In addition, you have the option to enable TDE for environments provisioned on

Compute Virtual Machines (VMs)

The following shapes are supported for all scenarios in which you can create or add an
application tier node, or create a database tier node on Compute:
• VM.Standard.E4.Flex

• VM.Standard.E3.Flex

• VM.Standard2.x

These scenarios include: Advanced Provisioning, Adding an Application Tier Node,

Cloning, and Standby Deployment (Reduced Downtime Lift and Shift).
For more information, see Compute Shapes [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-

Middleware Licensing Model

You will select either a Bring Your Own License (BYOL) or a Universal Credit
Management (UCM) model for middleware licensing when creating your application
tier during Advanced Provisioning or Cloning. The same licensing model is used across
all application tier nodes in your environment, and this model is inherited when you
add a node.

Time Zone Support

When conducting Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced Provisioning, you
can choose the operating system time zone for your destination servers, except in the
case of Exadata Database Service Dedicated. This feature is not available for Exadata
Database Service Dedicated because once an Exadata infrastructure resource is created,
the infrastructure time zone cannot be changed.
Note that changing to a time zone different from the one used during your initial

1-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite implementation can cause data corruption, so you should use
caution when choosing a different time zone.
For more information about the implementation of time zone support, see Time Zone
Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page B-1.

Fault Domains
When using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to provision, provision from a
backup, or clone, all the deployed database tier and application tier nodes will be
associated with a fault domain. You can choose the fault domains yourself or accept the
defaults that are provided.

Tags can be used to identify all resources associated with an environment or group of
environments. When using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to provision,
provision from a backup, or clone, the Installation Details page allows you to choose a
pre-defined tag or specify a new (free-form) tag.

Lifecycle Management

Infrastructure Optimized Clone for Oracle E-Business Suite Environments

The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Cloning feature takes advantage of the
native cloning capabilities of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and associated database
Currently, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Cloning is available for
environments where the database tier is on a Base Database Service 1-Node DB System,
Base Database Service 2-Node DB System, or Compute.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Cloning has the following characteristics:
• Application Tier
• A single logical host name is used for the source and target VMs, reducing the
time to clone.

• For each application tier node, the boot volume is cloned to create the cloned
application tier node, preserving the operating system configuration during the

• If the source environment is configured with a shared file system, cloning is

performed as follows:
• If the environment was provisioned with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Release 22.2.1 or later, the File Storage service volume mounted

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 1-7

from the application tier nodes is cloned, and then mounted to the
application tier nodes of the target system. For more information on File
Storage service cloning, see Cloning File Systems [https:/​/​docs.oracle.

• If the environment was provisioned with a release prior to Oracle E-

Business Suite Cloud Manager Release 22.2.1, the block volume attached to
the primary application tier node is cloned, and then attached to the
primary application tier node of the target system.

• If the source environment is configured with a non-shared file system, all block
volumes attached to application tier nodes are cloned and subsequently
attached to the target application tier nodes.

• If you have added additional (custom) block volumes to your application tier
nodes, the cloning process will clone these as well.

• You have the option to choose different shapes for the target application tier

• Database Tier on Compute

• The source system boot and block volume are cloned to create a new database
system, preserving the operating system configuration and database code and
data during the clone.

• A single logical host name is used for the source and target VMs.

• You have the option to choose a different shape for the target database tier

• Database Tier on Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System

• The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager relies on the cloning capability of
the database service, as described in Clone a DB System [https:/​/​docs.oracle.

• Overall
• When creating your cloned environment, you can choose a compartment and a
network that differ from that of the source by specifying these in the network

• You can choose one of the following for the web entry when creating your
cloned environment:

1-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Deploy Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS).

• Use an existing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure load balancer.

• Use an existing manually configured load balancer.

• Configure your application tier node as the web entry point.

Create a Backup
You can create backups of environments running Oracle Database 19c,, or that were provisioned using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced
Provisioning. Note that these backups can then be used to provision a new environment
across any certified cloud service combination using the Advanced Provisioning
"Provision from Object Storage Backup" capability.

Define a Scheduling Policy for Backups

You can create backups for an Oracle E-Business Suite environment automatically on a
schedule by defining scheduling policies. These can be scheduled daily, weekly,
monthly, or yearly.

Add and Delete Nodes

A new horizontal scaling capability allows you to add and delete application tier nodes.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager reconfigures the system to operate with the
added or deleted node or nodes and, if you are using a load balancer, modifies the back
end set accordingly.

Delete an Environment
You have the option to delete environments created using Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager, whether from a new provisioning, a provisioning from a backup, or an
infrastructure optimized clone.

Delete a Backup
You have the option to delete object storage backups that were created using Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud automation tools. This includes backups created using one of the
following two methods:
• By running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module.

• By utilizing the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Create Backup feature.

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 1-9

Extensibility Framework
Each major job in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, such as provisioning or
cloning, consists of a set of phases and tasks defined in a driver file and run by a
processing engine. You can review the status of each phase and task, as well as the
overall job.
The Extensibility Framework provides administrators the ability to add tasks to jobs for
Advanced Provisioning, cloning, and promoting a standby environment. Both seeded
tasks and custom tasks are supported:
• A seeded task is a task that is provided with the automation. Examples are running
AutoConfig on the application tier nodes, changing the system administrator
password, or licensing products, but there are many others.

• A custom task is a task of your choosing, that can be called from a shell script. One
example could be setting a profile option.

In addition, you can now insert pauses between phases as you choose, and resume the
job when desired. For example, you can insert a pause if you want to perform your own
manual validations after a particular phase.

Online Help
Online help is available for key Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager flows.

1-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Part 2
Implement Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• Before You Begin
• Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Accounts and Resources
• Create Network Resources for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• Create Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance
• Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance
• Update to Latest Version of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• Obtain the CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SMTP Server
• Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Deployment for Demo and Test Purposes

Overview of Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

This chapter describes how to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version
22.2.1 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
If you are performing a demo or are testing, you may be able to leverage the procedure
provided in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Deployment for Demo and Test
Purposes, page 2-46 to simplify tenancy preparation, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager deployment and configuration by taking advantage of an Oracle Marketplace

Note: If you have deployed a previous version of Oracle E-Business

Suite Cloud Manager and wish to upgrade to the latest version, you do
not need to perform the tasks in this chapter. Instead, follow the
instructions described in Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-1
Manager to Latest Version, page 4-1. Oracle strongly recommends
that you upgrade to the latest version at your earliest convenience. To
continue to use an older version of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager for a limited period, refer to the documentation included in
My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2363536.1, Oracle E-Business
Suite on Oracle Cloud Tutorial Archive [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?

Before you provision your Oracle E-Business Suite environments, you must follow the
instructions in Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments,
page 3-1. Setting up the tenancy includes creating a compartment, groups, policies,
users, and network resources to support a specific purpose. For example, the purpose
could be to support a function (such as production, development or test), to support a
region, or to create any other desired tenancy segmentation (such as a business unit).

Before You Begin

Some of the instructions in this chapter will differ based on whether or not your tenancy
uses Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM) with identity
domains. Tenancies created after 2021-11-09 are more likely to be of the type "IAM with
identity domains [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​Content/​Identity/​home.htm]",
whereas tenancies created earlier are more likely to be of the type "IAM without
identity domains [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​Content/​Identity/​home1.htm]".
To determine your type of tenancy, log in to your Cloud account and click the menu
icon to open the navigation menu. From the console navigation menu, under Identity &
Security, select Identity. If the Domains option is present under Identity, then your
tenancy uses IAM with identity domains.
The following are four distinct categories of users referenced throughout this procedure
and their roles:
• Tenancy administrator - Creates compartments, policies, groups, and users. If
needed, the tenancy administrator also creates the identity provider (IDCS) group
mapping to manage authentication on tenancies using IAM without identity
In the example shown in the following diagram, the tenancy administrator creates
four compartments, one for the cloud manager deployment itself, Oracle E-Business
Suite instances production, test, and development. The tenancy administrator
creates groups of users to serve as cloud manager administrators and Oracle E-
Business Suite administrators for the production, test, and development
environments in these compartments. Their access to these compartments is
governed by the policies designed by the tenancy administrator.
These compartments will use network resources to be configured by the network

2-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Example Tenancy Configuration Performed by Tenancy Administrators

• Network administrator - Designs the network and implements the network design
with the following cloud resources:
• VCNs
• Subnets

• Gateways

• Routing tables

• Security lists/groups

• Security rules

• FastConnect

• Mount targets, if you plan to use the File Storage service for a shared file system
for your Oracle E-Business Suite environments

As shown in the following diagram, the network administrators create VCNs in the
network, one or more subnet for each VCN, and create the security lists and
security rules for the subnets.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-3
Example Network Configuration by Network Administrators

• Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator - Deploys Oracle E-

Business Suite Cloud Manager and defines the network profiles to map
compartments and network resources. The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator also leverages the compartments and network resources.
As shown in the following diagram, the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator deploys Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager in the designated
compartment and defines network profiles for the production, test, and
development compartments, mapping them to subnets and associated resources in
the network.

Example Deployment and Network Profile Configuration by Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager Administrators

• Oracle E-Business Suite administrators - Also known as application administrators

or DBAs, they provision and maintain the Oracle E-Business Suite environments.
The Oracle E-Business Suite administrators also leverage the network profiles that
are defined.

2-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

In the following diagram, the Oracle E-Business Suite administrators provision
Oracle E-Business Suite environments in the production, test, and development
compartments, leveraging the network profiles to designate the network resources
used by those environments.

Example Provisioning and Management by Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators

Note: If you wish, an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

administrator can also perform the duties of the network administrator
and an Oracle E-Business Suite administrator. This is appropriate if you
are configuring the system for demonstration use, or in any other
circumstance where a single database administrator (DBA) will be
performing all these roles. To accomplish this, you will make this user a
member of the network administrators group and Oracle E-Business
Suite administrators group.

Note: Ensure you perform all the applicable instructions in each section
before proceeding to the next section.

Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Accounts and Resources

In this section, the tenancy administrator performs all tasks as described.
1. Create Compartments, page 2-6

2. Create Groups, page 2-7

3. Assign Policies, page 2-9

4. Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-5
Privileges, page 2-12

Create Compartments:
In this section, you will first map out your compartment topology and then create your
compartment or compartments.
There are two types of compartments that we will refer to:
• Cloud Manager Compartment - Compartment that holds the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance.

• Network Compartment - Compartment that holds network resources.

If you are giving a demonstration, you might choose to use one compartment for all
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager supports the use of nested compartments. The
following depicts the compartment hierarchies that have been explicitly certified:
• The first certified hierarchy consists of one shared compartment under the root
compartment for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, EBS environments, and
the network.

• Another certified hierarchy consists of multiple shared compartments under the

root compartment including one compartment for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager and EBS environments, and another for the network.

• Another certified hierarchy consists of separate non-shared compartments for

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, each EBS environment, and the network
under the root compartment.

• The final certified hierarchy consists of separate non-shared compartments for

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, each EBS environment, and the network
within a subcompartment under the root compartment.

The following diagram depicts these compartment hierarchies:

2-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Certified Compartment Hierarchies

To create each compartment, perform the following:

1. While signed in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service console, open the
navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. On the Compartments page, click Create Compartment.

3. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter the compartment name. For example, network-compartment or

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

• Parent Compartment: Select the root compartment under which the new
compartment will be created.

• Click Create Compartment.

Create Groups:
Depending on your tenancy type, perform the instructions in one of the following
sections to create two groups in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access
Management (IAM) and, if applicable, Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS). The
tenancy administrator is required to create the groups described in these sections.
• Create Groups for Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains, page 2-8

• Create Groups for Tenancies Using IAM without Identity Domains, page 2-8

The groups created in these sections are:

• The network administrators group, such as netadmin-grp.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-7
• The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators group, such as
ebscmadmin-grp. This group will be used to configure the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance in Configure Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-33.

Create Groups for Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains

Perform the following steps to create the two groups for tenancies using IAM with
identity domains:
1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

3. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

4. Click Groups.

5. Click Create group.

6. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter the name for the group. For example, netadmin-grp and

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

7. Click Create.

Create Groups for Tenancies Using IAM without Identity Domains

Perform the following steps to create and map the two groups for tenancies using IAM
without identity domains:
1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Create each of your groups as follows:

1. Click Create Group.

2. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter the name for the group. For example, netadmin-grp and

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

2-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

3. Click Create.

3. Create each of your groups in Oracle Identity Cloud Service as follows:

1. Open the console navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under
Identity, click Federation.

2. Click on the name of the identity provider that corresponds to Oracle Identity
Cloud Service (IDCS).

3. On the left hand side under Resources, click Groups.

4. Click Create IDCS Group.

5. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Supply a name for the group. For example, idcs-netadmin-grp
and idcs-ebscmadmin-grp.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

6. Click Create.

4. Within the same page, map the groups in Oracle Identity Cloud Service as follows:
1. Click Group Mappings on the left hand side.

2. Click Add Mappings.

3. In the dialog window, select the Identity Provider group and the corresponding
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure group from the drop-down lists. For example, idcs-
netadmin-grp maps to netadmin-grp.

4. Click + Another Mapping to add the second map. For example, idcs-
ebscmadmin-grp maps to ebscmadmin-grp.

5. Click Add Mappings.

Assign Policies:
In this section, you will assign policies that allow for the proper permissions for
administrators to manage and use the necessary compartments.
1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Create a policy for the network compartment to allow network administrators to

manage it and for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators to use it:

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-9
1. Select the network compartment from the Compartment drop-down list on the

2. Click Create Policy.

3. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter a name. For example, networkcompartment-policy.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

• In the Policy Builder section, click the Show manual editor toggle switch.
In the provided text field, add each of the following policy statements,
substituting appropriate values for the variables designated by angle
Allow group <network administrators group> to manage virtual-
network-family in compartment <network compartment>
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to use virtual-network-family in
compartment <network compartment>

If you plan to use the File Storage service for a shared file system for your
Oracle E-Business Suite environments, then you must also add the
following policy statement, substituting appropriate values for the
variables designated by angle brackets.
Allow group <network administrators group> to manage mount-
targets in compartment <network compartment>

4. Click Create.

3. Create a policy for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager compartment to
allow Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators to perform operations
on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources within it:
1. Select the Cloud Manager compartment from the Compartment drop-down list.

2. Click Create Policy.

3. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter a name. For example, ebscmcompartment-policy.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

• In the Policy Builder section, click the Show manual editor toggle switch.
In the provided text field, add each of the following policy statements,
substituting appropriate values for the variables designated by angle

2-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to manage instance-family in compartment
<Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager compartment>
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to manage load-balancers in compartment
<Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager compartment>
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to manage tag-namespaces in compartment
<Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager compartment>

4. Click Create Policy.

4. Create a policy for the tenancy to allow network administrators and Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators to perform operations on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure resources within it:
1. Select the Cloud Manager compartment from the Compartment drop-down list.

2. Click Create Policy.

3. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter a name. For example, tenancy-policy.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

• In the Policy Builder section, click the Show manual editor toggle switch.
In the provided text field, add each of the following policy statements,
substituting appropriate values for the variables designated by angle
Allow group <network administrators group> to inspect
compartments in tenancy
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to inspect compartments in tenancy
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to inspect users in tenancy
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to inspect groups in tenancy
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to inspect dynamic-groups in tenancy

Note: If your tenancy is using IAM with identity domains,

you must also add the following policy statement:
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager administrators group> to use domains
in tenancy

4. Click Create Policy.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-11
Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator
The steps to create users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
privileges depends on whether or not your tenancy uses IAM with or without identity
domains. The tenancy administrator is required to create the users in these sections.
• Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Privileges
for Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains, page 2-12

• Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Privileges
for Tenancies Using IAM without Identity Domains, page 2-13

Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator

Privileges for Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains
While logged on to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console as the tenancy
administrator, create users who will have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator privileges as follows.
Repeat these steps for all users of your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator group and network administrator group.
1. Open the navigation menu, and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

3. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

4. On the left hand side, click Users.

5. Click Create User.

6. In the Create User dialog box, enter the following:

• First Name: First name of the user.

• Last Name: Last name of the user.

• Username / Email: A valid email ID.

• Groups: Select the group that corresponds to the user you are creating. For
example, if you are creating the Cloud Manager administrator, select the Cloud
Manager administrators group. If you are creating the network administrator,
select the network administrators group.

7. Click Create.

2-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

8. Grant the newly created user the Application Administrator role by following the
steps in Assigning Users to Roles [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Identity/​users/​about-managing-users.htm#assign-users-roles] in
the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator

Privileges for Tenancies Using IAM without Identity Domains
For tenancies using IAM without identity domains, each Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager administrator must have a federated user and non-federated user with the
same name. This requirement is not applicable for Oracle E-Business Suite
administrator users (DBAs).

Create Federated Users

While logged on to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console as the tenancy
administrator, create users who will have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator privileges as follows.
Repeat these steps for all users of your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator group and network administrator group.
1. Open the navigation menu, click Identity & Security, and then select Identity

2. Click on the name of an Identity Provider of type IDCS.

3. On the left hand side under Resources, click Users.

4. Click Create User.

5. In the "Create IDCS User" dialog box, enter the following:

• NAME: Enter a user name of your choice. This name must be in the format <

• EMAIL: A valid email ID. Confirm this email in the following field.

• FIRST NAME: First name of the user.

• LAST NAME: Last name of the user.

• GROUPS: Select the appropriate Oracle Identity Cloud Service group. For
example, either idcs-netadmin-grp or idcs-ebscmadmin-grp.

6. Click Create.

Create Non-Federated Users

While logged on to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console as the tenancy
administrator, create the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator user as

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-13
1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Click Create User.

3. In the corresponding dialog box, supply the following:

• NAME: Enter a user name of your choice. This user has to match the user you
defined for the first Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator user.
The name must be in the format <firstname>.<lastname>@<domain>.

• DESCRIPTION: A description of your choice For example, "This is the Oracle

E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator."

• EMAIL: A valid email address.

4. Click Create.

5. Generate the user's password and provide it to the user, who will need it to perform
tasks such as uploading API signing keys and generating SMTP credentials.

6. Add the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator to the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators group. In our example, this is

Create Network Resources for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

In this section, the network administrator performs all tasks as described.
First, you will create a new Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) using the steps in Create a
Virtual Cloud Network, page 2-15.
Then dependent on the subnet you intend to use, you will create associated network
resources, which include gateways, route tables, security lists, and subnets, that will be
used by your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance: Create
Network Resources for Use with Public Subnets, page 2-16 or Create Network
Resources for Use with Private Subnets, page 2-22.
In a production environment, we strongly recommend you deploy a dedicated bastion
server. This bastion server will be associated with a specific subnet that will be used as a
bridge between the resources outside and inside Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See Learn
About Setting Up the Basic Infrastructure for a Cloud Environment [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
html#GUID-F647FBA1-C61C-4EA8-872C-AAB9DDA593DB] for more information about
the architecture of the bastion server.

2-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

If you are evaluating Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, you can use the Cloud
Manager VM as a bastion server to connect to the Oracle E-Business Suite environments
that it creates.
The following table shows the subnet types supported for Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager and the associated load balancer.

Table 2-1- Subnet Types Supported for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager and Load

Availability Availability Regional Public Regional

Domain- Domain- Private
Specific Public Specific Private

Oracle E- Yes Yes Yes Yes

Business Suite
Cloud Manager

Load balancer Yes Yes Yes Yes

for Oracle E-
Business Suite
Cloud Manager

Create a Virtual Cloud Network:

Note: If you have an existing Virtual Cloud Network you want to use,
skip this section and proceed to Create Network Resources for Use with
Public Subnets, page 2-16 if you intend to use public subnets. If you
intend to use private subnets, proceed to Create Network Resources for
Use with Private Subnets, page 2-22.

To create a new Virtual Cloud Network (VCN):

1. Open the navigation menu. Click Networking, then click Virtual Cloud Networks.

2. Click Create VCN and enter the required details for your VCN:
• Name: Enter a name, such as ebscm-vcn.

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

• IPv4 CIDR Blocks: Specify your choice of CIDR. For example,

Note: When creating the VCN, accept the default DNS resolver.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-15
Oracle E-Business Suite provisioning in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
does not currently support a non-default DNS resolver VCN.

3. Click Create VCN.

Create Network Resources for Use with Public Subnets:

Note: If you want to use private subnets for Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager and load balancer, skip this section and proceed to
Create Network Resources for Use with Private Subnets, page 2-22.

Create an Internet Gateway

To create an internet gateway:
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Internet Gateways.

3. Click Create Internet Gateway and enter the required details for your internet
• Name: Enter a name, such as ebscm-igw.

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

4. Click Create Internet Gateway.

Create Route Tables

In this section, you will create two separate route tables, one for the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance and one for the load balancer. In the following
examples, we will use the names ebscm-RouteTable and lbaas-RouteTable, respectively.
Perform these steps twice: once for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Compute instance route tables and once for the load balancer route tables.
To create the route tables:
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Route Tables.

3. Click Create Route Table and enter the required details for your route table:

2-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Name: Specify a name, such as ebscm-RouteTable or lbaas-RouteTable.

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

4. Click + Another Route Rule and enter the route rule details as follows:
• Target Type: Select Internet Gateway.

• Destination CIDR Block:

• Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

• Target Internet Gateway: Select the previously created gateway.

5. Click Create.

Create Security Lists

In this section, you will create two separate security lists, one for the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance and one for the load balancer. In the following
examples, we will use the names ebscmvm-seclist and lbaas-seclist, respectively.

Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Security List

1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Security Lists.

3. Click Create Security List and enter the required details for the security list:
• Name: Specify a name such as ebscmvm-seclist.

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

4. Under Allow Rules for Ingress:

1. Click + Another Ingress Rule.

2. For the first ingress rule that is needed, modify the default rule as follows:
• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR: Enter the CIDR of your choice.

• IP Protocol: TCP

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-17
• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: 22

3. For the second ingress rule that is needed, click + Another Ingress Rule and
enter the following values:
• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR:

• IP Protocol: ICMP

• Type: 3

• Code: 4

4. For the third ingress rule that is needed, click + Another Ingress Rule and enter
the following values:
• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR: Enter the CIDR of your LBaaS subnet, lbaas-subnet-ad1. For
example, Note that the subnet is created in the next step.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: 8081

5. For the fourth ingress rule that is needed, click + Another Ingress Rule and
enter the following values:

Note: Note that the fourth ingress rule is not required if a

regional subnet is chosen for your public load balancer or if
you are in a single availability domain region.

• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR: Enter the CIDR of your LBaaS subnet, lbaas-subnet-ad2. For
example, Note that the subnet is created in the next step.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

2-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Destination Port Range: 8081

5. Under Allow Rules for Egress, click + Another Egress Rule and modify the default
rule as follows.
• Destination Type: CIDR

• Destination CIDR:

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: All

6. Click Create Security List.

Create the Load Balancer Security List

1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Security Lists.

3. Click Create Security List and enter the required details of your security list:
• Name: Specify a name such as lbaas-seclist.

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

4. Under Allow Rules for Ingress, click + Another Ingress Rule and enter the
following values for the ingress rule that is needed:
• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR: Enter the CIDR corresponding to the IP addresses of your client
machines that will access the Cloud Manager UI.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: 443 or other port of your choice. This port will be
used in step 5 of Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script
for the First Time, page 2-34, when prompting for the Load Balancer Listener

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-19
5. Under Allow Rules for Egress, click + Another Egress Rule and enter the following
values for the egress rule that is needed:
• Destination Type: CIDR

• Destination CIDR:

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: All

6. Click Create Security List.

Create Subnets
In this section, you will create the following new subnets:
• One regional or availability domain-specific public subnet where the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance will be created. This may be
referred to as the "provisioning VM subnet."

• Either one or two subnets for creating the load balancer for Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager.
• Create only one subnet for the load balancer if any of the following are true:
• You are using a regional subnet.

• You are in a single availability domain region.

• Alternatively, if you choose to deploy using availability domain-specific

subnets in a multiple availability domain region, you will create two subnets.

You will need to specify your own names and parameters, but you can use the
examples in the following two tables for guidance.
If you choose to use regional subnets, refer to the following example:

Table 2-2 - Regional Public Subnet Example Names and Parameters

Subnet Name CIDR Block Route Table Subnet Access Security List

ebscm-subnet- ebscm- Public subnet ebscmvm-seclist

phx RouteTable

2-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Subnet Name CIDR Block Route Table Subnet Access Security List

lbaas-subnet-phx lbaas-RouteTable Public subnet lbaas-seclist

If you choose to use availability domain-specific subnets, refer to the following


Table 2-3 - Availability Domain-Specific Public Subnet Example Names and Parameters

Subnet Availability CIDR Block Route Table Subnet Security List

Name Domain (AD) Access

ebscm- AD-1 ebscm- Public subnet ebscmvm-

subnet-ad1 RouteTable seclist

lbaas-subnet- AD-1 lbaas- Public subnet lbaas-seclist

ad1 RouteTable

lbaas-subnet- AD-2 lbaas- Public subnet lbaas-seclist

ad2 RouteTable

To create a new subnet:

1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Subnets.

3. Click Create Subnet, specifying your choice for the following parameters:
• Name

• Create in Compartment

• Subnet Type: Select either the Regional (Recommended) or Availability

Domain-Specific option. If you choose Availability Domain-Specific, select
your availability domain.

• IPv4 CIDR Block

• Route Table: Ensure you choose a route table that has a target type of Internet

• Subnet Access: Select the Public Subnet option.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-21
• Security Lists: Select the security list that matches the subnet you are defining
based on Table 3-3.

4. Click Create Subnet.

Create Network Resources for Use with Private Subnets:

When using private subnets, you could either:
• Define a DRG (Dynamic Routing Gateway [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Network/​Tasks/​managingDRGs.htm]) to establish communication
between your on-premises network and the VCN.

• Leverage a public subnet associated with a bastion server to access the VMs in the
private subnet.

Create a Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway

To create a Network Address Translation, or NAT, gateway, perform the following
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select NAT Gateways.

3. Click Create NAT Gateway and specify the following:

• Name: Enter a name, such as ebscm-natgw.

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

4. Click Create NAT Gateway.

Create a Service Gateway

To create a service gateway, perform the following steps:
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Service Gateways.

3. Click Create Service Gateway and specify the following:

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment created in Create
Compartments, page 2-6.

2-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Name: Enter a name, such as ebscm-srvgw.

• Select "All <XXX> Services In Oracle Services Network" from the Services drop-
down list. Note that XXX is a region-specific code such as IAD or LHR.

4. Click Create Service Gateway.

Create Route Tables

In this section, you will create two separate route tables, one for the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance and one for the load balancer. In the following
examples, we will use the names ebscm-RouteTable and lbaas-RouteTable, respectively

Create the Route Table for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Route Tables.

3. Click Create Route Table and specify the following:

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create
Compartments, page 2-6.

• Name: Enter a name, such as ebscm-rtbl.

4. Enable connectivity to object storage.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager requires access to object storage in the
following two regions, in addition to your home region:
• US West (Phoenix)

• US East (Ashburn)

You have two options to establish this connectivity:

• Enable the connectivity using the NAT gateway by performing the following
steps to add a route rule:
Click + Another Route Rule and enter the route rule details as follows:
• Target Type: Select NAT Gateway.

• Destination CIDR Block: Note that the

CIDR is required in order to connect to object storage.

• Compartment: Select your network compartment created in Create

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-23
Compartments, page 2-6.

• Target NAT Gateway: Select the previously created NAT gateway.

• Alternatively, work with your network administrator to add a route rule in

your private network to enable connectivity to the following CIDR block: You may also need to add firewall rules to allow connections
to the following locations:
• https://objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/

• https://swiftobjectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/

• https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/

5. Click + Another Route Rule and enter route rule details as follows:
• Target Type: Select NAT Gateway.

• Destination CIDR Block: The CIDR for the Oracle Identity Cloud Service host
being used. Note that the Oracle Identity Cloud Service host is of the format
"idcs-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.identity.oraclecloud.com". Use nslookup for
getting the IP address of the Identity Cloud Service and derive the CIDR for the
IP address to add the same here. In case the Oracle Identity Cloud Service CIDR
changes, this rule must be updated as well.

• Compartment: Select your network compartment created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

• Target NAT Gateway: Select the previously created NAT gateway.

6. Click + Another Route Rule and enter route rule details as follows:
• Target Type: Select Service Gateway.

• Destination CIDR Block: Select "All <XXX> Services In Oracle Services

Network". Note that XXX is a region-specific code such as IAD or LHR.

• Compartment: Select your network compartment, created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

• Target Service Gateway: Select the previously created service gateway.

7. (Optional) If you are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Mailer service, click +
Another Route Rule and enter route rule details as follows:
• Target Type: Select NAT Gateway.

2-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Destination CIDR Block: The CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SMTP
server being used. See Obtain the CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
SMTP Server, page 2-46 for instructions on how to obtain this CIDR.

• Compartment: Select your network compartment created in Create

Compartments, page 2-6.

• Target NAT Gateway: Select the previously created NAT gateway.

8. Click Create.

Create the Route Table for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load
For this route table for the load balancer, no route rules will be added to this route table
as it will be used as a placeholder in case we need to define any additional route rules at
a later time. Note that for communication within the VCN, no route rules are needed.
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Route Tables.

3. Click Create Route Table and specify the following:

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment created in Create
Compartments, page 2-6.

• Name: Enter a name, such as ebscm-RouteTable.

4. Click Create.

Create Security Lists

In this section, you will create two separate security lists, one for the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance and one for the load balancer. In the following
examples, we will use the names ebscmvm-seclist and lbaas-seclist, respectively.

Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Security List

1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Security Lists.

3. Click Create Security List and specify the following:

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment, as created in
Create Compartments, page 2-6.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-25
• Name: Specify a name such as ebscmvm-seclist.

4. Under Allow Rules for Ingress, click + Another Ingress Rule:

1. For the first rule that is needed, modify the default rule as follows:
• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR: The CIDR matching the IP address of the machine from
which you plan to connect to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, such
as a bastion server.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: 22

2. For the second rule that is needed, click + Another Ingress Rule and enter the
following values:
• Source Type: CIDR


• IP Protocol: ICMP

• Type: All

• Code: All

3. For the third rule that is needed, click + Another Ingress Rule and enter the
following values:
• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR: Enter the CIDR of your LBaaS subnet, lbaas-subnet-ad1. For
example, Note that the subnet is created in the next step.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: 8081

5. Under Allow Rules for Egress:

1. Click + Another Egress Rule and enter the following values:

2-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Destination Type: CIDR

• Destination CIDR: This particular CIDR is required to

connect to object storage.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: All

2. Click + Another Egress Rule and enter the following values:

• Destination Type: CIDR

• Destination CIDR: CIDR for the Oracle Identity Cloud Service host being

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: 443

3. (Optional) If you are using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Mailer service, click
+ Another Egress Rule and enter the following values:
• Destination Type: CIDR

• Destination CIDR: CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SMTP service
being used. See Obtain the CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SMTP
Server, page 2-46 for instructions on how to obtain this CIDR.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: The SMTP server port you want to use. For
example, 25 or 587.

4. Click + Another Egress Rule and enter the following values:

• Destination Type: Service

• Destination CIDR: "All <XXX> Services In Oracle Services Network". Note

that XXX is a region-specific code, such as IAD or LHR.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-27
• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: All

5. Click + Another Egress Rule and enter the following values:

• Destination Type: CIDR

• Destination CIDR: VCN CIDR

• IP Protocol: ICMP

• Type: Leave this field blank.

• Code: Leave this field blank.

6. Click Create Security List.

Create the Load Balancer Security List

1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, select Security Lists.

3. Click Create Security List:

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment created in Create
Compartments, page 2-6.

• Name: Specify a name, such as lbaas-seclist.

4. Under Allow Rules for Ingress, click + Another Ingress Rule and enter the
following values for the ingress rule that is needed:
• Source Type: CIDR

• Source CIDR: The CIDR matching the IP address of the machine from which
you plan to connect to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, such as a
bastion server.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

2-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Destination Port Range: 443 or other port of your choice. This port will be
used in step 5 of Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script
for the First Time, page 2-34, when prompting for the Load Balancer Listener

5. Under Allow Rules for Egress, click + Another Egress Rule and enter the following
values for the egress rule that is needed:
• Destination Type: CIDR

• Destination CIDR: The CIDR matching the private IP of the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager VM's subnet.

• IP Protocol: TCP

• Source Port Range: All

• Destination Port Range: 8081

6. Click Create Security List.

Create Subnets
In this section, you will create the following new subnets:
• One regional or availability domain-specific public subnet where the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance will be created. This may be
referred to as the "provisioning VM subnet."

• One regional or availability domain-specific private subnet for creating the load
balancer for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

You will need to specify your own names and parameters, but you can use the
examples in the following two tables for guidance.
If you choose to use regional subnets, refer to the following example:

Table 2-4 - Regional Private Subnet Example Names and Parameters

Subnet Name CIDR Block Route Table Subnet Access Security List

ebscm-subnet- ebscm- Private subnet ebscmvm-seclist

phx RouteTable

lbaas-subnet-phx lbaas-RouteTable Private subnet lbaas-seclist

If you choose to use availability domain-specific subnets, refer to the following

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-29

Table 2-5 - Availability Domain-Specific Private Subnet Example Names and Parameters

Subnet Availability CIDR Block Route Table Subnet Security List

Name Domain (AD) Access

ebscm- AD-1 ebscm- Private ebscmvm-

subnet-ad1 RouteTable subnet seclist

lbaas-subnet- AD-1 lbaas- Private lbaas-seclist

ad1 RouteTable subnet

For each of the subnets you create, perform the following steps:
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Under Resources in the navigation menu on the left, select Subnets.

3. Click Create Subnet, specifying your choice for the following parameters:
• Name

• Subnet Type: Select either Regional (Recommended) or Availability Domain-

Specific. If you choose Availability Domain-Specific, select your availability

• IPv4 CIDR Block

• Route Table

• Subnet Access: Select Private Subnet or Public Subnet for the subnet you wish
to create.

• Security Lists: Select the security list that matches the subnet you are defining
based on Table 3-5.

4. Click Create Subnet.

Create Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance

In this section, the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator performs all
tasks as described.

2-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite deployment on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure in a hybrid DNS configuration always requires access to
a VCN DNS resolver. If you are using such a configuration, ensure that
IP address is listed as a DNS server in the DHCP
options. For more information, see Hybrid DNS Configuration [https:

Follow the steps in this section to create and connect to a Compute instance (created
using an image in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console Marketplace) that will be
used to host Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.
1. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console.

2. Open the navigation menu. Under Marketplace, click All Applications.

3. Then, select the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager image.

4. In the Version drop-down list, ensure that the default of Oracle-EBS-Cloud-

Manager-22.2.1-<date> is selected.

5. Select the compartment where you plan to install Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager. For example, ebscm-compartment.

6. Review and accept the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions.

7. Click Launch Instance.

8. In the Create Compute Instance dialog box, specify the following:

1. Under Name, enter your choice of name for your instance. For example,

2. In Create in compartment, choose your compartment for your instance in the

drop-down list.

3. Under Availability Domain, make a suitable selection, based on the subnets

you created previously, from the displayed options.

4. Under Image, you will see the name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console
Marketplace image: Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

5. Under Shape, select a suitable shape. To do so, click Change Shape. Then select
your desired shape. For example, select Intel Skylake and then "VM.Standard

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-31
6. Under Networking:
1. Locate the Network subsection, click the "Change Compartment" hyperlink,
and select the compartment where your VCN resides. For instance,
following our example in Create Compartments, page 2-6, you would select
the compartment network-compartment.

2. Also within the Network subsection, choose your VCN from the Select a
Virtual Cloud Network drop-down list. For example, ebscm-vcn.

3. Locate the Subnet subsection, click the "Change Compartment" hyperlink,

and select the compartment where your VCN resides. For example,

4. Also within the Subnet subsection, specify the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager subnet from the Select a subnet drop-down list. For
example, ebscm-subnet-ad1.

5. If the VM is associated with a public subnet and you want to assign a public
IP address, select the Assign a public IPv4 address radio button.

7. Under Add SSH Keys, choose one of the following options for this procedure:
1. Select the Generate a key pair for me radio button, then click the "Save
Private Key" link to download the private key. Doing so allows the SSH
connection to be established.

2. Alternatively, select the Upload public key files (.pub) radio button and
then drag and drop the file or browse to specify the file containing your
SSH public key generated previously.

3. Another option is to select the Paste public keys radio button and paste the
SSH public key content in the text field provided, using the content of the
public key generated previously.

8. Leave the values in the Configure Boot Volume section unselected in order to
accept the default volume size.

9. Click Create.
Once the instance is created (provisioned), details of the new instance will appear
on the screen. Full details, including IP addresses, can also be viewed by clicking on
the instance name in the instance list.
When the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance is fully provisioned and
running, you can connect to it by following the instructions in Connecting to an
Instance [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Compute/​Tasks/​accessinginstance.htm] in the Oracle Cloud

2-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Infrastructure Documentation.

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance

In this section, the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator and tenancy
administrator perform all the tasks as described.
Follow the instructions in this section to configure your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Compute instance. You will perform many of these operations from the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Service Console.
• Configure Authentication API Keys, page 2-33

• Identify Credential Required for Configuration Scripts, page 2-34

• Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script For the First Time,
page 2-34

• Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application,

page 2-39

• Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script For the Second Time,
page 2-43

• Configure Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Email Delivery Service (Optional) , page 2-


Configure Authentication API Keys:

1. If you do not have one already, generate an API signing key and associated
fingerprint that will be used by the configuration and networking scripts in
subsequent sections. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager does not support API
signing keys with passphrases, so you must generate an API signing key with no
passphrase. Reference the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation site,
following the instructions under To Generate an API Signing Key Pair [https:/​/​docs.

2. Add the public key for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
user by performing the following steps:
1. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console as the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator user created previously in Create
Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Privileges,
page 2-12.

2. Click the user avatar icon, labeled with your name.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-33
3. If you are using tenancies using IAM with identity domains, select My Profile
from the context menu.
If you are using tenancies using IAM without identity domains, select User
Settings from the context menu.

4. Open the navigation menu. Under Resources, click API Keys. Then, click Add
Public Key.

5. Select the Paste Public Keys radio button.

6. Paste the contents of the API public key in the dialog box and click Add. The
key's fingerprint is displayed.

7. Copy the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API private PEM key file to the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance. The file must be placed in a
directory owned by the oracle user, for example /u01/install/APPS/.
oci. The fully qualified path to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API private
PEM key file will be needed for running configure.pl in Run Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script for the First Time, page 2-34.

Identify Credential Required for Configuration Steps:

While still logged into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console, identify and
record the OCID of your tenancy. You will need to provide this credential when you
run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager configure.pl script.
1. Open the navigation menu and select Governance & Administration. Under
Account Management, click Tenancy Details.

2. Click Copy to copy the OCID of the tenancy into your clipboard, and record this
value for use in the next section.

Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script for the First
The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator performs the tasks in this
1. Connect to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance using

2. As the oracle user, run the configure.pl script:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ perl configure.pl

Note the creation of the session-specific log file, which will have the format shown
in the following example:

2-34 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

3. When prompted, enter an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager admin password
and enter your user details required for authentication:
Specify New Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password :
Re-enter New Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password :

Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User OCID : ocid1.user.

Enter Absolute Path to API Private Signing Key :
Enter Tenancy OCID : ocid1.

Note: The password should contain at least one of these special

characters: _ (underscore), # (hash), or $ (dollar). This password is
used by the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
to connect to the Cloud Manager database, and to run subsequent

4. You will now be prompted for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Administrator Group. This example shows a group called ebscmadmin-grp being
selected from the list of available choices.
Available Groups from OCI for provided User:

Group Name Description

---------- -----------
1: ebsdevdba-grp EBS Dev DBA Group
2: ebscmadmin-grp EBS Cloud Manager Admin Group
3: ebsdemodba-grp EBS Test DBA Group
4: ebsqadba-grp EBS QA DBA Group

Choose E-Business Suite Cloud Administrator Group from above list: 2

5. You will now be asked if you wish to use an existing load balancer:
Do you wish to use an existing load balancer?

1: Yes
2: No

Enter your choice: 1

If you choose option 1 (Yes), you will be asked to choose a load balancer from a list
such as shown in this example. Note that the available load balancers reside in the
same VCN and the same compartment as the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager VM.
Available Load Balancers

1: demolbaas1
2: demolbaas2

Choose a load balancer from the above list: 1

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-35
Otherwise, if you choose option 2 (No), indicating that you wish to create a new
load balancer, you will need to choose a load balancer visibility type, shape, and the
subnets in which to place the load balancer. Example screens are shown as follows.
• Choose the load balancer visibility type:
Choose Load Balancer Visibility Type:

1: Public
2: Private

Enter your choice: 1

Select option 1 (Public) or option 2 (Private) for the load balancer visibility type.

• Load balancer shape:

1: 100Mbps
2: 400Mbps
3: 8000Mbps

Choose Load Balancer Shape from above list: 1

• Subnets in which to place the load balancer (as defined in Create Network
Resources for Use with Public Subnets, page 2-16 or Create Network Resources
for Use with Private Subnets, page 2-22):
Available List of Subnets

Regional ( recommended ):
1: lbaas-subnet-phx

Availability Domain: CQIl:PHX-AD-1

2: lbaas-subnet-ad1

Availability Domain: CQIl:PHX-AD-2

3: lbaas-subnet-ad2
4: othersubnet1

Availability Domain: CQIl:PHX-AD-3

5: othersubnet2
6: othersubnet3
7: othersubnet4

Choose subnet from above list: 1

• If you are in a single availability domain region, your

screen will show only two subnet groupings, one for
regional subnets and one for your single availability

• When creating a public load balancer, only public subnets

are listed.

2-36 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

If you are in a multiple availability domain region and you choose an
availability domain-specific public subnet (options 2 to 7 in the previous
example), and not a regional subnet (option 1 in the previous example), you
will be prompted for a second availability domain-specific subnet for the HA
load balancer, as shown.
Choose AD Specific HA subnet from above list: 6

• When prompted, enter the load balancer listener port:

Enter Load Balancer Listener Port : 443

• When prompted, enter the CIDR range information to access the load balancer
Enter CIDR Block (Range) from which Client can Access Load
Balancer Listener Port:

• The configure.pl script does not support creation of a new

load balancer with a flexible shape. However, you can choose
an existing load balancer with a flexible shape if desired.

• When an existing load balancer is used, the configure.pl

script refreshes previously defined load balancer resources,
including "listener", "backend set", "backend", and "certificate".

6. Review the summary screen containing the information you specified earlier for
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-37
Summary of Inputs
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User Name ( Non Federated ) :
[email protected]
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User OCID ( Non Federated ) :
Fingerprint of API Public Key : xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:
Path to Private PEM key file : /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.
Tenancy OCID : ocid1.tenancy.oc1..xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Compartment Name : ebscm-
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Compartment OCID : ocid1.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Administrator Group Name : ebscmadmin-
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Administrator Group OCID : ocid1.
Network Compartment Name : network-compartment
Network Compartment OCID : ocid1.compartment.oc1..
Network VCN Name : ebscm-vcn
Network VCN OCID : ocid1.vcn.oc1.phx-subnet.
Use an existing Load Balancer : false
Load Balancer Listener Port : 443
CIDR Block (Range) from which Client can Access Load Balancer
Listener Port :
Load Balancer Visibility Type : Public
Load Balancer Shape : 100Mbps
Load Balancer Subnet Name : Public
Regional Subnet Load Balancer Subnet OCID : ocid1.subnet.oc1.phx-
Load Balancer Subnet CIDR :

Do you wish to continue?

1: Yes
2: No

Enter your choice: 1

If you are satisfied with the values shown, enter option 1 to proceed.

7. You will then see a screen containing a success message, similar to the following
example, plus the load balancer URL you will need later.

2-38 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Load Balancer demolbaas1 configuration completed. Review screen
messages above to determine if security rules are missing and must
be added in order to access the load balancer URL.
Register confidential application in IDCS with the URL: https://xxx.
xxx.xx.xxx:xxx and then re-run this script to update your IDCS

Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a Confidential

In this section, you will register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a
confidential application. Depending on the tenancy you are using, follow the applicable
set of instructions:
• Register Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application in Tenancies Using IAM
with Identity Domains, page 2-39

• Register Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application in Tenancies Using IAM

without Identity Domains, page 2-41

Register Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application in Tenancies Using IAM

with Identity Domains
As an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator who has been previously
granted the Application Administrator role (in Create Users with Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Privileges, page 2-12), register Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager as a confidential application using the following steps.
1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

3. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

4. Click Applications in the menu on the left.

5. Click Add application.

6. Select Confidential Application in the dialog box.

7. Click Launch Workflow.

8. Under Add application details, enter the following:

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-39
• Name: Enter a name.

• Description: Enter a description.

9. Click Next.

10. Under Configure OAuth:

1. Click Configure this application as a client now.

2. Under Allowed Grant Types, select the following options:

• Client Credentials

• Refresh Token

• Authorization Code

Additionally, if you plan to create standby environments or to upgrade

environments from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to Release 12.2, select
the Resource Owner option.

3. Redirect URL: This is the load balancer URL from step 7 of Run Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script for the First Time, page 2-34 in
the following format: <Your Load Balancer URL>/cm/auth/callback.
For example: https://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:xxx/cm/auth/callback

4. Post-Logout Redirect URL: <Your Load Balancer URL>/cm/ui/index.

html?root=login. For example: https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:

5. Logout URL: Leave this field empty.

6. Under Client Type, ensure that the Confidential radio button is selected.

7. Select the Introspect option for Allowed Operations.

8. Under Token Issuance Policy, select the Add app roles check box.
1. Click Add roles.

2. Select Authenticator Client and Me.

3. Click Add, and then click Next.

11. Under Configure policy, click Finish.

12. Make a note of the following values under General Information:

2-40 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Client ID

• Client secret (In order to view, click Show secret.)

13. Click Activate and confirm to activate the confidential application.

14. Record your Oracle Identity Cloud Service Client Tenant value. This is found in the
Overview of the default domain under the Domain Information section. It is seen as
part of the URL found in Domain URL, after the "//" and before ".identity.
oraclecloud.com". It begins with the characters "idcs-", followed by a string of
numbers and letters in the format idcs-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Copy
the value for use in the next section.

Register Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application in Tenancies Using IAM

without Identity Domains

Grant the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Application Administrator Role to the
Cloud Manager Administrator
As a tenancy administrator, grant the Oracle Identity Cloud Service application
administrator role to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator user
(created in Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator
Privileges, page 2-12).
1. Open the navigation menu. Under Identity, click Federation.

2. Click on the identity provider.

3. Click on the link for the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console.

4. In the navigation menu, under Security, click Administrators.

5. Scroll down to the Application Administrator section and expand it. Within this
section, perform the following:
1. Click + Add.

2. In the Add Users to the Administrator Role dialog window, select the user
created previously created in Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Administrator Privileges, page 2-12.

3. Click OK.

6. Log out.

Register the Application

1. Open the Welcome email that was received as a result of your user created in
Create Users with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-41
Privileges, page 2-12.

2. Click Activate Your Account in the email.

3. Enter a new password, confirm, and click Submit.

4. Navigate to the My Services dashboard at https://myservices-<your

tenancy name>.console.oraclecloud.
com/mycloud/cloudportal/dashboard and click Sign In.

5. Click your user avatar icon, labeled with your name, in the top right corner. This
will display a drop-down menu.

6. Select My Home from the drop-down menu to display the My Oracle Services page.

7. On the My Oracle Services page, search and click Admin Console. This will display
the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Administration Console.

8. In the Applications tile, click the icon to Add an Application.

9. Select Confidential Application. This takes you to the Add Confidential

Application page.

10. Under Details, enter the following:

• Name: Enter a name such as Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

• Description: Enter a description.

11. Click Next.

12. Under Client:

1. Select Configure this application as a client now.

2. Under Allowed Grant Types, select the following options:

• Client Credentials

• Refresh Token

• Authorization Code

Additionally, if you plan to create standby environments or to upgrade

environments from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to Release 12.2, select
the Resource Owner option.

3. Redirect URL: This is the load balancer URL from step 7 of Run Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script for the First Time, page 2-34 in

2-42 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

the following format: <Your Load Balancer URL>/cm/auth/callback.
For example: https://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:xxx/cm/auth/callback

4. Logout URL: Leave this field empty.

5. Post-Logout Redirect URL: <Your Load Balancer URL>/cm/ui/index.

html?root=login. For example: https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:

6. Select the Introspect option for Allowed Operations.

7. Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs:

1. Click Add.

2. Select Authenticator Client and Me.

3. Click Add again, and then click Next.

13. Under Resources, click Next.

14. Under Authorization, click Finish.

15. Make a note of the following values when they are displayed:

• Client ID

• Client Secret

16. Click Activate to activate the Confidential Application.

17. Record your Oracle Identity Cloud Service Client Tenant value. This can be seen as
part of the URL in your browser's address bar, after the "//" and before ".
identity.oraclecloud.com". It begins with the characters "idcs-", followed
by a string of numbers and letters in the format idcs-
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Copy the value for use in the next

Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script for the
Second Time:
1. Connect to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance using

2. As the oracle user, run the configure.pl script again:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ perl configure.pl

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-43
Note the creation of the session-specific log file, which will have the format shown
in the following example:
Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/configure_2019-

3. When prompted, enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
password and your Oracle Identity Cloud Service application details, as shown in
the following example. The values you will need to enter for client ID and client
secret were established when you registered Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager as a confidential application in Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager as a Confidential Application, page 2-39.
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password :

Enter IDCS Client ID : <client id> (in a format similar to

Enter IDCS Client Secret : <client secret> (in a format similar
to xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Enter IDCS Client Tenant : <client tenant> (in a format similar
to idcs-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

4. You will see a summary screen containing the information you specified earlier:
Summary of Inputs
Enter IDCS Client ID : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Enter IDCS Client Secret : xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Enter IDCS Client Tenant : client tenant
IDCS Host : https://idcs-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Do you wish to continue?

1: Yes
2: No

Enter your choice: 1

Choose option 1 to continue.

5. A Login URL is then displayed on the screen, as shown in the following example.
This is the URL by which users will access the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager UI.

2-44 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Creating EBS Tagging Infrastructure.
Implicit Namespace created.
Implicit Tag key created.

Finished Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM.
Login URL : https://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:xxx
Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS
as per the documentation.

• If you wish to update the URL by which users will access the
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI, you can do so
using your own DNS registered host name and certificate by
following the instructions described in "Update Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager URL" in Managing the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine, page 4-1.

• Oracle E-Business Suite resources will be tagged with "oracle-


Configure Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Email Delivery Service (Optional):

This section provides instructions on how to set up the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Email Delivery Service to send notifications.

Steps to Perform Prior to Enabling Mailer

Before enabling the mailer, you must perform these steps:
1. Generate SMTP credentials by following the instructions in Generate SMTP
Credentials for a User [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
7CEmail%20Delivery%7C_____1] in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

2. Create an Approved Sender by following the instructions in Managing Approved

Senders [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Email/​Tasks/​managingapprovedsenders.htm] in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Documentation.

Enable and Disable the Mailer

In order to enable and disable the mailer, use the command provided in Enable Mailer
Configuration, page 4-15 and Disable Mailer Configuration, page 4-16.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-45
Update to Latest Version of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
To obtain the latest fixes, update to the latest version by following the instructions in
Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version, page 4-1.

Obtain the CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SMTP Server
There are certain points within the deployment process in which you must provide the
CIDR for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SMTP server. In order to obtain this CIDR,
perform the following steps:
1. See Configure SMTP Connection [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Email/​Tasks/​configuresmtpconnection.htm] for the list of SMTP
endpoints. Contact your tenancy administrator to determine the SMTP endpoint
being used.

2. Run nslookup on the endpoint. For example:

$ nslookup smtp.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com

3. The resulting output will be the public IP address for the SMTP endpoint. The CIDR
for the IP address obtained will be <IP address>/32. For example:

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Deployment for Demo and Test
You can leverage the procedure provided in this section to simplify tenancy
preparation, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager deployment, and configuration by
taking advantage of available automation. Doing so will streamline portions of the
procedure documented in this chapter, as well as the instructions in Set Up Your
Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments, page 3-1.
This simplified procedure is most appropriate for demo purposes, as it has the
following restrictions:
• The automation deploys a new VCN and subnets for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager, load balancers, and the first set of Oracle E-Business Suite environments.
The subnets are public regional subnets.

• The automation creates a new compartment for all the assets. An existing
compartment cannot be used, and multiple compartments are not supported.

2-46 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Identify or Create a Tenancy and Obtain Tenancy Administrator User
If you have an existing tenancy, you must have a user with tenancy administrator
privileges to run this procedure.
If you do not have an existing tenancy, you can sign up for a free trial account using the
following steps:
1. Go to https://www.oracle.com/cloud/free/ and click Start for free.

2. On the Oracle Cloud Sign Up page, enter the requested information including your
desired tenancy name and tenancy password.

3. Review your details and click Submit.

Note: Ensure that you use the same email address that was used
when you registered.

You will be directed to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console where you will
perform the remainder of the procedure.

4. Record your trial user name and password for future reference.

Prepare Your Tenancy for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Stack
for Demos:
• Set Up for Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains, page 2-47

• Set Up for Tenancies Using IAM without Identity Domains, page 2-47

Set Up for Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains

Follow the instructions detailed in Register Cloud Manager as a Confidential
Application in Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains, page 2-39. After
completing these instructions, continue with the steps in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Deployment and Configuration, page 2-51.

Set Up for Tenancies Using IAM without Identity Domains

Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator's Group and
User in Oracle Identity Cloud Service
1. As the tenancy administrator, log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

2. Open the navigation menu and select Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

3. Click the OracleIdentityCloudService link to bring up the Identity Provider Details

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-47
page, and then click the link in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console field to
bring up the Identity Cloud Service console.

4. From the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, create your Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager group:
1. Using the navigation menu on the top left corner of your screen, click Groups.

2. Click Add.

3. In the Add Group dialog box under Step 1: Group Details, enter the following
• Name: Enter the group name. For example, idcs-ebscm-group.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

4. Click Finish.

5. While still in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, create your Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator user.
1. Using the navigation menu on the top left corner of your screen, click Users.

2. Click Add.

3. In the Add User dialog box under Step 1: Add User Details, enter the following
• First Name: Enter the first name of the new user.

• Last Name: Enter the last name of the new user.

• User Name: Enter the user name. For example, ebscm.admin@example.

com. Ensure the user name has "." in its name, as per our example.

• Email: Enter the email of the new user.

• Deselect the Use email address as the user name check box.

4. Click Next.

5. In the Step 2: Assign User to Groups dialog window, select the check box for
the group you just created, such as idcs-ebscm-grp.

6. Click Finish.

6. While still in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, give the new user the

2-48 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Administrator role.
1. Using the navigation menu on the top left corner of your screen, click Security,
then Administrators.

2. On the Administrators page, expand the Application Administrator section

and click Add.

3. In the Add Users to the Administrator Role dialog box, select the check box for
the user corresponding to the newly created user in step 5. In this example, that
would be [email protected].

4. Click OK.

7. Log out of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console by clicking on your user avatar
icon, labeled with your name, and then clicking Sign Out.

Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application in

Now, register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a confidential application.
1. Open the Welcome email that was received in the previous section.

2. Click Activate Your Account in the email.

3. Enter a new password, confirm, and click Submit.

4. Click OK to continue, which will take you to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service
Login screen.

5. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager user name. For example, enter
[email protected] and use the password entered in the previous
screen to log in.

6. Click your user avatar icon, labeled with your name, in the top right corner. This
displays a drop-down menu.

7. Select Admin Console. This displays the Oracle Identity Cloud Service
Administration Console.

8. In the Applications tile, click the icon to Add an Application.

9. Select Confidential Application to go to the Add Confidential Application page.

10. On the Details screen, enter the following:

• Name: Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-49
• Description: Enter a description.

11. Click Next.

12. On the Client screen:

1. Select Configure this application as a client now.

2. Under Allowed Grant Types, select the following check boxes:

• Resource Owner

• Client Credentials

• Refresh Token

• Authorization Code

Additionally, if you plan to create standby environments or to upgrade

environments from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 to Release 12.2, select
the Resource Owner option.

3. Redirect URL: https://<Cloud-Manager-web-entry>:

443/cm/auth/callback, where <Cloud-Manager-web-entry> is the
name you plan to associate with your load balancer IP address. For example,
myebscm.example.com. This name resolution has to be configured in your
DNS or in the local hosts file, as per instructions in Log in to Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager, page 2-54.

4. Logout URL: Leave this field empty.

5. Post-Logout Redirect URL: https://<Cloud-Manager-web-entry>:

443/cm/ui/index.html?root=login, where <Cloud-Manager-web-
entry> is the name you plan to associate with your load balancer IP address.
For example, myebscm.example.com. This name resolution has to be
configured in your DNS or in the local hosts file, as per instructions in Log in to
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page 2-54.

6. Select the Introspect option for Allowed Operations.

7. Under Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs:
1. Click Add.

2. Select Authenticator Client and Me in the pop-up window.

3. Click Add again.

2-50 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

8. Click Next.

13. On the Resources screen, click Next.

14. On the Web Tier Policy screen, click Next.

15. On the Authorization screen, click Finish.

16. Make note of the following values which will be used in the next section:

• Client ID

• Client Secret

• IDCS Client Tenant

17. Click Close.

18. Click Activate to activate the Confidential Application.

19. Click on the user avatar icon, labeled with your name.

20. Select the About option.

21. Make a note of the Instance GUID. Your Oracle Identity Cloud Service Client
Tenant begins with the characters idcs- and then is followed by a string of numbers
and letters. For example, idcs-6572bfeb183b4becad9e649bfa14a488.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Deployment and Configuration:

In this section you will deploy and configure an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Compute instance using an Oracle Marketplace stack.

Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console

Use the tenancy administrator credentials to sign in to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console using the following:
• User Name: Tenancy Admin User

• Password: Tenancy Admin Password

Deploy and Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

You will now deploy and configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager using a
Marketplace stack. The stack creates the following cloud resources:
• A compartment to contain resources required by Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-51

• An Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrators IAM (Identity and

Access Management) user and group, as well as the policies required to manage the

• Network resources - including a VCN, an internet gateway, subnets, route tables,

security lists, and security rules.

• A Compute instance for running Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Then, the stack will configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to work with
your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy and the newly created Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources.
Perform the following steps:
1. While signed in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service console, open the
navigation menu. Click Marketplace and then All Applications.

2. In the Search field, search for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Stack for Demos and then click the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Stack for Demos listing.

3. In the Version drop-down list, ensure that the default is selected. For example,

4. In the Compartment drop-down list, select the parent compartment of the

compartment where the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance
will be deployed. For example, mycompanytenancy(root).

5. Review and accept the Oracle standard Terms and Restrictions.

6. Click Launch Stack.

7. On the Configure Variables screen, enter the following values:

1. Under Setup Details:
1. Resource Prefix: A prefix that will be added to names of all the cloud
resources created by the stack.

2. Leave the Single Compartment Setup check box selected.

3. Select the compartment under which the new compartment will be created.

2. Under EBS Cloud Administrator Details:

1. Enter the user name corresponding to the EBS Cloud Administrator created

2-52 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

in step 5 of Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Administrator's Group and User in Oracle Identity Cloud Service, page 2-47

2. Make sure the Create new REST API Key check box is selected.

3. Under EBS Cloud Manager Instance Details:

1. Enter the web entry fully qualified domain name you entered that
corresponds to the Cloud-Manager-web-entry element you entered in step
12 of Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a Confidential
Application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service, page 2-49.

2. Select VM.Standard.E2.2 for EBS Cloud Manager Shape.

3. Enter a password which matches the following criteria: 8 to 30 characters, at

least one lowercase character, one uppercase character, one special
character from _#$.

4. Enter the contents of a public key file that will be used to connect using SSH
to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance. For
more details on how to generate the key, see Creating a Key Pair in the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

5. Choose the availability domain that ends in -1 from the list under EBS
Cloud Manager Availability Domain.

4. Under EBS Cloud Manager Network Details:

1. Leave the Custom CIDR Ranges check box deselected.

2. Enter a CIDR block that corresponds to the IP range of the clients you plan
to use to connect to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. For the whole
internet, use

3. Enter the values corresponding to Client ID, Client Secret, and IDCS
Client Tenant from Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a
Confidential Application, page 2-39.

8. On the Review screen, verify the information and click Create.

9. This takes you to the Stack Details page for your newly created stack. On this page,
click the Terraform Actions drop-down list and select Apply.

10. In the Apply dialog window, leave the default settings as-is and click Apply.

11. On the Job Details page, you will see the job status which will cycle through

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2-53
Accepted, In Progress, and Succeeded. After the job succeeds, you will have all the
network resources (VCN, load balancer, subnets, and so on) required to deploy the
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance.

12. On the Application Information tab are details related to the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager instance and load balancer.
Make a note of the Private IP, Public IP, Login URL, and LB Public IP. These
variables are needed for the remainder of the procedures in this section.

Ensure You are on the Latest Cloud Manager Version

Check to make sure you are on the latest cloud manager version by following the
instructions in Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version
(Conditional), page 4-1.

Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Before logging in to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager web application, you
need to add the host name in the Login URL to your local computer hosts file. Follow
these instructions to perform this configuration:
1. Edit the local hosts file on your laptop and add an entry.

For Windows Users

1. Navigate to Notepad in your start menu.

2. Right-click on Notepad and select the option to run as administrator.

3. In Notepad, click File, then click Open.

4. Browse to C:\\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

5. Find the file hosts.

6. In the hosts file, scroll down to the end of the content.

7. Add the following entry to the very end of the file:

<LB Public IP> <Cloud-Manager-web-entry>

8. Save the file.

2. Using the Login URL found in the Application Information tab, log in to Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager using your Oracle Identity Cloud Service
Once logged in, you are on the Environments page.

2-54 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-
Business Suite Environments

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Setting Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite
• Create or Identify a Compartment to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments
• Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group and Assign Policies
• Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment Administrators
• Create Network Resources for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments
• Create Network Profiles

Overview of Setting Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite

This chapter describes how to define a new compartment and create related cloud
resources in order to prepare Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy for deploying a new
set of Oracle E-Business Suite environments managed by a new group of Oracle E-
Business Suite administrators (DBAs) using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
19.2.1 or later.
The companion chapter, Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure, page 2-1, leads you through the process of deploying Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager along with the compartments and resources that it
requires. You must first complete the applicable steps in the companion chapter
mentioned earlier before performing the tasks in this chapter.

Note: Oracle strongly recommends upgrading Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager to the latest version at your earliest convenience. To
upgrade Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, follow the

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-1

instructions in Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to
Latest Version, page 4-1.

Before using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to provision a new set of
environments (for example, for production usage), you must prepare the tenancy by
identifying or creating a new network compartment and creating a new group, users,
and corresponding policies to organize and control access to that compartment.
You can create additional compartments to implement separation of duties, such as
separate compartments to administer production and development environments.
The following diagram depicts the relationship between the different categories of users
and the compartments that could be defined in your tenancy. In this example, three
compartments are defined: Production, Development, and Network. Each compartment
has a separate group of administrators associated with it: the Application
Administrators Production group for the production compartment, defined by the
Production Network Profile; the Application Administrators Development group for
the development compartment, defined by the Development Network Profile; and the
Network Administrators group for the network compartment.

Separation of Duties Implemented with Compartments and Groups

You may choose to define a new network compartment, or use the one that was defined
while deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. This chapter assumes that the
network compartment, called network-compartment in our example, that hosts the
network resources is already in place. The production compartment is used as an
example to explain how to prepare a tenancy specifically for the users of Oracle E-
Business Suite production environments. The following steps outline the procedures to
follow, depending on whether your tenancy uses IAM with or without identity
Note that Oracle E-Business Suite administrators are referenced throughout this
chapter. They can access the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager user interface (UI)
to provision environments and conduct lifecycle management activities. These users are

3-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

usually referred to as Oracle E-Business Suite DBAs.

Process for Setting Up Your Tenancy Using IAM with Identity Domains to Host Oracle E-
Business Suite Environments
Use the following steps to set up your tenancy which uses IAM with identity domains
to host Oracle E-Business Suite environments.
1. Create or identify the new compartment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, which we
call ebsprod-compartment in this example.

2. Create a group in the Default identity domain that will operate on the ebsprod-
compartment compartment.

3. Create policies that allow the previously created group to manage resources in the
ebsprod-compartment compartment.

4. Create users in the Default identity domain and make them members of the
previously defined group.

5. Create network resources for the new set of Oracle E-Business Suite environments.

6. Create a new network profile in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager that maps
the ebsprod-compartment compartment and the network you just defined.

Process for Setting Up Your Tenancy Using IAM without Identity Domains to Host Oracle
E-Business Suite Environments
Use the following steps to set up your tenancy which uses IAM without identity
domains to host Oracle E-Business Suite environments.
1. Create or identify the new compartment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, which we
call ebsprod-compartment in this example.

2. Create the Oracle Identity and Access Management (IAM) group that will operate
on the ebsprod-compartment compartment.

3. Create the Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) group and map it to Oracle Identity
and Access Management in order to federate the authentication.

4. Create policies that allow the Oracle Identity and Access Management group to
manage resources in the ebsprod-compartment compartment.

5. Create users in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Admin Console and make them
members of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service group created previously in step 3.

6. Create network resources for the new set of Oracle E-Business Suite environments.

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-3

7. Create a new network profile in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager that maps
theebsprod-compartment compartment and the network you just defined.

Create or Identify a Compartment to Host Oracle E-Business Suite

When preparing the tenancy to deploy your Oracle E-Business Suite production
instances, first you will determine which compartment will host the compute VMs or
database services and load balancer that make up your environments. You can use an
existing compartment (shared compartment) or create a new compartment (non-shared
compartment), as described in this section. See Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, page 2-1 for diagrams outlining some
compartment topology examples.
• Shared Compartment - You may have already established a compartment which
holds the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance, network
resources, and other Oracle E-Business Suite environments. You can choose this
same compartment (for instance, demo-compartment) to host your new set of
environments as well.
A shared compartment is appropriate for smaller deployments or for
demonstration use.

• Non-Shared Compartment- Oracle E-Business Suite environments and network

resources are deployed in separate compartments.
Hosting your new environments in a separate (non-shared) compartment allows
you to clearly separate Oracle E-Business Suite environment resources. This would
allow you to use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console to view the
resource utilization for this new set of environments.
This topology option is chosen in this document to guide you through the
deployment of Oracle E-Business Suite environments. A separate network
compartment (called network-compartment) has already been created. You will
create a new compartment (called ebsprod-compartment in this section) for hosting
Oracle E-Business Suite environments.

Note: All these topology options can be used in nested compartments.

However, in a non-shared scenario, the compartments cannot be
children of each other.

To create a compartment called ebsprod-compartment for hosting the Oracle E-Business

Suite Production environments:
1. First, use single sign-on to log in to your cloud account using your tenancy
administrator credentials. Do not use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Direct Sign-In.

3-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

2. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

3. On the Compartments page, click Create Compartment.

4. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter the compartment name. For example, ebsprod-compartment.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

5. Click Create Compartment.

For information on creating compartments and related policies for network
resources and Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, see Deploy Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, page 2-1.

Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group and Assign

In this section, you will define a group of Oracle E-Business Suite administrators that
will operate on the new compartment that you previously created and assign the
required policies to allow the group to manage resources in the new compartment.
Throughout the examples in this chapter, we use ebsprod-compartment for the
compartment name and ebscm-proddba-grp as the group name for the Oracle E-
Business Suite administrators group. As shown in the following diagram, you enable
the users in this group to manage the Oracle E-Business Suite production environments
by defining policies giving them access to the appropriate compartment and resources.

Production EBS Administrators Group and Policies

Perform the following steps to create the Oracle E-Business Suite administrators group
and assign the required policies.
1. Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group, page 3-6

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-5

2. Assign Policies, page 3-7

Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group:

Depending on your tenancy type, perform the instructions in one of the following
sections to create the Oracle E-Business Suite administrators group in Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Identity and Access Management (IAM) and, if applicable, Oracle
Identity Cloud Service (IDCS):
• Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group for Tenancies Using IAM
with Identity Domains, page 3-6

• Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group for Tenancies Using IAM
without Identity Domains, page 3-6

Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group for Tenancies Using
IAM with Identity Domains
1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, open the navigation menu and click
Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Domains.

2. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

3. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

4. Click Groups.

5. Click Create Group.

6. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter the name for the group. For example, ebscm-proddba-grp.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

7. Click Create.

Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group for Tenancies Using
IAM without Identity Domains
1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, open the navigation menu and click
Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Groups.

2. Create the Oracle Identity Access and Management group as follows:

1. Click Create Group.

2. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

3-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Name: Enter the name for the group. For example, ebscm-proddba-grp.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

3. Click Create.

3. Create the Oracle Identity Cloud Service group as follows:

1. In the console navigation menu, under Identity & Security, select Identity, and
then click Federation.

2. Click on the name of the identity provider that corresponds to Oracle Identity
Cloud Service.

3. On the left hand side under Resources, click Groups.

4. Click Create IDCS Group.

5. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Supply a name for the group. For example, idcs-ebscm-

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

6. Click Create.

4. Within the same page, map the groups in Oracle Identity Cloud Service as follows:
1. Click Group Mappings on the left hand side.

2. Click Add Mappings.

3. In the dialog window, select the Identity Provider group and the corresponding
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure group from the drop down-lists. For example, idcs-
ebscm-proddba-grp maps to ebscm-proddba-grp.

4. Click Add Mappings.

Assign Policies:
1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Create a policy for the network compartment to allow Oracle E-Business Suite
administrators to use the network compartment:

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-7

1. Select the network compartment from the COMPARTMENT drop-down list on
the left.

2. Click Create Policy.

3. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter a name. For example, networkcompartment-policy.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

• In the Policy Builder section, click the Show manual editor toggle switch.
Add the following policy statement, substituting your own group name in
place of ebscm-proddba-grp and your own network compartment in place
of network-compartment, if different from our example.
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to use virtual-network-family in
compartment network-compartment

If you plan to use the File Storage service for a shared file system for your
Oracle E-Business Suite environments, then you must also add the
following policy statements, substituting your own group name in place of
ebscm-proddba-grp and your own network compartment in place of
network-compartment, if different from our example.
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage export-sets in
compartment network-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to use mount-targets in
compartment network-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to use file-systems in
compartment network-compartment

4. Click Create.

3. Create the policy for the Oracle E-Business Suite administrators to perform
operations on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources at the tenancy level.
1. Select the root compartment of your tenancy from the COMPARTMENT drop-
down list on the left.

2. Click Create Policy.

3. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter a name. For example, ebsproddba-root-policy.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

• In the Policy Builder section, click the Show manual editor toggle switch.
Add the following policy statements, substituting your own group name in
place of ebscm-proddba-grp, if appropriate.

3-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to inspect buckets in tenancy
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to inspect compartments in
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to inspect users in tenancy
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to inspect groups in tenancy
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to use tag-namespaces in tenancy
where target.tag-namespace.name='Oracle-Tags'
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to inspect dynamic-groups in

4. Click Create Policy.

4. Create the policy for the Oracle E-Business Suite administrators to perform
operations on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources within their own
1. Select the Oracle E-Business Suite compartment from the Compartment drop-
down list on the left.

2. Click Create Policy.

3. In the dialog window, enter the required details:

• Name: Enter a name. For example, ebsproddba-policy.

• Description: Enter a description of your choice.

• In the Policy Builder section, click the Show manual editor toggle switch.
Add the following policy statements, substituting your own group name
and compartment name if different from those in our example.
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage instance-family in
compartment ebsprod-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage database-family in
compartment ebsprod-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage load-balancers in
compartment ebsprod-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage volume-family in
compartment ebsprod-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage objects in compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage buckets in compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to use tag-namespaces in
compartment ebsprod-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage tag-namespaces in
compartment ebsprod-compartment
Allow group <Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators group> to manage tag-namespaces in compartment

If you plan to use the File Storage service for a shared file system for your
Oracle E-Business Suite environments, then you must also add the
following policy statements, substituting your own group name and
compartment name if different from those in our example.

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-9

Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage file-systems in
compartment ebsprod-compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage export-sets in
compartment ebsprod-compartment

Additionally, if you want to use a different compartment for backups, then

you must also add the following policy statements, substituting your own
group name and the name of the compartment where you want to enable
administrators to create backups.
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage objects in compartment
Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage buckets in compartment

4. Click Create Policy.

5. (Conditional) If you plan to use the Default Network Profiles created by the
ProvisionOCINetwork.pl script described in Use a Default Network with
Automated Scripts, page 3-13, then make sure the user running the script is a
member of the network administrators group. Refer to Assign Policies, page 2-9
under Create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Accounts and Resources in the "Deploy
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure" chapter.

Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment Administrators

You will create users as Oracle E-Business Suite environment administrators. These
users will create and own the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources that run your
Oracle E-Business Suite production environments.
Depending on your tenancy type, perform the instructions in one of the following
sections to create Oracle E-Business Suite environment administrators:
• Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment Administrators for Tenancies Using
IAM with Identity Domains, page 3-10

• Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment Administrators for Tenancies Using

IAM without Identity Domains, page 3-11

Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment Administrators for

Tenancies Using IAM with Identity Domains:
Use the following steps to create Oracle E-Business Suite environment administrators
for tenancies using IAM with identity domains.
1. Open the navigation menu, and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click

2. Select the root compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

3-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

3. Within the list of domains, click the link for the "Default" domain.

4. On the left hand side, click Users.

5. For each Oracle E-Business Suite production administrator to be added, for example
the members of ebscm-proddba-grp, perform the following steps:
1. Click Create User.

2. In the Create User dialog box, enter the following:

• First Name: First name of the user.

• Last name: Last name of the user.

• Username / Email: A valid email ID.

3. Click Create.

Create Oracle E-Business Suite Environment Administrators for

Tenancies Using IAM without Identity Domains:
Use the following steps to create Oracle E-Business Suite environment administrators
for tenancies using IAM without identity domains.
Oracle Identity Cloud Service is used for authenticating Oracle E-Business Suite
1. As the tenancy administrator, log in to the My Services dashboard by navigating to
https://myservices-<your tenancy name>.console.oraclecloud.
com/mycloud/cloudportal/dashboard and clicking Sign In.

2. Click the Users icon in the top right corner, then select My Home.

3. Click on Oracle Identity Cloud Service Admin Console.

4. For each Oracle E-Business Suite production administrator to be added, for example
the members of idcs-ebscm-proddba-grp, perform the following steps:
1. Open the navigation menu and select Users.

2. Click Add.

3. In the dialog window, supply the following information:

• First name

• Last name

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-11

• Username / Email

4. Select the check box Use email address as the username.

5. Click Next.

6. In the dialog window, select the check box for the group you just created. For
example, idcs-ebscm-proddba-grp.

7. Click Finish.

Note: You can create and add further such Oracle E-Business
Suite administrators at any later time.

8. At this point, Oracle Identity Cloud Service will dynamically send an email that
will the request the newly added Oracle E-Business Suite administrators to
activate their accounts. Provide the administrators the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager link and notify them that they must now self-register by
following the instructions in Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager,
page 7-2.

Create Network Resources for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite

In this section, the network administrator and Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator perform tasks as indicated.
Before Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager can be used to provision environments,
a network and associated network profiles must be created. A network profile maps
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network definitions with Oracle E-Business Suite instances
network requirements. You could have multiple Oracle E-Business Suite environments
in the same network or a network designated for a specific purpose, such as production,
test, etc.
When creating a network, the network administrator can start by defining the subnets
associated with network resources either using the automated scripts provided through
a default network or manually creating required resources with chosen topology.
• Use a Default Network with Automated Scripts, page 3-13 - The network
administrator creates a default network and two default network profiles, one for
One-Click Provisioning and one for Advanced Provisioning, using provided scripts.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator will subsequently
upload the network profiles for One-Click Provisioning and Advanced

3-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note that the default network cannot be used for environments with multiple
application tier nodes and a shared file system.

• Use a Custom Network, page 3-17 - The network administrator has an option to
create custom network elements and subsequently use these elements in the
definition of custom network profiles.
Note that you must use a custom network if you plan to deploy an environment
with multiple application tier nodes using a shared file system, which uses the File
Storage service (FSS).

Use a Default Network with Automated Scripts:

This section provides guidance for the network administrator who wishes to create a
default network and two default network profiles, one for One-Click Provisioning and
one for Advanced Provisioning using provided scripts, and to the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager administrator who will subsequently upload the network profiles
for One-Click Provisioning and Advanced Provisioning.
When creating a network through a default network, the following scripts are used
prior to accessing the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI to create and then
upload two default network profiles, one for One-Click Provisioning and one for
Advanced Provisioning:
• ProvisionOCINetwork.pl: This script creates required subnets and security lists
and generates two network profile definitions (.json files). This script must be run
by a network administrator user who has privileges to create network resources.
See Create Default Network and Network Profiles Using ProvisionOCINetwork.pl,
page 3-13.

• UploadOCINetworkProfile.pl: This script uploads network profile definitions

(.json files) to a database so they can be viewed from the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager UI. This script must be run by an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager administrator. See Upload Network Profile Definitions Profiles Using
ProvisionOCINetwork.pl, page 3-15.

Create Default Network and Network Profiles Using ProvisionOCINetwork.pl

The following script will use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API to create the network
resources required by the Oracle E-Business Suite environment. When prompted for the
script, you must provide authentication credentials that belong to the network
administrator. We recommend that you upload the network administrator private API
keys temporarily to the Cloud Manager VM to be able to run the script.

Add API Key to the Network Administrator

1. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console as the network
administrator user. Note that this user should be a non-federated user (in the form
<firstname>.<lastname>@<domain>) and not a federated user (for example,

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-13


2. Click the user avatar icon, labeled with your name.

3. Select User Settings from the context menu.

4. Under Resources in the navigation menu on the left, click API Keys. Then, click
Add Public Key.

5. Select the Paste Public Keys radio button.

6. Paste the contents of the API public key in the dialog box and click Add. The key's
fingerprint is displayed.

7. Copy the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API private PEM key file to the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance. The file must be placed in a
directory owned by the oracle user, for example /u01/install/APPS/.oci.
The fully qualified path to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API private PEM key file
will be needed for running ProvisionOCINetwork.pl.

Identify Credentials Required for Network Provisioning Script

While still logged into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console as the network
administrator user, identify and record the OCID of your user. You will need to provide
this credential when you run the ProvisionOCINetwork.pl script.
1. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, click the user avatar icon, labeled
with your name, on the top right side of your screen, and select User Settings.

2. Click Copy to copy the OCID of the user into your clipboard, and record this value
for use in Run ProvisionOCINetwork.pl, page 3-14.

Run ProvisionOCINetwork.pl
The network administrator performs the tasks described in this section.

Note: The network laid down by this script creates only public subnets,
not private subnets.

1. As the oracle user, run ProvisionOCINetwork.pl:

$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ perl ProvisionOCINetwork.pl

2. The screen will display the name of the log file for this session in the format
ProvisionOCINetwork_<Date_and_Time_Stamp>.log, as illustrated by this

3-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

3. After a list of the subnets to be created is displayed, you will be prompted to select
Y to proceed or N to exit. Enter Y, as shown in this example:
Enter Y to proceed or N to exit: Y

4. You will now enter your details, substituting your own values for the example
values shown:
Enter OCID of network administrator user : ocid1.user.
Enter absolute path of private key of API signing key :
Enter tenancy ocid : ocid1.

Validating user and fetching OCI metadata...

Enter unique identifier for the EBS network : ebscmnet

Enter EBS subnet 1 CIDR (E.g. :
Enter EBS subnet 2 CIDR (E.g. :
Enter LBaaS subnet CIDR (E.g. :

5. You will now be prompted to select Y to proceed or N to exit. Enter Y, as shown in

this example:
Are you sure you want to proceed with the above inputs? [Y/N]: Y

6. When processing is complete, you will see a success screen with content similar to
the following:
Oracle EBS Cloud related network created successfully.

List of resources created:


Program: ProvisionOCINetwork.pl completed at Thu <DATE> <TIME>

Advanced Network Profile JSON Path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-
OneClick Network Profile JSON Path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-
Execute /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-
ebs/bin/UploadOCINetworkProfile.pl to Upload JSON into DB

7. Remove the network administrator's private key from the Cloud Manger Compute
instance after running the ProvisionOCINetwork.pl script.
$ rm /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key_network_admin.pem

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-15

Upload Network Profile Definitions Using UploadOCINetworkProfile.pl
The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator performs the tasks described
in this section.
As seen at the bottom of your success screen in step 6 of Run ProvisionOCINetwork.pl,
page 3-14, the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator now needs to run
the upload script. The script needs to be uploaded twice, the first time for the One-Click
Provisioning default network profile and the second time for the Advanced
Provisioning default network profile.
The following example illustrates running the script for the Advanced Provisioning
default network profile.
1. As the oracle user, run the UploadOCINetworkProfile.pl script:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ perl UploadOCINetworkProfile.pl

2. The screen will display the name of the log file for this session in the format
ProvisionOCINetwork_<Date_and_Time_Stamp>.log, as illustrated by this
Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

3. Enter your details, substituting your own values for the example values shown:
Enter Network profile JSON file absolute path :
Enter OCID of EBS Cloud Manager administrator user : ocid1.
Enter EBS Cloud Manager admin password :
Enter Absolute path of private key of API signing key :
Enter Tenancy OCID : ocid1.
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password:

Note: The value you enter for "Network profile JSON file absolute
path" must be the same value displayed on the
ProvisionOCINetwork.pl success screen. Refer to step 6 of Run
ProvisionOCINetwork.pl, page 3-14.

4. When a profile has been updated, you will see a success message similar to the one
shown in this example:
Executing: ebscm_add_default_network_profile API for
Executing Stored Procedure: ebscm_add_default_network_profile
RetCode: 0
Row count: 0

ADVANCED Network Profile uploaded successfully.

3-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note: These two default network profiles are available to all users.

Use a Custom Network:

This section describes how network administrators can manually create the minimal
network resources required for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced
Provisioning, which allows Oracle E-Business Suite administrators to provision an
Oracle E-Business Suite instance with their chosen topology.

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite deployment on Oracle Cloud

Infrastructure in a Hybrid DNS Configuration [https:/​/​github.
VCN.md] always requires access to a VCN DNS resolver. If you are
using such a configuration, ensure that IP address is
listed as a DNS server in the DHCP options.

In this example, we will configure the network settings specifically for deploying Oracle
E-Business Suite production environments managed by Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
The configuration includes the following tasks:
• Establish Your VCN, page 3-18

• Create an Internet Gateway (Conditional), page 3-18

• Create a NAT Gateway (Conditional), page 3-18

• Create a Service Gateway (Conditional), page 3-19

• Create Route Tables, page 3-19

• Create Security Lists, page 3-22

• Create Subnets, page 3-23

• Create Mount Targets (Conditional), page 3-25

• Create Security Rules, page 3-26

Note: If you are using Exadata Database Service Dedicated, you should
have already set up required route rules, security lists, and subnets
required for the database tier. Review the corresponding resources

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-17

created in this section for the database tier and add any missing

Establish Your VCN

You have the option to create your own Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) or use an
existing VCN (such as the VCN where Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager is
deployed). If you use a VCN separate from the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
VCN for your Oracle E-Business Suite environments, ensure that adequate network
communication is established between the two.

Note: When VCNs reside in the same tenancy, local VCN peering is
supported for communication between the VCN holding Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager VM and the VCN holding Oracle E-
Business Suite environments. With this configuration, you can have
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM installed on one VCN and
create instances on other VCNs in the same tenancy.
For more information about local VCN peering and how to set it up, see
Local VCN Peering (Within Region) [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.

If you decide to create a new VCN for your Oracle E-Business Suite environments,
follow the instructions in Create a Virtual Cloud Network, page 2-15.

Create an Internet Gateway (Conditional)

Note: The resources created (including route tables, security lists, and
subnets) must be sufficient to support your chosen topology, and
therefore may need to be more extensive than the examples shown

The Oracle E-Business Suite provisioning and cloning flows create new Compute
instances and update them to the latest OS patches using yum. Your compute instances
use a gateway to access the public yum repository on the internet.
If you plan to use a public subnet for your Compute instances, and you created a new
VCN, you will need to create an internet gateway for that VCN by following the
instructions for either a public or private subnet, as found in Create Network Resources
for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page 2-14.

Create a NAT Gateway (Conditional)

If you plan to use a private subnet for your Oracle E-Business Suite environments, you
must use a NAT gateway. Note that there is a limit of one NAT gateway per VCN.
If you did not create a NAT Gateway previously, follow these steps to create one:

3-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

1. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Console, click the menu icon at the
top left to open the navigation menu. Click Networking, then click Virtual Cloud

2. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

3. Under Resources on the navigation menu at the left, select NAT Gateway.

4. Click Create NAT Gateway:

• Name: Specify a suitable name (for example, ebs-ngw).

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment (for example,


• Click Create NAT Gateway at the bottom of the window.

Create a Service Gateway (Conditional)

If you plan to use a private subnet for your Oracle E-Business Suite environments, you
can make use of a service gateway along with a NAT gateway. Note that there is a limit
of one service gateway per VCN.
To create a service gateway:
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Under Resources on the navigation menu at the left, select Service Gateways.

3. Click Create Service Gateway:

• Name: Specify a suitable name (for example, ebscm-srvgw).

• Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment (for example,


• Services: Select All <XXX> Services In Oracle Services Network (where XXX is
a region-specific code, such as IAD or LHR).

• Click Create Service Gateway at the bottom of the window.

Create Route Tables

In this section, you will create three to four separate route tables. Their roles and
example names are shown in the following table:

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-19

Table 3-1 Route Tables

Component Route Table Needed For Example Route Table Name

Load Balancer ebslbaas-RouteTable

Oracle E-Business Suite Application Tier apps-RouteTable

FSS Mount Target fssmt-RouteTable

Note: This route table is required if you

plan to implement a shared file system,
which uses FSS.

Oracle E-Business Suite Database Tier db-RouteTable

The steps you will take depend on whether you are using a public subnet or a private
subnet. Follow whichever of the two subsections below applies to you.

Create Route Tables for a Public Subnet

To create each of the four route tables for a public subnet, use the following steps:
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebsnetwork-vcn.

2. Under Resources on the navigation menu at the left, select Route Tables.

3. Click Create Route Table:

1. Name: Enter a name such as ebslbaas-RouteTable, apps-RouteTable,
fssmt-RouteTable, or db-RouteTable.

2. Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment (for example,


3. Click + Another Route Rule.

4. Enter Route Rules details as follows:

• Target Type: Select Internet Gateway.

• Destination CIDR Block:

• Compartment: Select the previously identified compartment.

3-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Target Internet Gateway: Select the previously created gateway (for
example, ebscm-igw).

5. Click Create at the bottom of the window.

Create Route Tables for a Private Subnet

To create each of the three route tables for a private subnet, use the following steps:
1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Under Resources on the navigation menu at the left, select Route Tables.

3. Click Create Route Table:

1. Name: Specify a name such as ebslbaas-RouteTable, apps-RouteTable,
fssmt-RouteTable, or db-RouteTable.

Note: If you are creating a route table for subnet hosting load
balancer and you are using private subnets, no route rules are
required. You can directly skip to the last substep 7 and click
Create at the bottom of the window. Additional rules are only
required for subnet hosting Oracle E-Business Suite application
tier or database tier nodes.

2. Create in Compartment: Select your network compartment (for example,


3. Click + Another Route Rule.

4. Enter Route Rules details as follows:

• Target Type: Select NAT Gateway.

• Destination CIDR Block:

• Compartment: Select the previously identified compartment.

• Target NAT Gateway: Select the previously created NAT Gateway (for
example, ebs-ngw).

5. Enter Route Rules details as follows:

• Target Type: Select Service Gateway.

• Destination Service: Select All <XXX> Services In Oracle Services

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-21

Network (where XXX is a region-specific code, such as IAD or LHR).

• Compartment: Select the previously identified compartment.

• Target Service Gateway: Select the previously created Service Gateway (for
example, ebs-srvgw).

6. Click Create at the bottom of the window.

Create Security Lists

In this section, you will create three to four separate security lists. Their roles and some
example names are shown in the table below:

Table 3-2 Security Lists

Component Security List Needed For Example Security List Name

Load Balancer ebslbaas-seclist

Oracle E-Business Suite Application Tier apps-seclist

FSS Mount Target fssmt-seclist

Note: This security list is required if you

plan to implement a shared file system,
which uses FSS.

Oracle E-Business Suite Database Tier db-seclist

To create a security list:

1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Under Resources on the navigation menu at the left, select Security Lists.

3. Click Create Security List:

1. Name: Specify a name such as ebslbaas-seclist, apps-seclist, fssmt-
seclist, or db-seclist.

2. Create in Compartment: Select your compartment name, such as network-


3-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

3. If default rules named Ingress Rule 1 and Egress Rule 1 appear,
remove these rules.

4. Click Create Security List at the bottom of the window.

Create Subnets
In this section, you will create new subnets, specifying your own names and
The following example can be used as a reference for defining the subnets that will be
used for deploying your Oracle E-Business Suite environment that could have internal
and external web entry points (such as in a common DMZ configuration).

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Network Profile Maps and Internal and External

This diagram maps the network profiles of two types of users: internal users who are
typically the organization's employees and using the on-premises network, and external
users who are partners such as suppliers or business-to-business (B2B) customers. Each
type of user has its own web entry URL and dedicated application tier nodes to handle
their requests. These application tier nodes are grouped by zones.
In this example, the internal zone handles all of the requests from internal users
(employees), while the DMZ zone in the example handles all requests coming from
external users. From a networking standpoint, the different subnets that support this
topology are shown. There is a dedicated subnet for the internal load balancer, internal
application tier nodes, external load balancer, external application tier nodes, FSS
mount target, and database tier. The only subnet that is public is the external load
balancer subnet. In this example, all subnets belong to a single VCN.

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-23

If you choose to use regional subnets, see the following table with example values for

Table 3-3 Examples of Regional Subnets

Subnet Name CIDR Block Route Table Subnet Access Security List

internal- ebslbaas- Public or private internal-

ebslbaas-subnet- RouteTable subnet ebslbaas-seclist

internal-apps- apps-RouteTable Public or private internal-apps-

subnet-phx subnet seclist

external- ebslbaas- Public or private external-

ebslbaas-subnet- RouteTable subnet ebslbaas-seclist
phx (optional)

external-apps- apps-RouteTable Public or private external-apps-

subnet-phx subnet seclist

fssmounttarget- fssmt- Public or private fssmt-seclist

subnet-phx RouteTable subnet

Note: This
subnet is
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

db-subnet-phx db-RouteTable Public or private db-seclist


To create each new subnet:

1. On the Virtual Cloud Networks screen, click the link with the name of your VCN,
such as ebscm-vcn.

2. Under Resources in the navigation menu on the left, select Subnets.

3. Click Create Subnet, specifying your choice for the following parameters:

3-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Name

• Subnet Type: Select either Regional (Recommended) or Availability Domain-

Specific. If you choose Availability-Domain Specific, select your availability

• IPv4 CIDR Block

• Route Table: When you create a subnet, you can specify it as either a Public
Subnet or a Private Subnet. If you are creating a public subnet, ensure you
choose a route table that has a target type of Internet Gateway. If you are
creating a private subnet, ensure you choose a Route Table that has a target
type of NAT Gateway.

• Subnet Access: As mentioned for the Route Table previously, subnet access can
be either public or private. Be aware that if you select a private subnet for any
VM, the corresponding VM will not have a public IP address and no inbound
connections to this VM from outside the current VCN will be allowed.
For more information, see VCNs and Subnets [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-

• Security Lists

4. Click Create Subnet at the bottom of the window.

Create Mount Targets (Conditional)

You can optionally use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage service for a shared
file system for your Oracle E-Business Suite environments. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
File Storage service provides a durable, scalable, secure, enterprise-grade network file
system that you can optionally choose to use in place of block volume storage. See
Overview of File Storage [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-
If you plan to use the File Storage service, then you must now create the mount targets
that your environments will use. A mount target is an NFS endpoint that resides in a
VCN subnet of your choice and provides network access for file systems. The mount
target provides the IP address or DNS name that is used together with a unique export
path to mount the file system. The mount target must reside in the network
compartment and should use the same VCN as the network profile. It is recommended
that you use the same subnet for the application tier of an Oracle E-Business Suite
environment and for its file system mount target. You can use the same mount target
for multiple Oracle E-Business Suite file systems; the mount target serves to logically
group together related file systems. For detailed instructions, see Managing Mount
Targets [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​Content/​File/​Tasks/​managingmounttargets.
htm#Managing_Mount_Targets] and Using the Console: To create a mount target

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-25


Create Security Rules

In this section, you will add the mandatory security rules shown in the following tables
to the security lists created in Creating Security Lists, page 3-22.

Internal Load Balancer Security Rules

This section includes the following security rules for the internal load balancer security

Table 3-4 Ingress Rules for Both Public and Private Subnets

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR CIDR that TCP All Depends on the

describes the IP web entry port
range users will you will use
use to access during the
your Oracle E- provisioning of
Business Suite your
environments. environment.

Table 3-5 Egress Rules When Using a Public Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code



3-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Table 3-6 Egress Rules When Using a Private Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Internal TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>


External Load Balancer Security Rules (Optional)

This section includes the following security rules for the external load balancer security

Table 3-7 Ingress Rules for Both Public and Private Subnets

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR CIDR that TCP All Depends on the

describes the IP web entry port
range users will you will use
use to access during the
your Oracle E- provisioning of
Business Suite your
environments. environment.

Table 3-8 Egress Rules When Using a Public Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code


CIDR ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A

and Code blank)

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-27

Table 3-9 Egress Rules When Using a Private Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <External TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>


Application Tier Security Rules for Internal Subnets

This section includes the following security rules for the application tier security list for
internal subnets:

Table 3-10 Ingress Rules for Both Public and Private Internal Subnets

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Internal TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <EBS Cloud ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
Manager subnet and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <Internal load ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
balancer subnet and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <EBS Cloud TCP All 22

Manager subnet

CIDR <External TCP All 111

application tier
subnet CIDR>

3-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <External TCP All 2049

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
subnet CIDR> and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <Internal ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type

application tier and Code blank) and Code blank)
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <External TCP All 7001-7003

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <External TCP All 6801-6802

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <External TCP All 16801-16802

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <External TCP All 12345

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <External TCP All 36501-36550

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal load TCP All 8000

balancer subnet

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-29

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Mount Target TCP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

CIDR <Mount Target TCP All 2048-2050

subnet CIDR>

Required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

3-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

Table 3-11 Egress Rules When Using a Public Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code



CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-31

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

Table 3-12 Egress Rules When Using a Private Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code


Service All <XXX> TCP All All

Services in the
Oracle Services

(XXX is a region-
specific code,
such as IAD or

Service All <XXX> ICMP N/A N/A

Services in the
Oracle Services

(XXX is a region-
specific code,
such as IAD or

3-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <External TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 1521-1524

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <EBS Cloud TCP All 443

Manager subnet


CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-33

Application Tier Security Rules for External Subnets (Optional)
This section includes the following security rules for the application tier security list for
external subnets:

Table 3-13 Ingress Rules for Application Tier Subnet 2 (appSubnet2)

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <External TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <EBS Cloud ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
Manager subnet and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <External load ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
balancer subnet and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <EBS Cloud TCP All 22

Manager subnet

CIDR <Internal TCP All 111

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 2049

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type

application tier and Code blank) and Code blank)
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
subnet CIDR> and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <External ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type

application tier and Code blank) and Code blank)
subnet CIDR>

3-34 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Internal TCP All 22

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 5556-5557

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 7201-7202

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 17201-17202

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 7401-7402

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 17401-17402

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 7601-7602

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 17601-17602

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 7801-7802

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 17801-17802

application tier
subnet CIDR>

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-35

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Internal TCP All 6801-6802

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 16801-16802

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 9999-10000

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 1626

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 12345

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 36501-36550

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 6100-6101

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 6200-6201

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal TCP All 6500-6501

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <External load TCP All 8000

balancer subnet

3-36 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Mount Target TCP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

CIDR <Mount Target TCP All 2048-2050

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-37

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

Table 3-14 Egress Rules When Using a Public Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code



CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

3-38 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

Table 3-15 Egress Rules When Using a Private Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code


CIDR <External TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 1521-1524

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <EBS Cloud TCP All 443

Manager subnet


CIDR <Internal TCP All All

application tier
subnet CIDR>

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-39

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

Service All <XXX> TCP All All

Services in the
Oracle Services

(XXX is a region-
specific code,
such as IAD or

Service All <XXX> ICMP N/A N/A

Services in the
Oracle Services

(XXX is a region-
specific code,
such as IAD or

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

CIDR <Mount Target UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Note: Only
required if
you plan to
implement a
shared file
system, which
uses FSS

3-40 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

FSS Mount Target Security Rules
The following security rules must be added for the FSS mount target security list. If you
have established an external zone, these rules must be created for both your internal
application tier subnet and for your external application tier subnet.

Table 3-16 Ingress Rules for Both Public and Private Subnets

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 111

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 2049

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 2050

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Table 3-17 Egress Rules for Both Public and Private Subnets

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 111

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 2049

subnet CIDR>

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-41

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 2050

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier UDP All 111

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Application tier UDP All 2048

subnet CIDR>

Database Tier Security Rules

This section includes the following security rules for database tier security list:

Table 3-18 Ingress Rules for Both Public and Private Subnets

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <EBS Cloud ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
Manager subnet and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <Database tier ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type
subnet CIDR> and Code blank) and Code blank)

CIDR <EBS Cloud TCP All 22

Manager subnet

CIDR <Internal TCP All 1521-1524

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Internal ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type

application tier and Code blank) and Code blank)
subnet CIDR>

3-42 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <External TCP All 1521-1524

application tier
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <External ICMP N/A (leave Type N/A (leave Type

application tier and Code blank) and Code blank)
subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 22

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 1521-1524

subnet CIDR>

Table 3-19 Egress Rules When Using a Public Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code



Table 3-20 Egress Rules When Using a Private Subnet

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code


CIDR <EBS Cloud TCP All 443

Manager subnet

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-43

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 1521-1524

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 22

subnet CIDR>


Service All <XXX> TCP All All

Services in the
Oracle Services

(XXX is a region-
specific code,
such as IAD or

Service All <XXX> ICMP All All

Services in the
Oracle Services

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Security Rules

Note: When creating a custom network, the following security rules
need to be added to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
security list. For information on creating the security list for Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager, see Create Network Resources for
Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager., page 2-14

Table 3-21 Ingress Rules

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 443

subnet CIDR>

3-44 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Source Type Source IP Protocol Source Port Destination
Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 443

subnet CIDR>

Table 3-22 Egress Rules

Destination Destination IP Protocol Source Port Destination

Type Range / Type Port Range /
and Code Type and Code

CIDR <Application tier TCP All 22

subnet CIDR>

CIDR <Database tier TCP All 22

subnet CIDR>

Create Network Profiles

A network profile maps Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network definitions with the
Oracle E-Business Suite instance network requirements. Before Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager can be used to provision environments, a network and associated
network profiles must be created.
After the network administrator creates the network, the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager administrator will use the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI to
define related network profiles. Oracle E-Business Suite administrators can then select
those network profiles when performing processes such as advanced provisioning or
cloning. Only Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can create
network profiles.
In our example, the administrators are members of the ebs-proddba-grp group.
To create a new network profile, see Create a Network Profile, page 8-6.

Set Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments 3-45

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Virtual Machine

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Managing the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual
• Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version
• Perform Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Tasks
• Manage Ksplice Uptrack Actions

Overview of Managing the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual

This chapter describes how to manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
virtual machine after initial deployment.

Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version

Perform the following tasks to ensure you are using the latest version of Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Note: Unless otherwise noted, the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

Manager administrator performs the tasks in this section.

1. Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version, page 4-2

2. Create a Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine, page

3. Check Space Requirements, page 4-3

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-1
4. Migrate to the Latest Codelevel, page 4-4

5. Switch to File Storage Service, page 4-5

Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version:

After deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, you can log in to Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager and check the version by following the instructions in
Log In to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page 7-2 and Check the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Version, page 7-4.
How you proceed will depend on your current Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• If you are on Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version 20.1.1 or later, you
will see a message that a later version is available than the one you have installed,
and can proceed with the rest of this procedure by performing the steps in Create a
Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine, page 4-2,
followed by Check Space Requirements, page 4-3 and then Migrate to the Latest
Codelevel, page 4-4.

• If you are on an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version later than 19.1.1,
but prior to 20.1.1, log a service request for assistance with the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager upgrade.

• If you are on an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version earlier than 19.1.1,
there is no predefined upgrade path. You may need to redeploy Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager by following the instructions in Deploy Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, page 2-1.

The latest version is

Create a Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual

Before you run the Self Update Utility, we strongly recommend that you back up your
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine. To do so, follow the
instructions in Cloning a Boot Volume [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Block/​Tasks/​cloningabootvolume.htm] to create a boot volume clone.
You will also need to record key details of your provisioning VM for use during a
restore process.
From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console on the Instances screen, click on your
instance (for example, myebscminstance) to go to the Instance Details screen. Record
(such as in a screenshot) the instance attributes for later use:
• Shape

• Availability Domain

4-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)

• Subnet

• Private IP address

When you restore, you will also need the SSH key and host name of the original
To obtain the host name, log in to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM using
SSH, and perform the following steps:
1. Run the hostname command and record the name.

2. Make a note of the contents of the /etc/hosts file.

Check Space Requirements:

Before updating Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the latest version, ensure
that you have at least 5 GB of available disk space.
While logged in to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager virtual machine, run the
following commands:
cd /u01
df -kh .

If the available disk space is less than 5 GB, you can free up space by removing older
files from the following directories:
• /u01/install/APPS/backup

• /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/diagnostics

If the available disk space is still less than 5 GB, you must resize the boot volume of
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager before proceeding with the migration to the
latest codelevel. To resize the boot volume, follow the instructions in Extending the
Partition for a Boot Volume [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Block/​Tasks/​extendingbootpartition.htm] in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Documentation.
After the volume is provisioned, for the volume resize to take effect, you need to:
1. Run the applicable rescan commands. See Rescanning the Disk for a Block Volume
or Boot Volume [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-

2. Extend the partition manually. See Extending the Partition for a Boot Volume

After confirming that you have sufficient available disk space, you can proceed to the
steps in Migrate to the Latest Codelevel, page 4-4.

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-3
Migrate to the Latest Codelevel:
After you have created the backup of the virtual machine and confirmed the available
disk space, you can proceed to migrate your deployment.
If you are on Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version 20.1.1 or later, run the Self
Update utility to migrate to the latest version, which is
Perform the following steps:
1. Connect to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM using SSH and switch
from the opc user to the oracle user:
$ sudo su - oracle

2. Run the Self Update utility as follows:

$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ perl selfUpdate.pl

3. Choose the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version from the choices
Available Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager release versions:


Choose release version to upgrade to from the above list: 1

4. When prompted, enter your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password:

Note: You should have already followed the steps in Configure

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-
33, to configure your VM. At this prompt, enter the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password you
specified at that time.

5. Next, the Self Update utility prompts you to confirm that you have created a
backup of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine following
the instructions in Create a Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Virtual Machine, page 4-2.
When prompted, enter Y to confirm that you want to continue:

4-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Before update, you must create a backup of the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud
Manager Virtual Machine as per the instructions in the section
"Update to Latest Version
of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager" of Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager Guide.

To continue, you must confirm you have created a backup of your

Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine or the update process will exit.

Backup created [Y/N]?

Note: If you have not yet created your backup, enter N at the
prompt. In this case, the utility exits to allow you to create the
backup before proceeding with the update process.

6. Before continuing with the update, you should also ensure that there are no jobs in
your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager with a status of In Progress,
Scheduled, Paused, or Failed. See Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.
It is recommended that you allow In Progress and Scheduled jobs to complete
before continuing, resume any Paused jobs, and restart any Failed jobs that you
want to try again. You can also choose to delete an incomplete installation or an
incomplete backup to clean up any resources instead of restarting the Failed job. If
there are still any jobs with a status of Failed when you perform the update, their
status will be changed to Aborted. In this case, you must manually clean up any
incomplete resources from the job after the update.
When prompted, enter Y to confirm that you want to continue:
Before upgrading, ensure there are no In Progress, Scheduled,
Paused, or
Failed jobs. You must remove any incomplete artifacts (resources)
with a failed job before you continue with the upgrade. Any failed
jobs will
be marked as aborted by the upgrade process and cannot be restarted.

Do you want to continue [Y/N]? Y

7. The utility then displays several messages recording the actions it performs. Finally,
it displays a screen containing a success message, similar to the following. You can
optionally review the log file to verify further details about the update.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM setup successful.
Refer to /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/self-update-
<date>_<time>.log for complete details.

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-5
Switch to File Storage Service:
As of version 22.2.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager uses the File Storage
service (FSS) to create shared application tier file systems. After you update to Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager version 22.2.1 or later, you must follow the instructions
in these sections to enable FSS:
1. Assign FSS-related policies. See Assign Policies, page 2-9, Create Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Accounts and Resources, and Assign Policies, page 3-7, Create the
Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators Group and Assign Policies.

2. Create custom FSS-related network resources. See Use a Custom Network, page 3-
• Create an FSS mount target route table. See Create Route Tables, page 3-19.

• Create an FSS mount target security list. See Create Security Lists, page 3-22.

• Create an FSS mount target subnet. See Create Subnets, page 3-23.

• Create mount targets. See Create Mount Targets, page 3-25.

• Create FSS-related security rules. See Create Security Rules, page 3-26.

3. Create an FSS-enabled network profile. See Create Network Profiles, page 3-45 and
Create a Network Profile, page 8-6.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager will continue to support preexisting

environments which do not use FSS. However, we strongly recommend that you
convert your environments to FSS. You can do so by first backing up the preexisting
environment, and then provisioning a new environment from that backup using an
FSS-enabled network profile. See Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business
Suite Instance, page 12-17 and Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6. Alternatively, if you
manually configured FSS in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment, you can now use
the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Discovery feature to register that
environment. See Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 10-1.

Perform Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Tasks

This section covers how to perform administrative tasks on the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager VM, categorized into three sections:
• Manage Services - The ebscloudmgrctl.sh script is used to manage services,
which include the following tasks:
• Start Services, page 4-8

4-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Stop Services, page 4-8

• Abort Running Jobs, page 4-8

• Review or Change Configurations - The ebscmadmin utility is used to review or

change configurations, which include the following tasks:
• Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version, page 4-9

• Change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password,

page 4-10

• Change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Group, page

• View a List of Compatible Load Balancers, page 4-11

• Change the Load Balancer Associated with Your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager VM, page 4-12

• Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer URL, page 4-

• Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer Fully
Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), page 4-13

• Update the Oracle Identity Service Cloud Configuration, page 4-14

• Change the Parallel Worker Count, page 4-15

• Create a User Profile, page 4-15

• Enable Mailer Configuration, page 4-15

• Disable Mailer Configuration, page 4-16

• Tag an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment, page 4-16

• Standalone Tasks
• Replace the Self-Signed Certificate for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Load Balancer with a Certificate Authority Issued Certificate, page 4-

Note: Apart from Start Services and Stop Services, these tasks are

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-7
Common Command Line Arguments:
The following are common arguments to many of the commands described in this

In many instances, the command line help will indicate that a password is required. The
following is an example of how to securely provide a password to a command line
utility such as ebscmadmin:
$ { echo <EBSCM_admin_password>;} | ebscmadmin <command> [arguments]

Configuration File
The configuration file refers to a file created as part of the user profile. This file is
typically located in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance in the
directory /u01/install/APPS/.oci. Take note of the configuration file for your
user, as this is a required argument for some commands.

Manage Services:
Use ebscloudmgrctl.sh for managing services.

Start Services
Perform the following steps to start services.
1. As the oracle user, run ebscloudmgrctl.sh with the startall command.
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ sh ebscloudmgrctl.sh startall

2. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password when
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password:

Stop Services
Perform the following steps to stop services.
1. As the oracle user, run ebscloudmgrctl.sh with the stopall command.
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ sh ebscloudmgrctl.sh stopall

2. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password when
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password:

Abort Running Jobs

Perform the following steps to abort all jobs and stop all services.

4-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

1. As the oracle user, run ebscloudmgrctl.sh with stopall force.
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ sh ebscloudmgrctl.sh stopall force

2. Enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password when
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password:

Review or Change Configurations:

Use the ebscmadmin utility for reviewing or changing configurations.
For help with ebscmadmin, run $ ./ebscmadmin -h.
To get detailed help on a particular command, run $ ./ebscmadmin <command> -h

Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version

Use this command to check what version of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
you currently have deployed.
As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with
the ebscm-version-details command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin ebscm-version-details

This will display your current version Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, the
latest version that is available, as well as a brief message summarizing whether or not
you need to or are able to upgrade.

Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer URL
Use this command if you wish to use a DNS-registered host name instead of a public IP
address in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI URL.
For example, if the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI is already configured,
the load balancer URL is, and you have registered the IP
address in your DNS server as example.com, then you can pass the URL
https://example.com:443 as the LBaaS URL to the utility by using the steps
shown in the following example.
1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin
with the update-load-balancer-url command followed by an argument.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-url --load-balancer-url=https:

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-9
Run ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer -h to review all available
arguments for this command.

2. When prompted, enter the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password:

3. You will then see a confirmation screen indicating that the configuration of the
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM is complete. The following is an
example of the confirmation message.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer URL updated
Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS
as per the documentation.

4. Now, sign on to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console.

5. Expand the menu located in the top left corner, and select Applications.

6. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

7. Click Confidential Application.

8. Navigate to the Configuration tab.

9. Expand Client Configuration.

10. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post Logout Redirect URL

11. Click Save.

Change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration Password

Use this command if you wish to change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administration password.
1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin
with the change-admin-password command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin change-admin-password

Run ./ebscmadmin change-admin-password -h to review all available

arguments for this command.

2. When prompted, enter your current Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administration password, specify the new password, and then re-enter the new

4-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

password to confirm it.
Enter Current Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration

Enter New Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration


Re-enter New Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administration


3. The following message appears indicating that you have successfully changed the
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administration password.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administration Password
changed successfully.

Change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator Group

Use this command if you wish to change the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
administrator group.
1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin
with the change-admin-group command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin change-admin-group <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin change-admin-group -h to review the appropriate

arguments for this command.

2. Once you run the command, the following screen appears indicating that you have
successfully changed the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

Validating if user is authorized member of Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Administrator Group
User is part of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator
Group OCID: ocid1.group.oc1.

Validating Group OCID

Changing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Group..
Stopping Node and Job Server if running.
Starting Node and Job Server.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Group changed

View a List of Compatible Load Balancers

Use this command to view a list of all load balancers that can be configured with your
specific orchestration VM.
1. As the oracle user, run ebscmadmin with the list-compatible-load-

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-11
balancers command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin list-compatible-load-balancers <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin list-compatible-load-balancers -h to review the

appropriate arguments for this command.

2. A log file is created and a list of available load balancers is displayed.

Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

Getting list of available Load Balancers. Please wait.

Available Load Balancers:

1: ebs-prov-vm-lbaas -- ocid1.loadbalancer.oc1.uk-london-1.
2: ebs1-lbaas -- ocid1.loadbalancer.oc1.uk-london-1.
3: ebs2-lbaas -- ocid1.loadbalancer.oc1.uk-london-1.

Change the Load Balancer Associated with Your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager VM
Use this command if you wish to reconfigure the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager VM with a different load balancer. The utility will allow you to choose from a
list of existing load balancers within your compartment.
1. As the oracle user, run ebscmadmin with the change-load-balancer
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin change-load-balancer <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin change-load-balancer -h to review the appropriate

arguments for this command.
The following is an example of the confirmation message that is displayed.
Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS
as per the documentation.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL: https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:
Use "ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-url" command to update Oracle
E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL (Optional)

2. Now, sign on to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console.

3. Expand the menu located in the top left corner, and select Applications.

4-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

4. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

5. Click Confidential Application.

6. Navigate to the Configuration tab.

7. Expand Client Configuration.

8. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post Logout Redirect URL

9. Click Save.

Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer Fully Qualified
Domain Name
Use this command to update the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager load balancer.
1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin
with the update-load-balancer-fqdn command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-fqdn <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-fqdn -h to review the

appropriate arguments for this command.
After running the command with the proper arguments, the output will look
similar to the following:
Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

Validating if user is an authorized member of Oracle E-Business

Suite Cloud Administrator Group
User is part of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Administrator
Group OCID: ocid1.group.oc1..

Deriving load balancer details of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

Manager VM.
Creating OCI certificate resource.
Updating OCI Listener, yc3-ashburn-prov-vm-listener resource.
Updating load balancer frontend host in database.
Stopping Node and Job Server if running.
Starting Node and Job Server.
Following public certificate is used for OCI certificate resource.
Public certificate: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/orcvm-
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL: https://example.com:8082
Note: Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in
IDCS as per the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide.

2. Now, sign on to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console.

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-13
3. Expand the menu located in the top left corner, and select Applications.

4. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

5. Click Confidential Application.

6. Navigate to the Configuration tab.

7. Expand Client Configuration.

8. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post Logout Redirect URL

9. Click Save.

Update the Oracle Identity Service Cloud Configuration

Use this command if you wish to change your Oracle Identity Cloud Service
1. As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin
with the update-idcs-configuration command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-idcs-configuration <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin update-idcs-configuration -h to review the

appropriate arguments for this command.
After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager IDCS details updated
Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS
as per the documentation.

2. Now, sign in to the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Console.

3. Expand the menu located in top left corner, and select Applications.

4. Search for the confidential application that needs to be updated.

5. Click Confidential Application.

6. Navigate to the Configuration tab.

7. Expand Client Configuration.

8. Review and update the values of the Redirect URL and Post Logout Redirect URL

4-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide


9. Click Save.

Change the Parallel Worker Count

Use this command to specify the number of jobs that will be run in parallel, by updating
the parallel worker count.
As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with
the update-worker-count command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-worker-count <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin update-worker-count -h to review the appropriate

arguments for this command.
After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is
Worker count updated successfully.

Create a User Profile

Use this command to create a user profile.
As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with
the create-user-profile command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin create-user-profile <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin create-user-profile -h to review the appropriate

arguments for this command.
After running the command with the proper arguments, the output will look similar to
the following:
Created/Updated user specific OCI configuration file <configuration file
location> successfully.
User profile creation completed successfully.

Enable Mailer Configuration

Use this command to enable mailer configuration for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with
the enable-mailer command.
For example:

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-15
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin enable-mailer <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin enable-mailer -h to review the appropriate arguments for

this command.
After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is
Successfully enabled mailer configuration.

Disable Mailer Configuration

Use this command to disable mailer configuration for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with
the disable-mailer command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin disable-mailer <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin disable-mailer -h to review the appropriate arguments for

this command.
After running the command with the proper arguments, a confirmation message is
Successfully disabled mailer configuration.

Tag Oracle E-Business Suite Environments

Use this command to tag all Oracle E-Business Suite environments associated with your
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.
As the oracle user, change to the appropriate directory, and run ebscmadmin with
the tag-ebs-environments command.
For example:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin tag-ebs-environments <argument>

Run ./ebscmadmin tag-ebs-environments -h to review the appropriate

arguments for this command.
After running the command with the proper arguments, you will see output similar to
the following example:
Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

Creating Namespace oracle-apps

Creating Tag key purpose
Tagging all EBS instances.
Tagging EBSCM.

4-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Standalone Tasks:
Replace the Self-Signed Certificate for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Load Balancer with a Certificate Authority Issued Certificate
When you configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, the listener of the Load
Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) is TLS enabled for HTTP inbound connections to Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager. The certificate that is deployed by default for this
configuration is a self-signed certificate. You can update the self-signed certificate with
a certificate authority (CA) issued certificate using the following steps:
1. By default the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL uses an IP address
rather than a host name. The first step is to map the Oracle E-Business Suite IP
address to a host name.

Note: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a public IP address but

does not provide a public host name; therefore, you should ensure
that appropriate DNS entries are present to resolve host name to
the public IP address.

2. Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM by following the

instructions in Update the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager URL, page 4-9.

3. Obtain a certificate for the host name from a certificate authority.

4. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. From the navigation menu, select
Networking, then Load Balancers, and then select the load balancer you want to
Add your certificate bundle to the load balancer. See To upload an SSL certificate
bundle to your load balancing system [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
com/​iaas/​Content/​Balance/​Tasks/​managingcertificates.htm#add] in the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Services documentation.
If you have multiple certificates that form a single certification chain, such as one or
more intermediate certificates together with a root certificate, then you must
include all relevant certificates in one file before you upload them to the system.
Refer to "Uploading Certificate Chains" in Working with SSL Certificates [https:
htm#working] in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

5. While still on the Load Balancer page, click the Listeners link under the Resources
menu on the left.

6. Search for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager's listener. Note that there can
be multiple listeners associated, as the same load balancer can be used by more than
one Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. Ensure to pick the listener

Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Virtual Machine 4-17
corresponding to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager you are using.

7. Click the Actions icon (three dots) associated with the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager's listener's row, select Edit from the context menu.

8. In the Edit Listener dialog window, select the certificate bundle added above in the
Certificate Name drop-down list. Click Save Changes and wait for the listener to
be updated.

Manage Ksplice Uptrack Actions

Your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager virtual machine is installed with Ksplice
Uptrack software that allows you to enable automatic Linux kernel updates.
To configure Ksplice Uptrack to install updates automatically, enable the
autoinstall option in /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf.
For more information, including other Ksplice Uptrack capabilities, refer to the Oracle
Linux Ksplice User's Guide [https:/​/​docs.oracle.

4-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Part 3
Move On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Instances to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle
E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Creating Backups
• Verify Prerequisites for Traditional Lift and Shift
• Prepare the Source Oracle E-Business Suite Environment
• Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module
• Create an Advanced Configuration Parameters File (Optional)
• Create a Backup with the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module
• Troubleshoot Backup Issues

Overview of Creating Backups

You can use automated tools to create a backup of an on-premises source Oracle E-
Business Suite environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, and to
provision an environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from that backup. We call this
procedure a "traditional lift and shift".
This chapter describes how to begin this "traditional lift and shift" by using the Oracle
E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module to create the backup of your source
environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage. After you have created the
backup of the source environment, you subsequently complete the lift and shift by
using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced Provisioning to provision an
environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from the backup. See Advanced
Provisioning, page 9-6.

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-1
Note: Although this process is intended primarily for on-premises
source instances, you can also run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Backup Module as part of a lift and shift in certain cases when the
source environment is already in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with
optional database services. These cases include the following:
• You initially used a manual procedure, such as a platform
migration, to migrate an environment to Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure, and now would like to leverage Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager to manage that environment going forward.

• You want to migrate your environment from one tenancy to

another. The lift and shift procedure can be used for this purpose
whether or not you are currently using Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager.

Related Procedures
• Use the backup feature within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to back up
environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that you previously provisioned
through Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. See Create a Backup of a Cloud-
Based Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-17.

• As an alternative to a traditional lift and shift, consider performing a "reduced

downtime lift and shift" for your on-premises environment by creating a standby
environment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and then promoting that standby
environment. For more information and prerequisites, see Create a Standby
Environment for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Environment,
page 6-1.

Backup Procedure
Perform the following tasks to create a backup of an on-premises Oracle E-Business
Suite instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Backup Module:
1. Verify prerequisites for traditional lift and shift., page 5-3

2. Prepare the source Oracle E-Business Suite environment., page 5-9

3. Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager., page 5-11

4. Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module., page 5-11

5. Create an advanced configuration parameters file (optional)., page 5-12

5-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

6. Create a backup with the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module., page 5-

7. Troubleshoot backup issues., page 5-25

Related Topics
Backing Up a Database to Object Storage Using RMAN [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 19c [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1) [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) [https:/​/​docs.oracle.

Verify Prerequisites for Traditional Lift and Shift

You must have the following prerequisites to create a backup with the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Backup Module as part of a traditional lift and shift procedure:
• An Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance set up as described in Deploy
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure , page 2-1.

• A source Oracle E-Business Suite instance that meets all prerequisites for the lift and
shift automation including certified Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Database
release versions as well as required patches based on the target database location.
See Source Environment Requirements, page 5-4.

• A Linux server on which to run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module.
This server, which will be referred to in this section as the backup module server,
can be located either on-premises or in OCI Compute. It can be a separate server
that resides on your intranet, or can be one of the Oracle E-Business Suite nodes.
Check with your network administrator and system administrator to see what is the
most appropriate option for your organization. The backup module server must
have at least 500 MB of free space, must have the wget libraries installed, and must
have Perl 5.14 or later with the JSON module, either as the default Perl installation
or through the Perl binary provided in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup
Module patch.

• Cloud resources that match or exceed the minimum recommendations specified in

Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations, page 5-7.

• An Oracle Cloud user who is a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-3
administrators group that you defined according to Create and Map Groups in
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management and Oracle Identity
Cloud Service, page 2-7 or Create the Oracle E-Business Suite Administrators
Group and Assign Policies, page 3-5.

• The user OCID for that user and your tenancy OCID. See Where to Get the
Tenancy's OCID and User's OCID [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​API/​Concepts/​apisigningkey.htm#Other]. Copy and paste the user
OCID and tenancy OCID to a file that you can reference when instructed to enter
them later in these steps.

• An RSA key pair in PEM format, which must not be a passphrase protected key,
uploaded to your user settings in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. You will
also need the fingerprint for the key. Ensure that you generate the key for your local
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure user created in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity
and Access Management (IAM), not for an Oracle Identity Cloud Service user. See:
• How to Generate an API Signing Key [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.

• How to Get the Key's Fingerprint [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.


• "To Upload an API Signing Key" in Using the Console [https:/​/​docs.cloud.


Copy and paste the PEM file location and the fingerprint to a file that you can
reference when instructed to enter them later in these steps.

Source Environment Requirements

The source environment for a backup must be at a certified Oracle E-Business Suite
release version as well as a certified Oracle Database release version, and must have the
appropriate required patches applied. For a list of the certified Oracle E-Business Suite
releases, certified Oracle Database releases, and required patches, refer to My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 2517025.1, Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=2517025.1],
Section 4.2: Capabilities of Oracle E-Business Suite Automation Tools. These
requirements vary depending on the target database tier location.
Additionally, the following are mandatory requirements for the on-premises systems
which host your Oracle E-Business Suite source environment. These requirements must
be met before you can create a backup of the source environment onto object storage as
part of the lift and shift:
• You must have an NTP service configured on the on-premises application and
database servers from which the backup will be taken. For Oracle Linux Release 7,

5-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

see: Configuring the ntpd Service [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en/​operating-
systems/​oracle-linux/​7/​network/​ol7-nettime.html#section_m5p_j1h_pp] in Oracle
Linux 7: Setting Up Networking. For Oracle Linux Release 6, see Configuring the ntpd
Service [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E37670_01/​E41138/​html/​section_m5p_j1h_pp.
html] in the Oracle Linux Administrator's Guide for Release 6.

• You must have the wget library installed on the on-premises server where you plan
to run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module.

• The source database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode in order to perform a hot


• If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled for the source environment, then
you should verify that all the pluggable databases (PDBs) pdbs are in an open state
with an appropriate wallet type (autologin or password).

• If you plan to enable TLS for the target environment automatically - that is, if you
plan to select the HTTPS protocol for the target environment's web entry point
during provisioning - then you must apply the required updates and patches for
TLS to the source environment before you create the backup.
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1], Section 5.1: Apply Required
Updates and Patches.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1], Section 5.1: Apply Required
Updates and Patches.

Additional Notes
• For creating a backup with the target database tier on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Compute VM, note that Compute supports only single-node databases. It does not
support Oracle RAC databases.

• For creating a backup with a target database tier on a Base Database Service 1-Node
or 2-Node DB System, you can choose from the following database edition options:
• Base Database Service 1-Node DB System (Single Instance):
• Enterprise Edition

• Enterprise Edition High Performance

• Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-5
• Base Database Service 2-Node DB System (Oracle RAC)
• Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance

• For creating a backup with the target database tier on Exadata Database Service
Dedicated: Exadata Database Service Dedicated provides Oracle RAC support.

• The automated tools support lift and shift for a Linux source system to an Oracle
Linux target system. If your environment is not currently running on Linux, see the
question "Can I migrate my Oracle E-Business Suite instances on any operating
system to Oracle Cloud?" in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2517025.1,
Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=2517025.1]. Also refer to Create a Backup of
an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,
page 5-2.

• The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module creates a backup of your
primary application tier.

• Refer to About Oracle Base Database Service [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-

html#StorageConsiderations] to determine the maximum database size supported
by this procedure.

• For adequately low latency between the application and database tiers, your Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Compute and Oracle Database Cloud Service should be co-
located in the same availability domain.

• You must provision the same database options in Base Database Service or Exadata
Database Service Dedicated as on your source database, and the versions of the
database options must be at the same level. Also, you should not provision any
additional database options on the target database tier. The Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Backup Module validates whether the database options in the source
environment and in the target database tier meet these requirements, and reports
any mismatches.

• Cloning or deleting multiple databases on the same Exadata Database Service

Dedicated resource simultaneously is currently not recommended.

• You can download the E-Business Suite Technology Codelevel Checker tool, or
ETCC, for Release 12.2 from My Oracle Support as Patch 17537119. Unzip this patch
in the database Oracle home under $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/etcc. You must
run ETCC before running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module to
determine whether there are any important database fixes required by Oracle E-
Business Suite to function properly.

5-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• When you provision an environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from a backup
of a source environment, the storage type used depends on the database version, as
• Oracle Database Release and Oracle Database Release 19c use
Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

• Oracle Database Release uses ASM Cluster File System (ACFS).

Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations

To provision an environment from backup, we recommend that you have cloud service
resources that match or exceed those specified in the following table.
For information regarding Virtual Private Network (VPN) options, see the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Networking website at https://www.oracle.

Table 5-4 Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations

Descriptio Machine Number of OCPUs Memory Storage External

n Type Nodes Allocated IPs

Oracle Not Not Not Not Size of Not

Cloud applicable applicable applicable applicable application applicable
Infrastruct tier backup
ure Backup + database
Service backup

Oracle E- VM 1 1 7 GB Required: 1
Business 55 GB
Suite (block)

A load Not Not Not Not Not 1

balancer applicable applicable applicable applicable applicable
(You can
use your
own load
balancer or
Balancer as
a Service

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-7
Descriptio Machine Number of OCPUs Memory Storage External
n Type Nodes Allocated IPs

Applicatio VM n (where 'n' n*m Release Strictly n

n tier is the (where 'm' 12.2 = 14 dependent
number of is the GB per VM on your on-
application number of premises
tier nodes OCPUs in Release environme
in the the shape 12.1 = 7 GB nt. The
target selected for per VM minimum
environme the requiremen
nt) application ts are as
tier; the follows:
for 'm' is 1) Shared
tier: 170 GB
+ 40 GB for
tier (block)

tier: 170 GB
x n (block)
16 GB

Database VM 1 2 14 GB Vision 1
tier on demo: 300
Oracle GB

5-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Descriptio Machine Number of OCPUs Memory Storage External
n Type Nodes Allocated IPs

Database VM 1 1 15 GB Vision 1
tier on Base demo: 256
Database GB
Service 1-
Node DB Total
System storage:
(Single 712 GB [1]

Database VM 2 2 per VM 30 GB per Vision 2

tier on Base VM demo: 256
Database GB
Service 2-
Node DB Total
System storage:
(Oracle 912 GB [1]

Database See See See See See See

tier on footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2]
RAC) [2]

Footnotes for Table 5-4:

1. The Available Storage Size and Total Storage Size are different. For more
information, see About Oracle Base Database Service [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-

2. For a database tier on Exadata Database Service Dedicated, the minimum

requirement is an Exadata X9M, X8M, X7 or X6 base model with a 2-node Oracle

Prepare the Source Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

1. Copy the API signing key files to both the application tier primary node and the
database tier for the source Oracle E-Business Suite environment. If you plan to run
the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module on a separate server, copy the

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-9
key files to that server as well. The key files must be placed in a directory with the
same name and path on each server, in a location where they can be referenced by
the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module. For example:

2. Create a stage area directory on the source application tier. This directory will hold
temporary files used during the application tier backup process as well as the
application tier backup file in zip or tar format that is created locally before it is
uploaded to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage. Ensure that the application
tier has free space equal to 30% of the size of the application tier file system or
greater. More space may be required in the following cases:
• The database tier and the application tier are on the same host.

• You specify a large number of threads for the upload in the Backup Thread
Count parameter of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module.

• You set the Backup Archive Type parameter of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Backup Module to tar, which does not compress the backup files,
instead of tgz.

The method you use to calculate the size of the application tier file system varies
according to your release.
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, obtain the size of the run file system as
shown in this example.
$ cd /u02/ebs122
$ . EBSapps.env run
$ cd $RUN_BASE
$ du -sh
40G .

In this example, the size of the run file system on the application tier is 40 GB.
Therefore, the minimum space required for the stage area on the application
tier is 30% of 40 GB, or 12 GB.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3, the size of the application tier file
system is the sum of the size of the following directories: $APPL_TOP,
$COMMON_TOP, $ORACLE_HOME, and $IAS_ORACLE_HOME. As an example, if
that sum total is 30 GB, then the minimum space required for the stage area on
the application tier is 30% of 30 GB, or 9 GB.

If you have not allocated enough free space, then the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Backup Module will exit with a message indicating how much is required.

3. Create a stage area directory on the source database tier. This directory will hold
the backup utilities and the temporary files used to process the backup. Ensure that
it has at least 20 GB of free space.

4. Verify the following to ensure that the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup

5-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Module can connect to all required nodes:
• All nodes must have SSH enabled.

• SSH equivalence must be set up between the backup module server and the
primary application tier node, and between the backup module server and the
database tier node, if you plan to run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup
Module on a separate server.

• On the application tier server and the database tier server, the SSH
configuration files (~/.ssh/config) must have the entry "ServerAliveInterval
100". Additionally, if you plan to run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup
Module on a separate server, then the same entry must be set in the SSH
configuration file for that server.

• The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Backup Service must be reachable either

directly from the source database server and primary application tier server or
through a proxy server.

Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

If you have not already done so, deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as
described in Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure , page 2-1.

Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module

This section describes how to install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module
on the Linux server that you have chosen to use as the backup module server, which
can be located either on-premises or in OCI Compute. It can be one of the Oracle E-
Business Suite nodes or another server that resides in your intranet. The backup module
server must have at least 500 MB of free space and must have the wget libraries
The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module requires Perl version 5.14 or later
with the JSON module installed. You must either ensure that the default Perl
installation on the backup module server meets these requirements, or run the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Backup Module using the Perl binary provided in the patch.
1. Download Patch 34451260 [https:/​/​updates.oracle.com/​download/​34451260.html]
from My Oracle Support to the backup module server.

2. Using the following commands, change to the directory where you downloaded the
patch file and extract the downloaded patch.
$ cd <download_folder>
$ unzip p34451260_R12_GENERIC.zip

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-11
Unzipping the patch zip file creates a directory named 34451260/RemoteClone.

3. Change to the RemoteClone directory and change the permission to "execute" for
all the downloaded scripts.
$ cd 34451260/RemoteClone
$ chmod +x *.pl
$ chmod +x lib/*.sh

Create an Advanced Configuration Parameters File (Optional)

Before running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module, you can optionally
create a file to specify advanced configuration parameters to address special situations.
If you do not need to specify these parameters, you can skip this section.
If you create an advanced configuration parameter file, then ensure that you specify the
location of the file when you run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module, as
described in the next section.
1. Make a copy of the advanced-config-param.template file in the
RemoteClone/EBS-METADATA/template directory. Place the new file in a
directory location where it can be accessed by the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Backup Module.

2. Open your new advanced configuration parameter file in a text editor and specify
values for the parameters you want to use, as described in the following steps.

3. In the RMAN_CHANNEL_COUNT parameter, specify the number of Recovery

Manager (RMAN) staging channels to allocate for creating the backup. The default
value used by RMAN is 75% of the number of CPUs. The minimum value is one
channel. The maximum value is 255 channels.

4. In the RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM parameter, specify the binary

compression algorithm to use for RMAN backup. The values you can specify are
BASIC, LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. The default value is BASIC. Note that the LOW,
MEDIUM, and HIGH compression algorithms fall under Advanced Compression.
You must have or acquire a license for the Advanced Compression option to use
these compression algorithms. The Advanced Compression option is included in all
Exadata Database Service Dedicated subscriptions, and in Base Database Service
subscriptions with Enterprise Edition High Performance and Extreme Performance

5. In the RMAN_SECTION_SIZE parameter, specify the section size for multisection

backups. The default value is 4G. Valid values are 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G, 64G, 128G,
or 256G.

6. As part of RMAN backup, in the copy phase database blocks will be validated
implicitly, and any corruption or missing object will be reported at that time. If you

5-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

want to enforce the database validation before the RMAN backup, then set the
RMAN_VALIDATE_DATABASE parameter to true. The default value is false.

7. The following parameters are set automatically to default values by RMAN unless
you enter specific values for them here. You should only set values for these
parameters if you fully understand their effects, as inappropriate settings can
reduce backup performance.
• In the RMAN_FILESPERSET parameter, specify the maximum number of data
files to place in each backup set. The default value is 64. To determine the
number of data files in each backup set, RMAN uses either the value you
specify in this parameter or the number of files read by each channel,
whichever is lower. If you allocate only one channel, then you can use this
parameter to make RMAN create multiple backup sets.

• In the RMAN_MAXOPENFILES parameter, specify the maximum number of

input files that a backup or copy can have open at a given time. The default
value used by RMAN is 8.

• In the RMAN_RATE parameter, specify the rate of bytes per second that
RMAN can read on this channel. Use this parameter to set an upper limit for
bytes to read so that RMAN does not consume excessive disk bandwidth and
degrade online performance. Specify the rate as an integer followed by the
abbreviation for the unit of measurement: <rate_as_integer>[K | M |

• It is not recommended to use the

processing. However, if necessary, you can set this parameter to specify the
maximum number of corruptions permitted in a data file during the backup
job. Specify the parameter value as a list showing each data file ID and the
maximum number of corruptions for that data file, in the following format:

8. Use the following parameter only if you have already run the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Backup Module and it has returned any Oracle WebLogic Server
validation warnings. The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module validates
the Oracle WebLogic Server domain size and the number of Oracle WebLogic
Server backup configuration files and exits with a warning if the default threshold
values are exceeded. You should review these warnings as described in Review
Oracle WebLogic Server Validation Warnings, page 5-25. If you have determined
that you can safely ignore these warnings, then you can specify that you want to
skip the Oracle WebLogic Server validation when you rerun the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Backup Module by setting the
default value is false.

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-13
9. If you need to skip any files or directories during database tier upload, then specify
a list of the absolute file or directory paths in the
EXCLUDE_FILE_OR_DIR_FOR_UPLOAD.DB parameter, separated by commas.
For example, you might want to exclude custom log locations if you are certain that
the directory does not need to be included in the backup.

10. If you need to skip any files or directories during application tier upload, then
specify a list of the absolute file or directory paths in the
EXCLUDE_FILE_OR_DIR_FOR_UPLOAD.APPS parameter, separated by commas.

11. Save the updated advanced configuration parameter file.

Create a Backup with the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module
In this section, you will run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module,
EBSCloudBackup.pl, to create a backup of your source Oracle E-Business Suite
environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Backup Service.
Ensure that your instance and resources meet all the requirements and that you have
performed all the required actions listed in Verify Prerequisites for Traditional Lift and
Shift., page 5-3. The EBSCloudBackup.pl script validates key requirements before
beginning the actual backup, including checking the available space, checking
connections, verifying that archive logging is enabled, and verifying that mandatory
patches have been applied. Check that these requirements are in place before you start
running the script, so that the script can proceed with creating the backup after
performing the validations.
Additionally, if Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled for the source
environment, then you should verify that all the pluggable databases (PDBs) are in an
open state with an appropriate wallet type (autologin or password).
To ensure a successful backup, avoid activities that could interfere with the backup
process while EBSCloudBackup.pl is running.
• Do not apply patches. Note that this restriction applies not only to Oracle E-
Business Suite patches, but to application technology stack and database patches as
well. If you are running Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, you must complete
any active patching cycle before you begin the backup process.

• Do not remove or move archive logs.

• Do not shut down application tier or database tier services.

• Do not perform configuration updates.

Note that if the EBSCloudBackup.pl script fails, you can rerun the script and it will
restart and continue from the point of failure. However, if you interrupt the script's
processing with Ctrl-C, the restart capability may not function as expected.

5-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

1. Before you start running EBSCloudBackup.pl, inform users that a backup is
being taken, and request that they do not perform any destructive operation on the
file system, such as removing directories, until the backup is complete.

2. Temporarily stop any application tier or database backup cron jobs that are

3. If you have not already done so, change to the RemoteClone directory on the
backup module server.

4. Run the EBSCloudBackup.pl script using the following command.

$ perl EBSCloudBackup.pl

As an alternative, if the backup module server does not already have the required
Perl version with the JSON module installed, you can run the script using the Perl
binary provided in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module patch files,
with the following command.
$ 3pt/perl/bin/perl EBSCloudBackup.pl

If you are using an Oracle E-Business Suite application tier node or database tier
node as the backup module server, note that you should not source the Oracle E-
Business Suite environment before running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Backup Module.

5. On the first screen, choose option 1, Create E-Business Suite Backup and
Upload to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Options

Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Enter Selection:

1: Create E-Business Suite Backup and Upload to Oracle Cloud
2: Exit

Enter your choice from above list: 1

6. Next, indicate whether communication between the source database server and
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage takes place through a proxy and you
need to specify the proxy details.
Enter Source Database Tier - Proxy Details

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

1: Yes
2: No

Enter your choice from above list: 1

If you enter option 1, then in the following screen, specify the proxy details used to

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-15
establish communication between the source database server and Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage.
Enter Source Database Tier - Proxy Details

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Proxy Protocol : https

Proxy Host : www-proxy.example.com
Proxy Port : 443
Proxy User Name :
Proxy User Password :

7. Enter the details for the database tier of the source Oracle E-Business Suite
• When entering the host name for the source database server, ensure that you
enter the fully qualified domain name.

• You must specify an operating system user name with which to connect to the
source database server using SSH. You can choose to authenticate the OS user
with either a password, a custom private SSH key and passphrase, or the
default SSH key ($HOME/.ssh/id_rsa) on the backup module server. The
prompts for the custom private key and passphrase appear only if you do not
enter an OS user password. If you do not enter either a password or a custom
private key, then the script indicates that the default SSH key will be used and
prompts you to confirm that you want to continue with the SSH key at the
indicated location.

• Enter the location of the context file on the database tier, including the complete
file path.

• Optionally enter the operating system time zone for the source database server.
This time zone value is used to help determine the default time zone for
environments provisioned from this backup if the Server Timezone profile
option is not set within the source environment. For more information, see
Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6.
Specify the operating system time zone in the named region format as follows:
For example: America/Los_Angeles
For instructions on checking the time zone set for the source database server,
refer to the documentation for your on-premises Linux installation. For
example, on Oracle Linux, use the timedatectl command as described in
Check the current configuration [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en/​operating-
configuratio] in the Oracle Linux documentation.

5-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Specify whether Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled for the source
database. If TDE is enabled, then you must also enter the password for the TDE

• Finally, specify the location of the stage area directory you prepared to hold the
temporary files that will be created on the database tier during the backup
creation process.

Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Enter Source
Database Tier Details


[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Enter Fully Qualified Hostname : demo.example.

OS User Name : oracle
OS User Password [skip if not applicable] :
OS User Custom Private Key [skip if not applicable] :
OS User Passphrase [skip if not applicable] :

Context File :
OS Time Zone :
Database Transparent Data Encrypted ( TDE ): ( Yes | No ) yes
Wallet Password :password

You have not entered Password or Custom Private Key location

We will be using default SSH key at /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa
Do you want to continue (Yes | No) : yes

Validating the details...

Stage Directory :

8. Next, indicate whether communication between the source application tier and
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage takes place through a proxy and you
need to specify the proxy details.
Enter Source Application Tier Proxy Details

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

1: Yes
2: No
Enter your choice from above list: 1

If you enter option 1, then in the following screen, specify the proxy details used to
establish communication between the source application tier and Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage.

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-17
Enter Source Application Tier Proxy Details

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Proxy Protocol : https

Proxy Host : www-proxy.example.com
Proxy Port : 443
Proxy User Name :
Proxy User Password :

9. Enter the details for the application tier of the source Oracle E-Business Suite
• When entering the host name for the source application tier server, ensure that
you enter the fully qualified domain name.

• You must specify an operating system user name with which to connect to the
source application tier server using SSH. You can choose to authenticate the OS
user with either a password, a custom private SSH key and passphrase, or the
default SSH key ($HOME/.ssh/id_rsa) on the backup module server. The
prompts for the custom private key and passphrase appear only if you do not
enter an OS user password. If you do not enter either a password or a custom
private key, then the script indicates that the default SSH key will be used and
prompts you to confirm that you want to continue with the SSH key at the
indicated location.

• Additionally, specify the location of the context file on the application tier,
including the complete file path, the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite
APPS schema, and the location of the stage area directory you created to hold
the temporary files created on the application tier during the backup creation

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 only, you must also specify the Oracle
WebLogic Server administrator password for the source environment.

5-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Enter Source Application Tier


[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Enter Fully Qualified Hostname

: demo.example.com
OS User Name
: oracle
OS User Password [skip if not applicable]
OS User Custom Private Key [skip if not applicable]
OS User Passphrase [skip if not applicable]

Context File
: /u01/install/APPS/fs1/inst/apps/EBSDB_apps/appl/admin/EBSDB_apps.
APPS Password
: password

You have not entered Password or Custom Private Key location

We will be using default SSH key at /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa
Do you want to continue (Yes | No)
: yes

Validating the details...

Stage Directory
: /u01/install/stage/appsStage

WebLogic Server Admin Password

: password

10. Enter details to specify how you want to create the backup on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage.
• Backup Identifier Tag - Enter a name to uniquely identify your backup. The
script adds this tag as a prefix when creating the containers to store objects in a
compartment within an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage namespace,
known as buckets. The generic bucket for the application tier and database tier
Oracle home backup is named <Backup_Identifier_Tag>Generic. The
database bucket for the database RMAN backup is named

• Backup Thread Count - Specify the number of threads used to upload the
application tier and database tier file system backups. The default value is 1. If
your CPU count is less than 8, then the maximum value for the backup thread
count is 2 times the CPU count. If your CPU count is 8 or more, then the
maximum value for the backup thread count is 1.5 times the CPU count.

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-19
• Backup Archive Type - Specify tgz to compress the backups before the upload,
or tar if you do not want to compress the backups. We recommend that you
specify tgz.

• RMAN Advanced Configuration Parameter File Path - If you created an

advanced configuration parameter file in Create an Advanced Configuration
Parameters File, page 5-12, then specify the directory path and file name for the
file in this parameter. Otherwise, leave this parameter blank.

• Backup Encryption Password - Specify a password to encrypt the application

tier file system and database tier file system. If Transparent Data Encryption
(TDE) is not enabled in the source database, then this password is also used to
encrypt the database RMAN backup.

• Confirm Backup Encryption Password - Re-enter the same backup encryption

password to confirm it.

Enter OSS - Backup Details

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Backup Identifier Tag : EBS122EXAMPLE

Backup Thread Count : 4
Backup Archive Type ( tar | tgz ) : tgz
RMAN Advanced Configuration Parameter File Path :
Backup Encryption Password : password

Confirm Backup Encryption Password : password

11. Next, indicate whether you access the cloud service through a proxy and need to
specify the proxy details.
Enter Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Proxy Details

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

1: Yes
2: No

Enter your choice from above list: 1

If you enter option 1, then in the following screen, specify the proxy details used to
establish communication between the backup module server and the cloud service.

5-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Enter Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Proxy Details

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Proxy Protocol : https

Proxy Host : www-proxy.example.com
Proxy Port : 443
Proxy User Name :
Proxy User Password :

12. Enter your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure details.

• The user who performs the backup must be a member of the Oracle E-Business
Suite administrators group defined according to Create and Map Groups in
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management and Oracle
Identity Cloud Service, page 2-7 or Create the Oracle E-Business Suite
Administrators Group and Assign Policies, page 3-5. For this user, enter your
user OCID, the fingerprint for your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API signing
key, the location for your PEM key file on the database tier, and the location for
your PEM key file on the application tier.

• Enter the OCID for your tenancy, the region identifier of the region where you
plan to provision an environment from this backup, your tenancy name, and
the OCID of the compartment where the backup buckets should be created.

• For environments with Oracle Database Release or Release 19c, you
must also specify the Cloud database service on which you plan to provision
the target environment based on this backup.
• For a Compute VM, enter Compute.

• For Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System, enter VM DB


• For Exadata Database Service Dedicated, enter Exadata Cloud Service.

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-21
Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Enter Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Details


[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

Oracle Cloud User OCID : ocid1.user.oc1..

Oracle Cloud Fingerprint : xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:
Oracle Cloud User Private Key Path on Database Tier :
Oracle Cloud User Private Key Path on APPS Tier :
Oracle Cloud Tenancy OCID : ocid1.tenancy.oc1..
Oracle Cloud Region : xx-xxxxxx-1
Oracle Cloud Tenant Name : example
Oracle Cloud Compartment OCID : ocid1.compartment.oc1..

Target Database Type - (Compute | VM DB System | Exadata Cloud

Service ): VM DB System

13. Review the values specified for the backup creation. The mode is set automatically
based on your database release and target database type.
• BMCS - Environments with Oracle Database Release, or environments
with Oracle Database Release or 19c where the target database service is

• BMCS_CDB - Environments with Oracle Database Release or 19c where

the target database service is Base Database Service or Exadata Database Service

The custom private key locations for the source database tier and source application
tier are shown only if you chose to authenticate the OS user on those tiers with a
custom private SSH key.
If you are satisfied with the values shown, enter option 1 to proceed.

5-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Migrate Oracle E-Business Suite - Review

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]


Source Database Details:

Host Name : demo.example.com

OS User Name : oracle
Custom Private Key Location : /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa
Stage Directory : /u01/install/stage/dbStage
Context File : /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0
OS Time Zone : America/Los_Angeles

Source Application Tier Details:

Hostname : demo.example.com
OS User Name : oracle
Custom Private Key Location : /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa
Stage Directory : /u01/install/stage/appsStage
Context File :

OSS - Backup Details:

Backup Identifier Tag : EBS122EXAMPLE

Backup Thread Count : 4
Backup Archive Type : tgz
RMAN Advanced Configuration Parameter File Path :

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Details:

Oracle Cloud User OCID : ocid1.user.oc1..

Oracle Cloud Fingerprint : xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:
Oracle Cloud Tenancy OCID : ocid1.tenancy.oc1..
Oracle Cloud Region : xx-xxxxxx-1
Oracle Cloud Tenant Name : example
Oracle Cloud Compartment OCID : ocid1.compartment.
Target Database Type : VM DB System

Proceed With Selected Action

[Ctrl-B: Back, Ctrl-H: Main Menu]

1: Yes

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-23
2: No

Enter your choice from above list: 1

The script performs the following tasks:

• Validates OS level authentications.

• Validates whether the Oracle Database version is certified.

• Validates whether the database is archivelog enabled.

• Validates whether mandatory patches are present.

• Creates a database backup.

• Performs remote calls to the application tier to create a tar package containing
the application files. For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, the tar package
includes the contents of the EBSapps directory on the run file system,
including the APPL_TOP directory, the COMMON_TOP directory, the OracleAS
10.1.2 directory, and a packaged version of the Oracle Fusion Middleware
home. For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3, the tar package includes the
contents of the APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, OracleAS 10.1.2, and OracleAS
10.1.3 directories.

• Transfers the application tier tar package and database backup to a new bucket
in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Backup Service account associated with
your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy.

If the script indicates that a validation failed, you can press Ctrl-B to return to
previous screens and provide a corrected value. You can review the log files in the
RemoteClone/logs directory to help identify which value failed validation. It is
recommended that you do not exit the script; instead, use another UNIX window to
view the log file, so that you can return to the previous screens of the script and
correct the failed value without needing to re-enter all the values you previously

14. After the script finishes and the backup is complete, you should notify users that
they can resume normal file system activities. You should also restart any
application tier or database backup cron jobs that you stopped before you began
running the script, and resume patching and maintenance activities as needed.

15. You can use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to provision an environment
on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure based on the backup you created. See Review
Backups, page 12-23, Review Environment Details, page 11-7, and Advanced
Provisioning, page 9-6.

16. You can also use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to delete a backup that
you no longer need, or use a command-line API to delete a failed backup. See

5-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Delete a Backup, page 12-24.

Troubleshoot Backup Issues

Review Oracle WebLogic Server Validation Warnings:
The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module performs certain validations on the
Oracle WebLogic Server domain and exits with a warning if the default threshold
values are exceeded. If the script returns one of these warning messages, then you
should review the source environment to decide whether you will make changes to
resolve the issue or whether you can safely ignore the warning and skip the validation
to proceed with the backup.
• WLS domain size is higher than EBS default threshold: 5120 MB -
Check what factors are causing the Oracle WebLogic Server domain size to be
greater than 5120 MB (5 GB). If the domain size is due to large log files or
temporary files, then you should first clean up those files to reduce the domain size,
and then rerun the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module. However, if you
determine that the contents of the Oracle WebLogic Server domain are valid, such
as if the domain includes a large number of managed servers that add to the overall
domain size, then you can choose to skip this validation.

• ERROR : Backup config.xml file count is higher than EBS

default threshold : 500. Please cleanup some of the backup
config.xml file available in <EBS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config
directory. - Check the <EBS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config directory to determine
whether you can delete any older Oracle WebLogic Server backup configuration
files (backup_config*.xml) before rerunning the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Backup Module. If you want to retain all the backup configuration files, then you
can choose to skip this validation.

If you determine that you can safely ignore any Oracle WebLogic Server warning
messages, then you can skip these validations by setting the
SKIP_WLS_DOMAIN_VALIDATION_THRESHOLD parameter according to the following
1. Follow the instructions in Create an Advanced Configuration Parameters File, page
5-12 to create an advanced configuration parameter file and set the

2. If you choose to skip the Oracle WebLogic Server validations, ensure that you tune
the JVM heap memory size accordingly using the CONFIG_JVM_ARGS environment
variable. Otherwise, the preclone process for the Oracle WebLogic Server domain
may run successfully, but the apply clone may later fail with an error due to the
heap space being exceeded.

3. Finally, rerun the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module following the

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-25
instructions in Create a Backup with the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup
Module, page 5-14, and specify the location of your advanced configuration
parameter file at the RMAN Advanced Configuration Parameter File Path prompt.

Troubleshoot Known Issue for Custom Log Locations:

This workaround resolves a known issue that can occur during a traditional lift and
shift if a utility writes to a directory such as a log file within the Oracle home on the
database tier of your Oracle E-Business Suite instance during the backup process. This
issue can occur because the database is online while the backup is being created, so log
entries might be generated while the backup is in progress. The Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Backup Module skips standard log locations, but if you have configured any
custom log locations and the logs are updated while the script is running, you may
encounter errors such as the following:
tar: custom_logs/sqlnet_server_1586.trc: file changed as we read it
tar: custom_logs: file changed as we read it

If you identify custom log locations to exclude from the backup before you begin
running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module, you can create an advanced
configuration parameter file specifying the directories or files to exclude. See Create an
Advanced Configuration Parameters File, page 5-12.
If you encounter such errors while running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup
Module, then as a workaround, if you are certain that the directories do not need to be
included in the backup, perform the following steps to specify the directories that
should be skipped and then restart the backup process.
1. Review the database tier upload log file <STAGE_DIRECTORY>/session/
<SESSION_ID>/logs/<TIMESTAMP>/dbTierUpload.log on the database
node to determine the directory for which the backup failed.

2. Locate the following file in the stage area directory on the database node:
Make a backup copy of this file, and then open the db_manifest.json file in a
text editor.

3. Search for the directory for which the backup failed.

4. Specify that this directory should be skipped during the backup process by adding
the directory under the "excludes" array. For example, if you have a directory
named custom_logs within the Oracle home directory, look for the lines similar
to the following in the db_manifest.json file:

5-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide


Change these lines by adding the directory to be skipped under the "excludes"
array. Note that the directory paths in the "excludes" array are relative to your
Oracle home directory. Then save your changes to the db_manifest.json file.
Ensure that the modified file does not contain any syntax errors. For example:

5. Restart the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module. It will continue from the
point where it previously failed.

Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 5-27
Create a Standby Environment on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c

This chapter describes how you can use Oracle E-Business Suite automation (and in
particular, the on-premises Oracle Applications Manager combined with the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager) to create a standby environment in Oracle Cloud
Promotion of the standby environment accomplishes a "lift and shift". We refer to this
as a "reduced downtime lift and shift", due to the reduction of overall downtime that is
required with the more traditional lift and shift method described in Create a Backup of
an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, page
The standby creation and reduced downtime lift and shift features are available for
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Database Releases 19c and, with the
target of Compute.

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-1
Overview of Creating a Standby Environment

You can create a standby of your on-premises Oracle E-Business Suite installation in
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and promote that standby to accomplish your lift and shift.
An Oracle Applications Manager standby cloud patch must be applied to your
application tier and the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup module must be installed
in your database tier. See My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2517025.1,Getting
Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:/​/​support.oracle.
com/​rs?type=doc&id=2517025.1] for more information.
The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module is used to introspect the database
tier, create a backup of the Database Oracle Home in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object
Storage and configure Oracle Dataguard on the source database.
The utility rsync is used to transfer the files on the applications tier, and Oracle Data

6-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Guard helps create and maintain the standby database. Once the standby environment
is created in OCI using an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Storage bucket to store its objects
in a compartment, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager can manage the standby.
Once the standby environment is created in OCI, you can promote it to production
using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. The on-premises environment is then

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-3
A Standby Environment Promoted to Production

Requirements for Creating a Standby Environment

The following are requirements for creating a standby environment.

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager in Your Tenancy

You must have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager in your tenancy.

Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations

To create a standby environment, we recommend that you have cloud service resources

6-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

that match or exceed those specified in the following table.

Table 6-1 Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations

Descriptio Machine Number of OCPUs Memory Storage External

n Type Nodes Allocated IPs

Oracle Not Not Not Not Size of the Not

Cloud applicable applicable applicable applicable database applicable
Infrastruct Oracle
ure Backup home in
Service the source
nt (object)

Oracle E- VM 1 1 7 GB Required: 1
Business 55 GB
Suite (block)

Applicatio VM 1 1 14 GB per Strictly 1

n tier VM dependent
on your on-
nt. The
ts are as

170 GB

Database VM 1 2 14 GB Vision 1
tier on demo: 300
Oracle GB

Preparations for Creating a Standby Environment

Follow the steps below to prepare to create a standby environment.

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-5
Set Up Certificates for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager:
Oracle E-Business application tier nodes will invoke web services exposed by the Oracle
E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. In order for Oracle E-Business Suite application tier
nodes to invoke these REST services, they need to establish secure communication
using TLS. The application tier nodes use a Java framework to invoke REST APIs, and
the Java toolkit establishes the secure handshake after validating the certificate coming
from the Cloud Manager. This validation requires that the Java toolkit recognizes the
certificate authority (CA) that issued the Cloud Manager certificate.
The certificate status of the Oracle E-Business Cloud Manager load balancer will fall
into one of these two categories:
• A valid certificate issued by a CA with a properly DNS-registered, resolvable name.

• A self-signed certificate generated during Cloud Manager configuration and

associated with the IP address of the load balancer.

Set Up the Source Application Tier

1. Ensure that you have set up the certificate as described in Set Up Certificates for
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page 6-6.

2. Ensure that you have applied all required patches listed for "Lift and Shift Oracle E-
Business Suite from On-Premises" in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
2517025.1, Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

3. Apply Patch 34022555 [https:/​/​updates.oracle.com/​download/​34022555.html] to the

source application tier using adop.

4. After completing the adop cycle, run adpreclone.pl on the new run filesystem
on the source application tier.

Set Up the Source Database Tier

1. Ensure that the database is in Archive log mode.

2. Create wallet and autologin files if the database does not already have them.
For Database Release, ensure that the sqlnet.ora file in the context
directory is updated with the correct wallet location. For Database 19c, ensure that
the sqlnet.ora files of both the multitenant container database (CDB),
NATIVE_TNS_ADMIN/sqlnet.ora, and the pluggable database (PDB),
TNS_ADMIN/sqlnet.ora, are updated with the correct wallet location.
If your database is Release, then sample commands are as follows:

6-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

$ sqlplus '/as sysdba'
'<ORACLE_HOME>/admin/<SID>/<tde_wallet>' IDENTIFIED BY
<Wallet_password> WITH BACKUP;

If your database is Release 19c, connect to the CDB. The sample commands are as
sqlplus '/as sysdba'
'<ORACLE_HOME>/admin/<CDB_SID>/<tde_wallet>' IDENTIFIED BY
<Wallet_password> CONTAINER=ALL;

Ensure that the sqlnet.ora files (in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin and

$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/<context_dir>) have an

3. Run adpreclone on the database Oracle home.

1. On the application tier, source the environment file and run:
$ $AD_TOP/bin/admkappsutil.pl

This script will create the appsutil.zip file.

2. Copy this zip file to the /tmp directory on the database tier.

3. On the database tier, take a backup and remove the

$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone directory.

4. Change to the Oracle directory:


5. Unzip the file:

$ unzip -o /tmp/appsutil.zip

6. For Database Release, run the script:

$ $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/
<CONTEXT_NAME>/adpreclone.pl dbTier

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-7
For Database 19c, source the PDB_context.env file and then run the script:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/
<CONTEXT_NAME>/adpreclone.pl dbTier

Perform Maintenance on the Standby Environments

Make sure you delete or promote all existing standby environments before performing
maintenance activities on the source environment.

Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module

1. Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module on the database tier node.
See: Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module, page 5-11 for more

Steps for a Certificate Issued by a Certification Authority (Conditionally Required)

If you have a valid certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) with a properly
DNS-registered, resolvable name, then perform the following:
1. Obtain the certificate from your certificate authority.

2. Import the certificate to your source application tier nodes:

1. Copy the democert.crt file to each application tier node in your source

2. Add the certificate to the keystore following the example commands below, one
for each file system:
$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore
certs -file democert.crt -alias sample2021webentry

$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore

certs -file democert.crt -alias sample2021webentry

Note: You might need to grant write permissions to the

cacerts file using the command:
$ chmod u+w <cacerts_file>

The write permissions can be revoked after running the above

keytool command using:
$ chmod u-w <cacerts_file>

If prompted, enter the keystore password. See: The cacerts

Certificate File [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
For more information on managing the JDK cacerts file, refer

6-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

3. Stop and start the Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

Steps For a Self-Signed Certificate Using the Cloud Manager Administration

Utility (Conditionally Required)
Use the Cloud Manager Administration Utility (ebscmadmin) if you are using a self-
signed certificate generated during Cloud Manager configuration and you want to use
the FQDN as the web entry point. For configuring self-signed certificates for Cloud
Manager URLs with IP address, refer to Manual Steps For a Self-Signed Certificate
(Conditionally Required), page 6-10.
To learn more about running the ebscmadmin utility to update the FQDN, see: Update
the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer Fully Qualified Domain
Name, page 4-13.
1. Run the ebscmadmin command from the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
VM to update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Load Balancer with a new
FQDN. This command also regenerates the load balancer self-signed certificate for
the load balancer listener resource in OCI with the same Common Name (CN) as in
the user-provided load balancer FQDN.
For example, enter the following:
$ sudo su - oracle
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
$ ./ebscmadmin update-load-balancer-fqdn <argument>

2. Import the certificate to your source application tier nodes:

1. Copy the democert.crt file to each application tier node in your source

2. Add the certificate to the keystore following the example commands below, one
for each file system:
$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore
certs -file democert.crt -alias sample2021webentry

$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore

certs -file democert.crt -alias sample2021webentry

Note: You might need to grant write permissions to the

cacerts file using the command:
$ chmod u+w <cacerts_file>

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-9
The write permissions can be revoked after running the above
keytool command using:
$ chmod u-w <cacerts_file>

If prompted, enter the keystore password. See: The cacerts

Certificate File [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
For more information on managing the JDK cacerts file, refer
to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

3. Stop and start the Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

Manual Steps For a Self-Signed Certificate (Conditionally Required)

Perform these steps if you are using a self-signed certificate generated during Cloud
Manager configuration and associated with the IP address of the load balancer.
1. Replace the self-signed certificate generated by the Cloud Manager with a new self-
signed certificate generated using a common name (CN).
For example, say you are using the IP address of the load balancer as your web
entry point. Log in to the Cloud Manager VM and run the command as in the
following example:
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 356 -nodes -
keyout democert.key -out democert.crt -subj '/CN=' -
extensions san -config <( echo '[req]'; echo
'distinguished_name=req'; echo '[san]'; echo 'subjectAltName=IP:')

2. Add the newly-created certificate where needed:

1. Add the certificate to the target OCI; for example, sample2021-ebscm-

2. Select the corresponding load balancer in the OCI Console. Under Resources,
click Certificates. From the Certificate Resource list, select the Load Balancer
Managed Certificate certificate resource type. Click Add Certificate.

3. Add democert.crt to the SSL certificate section and democert.key to the

private key section.

3. Update the listener. For example, update the listener in sample2021-ebscm-

instance-prov-vm-lbaas to select the newly-created certificate.

4. Import the certificate to your source application tier nodes:

1. Copy the democert.crt file to each application tier node in your source

6-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide


2. Add the certificate to the keystore following the example commands below, one
for each file system:
$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore
certs -file democert.crt -alias sample2021webentry

$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore

certs -file democert.crt -alias sample2021webentry

Note: You might need to grant write permissions to the

cacerts file using the command:
$ chmod u+w <cacerts_file>

The write permissions can be revoked after running the above

keytool command using:
$ chmod u-w <cacerts_file>

If prompted, enter the keystore password. See:The cacerts

Certificate File [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
For more information on managing the JDK cacerts file, refer
to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

5. Stop and start the Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

Set Up Networking:
Reserved Public IP Addresses
For information on managing public IP addresses, see: Public IP Addresses [https:
1. Create public IP reservations for the application tier and database tier using the
OCI console. Use the same compartment as the Oracle E-Business Suite
compartment of the network profile.

2. Provide the created IPs in Standby Configuration page in Oracle Applications

Manager for the target application and database tier IPs.

Opening Ports
The network access described below is required at the seclist level. For the source
database, the same needs to be opened at the iptables level as well. The target
iptables would be updated automatically.

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-11
If the source and target belong to the same network (same virtual cloud network), then
communication between the source and the target occurs using private IPs; otherwise,
communication uses public IPs. The reservation IPs for the target must be secured
1. From the Target application tier, access the Source application tier: SSH
connectivity (port 22)

2. From the Target database tier, access the Source database tier: TNS connectivity
(port 1521)

3. From the Source database tier, access the Target database tier: TNS connectivity
(port 1521)
The following are example commands to open the local firewall for Standby (Oracle
Linux 7). The command could vary depending on the operation system version.
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4
source address=<standby-oci-db-reserved-ip> port port=<active db
listener port, eg. 1521> protocol=tcp accept' --permanent

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4

source address=<standby-oci-db-reserved-ip> port port=<active db
listener port, eg. 1521> protocol=tcp accept

4. From the Source application tier, access the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Reserved Private IP Addresses

Creating a reservation is unnecessary in this scenario.
1. Ensure the IPs entered for the target application and database tiers are within the
application tier and database tier subset CIDR respectively, and that these IPs are
not already assigned to instances.

Create a Standby Environment for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-

Premises Environment
Important: Before configuring a standby environment, ensure that there
is an ingress rule defined in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
LBaaS security list that allows connectivity from the on-premises Oracle
E-Business Suite application tier node IP address. Otherwise, validation
will not occur.
Ensure that the proxy values are set in the context file accordingly, run
AutoConfig, and stop and start the application tier services.
If the proxy is used, set values for s_proxyhost, s_proxyport,
s_proxybypassdomain, s_nonproxyhosts in the context file. If the

6-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

proxy is not used, ensure these context values are cleared. To remove
any proxy settings and also retain the null values for the proxy settings,
set the following context variables as described below and run
<proxyhost oa_var="s_proxyhost"></proxyhost>
<proxyport oa_var="s_proxyport" customized="yes"
<proxybypassdomain oa_var="s_proxybypassdomain"
<nonproxyhosts oa_var="s_nonproxyhosts">

To run AutoConfig:
cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME ; ./adautocfg.sh

Ensure that the Resource Owner option is selected under Allowed

Grant Types in the registration of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager as an application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS).
This configuration is required to allow REST calls from Oracle E-
Business Suite. See Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as
a Confidential Application, page 2-39.

Perform these steps to configure a standby environment in Oracle Applications


Access the Standby Environment Pages in Oracle Applications Manager:

1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite on-premises environment as a user with access to
Oracle Applications Manager. For example, log on as a user with the out-of-box
System Administration responsibility.

2. Select the Oracle Applications Manager responsibility in the Navigator in the home
page, then select Cloud Standby.

3. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page shows details for the OCI account: Tenancy,
Account, and EBS Cloud Manager name. Any configurations for existing standby
environments are also shown.

Edit the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Account:

You can edit some of the settings for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager here.
1. Click on Edit Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Account to edit the account details.

2. Enter a new Oracle Cloud Username.

3. Enter the Oracle Cloud Password.

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-13
4. Choose to define a new Cloud Manager Definition, or use an existing one.
If you choose a new definition, enter the following:
• EBS Cloud Manager Name

• EBS Cloud Manager URL: Select the IP address that you use to connect to the
Cloud Manager, including the port if needed.
For example,

If you choose to use an existing definition, select it in the Cloud Manager field.

5. Click Validate to validate your settings.

6. The Oracle Cloud Intrastructure Tenancy Details are shown but cannot be edited:
• Tenancy Name

• Tenancy OCID

• Username

• User OCID

7. Click Save.

Enter Standby Environment Information and Introspect the Application

1. On the main Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page, click Configure Standby
Environment in the Standby Environments region.

2. Enter a Standby Environment Name.

3. Select a Network Profile. We recommend you choose a Network Profile enabled for
the File Storage Service. See Create a Network Profile, page 8-6 for instructions.

4. The Region and Compartment are displayed.

5. Optionally select your operating system time zone. This is the operating system
time zone for your application and database tier nodes.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager will validate your selection for the server
time zone, unless you check the box Bypass Server Timezone Profile Validation.

Warning: If you choose to override the time zone defined in the

source environment, then the operating system for the new standby
environment across all Compute instances and cloud services will

6-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

be configured to use the selected time zone. After you provision
your environment, and prior to starting any database and
application tier services, you must set the TZ environment variable
to match the Server Timezone profile option. Failure to do so could
lead to data corruption. See: Time Zone Support [https:/​/​docs.
oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.122/​e22953/​T174296T575363.htm] in
the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

For more information on time zone support, see: Time Zone Support in Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager, page B-1.

6. Specify a Source IP address.

This IP address is used to establish communication from the application tier node
running in OCI. Ensure that the IP address you enter meets this purpose.

7. Click Introspect Apps Tier to submit a concurrent request to introspect the

application tier.

8. The new standby environment configuration appears in the Standby Environments


Review Your Standby Environment Configuration In Progress in Oracle

Applications Manager:
1. Click the name of your new standby environment the Standby Environments list in
Oracle Applications Manager.

2. The details of your standby environment configuration are shown, including the
• Standby Environment Name

• Network Profile

• Region

• Compartment Status

• Standby Status

3. The Configuration Stages are also shown in a table. A concurrent request is

submitted for each stage. Click on the Request ID link to view the log file of the
concurrent request.

4. Information on the Application Tier is also shown, including:

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-15
• Oracle E-Business Suite Version

• OS User

• Application Top directory

• Middleware Licensing model

• File System Type

For a shared file system, the File Storage Mount Target and Mount Options are

Information for the local node and the standby node are given in a table.

5. Perform Database Tier Introspection as described below.

Perform Database Tier Introspection:

1. If not done already, install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module on
the database tier node. See: Install the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup
Module, page 5-11.

2. Run the db-introspect.sh script. For example:

$ RemoteClone/bin/db-introspect.sh --action introspect --context-
file <context file, for example: /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0
/appsutil/demosid_demo1221ccomp1db.xml> --standby-name <standby
environment name given in the Introspect Application Tier page> --
standby-reserved-ip <standby reserved IP or private IP depending on
the --standby-reserved-ip-type> --standby-reserved-ip-type <Public
or Private> --active-db-ip <active database IP reachable from target
network> --oci-private-key-file <absolute path to key file> --ebs-
username <for example: SYSADMIN>--listener-port <for example, 1521>

Note: For the parameter --oci-private-key-file

<absolute path to key file>, this value should be the API
signing key of the user that was used to set the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure credentials. See: Edit Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Account, page 6-13.

Note: If the --standby-reserved-ip-type value is Public,

then the --standby-reserved-ip value must be a Public IP
reservation created in OCI. If --standby-reserved-ip-type
value is Private, then the --standby-reserved-ip value must
be a Private IP that belongs to the DB Subnet CIDR Block and is not
already assigned.

6-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note: For -active-db-ip <active database IP
reachable from target network>: This IP is used to connect
to the active database from standby and also this IP is used to open
local firewall on the standby database. Depending on the network
configuration (Public or Private), use the active DB IP that is
reachable from the standby to active and also for the successful
communication from active to standby when this IP is allowed in
the local firewall of the standby.

Enter Configuration Information for the Standby Application and Database

In the Standby Environment Configuration on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page, add
the following information:
1. Enter the reserved public or private IP for the application tier.

2. Enter the shape for the standby application and database tiers.
Flexible shapes are supported for both application and database tiers. Flexible
shapes allow you to customize the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory
when launching or resizing your VM.

3. Choose a middleware licensing model, either BYOL or UCM. If you choose BYOL,
you are indicating that you have purchased or transferred the perpetual licenses
required for customized Oracle E-Business Suite Applications. If you choose UCM,
you are adopting the Universal Credits subscription-based model, and paying for
usage as you go. Make sure you understand the cost associated with this choice.

4. For Storage, choose the File System Type: Non-Shared or Shared.

If you choose Shared, then you are prompted for the File Storage Mount Target.
Select a mount target from the list shown; this list of values is dependent on the
network profile you selected during application tier introspection.
You can also specify Mount Options. Default parameters are shown. You can edit
these options, but specifying a mount option or parameter that is not supported or
recommended for a shared storage file system deployment may result in a
provisioning failure. Exercise extreme caution when editing these parameters;
options are not validated in this page.

5. Click Submit.

Review Standby Environment Configuration in Oracle Applications

If the configuration has failed, click Retry in its configuration review page to try

Create a Standby Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.2 Instance with Oracle Database Release 19c or 6-17
configuring the standby environment again.
If the configuration has completed with a Successful or Failed status, you can click
Remove Standby to remove the standby configuration.

What's Next
You can review your standby environment in Oracle E-Business Cloud Manager. See:
Review Standby Environment Details, page 11-13.
From Oracle E-Business Cloud Manager, you can also:
• Promote a Standby Environment, page 12-26

• Delete a Standby Environment, page 12-33

6-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Part 4
Manage Oracle E-Business Suite Instances
Using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Accessing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• Log In to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• Specify Your User Details (Conditionally Required)
• Check Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version
• Navigate within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
• Review Environments

Overview of Accessing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

This section describes how to access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure and review basic environment information.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager is a tool for managing Oracle E-Business Suite
environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure through a graphical user interface. You
can use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager for fresh provisioning or provisioning
as part of a lift and shift, for environment backups and restores, and for other lifecycle
management activities. For a full list of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
features, see Features, page 1-1.

You must have the following prerequisites to access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager and work with Oracle E-Business Suite environments.
• An Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance set up as described in Deploy
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure , page 2-1.

Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 7-1

• The compartment, resources, and Oracle E-Business Suite administrator user
necessary to deploy your Oracle E-Business Suite environments as described in Set
Up Your Tenancy to Host Oracle E-Business Suite Environments, page 3-1.

• Your user OCID. Note that you must be an Oracle E-Business Suite administrator to
access the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI. See Where to Get the
Tenancy's OCID and User's OCID [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​API/​Concepts/​apisigningkey.htm#Other]. Copy and paste the user
OCID to a file that you can reference when instructed to enter it later in these steps.

• An Oracle Identity Cloud Service user name and password. See About Cloud
Accounts with Identity Cloud Service [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en/​cloud/​get-

• A minimum of 10 GB of free disk space in order to run Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager jobs, including provisioning, discovery, configuration, and all
lifecycle management activities.

Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

To access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, perform the following tasks:
• Log In to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page 7-2

• Specify Your User Details (Conditionally Required), page 7-2

• Check Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version, page 7-4

• Navigate within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page 7-4

• Review Environments, page 7-6

Log In to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Navigate to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance at the URL
established during its deployment. Log in with your Oracle Identity Cloud Service
credentials. See Deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure , page 2-1.

Specify Your User Details (Conditionally Required)

The following steps are required if you are logging in to Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager for the first time.

7-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note: The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator who
performed the initial setup does not need to perform these steps.

Before you use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager for the first time, you must
specify user details in the Oracle Cloud Account Details page, including your user
1. When you log into Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager for the first time, the
Oracle Cloud Account Details page appears by default. You can review the tenancy
details for your Oracle Cloud account.

2. In the Account Information region, enter your user OCID.

Note: If your tenancy uses Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and

Access Management (IAM) without identity domains, and you are
logging in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator who has both a federated user and a non-federated
user, then enter the OCID of your non-federated user (IAM user) in
this field.

3. Click Register User, and then click Register in the confirmation dialog box.

4. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager generates a new public/private API signing
key pair for the user you have registered. When prompted, download the public .
pem key file to an accessible location.
If you need to download the public key again later, click the Get Public Key link,
and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager also derives the fingerprint for your user
account from your key and displays it in the Account Information region.

5. Next, upload your public key to your user settings in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure console. See "To Upload an API Signing Key" in Using the Console

Tip: Navigate to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console in another

browser window or tab so that you can perform the upload
without leaving the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager page.

6. Return to the Oracle Cloud Account Details page, and click Validate. Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager displays a confirmation message and then displays
the Environments page.

Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 7-3

Note: You cannot change your user OCID after it is validated.

After you have registered and validated your user account, when you access Oracle
E-Business Suite Cloud Manager again, the Environments page appears
immediately after you log in.

7. To review your account details after your initial login, navigate to the Oracle Cloud
Account Details page by clicking your user avatar icon, labeled with your name, in
the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header and selecting Profile. To return
to the Environments page, click Done.

Check Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Version

You should periodically check whether your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
instance is at the latest version.
1. Click your user avatar icon, labeled with your name, in the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager header and select About.

2. The About the EBS Cloud Manager Console window displays the version number
that is currently installed. If a later version is available, the window also displays a
message indicating the version number that is available for update. We recommend
that you update your instance as soon as feasible following the instructions in
Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version, page 4-1.

3. The About the EBS Cloud Manager Console window also displays the private and
public IP addresses for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM. You can
refer to these IP addresses to assist in troubleshooting any issues with connecting to
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Navigate within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Use the Navigator menu to access the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
functionality you want to use.
1. In the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header, set the EBS Compartment
field to the compartment in which you want to work. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager displays only resources and administration details pertaining to that
compartment. By default, the compartment is set to the root compartment of your
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.

2. To review and manage your Oracle E-Business Suite environments, click the
Navigator icon, and then select Environments. See Review Environments, page 7-

7-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

3. To review the backups of Oracle E-Business Suite environments stored on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure, click the Navigator icon, and then select Backups. See Review
Backups, page 12-23.
The Backups page includes both backups created from on-premises Oracle E-
Business Suite environments and backups created from Oracle E-Business Suite
environments that you previously provisioned on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See
Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure, page 5-2 and Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-
Business Suite Instance, page 12-17.
You can also review a list of the backups for a particular environment in the
environment details page for that environment. See Review Environment Details,
page 11-7.

4. To monitor the status of the jobs performed in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager, click the Navigator icon, and then select Jobs. See Monitor Job Status,
page 13-1.
You can also review a list of the jobs performed for a particular environment in the
environment details page for that environment. See Review Environment Details,
page 11-7.

5. To review the network profiles that identify the network resources available for use
in provisioning, click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select
Network Profiles. See Set Up Network Profiles, page 8-1.
If you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator,
you can use this page to create and delete custom network profiles.
If you are logged in as a user without administrator privileges, then you can review
the details for network profiles assigned to you, but you cannot update them.

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was
specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

6. If you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator,

then to extend Oracle E-Business Cloud Manager jobs to meet your own
requirements, click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select
Extensibility. You can create extended job definitions for provisioning, cloning, and
promoting standby environments. See Set Up the Extensibility Framework, page 8-

Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 7-5

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was
specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

7. To submit a discovery request for a manually deployed environment or an

upgraded environment, click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then
select Discovery. See Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 10-1.

8. To set up scheduling policies for backups, click the Navigator icon, select
Administration, and then select Scheduling Policies. See Set Up Scheduling
Policies, page 8-16.

Review Environments
1. The Environments page lists the Oracle E-Business Suite environments provisioned
in your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance, as well as standby
environments and incomplete installations from unsuccessful provisioning
If you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator,
then the Environments page shows all environments provisioned in your Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager instance. If you are logged in as a user without
administrator privileges, then the page shows only environments that reside within
the compartment that is selected in the EBS Compartment field in the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager header.

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was
specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

Note: If you used Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to

deploy an environment with Oracle Database Release or
Release, and you upgrade that environment to Oracle
Database 19c, then you must unregister and rediscover the
upgraded environment to update its metadata within Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager. Similarly, if you used Oracle E-

7-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Business Suite Cloud Manager to deploy an Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.1.3 environment, and you upgrade that environment to
Release 12.2, then you must unregister and rediscover the
upgraded environment. See Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite
Instance, page 10-1.
After performing rediscovery, you can continue managing the
environment through Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

2. You can optionally enter a value in the search field to display only environments
whose properties contain that value. You can search by the following properties
shown in this page:
• Environment name

• Network profile that defines the network resources used by the environment

• Oracle E-Business Suite compartment where the environment resides

• Database service type

• Database name

• Last job performed for this environment in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

• Creation date and time

3. To begin provisioning an environment, click Provision Environment and select

either One-Click or Advanced. See One-Click Provisioning, page 9-4 or
Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6.

4. To review additional details for an environment, including any backups created

from that environment and jobs performed for that environment, click the
environment name link. Note that you can review details only for an existing
environment that was successfully provisioned or an existing standby environment
that was successfully created. See Review Environment Details, page 11-7 and
Review Standby Environment Details, page 11-13.

5. To review details for the last job performed for an environment, click the job status
link. See Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.

6. To clone an environment, click the Actions icon next to that environment, and then
select Clone. Note that you can clone only an existing Compute environment that
was successfully provisioned. See Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page

Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager 7-7

7. To create a backup of an environment, click the Actions icon next to that
environment, and then select Create Backup. Note that you can back up only an
existing environment that was successfully provisioned. See Create a Backup of a
Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-17.

8. To promote a standby environment to a production environment, click the Actions

icon next to that environment, and then select Promote. Note that you can promote
only an existing standby environment that was successfully set up. See Promote a
Standby Environment, page 12-26.

9. To delete an environment, click the Actions icon next to that environment, and then
select Delete. You can delete existing environments or standby environments that
you no longer need. You can also delete incomplete installations from unsuccessful
provisioning attempts that you do not want to restart. See Delete an Oracle E-
Business Suite Environment, page 12-32.

7-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Features

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Set Up Network Profiles
• Set Up the Extensibility Framework
• Set Up Scheduling Policies

Set Up Network Profiles

Before Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager can be used to provision environments,
a network and associated network profiles must be created. A network profile maps
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network definitions with the network requirements for
Oracle E-Business Suite instances.
First, the network administrator creates a network, as described in Create Network
Resources for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments, page 3-12. Next, the
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator uses Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager to define related network profiles. Oracle E-Business Suite
administrators can then select the network profiles when provisioning environments.
The network administrator can optionally use the ProvisionOCINetwork.pl script
to create a default network and two default network profiles, one for One-Click
Provisioning and one for Advanced Provisioning. The default network profiles are
respectively. The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator can then use
the UploadOCINetworkProfile.pl script to upload these network profiles. If the
default network profiles have been created and uploaded to your Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager instance, then they appear in the list in the Network Profiles page.
To preserve consistency in the network, you cannot delete these network profiles. See
Use a Default Network with Automated Scripts, page 3-13.

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-1

Note: The DEFAULT_PROFILE_ADVANCED network profile does not
support the File Storage service. Therefore, if you are planning to
provision an environment with multiple application tier nodes using a
shared file system, you must create your own custom network profile.

• Review Network Profiles, page 8-2

• Create a Network Profile, page 8-6

• Delete a Network Profile, page 8-9

• Known Limitation, page 8-9

Review Network Profiles:

1. To review the network profiles that identify the network resources available for use
in provisioning, click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select
Network Profiles.

2. The Network Profiles page displays the network profiles to which you have access,
within the compartment that is selected in the EBS Compartment field in the Oracle
E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header. You can optionally enter a full or partial
value in the search field to display only network profiles whose properties contain
that value. You can search by the following properties shown in this page:
• Network profile name

• Oracle E-Business Suite compartment

• Network compartment

• Region

• Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)

• Availability domain

• Creation date and time

3. If you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator,

then you can use this page to perform the following actions:
• To create a new custom network profile, click Create Network Profile. See
Create a Network Profile, page 8-6.

• To resubmit a network profile after correcting invalid property entries, click the

8-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Actions icon next to that network profile, and then select Resubmit. See Create
a Network Profile, page 8-6.

• To delete a network profile, click the Actions icon next to that network profile,
and then select Delete Network Profile.

Note: To preserve consistency in the network, you cannot

delete a network profile that is associated with an existing
environment. Additionally, you cannot delete the two default
network profiles DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK and

If you are logged in as a user without administrator privileges, then you can review
the details for network profiles assigned to you, but you cannot perform any
administrative actions for them.

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was
specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

4. To review additional details for a network profile, click the network profile name

5. In the network profile details page, review the following properties:

• Network profile name

• Region

• Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)

• Network profile description

• Oracle E-Business Suite compartment

• Subnet type

• Network compartment

• Availability domain

6. In the Database Tier Subnet Mapping region, review the following properties:

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-3

• Database tier subnet access, either Public or Private

• Database tier subnet

7. In the Applications Tier Subnet Mapping region, review the following properties:
• Application tier internal zone
• Application tier nodes subnet access, either Public or Private

• Application tier nodes subnet

• Load balancer visibility type, either Public or Private

• Load balancer subnet

• Load balancer subnet for high availability (displayed only for network
profiles with the Availability Domain-Specific subnet type and Public load
balancer visibility type)

• Application tier external zone (displayed only if external zone support is

enabled for this network profile)
• Application tier nodes subnet access, either Public or Private

• Application tier nodes subnet

• Load balancer visibility type, either Public or Private

• Load balancer subnet

• Load balancer subnet for high availability (displayed only for network
profiles with the Availability Domain-Specific subnet type and Public load
balancer visibility type)

• Storage (displayed only if support for the File Storage service is enabled for this
network profile)
• Mount target subnet access, either Public or Private

• Mount target subnet

8. If you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator,

then you can use this page to perform the following actions:
• To resubmit the network profile after correcting invalid property entries, click
Resubmit. See Create a Network Profile, page 8-6.

8-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• To delete the network profile, click Delete Network Profile.

Note: To preserve consistency in the network, you cannot

delete a network profile that is associated with an existing
environment. Additionally, you cannot delete the two default
network profiles DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK and

If you are logged in as a user without administrator privileges, then you can review
the details for a network profile assigned to you, but you cannot perform any
administrative actions for it.

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was
specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

Create a Network Profile:

You must be logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator to
perform the steps in this section.

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator

privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator group that was specified during
configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance.
For more details, see Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Compute Instance, page 2-35.

Before you create a network profile, ensure that the network administrator has created
the network resources for the profile to use, as described in Create Network Resources
for Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments, page 3-12.
When you create a network profile, you must specify subnet mappings for the database
tier and for application tier nodes in internal zones. You can optionally enable external
zones for the application tier and specify the corresponding subnet mappings.
Additionally, you can optionally enable the File Storage service for the application tier
of your Oracle E-Business Suite environments and specify the subnet mapping for the
File Storage service mount target. If you plan to use this option, ensure that you have
set up your custom network to support the File Storage service, including creating the
necessary mount targets. See Create Network Resources for Deploying Oracle E-
Business Suite Environments, page 3-12.

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-5

1. Click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select Network Profiles.
In the Network Profiles page, click Create Network Profile.

2. In the Network Profile region of the Provision Network Profiles page, enter the
following details:
• Network Profile Name: Enter a name for the network profile, such as
ebsprodlondonad1-profile. The name should represent the logical
grouping of environments that will be provisioned using this network profile.

• Network Profile Description: Optionally enter a description for the network


• EBS Compartment: Select the Oracle E-Business Suite compartment for this
profile, such as ebsprod-compartment.

Note: The compartments you can select are determined by

policies defined in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and
Access Management.

3. In the Network Mapping, region, enter the following details:

• Network Compartment: Select the network compartment, such as network-

Note: The compartments you can select are determined by

policies defined in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and
Access Management.

• Region: Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager displays the region for the
network profile, which is determined by the region of its associated VM, such
as uk-london-1.

• Virtual Cloud Network: Select a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN), such as


• Subnet Type: Select the subnet type, either Regional or Availability Domain-

• Availability Domain: Select the availability domain in which your Compute or

Base Database Service resources will be created, such as POKh:UK-LONDON-1-

4. In the Database Tier Subnet Mapping region, enter the following details:

8-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Subnet Access: Select either Public or Private.

• Subnet: Select the subnet for the database tier, such as db-subnet-ad1.

5. In the Applications Tier Subnet Mapping region, enter the following details for
internal zones:
• App Nodes Subnet Access: Select either Public or Private.

• App Nodes Subnet: Select the subnet for the application tier nodes in internal
zones, such as apps-subnet-ad1.

• Load Balancer Visibility Type: Select either Public or Private.

• Load Balancer Subnet: Select the subnet for the application tier load balancer in
internal zones, such as ebslbaas-subnet-ad1.

• Load Balancer HA Subnet: Select the load balancer subnet for high availability,
such as ebslbaas-subnet-ad2.

Note: This field appears only if you select the Availability

Domain-Specific subnet type and the Public load balancer
visibility type. The field is not shown if you choose the
Regional subnet type or if you use a single availability domain.

6. After entering the internal zone details, optionally click the Support for External
Zones toggle switch in the Applications Tier Subnet Mapping region to enable
external zones for this network profile. If you do so, additional detail fields appear.
Enter the following details for external zones:
• App Nodes Subnet Access: Select either Public or Private.

• App Nodes Subnet: Select the subnet for the application tier nodes in external
zones, such as apps-subnet-ad1.

• Load Balancer Visibility Type: Select either Public or Private.

• Load Balancer Subnet: Select the subnet for the application tier load balancer in
external zones, such as ebslbaas-subnet-ad1.

• Load Balancer HA Subnet: Select the load balancer subnet for high availability,
such as ebslbaas-subnet-ad2.

Note: This field appears only if you select the Availability

Domain-Specific subnet type and the Public load balancer

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-7

visibility type. The field is not shown if you choose the
Regional subnet type or if you use a single availability domain.

7. After entering the zone details, optionally click the Support for File Storage Service
toggle switch in the Applications Tier Subnet Mapping region to enable the File
Storage service for this network profile. If you do so, additional detail fields appear.
Enter the following details for the File Storage service mount target:
• Mount Target Subnet Access: Select either Public or Private.

• Mount Target Subnet: Select the subnet for the File Storage service mount
target, such as apps-subnet-ad1.

Note: It is recommended that you use the same subnet for the
application tier of an Oracle E-Business Suite environment and
for its file system mount target. However, you can select any
available subnet for the mount target.

8. Click Submit.

9. You can check the status of the job to create the network profile in the Jobs page.
Locate the create-network-profile job that you want to monitor, and click the
job name link to go to the Job Details page. See Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.
When you create a network profile, the create-network-profile job is initially
placed in the status Input Validation in Progress while Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager validates that the network and subnets assigned to the
network profile include the required ingress and egress security rules.
The Job Details page provides links to the log files for each task performed to create
the network profile, including pre-validation tasks and main execution tasks. If a
network profile creation job does not succeed, you can review the related log files
for the specific task that failed to troubleshoot the issue.
• If the network properties for the profile are specified correctly, but some
security rules are missing, then you should first have the network administrator
define the required security rules. Then, after the security rules are in place, you
can retry the failed create-network-profile job from the Job Details page.
See Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.

• If you need to correct the network properties specified in the network profile
definition, then you should update and resubmit the network profile. You can
either navigate to the Network Profiles page, click the Actions icon next to the
network profile you need to update, and then select Resubmit, or navigate to
the network profile details page for this network profile and click Resubmit.

8-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

See Review Network Profiles, page 8-2.
The Provision Network Profile page appears to let you re-enter the network and
subnet properties. After entering all the required properties, click Resubmit.
Then monitor the status of the new create-network-profile job. See
Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.

Note: You can only resubmit a network profile that failed its initial
validation. After a network profile is successfully created and
validated, you cannot make any further changes in its properties.

Delete a Network Profile:

You must be logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator to
perform the steps in this section.

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator

privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator group that was specified during
configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance.
For more details, see Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Compute Instance, page 2-35.

You can delete a custom network profile either from the Network Profiles page or from
the details page for a particular network profile. See Review Network Profiles, page 8-2.

Note: To preserve consistency in the network, you cannot delete a

network profile that is associated with an existing environment.
Additionally, you cannot delete the two default network profiles

Known Limitation:
If you are using the Internet Explorer browser, you may encounter an issue while
creating a network profile. As a workaround, switch to another browser to create your
network profiles.

Set Up the Extensibility Framework

The Extensibility Framework lets Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrators extend the jobs performed by Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager by
adding tasks to meet your own requirements. You can create extended job definitions
for jobs including Advanced Provisioning, cloning, and promoting standby

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-9

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager provides several seeded tasks for commonly
required processing, which you can add to an extended job definition as needed. For a
list of seeded tasks, see Seeded Tasks in the Extensibility Framework, page A-1.
You can also create your own tasks to use in your extended job definitions. For a
custom task, you must develop a script that defines the processing performed in the
task and package that script in a zip file together with all its supporting files. You can
then upload the zip file when you create the task in the Extensibility Framework UI. For
guidelines on developing and packaging a script for a custom task, see Custom Task
Scripts in the Extensibility Framework, page A-4.

Note: You must be logged in as a user with Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager administrator privileges to manage tasks and extended
job definitions in the Extensibility Framework.
To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator group that was specified during
configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance.
For more details, see Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
Compute Instance, page 2-35.

• Review and Manage Tasks, page 8-10

• Create a Task, page 8-12

• Review and Manage Extended Job Definitions, page 8-13

• Extend a Job Definition, page 8-15

• Use an Extended Job Definition in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Processing, page 8-16

Review and Manage Tasks:

1. To review and manage the tasks available for use in extended job definitions, click
the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select Extensibility . If the
Tasks page is not already displayed, click the Tasks tab.

Note: You must be logged in as a user with Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager administrator privileges to manage tasks in the
Extensibility Framework.
To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator group that was specified during
configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

8-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

2. The Tasks page displays both seeded tasks and custom tasks that you created. You
can optionally enter a full or partial value in the search field to display only tasks
whose properties contain that value. You can search by the following properties
shown in this page:
• Task name

• Task type, either Seeded or Custom

• The location from which the task is run, either the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager VM (EBSCloudManager), all nodes for the environment (
AllNodes), all database tier nodes for the environment (AllDbNodes), all
application tier nodes for the environment (AllAppNodes), or the primary
application tier node for the environment (PrimaryAppNode)

Note: Only seeded tasks can be run from the Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager VM.(EBSCloudManager).

• The user who created the task

• Creation date and time

3. To review additional details for a task, click the task name link. In the task details
window, review the following properties:
• Task name

• Description

• The location from which the task is run

• Whether the task is a lifecycle management activity

• The script that is run to perform the task

• The file name of the zip file that contains the script and any supporting libraries

• Any input parameters for the script, including the following details
• Internal parameter name

• Displayed parameter label

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-11

• Whether the parameter is considered sensitive and should have its value
masked in display

• The default value defined for the parameter, if any

For a custom task, you can click the download icon next to the library file name to
download a copy of that file.

4. To create a new custom task, click Create Task. See Create a Custom Task, page 8-

5. To edit a custom task, click the Actions icon next to that task, and then select Edit.
See Create a Custom Task, page 8-12.

Note: You cannot edit seeded tasks.

Additionally, you cannot edit a custom task that is part of the

running job definition while a provisioning, cloning, or standby
promotion job is in progress.

6. To delete a custom task, click the Actions icon next to that task, and then select

Note: You cannot delete seeded tasks.

Additionally, you cannot delete a custom task that is part of an

extended job definition. You must first delete all custom extended
job definitions that reference a task before you can delete that task.

Create a Task:
The steps for creating a new custom task and for editing an existing custom task are the
same, except that you cannot change the name of an existing task.
1. Click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select Extensibility . If
the Tasks page is not already displayed, click the Tasks tab. Then click Create Task.
If you are editing an existing task, in the Tasks page, click the Actions icon next to
that task, and then select Edit.

2. In the Create Task or Edit Task page, enter the following details:
• Task Name: Enter a name for the task. Note that you cannot change the name
of a task after you enter all the required task details and the task details are

• Description: Enter an optional description for the task.

8-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Run From: Select the location from which the task is run, either All Nodes, All
Database Nodes, All Application Tier Nodes, or Primary Application Tier

• Script to Run: Enter the file name of the shell script to run to perform the task.
The file name can only contain alphanumeric characters and must end with the
file extension .sh.
For more information about writing a script for a custom task, see Create a
Wrapper Script, page A-4.

• Source Code Library: Upload the zip file that contains the main script for the
task as well as any supporting libraries required to run the main script. You can
either drag and drop the library file onto the Source Code Library field, or click
in the field and browse to the location of the file to select it.
For more information about packaging the source code for a custom task in a
library zip file, see Package the Script in a Zip File, page A-21.
After you upload the library file, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
displays the uploaded file name.

3. If the script requires input parameters to be entered when the job is submitted,
specify those parameters in the Input Parameters region. Click Add to add a new
parameter and then enter the following details:
• Name: Enter the internal name for the parameter. The internal name can
contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.

• Label: Enter the parameter label displayed in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager UI.

• Sensitive: Use this toggle switch to specify whether the value for this parameter
is considered sensitive and should be masked in display.

• Default Value: Optionally enter a default value for the parameter.

To remove a parameter that you no longer need, click the remove icon next to that

4. Click Create Task.

Review and Manage Extended Job Definitions:

1. To review and manage extended job definitions, click the Navigator icon, select
Administration, and then select Extensibility. Then click the Extended Job
Definitions tab.

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-13

Note: You must be logged in as a user with Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator privileges to manage extended job
definitions in the Extensibility Framework.
To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator
privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator group that was specified during
configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

2. The Extended Job Definitions page displays a list of the extended job definitions
that have been created in your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance.
You can optionally enter a full or partial value in the search field to display only
extended job definitions whose properties contain that value. You can search by the
following properties shown in this page:
• Extended job definition name

• The base job definition that this job definition extends, either EBS
Provisioning, EBS Clone, or EBS Promote Standby.

• The user who created the extended job definition

• Creation date and time

3. To review additional details for an extended job definition, click the extended job
definition name link. In the extended job definition details window, review the list
of phases included in the extended job definition and the tasks included in each
phase. The extended job definition details window also displays whether each
phase and task is seeded or custom.

4. To create a new extended job definition, click Extend Job Definition. See Extend a
Job Definition, page 8-15.

5. To edit an extended job definition, click the Actions icon next to that extended job
definition, and then select Edit. See Extend a Job Definition, page 8-15.

Note: You cannot edit an extended job definition that is currently in

use by an in-progress job.

6. To delete an extended job definition, click the Actions icon next to that extended job
definition, and then select Delete.

8-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note: You cannot delete an extended job definition that is currently
in use by an in-progress job.

Extend a Job Definition:

The steps for creating a new extended job definition and for editing an existing
extended job definition are the same, except that you cannot change the name or
template for an existing extended job definition.
1. Click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select Extensibility. Click
the Extended Job Definitions tab. Then click Extend Job Definition.
If you are editing an existing extended job definition, then in the Extended Job
Definitions page, click the Actions icon next to that extended job definition, and
then select Edit.

2. Enter the following basic properties:

• Name: Enter a name for the extended job definition. Note that you cannot
change the name of an existing extended job definition.

• Description: Enter an optional description for the extended job definition.

• Base Job Definition: Select the base definition for the job you want to extend,
either EBS Provisioning, EBS Clone, or EBS Promote Standby. Note that you
cannot change the base job definition for an existing extended job definition.

Then click Next.

3. Specify the details for the extended job definition. The Job Definition Details page
initially displays the default phases that are part of the base job definition. You can
optionally add a phase to the extended job definition with additional tasks to meet
your own requirements.
• Click the Actions icon next to the last phase in the base job definition, and then
select Insert After to insert an additional phase at the end of the extended job

• The Select Tasks window displays the list of available tasks, including seeded
tasks provided by Oracle and any custom tasks defined in your Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager instance. You can enter a full or partial value in
the Filter field to display only tasks whose name matches that value. Select the
tasks you want to add to the extended job definition and then click Add Tasks.

• To change the order of the tasks, click the reorder icon next to a task and drag it
to the position you want in the list.

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-15

• To add more tasks, click the Actions icon next to your additional phase, and
then select Add Tasks.

• To delete a task, click the Actions icon next to that task, and then select Delete

• To delete the entire additional phase, including all tasks within it, click the
Actions icon next to that phase, and then select Delete Phase.

When you have finished updating the details for the extended job definition, click

4. In the Review Extended Job Definition page, review the extended job definition's
basic properties and the phase and task details. To save the extended job definition,
click Submit.

Use an Extended Job Definition in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

Manager Processing:
After an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator has created an extended
job definition for Advanced Provisioning, cloning, or promoting a standby
environment, Oracle E-Business Suite administrators can select that extended job
definition when submitting that type of job. The Oracle E-Business Suite administrator
must provide any input parameters required by the added tasks. Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager will then perform the job according to the extended job definition,
including any tasks specified in the additional phase. See Advanced Provisioning, page
9-6, Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-5, and Promote a Standby
Environment, page 12-26.

Set Up Scheduling Policies

You can create backups for an Oracle E-Business Suite environment automatically on a
schedule by defining scheduling policies.

Note: The backup feature is available for environments created using

Advanced Provisioning. For more information about prerequisites for
backups, see Back Up an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-16.

To create a scheduling policy, you first define the policy itself, and then add one or
more schedules to the policy. Schedules define the frequency at which backups are
created. You can define the following types of schedules:
• Daily: Backups are generated daily. You specify the hour of the day for the backup.

• Weekly: Backups are generated weekly. You specify the day of the week and the
hour of that day for the backup.

8-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Monthly: Backups are generated monthly. You specify the day of the month and
the hour of that day for the backup.

• Yearly: Backups are generated yearly. You specify the month, the day of that
month, and the hour of that day for the backup.

Note: Scheduled backups are not guaranteed to start at the exact time
specified by the schedule. You may see up to several hours of delay
between the scheduled start time and the actual start time for the
backup in scenarios where the system is overloaded.

• Review Scheduling Policies, page 8-17

• Create a Scheduling Policy, page 8-18

• Assign a Scheduling Policy to an Environment, page 8-19

• Delete a Scheduling Policy, page 8-19

Review Scheduling Policies:

1. To review the scheduling policies available for use in scheduling backups, click the
Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select Scheduling Policies.

2. The Policies page displays the scheduling policies defined in your Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager instance, within the compartment that is selected in
the EBS Compartment field in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header.
You can optionally enter a full or partial value in the search field to display only
policies whose properties contain that value. You can search by the following
properties shown in this page:
• Policy name

• Policy type (create-ossbackup for backup scheduling policies)

• The user who created the policy

• Creation date and time

3. To create a new policy, click Create Policy. See Create a Scheduling Policy, page 8-

4. To review details or define schedules for a policy, either click the policy name link
or click the Actions icon next to that policy and then select Edit. See Manage Policy
Details, page 8-18.

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-17

5. To delete a policy, click the Actions icon next to that policy, and then select Delete.

Create a Scheduling Policy:

To create a scheduling policy, you first define the policy itself, and then add one or
more schedules to the policy.

Create a Policy
1. Click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select Scheduling
Policies. In the Policies page, click Create Policy.

2. In the Create Policy window, enter a name for the policy.

3. Select the compartment in which backups created using this policy will be stored.

4. Click Create.

Manage Policy Details

1. Click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then select Scheduling
Policies. In the Policies page, either click the policy name link or click the Actions
icon next to that policy and then select Edit.

2. In the policy details page, review the following details:

• Policy name

• Compartment

• The user who created the policy

• Creation date and time

• Any schedules defined for the policy, including the schedule type and start

3. To add a schedule to the policy, click Add Schedule. See Define a Schedule, page 8-

4. To edit a schedule, click the Actions icon next to that schedule, and then select Edit.
See Define a Schedule, page 8-19.

5. To delete a schedule, click the Actions icon next to that schedule, and then select

6. After you finish updating schedules for the policy, click Save Policy to commit your

8-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

7. To delete the policy, click Delete Policy.

Define a Schedule
1. In the Create Schedule window or Edit Schedule window, select the schedule type:
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

2. Specify the appropriate schedule options depending on the schedule type.

• Daily: Specify the hour of the day for the backup.

• Weekly: Specify the day of the week and the hour of that day for the backup.

• Monthly: Specify the day of the month and the hour of that day for the backup.

• Yearly: Specify the month, the day of that month, and the hour of that day for
the backup.

The schedule settings are based on the UTC time zone.

3. Click Create Schedule for a new schedule, or Edit Schedule for an existing

4. Click Save Policy in the policy details page to commit your changes.

Assign a Scheduling Policy to an Environment:

After you create a policy, you can use it to create backups for an environment
automatically on the specified schedule. To do so, assign the policy to the environment
in the environment details page.
If you no longer want to create backups on that schedule, you can remove the policy
assignment for the environment in the environment details page.
See Schedule Backups, page 12-20 and Review Environment Details, page 11-7.

Delete a Scheduling Policy:

You can delete a scheduling policy either from the Policies page or from the details page
for a particular policy. See Review Scheduling Policies, page 8-17 or Review Policy
Details, page 8-18.

Configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Features 8-19

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Requirements for Provisioning a New Environment
• One-Click Provisioning
• Advanced Provisioning
• Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks

Requirements for Provisioning a New Environment

With the automated provisioning options in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager,
you can create a new environment of Oracle E-Business Suite.
For information on options for new environments, see Section 4.2.1, Provisioning Oracle
E-Business Suite in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 251702,5.1, Getting Started
with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?

Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations

To provision a new environment, we recommend that you have cloud service resources
that match or exceed those specified in the following table:

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-1

Table 9-1 Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations

Descriptio Machine Number of OCPUs Memory Storage External

n Type Machines IPs

Oracle E- VM 1 1 7 GB 55 GB 1
Business (block)

A load Not Not Not Not Not 1

balancer applicable applicable applicable applicable applicable
(You can
use your
own load
balancer or
Balancer as
a Service

Applicatio VM n (where 'n' n*m (where Release Shared n

n tier is the 'm' is the 12.2 = 14 application
number of number of GB per VM tier: 170 GB
application OCPUs in + 40 GB for
tier nodes the shape Release each
in the selected for 12.1 = 7 GB additional
target the per VM application
environme application tier (block)
nt) tier; the
minimum Non-
for 'm' is 1) shared
tier: 170 GB
x n (block)

16 GB

9-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Descriptio Machine Number of OCPUs Memory Storage External
n Type Machines IPs

Database VM 1 2 14 GB Vision 1
tier on demo: 300
Oracle GB
Infrastruct Fresh
ure install: 200
Compute GB

Database VM 1 2 14 GB Vision 1
tier on demo: 256
Base GB
Service 1- Fresh
Node DB install: 256
System GB
(Single Total
Instance) storage: 712
GB [1]

Database VM 2 2 per VM 30 GB per Vision 2

tier on VM demo: 256
Base GB
Service 2- Fresh
Node DB install: 256
System GB
(Oracle Total
RAC) storage: 912
GB [1]

Database See See See See See See

tier on footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2] footnote [2]
RAC) [2]

Footnotes on Table 9-1:

1. The Available Storage Size and Total Storage Size are different. For more
information, see About Oracle Base Database Service [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-3


2. For a database tier on Exadata Database Service Dedicated, the minimum

requirement is an Exadata X9M, X8M, X7, or X6 base model with a 2-node Oracle

One-Click Provisioning
One-Click Provisioning streamlines the process of provisioning a new environment by
using preset topology options. This option is available if your network administrator
created the necessary network resources for your Oracle E-Business Suite Virtual Cloud
Network (VCN), using the ProvisionOCINetwork.pl script. These resources are
grouped into a default network profile called DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK. Your
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator must also upload this network
profile using the UploadOCINetworkProfile.pl script. One-Click Provisioning
uses the subnets and security lists defined in the DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK
network profile. See Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite
Instances, page 3-12.
Your new environment will be created with a single application tier and database tier
on the same Compute instance, using default configuration options. The Compute
instance is created in Availability Domain 1, using the VM.Standard.E3.Flex shape in
Release 21.1.1 and later; the VM.Standard2.1 shape was used in prior releases. For more
information on the shape, refer to Compute Shapes [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-
The new environment uses block volume storage.
The new environment uses the "Bring Your Own License (BYOL)" middleware licensing
The Web Entry Type is simply Application Tier Node.
The environment is configured with Transport Layer Security (TLS) enabled for
inbound HTTP traffic.
Your new environment will have Enterprise Command Centers pre-configured, using
the same virtual machine (VM) as the application tier and database tier. The Oracle
Assets Command Center dashboard is pre-configured in your environment. You can
configure other dashboards as needed.
If you would like to configure your environment instead of using the preset One-Click
Provisioning topology, follow the steps in the section Advanced Provisioning, page 9-
When provisioning, you can choose a predefined tag or specify a new (free-form) tag to
identify all resources associated with an environment or group of environments. Refer
to Managing Tags and Tag Namespaces [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Tagging/​Tasks/​managingtagsandtagnamespaces.htm] for more

9-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

❒ You must have cloud resources that match or exceed the minimum
recommendations specified in the section Requirements for Provisioning a New
Environment, page 9-1.

❒ You must have network resources including the subnets needed to support the
topology created by One-Click Provisioning. See the section Create Network
Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments, page 3-12.

❒ If you choose to use tags, you can create defined tags first. Any tag namespace
selected must be defined for the compartment in which you are provisioning, as
specified in the network profile. Refer to Managing Tags and Tag Namespaces
us/​iaas/​Content/​Tagging/​Tasks/​managingtagsandtagnamespaces.htm] for more

Provision an Environment using One-Click Provisioning:

1. On the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Environments page, click Provision
Environment and select One-Click.

2. Enter the values for your new environment:

• Environment Name: Accept the system-generated name or enter a new name
for your environment. For example: usdev1

• Database: Vision Demo Install

• EBS Version: Select the Oracle E-Business Suite version for your environment.

• DB Version: Select the database version for your environment.

The available database versions depend on the Oracle E-Business Suite version you
selected. See Requirements for Provisioning a New Environment, page 9-1.

3. Enter a new password for the APPS account. This password will also be used for
the APPLSYS and APPS_NE accounts.

4. Enter a new Weblogic Server password. The password must be at least eight
characters, and it must contain at least one alphabetic character plus at least one
special character from ! " # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; = < > ? @ ][
^ _ ` { | } ~ or at least one numeric character.

5. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

• Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-5

form tag).

• Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

• Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

6. Click Submit.

7. You can check the status of the job to provision the environment in the Jobs page.
After the environment is successfully provisioned, perform any necessary post-
provisioning steps and access your environment following the instructions
provided in Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks, page 9-23.

Advanced Provisioning
With Advanced Provisioning, you can choose how to configure your own topology for
a new environment, instead of using the basic preset topology options in One-Click
Provisioning, page 9-4. You can also use Advanced Provisioning to provision an
environment based on a backup of another environment.
Note these additional key attributes:
• Advanced Provisioning provides the option to deploy and configure a Load
Balancer as a Service (LBaaS). You may instead choose not to use a load balancer, or
to use an on-premises load balancer. Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning
Tasks, page 9-23 provides instructions appropriate to each use case.

• The administrator of your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance defines
network profiles, which specify the network resources that you can use to provision
Oracle E-Business Suite environments. During Advanced Provisioning, you select
the network profile to use for the environment you are creating. For information on
how to create default network resources and an associated default network profile
DEFAULT_PROFILE_ADVANCED designed for use in Advanced Provisioning,
refer to the following sections:
• Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite
Environments, page 3-12

• Create Network Profiles, page 3-45

You can also create additional network profiles. Refer to Create a Network Profile,
page 8-6

• Note that a network profile can be defined to use a private subnet for the database,
application tier, or Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS). If you select a network
profile that uses a private subnet for any VM, then the corresponding VM will not

9-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

have a public IP address and no inbound connections to this VM from outside the
current VCN will be allowed.

• Our automation configures the application tier services to utilize port pools 0 and 1.
These cannot be changed. Create Security Rules, page 3-26 lists the ports that must
be open between subnets in order for your system to function properly.

• If you choose Virtual Machine DB System (Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-

Node DB System) or Exadata Infrastructure (Exadata Database Service Dedicated)
for the Cloud database service, then Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is
automatically enabled, both for new environments and for environments created
from a backup. Additionally, if you provision an environment from a backup of a
TDE-enabled source environment and you choose Compute as the Cloud database
service, TDE is also automatically enabled.

• If you use Advanced Provisioning to provision a new environment on Compute or

an environment on Compute that is created from a backup of a non-TDE source
environment, then you can optionally choose to enable TDE.

• When you provision an environment, the Installation Details page allows you to
choose a pre-defined tag, or specify a new (free-form) tag. You can use this tag to
identify all resources associated with an environment or group of environments.
Refer to Managing Tags and Tag Namespaces [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Tagging/​Tasks/​managingtagsandtagnamespaces.htm] for more

• When an environment is provisioned, the deployed database tier node or nodes and
application tier node or nodes will be associated with a fault domain. The fault
domains can be chosen for you, or you can specify them yourself. Refer to Fault
Domains [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​iaas/​Content/​General/​Concepts/​regions.
htm#fault ] for more information.

In addition, you can configure multiple zones in your environment. Each zone has its
own web entry point and application tier nodes. Each zone can have its own load
balancer to manage traffic, or multiple zones of the same type can share a load balancer.
One zone is created by default when you provision an environment. For more
information on using zones, see: My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1375670.1,
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a DMZ [https:/​/​support.oracle.
In the example in the following illustration, internal zones and external zones are
configured. Internal users can access the private zones in the virtual cloud network over
VPN through the Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG). Each of the two internal zones
includes a load balancer that directs the traffic to a set of application tier nodes.
Likewise, external users can access the external zones using different URLs. This
example shows that you can share a single load balancer between multiple zones. This
load balancer is in a public subnet, allowing external users' requests to be passed into

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-7

the DMZ by the Internet Gateway (IGW). The database is deployed in a private subnet
in this configuration.

Example Virtual Cloud Network with an Internal Zone and External Zone

❒ You must have cloud resources that match or exceed the minimum
recommendations specified in Requirements for Provisioning a New Environment,
page 9-1.

❒ You must have a network profile that includes network resources to support the
topology you plan to use, including the security lists and subnets. If you intend to
use the File Storage service, you must use a network profile that has that service
enabled. The administrator of your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
instance defines network profiles and assigns you the profiles that you can use to
provision Oracle E-Business Suite environments.
Refer to the following sections:
• Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite
Environments, page 3-12

• Create Network Profiles, page 3-45

❒ If you choose to use tags, you can create defined tags first. Any tag namespace
selected must be defined for the compartment in which you are provisioning, as
specified in the network profile. Refer to Managing Tags and Tag Namespaces
us/​iaas/​Content/​Tagging/​Tasks/​managingtagsandtagnamespaces.htm] for more

❒ You can optionally choose to use an on-premises load balancer. If you choose to use
a load balancer that you deploy on-premises, the network profile must have the

9-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

application tier security list configured so that it can communicate with the on-
premises load balancer.

Additional Requirements for Exadata Database Service Dedicated:

If you plan to use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced Provisioning to
provision your database to a pre-existing Exadata Database Service Dedicated instance,
you must first ensure that the SSH keys associated with the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager Virtual Machine (VM) are added to the associated Exadata VM cluster.
Follow the instructions below to obtain the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM
SSH key and copy it to the Exadata VM cluster. For more information about Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager deployment prerequisites, refer to Deploy Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, page 2-1.
1. Log in to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM using the oracle user ID,
as shown below:
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ cat id_rsa.pub

2. Copy the contents to the clipboard.

3. Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Direct Sign-in to log in to the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure console.

4. Using the menu, navigate to Oracle Database, then Exadata on Oracle Public

5. Choose the compartment where your infrastructure is located.

6. Under Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure, select

Exadata Infrastructure, and click on your Exadata Infrastructure resource to go to
the Exadata Infrastructure Details page.

7. Click on the name of the Exadata VM Cluster.

8. Select Add SSH Keys.

9. Select Paste SSH Keys, and paste the content previously copied into the SSH KEYS

10. Click Save Changes.

Access the Advanced Provisioning Feature:

Advanced Provisioning can be used to create a new environment or create an
environment from a backup. Navigate to Advanced Provisioning using one of the
following options. Then continue either to Enter Installation Details for a New
Implementation, page 9-10 or Enter Installation Details for an Environment from a

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-9

Backup, page 9-12 depending on the option you chose.
• If you are creating a new environment: On the main Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Environments page, click Provision Environment and select Advanced.
Make sure the Installation Type option is defaulted to New Installation. Now
continue to Enter Installation Details for a New Implementation , page 9-10 for the
next steps.

• If you are creating an environment from a backup of either an on-premises

environment or a Cloud environment: On the main Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Environments page, click Provision Environment and select Advanced.
Select Provision from Object Storage Backup as the installation type. Now
continue to Enter Installation Details for an Environment from a Backup, page 9-12
for the next steps.

• If you are creating an environment from a backup of either an on-premises

environment or a Cloud environment: Click the Navigator icon and select Backups.
Click Action for a backup and select Provision Environment. Make sure the
Installation Type option is defaulted to Provision from Object Storage Backup.
Now continue to Enter Installation Details for an Environment from a Backup, page
9-12 for the next steps.

• If you are creating an environment from a backup of a Cloud environment: On the

Environment Details page for the source environment, choose the Backups tab,
click Action for a backup and select Provision Environment. Make sure the
Installation Type option is defaulted to Provision from Object Storage Backup.
Now continue to Enter Installation Details for an Environment from a Backup, page
9-12 for the next steps.

Enter Installation Details for a New Implementation:

1. Enter details for your new environment:
• EBS Compartment: Select your Oracle E-Business Suite compartment. Only
compartments that you have access to are available in the list. The default is
your root compartment.

• Network Profile: Select the network profile that contains the network resources
you want to use to provision your environment. For example:

Note: If you plan to provision an environment which contains a

multinode application tier with a shared file system, your
network profile must support FSS and therefore you cannot use
the default profile.

9-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Click the information icon to view the Network Profile Details. You may wish
to capture this information for use later in the interview.

• Environment Name: Enter a name for your environment. For example: usdev1

2. Ensure that the New Installation option is selected. Then enter values for the
• Database: Select the type of environment you want to create, either Vision
Demo Install or Fresh Install.

• EBS Version: Select the Oracle E-Business Suite version for your environment.

• DB Version: Select the database version for your environment. The available
database versions depend on the Oracle E-Business Suite version you selected.

3. Enter a new password for the APPS account. This password will also be used for
the APPLSYS and APPS_NE accounts.

4. Enter a new Weblogic Server password. The password must be at least eight
characters, and contain at least one alphabetic character plus at least one special
character from ! " # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; = < > ? @ ][ ^ _ `
{ | } ~ or at least one numeric character.

5. Optionally select your operating system time zone. This is the operating system
time zone for your application and database tier nodes. For more information on
time zone support, see: Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager, page B-1.
The default value for a Fresh Install implementation is 'UTC'.
For a Fresh Install instance, leave the Bypass Server Timezone Profile Validation
box unchecked.
The default value for a new implementation for Vision Demo Install is
'America/Chicago', the time zone for the Vision Demo instance.
For a Vision Demo Install instance, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager will
validate your selection for the server time zone, unless you check the box Bypass
Server Timezone Profile Validation.

Note: If you are provisioning on an Exadata Database Service

Dedicated instance, when the Bypass Server Timezone Profile
Validation box is unchecked, the system will set the time zone
variable (TZ) in the database environment file and the SRVCTL
utility will use this time zone value.

6. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-11

• Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-
form tag).

• Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

• Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

7. Click Next. Now continue to the section Enter Database Information, page 9-13 for
the next steps.

Enter Installation Details for an Environment from a Backup:

1. Enter details for your new environment:
• Environment Name: Enter a name for your environment. For example: usdev1

• Network Profile: Select the network profile that contains the network resources
you want to use to provision your environment. For example:
Click the information icon to view the Network Profile Details. You may wish
to capture this information for use later in the interview.

2. In the Installation Type region, ensure that the Provision from Object Storage
Backup option is selected. Then enter values for the following:
• Backup Bucket: Select the backup from which you want to provision the
environment. If you navigated to Advanced Provisioning from the Backups
page or from the Backups region in an environment details page, then the
backup you chose there is selected by default.

• Backup Encryption Password: Enter the encryption password that was

specified for the backup when the backup was created.

• Backup Apps Password: Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite
APPS schema for the source environment.

• New WebLogic Server Password: (Conditionally Required) Enter the password

that you want to set for the Oracle WebLogic Server administration user on the
target environment. This field appears only if you selected a backup created
from a source environment on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. Note that
this password should comply with the Weblogic Server Policy that was present
on the source instance at the time the backup was taken. If the default policy
was set for the source instance, then provide a password complying with the
default policy. If a custom policy was set for the source instance, then provide a
password complying with the custom policy.

9-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Source Wallet Password: (Conditionally Required) If you selected a backup
created from a TDE-enabled source environment, enter the source wallet

3. Optionally select your operating system time zone. This is the operating system
time zone for your application and database tier nodes. For more information on
time zone support, see: Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager, page B-1.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager will validate your selection for the server
time zone, unless you check the box Bypass Server Timezone Profile Validation.

Warning: If you choose to override the time zone defined in the

backup environment, then the operating system for the new
environment will be configured to use the selected time zone. After
you provision your environment, and prior to starting any database
and application tier services, you must set the TZ environment
variable to match the Server Timezone profile option. Failure to do
so could lead to data corruption. See: Time Zone Support [https:
htm] in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

4. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

• Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-
form tag).

• Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

• Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

5. Click Next. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager will validate all passwords. The
WebLogic Server password will be validated based on the default/custom policy set
on the source instance of the backup.
If there are any validation issues, errors will be displayed. Correct the passwords
and click Next to proceed.

Enter Database Information:

1. Select the Cloud Database Service option for your environment, either Compute,
Virtual Machine DB System (Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System),
or Exadata Infrastructure (Exadata Database Service Dedicated).

2. If you chose Compute for the Cloud database service, enter the following:

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-13

• DB SID: Enter the database SID. For example: demodb

• Logical Hostname: Provide the logical hostname that will be used as part of the
Oracle E-Business Suite configuration. Note that this is not the physical

• Logical Domain: Provide the logical domain that will be used as part of the
Oracle E-Business Suite configuration. Note that this is not the physical domain.

• PDB Name: If the database version is 19c, enter the pluggable database (PDB)

• Shape: Select a shape that is available in the OCI region. Ensure that you have
checked your quota in advance. When choosing a flexible shape, for example,
VM.Standard.E4.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of OCPUs and the
amount of memory (GB).

• Enable TDE: Select this option if you want to enable Transparent Database
Encryption (TDE) for a new environment on Compute, or for an environment
on Compute that is created from a backup of a non-TDE source environment. If
you provision an environment on Compute from a backup of a TDE-enabled
source environment, then TDE is automatically enabled. Note that to run a
TDE-enabled database on Compute, you must have or acquire the Advanced
Security Option (ASO).

• Admin Password: Enter the admin password for the database. This password is
also used for the users SYS, SYSTEM, and EBS_SYSTEM. This password must
not contain the username 'SYS'. If TDE is enabled for the environment, then this
password is also used as the TDE wallet password. The password must be 9 to
30 characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two special,
and two numeric characters. The special characters must be underscores (_),
number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the password in the next field to
confirm it.

• Fault Domain Selection: Select Automatic or Manual. If you choose Manual,

you are prompted to select fault domains. Refer to Fault Domains [https:/​/​docs.
cloud.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​Content/​General/​Concepts/​regions.htm#fault] for
more information.

• (Advanced Options) RMAN_CHANNEL_COUNT: Specify the number of

Recovery Manager (RMAN) staging channels to allocate for restoring from the
backup. The default value used by RMAN is 100% of the number of OCPUs.
The minimum value is one channel. The maximum value is 255 irrespective of

3. If you chose Virtual Machine DB System for the Cloud database service, enter the

9-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• DB Name: Enter the database name. For example: vmdb1

• DB Patch Level: Select a certified database patch level from the options
provided, identified by the database version and the release year, month, and

• Shape: Select the shape. Note that for an Oracle RAC environment, you must
select a shape that supports it. For example: VM Standard2.2 (2 OCPU, 30GB

• Node Count: Select 1 for a Base Database Service 1-Node DB System (Single
Instance), or select 2 for a Base Database Service 2-Node DB System (Oracle

• DB Software Edition: Select the database software edition. If the Node Count is
2, then the only choice is Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance. If the Node
Count is 1, then you can choose either Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Edition
High Performance, or Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance.

• Cluster Name: If the Node Count is 2, then this field appears and you can
optionally enter a cluster name. For example: demo-1

• License Type: Select License Included if you want to obtain a new license or
Bring Your Own License (BYOL) if you want to use a license you already own.

• PDB Name: If the database version is either or 19c, enter the pluggable
database (PDB) name. For example: vmdbpdb

• Admin Password: Enter the admin password for the database. This password is
used for the SYS user as well, and must not contain the username 'SYS'. This
password is also used as the TDE wallet password. The password must be 9 to
30 characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two special,
and two numeric characters. The special characters must be underscores (_),
number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the password in the next field to
confirm it.

• Fault Domain Selection: Select Automatic or Manual. If you choose Manual,

you are prompted to select fault domains. Refer to Fault Domains [https:/​/​docs.
cloud.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​Content/​General/​Concepts/​regions.htm#fault] for
more information.

• (Advanced Options) RMAN_CHANNEL_COUNT: Specify the number of

Recovery Manager (RMAN) staging channels to allocate for restoring from the
backup. The default value used by RMAN is 100% of the number of OCPUs.
The minimum value is one channel. The maximum value is 255 irrespective of

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-15


4. If you selected Exadata Infrastructure for the Cloud database service, enter the
• Infrastructure Name: Select the Exadata infrastructure name. The infrastructure
resource is used to manage the hardware configuration and maintenance
schedule at the infrastructure level. For information on using the infrastructure
resource, see: Overview of X8M and X9M Scalable Exadata Infrastructure

• Cluster Name: Select the name of the VM Cluster resource. The VM cluster is a
child resource of the infrastructure resource, providing a link between your
Exadata cloud infrastructure resource and Oracle Database. For information on
using the cluster resource, see: Overview of X8M and X9M Scalable Exadata
Infrastructure [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​exadatacloud/​exacs/​ecs-ovr-

• DB System Name: Select the database system name. For example:


Note: This field displays only Exadata Database Service

Dedicated instances with a status of ACTIVE. If an action is
currently being performed on an Exadata Database Service
Dedicated instance that causes the system to have a status of
UPDATING, then that system will temporarily be omitted from
the list of values in this field. For example, if a user is adding
SSH keys, then the system will have a status of UPDATING for a
few minutes. Consequently, if you do not see the system you
want to use, wait for the action being performed on the system
to complete and then return to this page to select the system.

• DB Name: Enter the database name. For example: exadb

• PDB Name: If the database version is either or 19c, enter the pluggable
database (PDB) name. For example: exapdb

• DB Patch Level: Select the database patch level, identified by the database
version and the release year, month, and day.

• Admin Password: Enter the admin password for the database. This password is
used for the SYS user as well, and must not contain the username 'SYS'. This
password is also used as the TDE wallet password. The password must be 9 to
30 characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two special,

9-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

and two numeric characters. The special characters must be underscores (_),
number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the password in the next field to
confirm it.

• (Advanced Options) RMAN_CHANNEL_COUNT: Specify the number of

Recovery Manager (RMAN) staging channels to allocate for restoring from the
backup. The default value used by RMAN is 16. The minimum value is one
channel. The maximum value is 255 irrespective of shape.

5. Click Next.

Enter Application Tier Information:

1. Define your zones. For more information on zones, refer to My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1375670.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in
a DMZ [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1375670.1].
Note that you can have multiple zones across subnets. You can configure your
environment such that your functional redirection per zone is in accordance with
functional affinity.
Also, you can have a load balancer shared between multiple zones of the same type.
This configuration allows for two separate URLs to resolve to the same IP address
and the shared load balancer will target one backend set or another.
Note too that you have flexibility in your configuration. One zone, Zone A, can
have one load balancer assigned to it, while another two zones, Zone B and Zone C,
can have a second load balancer assigned to them.
You must define your internal (primary) zone first, before optionally defining
additional zones.
Enter values for the following properties:
• Name

• Type

Note: For the first zone that you define, which is your primary
zone, the Type is Internal and is not selectable.

2. In the Web Entry Point region, enter values for the following properties:
• Web Entry Type: Choose one of the following: New Load Balancer (LBaaS),
Use OCI Load Balancer to select an existing OCI load balancer, Manually
Configured Load Balancer to select a manually deployed existing load
balancer, or Application Tier Node to choose the primary application tier as
the entry point.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-17

• Load Balancer Shape: If you chose "New Load Balancer (LBaaS)" as the web
entry type, select the shape for your new load balancer. For example: 100Mbps.
Note that creation of a new load balancer with a flexible shape is not yet

• OCI Load Balancer: If you chose OCI Load Balancer for the web entry type,
select an existing OCI Load Balancer from the dropdown list.

Note: If an existing load balancer is used, then load balancer

resources, such as "listener", "backend set", "backend", and
"certificate," are created anew during provisioning. Preexisting
load balancer resources are not used.

• Protocol: Select the protocol for access to the environment, either http or https.

• Hostname: Enter the hostname for your web entry point. For example: myhost

• Domain: Enter the domain for your web entry point. For example: example.

• Port: Select the port for your web entry point. If there is no load balancer, then
the port is automatically populated depending on the protocol: 8000 for http
and 4443 for https. Otherwise, select the appropriate port for use with your load
balancer, such as 80 for http or 443 for https. Note that to allow access to the
Oracle E-Business Suite login URL, your network administrator must define an
ingress rule in the load balancer security list. See Create Network Resources For
Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Instances, page 3-12.

3. For Storage, choose the File System Type: Non-Shared or Shared.

If you choose Shared, then you are prompted for the File Storage Mount Target. If
the File Storage Mount Target for the network profile specified earlier matches any
of the Mount Targets in the network compartment created on the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure, then that Mount Target appears in the list.
For a Shared File System Type, you can also specify Mount Options. Default
parameters are shown. You can edit these options, but specifying a mount option or
parameter that is not supported or recommended for a shared storage file system
deployment may result in a provisioning failure. Exercise extreme caution when
editing these parameters, as options are not validated in this page.
If you choose Non-Shared, you must specify a value for the Block Volume Storage
field for every node in the Application Tier Nodes field.

Important: You must ensure you specify enough storage for your
nodes. Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using

9-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Rapid Install [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.
122/​e22950/​toc.htm] for guidelines on space usage.

4. In the Logical Host region, enter values for the following properties:
• Logical Host Option: Choose Automatic or Manual.

• Logical Hostname Prefix: If you chose Automatic, enter your desired hostname
You do not need to enter this if you chose Manual for your logical host option,
but you will be prompted for the Logical Hostname for your nodes in the
Application Tier Nodes region.

• Logical Domain: Enter the logical domain.

5. In the Application Tier Nodes region, click Add Node to enter properties for your
primary application tier node, and then for each additional application tier node in
your environment.
In the Add Node dialog window, the following properties appear. Enter the value
for each property, except in the case where it has been generated for you.
Note that you can define a specific shape for each application tier node.
• Logical Hostname

• Logical FQDN

• Shape: Select a shape that is available in the OCI region. Ensure that you have
checked your quota in advance. When choosing a flexible shape, for example,
VM.Standard.E4.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of OCPUs and the
amount of memory (GB).

• Block Volume Storage

Note: If you chose a shared File System Type earlier, the Block
Volume Storage value is 0.

• Fault Domain: Select the fault domain. Refer to Fault Domains [https:/​/​docs.
cloud.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​Content/​General/​Concepts/​regions.htm#fault] for
more information.

Click Add Node again to save your choices.

6. Click Save Zone to save your zone definition.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-19

7. After you have saved the definition for your primary zone, choose a middleware
licensing model, either BYOL or UCM. If you choose BYOL, you are indicating that
you have purchased or transferred the perpetual licenses required for customized
Oracle E-Business Suite Applications. If you choose UCM, you are adopting the
Universal Credits subscription-based model, and paying for usage as you go. Make
sure you understand the cost associated with this choice.

8. Define additional zones using the Add Zone button.

For the additional internal zones, if New Load Balancer (LBaaS) is selected as the
Web Entry Type for first zone, then an extra option Reuse Internal Zone1 Load
Balancer is displayed in the Web Entry Type list along with the options New Load
Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer, and Manually Configured Load

9. When you are finished adding application tier nodes, scroll to the top of the
window and click Save Zone to save your zone definition.

10. When you have completed adding your zones, click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options:

You can optionally extend the provisioning job to meet your own requirements. By
default, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for
provisioning. However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also
create extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the provisioning
job. In this case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager to follow when provisioning your environment. If you
select an extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters
required by the additional tasks in that plan.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility

Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility
Framework, page 8-9.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard provisioning job definition or an
extended job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
pause at specified points during the provisioning job. For example, if you want to
perform your own validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that
point. You can then resume the provisioning job when you are ready to proceed. See
Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.

Specify Your Job Definition

1. Optionally select an extended job definition for provisioning your environment in
the Job Definition field.

9-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the
additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values,
which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

3. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job
definition and the tasks within each phase.

4. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing
before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select
Add Pause.

Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

5. Click Next.

Enter SSH Keys:

Optionally upload SSH keys for users.

Note: You cannot add keys after the provisioning process is completed.

Note: If you selected Exadata Infrastructure as your Cloud database

service, then you can add keys to the application tier only.

1. Click Add Key.

2. Specify the tiers for the SSH key. Choose All Tiers, Application Tier, or Database

3. Specify the pertinent OS User type. Choose All Users, Operating System
Administrator, or Application Administrator.

4. Upload the SSH key file. The file name will default in.

5. The system will validate the SSH key. Click Next to continue.

Review Your Advanced Provisioning Details:

1. Review the installation details, including:
• Installation details, including environment name, installation type, network
profile, and operating system time zone.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-21

• Database details, including database service type, database name, and
pluggable database name. For Exadata Database Service Dedicated instances,
the cluster name is included.

• Application tier details, including

• Web entry details

• Storage information. For the shared file system type, the mount target and
mount options are shown.

• Information on zones

• Job definition details.

• SSH Key information.

2. To provision your environment, click Submit.

3. You can check the status of the job to provision the environment in the Jobs page.

Known Issues for Advanced Provisioning:

Workaround for Oracle Database 19c Restore Failure
When using the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced Provisioning to
provision from a backup containing Oracle Database 19c, whether that backup is part of
a lift and shift from on-premises or the result of a Create Backup operation in OCI, you
may encounter the error "ORA-65174: invalid or conflicting name in service <service
name> found in the pluggable database."
You can fix this issue by first deleting the conflicting service from the source
environment. Here is the complete list of steps to work around the issue:
1. On the database tier of the source environment, list the services registered with the
$ source <cdb env file>
$ lsnrctl status <LISTENER_NAME>
$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"

2. Next, connect to the CDB:

$ cd <19c home>$ source <cdb_sid>_<hostname>.env

and run the query shown to list all services in the database:
$ select name,enabled,creation_date,pdb from cdb_services;

3. Ensure the conflicting service name is not in the list of lsnrctloutput and

9-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

v$active_services. Perform this step to ensure that you are not deleting active
services on the source. If the service does appear in the list, then do not proceed
with the next steps; instead, contact your Oracle Support representative.

4. Connect to the container and delete the service causing the conflict.
$ cd <19chome>
$ source <cdb_sid>_<hostname>.env
$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"
$ alter session set container="<PDB NAME>";

5. Repeat the backup and restore operation that originally failed:

1. Recreate the backup by running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup
Module or running the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Create Backup

2. Use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced Provisioning to

provision your new environment.

Additional Patches for the Internal Concurrent Manager

You might see issues regarding Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) startup failure after
provisioning in 12.1.3 environments. You should apply the following patches and
restart Concurrent Manager Services:
• Patch 31081204:R12.TXK.B [https:/​/​updates.oracle.com/​download/​31081204.html]

• Patch 27091621:R12.FND.B [https:/​/​updates.oracle.com/​download/​27091621.html]

What's Next
After the environment is successfully provisioned, perform any necessary post-
provisioning steps and access your environment following the instructions provided in
Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks, page 9-23.

Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks

After you provision or clone an environment, you must perform some tasks to
configure access and secure the environment. You may also need to perform other tasks
depending on your Oracle E-Business Suite release, Oracle Database release, and the
cloud service on which the database tier resides. These tasks apply for new
environments created through either One-Click Provisioning or Advanced
Provisioning, for environments created from a backup through Advanced Provisioning,
and for environments created through cloning in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-23

Note: You can optionally use the Extensibility Framework to automate
some of these tasks by adding them to custom provisioning and cloning
job definitions. See Set Up the Extensibility Framework, page 8-9.

• Implement Workaround for Oracle Databases on Exadata Database Service

Dedicated (Conditionally Required), page 9-25

• Implement Workaround for PDB Violations in Databases on Exadata Database

Service Dedicated (Conditionally Required), page 9-25

• Implement Workaround for Oracle Databases on Base Database Service DB Systems

(Conditionally Required), page 9-26

• Update Profile Options (Conditionally Required), page 9-26

• Update Web Entry Host and Domain Name (Conditionally Required), page 9-27

• Upload TLS Certificate (Conditionally Required) , page 9-28

• Manually Enable TLS When Using Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) as an

Alternate Termination Point (Conditionally Required) , page 9-34

• Enable TLS for Manually Configured Load Balancer (Conditionally Required), page

• Manually Enable TLS When Using Oracle HTTP Server on the Application Tier
Node as the Web Entry Point (Conditionally Required), page 9-38

• Manually Configure Firewall When Using Oracle HTTP Server or an On-Premises

Load Balancer as the Web Entry Point (Conditionally Required), page 9-39

• Configure Security and Firewall Rules for Secure Access to the Fusion Middleware
Control and WebLogic Server Administration Console (Conditionally Required),
page 9-40

• Set EBS_SYSTEM Password (Conditionally Required), page 9-41

• Enable and Set Oracle E-Business Account Passwords (Conditionally Required),

page 9-42

• Apply Oracle E-Business Suite and Database Patches (Conditionally Required),

page 9-43

• Configure Enterprise Command Centers after One-Click Provisioning

(Conditionally Required), page 9-44

9-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Review Secure Configuration Recommendations for Oracle E-Business Suite
(Conditionally Required), page 9-45

Implement Workaround for Oracle Databases on Exadata Database

Service Dedicated (Conditionally Required):
This workaround resolves a known issue that impacts SQL*Net configuration files on
secondary nodes. The steps in this section are required only for a provisioned
environment with the database on an Exadata Database Service Dedicated instance with
Oracle Database Release
1. Identify the private IP address of each secondary Exadata Database Service
Dedicated node from the Exadata Database Service Dedicated console.

2. Perform steps 3-8 for all secondary Exadata Database Service Dedicated nodes.

3. While logged in to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM as the oracle
user, use ssh to connect to the secondary Exadata Database Service Dedicated

4. Obtain the ORACLE_HOME details from the oratab file:

$ cat /etc/oratab

5. Source the environment file:

$ source <SID>_<HOSTNAME>.env

6. Navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin

7. Using a text editor such as vi, edit the sqlnet.ora file. First, delete all existing
lines from the sqlnet.ora file. Then add the following line:

8. Create a listener.ora file with a text editor such as vi, and add the following

Implement Workaround for PDB Violations in Databases on Exadata

Database Service Dedicated (Conditionally Required):
This workaround resolves a known issue for PDB violations in databases on Exadata
Database Service Dedicated. The steps in this section are required only for an
environment with the database on an Exadata Database Service Dedicated instance with
Oracle Database Release
1. First, run the following command:

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-25

select name,cause from PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS where type='ERROR' and

2. Review the output from the command in the previous step and make a note of any
rows for a PDB that is not part of your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.

3. Then delete the rows for any PDB that is not part of your Oracle E-Business Suite
instance, using the following command:
delete from PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS where type='ERROR' and
name <>'PDB$SEED';

Implement Workaround for Oracle Databases on Base Database Service

DB Systems (Conditionally Required):
This workaround is required only for a provisioned environment with the database on a
Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System.
1. On the database node, run the following in order to obtain the database
unique_name value:
$ source <cdb>.env
$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"
SQL>show parameter unique;

The output displayed after entering the show parameter unique command is
the unique_name value you should record for use in the next step.

2. Using the unique_name from the previous step, update the <pdb>_ebs_patch
service in the spfile as shown:
$ source <cdb>.env
$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"
SQL>alter system set service_names='<unique_name>', '<PDB_SID>
_ebs_patch' scope=both;

Update Profile Options (Conditionally Required):

If you provision an environment as part of a lift and shift process, then profile options,
which impact the way your application looks and behaves, are carried over from the on-
premises Oracle E-Business Suite environment to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Profile options are handled in various ways by the automated lift and shift process
through the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module and Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager.
• Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager resets the site level and server level values
of some instance-specific profile options containing a web entry point to match the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure deployment. For example, the
APPS_FRAMEWORK_AGENT profile option value is set to the web entry point
that you chose in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Advanced

9-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Provisioning UI.

• Other profile option settings, including those at the user level and responsibility
level, are preserved at their original on-premises values. The Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Backup Module generates a report of the existing user level values for
some commonly used profile options containing URLs that you must manually
reset. This report is located in the
/u01/install/APPS/apps/appsinfo/appsinfo.txt file on the target
system. The report includes the following profile options: APPS_WEB_AGENT,

Review all the profile options in your newly provisioned environment and modify them
as required to reflect your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration.
For more information about the use of profile options in Oracle E-Business Suite, see
User Profiles and Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library [https:/​/​docs.
oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.122/​e22953/​T174296T202994.htm], Oracle E-Business Suite
Setup Guide.

Update Web Entry Host and Domain Name (Conditionally Required):

When you provision an Oracle E-Business Suite environment with One-Click
Provisioning, the environment is automatically configured to use the application tier
node as the web entry point, with Transport Layer Security (TLS) enabled for inbound
HTTP traffic. The login URL is automatically generated in the format <instance
name>.example.com, and the listener for the Oracle HTTP Server for the application
tier is associated by default with a self-signed TLS certificate generated by Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager.
With the simplified preset topology used in One-Click Provisioning, you cannot specify
a different host and domain for the web entry point during provisioning. However, you
can use the steps in this section to update the host and domain for the web entry point
after provisioning is complete.
Note that if you plan to replace the self-signed certificate generated by Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager with a certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA),
then you must follow the steps in this section to change the domain name before you
request the certificate, because you cannot obtain a certificate from a CA for the
demonstration example.com domain.
If you provisioned an environment with Advanced Provisioning, you can also
optionally use the steps in this section to update the host and domain for the web entry
point if you need to change these values from those you initially specified during
To update the host and domain, perform the following steps.
1. Using a text editor such as vi, update the following variables in the context file on

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-27

all application tier nodes.
• s_webentryhost - Set the value for this variable to the new web entry host
you want to use.

• s_webentrydomain - Set the value for this variable to the new web entry
domain you want to use.

• s_external_url - Update the value for this variable to use the new web
entry host and domain that you specified in the s_webentryhost and
s_webentrydomain variables. Do not change any other parts of the URL
value. The full new value should be in the following form:

• s_login_page - Update the value for this variable to use the new web entry
host and domain that you specified in the s_webentryhost and
s_webentrydomain variables. Do not change any other parts of the URL
value. The full new value should be in the following form:

2. If you are finished updating the context file, then you should now run AutoConfig
on all application tier nodes. See Using AutoConfig Tools for System Configuration
htm#6237534], Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

Note: If you plan to make additional changes in the context file in

order to configure TLS, according to the instructions in later
sections in this chapter, then you can defer running AutoConfig
until you are instructed to do so in those sections. In this case, you
can skip this step and the following step. Instead, proceed to the
next task, Upload TLS Certificate, page 9-28.

3. After running AutoConfig, on all application tier nodes, stop and restart all services
by running the adstpall.sh script and the adstrtal.sh script.

Upload TLS Certificate (Conditionally Required) :

Perform the steps in this section to upload a certificate if you enabled or plan to enable
Transport Layer Security (TLS) for your environment.
TLS is enabled during provisioning if you used One-Click Provisioning, which
automatically configures the application tier node as the web entry point with the https
protocol, or if you used Advanced Provisioning and you chose either New Load
Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer, or Application Tier Node as the web entry

9-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

type and you chose the https protocol. In this case Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager configures your environment to encrypt inbound HTTP traffic with TLS. The
initial configuration uses a self-signed certificate generated by Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager. It is mandatory that you replace this certificate with a TLS certificate
issued by a certificate authority (CA) or your own self-signed certificate generated
using the web entry host for your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
If you did not enable TLS during provisioning, you can enable it manually as a post-
provisioning step. TLS is not enabled during provisioning if you used Advanced
Provisioning and you chose either New Load Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load
Balancer, or Application Tier Node as the web entry type and you chose the http
protocol. As a prerequisite for enabling TLS, you must obtain and upload a TLS
certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA) or generate and upload your own self-
signed certificate using the web entry host for your Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
Additionally, if you are using an on-premises load balancer and you chose Manually
Configured Load Balancer as the web entry type, you can enable TLS manually as a
post-provisioning step. To do so, you must upload a TLS certificate as required for your
load balancer.

New Load Balancer (LBaaS) or Use OCI Load Balancer

If you configured TLS using LBaaS during provisioning or will manually perform this
configuration, perform the following steps to upload your certificate.
1. Obtain a TLS certificate valid for the name of the web entry host for your Oracle E-
Business Suite instance, or generate a self-signed certificate. The web entry host
name is formed by combining the values of the application tier context variables
s_webentryhost and s_webentrydomain.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a public IP address but does not provide a
public host name, so you should ensure that appropriate DNS entries are present to
resolve the web entry host name to the public IP address.
If you changed the web entry host and domain for your environment in the
previous section, ensure that you use the new host, domain, and URL when you
request or generate a certificate.

2. If you are using a self-signed certificate that you generated yourself, ensure that you
import the certificate to the JDK trust stores.
• For Release 12.2, see Section 5.3: Configure Loopback and Outbound
Connections, Step 3, in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:/​/​support.oracle.

• For Release 12.1, see Section 5.3: Configure Loopback and Outbound
Connections, Step 3, in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 376700.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:/​/​support.oracle.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-29

Note: If your environment was created from a backup, and the
backup included an existing wallet in the
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil directory, then that wallet is preserved
in the newly deployed environment. In this case, perform the
following steps to import your self-signed certificate manually in
the database tier node. These steps replace Section 5.3.2: Database
Tier Setup in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:/​/​support.
oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1], or Section 5.3.2: Database
Truststore Configuration in My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.1 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1].
1. Copy the required zone certificate from /var/www/files/
<env_name>/CACertificate_<env>_<zone>.crt to the
scripts_dir directory in the database node.

2. Source the database environment file.

3. Navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/wallet

cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/wallet

4. If you know the password for the existing wallet and you want
to add your self-signed certificate to that wallet, use the
following command to add the certificate:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet . -
trusted_cert -cert

5. If you do not want to use the existing wallet, you can create a
new wallet and add the certificate to that wallet instead, using
the following steps:
• Take a backup of the existing wallet.

• Create a new wallet using the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet create -wallet .

• Add your self-signed certificate to the new wallet using the

following command:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet . -
trusted_cert -cert
<CERTIFICATE_FILE_FULL_PATH> -auto_login_only;

9-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

3. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. From the navigation menu, select
Networking >Load Balancers, and then select the load balancer you want to

4. Add your certificate bundle to the load balancer. See To upload an SSL certificate
bundle to your load balancing system [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
com/​iaas/​Content/​Balance/​Tasks/​managingcertificates.htm#add] in the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Services documentation.
If you have multiple certificates that form a single certification chain, such as one or
more intermediate certificates together with a root certificate, then you must
include all relevant certificates in one file before you upload them to the system. See
"Uploading Certificate Chains" in the section Working with SSL Certificates [https:
htm#working] in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services documentation.

5. If you chose the https protocol for LBaaS during Advanced Provisioning, and the
load balancer listener is using the self-signed certificate generated by Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager, then you should now update the certificate. To do
so, on the Load Balancer page, click the Listeners link in the Resources menu. Click
the Actions icon (three dots) for your listener, and select Edit from the context
menu. In the Edit Listener pop-up, select the certificate bundle that you added in
step 4 in the Certificate Name field. Then click Save Changes, and wait for the
listener to be updated. See To edit a listener [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
com/​iaas/​Content/​Balance/​Tasks/​managinglisteners.htm#edit] in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Services documentation.

Manually Configured Load Balancer

If you are using an on-premises load balancer, follow the instructions from your vendor
to create and upload a certificate.

Application Tier Node

If you configured TLS at the application tier layer during provisioning, perform the
following steps to upload your certificate. TLS is configured at the application tier layer
in the following cases:
• You used One-Click Provisioning to deploy your environment, which automatically
configures the application tier node as the web entry point with the https protocol.

• You used Advanced Provisioning to deploy your environment and you chose
Application Tier Node as the web entry type with the https protocol.

Note: If you plan to configure TLS at the application tier layer

manually, you will perform the certificate steps as part of that
configuration instead in the task Manually Enable TLS When Using
Oracle HTTP Server on the Application Tier Node as the Web Entry

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-31

Point, page 9-38.

1. Obtain a TLS certificate valid for the name of the web entry host for your Oracle E-
Business Suite instance, or generate a self-signed certificate. The web entry host
name is formed by combining the values of the application tier context variables
s_webentryhost and s_webentrydomain.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a public IP address but does not provide a
public host name, so you should ensure that appropriate DNS entries are present to
resolve the web entry host name to the public IP address.
If you changed the web entry host and domain for your environment in the
previous section, ensure that you use the new host, domain, and URL when you
request or generate a certificate. Note that if you deployed your environment with
One-Click Provisioning and you plan to request a certificate from a CA, you must
ensure that you have changed the domain name from the default example.com
domain before you request the certificate, because you cannot obtain a certificate
from a CA for the demonstration example.com domain.

2. If you are using a self-signed certificate that you generated yourself, ensure that you
import the certificate to the JDK trust stores.
• For Release 12.2, see Section 5.3: Configure Loopback and Outbound
Connections, Step 3, in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:/​/​support.oracle.

• For Release 12.1, see Section 5.3: Configure Loopback and Outbound
Connections, Step 3, in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 376700.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:/​/​support.oracle.

Note: If your environment was created from a backup, and the

backup included an existing wallet in the
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil directory, then that wallet is preserved
in the newly deployed environment. In this case, perform the
following steps to import your self-signed certificate manually in
the database tier node. These steps replace Section 5.3.2: Database
Tier Setup in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:/​/​support.
oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1], or Section 5.3.2: Database
Truststore Configuration in My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.1 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1].

9-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

1. Copy the required zone certificate from /var/www/files/
<env_name>/CACertificate_<env>_<zone>.crt to the
scripts_dir directory in the database node.

2. Source the database environment file.

3. Navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/wallet

cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/wallet

4. If you know the password for the existing wallet and you want
to add your self-signed certificate to that wallet, use the
following command to add the certificate:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet . -
trusted_cert -cert

5. If you do not want to use the existing wallet, you can create a
new wallet and add the certificate to that wallet instead, using
the following steps:
• Take a backup of the existing wallet.

• Create a new wallet using the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet create -wallet .

• Add your self-signed certificate to the new wallet using the

following command:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet add -wallet . -
trusted_cert -cert
<CERTIFICATE_FILE_FULL_PATH> -auto_login_only;

3. Upload your certificate to replace the initial certificate generated by Oracle E-

Business Suite Cloud Manager.
• For Release 12.2, see Section 8: Renewing Expired Certificates in My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1].

• For Release 12.1, see Section 8: Renew Revoked or Expired Certificates in My

Oracle Support Knowledge Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1]

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-33

Manually Enable TLS When Using Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) as
an Alternate Termination Point (Conditionally Required) :
We highly recommend that you configure your environment to encrypt inbound HTTP
traffic with Transport Layer Security (TLS). The steps in this section are applicable in
either of the following cases:
• You used Advanced Provisioning to deploy an environment using Load Balancer as
a Service (LBaaS) as the web entry point and you did not enable Transport Layer
Security (TLS) during provisioning. That is, you chose New Load Balancer (LBaaS)
or Use OCI Load Balancer as the web entry type, and you chose the http protocol
for the web entry point.

• You manually configured LBaaS but did not yet configure TLS.

We highly recommend that you perform the steps in this section to offload the
encryption to the LBaaS and configure Oracle E-Business Suite to use HTTPS (HTTP
over TLS).
Note that the configuration described here terminates TLS at the load balancer; that is,
TLS is used only for communication between the client and the load balancer.
Communication between the load balancer and the Oracle E-Business Suite instance
does not use TLS. See "Terminating SSL at the Load Balancer" in the section Configuring
SSL Handling [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Balance/​Tasks/​managingcertificates.htm#configuringSSLhandling] in
the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services documentation.
If you used Advanced Provisioning and chose to deploy LBaaS with the https protocol,
you can also optionally perform the relevant steps in this section to update the port for
the load balancer listener if you need to change this value from the port you initially
specified during provisioning.
To manually enable TLS in an environment that uses LBaaS as an alternate termination
point, perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that you have obtained and uploaded a certificate according to the steps in
Upload TLS Certificate, page 9-28.

2. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. From the navigation menu, select
Networking >Load Balancers, and then select the load balancer you want to

3. On the Load Balancer page, click the Listeners link in the Resources menu. Click
the Actions icon (three dots) for your listener, and select Edit from the context

4. Edit the load balancer listener to enable TLS. Enter the port to use for secure
communication, such as 443. Then check the Use SSL option and specify the
certificate name. See To edit a listener [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.

9-34 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

com/​iaas/​Content/​Balance/​Tasks/​managinglisteners.htm#edit] in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Services documentation.

5. Using a text editor such as vi, verify or update the following variables in the context
file on all application tier nodes for your environment.
• s_webentryurlprotocol - Set the value for this variable to https.

• s_url_protocol - Set the value for this variable to http.

• s_enable_sslterminator - Remove any value set for this variable; that is,
the value should be left blank.

• s_active_webport - Set the value for this variable to the port you specified
for the load balancer listener, such as 443.

• s_external_url - Update the value for this variable to use the https
protocol and the port you specified for the load balancer listener. The full new
value should be in the following form:
https ://<web_entry_host>.<web_entry_domain>:
If you are using the default HTTPS port 443, then you should omit the colon
separator and the port from this URL. That is, if you are using port 443, then
the value should be in the following form:
https ://<web_entry_host>.<web_entry_domain>

• s_login_page - Update the value for this variable to use the https protocol
and the port you specified for the load balancer listener. The full new value
should be in the following form:
https ://<web_entry_host>.<web_entry_domain>:
If you are using the default HTTPS port 443, then you should omit the colon
separator and the port from this URL. That is, if you are using port 443, then
the value should be in the following form:
https ://<web_entry_host>.<web_entry_domain>

For more information, see Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12.2 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1375686.1], My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 1375686.1 or Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.0 and 12.1 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=380489.1], My
Oracle Support Knowledge Document 380489.1.
Additionally, ensure you have set other context file variables as needed for using
the load balancer as the TLS termination point.
• For Release 12.2, see the "Changes When Using a TLS Termination Point Other

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-35

than OHS" table in Section 9: Alternate TLS Termination Point from My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1].

• For Release 12.1, see the "Changes When Using a TLS Termination Point Other
than OHS" table in Section 9: Alternate TLS Termination Point from My Oracle
Support Knowledge Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12.1 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1].

If you are running Oracle HTTP Server on a privileged port - that is, a port number
below 1024 - then you must perform additional configuration steps. See Running
Oracle HTTP Server on a Privileged Port in Managing Configuration of Oracle HTTP
Server and Web Application Services in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1905593.1], My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1905593.1. For more information, see Enabling Oracle HTTP Server to
Run as Root for Ports Set to Less Than 1024 (UNIX Only) [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
com/​cd/​E28280_01/​core.1111/​e10105/​ports.htm#BABHCHGA], Oracle Fusion
Middleware Administrator's Guide and Starting Oracle HTTP Server on a Privileged
Port [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E28280_01/​web.1111/​e10144/​getstart.
htm#BEHDHFGE] , Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle HTTP

6. Run AutoConfig on all application tier nodes. See Using AutoConfig Tools for
System Configuration [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.
122/​e22953/​T174296T589913.htm#6237534], Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

7. On all application tier nodes, stop and restart all services by running the
adstpall.sh script and the adstrtal.sh script.

8. If necessary, update the security lists for the load balancer subnets by adding a
security rule that allows inbound communication on the port you specified for the
load balancer listener, from the clients from which you will access the Oracle E-
Business Suite URL. See Working with Security Lists [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
com/​iaas/​Content/​Network/​Concepts/​securitylists.htm#working]. This step is
required only if you updated the port for the load balancer listener; that is, if you
chose the http protocol for LBaaS during Advanced Provisioning, or if you chose
the https protocol for LBaaS during Advanced Provisioning but used the preceding
steps to change the port from the port specified during provisioning.
In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, open the security list for the load
balancer and add a new entry under Allow rules for ingress with the following
• Source CIDR - The CIDR block for your on-premises network that includes the
relevant clients

• Protocol - TCP

9-36 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Destination Port Range - The port you specified for the load balancer secure
communication, such as 443

Repeat these steps for each load balancer subnet.

Enable TLS for Manually Configured Load Balancer (Conditionally

The steps in this section are applicable if you used Advanced Provisioning to deploy an
environment and chose Manually Configured Load Balancer as the web entry type.
These steps apply whether you chose http or https as the protocol for the web entry
We highly recommend that you perform the steps in this section to perform the
necessary encryption. First, encrypt the traffic between the client and the load balancer.
Next, encrypt the traffic between the load balancer and the Oracle HTTP Server. After
the encryption setup is complete, configure the Oracle E-Business Suite web entry point.
1. Encrypt the traffic from the client to the load balancer by performing the
configuration for an alternate TLS termination point for your Oracle E-Business
Suite release.
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1], Section 9: Alternate TLS
Termination Point > Alternate TLS Termination Point other than OHS.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1], Section 9: Alternate TLS
Termination Point > Alternate TLS Termination Point other than OHS.

2. Encrypt the traffic between the load balancer and the Oracle HTTP Server.
• If you have VPN set up between your on-premises network and Oracle Cloud,
then you can optionally set up TLS end-to-end, or you can skip this setup and
go to the next step 3.

• If you do not have VPN set up between your on-premises network and Oracle
Cloud, then we highly recommend that you set up TLS end-to-end.

To set up TLS end-to-end, perform the appropriate configuration for your Oracle E-
Business Suite release.
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1], Section 9: Alternate TLS
Termination Point > End-to-End TLS.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-37

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1], Section 9: Alternate TLS
Termination Point > End-to-End TLS.

3. You can now configure access to the Oracle E-Business Suite web entry point. To do
so, perform the steps in Manually Configure Firewall When Using Oracle HTTP
Server or an On-Premises Load Balancer as the Web Entry Point, page 9-39.

Manually Enable TLS When Using Oracle HTTP Server on the Application
Tier Node as the Web Entry Point (Conditionally Required):
The steps in this section are applicable if you used Advanced Provisioning to deploy an
environment using Oracle HTTP Server as the web entry point, without using a load
balancer, and you did not enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) during provisioning.
That is, you chose Application Tier Node as the web entry type and you chose the http
protocol for the web entry point. In this case we highly recommend that you perform
the following steps to encrypt the traffic between the client and the Oracle HTTP Server.
After the encryption setup is complete, you must configure the Oracle E-Business Suite
web entry point.
1. Prepare the environment by applying the prerequisites for your Oracle E-Business
Suite release.
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1], Section 5.1: Apply Required
Updates and Patches.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1], Section 5.1: Apply Required
Updates and Patches.

2. Encrypt the traffic from the client to the Oracle HTTP Server by performing the
configuration for inbound connections for your Oracle E-Business Suite release.
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=1367293.1], Section 5.2: Configure
Inbound Connections.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, see My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 376700.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=376700.1], Section 5.2: Configure Inbound

9-38 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

3. You can now configure access to the Oracle E-Business Suite web entry point. To do
so, perform the steps in Manually Configure Firewall When Using Oracle HTTP
Server or an On-Premises Load Balancer as the Web Entry Point, page 9-39.

Manually Configure Firewall When Using Oracle HTTP Server or an On-

Premises Load Balancer as the Web Entry Point (Conditionally Required):
Perform the steps in this section to configure the required firewall rules if you are using
Oracle HTTP Server or an on-premises load balancer as the web entry point. These steps
apply if you used one of the following deployment options:
• You used One-Click Provisioning to deploy your environment, which automatically
configures the application tier node as the web entry type.

• You used Advanced Provisioning to deploy your environment and chose either
Application Tier Node or Manually Configured Load Balancer as the web entry

We recommend limiting access to a specific CIDR range.

1. First, on all application tier nodes, create firewall rules that allow inbound
communication to the web entry port from the clients from which you will access
the Oracle E-Business Suite URL. To do so, log on to the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure instance that hosts your Oracle E-Business Suite environment, using
SSH. See Connecting to an Instance [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
Then switch to the root user:
$ sudo su -
Run the following commands to create the required firewall rules:
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4
source address=<source_CIDR_range> port port=<web_entry_port>
protocol=tcp accept' --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4
source address=<source_CIDR_range> port port=<web_entry_port>
protocol=tcp accept'

In these commands, replace <source_CIDR_range> with the set of IP addresses

from which you will access the Oracle E-Business Suite URL. Replace
<web_entry_port> with the appropriate port, for example 4443.
Run the following command to restart the firewall to activate the changes:
# sudo systemctl restart firewalld

Run the following command to verify the current firewall settings:

# firewall-cmd --list-all

2. Next, update the security list for the subnet that contains the application tier nodes
by adding a security rule that allows inbound communication on the web entry port
from the clients from which you will access the Oracle E-Business Suite URL. See

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-39

Working with Security Lists [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, open the security list for the application
tier subnet and add a new entry under Allow rules for ingress with the following
• Source CIDR - The CIDR block for your on-premises network that includes the
relevant clients, as specified in your firewall rules

• Protocol - TCP

• Destination Port Range - The web entry port, for example 443

Configure Security and Firewall Rules for Secure Access to the Fusion
Middleware Control and WebLogic Server Administration Console
(Conditionally Required):
The steps in this section are required only for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
Administration of the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g components delivered with
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, including Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle
WebLogic Server, requires secure access to the WebLogic Server administration ports
running on the Oracle E-Business Suite primary application tier node. Ports 7001 and
7002 are the default WebLogic Server administration ports for the dual file system with
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. The examples in this section use these default
ports. If you have configured different port numbers, change the port numbers in the
instructions to match the port numbers for your environment.
When you create an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure, you should create a security rule and firewall rules that allow inbound
communication on the WebLogic Server administration ports on the primary
application tier node from the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM. These rules
are required as a prerequisite so that a system administrator can securely access the
administration ports and the Fusion Middleware Control and WebLogic Server
Administration Console. See Access the Fusion Middleware Control and WebLogic
Server Administration Console with SSH Port Forwarding for Oracle E-Business Suite
on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, page 11-4.
Perform the following steps to configure the required security rule and firewall rules:
1. Update the security list for the primary application tier node by adding a security
rule that allows inbound communication on ports 7001 and 7002 from the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager VM. See Working with Security Lists [https:/​/​docs.
In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, open the security list for the Oracle E-
Business Suite application tier subnet and add a new entry under Allow rules for
ingress with the following properties:

9-40 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Source CIDR - The CIDR for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM

• Protocol - TCP

• Destination Port Range - 7001-7002

2. Create firewall rules on the primary application tier node that allow inbound
communication on ports 7001 and 7002 from the subnet that contains the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager VM. First, log on to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
instance that hosts your Oracle E-Business Suite environment, using SSH. See
Connecting to an Instance [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
Then switch to the root user:
$ sudo su -

Run the following commands to create the required firewall rules:

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4
source address=<EBS_Cloud_Admin_Tool_VM_CIDR> port port=7001
protocol=tcp accept' --permanent ;
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4
source address=<EBS_Cloud_Admin_Tool_VM_CIDR>port port=7002
protocol=tcp accept' --permanent ;
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4
source address=<EBS_Cloud_Admin_Tool_VM_CIDR> port port=7001
protocol=tcp accept';
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule 'rule family=ipv4
source address=<EBS_Cloud_Admin_Tool_VM_CIDR> port port=7002
protocol=tcp accept';

Run the following command to restart the firewall to activate the changes:
# sudo systemctl restart firewalld

Run the following command to verify the current firewall settings:

# firewall-cmd --list-all

Set EBS_SYSTEM Password (Conditionally Required):

The steps in this section are required only for an environment created from a backup if
the following patches were present in the source system used to create the backup:
• R12.AD.C.Delta.13 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.13, or a later version of the AD and TXK
release update packs

• The EBS System Schema Migration Completion Patch, Patch 32573930

Among other changes, the R12.AD.C.Delta.13 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.13 release update

packs introduce a new schema named EBS_SYSTEM. By default, Oracle Advanced
Provisioning sets the password for the EBS_SYSTEM schema to the same value as the
password for the SYSTEM schema. After Advanced Provisioning is complete, you
should set the password for the EBS_SYSTEM schema to a new value.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-41

To reset the password for the EBS_SYSTEM schema, perform the following steps on the
database node.
1. Source the database environment file.
• For a multitenant 12c or 19c database, use the following commands to source
the environment file:
$ source <ORACLE_HOME>/<CDB SID>_<hostname>.env

• For a non-multitenant 11g or 12c database, use the following commands to

source the environment file:
$ source <CONTEXT_NAME>.env

2. Run the following commands:

$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL>alter user EBS_SYSTEM identified by "<new password>";

Enable and Set Oracle E-Business Account Passwords (Conditionally

In Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Release 22.2.1 and later, the One-Click
Provisioning and Advanced Provisioning pages prompt you to specify a new APPS user
password, and, in the case of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, a new WebLogic
Server password.
The additional steps in this section are required only for a new environment, or for a
cloned environment if the steps were not previously performed on the source
environment. To ensure your environment is adequately protected, you must change
your Oracle E-Business Suite account passwords.
If you created your environment from a backup, you can skip this section.
1. Log on to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instance that hosts your Oracle E-
Business Suite environment.

2. Switch user from the opc user to the oracle user using the following command:
$ sudo su - oracle

3. Set the environment using the appropriate command for your Oracle E-Business
Suite release:
• Release 12.2
$ . /u01/install/APPS/EBSapps.env run

• Release 12.1.3
$ . /u01/install/APPS/apps_st/appl/APPS_<CONTEXT_NAME>.env run

4. Download Patch 24831241 to obtain scripts to enable the SYSADMIN user and to

9-42 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

enable demo users in a VISION demo environment.
Download Patch 24831241 [https:/​/​updates.oracle.com/​download/​24831241.html] to
the $PATCH_TOP directory and unzip the patch using the following commands:
$ unzip p24831241_R12_GENERIC.zip -d /u01/install/APPS/scripts/

5. To log in through the web interface, you must initially set a password of your
choice for the SYSADMIN user. After the SYSADMIN user is active with the new
password, you can create new users or activate existing locked users. To enable the
SYSADMIN user, run the following commands:
$ mkdir -p ~/logs
$ cd ~/logs
$ sh /u01/install/APPS/scripts/enableSYSADMIN.sh

When prompted, enter a new password for the SYSADMIN user.

The SYSADMIN user can now connect to Oracle E-Business Suite through the web
interface and create new users or activate existing locked users.

6. For a VISION demo environment, you can run another script to unlock a set of 36
application users that are typically used when demonstrating Oracle E-Business
using the VISION database. Run this script with the same environment as when
running the enableSYSADMIN.sh script. To enable the demo users, run the
following commands:
$ cd ~/logs
$ sh /u01/install/APPS/scripts/enableDEMOusers.sh

When prompted, enter a new password.

Do not run this script on a fresh or production environment.

For details about the default passwords set during installation, see:
• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Default passwords for application user
accounts [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.122/​e22950/​T422699g54568.
htm#ig_default_pwds], Standard Installation, Oracle E-Business Suite Installation
Guide: Using Rapid Install Release 12.2 (12.2.0)

• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1: Change Default Passwords [https:/​/​docs.

oracle.com/​cd/​E18727_01/​doc.121/​e12842/​T422699i4783.htm#T422735], Oracle E-
Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install Release 12.1 (12.1.1)

Apply Oracle E-Business Suite and Database Patches (Conditionally

If you provisioned your environment from a backup of an existing on-premises
environment, then you must now apply any additional patches required for your
release level and database tier. For a cloned environment or an environment
provisioned from a backup of a Cloud environment, these steps are required only if you
did not already apply these patches on the source environment.

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-43

1. Apply the Oracle E-Business Suite patches required for your release.
• Release 12.2.9, 12.2.8, 12.2.7, or 12.2.6 - Patch 24300571:12.2.0 [https:/​/​updates.

• Release 12.2.5 - Patch 24300571:12.2.0 [https:/​/​updates.oracle.

com/​download/​24300571.html] and Patch 23560508:R12.MSC.C [https:

• Release 12.2.4 - Patch 24300571:12.2.0 [https:/​/​updates.oracle.

com/​download/​24300571.html] and Patch 23588491:R12.MSC.C [https:

• Release 12.2.3 - Patch 24300571:12.2.0 [https:/​/​updates.oracle.

com/​download/​24300571.html] and Patch 23588492:R12.MSC.C [https:

• Release 12.1.3 - For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 on Oracle Database
Release only, you must apply interoperability Patch 25859639:12.1.0
[https:/​/​updates.oracle.com/​download/​25859639.html] on the application tier.

2. This step is required only if your new database tier is on Base Database Service 1-
Node or 2-Node DB System or Exadata Database Service Dedicated. Apply one-off
database patches per the following:
• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, ETCC recommended database patches
have been applied as part of the automated provisioning process. If you applied
any additional one-off database patches beyond those recommended by ETCC
to the source on-premises database, then you must now reapply those
additional one-off patches to your new Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-
Node DB System or Exadata Database Service Dedicated database.

• For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1, if you applied any one-off database
patches to the source on-premises database, then you must now reapply those
one-off patches to your new Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB
System or Exadata Database Service Dedicated database.

If your database tier is on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute VM, then you
do not need to reapply any one-off database patches.

Configure Enterprise Command Centers after One-Click Provisioning

(Conditionally Required):
If you create an environment with One-Click Provisioning and you want to use
Enterprise Command Centers in that environment, perform the following configuration
1. Update the source system URL.

9-44 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Log into your Oracle E-Business Suite environment as the sysadmin user, and
select the ECC Developer responsibility.

• Select Source System in the navigation pane of the Oracle Enterprise Command
Center Framework administration UI.

• In the Source System Definition page, enter your Oracle E-Business Suite login
URL in the Source System URL field. For more information on the login URL,
see User Access, page 11-2.

2. Initially, the Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework installation includes

data only for the Oracle Assets Command Center (FA). Before you can access an
Enterprise Command Center dashboard for any other products, you must perform
a full load of the product-specific data into the Oracle Enterprise Command Center
Framework installation.
• Ensure that the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM can access the
Oracle E-Business Suite login URL by either configuring a DNS entry for the
Oracle E-Business Suite host name or updating the local hosts file on the VM.
See User Access, page 11-2.

• Run the data load concurrent program for your product as listed in Loading
Product Data to Enterprise Command Centers, Installing Oracle Enterprise
Command Center Framework, Release 12.2 [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?
type=doc&id=2495053.1], My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2495053.1.
For more details about each data load program, see your product-specific
Enterprise Command Center documentation.

Review Secure Configuration Recommendations for Oracle E-Business

Suite (Conditionally Required):
When you provision an environment or promote a standby environment, if the
environment is at one of the following code levels, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager initially places your Oracle E-Business Suite system in lockdown mode to
prompt you to review and respond to the secure configuration recommendations.
• Release 12.2.6 or the R12.ATG_PF.C.Delta.6 Release Update Pack or later

• Release 12.1.3

In this case, a system administrator must resolve or acknowledge the recommended

security configurations in the Secure Configuration Console to unlock the system for
normal usage. To access this console, a user must have a responsibility that includes the
Applications System (OAM_APP_SYSTEM) function privilege, such as the seeded
System Administration or System Administrator responsibilities, and must be
registered as a local user with Oracle E-Business Suite. The administrator must log in to
Oracle E-Business Suite using the local login page (http(s)://[host]:[port]

Provision an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 9-45

/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp) to navigate to the console and unlock the system.
If a user with local system administrator privileges is not available, you can access the
Secure Configuration Console through a command line utility. For more information,
see Secure Configuration Console [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.
122/​e22952/​T156458T663583.htm], Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide or Secure
Configuration Console, Secure Configuration for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1
[https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=403537.1], My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 403537.1.

Additional Information: For more information on connecting to the

Oracle E-Business Suite login page, see User Access, page 11-2.

If your environment is at a Release 12.2 code level earlier than Release 12.2.6 or the R12.
ATG_PF.C.Delta.6 Release Update Pack, then the system will not be automatically
placed into lockdown mode. However, it is highly recommended that you do the
1. Review and comply with the secure configuration recommendations in the Secure
Configuration Console. See Secure Configuration Console [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.122/​e22952/​T156458T663583.htm], Oracle E-Business Suite
Security Guide.

2. Update to the latest ATG_PF Release Update Pack as soon as possible.

9-46 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview
• Prerequisites
• Review Discovery Requests
• Prepare for Discovery
• Submit a Discovery Request
• Review the Discovery Report
• Resubmit a Discovery Request
• Register a Compliant Environment
• Unregister an Environment
• Rediscover an Upgraded Environment

You can use the Discovery feature in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to register
Oracle E-Business Suite environments that follow our documented standards. The types
of environments you can discover include the following:
• Environments manually migrated from on-premises to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,
including those where the source environment was non-Linux.

• Environments initially deployed by Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, where

either Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle Database were upgraded.

• Environments whose configuration you have changed, such as by adding a load

balancer or adding or deleting a node.

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 10-1

The process for discovering your Oracle E-Business Suite instance is as follows:
1. Ensure all prerequisites are met.

2. Perform steps to prepare for discovering your environment.

3. Submit the Discovery request.

4. Review the resulting report and make any necessary changes to bring the
environment into compliance.

5. Register the environment once it passes all compliance checks.

Once your environment is registered, you can use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager to perform lifecycle management activities, such as backing up or restoring
your instance. For a full list of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager features, see
Features, page 1-1.
Note the following Discovery implementation details:
• Environments with a single application tier node will be registered as having a
shared file system.

• The zone names for environments with multiple zones will be set to
InternalZone<seqno> and ExternalZone<seqno> upon registration. For
example, the zones would be InternalZone1, InternalZone2, and
ExternalZone3 for an environment with two internal zones and one external

If your environment has any of the following characteristics, you cannot use the
Discovery feature at this time:
• The application tier and database tier are on a single virtual machine (VM), such as
an instance provisioned by the One-Click Provisioning feature.

• Your Compute instance is deployed on a dedicated virtual machine host.

• Your environment contains bare metal shapes.

The Discovery feature is introduced in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version

Note: Some earlier versions of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

provide scripts that you can use to unregister and rediscover
environments. For instructions on using these scripts, see Rediscover an
Upgraded Environment, page 10-9.

For details on performing the discovery process, see the following sections:

10-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Prerequisites, page 10-3

• Review Discovery Requests, page 10-3

• Prepare for Discovery, page 10-5

• Submit a Discovery Request, page 10-5

• Review the Discovery Report, page 10-7

• Resubmit a Discovery Request, page 10-8

• Register a Compliant Environment, page 10-8

• Unregister an Environment, page 10-8

• Rediscover an Upgraded Environment, page 10-9

You must have the following prerequisites in place in order to discover an Oracle E-
Business Suite environment in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:
• An Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance set up as described in Deploy
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, page 2-1.

• A candidate Oracle E-Business Suite instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with

optional database services that meets the following requirements:
• The instance must be certified according to Table 1 - Certified Combinations for
Linux x86-64 on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure of My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 2517025.1, Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=2517025.1].

• The instance must meet the standards described in My Oracle Support

Knowledge Document 2656874.1, Standards Used by the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager for Provisioning Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure [https:/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=2656874.1].

Review Discovery Requests

1. To review the discovery requests that have been submitted in Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager, click the Navigator icon, select Administration, and then
select Discovery.

2. The Discovery Requests page displays the discovery requests that have been

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 10-3

submitted in your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager instance, within the
compartment that is selected in the EBS Compartment field in the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager header. You can optionally enter a full or partial
value in the search field to display only requests whose properties contain that
value. You can search by the following properties shown in this page:
• Request name

• Environment name

The page also displays the status of the discovery job and the date and time the
request was submitted.

3. To submit a discovery request, first perform the tasks required to prepare your
environment for discovery, and then click Submit Discovery Request. See Prepare
for Discovery, page 10-5 and Submit a Discovery Request, page 10-5.

4. To review the job details for a discovery job, click the job status link for that request.
See Review Job Status, page 13-3.

5. To review the Discovery Report for a discovery request, click the View Discovery
Report icon in the Compliance column. See Review the Discovery Report, page 10-

6. To register an environment that meets all the standards for discovery, click the
Actions icon next to that request and then select Register Environment. See
Register a Compliant Environment, page 10-8.

7. To remove a discovery request for an environment that has not yet been registered,
click the Actions icon next to that request and then select Remove Discovery
Request. For example, you can remove a request if you no longer want to register
that environment.

Note: If you submit multiple discovery requests for an environment

as you prepare it for discovery, any superseded requests are
automatically removed when the environment is successfully
registered. However, the final successful discovery request for the
environment remains displayed in the Discovery Requests page
after the environment is registered, as a record of the environment's
history. You cannot remove that request unless you later unregister
the environment.

8. To review the environment details for a successfully registered environment, click

the environment name link. See Review Environment Details (Standard), page 11-

10-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Prepare for Discovery
Perform the following tasks to prepare to discover an environment.

Enable SSH Connectivity:

SSH connectivity must be enabled from the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
instance to all application tier and database tier nodes. To enable this connectivity, log
in to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM as the oracle user and copy the
contents of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the opc user
on all nodes that are part of the environment to be discovered.

Create a Network Profile:

As an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator, use Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager to create a network profile describing the network on which the
candidate Oracle E-Business Suite instance is deployed. This network profile includes
key network characteristics such as compartment, region, VCN, availability domain and
subnets. For detailed instructions, see Create a Network Profile, page 8-6.

Create a Stage Directory:

Create a directory on the database server to use as the database node stage directory.
The stage directory is a temporary storage directory used by the discovery process, and
must be writable by the oracle user. For example, /u01/install/APPS/stage.

Submit a Discovery Request

You can now submit a discovery request in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.
The discovery request process identifies the candidate environment to Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager. The Prevalidation phase ensures that prerequisites are
met, then the discovery check itself runs and generates a report which will validate
whether the environment meets predefined standards.
1. In Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, click the Navigator icon, select
Administration, and then select Discovery.

2. In the Discovery Requests page, click Submit Discovery Request.

3. In the Submit Discovery Request window, enter the following details:

1. Name - Enter a unique name for your discovery request. The name must meet
the following requirements:
• The name must contain no more than 50 characters.

• The first character cannot be a numeral.

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 10-5

• Special characters and spaces are not allowed.

2. EBS Compartment - Select the Oracle E-Business Suite compartment associated

with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources for the environment.

3. Network Profile - Select the network profile that contains the network
resources for the environment.

4. DB Node IP Address - Enter the private IP address of the database node for the
environment being discovered.

Note: For an Oracle RAC database, you can enter the private IP
address of any of the database nodes in this field.

5. DB Context File - Enter the full path for the database context file.

Note: For an Oracle RAC database, enter the context file

corresponding to the database node IP specified in DB Node IP

6. DB Node Stage Directory - Provide the stage directory location previously

created to store metadata gathered during the discovery job.

Note: For an Oracle RAC database, the stage directory should

be located on the database node IP specified in DB Node IP

7. APPS Password - Enter the APPS user password for the Oracle E-Business Suite
source environment.

8. Optionally, if the candidate Oracle E-Business Suite environment for discovery

is already configured with an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure load balancer, click
the Discover OCI Load Balancers toggle switch. Then, click Add to specify the
details of the load balancer and listener. An environment can have multiple
load balancers and zones associated with it.
If the candidate Oracle E-Business Suite Environment has an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure load balancer associated with it but you do not specify the load
balancer details when you submit the discovery request, or if the specified load
balancer and listener mappings do not match the environment's configuration,
then the web entry point identified by the discovery process is registered with a
default web entry type as follows:
• If the environment includes only one application tier node, then its web

10-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

entry type is set to Application Tier Node.

• If the environment includes multiple application tier nodes, then its web
entry type is set to Manually Configured Load Balancer.

You can unregister the environment and submit a new discovery request to
supply the corrected load balancer information.

4. Click Submit when you are ready to submit the request. Ensure that the EBS
Compartment field in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header is set to
the compartment associated with the request. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager then displays the request in the Discovery Requests page.

In the Discovery Requests page, your newly submitted request with an automatically
populated environment name appears. The request then goes through the Prevalidation
phase, which ensures that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager can locate the
environment and prerequisites are met. Refresh the page to view an updated job status.
You can click the status link to view the Job Details page. The Job Details page provides
an option to auto-refresh every 20 seconds as the various compliance checks are
performed and completed. Click the Auto Refresh toggle switch to enable and disable
this feature. See Review Job Status, page 13-3.
Once Prevalidation succeeds, the request status will change to Waiting for User
to Register Environment. At this point, you can review the Discovery Report and
ensure that all artifacts identified by this process are consistent with your environment.

Review the Discovery Report

To review the Discovery Report, navigate to the Discovery Requests page. Click the
View Discovery Report icon in the Compliance column associated with your
In the report, each row corresponds to a standard listed in My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 2656874.1, Standards Used by the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager for Provisioning Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:
/​/​support.oracle.com/​rs?type=doc&id=2656874.1]. Each row containing a standard
includes the following information:
• Expected Result

• Actual Result

• Status - Either a green check mark to indicate compliance or a red 'X' to indicate

• Explanation - For cases of non-compliance, a description of the standard that the

environment must meet.

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 10-7

Resubmit a Discovery Request
If the Discovery Report indicates that your environment does not meet the standards
for discovery, you can make the necessary changes and resubmit the discovery request.
To do so, click Submit Discovery Request in the Discovery Requests page. See Submit
a Discovery Request, page 10-5.
After you submit another request for the same environment, your initial request
appears in the Discovery Requests page with a status of Superseded by discover
request <environment name>.

Register a Compliant Environment

If the Discovery Report indicates that your environment meets the standards for
discovery, you can proceed to register your environment. An environment that is
compliant and ready to be registered appears with the status Waiting for User to
Register Environment.
Click the Actions icon and select Register Environment. In the Register Environment
window, enter the APPS user password and click Register.
The message Successfully submitted registration request appears on the
Discovery Requests page. The status then changes to Discovery Input
Validation in Progress.
After the registration completes, the status of the request changes to Discovery

Unregister an Environment
If an environment goes through a major change, you must unregister and rediscover the
environment in order to register the updates within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager. For example, you should unregister and reregister your environment in the
following scenarios:
• If you performed an Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade or an Oracle Database
upgrade. See Rediscover an Upgraded Environment, page 10-9.

• If you made a change to the environment configuration. Examples of environment

configuration changes include adding a load balancer, increasing the size of the
block volume attached to an application or database tier node, or adding or deleting
a node.

When you unregister an environment, the metadata for the environment is removed
from Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. This process does not delete the
environment itself. After unregistering, you can submit a new discovery request to
rediscover the environment.

10-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note: Single VM instances, such as instances provisioned by the One-
Click Provisioning feature, cannot be registered or unregistered.

To Unregister an Environment:
1. Click the Navigator icon and select Environments.

2. Navigate to the Environment Details page for the environment that you want to
unregister by clicking the environment name link.

3. Click Unregister.

4. The Confirm Unregister window appears. Enter the environment name to confirm
your choice. Then click Yes.

Note: After you complete the unregister action, you can no longer view
or manage the environment in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.
To continue managing the environment, submit a discovery request
and re-register the environment.

Rediscover an Upgraded Environment

You can rediscover an environment to refresh its metadata in Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager after an upgrade. If you are using the most current version of Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager, you can unregister and rediscover environments using
the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager user interface. If you are on a version of
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager earlier than, scripts are provided that
you can use to unregister and rediscover environments.
Rediscovery is available for the following use cases, where the database can be running
on any supported cloud service:
• Your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 or 12.1 environment running with Oracle
Database or is upgraded to Oracle Database 19c. See "Upgrading to
Oracle Database 19c" in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2517025.1,
Getting Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:

• Your Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1 environment (running with any database
version) is upgraded to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. See Oracle E-Business
Suite Upgrade Guide, Release 12.0 and 12.1 to 12.2 [https:/​/​docs.oracle.

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 10-9

Note: If you plan to perform an out-of-place Oracle E-Business Suite or
Oracle Database upgrade, where your new application tier or database
tier resides on a different host, you need to run Unregister prior to
using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console to delete the original

Prerequisite Steps Prior to Rediscovery:

Before performing rediscovery, it is important to complete the following prerequisite
1. Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager registration settings.
Ensure that the Resource Owner option is selected under Allowed Grant Types in
the registration of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as an application in
Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS). See Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager as a Confidential Application, page 2-39.

2. Configure the load balancer (conditional).

If you upgraded your Oracle E-Business Suite environment from Release 12.1.3 to
Release 12.2 using a new VM, separate from the VM where the Release 12.1.3
environment is located, then you must perform the corresponding load balancer
configuration after the upgrade. You should complete the load balancer
configuration before performing rediscovery. See "Upgrading to Oracle E-Business
Suite Release 12.2" in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2517025.1, Getting
Started with Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [https:/​/​support.
If you performed the Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade on the same VM as the
Release 12.1.3 environment, then you do not need to change the load balancer

3. Make note of the database node IP address and context file location (conditional).
For in-place Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle Database upgrades, where your
application tier or database tier does not change, make note of the database node IP
address and context file location prior to proceeding with the unregister process, so
that you can use these when you re-register the environment.

Use the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User Interface to

Rediscover an Upgraded Environment:
The Discovery feature was introduced in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
user interface (UI) in version

Note: If you need to update your version, follow the instructions in

10-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Update Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to the Latest Version,
page 4-1.

Follow these steps to register an environment deployed by Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager that was later upgraded:
1. Unregister an Environment, page 10-8

2. Submit a Discovery Request, page 10-5

3. Register a Compliant Environment, page 10-8

Use Scripts to Rediscover an Upgraded Environment:

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager also provides scripts that you can use to
unregister and rediscover environments if you are on a version of Cloud Manager
earlier than
If you used Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to deploy your environment and
now plan to upgrade either Oracle E-Business Suite or the Oracle E-Business Suite
database, you can continue to use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager after the
upgrade by rediscovering the environment using the steps in this section.
The following scripts are provided to enable rediscovery:
• unregister-environment.js - This script end dates the existing metadata
entry for the environment and deletes it from the Chef repository.

• discover-environment.js - This script performs prediscovery validation, and,

if the validation succeeds, submits a discovery job to rediscover the upgraded

• discovery-status.js - This script lets you check the status of a discovery job
submitted through the discover-environment.js script.

• withdraw-discover.js - This script withdraws a failed discovery request to

enable you to retry the discovery. You must withdraw a failed discovery request to
clean up its registration metadata before you can submit a new discovery request
for the same environment.

These scripts are located in the /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-

ebs/bin/rediscovery directory. The log file for the scripts is stored in the following
location: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/NodeJSClient.log
To rediscover an updated environment, perform the following steps:
1. Ensure you are using the minimum Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version
required for your use case, as shown in the following table.

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 10-11

Table 10-1 Upgrade Types and Corresponding Minimum Versions of Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager

Upgrade Type Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Minimum Version

Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade

Oracle Database upgrade on Compute 21.1.1

Oracle Database upgrade on Base Database

Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System and
Exadata Database Service Dedicated

2. Run the unregister-environment.js script using the following commands.

$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin/rediscovery
$ node unregister-environment.js

When prompted, specify the name of the upgraded environment, your Oracle
Identity Cloud Service user name and password, and your Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator password.

3. Create a stage directory on the database node of the upgraded environment to store
metadata gathered during the discovery job. For example: /tmp/stage

4. Run the discover-environment.js script using the following commands.

$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin/rediscovery
$ node discover-environment.js

When prompted, specify the following details:

• A name for the discovery request.

• The name of the network profile used to provision the environment.

• The IP address for the environment's database node.

• The stage directory you created for the discovery job on the database node.

• The file path for the environment's database context file.

• The APPS user password for the environment.

• Your Oracle Identity Cloud Service user name.

• Your Oracle Identity Cloud Service password.

10-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator password.

• The load balancer configured for the environment. The script displays a list of
the load balancers that are registered in the load balancer subnet within the
specified network profile. If this environment uses multiple zones for the
application tier and has more than one load balancer, enter the list of load
balancer names separated by commas.

• The listener for the environment. The script displays a list of the listeners
configured for the specified load balancer. If this environment uses more than
one listener, enter the list of listener names separated by commas.

5. If you need to check the status of a discovery job, run the discovery-status.js
script using the following commands.
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin/rediscovery
$ node discovery-status.js

When prompted, specify the discovery job ID assigned by the discover-

environment.js script and your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
administrator password.

Tip: The discover-environment.js script may take some time

to complete. If you want to check the progress of a discovery job
that is still running, open a separate terminal window to run the
discovery-status.js script without disrupting the running
discovery job.

6. After the discovery job completes successfully, log into Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager and verify the updated information for the environment in the
environment details page. See Access Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, page
7-2 and Review Environment Details (Standard), page 11-7.

7. If a discovery job failed, you must withdraw the failed discovery request before
retrying discovery. To withdraw a request, run the withdraw-discover.js
script using the following commands.
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin/rediscovery
$ node withdraw-discover.js

When prompted, specify the name of the failed discovery request, your Oracle
Identity Cloud Service user name and password, and your Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator password.
After you have withdrawn the previous discovery request and corrected any issues
that caused the discovery to fail, you can retry discovery by rerunning the
discover-environment.js script.

Discover an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance 10-13

Oracle E-Business Suite System

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration
• Access Your Oracle E-Business Suite Environment
• Access the Fusion Middleware Control and WebLogic Server Administration
Console with SSH Port Forwarding for Oracle E-Business Suite on Oracle Cloud
• Review Environment Details (Standard)
• Review Standby Environment Details

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration

This chapter describes system administration features for Oracle E-Business Suite
environments deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. For more information on
general Oracle E-Business Suite system administration, see Oracle E-Business Suite Setup
Guide [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.122/​e22953/​toc.htm], Oracle E-Business
Suite Security Guide [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.122/​e22952/​toc.htm], and
Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.

Access Your Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

After you deploy an Oracle E-Business Suite environment through Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager, users can access the login page for the environment, and
administrators can access the application tier and database tier nodes that make up the

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-1

User Access:
Before you can log in to Oracle E-Business Suite from a client computer, your network
administrator must configure a DNS entry for the Oracle E-Business Suite host name.
This entry lets the DNS server resolve the host name for the web entry point to the IP
The administrator should use the host name of the web entry point for the environment,
including the domain name, to configure the DNS entry. For example, if the host for the
web entry point is myhost and the domain is example.com, then the host name in the
DNS entry should be: myhost.example.com
The IP address for the web entry point is available in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager environment details page for the environment.
In situations such as demos where a DNS server is not readily available, you can modify
the local hosts file on your client computer to enable host name resolution. To
accomplish this, perform the following steps:
1. Update the /etc/hosts file on your client computer by adding a DNS entry in the
following format:
<external_IP_address> <host_name>

2. You can now navigate to the Oracle E-Business Suite login page at the following

For example:

Note: For environments created through One-Click Provisioning,

the protocol is https and the port is 443. For environments
created through Advanced Provisioning, the protocol and the port
depend on the options selected in the Topology page.

Conditional Action: Additionally, if your environment was created

through Advanced Provisioning or One-Click Provisioning or by
promoting a standby environment, and the environment is at one of the
following code levels, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
initially places your Oracle E-Business Suite system in lockdown mode
to prompt you to review and respond to the secure configuration
• Release 12.2.6 or the R12.ATG_PF.C.Delta.6 Release Update Pack or

11-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Release 12.1.3

In this case, a system administrator must resolve or acknowledge the

recommended security configurations in the Secure Configuration
Console to unlock the system for normal usage. See Review Secure
Configuration Recommendations for Oracle E-Business Suite
(Conditionally Required), page 9-45.

Administrator Access:
After you create an Oracle E-Business Suite environment, as a database administrator
(DBA) for the environment you will need to perform tasks such as starting and stopping
services, applying patches, modifying files, and so on. One method to access the nodes
that make up the environment is to connect through the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Compute instance, as follows:
1. First, connect to your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute instance
that was created according to the instructions in Create Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-30. To connect, follow the instructions in
Connecting to an Instance [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-

2. After you have logged on to the Cloud Manager Compute instance, change to the
oracle user.
$ sudo su - oracle

3. You can now connect directly from the Cloud Manager Compute instance to the
node you want in your Oracle E-Business Suite environment using the node's
private IP address. Check the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager environment
details page for your environment to find the private IP address for each
application tier node and database tier node in the environment.
$ ssh<private_IP>

If you deployed a separate bastion server and you plan to manage access to the Oracle
E-Business Suite environments from that bastion server, then you can copy the private
key in /u01/install/APPS/.ssh/id_rsa from the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager VM to the appropriate home directories on the bastion server. Alternatively,
you can create accounts for each individual user on the bastion host and a
corresponding user on the Oracle E-Business Suite VMs that the user needs to manage.
On each VM host, grant the user "sudo to oracle" access.

Note: If you uploaded SSH keys for the environment during

provisioning, then you can use those keys to access the environment's

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-3

Database Administration Access:
When you provision an environment through Advanced Provisioning, you must
specify a database admin password as part of the database tier details. You can use this
password to log in to the database as the SYS user and perform database administration
Additionally, if Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled for an environment
created through Advanced Provisioning, then you can also use the same database
admin password to access the TDE wallet for the new environment. TDE is enabled for
the following types of environments provisioned using Advanced Provisioning:
• All environments with a database tier on Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node
DB System or Exadata Database Service Dedicated, including both new
environments and environments created from a backup. Note that even if the
source environment for a backup was not TDE-enabled, TDE is still enabled for
environments that are created from that backup on Base Database Service 1-Node
or 2-Node DB System or Exadata Database Service Dedicated.

• All environments with a database tier on Compute that are created from a backup
of a TDE-enabled source environment.

• Environments with a database tier on Compute that are created from a backup of a
non-TDE source environment, if you select the Enable TDE option during

• New environments created with Advanced Provisioning with a database tier on

Compute, if you select the Enable TDE option during provisioning.

Note: TDE is not enabled for environments created with One-Click

Provisioning. Also, TDE is not enabled if you do not select the Enable
TDE option when it appears during Advanced Provisioning for
environments on Compute.

Access the Fusion Middleware Control and WebLogic Server

Administration Console with SSH Port Forwarding for Oracle E-Business
Suite on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
System administrators can securely access the Fusion Middleware Control and
WebLogic Server Administration Console in order to perform administration of an
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment that was provisioned or cloned using
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Administration of the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g components delivered with
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, including Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle

11-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

WebLogic Server, requires secure access to the WebLogic Server administration ports
running on the Oracle E-Business Suite primary application tier node. This section
describes the steps a system administrator must follow each time they need to access
the Fusion Middleware Control or WebLogic Server Administration Console in order to
create a secure connection using SSH port forwarding.
You must have the following prerequisites to perform these steps:
• An environment provisioned in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure.

• A security rule and firewall rules that allow inbound communication on the
WebLogic Server administration ports on the primary application tier node from
the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM. See Perform Post-Provisioning and
Post-Cloning Tasks, page 9-23.

Access the Fusion Middleware Control and WebLogic Server

Administration Console with SSH Port Forwarding:
If you are a system administrator who needs access to the Fusion Middleware Control
and WebLogic Server Administration Console to perform administrative tasks, follow
these steps to create a secure connection from either a Windows or Linux client to the
WebLogic Server administration port currently running on the Oracle E-Business Suite
primary application tier node. You use SSH port forwarding to enable the connection.

Note: The SSH port forwarding steps must be performed and running
in the background each time you connect to the URLs for the Fusion
Middleware Control and WebLogic Server Administration Console
from your browser.

These steps are required only for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2. The required
security rule and firewall rules must already be set up for the primary application tier
node to allow inbound communication on the WebLogic Server administration ports.
1. Determine which WebLogic Server administration port is currently running on the
primary application tier node. First set the environment to the run file system using
the following command:
$ . <EBS_ROOT>/EBSapps.env run

Then obtain the current WebLogic Server administration port on the run file
system, using the following command:
$ grep s_wls_adminport $CONTEXT_FILE

Make a note of the port for use in the next steps.

2. If you are using a UNIX client, perform this step to set up SSH port forwarding. If
you are using a Windows client, skip this step and continue with step 3.
From a UNIX client, set up SSH port forwarding using the following command:

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-5

$ ssh -L localhost:<WLS_admin_port>:

3. If you are using a Windows client, perform this step to set up SSH port forwarding.
If you are using a UNIX client, skip this step and continue with step 4.
From a Windows client, use PuTTY to set up SSH port forwarding. First, use the
PuTTYgen tool to convert the private key for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager VM into the appropriate format for PuTTY. In PuTTYgen, load the private
key for the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM and click Save private key
to save the key in the PuTTY format. Note that you should only load and save the
existing key. Do not click the Generate button to generate a private key and public
key again.
Then start a PuTTY session and enter the following settings to configure the session:
• In the Category pane of the PuTTY Configuration window, choose Connection
>SSH >Auth to display the Options controlling SSH authentication panel. In
the Private key file for authentication field, select Browse and select the
private key file for connecting to the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

• In the Category pane of the PuTTY Configuration window, choose Connection

>SSH >Tunnels to display the Options controlling SSH port forwarding
panel. In the Source port field, enter the WebLogic Server administration port.
In the Destination field, enter the private IP address of the application tier node
followed by a colon and the WebLogic Server administration port (
<WLS_admin_port>). Then choose Add.

• In the Category pane of the PuTTY Configuration window, choose Connection

>Data to display the Data to Send to the Server panel. In the Auto-login
username field, enter the following user name: oracle

• In the Category pane of the PuTTY Configuration window, choose Session to

display the Basic options for your PuTTY session panel. In the Host Name
field, enter the public IP address of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
VM. Then enter a name for this session in the Saved Sessions field and click
Save to save the session with this connection configuration.

Then use the saved session to open a connection to the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager VM.

4. After you set up SSH port forwarding from your UNIX or Windows client, you can
securely access the Fusion Middleware Control and WebLogic Server
Administration Console. Launch a browser from your client and connect to the
following administrative URLs as required.

11-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Fusion Middleware Control - http://localhost:<WLS_admin_port>/em

• WebLogic Server Administration Console - http://localhost:


Review Environment Details (Standard)

You can review details of an Oracle E-Business Suite environment using Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager provides many details on
an environment, including:
• General information, such as the Oracle E-Business Suite version, the Oracle E-
Business Suite compartment and the network profile.

• Its assigned backup policy, if any. You can also assign a backup policy to the
environment using this page.

• Topology information for the application tier and database tier.

• Any backups created for the environment.

• Jobs related to the environment.

If you used Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to deploy an environment with
Oracle Database Release or Release, and you manually upgrade that
environment to Oracle Database 19c, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager can
no longer recognize that environment. For an environment with the database tier on
Compute or Exadata Database Service Dedicated, you can run a script to refresh the
metadata for the upgraded environment within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager. After the environment metadata has been refreshed, you can once again
manage the environment through the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager UI. See
Refresh Metadata for an Environment Upgraded to Oracle Database 19c, page 10-11.

Note: Some metadata for some attributes related to an environment are

not shown, including
• After the successful creation of an environment using One-Click
Provisioning, the Environment Details page does not display the
related metadata for some attributes such as DB System Name, DB
Edition, DB Patch Level, and Disk Redundancy.

• After the successful creation of an environment using Advanced

Provisioning for Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB
System, the Environment Details page does not display the related
database metadata for some attributes such as DB System Name,
DB Patch Level, and Disk Redundancy.

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-7

• After the successful creation of an environment using Advanced
Provisioning for Exadata Database Service Dedicated, the
Environment Details page does not display the related database
metadata for some attributes such as Disk Redundancy.

• After the successful creation of an environment using Oracle

Database, the Details page will not display information for
PDB Name as this feature does not apply to Oracle Database 11gR2.

For reviewing standby environments, refer to the section Review Standby Environment,
page 11-13.

❒ To perform the steps in this section, you must have an Oracle E-Business Suite
environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure created in Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager using a procedure described in One-Click Provisioning, page 9-4,
Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6, or Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance,
page 12-5.

Access Environment Details Page:

1. For an environment that has been successfully provisioned, click the environment
name in the Environments page to review more details for the environment.

2. Note that you can use buttons provided in the Environment details page to clone,
back up, unregister, or delete an environment.
For more information on these capabilities, see:
• Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-5

• Back Up an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-16

• Unregister an Environment, page 10-8

• Delete an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment, page 12-32

Review General Information:

1. The General Information region on the Overview page displays the following
• Oracle E-Business Suite version

• Version of the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud automation tools with which the

11-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

environment was provisioned

• Oracle E-Business Suite Compartment, with the associated network profile


• Number of application tier nodes

• Number or database tier nodes

• Last job, with a Status link for details

For more information, see: Monitor Job Status, page 13-1

• Creation date and time

2. You can click the network profile name information link to review the details about
the network resources defined in the network profile. See Set Up Network Profiles,
page 8-1 for more information.
The network profile window displays the following details:
• Network Profile Description

• Oracle E-Business Suite compartment

• Network compartment

• Region


• Subnet type

• Availability domain

• Subnet access, either Private or Public

• Database subnet

3. Any Backup Policy defined for the environment is shown. If you want to specify a
backup policy for this environment, click Assign under Backup Policy. For more
information, see Schedule Backups, page 12-20.
See Set Up Scheduling Policies, page 8-16 for more information on scheduling
policies for backups.

4. For the application tier nodes, the following are provided:

• Application tier nodes subnet access, either Private or Public

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-9

• Application tier nodes subnet name

The following load balancer information is shown:

• Load balancer visibility type, either Private or Public

• Load balancer subnet name

• High availability subnet, if applicable. This field appears only if the subnet type
is Availability Domain-Specific. The default subnet type is Regional.

Review Topology Information:

The Topology tab includes information for the Application Tier, Database Tier, and
their nodes.

Review Application Tier Information

1. The Application Tier region includes the following:

• EBS Base

• File system type

For a shared file system type, the following details are shown:
• File System Name

• File System OCID

• File Storage Mount Target

• Storage Type

2. For each zone defined for the application tier, the following details are shown:
• Zone type

• Web entry IP

• Web entry type

If New Load Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer, or Reuse
InternalZone1 Load Balancer (for a secondary zone) was chosen when the
Oracle E-Business Suite instance was provisioned, then the corresponding web
entry type is shown as Load Balancer as a service.

• A link to the Oracle E-Business Suite login page

• LBaaS name, if any

11-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

3. For each node in each zone, the following details are provided:
• Node ID

• Fault domain

• Shape

• OCI Compute Instance OCID

• Public IP

• Private IP

• Storage

• Logical FQDN


Note that the primary node is designated with a "P" on its icon.

4. If the environment utilizes load balancing, you can add a node using the Add Node
button. For more information on adding and deleting nodes, see: Add and Delete
Nodes, page 12-1.

Review Database Tier Information

1. The Database Tier region displays the following:

• Cloud service type

• Database name

• VM Cluster Name (for Exadata Database Service Dedicated only)

• Database patch level

• Update date for the database patch level

• Database version

• Pluggable database (PDB) name

• Database edition

• SQL*Net port

• Creation date and time

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-11

• Shape

• Cluster name

• Oracle home

2. For each database tier node, the following is included:

• Node ID

• Fault domain

• Public IP

• Private IP

• Logical FQDN


Review Backups:
If any backups have been created for the environment, you can select the Backups tab
to view the list of backups.
Use the Search box to search for a specific backup.
1. To begin provisioning an environment from a backup, click Action for that backup
and select Provision Environment.
See Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6 for more information.

2. You can also select Delete from the Action menu for a backup to delete it.
See Delete a Backup, page 12-24 for more information.

Review Jobs:
The Jobs tab lists jobs associated with the environment.
1. You can use the Search box to search for a specific job.

2. For each job, the following fields are shown:

• Environment

• Created By

• Action

11-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Status

• Start Time

• End Time

3. Click on a job name to navigate to the Job Details page.

See: Monitor Job Status, page 13-1 for more information.

Review Standby Environment Details

You can review details of a standby environment you created in Oracle Applications
After a standby environment is created, the Last Job field has the value "setup-standby
(Successful)" with a link to the job details. See Review Job Status, page 13-3 for more
Details on standby environments include:
• General information, such as the Oracle E-Business Suite version, the Oracle E-
Business Suite compartment and the network profile.

• Its standby status.

• Topology information for the application tier and database tier.

• Jobs related to the environment.

• Synchronization details.

For information on creating a standby environment, see: Create a Standby Environment

for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure from an On-Premises Environment, page 6-12.

Access Environment Details Page:

1. For a standby environment that has been successfully provisioned, click the
environment name in the Environments page to review more details for the

Review General Information:

1. The overview section displays the following details:
• Oracle E-Business Suite version

• Release with which the environment was provisioned

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-13

• Oracle E-Business Suite Compartment, with the associated network profile

• Standby status

• Environment role

• Number of application tier nodes and database tier nodes

• Last job, with a Status link for details

For more information, see: Monitor Job Status, page 13-1

• Creation date and time

2. You can click the network profile name information link to review the details about
the network resources defined in the network profile. See Set Up Network Profiles,
page 8-1 for more information.
The network profile window displays the following details:
• Network Profile Description

• Oracle E-Business Suite compartment

• Network compartment

• Region


• Subnet type

• Availability domain

• Subnet access, either Private or Public

• Database subnet

Review Topology Information:

The Topology tab includes information for the Application Tier, Database Tier, and
their nodes.
For more information on adding and deleting nodes, see: Add and Delete Nodes, page
1. The Application Tier region lists the Oracle E-Business Suite base directory with the
following details:

11-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• File System OCID

• Middleware Licensing Model

If the File System Type is Shared, the following information is given:

• File Storage Mount Target

• File System Name

• Storage Type

For each zone, the following is shown for each node:

• Node ID

• Fault Domain

• Shape

• Public IP

• Private IP

• Logical FQDN


• OCI Compute Instance OCID: You can click the Show link to see the entire
OCID or Copy to copy it.

Note that the primary node is designated with a "P" on its icon.

2. The Database Tier region list the following:

For the Database Tier region, the following information is shown:
• Cloud Service Type

• Database Name

• Database System Name

• Database Patch Level

• Database Patch Level Updated Date

• Database Version

• Pluggable Database Name

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-15

• Database Edition

• SQL*Net Port

• Creation date and time

• Shape

• Cluster Name

• Oracle Home

For each database node, the following information is listed:

• Node ID

• Fault Domain

• Public IP

• Private IP

• Logical FQDN


Review Jobs:
The Jobs tab lists jobs associated with the standby environment.
If a job has been restarted from a parent job, a link is provided for details for the parent.
1. You can use the Search box to search for a specific job.

2. For each job, the following fields are shown:

• Environment

• Created By

• Action

• Status

• Start Time

• End Time

3. Click on a job name to navigate to the Job Details page.

11-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

See: Monitor Job Status, page 13-1 for more information.

Review Synchronization Details:

Details for a synchronization process are shown on the Synchronization Details tab. Use
the Refresh button to refresh the data.
1. For the Application Tier, the following fields are shown:
• Rsync Status

• Last Rsync Timestamp

• Total Number of Files

• Synchronized Number of Created Files

• Number of Deleted Files

2. For the Database Tier, the following fields are shown:

• Database Role

• Database Open Mode

• Database Unique Name

• Data Guard Status

• Last Sequence in Primary

• Last Sequence in Standby

• Last Redo Log Applied Timestamp

• Last Transport Lag

• Last Apply Lag

• Standby Apply Status

• Protection Mode

What's Next
Use the Promote button to promote the standby environment. See: Promote a Standby
Environment, page 12-26 for more information.
You can also delete a standby environment using the Delete button. See: Delete a

Oracle E-Business Suite System Administration 11-17

Standby Environment, page 12-33 for more information.

11-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Add and Delete Nodes
• Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance
• Back Up an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance
• Promote a Standby Environment
• Delete an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

Add and Delete Nodes

Use these procedures to add or delete nodes from a provisioned environment that has
load balancing configured.
Note that adding and deleting nodes can both be done while the system is online. The
system does restart the administration server during these procedures but the running
Oracle E-Business Suite instance should not be affected.

❒ You must have an Oracle E-Business Suite environment on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure created using the procedure Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6 or
Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-5.

❒ The environment must have either New Load Balancer (LBaaS) or Manually
Configured Load Balancer as the Web Entry Point for the primary zone. If an
environment has the Web Entry Point defined as Application Tier Node, then only
one application tier node is possible for that zone, so you cannot add more nodes.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-1

Add a Node:
The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager performs the following actions when
adding a node to your application tier:
• Runs generic validations
• Validates that the AD Online Patching (adop) cycle is complete

• Validates that the Administration Server is up

• Validates that the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) has custom directives

• Validates application connectivity

• Creates the infrastructure: Creates the VM required for the additional node

• Performs pre-configuration tasks

• Creates the Add Node pairs file

• Performs pre-cloning steps

• Configures the newly-added application tier node

For a non-shared environment on Compute, if the primary node has additional
block volume attached to extend Logical Volume Management (LVM) to increase
the space under /u01, then the Add Node feature will pick up the size of the LVM (
/dev/mapper/ebs_vg-ebs_lv) on app01 and create a single block volume of
the same size.

• Performs post-provisioning steps

• Brings up the newly-added application tier node

In addition, the Cloud Manager modifies the load balancer back-end set to
accommodate the new application tier node.
Note that if Manually Configured Load Balancer was chosen for the Web Entry Point,
you can add nodes, but LBaaS is not deployed.
1. For an environment that has been successfully provisioned, click the environment
name in the Environments page to navigate to the Environment Details page.

2. In the Topology tab, for a chosen Zone, click the Add Node button.

3. In the Add Node window, enter the following:

• Shape

12-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• File System Type - This value is derived for you and cannot be changed.

• Fault Domain

• Logical Hostname

• Middleware Licensing Model

• APPS Password

• WLS Password - For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 only.

4. Click Submit.

Manual Steps after Adding a Node

You must perform the following manual steps after adding a node. Run these steps
on all existing nodes.

Update the TNS Listener Service

1. Source the run file system.

2. Run AutoConfig. This step is required to register the new node with the TNS
listener and to update the APPL_TOP IDs correctly.

3. Stop and start the TNS listener service as follows:

$ adalnctl.sh stop
$ adalnctl.sh start

Stop and Start the OHS Service

4. Source the run file system.

5. Run the following commands to stop and start the OHS service:
$ sh adapcctl.sh stop
$ sh adapcctl.sh start

Delete a Node:
In deleting a node, the system will:
• Run generic validations
• Validate that the administration server is up

• Validate application connectivity

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-3

• Remove the secondary application tier node
• Remove the secondary application tier configuration

• Detach the custom volumes of the node

• Remove all other OCI infrastructure associated with this application tier node

• Delete any LBaaS infrastructure (delete whatever is applicable)

• Perform post-cleanup tasks

In deleting an application tier node, the system also modifies the back-end set to
account for the loss of the node.
1. For an environment that has been successfully provisioned, click the environment
name in the Environments page to navigate to the Environment Details page.

2. In the Topology tab, navigate to the node you want to delete and click the Delete

3. Enter the APPS Password. For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, also enter the
WLS Password.

4. If the selected node is the only node in its zone, specify whether to remove LBaaS.
The load balancer is removed only if it is not in use by other resources.
Note that any custom block volume associated with the node is detached from the
node when it is deleted.

5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Manual Steps after Deleting a Node

You must perform the following manual steps after deleting a node. Run these
steps on all remaining nodes.

Update the TNS Listener Service

1. Source the run file system.

2. Run AutoConfig.

3. Stop and start the TNS listener service as follows:

$ adalnctl.sh stop
$ adalnctl.sh start

Stop and Start the OHS Service

4. Source the run file system.

12-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

5. Run the following commands to stop and start the OHS service:
$ sh adapcctl.sh stop
$ sh adapcctl.sh start

Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance

Cloning is available for Oracle E-Business Suite instances that use Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Compute (Compute VM) or a Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node
DB System (VM DB System) as the cloud service for the database tier.

You must have the following prerequisites to clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance
in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Overall Prerequisites
The following requirements apply for all Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
cloning operations.
• You must have a source Oracle E-Business Suite environment on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure deployed through Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, such as
through a lift and shift, provisioning, or discovery process.

• You must have access to the network profile used by the source environment and to
the network profile that you will specify for the target environment. The network
profile specifies the network resources for the environment, including the security
lists and subnets. The administrator of your Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
instance defines network profiles and assigns you the profiles that you can use to
provision Oracle E-Business Suite environments. For more information, see:
• Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite
Environments, page 3-12

• Create Network Profiles, page 3-45

• If you choose to use tags, you can create defined tags before you begin cloning. Any
tag namespace that you select for the clone must be defined for the compartment in
which you are cloning, as specified in the network profile. For more information,
see: Managing Tags and Tag Namespaces [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-

File Storage service (FSS) Prerequisites

• A Network Profile for the cloned environment must be defined. The network
profile must have a File Storage Mount Target subnet defined.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-5

• The user performing the cloning task must be part of a group which has
permissions to create a File Storage File system on the EBS compartment defined in
the network profile. This permissions as allocated by the below policies:
• Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage file-systems in compartment

• Allow group ebscm-proddba-grp to manage export-sets in compartment


Base Database Service DB System Cloning Prerequisites

The following requirements apply to the source environment when cloning with Oracle
E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on a Base Database Service DB System:
• Base Database Service DB System cloning is available for environments with Oracle
Database 12c Release 1 and Oracle Database 19c only.

• For Oracle Database 19c-based clones, the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on
the source environment must be 19.9 or later.

• The PDB datafile directory structure must comply with OMF standards. That is, the
files must be in the following directory structure: +DATA/<DB_UNIQUE_NAME>/
If your files are not currently in this directory structure, then you must move the
files before beginning the cloning procedure. For example, you can use the
following steps to perform an online move.
As SYSDBA, run the following commands:
alter session set container="<PDB>";
set line 140
set pagesize 2000
set heading off
spool dbfmove.sql
spool off
vi @dbfmove.sql (Remove unwanted lines)
SQL> @dbfmove.sql

Add new temp file(s) to the existing TEMP tablespace; for example:

By default, these will be created in the OMF location

Then run the DROP TEMPFILE commands to remove the temp files in the older
location, for example:
ALTER TABLESPACE <TEMP tablespace_name> DROP TEMPFILE <file id>;

• The source Base Database Service DB System nodes must be running when you
perform the cloning procedure, and the database must also be running.

12-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• The value of Db_recovery_file_dest must be greater than the total redo files
size. That is, the value of the following query must be greater than the total size of
the redo log files:
select name, floor(space_limit / 1024 / 1024) - ceil(space_used /
1024 / 1024) from v$recovery_file_dest order by name;)

• The initialization parameter pre_page_sga must be set to FALSE. To set this

parameter value, run the following command:
SQL> alter system set pre_page_sga=FALSE scope=spfile;

Key Attributes:
Note the following key attributes when cloning.

Overall Attributes
• You can specify a different network profile for the target (cloned) environment from
the source environment. Within this profile, you can specify a different
compartment and a different network if you choose. If the network profile for the
source environment contains both internal and external zones, then the network
profile for the target must also contain both types of zones.

• If the network profile of the source environment is FSS-enabled, then the network
profile of the target environment must be FSS-enabled.

• You can deploy the load balancer for the clone as either a public or private Load
Balancer as a Service (LBaaS), depending on the load balancer type defined in the
network profile.

• The clone resides in the same availability domain as the source environment.

• The application tier topology of the clone mirrors that of the source environment.
For example, if the source environment has one application tier node, then the clone
will have one application tier node. If the source environment has two application
tier nodes, then the clone will have two application tier nodes.

• If the source environment is configured with a shared file system, cloning is

performed as follows:
• If the environment was provisioned with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager Release 22.2.1 or later, the File Storage service volume mounted from
the application tier nodes is cloned, and then mounted to the application tier
nodes of the target system.
For more information on File Storage service cloning, see Cloning File Systems
Note that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager supports the deletion of a
source environment even if it is associated with the root file system. The root

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-7

file system will be preserved, however, as long as a descendant clone exists. See
Cloning File Systems [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​File/​Tasks/​cloningFS.htm] for more information.

• If the environment was provisioned with a release prior to Oracle E-Business

Suite Cloud Manager Release 22.2.1, the block volume attached to the primary
application tier node is cloned, and then attached to the primary application tier
node of the target system.

• If the source environment is configured with a non-shared file system, all block
volumes attached to application tier nodes are cloned and subsequently attached to
the target application tier nodes.

• If you have added additional (custom) block volumes to your application tier
nodes, the cloning process will clone these as well.

• You can optionally change the shape of the application tiers for the clone.

• The Cloud Manager automation configures the application tier services to use port
pools 0 and 1. These port pool values cannot be changed. Ensure that the necessary
ports are open between subnets in order for your system to function properly, as
listed in Create Security Rules, page 3-26.

• You can choose to start the Oracle E-Business Suite services automatically on the

• When you clone an environment, you can use tagging by choosing a predefined tag
or specifying a new (free-form) tag. You can use a tag to identify all resources
associated with an environment or a group of environments. Refer to Managing
Tags and Tag Namespaces [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-
us/​iaas/​Content/​Tagging/​Tasks/​managingtagsandtagnamespaces.htm] for more

• The clone uses the same fault domain as the source instance.

Compute Cloning Attributes

• You can run the cloning procedure on Compute either when the Oracle E-Business
Suite services (application tier and database tier) are running, or when they are shut

• When cloning on Compute, you can assign the clone a different database tier shape
than the source environment.

• If the source environment has an application tier node and database on a single
Compute VM, then the clone will also have its application tier node and database
on a single Compute VM.

12-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• On Compute, the clone inherits the middleware technology licensing model of the
source environment, either Bring Your Own License (BYOL) or Universal Credit
Management (UCM).

Base Database Service DB System Cloning Attributes

• When cloning a Base Database Service DB System, you cannot change the database
tier shape.

• When cloning a Base Database Service DB System, you can specify whether the
clone should use an included license for the middleware technology or use Bring
Your Own License (BYOL).

Access the Clone Environment Page:

1. Click the Navigator icon and select Environments.

2. For a successfully created environment, click the Action icon and select Clone.

3. Alternatively, in the environment details page for a single environment, click the
Clone button.

Enter Environment Details:

On this page the details for the source environment are shown:
• Environment name

• EBS Compartment

• Network Profile

• Availability Domain

1. Enter values for the clone details:

• Environment Name: Enter a name for your environment. For example: usdev3

• EBS Compartment: The compartment for the cloned environment. You can
select an EBS compartment that is different than that for the source

• Network Profile: Select a network profile for the cloned environment. The list
of available network profiles is dependent on the EBS compartment that you
selected above. From this list of network profiles, select a network profile that
includes the same Availability Domain as that of the source.
Note that if you are cloning a File Storage service-enabled environment, you

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-9

can choose a different network profile than that of the source environment, but
it also must have File Storage service enabled.

Note: The source instance and the cloned instance can also
have different mount targets.

• Source Apps Password: Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite
APPS schema for the source environment.

• Source WebLogic Server password: For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
environment only, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server administration password.

2. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

• Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-
form tag).

• Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

• Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

3. Click Next.

Enter Database Tier Information for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute

(Compute VM):
If your cloned environment is on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute (Compute VM),
then follow these steps to enter the database tier information as required.
1. Enter a Database Name.

2. Enter the admin password for the database of your cloned environment.. This
password is used for the SYS user as well, and must not contain the username 'SYS'.
If TDE is enabled for the environment, then this password is also used as the TDE
wallet password. The password must be 9 to 30 characters and contain at least two
uppercase, two lowercase, two special, and two numeric characters. The special
characters must be underscores (_), number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the
password in the next field to confirm it.

3. The following information is provided as read-only:

• Database Service Type

• Logical FQDN

4. You can optionally update the following:

12-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• VM Shape

• Number of OCPUs

• Amount of memory (GB)

5. Click Next.

Enter Database Tier Information for Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-

Node DB System (VM DB System):
If your cloned environment is on Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System
(VM DB System) then follow these steps to enter the database tier information as
1. Enter a Database Name.

2. Enter a PDB Name.

3. If you are cloning an instance that uses Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB
System as the cloud service for the database tier, then the following information is
provided as read-only:
• Database Service Type

• DB Patch Level

• Shape

• Node Count

• DB Software Edition

4. Select a license type.

For a Base Database Service DB System, you can select License Included if you
want to obtain a new license, or Bring Your Own License (BYOL) if you want to
use a license you already own.

5. Enter the admin password for the database of your cloned environment. This
password is used for the SYS user as well, and must not contain the username 'SYS'.
If TDE is enabled for the environment, then this password is also used as the TDE
wallet password. The password must be 9 to 30 characters and contain at least two
uppercase, two lowercase, two special, and two numeric characters. The special
characters must be underscores (_), number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the
password in the next field to confirm it.

6. Click Next.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-11

Enter Application Tier Information:
Zone information from the source environment will appear by default.
You can change the shape for an application tier node
1. Toggle Start Application Tier Services to indicate whether application tier services
should start when the clone is complete.

2. You must edit the zones. Click Edit for each zone.

3. Enter the Zone name. Note that you cannot change the type of the zone.

4. In the Web Entry Point region, choose one of the following web entry types: New
Load Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer to select an existing OCI load
balancer, Manually Configured Load Balancer to select a manually deployed
existing load balancer, or Application Tier Node to choose the primary application
tier as the entry point.

5. If you choose to use LBaaS, then you must also select a shape in the Load Balancer
Shape field. The default shape is 100Mbps.

6. Enter values for the following web entry properties.

• Protocol: Select the protocol for access to the environment, either http or https.

• Hostname: Enter a hostname. For example: myhost

• Domain: Enter a domain name. For example: example.com

• Port: Select the port. If there is no load balancer, then the port is automatically
populated depending on the protocol: 8000 for http and 4443 for https.
Otherwise, select the appropriate port for use with your load balancer, such as
80 for http or 443 for https. Note that to allow access to the Oracle E-Business
Suite login URL, your network administrator must define an ingress rule in the
load balancer security list configuring the load balancer port to be open for
public access. See Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business
Suite Environments, page 3-12.

7. Under Storage, the File System Type is the same as that for the source
If your source environment is using File Storage service, then you are prompted for
the File Storage Mount Target. If the File Storage Mount Target for the network
profile specified earlier matches any of the Mount Targets in the network
compartment created on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, then that Mount Target
appears in the list.
For a Shared File System Type, you can also specify Mount Options. Default

12-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

parameters are shown. You can edit these options, but specifying a mount option or
parameter that is not supported or recommended for a shared storage file system
deployment may result in a provisioning failure. Exercise extreme caution when
editing these parameters, as options are not validated in this page.

8. Review the properties for each node in the Application Tier Nodes information.
• Logical FQDN

• Shape: You can change the shape of the node. When choosing a flexible shape,
for example, VM.Standard.E3.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of
OCPUs and the amount of memory (GB).

• Storage

• Fault Domain

9. Click Save Zone.

10. When you are finished editing your zones, click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options:

You can optionally extend the cloning job to meet your own requirements. By default,
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for cloning.
However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also create
extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the cloning job. In this
case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager to follow when cloning your source environment. If you select an
extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters required by
the additional tasks in that job definition.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility

Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility
Framework, page 8-9.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard cloning job definition or an extended
job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager pause at
specified points during the cloning job. For example, if you want to perform your own
validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that point. You can then
resume the cloning job when you are ready to proceed. See Monitor Job Status, page 13-

Specify Your Job Definition

1. Optionally select an extended job definition for cloning your environment in the

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-13

Job Definition field.

2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the
additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values,
which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

3. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job
definition and the tasks within each phase.

4. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing
before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select
Add Pause.

Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

5. Click Next.

Enter SSH Keys:

Optionally upload SSH keys for users.

Note: You cannot add keys after the provisioning process is completed.

1. Click Add Key.

2. Specify the tiers for the SSH key. Choose All Tiers, Application Tier, or Database

3. Specify the pertinent OS User type. Choose All Users, Operating System
Administrator, or Application Administrator.

4. Upload the SSH key file. The file name will default in.

5. The system will validate the SSH key. Click Next to continue.

Review Your Clone Environment Flow Details:

Review the details for the cloned environment on this page.
1. Review the following:
• Clone Details:
• Environment Name

12-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Installation Type

• EBS Version

• DB Version

• Network Profile

• Database Details:
• Database Service Type

• Shape

• Database Name

• PDB Name

• Node Count

• DB Software Edition

• License Type

• Application Tier Details:

• Middleware Licensing Model

• Start Application Services (Yes/No)

• Zone information, including

• Web entry details

• Storage information. For a shared file system, the File Storage service
mount target and mount options are shown

• Information on nodes

• Details for Custom Tasks or Paused Tasks, if any

• SSH Keys information, if any

2. To create the cloned environment, click Submit.

3. You can check the status of the job to clone the source environment in the Jobs page.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-15

Perform Post-Cloning Tasks:
After the environment is successfully cloned, perform any necessary post-cloning steps
and access the cloned environment following the instructions provided in Perform Post-
Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks, page 9-23.

Back Up an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance

You can use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to create a backup of an existing
Oracle E-Business Suite environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This feature is
available for environments created using Advanced Provisioning. You can either create
an individual backup or schedule backups to be created automatically. Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager creates backups on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Object Storage service.
You must have the following prerequisites to create a backup.

❒ An Oracle E-Business Suite environment provisioned on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure. This environment must meet all prerequisites for Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager provisioning, including required patches based on the target
database location. See Source Environment Requirements, page 5-4.

❒ Cloud resources that match or exceed the minimum recommendations specified in

Cloud Services Minimum Resource Recommendations, page 5-7.

❒ An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage compartment in which to create the

backup. See Backing Up to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage [https:/​/​docs.

Manage Backups:
You can use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to manage both backups created
from environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and backups created from on-
premises Oracle E-Business Suite environments. You can provision another
environment based on a backup, or delete a backup when you no longer need it.
• Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure, page 5-2

• Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-17

• Schedule Backups, page 12-20

• Review Backups, page 12-23

12-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Delete a Backup, page 12-24

Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Instance:

Perform the following steps when creating a backup:
1. Create a backup, page 12-17.

2. Review Oracle WebLogic Server validation warnings (conditionally required), page


Create a Backup
1. Click the Navigator icon, and then select Environments. In the Environments page,
click the Actions icon next to the environment you want, and then select Create
Alternatively, click an environment name link in the Environments page to navigate
to the environment details page for a single environment, and click Create Backup.
Note that the Create Backup option is not available for environments generated
using One-Click Provisioning, and is therefore grayed out for those environments.

2. In the Create Backup window, accept the system-generated backup name or enter a
new name to uniquely identify your backup. The name must be a maximum of 31
characters long and must include only alphanumeric characters and underscores. It
cannot include any special characters other than underscores. Additionally, the first
character of the name must be an alphabetic letter. The name cannot begin with a
numeral or an underscore.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager adds the backup name as a prefix when
creating the containers to store objects in a compartment within an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage namespace, known as buckets. The generic bucket for
the application tier and database tier Oracle home backup is named
<Backup_Name>Generic. The database bucket for the database RMAN backup is
named <Backup_Name>DB.

3. Select the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage compartment where you want
to create the backup.

4. In the Encryption Password field, specify a password to encrypt the application tier
file system and database tier file system. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is
not enabled in the source database, then this password is also used to encrypt the
database RMAN backup.
Re-enter the encryption password in the next field to confirm it.

5. Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the source

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-17

6. For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment only, enter the Oracle
WebLogic Server administration password for the source environment.

7. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled in the source database, enter the
password for the TDE wallet.

8. You can optionally specify advanced Recovery Manager (RMAN) parameters. To

do so, click Show Advanced Options. If you do not need to change the RMAN
parameters, skip to step 14.

9. As part of RMAN backup, in the copy phase database blocks will be validated
implicitly, and any corruption or missing object will be reported at that time. If you
want to enforce the database validation before the RMAN backup, then click the
RMAN_VALIDATE_DATABASE toggle switch to turn this option on.

10. Select the binary compression algorithm to use for RMAN backup, either Basic,
Low, Medium, or High. The default value is Basic. Note that the Low, Medium,
and High compression algorithms fall under Advanced Compression. You must
have or acquire a license for the Advanced Compression option to use these
compression algorithms. The Advanced Compression option is included in all
Exadata Database Service Dedicated subscriptions, and in Base Database Service
subscriptions with Enterprise Edition High Performance and Extreme Performance

11. Specify the number of RMAN staging channels to allocate for creating the backup.
The default value is 75% of the number of OCPUs. For example, for a VM with the
shape Standard 2.4 , the default value for the RMAN Channel Count parameter
is 6. The minimum value is one channel. The maximum value is 255 channels.

12. Specify the section size for multisection backups. The default value is 4G. Valid
values are 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G, 64G, 128G, or 256G.

13. The following parameters are set automatically to default values by RMAN unless
you enter specific values for them here. You should only set values for these
parameters if you fully understand their effects, as inappropriate settings can
reduce backup performance.
• Specify the maximum number of data files to place in each backup set. The
default value is 64. To determine the number of data files in each backup set,
RMAN uses either the value you specify in this parameter or the number of
files read by each channel, whichever is lower. If you allocate only one channel,
then you can use this parameter to make RMAN create multiple backup sets.

• Specify the maximum number of input files that a backup or copy can have
open at a given time. The default value used by RMAN is 8.

• Specify the rate of bytes per second that RMAN can read on this channel. Use

12-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

this parameter to set an upper limit for bytes to read so that RMAN does not
consume excessive disk bandwidth and degrade online performance. Specify
the rate as an integer, and select the unit of measurement in which you are
expressing the rate, either K, M, or G.

• It is not recommended to use the

processing. However, if necessary, you can set this parameter to specify the
maximum number of corruptions permitted in a data file during the backup
job. Specify the parameter value as a list showing each data file ID and the
maximum number of corruptions for that data file, in the following format:

14. Click Create Backup.

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager automatically

records the operating system time zone for the source database
node as part of the backup metadata. This time zone value is used
to help determine the default time zone for environments
provisioned from this backup if the Server Timezone profile option
is not set within the source environment. For more information, see
Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6.

15. You can check the status of the job to create the backup in the Jobs page. Locate the
create-ossbackup job that you want to troubleshoot, and click the job name link
to go to the Job Details page. See Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.
The Job Details page provides links to the log files for each task performed to create
the backup, including pre-validation tasks and main execution tasks. If a backup
creation job does not succeed, you can review the related log files for the specific
task that failed to troubleshoot the issue.

16. After a backup is successfully created, you can review the backup details in the
Backups page or in the Administration tab of the environment details page for the
source environment. From these pages, to begin provisioning another environment
on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure based on the backup, click the action icon and select
Provision Environment. See Advanced Provisioning, page 9-6.

17. If you no longer need a backup, to begin deleting it, navigate to that backup in the
Backups page or the Administration tab of the environment details page for the
source environment, then click the action icon, and select Delete. You can also use a
command-line API to delete a failed backup. See Delete a Backup, page 12-24.

Review Oracle WebLogic Server Validation Warnings (Conditionally Required)

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager performs certain validations on the Oracle

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-19

WebLogic Server domain and stops the backup creation job with a warning if the
default threshold values are exceeded. If the job logs show one of these warning
messages, then you should review the source environment to decide whether you can
make changes to resolve the issue and proceed with the backup.
• WLS domain size is higher than EBS default threshold: 5120 MB -
Check what factors are causing the Oracle WebLogic Server domain size to be
greater than 5120 MB (5 GB). If the domain size is due to large log files or
temporary files, then you should first clean up those files to reduce the domain size,
and then retry the backup creation job.

• ERROR : Backup config.xml file count is higher than EBS

default threshold : 500. Please clean up some of the backup
config.xml files available in <EBS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config
directory. - Check the <EBS_DOMAIN_HOME>/config directory to determine
whether you can delete any older Oracle WebLogic Server backup configuration
files (backup_config*.xml) before retrying the backup creation job.

For more information about retrying a backup creation job, see Monitor Job Status, page

Schedule Backups:
You can schedule backups to be created for an environment automatically by creating a
scheduling policy and then assigning it to the environment in the environment details
page. See Set Up Scheduling Policies, page 8-16 and Review Environment Details, page
If you no longer want to create backups on the specified schedule, you can remove the
policy assignment for the environment.

Note: A scheduled backup can be run only when no other job is being
performed for that environment.
• If two backups are scheduled at the same time for the same
environment, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager only
runs one backup job at that time. The status for the other scheduled
backup job is marked as Missed.

• If a backup is scheduled to be created at a certain time but another

job is already running for the environment at that time, such as
adding or deleting a node, cloning, or another backup, then the
scheduled backup is not created and the status of the scheduled
backup job is set to Missed.

You cannot retry a missed job directly. However, you can schedule
another backup or manually create another backup for the environment
if necessary.

12-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

1. Click the Navigator icon, and then select Environments. Click the environment
name link for the environment you want to back up.

2. In the environment details page, locate the Backup Policy property. If no policy is
currently assigned, click the Assign link.

3. In the Assign Backup Policy window, select the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object
Storage compartment where you want to create the backups.

4. Select the policy that specifies the schedule on which you want to create backups.

5. Enter a backup name prefix to uniquely identify your backups. The name prefix
must be a maximum of 18 characters long and must include only alphanumeric
characters and underscores. It cannot include any special characters other than
underscores. Additionally, the first character of the name must be an alphabetic
letter. The name cannot begin with a numeral or an underscore.
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager adds the backup name prefix when
creating the containers to store objects in a compartment within an Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Object Storage namespace, known as buckets. The generic bucket for
the application tier and database tier Oracle home backup is named
<Backup_Name>Generic. The database bucket for the database RMAN backup is
named <Backup_Name>DB.

6. In the Encryption Password field, specify a password to encrypt the application tier
file system and database tier file system. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is
not enabled in the source database, then this password is also used to encrypt the
database RMAN backup.
Re-enter the encryption password in the next field to confirm it.

7. Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the source

8. For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment only, enter the Oracle
WebLogic Server administration password for the source environment.

9. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled in the source database, enter the
password for the TDE wallet.

10. You can optionally specify advanced Recovery Manager (RMAN) parameters. To
do so, click Show Advanced Options. If you do not need to change the RMAN
parameters, skip to step 14.

11. As part of RMAN backup, in the copy phase database blocks will be validated
implicitly, and any corruption or missing object will be reported at that time. If you
want to enforce the database validation before the RMAN backup, then click the
RMAN_VALIDATE_DATABASE toggle switch to turn this option on.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-21

12. Select the binary compression algorithm to use for RMAN backup, either Basic,
Low, Medium, or High. The default value is Basic. Note that the Low, Medium,
and High compression algorithms fall under Advanced Compression. You must
have or acquire a license for the Advanced Compression option to use these
compression algorithms. The Advanced Compression option is included in all
Exadata Database Service Dedicated subscriptions, and in Base Database Service
subscriptions with Enterprise Edition High Performance and Extreme Performance

13. Specify the number of RMAN staging channels to allocate for creating the backup.
The default value is 75% of the number of OCPUs. For example, for a VM with the
shape Standard 2.4 , the default value for the RMAN Channel Count parameter
is 6. The minimum value is one channel. The maximum value is 255 channels.

14. Specify the section size for multisection backups. The default value is 4G. Valid
values are 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G, 64G, 128G, or 256G.

15. The following parameters are set automatically to default values by RMAN unless
you enter specific values for them here. You should only set values for these
parameters if you fully understand their effects, as inappropriate settings can
reduce backup performance.
• Specify the maximum number of data files to place in each backup set. The
default value is 64. To determine the number of data files in each backup set,
RMAN uses either the value you specify in this parameter or the number of
files read by each channel, whichever is lower. If you allocate only one channel,
then you can use this parameter to make RMAN create multiple backup sets.

• Specify the maximum number of input files that a backup or copy can have
open at a given time. The default value used by RMAN is 8.

• Specify the rate of bytes per second that RMAN can read on this channel. Use
this parameter to set an upper limit for bytes to read so that RMAN does not
consume excessive disk bandwidth and degrade online performance. Specify
the rate as an integer, and select the unit of measurement in which you are
expressing the rate, either K, M, or G.

• It is not recommended to use the

processing. However, if necessary, you can set this parameter to specify the
maximum number of corruptions permitted in a data file during the backup
job. Specify the parameter value as a list showing each data file ID and the
maximum number of corruptions for that data file, in the following format:

16. Click Assign.

12-22 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

17. For an environment that currently has a backup policy, if you no longer want to
create backups on the schedule specified by that policy, click Unassign to remove
the policy assignment.

Review Backups:
1. To review the backups stored on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage
service for your deployment, click the Navigator icon, and then select Backups.

Note: You can also review a list of the backups for a particular
environment in the environment details page for that environment.
See Review Environment Details, page 11-7.

2. The Backups page displays the available backups within the compartment that is
selected in the EBS Compartment field in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager header. The list can include both backups of on-premises environments
and backups of environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You can optionally
enter a full or partial value in the search field to display only backups whose
properties contain that value. You can search by the following properties shown in
this page:
• Backup name

• Oracle E-Business Suite version

• Database version

• Compartment name

• Database name

• Whether TDE is enabled for the environment

• The size of the database after it is restored

• Creation date and time

3. To provision an environment from a backup, click the Actions icon next to that
backup, and then select Provision Environment. See Advanced Provisioning, page

4. To delete a backup, click the Actions icon next to that network profile, and then
select Delete. See Delete a Backup, page 12-24.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-23

Delete a Backup:
The Delete Backup operation is available for backups created using the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Backup Module or using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.
See: Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Instance on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure, page 5-2 or Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business
Suite Instance, page 12-17.

Delete a Successful Backup

This section covers instructions on how to delete a successful backup in Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Note: This action is irreversible. Use caution with this feature.

1. Click the Navigator icon and select Backups. Alternatively navigate to the
Environment Details page for the Cloud environment and select the Backups tab.

2. Select a backup from the list of available backups on the page. You can search for
the backup if you know its name or part of its name.

3. Click Action icon for the backup and select Delete.

4. In the confirmation window, select Yes.

5. You can check the status of the job to delete the backup in the Jobs page. See:
Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.

Delete a Failed Backup

This section covers instructions on how to delete a failed backup. Use these instructions
if your backup process fails and you need to reuse the same bucket name in creating a
new backup. The "Backup Identifier Tag" is used to create the bucket name.
1. For the failed backup, note the path to the session ID. This ID is displayed on the
console while the backup is being created when you run the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Backup Module. If you create a backup using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager, you can find the session ID in the job logs for the failed job. See the
section Monitor Job Status, page 13-1 for more information. The session ID should
be in the format <STAGE_DIRECTORY>/session/<SESSION_ID>. An example is

2. Connect to the primary node of the application tier and the database tier, and
identify if any remote clone processes related to the failed backup are running. For
example, run the following command:
$ ps -ef|grep remoteclone|grep xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

and terminate those processes in both the application tier and the database tier.

12-24 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Note that there could be other backup processes running on the source application
tier or database tier. Ensure that you terminate only the processes related to the
failed backup.

3. Ensure that the OCI configuration file and PEM key file are present on the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager orchestration VM. For information on the OCI
configuration file, see Create a Profile in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI
Configuration File [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.com/​en-

4. Go to the RemoteClone directory in the current backup session, and run the
command for deleting the Database and Generic buckets.
1. Run the following command on the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
orchestration VM:
$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/RemoteClone

2. Run the following command with the required details to delete the bucket.

Note: You must provide the proxy details if the connection to

ObjectStorage is going through a proxy server.

$ 3pt/jre/bin/java -cp lib/cln_utils.jar:3pt/ext-jars/*

-bucketName <bucketName> [-proxyPort <proxyPort>] [-proxyProtocol
<proxyProtocol>] -bmcsTenantName <bmcsTenantName> -compartmentID
[-proxyUsername <proxyUsername>] -bmcsConfigFilePath
[-proxyHost<proxyHost>] [-h]

Description of parameters:
• <bucketName> is the Bucket name.

• <proxyPort> is the Proxy Port.

• <proxyProtocol> is the Proxy Protocol.

• <bmcsTenantName> is the BMCS Tenant name.

• <compartmentID> is the BMCS Compartment ID.

• <proxyUsername> is the Proxy Username.

• <bmcsConfigFilePath> is the complete path to the BMCS configuration file.

• <proxyHost> is the Proxy Host.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-25

• -h can be used for help with the command.

Example commands:
• For deleting a Generic bucket with Backup Identifier Tag 'PRODBACKUP':
$ 3pt/jre/bin/java -cp lib/cln_utils.jar:3pt/ext-jars/*
-bucketName PRODBACKUPGeneric -compartmentID
-bmcsTenantName BMCSTENANT -bmcsConfigFilePath

• For deleting a Database bucket with Backup Identifier Tag

$ 3pt/jre/bin/java -cp lib/cln_utils.jar:3pt/ext-jars/*
-bucketName PRODBACKUPDB -compartmentID
-bmcsTenantName BMCSTENANT -bmcsConfigFilePath

Note: If you want to rerun the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud

Backup Module using the same bucket name, then you must first
provide a new stage directory path for both the application and
database tier.

Related Topics
Backing Up a Database to Object Storage Using RMAN [https:/​/​docs.cloud.oracle.
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 19c [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1) [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) [https:/​/​docs.oracle.

Promote a Standby Environment

You can promote only standby environments that have been successfully configured.

12-26 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Select the Standby Environment:
1. Navigate to the Environments page in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

2. Select Promote from the Action menu for the standby environment you wish to

3. Alternatively, select the standby environment and click on Promote from its
Environment Details page.

Enter Standby Environment Details:

The Environment Name, EBS Compartment, and Network Profile Name are shown and
cannot be changed.
1. Enter the APPS Password.

2. Enter the WebLogic Server Password.

3. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

• Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-
form tag).

• Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

• Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

4. Click Next.

Enter Database Information:

Review and enter database details and related options.
1. Enter the following:
• DB SID: The database SID. For example: demodb

• Database Service Type: This field is read-only.

• Logical Hostname: Provide the logical hostname that will be used as part of the
Oracle E-Business Suite configuration. Note that this is not the physical

• Logical Domain: Provide the logical domain that will be used as part of the
Oracle E-Business Suite configuration. Note that this is not the physical domain.

• VM Shape: This field is read-only. The shape shown is the shape selected

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-27

during standby creation.

• Enable TDE: This field is read-only and enabled by default.

• Admin Password: The admin password for the database is used for the SYS
user as well. If TDE is enabled for the environment, then this password is also
used as the TDE wallet password.

2. Enter the Active Database credentials:

• Admin Password

• Wallet Password

3. Click Next.

Enter Application Tier Information:

1. Define your zones in the Zone region.
For more information on zones, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
1375670.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a DMZ [https:
Note that you can have multiple zones across subnets. You can configure your
environment such that you functional redirection per zone is in accordance with
functional affinity.
Also, you can have a load balancer shared between multiple zones of the same type.
This configuration allows for two separate URLs to resolve to the same IP address
and the shared load balancer will target one backend set or another.
Note too that you have flexibility in your configuration. One zone, Zone A, can
have one load balancer assigned to it, while another two zones, Zone B and Zone C,
can have a second load balancer assigned to them.
Define your internal zone first.
Enter values for the following properties:
• Name

• Type

2. In the Web Entry Point region, enter values for the following properties:
• Web Entry Type: Choose one of the following: New Load Balancer (LBaaS),
Manually Configured Load Balancer to select a manually deployed existing
load balancer, or Application Tier Node to choose the primary application tier
as the entry point.

12-28 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

• Load Balancer Shape: If you are using LBaaS, select the load balancer shape.
For example: 100Mbps

• Protocol: Select the protocol for access to the environment, either http or https.

• Hostname: Enter the hostname for your web entry point. For example: myhost

• Domain: Enter the domain for your web entry point. For example: example.

• Port: Select the port for your web entry point. If there is no load balancer, then
the port is automatically populated depending on the protocol: 8000 for http
and 4443 for https. Otherwise, select the appropriate port for use with your load
balancer, such as 80 for http or 443 for https. Note that to allow access to the
Oracle E-Business Suite login URL, your network administrator must define an
ingress rule in the load balancer security list. See Create Network Resources For
Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Instances, page 3-12.

3. When promoting an environment that uses File Storage service, the File System
details are shown by default:
• File System Type (Shared)

• File System Name

• File System OCID

• File Storage Mount Target

• Storage Type

Important: You must ensure you specify enough storage for your
nodes. Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using
Rapid Install [https:/​/​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E26401_01/​doc.
122/​e22950/​toc.htm] for guidelines on space usage.

If you choose Non-Shared, you must specify a value for the Block Volume Storage
field for every node in the Application Tier Nodes field.

4. In the Logical Host region, enter values for the following properties:
• Logical Host Option: Choose Automatic or Manual.

• Logical Hostname Prefix: If you chose Automatic, enter your desired hostname
You do not need to enter this if you chose Manual for your logical host option,

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-29

but you will be prompted for the Logical Hostname for your nodes in the
Application Tier Nodes region.

• Logical Domain: Enter the logical domain.

5. In the Application Tier Nodes region, enter properties for each node.
Note that you can define a specific shape for each application tier node.
• Logical Hostname

• Logical FQDN

• Shape: You can change the shape of the node. When choosing a flexible shape,
for example, VM.Standard.E3.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of
OCPUs and the amount of memory (GB).

• Block Volume Storage

• Fault Domain: Select the fault domain. Refer to Fault Domains [https:/​/​docs.
cloud.oracle.com/​en-us/​iaas/​Content/​General/​Concepts/​regions.htm#fault] for
more information.

6. Click Save Zone to save your zone definition.

7. Define additional zones using the Add Zone button.

8. When you have completed adding your zones, click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options:

You can optionally extend the standby promotion job to meet your own requirements.
By default, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for
promotion. However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also
create extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the promotion
job. In this case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager to follow when promoting your environment. If you
select an extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters
required by the additional tasks in that job definition.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility

Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility
Framework, page 8-9.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard promotion job definition or an
extended job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
pause at specified points during the promotion job. For example, if you want to perform

12-30 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

your own validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that point. You can
then resume the promotion job when you are ready to proceed. See Monitor Job Status,
page 13-1.

Specify Your Job Definition

1. Optionally select an extended job definition for promoting your environment in the
Job Definition field.

2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the
additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values,
which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

3. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job
definition and the tasks within each phase.

4. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing
before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select
Add Pause.

Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

5. Click Next.

Enter SSH Keys:

Optionally upload SSH keys for users.

Note: You cannot add keys after the promotion process is completed.

1. Click Add Key.

2. Specify the tiers for the SSH key. Choose All Tiers, Application Tier, or Database

3. Specify the pertinent OS User type. Choose All Users, Operating System
Administrator, or Application Administrator.

4. Upload the SSH key file. The file name will default in.

5. The system will validate the SSH key. Click Next to continue.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-31

Review Your Promotion Details:
1. Review the installation details; database details; application tier details, including
zones; job definition details, and SSH key information.

2. To promote your environment, click Submit.

3. You can check the status of the job to promote the environment in the Jobs page.
A standby environment that has just been promoted successfully has the value
"promote-standby (Successful)" in the Environment Details page, with a link to the
Job Details page. See Review Job Status, page 13-3 for more information.

Post-Promotion Steps:
1. After the standby environment has been promoted, run the following cleanup script
on the source database server to clean up the local configuration.
$ RemoteClone/bin/db-standby-cleanup.sh --context-file <absolute
path to DB context file> --standby-name <standby name> --oci-
private-key-file <absolute path to key file> --ebs-username <ebs

2. Depending on the Oracle E-Business code level of your environment, Oracle E-

Business Suite Cloud Manager may initially place the environment in lockdown
mode to prompt you to review and respond to the secure configuration
recommendations. In this case, a system administrator must resolve or
acknowledge the recommended security configurations in the Secure Configuration
Console to unlock the system for normal usage. See Review Secure Configuration
Recommendations for Oracle E-Business Suite, page 9-45.

Delete an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

You can delete environments that you no longer need in order to make those resources
available for other uses. The Delete option is available for environments with the
statuses Successful, Aborted, and Failed. It is not available for an environment for
which the Last Job status is "In Progress" on the Environments page. In addition, the
Delete option is not available while a backup of the environment is being taken.

❒ To perform the steps in this section, you must have an Oracle E-Business Suite
environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure created in Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager using One-Click Provisioning, page 9-4, Advanced Provisioning,
page 9-6, or Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Instance, page 12-5.

12-32 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Delete a Standard Environment:
Follow these instructions to delete a standard environment.

Important: Environment deletion is irreversible. Use caution with this

Backups created from an environment that is subsequently deleted
remain, and can still be utilized.

If you have existing cloned environments of a source environment with a shared file
system, then deleting the source environment does not delete the source, or parent, file
system, because the parent file system is still in use by the cloned environments.
Therefore, it is recommended that you delete all cloned environments before deleting
the source environment on which they are based, in order to remove the shared file
For environments that were not provisioned successfully, this procedure cleans up the
resources of incomplete installations.
1. From the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Environments page, click the
Action icon for an environment with its Last Job status shown as Successful,
Aborted, or Failed, then select Delete. Alternatively, from the environment details
page for a specific environment, click Action and select Delete.

2. In the confirmation window, enter the environment name to confirm your choice.
Then click Yes.

3. You can check the status of the job to delete the environment in the Jobs page. See:
Monitor Job Status, page 13-1.
Deletion of an environment will delete the associated load balancer only if the
service has only one backend set which was created by the Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager.

Delete a Standby Environment:

You can delete a standby environment from within Oracle Applications Manager, but
not within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. You cannot delete a standby
environment that has an "In Progress" status.
1. Navigate to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page within Oracle Applications

2. Click on the name of the standby environment you wish to delete.

3. Click Remove Standby in the Standby Environment Configuration on Oracle Cloud

Infrastructure page.

Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management 12-33

4. After the standby environment has been deleted, run the following cleanup script
on the source database server to clean up the local configuration.
$ RemoteClone/bin/db-standby-cleanup.sh --context-file <absolute
path to DB context file> --standby-name <standby name> --oci-
private-key-file <absolute path to key file> --ebs-username <ebs

12-34 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Monitor Job Status

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Monitor Job Status

Monitor Job Status

You can monitor the status of a job performed within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud
Manager to check its progress, resume a paused job, and retry a failed job if necessary.
Each job comprises multiple phases, including prevalidation phases and main execution
phases. A phase can include one or more tasks. For each phase and task, you can view
the overall status as well as a detailed log.
You can monitor the following types of jobs:
• create-ebs - Provisioning an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.

• cleanup - Deleting a previously provisioned Oracle E-Business Suite environment

or cleaning up resources of an incomplete installation from an unsuccessful
provisioning attempt.

• add-apptier-nodes - Adding application tier nodes to an Oracle E-Business

Suite environment.

• delete-apptier-nodes - Deleting application tier nodes from an Oracle E-

Business Suite environment.

• clone-snapshot - Cloning a previously provisioned Oracle E-Business Suite


• attach-backup-policy - Attaching a backup policy to an Oracle E-Business

Suite environment.

• create-ossbackup - Creating a backup of a previously provisioned Oracle E-

Business Suite environment.

Monitor Job Status 13-1

• cleanup-backup - Deleting a backup of an Oracle E-Business Suite instance that
was stored on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

• create-ebs-vms - Creating the VMs for an Oracle E-Business Suite standby


• validate-standby-network - Validating the network defined for an Oracle E-

Business Suite standby environment.

• setup-standby - Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment.

• promote-standby - Promoting an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment

to a production environment.

• delete-standby - Deleting an Oracle E-Business Suite standby environment.

• pre-discover-ebs - Checking whether an Oracle E-Business Suite environment

that is not currently registered in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager meets the
requirements for discovery.

• discover-ebs - Discovering an Oracle E-Business Suite environment and

registering its metadata in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

• soft-cleanup - Unregistering an Oracle E-Business Suite environment and

removing its metadata from Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

• create-network-profile - Creating a network profile. Jobs of this type are

displayed only if you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was
specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

If you added pauses in the job definition for a job such as provisioning, cloning, or
promoting a standby environment, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager stops
its processing at the specified point. For example, you can pause a job if you want to
perform your own manual validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase. You can then resume the
job when you are ready to proceed.
If a job fails, you can review the log for the specific task that failed to help you resolve
the problem before you retry the job. When you retry a job, depending on the task that
failed, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager may either continue the job from the

13-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

point of failure or clean up the previous attempt and restart the job from the beginning.

Note: You must have a minimum of 10 GB of free disk space in order to

run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager jobs, including
provisioning, discovery, configuration, and all lifecycle management

• Review Job Status, page 13-3

• Resume a Paused Job, page 13-6

• Retry a Failed Job, page 13-6

Review Job Status:

1. To review job status, click the Navigator icon, and then select Jobs.

Note: Alternatively, you can review a list of the jobs performed for
a particular environment in the environment details page for that
environment. See Review Environment Details, page 11-7.
You can also review the history of all jobs related to an
environment by navigating to the subdirectory for that
environment within the out directory (
<environment_name>/). Within the environment directory, look
for the subdirectory that begins with the job type you are interested
in reviewing and the timestamp when the job was performed.

2. The Jobs page lists the most recent job of each type for each Oracle E-Business Suite
environment and each backup within the compartment that is selected in the EBS
Compartment field in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header. The list
includes jobs for successfully deployed environments as well as jobs for any
incomplete or failed attempts. If you are logged in as an Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager administrator, then the page also lists the most recent job for each
network profile. Jobs are listed in order by start time.

Note: To have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

administrator privileges, a user must be a member of the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager administrator group that was
specified during configuration of this Oracle E-Business Suite
Cloud Manager instance. For more details, see Configure Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance, page 2-35.

You can optionally enter a full or partial value in the search field to display only

Monitor Job Status 13-3

jobs whose properties contain that value. You can search by the following
properties shown in this page:
• Job name

• Environment name or network profile name

• User who initiated the job

• Action being performed

• Status, either Input Validation in Progress, Scheduled, In Progress, Paused,

Successful, Failed, Aborted, or Missed

• Start time, if applicable

• End time, if applicable

3. When you first submit a job, its status is set to Input Validation in Progress. After
the validation is completed, if the processing engine is available to start performing
the job, the job status changes to In Progress. If the processing engine is not
immediately available, the job status is first set to Scheduled and then changes to In
Progress later when the processing engine starts performing the job.
If you added a pause before a particular phase of a provisioning or cloning job, then
when the job reaches that point, the job status changes to Paused. After you have
performed any necessary manual action, you can resume the job. The job then
returns to the In Progress status. See Resume a Paused Job, page 13-6.
When a job is in progress, continue monitoring it until the job is completed and its
status is set to either Successful or Failed.

Note: If a mailer is configured for your Oracle E-Business Suite

Cloud Manager, then the mailer sends you an email message to
notify you when a create-ebs, clone-snapshot, or cleanup
job that you submitted is completed successfully. Email messages
are not sent for other types of jobs.

Alternatively, you can intentionally abort in-progress jobs by stopping the Oracle E-
Business Suite Cloud Manager VM services with the stopall force options.
When you restart the services, jobs that were previously in progress are changed to
the status Aborted. See Abort Running Jobs, page 4-8.

Note: A scheduled backup job can be run only when no other job is
being performed for that environment.
• If two backups are scheduled at the same time for the same

13-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

environment, then Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager
only runs one backup job at that time. The status for the other
scheduled backup job is marked as Missed.

• If a backup is scheduled to be created at a certain time but

another job is already running for the environment at that time,
such as adding or deleting a node, cloning, or another backup,
then the scheduled backup is not created and the status of the
scheduled backup job is set to Missed.

You cannot retry a missed job directly. However, you can schedule
another backup or manually create another backup for the
environment if necessary. See Schedule Backups, page 12-20 and
Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Instance,
page 12-17.

4. For jobs with a status of In Progress, Paused, Successful, Failed, Aborted, or

Missed, click the job name link to navigate to the Job Details page.
Alternatively, you can navigate to the Job Details page for an environment-related
job by clicking the job status link in the Environments page or the job name link in
the environment details page.

5. In the Job Details page, you can review the following job properties:
• Job name

• Environment name or network profile name

• User who initiated the job

• Prevalidation status

• Execution status

Note: For a status of Failed, click the task link included in the
status to review the specific task at which the failure occurred.

• Execution start time, if applicable

• Execution end time, if applicable

• Job definition that identifies the phases and tasks in the job

6. The Job Details page also displays a list of the phases and tasks that make up the

Monitor Job Status 13-5

job, including prevalidation and main execution.
After Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager starts performing a phase or task, the
task list displays an icon indicating its status of the phase or task and a log icon that
you can click to view the log details.

7. To refresh the information in the Job Details page automatically, click the Auto
Refresh toggle switch. When Auto Refresh is on, the page refreshes every 20
seconds and displays the date and time of the last refresh.

8. If a job fails, click Download Logs to download the complete job logs. You can
review the log details to help you resolve the problem before you retry the job. See
Retry a Failed Job, page 13-6.

Resume a Paused Job:

1. If you added a pause before a particular phase of a job such as provisioning,
cloning, or promoting a standby environment, then when the job reaches that
phase, the job status changes to Paused. At this point, you can perform any manual
action that you choose, such as validating the results of the previous phase.

2. When you are ready to proceed to the next phase in the job definition, navigate to
the Job Details page for the job and click Resume.

Note: You cannot resume jobs with any status other than Paused.

Retry a Failed Job:

1. To retry a failed job, navigate to the Job Details page for the job and click Retry.

Note: You cannot retry jobs with any status other than Failed.

2. When you retry a job, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager marks the original
failed job as the parent of the newly initiated child job. For a child job, the Jobs page
and the Job Details page both display a Parent Job link along with the other job
properties. Click the Parent Job link to navigate to the Job Details page for the
parent job.

3. Similarly, for a parent job the Job Details page displays a Child Job link which you
can click to navigate to the Job Details page for the child job.
Note that you can only retry a particular failed job once, so after you have retried
the job, the Retry action is disabled for that job. Instead, monitor the status of the
child job to track its progress. If the child job also fails, you can choose Retry for the
child to try again.

13-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

4. Alternatively, if an attempt to create an environment or a backup was unsuccessful
and you no longer want to continue, you can also choose to delete the incomplete
installation or the incomplete backup to clean up any resources from it instead of
retrying the job. See Delete an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment, page 12-32 and
Delete a Backup, page 12-24.

Monitor Job Status 13-7

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework

This appendix covers the following topics:

• Seeded Tasks in the Extensibility Framework
• Custom Task Scripts in the Extensibility Framework

Seeded Tasks in the Extensibility Framework

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager provides the following seeded tasks that you
can add to extended job definitions in the Extensibility Framework.

Table A-1 - Seeded Tasks

Task Name Description

Run AutoConfig on R12.2 Application Tier Stops the application tier services, runs
nodes Autoconfig, and brings the application tier
services back up.

Run AutoConfig on R12.1 Application Tier Stops all application tier services, runs
nodes Autoconfig, and brings the application tier
services back up.

Change database archive mode on R12.2 Changes the database archive mode on R12.2
environments environments. All application tier services are

Change database archive mode on R12.1 Changes the database archive mode on R12.1
environments environments. All application tier services are

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-1

Task Name Description

Change database administrator users Changes the following database users

passwords on R12.2 environments passwords SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP. All
application tier services are restarted.

Note: When you submit a job that includes

this task, ensure that the password you
specify for the SYS user includes at least
one special character. However, do not
include the @ character in a password.

Change database administrator users Changes the following database users

passwords on R12.1 environments passwords SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP. All
application tier services are restarted.

Note: When you submit a job that includes

this task, ensure that the password you
specify for the SYS user includes at least
one special character. However, do not
include the @ character in a password.

Change APPS password on R12.2 Changes the APPS password on R12.2

environments environments. All application tier services are

Change APPS password on R12.1 Changes the APPS password on R12.1

environments environments. All application tier services are

Change WebLogic administration user Changes the WebLogic administration user

password password and restarts all application tier

A-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Task Name Description

Change Oracle Forms mode from Servlet to Changes Oracle Forms mode from Servlet to
Socket on R12.1 environments Socket on R12.1 environments, it runs an
implicit AutoConfig. All application tier
services are restarted.

Note: When you submit a job that includes

this task, ensure that you specify a port
number higher than 1024 for the Forms
port. This port should be free and should
not be used for any other purpose.

Configure Oracle OHS PID and LOCK Configures Oracle OHS PID and LOCK
directory paths on R12.1 environments directory paths. All application tier services
are restarted. AutoConfig variables
s_web_pid_file and s_lock_pid_dir are set,
Autoconfig is run and all application tier
Services are restarted.

Start Application Tier services for R12.2 Starts all application tier services in all nodes
environments of a R12.2 environment.

Start Application Tier services for R12.1 Starts all application tier services in all nodes
environments of a R12.1 environment.

Stop Application Tier services for R12.1 Stops all application tier services in all nodes
environments of a R12.1 environment.

Install RPM from Oracle central yum Installs the given RPM from Oracle central
repository yum repository.

Create a new WebLogic Monitor user Creates a new WebLogic Monitor user on EBS
R12.2 environments.

Enable license for products Enables licensing for products determined by

the end-user.

Run Online Patching fs-clone phase on R12.2 Runs Online Patching fs-clone phase on R12.2
environments environments.

Grant EM Monitoring role to a database user Grants the role em_oam_monitor_role to

DBSNMP and to a specified user.

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-3

Task Name Description

Change sysadmin user password Changes the sysadmin user password.

Install Oracle Support Analyzers Installs Oracle Support Analyzers.

Custom Task Scripts in the Extensibility Framework

The Extensibility Framework lets you extend the jobs performed by Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager by adding tasks to meet your own requirements. If you create
your own task, you must develop a script that defines the processing performed in the
task. Follow these guidelines to develop your custom task script.
1. Create a wrapper script, page A-4.
• Parse input parameters, page A-8.

• Access environment variables, page A-9.

• Invoke other programs, page A-9.

• Source other scripts, page A-10.

• Run dos2unix (Windows only), page A-20.

2. Test the script, page A-20.

3. Package the script in a zip file, page A-21.

For more information, see the following references.

Set Up the Extensibility Framework, page 8-9
Create a Task, page 8-12

Create a Wrapper Script

Each custom task that you want include in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager jobs
must have a wrapper script. The wrapper script is a shell script that contains the top-
level definition of the processing performed in the task. When you create the task in the
Extensibility Framework UI, you specify this script in the Script to Run field.
The file name for the wrapper script can only contain alphanumeric characters and
must end with the file extension .sh.
The wrapper script can parse any input parameters specified for the task, access
environment variables, and invoke other types of programs or source other scripts as

A-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

appropriate for your processing. Except for certain programs available in all Oracle E-
Business Suite environments, all the code invoked by the wrapper script must be
included together with the wrapper script in a single source code library zip file for the

Example Wrapper Script

The following sample code shows an example of a wrapper script for a custom task. In
this example, the task is to register a custom schema. This task requires the following
input parameters:
• appsPassword - The password for the APPS user, considered a sensitive

• systemPassword - The password for the SYSTEM user, considered a sensitive


• appsUser - The user name for the APPS user, not considered a sensitive parameter

• schemaName - The name of the custom schema to register, not considered a

sensitive parameter

Note: For this script to succeed, the custom schema being registered
must have the CREATE SESSION privilege.
Additionally, note that this example is valid for Oracle E-Business Suite
instances on R12.AD.C.Delta.12 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.12 or earlier AD-
TXK release update packs. This example does not apply for R12.AD.C.
Delta.13 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.13 or later.

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-5

# |
# | Copyright (c) 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# | All rights reserved.
# |
# |
# | FILE :
# |
# |
# | DESCRIPTION: This script calls $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/ADZDREG.sql
with required
# | input parameters.
# |
# | USAGE : { echo 'appsPassword=<apps schema password>'; echo
'systemPassword=<system user password>'; }
# | | sh registerCustomSchema.sh appsUser=<apps user
name> customSchemaName=<custom schema>
# |

# Helper Function definitions

# Function to exit from a single point

function exitMain(){
exit 1

# Function to exit with 0

function exitSuccess(){
exit 0

function exitWithUsage(){
echo "Usage : { echo 'appsPassword=<apps schema password>'; echo
'systemPassword=<system user password>'; } | sh registerCustomSchema.sh
appsUser=<apps user name> customSchemaName=<custom schema>"

# Main Script & Argument Parsing

A-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

# NON Sensitive Parameter Parsing
# Parse through the argument list each argument in form <argument-
function getNonSensitiveParameters(){
for i in "$@"
key=`{ echo "${i}"; } | awk -F '=' '{print $1}'`;
value=`{ echo "${i}"; } | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'`;

# In task-definition - parameter names are "appsUser" and

if [[ "${key}" == "appsUser" ]]; then
elif [[ "${key}" == "customSchemaName" ]]; then
echo "Incorrect arguments password for Non Sensitive


# Sensitive Parameter Parsing
function getSensitiveParameters(){
while read key_password;
user_key=`{ echo "$key_password"; } | awk -F '=' '{print $1}'`;

# In task-definition - parameter names are "appsPassword" and


if [[ "${user_key}" == "appsPassword" ]]; then

appsPwd=`{ echo "$key_password"; } | awk -F '=' '{print
elif [[ "${user_key}" == "systemPassword" ]]; then
systemPwd=`{ echo "$key_password"; } | awk -F '=' '{print
echo "Incorrect arguments password for Sensitive Parameters"

# Getting the CONTEXT_FILE Environment variable

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-7

function getADTOPFromEnv(){
echo $AD_TOP

# Execution
# Write Business logic to execute or invoke the scripts..
getNonSensitiveParameters $@

sqlplus -S apps/$appsPwd @$adTop/patch/115/sql/ADZDREG.sql $systemPwd

$appsUser $customSchemaName

if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then

echo "Unable to register custom schema $customSchemaName"

# any other business logic can be added here or calling any other
scripts or program.

# If the execution is successful, can exitSuccess or return 0


Parse Input Parameters

When you create the task in the Extensibility Framework UI, you can specify input
parameters required for the task. Oracle E-Business Suite administrators provide the
values for these parameters when they submit a job that includes this task.
You can optionally specify default values for these parameters when you create the
task. An administrator can override the default values if necessary when submitting the
Additionally, when you create the task, you can specify whether a parameter is
considered sensitive or not. The values for sensitive parameters are masked in display
in the UI, and are handled separately in processing from parameters that are not
sensitive. Sensitive parameter values are passed to the wrapper script through stdin,
while values for parameters that are not sensitive are passed as command line
When the parameter values are passed to the script, the order of the parameters is
maintained, and each value is prefixed with the parameter name specified in the task
definition, to ensure that each expected parameter has a corresponding value. The
wrapper script should read and split the STDIN for sensitive parameters and the
command line arguments for parameters that are not sensitive, using the field separator
=, to obtain the parameter values.
For examples of how to parse input parameters, review the parameter sections of the
example wrapper script.

A-8 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Access Environment Variables
When you create the task in the Extensibility Framework UI, you can specify whether
the task is to be run from all nodes, all database nodes, all application tier nodes, or only
the primary application tier node. Before running the wrapper script for a task, the
Extensibility Framework sources the environment appropriate for the nodes where the
task is being run. For database nodes, the database environment file is sourced, and for
application tier nodes, the application environment file is sourced. For Oracle Database
12c or 19c, the pluggable database (PDB) environment file is sourced. Consequently,
you can access environment variables such as $CONTEXT_FILE or $APPL_TOP as
usual in a shell script.
Because the environment is already sourced, the script can access the variables in the
following format: $<variable_name>
For example, you can use the $CONTEXT_FILE variable to access the context file. As
another example, if you want to start the admin server by running the adstrtal.sh
script, you can use the $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME variable to access the script in that
{ echo $apps_user; echo $apps_pwd; echo $wls_pwd; } | sh
$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adstrtal.sh -nopromptmsg

You can also use a function to retrieve an environment variable value. The following
example shows how to get the AD_TOP environment variable using a function:
function getADTOPFromEnv(){
echo $AD_TOP

The following example shows how to subsequently assign the value of the environment

Invoke Other Programs

From the top-level wrapper script, which is a shell script, you can invoke different types
of programs to perform the detailed processing for the task. For example, you can call
SQL files, other shell scripts, Perl files, Java programs, and others.
The program file called from the wrapper script must be present in the specified
location. Additionally, you must call the programs in non-interactive mode; that is, all
the required parameters are passed to the program.
The following examples show sample code for calling a few types of programs. You can
use similar code to call other types of programs not specifically shown here, such as
Python files.
The following example shows sample code for calling a SQL file:
sqlplus -S apps/$appsPwd @$adTop/patch/115/sql/ADZDREG.sql $systemPwd
$appsUser $customSchemaName

You can invoke another shell script using the sh command. The following example

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-9

shows sample code for calling a shell script. In this example, the variable $apps_user
has already been evaluated to the APPS user, the variable $apps_pwd has already been
evaluated to the password for the APPS user, and the variable $wls_pwd has already
been evaluated to the Oracle WebLogic Server password.
{ echo $apps_user; echo $apps_pwd; echo $wls_pwd; } | sh
$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adstrtal.sh -nopromptmsg

All the dependent Perl modules required to run a Perl file are available within the main
script that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager uses to process jobs. The following
example shows sample code for calling a Perl file:
{ echo $apps_pwd; } | $FND_TOP/bin/txkrun.pl -script=ChangeFormsMode -
contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -mode=socket -runautoconfig=yes -

If you want to call a Java program, that Java program must be in the CLASSPATH in
your environments. Java and its dependent libraries are available for the main script to
run the command. The following example shows sample code for calling a Java
{ echo $apps_pwd; } | java -classpath .:$CLASSPATH oracle.apps.ad.
licmgr.bobj.InstallProduct $fndnam $APPL_TOP "$products" $apps_jdbc_url

Source Other Scripts

From the wrapper script, you can call a function from another shell file. You must first
source the other shell file with its relative path. The following example shows sample
code for sourcing another shell file:
source ./commonHelper.sh

In this example, the commonHelper.sh script is in the same directory as the script in
which it is used.
The commonHelper.sh script is used in seeded tasks provided by Oracle. The
common libraries that are used in these tasks are written as functions in the
commonHelper.sh script. You can use this script as a reference to write your custom
scripts. The following sample code shows the contents of the commonHelper.sh

A-10 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

# |
# | Copyright (c) 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# | All rights reserved.
# |
# |
# | FILE : example/extensible_task/RegisterCustomSchema/commonHelper.sh
# |
# |
# | DESCRIPTION: This script is used to provide utility methods to
runtime scripts
# | USAGE : This file is sourced by seeded tasks and acts like a
# |

# Global variables

# Function to exit from a single point

function exitMain(){

# Function to exit with 0

function exitSuccess(){

# Function to check if the variable passed is empty

function isNull(){

if [ -z "$1" ]; then

return $retCode

# Function to convert a variable to lower case

function convertToLower(){
echo $var | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

# Function to Check if $CONTEXT_FILE exists or not

function checkForContextFile(){

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-11


if [ -f "$CONTEXT_FILE" ] ; then

return $retCode

# Check if sqlplus exist

function checkIfSqlPlusExist()

sqlplus_path=$(which sqlplus)
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
if [ -f "$sqlplus_path" ]; then

return $retCode

# Get the value from $CONTEXT_FILE

function getCtxValue()
ctxVal=$(grep $ctxVar $CONTEXT_FILE | sed "s/^.*$ctxVar[^>.]*>[ ]*\
([^<]*\)<.*/\1/g; s/ *$//g")
echo $ctxVal

# If the File edition is run returns true else false

function isRunFileSystem()

file_edition_type=$(getCtxValue s_file_edition_type)
isNull $file_edition_type
if [ "$?" -ne "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
if [[ "$file_edition_type" -eq "run" ]]; then

return $retCode

# Get apps version, returns empty if not found

function getAppsVersion()

apps_version=$(getCtxValue s_apps_version)

isNull $apps_version
if [ "$?" -ne "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then

echo $version

# Gets the nodeType

A-12 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

# Returns app/db/empty string
function getNodeType(){

context_type=$(getCtxValue s_contexttype)

isNull $context_type
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
echo "CONTEXT_FILE may have missing or NULL entry for
echo "Please check if the CONTEXT_FILE is corrupted"
if [[ "${context_type}" == "APPL_TOP Context" ]]; then

echo $node_type

# Gets the apps user name from context_file if exists else returns empty
function getAppsUser()
apps_user=$(getCtxValue s_apps_user)
echo $apps_user

# Function to return value if key received is same as in keyvalue pair

# Otherwise returns empty string
# Example : keyValuePair : apps_password=<apps credentials>
# keyReceived : apps_password
function getInputValue()

key=$({ echo "$keyValuePair"; } | awk -F '=' '{print $1}')

if [[ "$key" == "$keyReceived" ]]; then
value=$({ echo "$keyValuePair"; } | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')

echo $value

# Read apps password from stdin, format of the input :

function getAppsPassword()
read apps_password
password=$(getInputValue $apps_password "apps_password")
echo $password

# Connect with apps user and apps password

function validateAppsPassword() {

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-13

isNull $apps_user
if [ "$?" -ne "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
isNull $apps_pwd
if [ "$?" -ne "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
checkDBConnection $apps_user $apps_pwd

if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then


return $retCode

# Checks user connection

function checkDBConnection()

sqlplus -s /nolog > /dev/null 2>&1 <<EOF

whenever sqlerror exit failure
connect $user_name/$user_pwd

if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then

echo "Database connection could not be established. Either the
database is down or the $user_name credentials supplied are wrong."

return $retCode

# To read system password from stdin, Format : system_password=value

function getSystemPassword()
read system_password
password=$(getInputValue $system_password "system_password")
echo $password

# Function tries to connect to system user with the password passed

function validateSystemPassword()

isNull $system_pwd
if [ "$?" -ne "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
checkDBConnection $SYSTEM_USER $system_pwd
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then

return $retCode

# To read weblogic password from stdin, Format : weblogic_password=value

# Key is weblogic_password and value is password

A-14 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

function getWlsPassword()
read weblogic_password
password=$(getInputValue $weblogic_password "weblogic_password")
echo $password

# Validate WLS Admin credetials

# ebs-get-serverstatus returns status code of 0 for running mode, 3 is
NOT running, 9 Invalid Credentials
function validateWLSAdminCredentials()

perl_bin=$(getCtxValue s_adperlprg)

ad_top=$(getCtxValue s_adtop)

if [ -f "$perl_bin" ]; then

if [ -f "$ad_top/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl" ]; then

{ echo $wls_pwd; } | $perl_bin

$ad_top/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-get-serverstatus -
contextfile=$context_file -servername=AdminServer -promptmsg=hide
if [ "$retStatus" -eq "3" ]; then
echo "Admin Server is NOT running"
elif [ "$retStatus" -eq "9" ]; then
echo "Invalid WebLogic Admin Server user credentials
elif [ "$retStatus" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
echo "Validated Admin Server Credentials successfully"
echo "Invalid return status from
echo "Not able to find adProvisionEBS.pl file in the PATH."
echo "Please check if the environment is sourced."
echo "ERROR : Not able to find PERL executable."

return $retCode

# Function to check if it is Primary App Node

function isPrimaryAppNode()

admin_server_status=$(getCtxValue s_adminserverstatus)
web_admin_status=$(getCtxValue s_web_admin_status)
if [[ "$admin_server_status" == "enabled" && "$web_admin_status" ==
"enabled" ]]; then

return $retCode

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-15

# Staring the Weblogic Admin Server
function startWLSAdminServer()

if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ] ; then
if [ -f "$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adadminsrvctl.sh" ]; then
{ echo $wls_pwd; echo $apps_pwd; }|
$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adadminsrvctl.sh start -nopromptmsg

if [ "$?" -eq "2" ]; then

echo "Admin Server is already running"
elif [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
echo "Admin Server started successfully"
echo "Starting Admin server failed. Please check if
valid credentails are passed"
echo "Not able to find the adadminsrvctl.sh"
echo "Please check if the environment is sourced"
echo "Not a Primary Node"

return $retCode

# To check if the Domain is editable or not

function isDomainEditable()


s_wls_home=$(getCtxValue s_wls_home)
s_wls_home=$(getCtxValue s_wls_home)
s_wls_admin_user=$(getCtxValue s_wls_admin_user)
s_wls_admin_host=$(getCtxValue s_wls_admin_host)
s_wls_admin_domain=$(getCtxValue s_wls_admin_domain)
s_wls_adminport=$(getCtxValue s_wls_adminport)

if [[ -z "$s_wls_home" || ! -f "${s_wls_home}/server/bin/setWLSEnv.
sh" ]]; then
echo "Not able to source the WLS environment file."
echo "Please check if environment is soured.."
. ${s_wls_home}/server/bin/setWLSEnv.sh


if [[ -z "$s_wls_admin_user" || -z "$s_wls_admin_host" || -z
"$s_wls_admin_domain" || -z "$s_wls_adminport" ]]; then
echo "Either one or more of the variables s_wls_admin_user
s_wls_admin_host wls_admin_domain s_wls_adminport NULL"
echo "Please check if environment is sourced "

A-16 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

if [ -f "$AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkValidateDomainInRC.py" ]; then

{ echo $wls_pwd; } | java weblogic.WLST

$AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkValidateDomainInRC.py --
adminuser=$s_wls_admin_user --verify=domainEditModeEnabled --
adminurl="$wls_admin_url" | grep -o 'DomainEditable.*1'
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
echo "Domain is editiable"
echo "Domain is in editable mode"
echo "Not able to find file txkValidateDomainInRC.py"
echo "Please check if environment is sourced"

return $retCode

# Function to shutdown DB on Non RAC Instance

function shutDownNonRacDB()

sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<END

whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;
shutdown immediate;
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then

return $retCode

# Function to startup DB in Mount mode on Non RAC Instance

function startupNonRacDBMount()

sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<END

whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;
startup mount;
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then

return $retCode

# Function to startup DB on Non RAC Instance

function startupNonRacDB()

sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<END

whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-17

if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then

return $retCode

# Function to open Database on Non RAC Instance

function openNonRacDB()

sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<END

whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback;
alter database open;
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then

return $retCode

# Function to get source cdb environment File

# Intially pdb environment is sourced, if required to change passwords/
archivelog we need to source cdb environment
# Returns the environment if present otherwise NULL is passed to the
function getCDBEnvironmentFile()

instance_name=$(getCtxValue s_instName)
host_name=$(getCtxValue s_hostname)

if [[ -z "$instance_name" || -z "$host_name" ]] ; then

echo "Either or one of the environment variable s_instName,
s_hostname is NULL."

if [ ! -f $cdb_env_file_path ]; then
echo "Not able to find the cdb_env_file. Please check if pdb
environment has been sourced."

echo $cdb_env_file

# Function to check if storage type is ASM or not

function isStorageTypeASM()
host_name=$(getCtxValue s_hostname)

srvctl_path=$(which srvctl)
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
if [ -f "$srvctl_path" ]; then
ret=$(srvctl status asm -n $host_name | grep -o 'ASM.

A-18 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then

return $retCode

# Function to find if the database is pdb enabled or not

function isPDBEnabled()

is_pdb_enabled=$(getCtxValue s_pluggable_database)

if [[ $is_pdb_enabled == true* || $is_pdb_enabled == TRUE* ]]; then


return $retCode

# Function to check if RAC is enabled or not on the instance

function isRACEnabled()

israc=$(getCtxValue s_dbCluster)

if [[ $israc == true* || $israc == TRUE* ]]; then


return $retCode

# Function to get ORACLE_UNQNAME from environment file

function getOracleUnqName()

db_unique_name=$(sqlplus -s / as sysdba <<END

set feedback off heading off
select db_unique_name from sys.v\$database;
echo $db_unique_name

# Function to return password file

function getPasswordFileLocation()

if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_FALSE" ]; then
# Compute Flows
# Platform Flows

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-19

if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
# Platform Plugable RAC/Non RAC
dataloc=$(echo $(getCtxValue s_dbhome1) | awk -F '/' '{print
dbname=$(getCtxValue s_cdb_name)
# Non Pluggable database. For 11204 Flows
if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then
# Non RAC

echo $orapw_file

# Script executes SQL file as sysdba

# First argument is FileName and others are parameters
function executeSQL(){

if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Sql file to execute $1 does not exist"

sqlplus -s / as sysdba @$1 ${@:2}

if [ "$?" -eq "$RETURN_TRUE" ]; then


return $retCode

Run dos2unix (Windows Only)

If you edit the scripts for your task on Windows, then you may encounter issues with
control characters. For example, the following error message indicates a failure caused
by a control character:
execution failed with ""/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or

To avoid these errors, run the dos2unix command on all the relevant files before you
begin packaging the source code for the task. You may need to install dos2unix first if
it is not already present on your system. See dos2unix [https:/​/​docs.oracle.
For example, the following command runs dos2unix on the example wrapper script:
dos2unix registerCustomSchema.sh

Test the Script

It is recommended that you test your custom script by running directly it on a test

A-20 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

instance before you package it for inclusion in a task definition. Before performing the
test, source the appropriate environment file and make sure that the prerequisites for
the script are present. The following example shows a sample command for testing a
{ echo 'appsPassword=<apps schema password>'; echo
'systemPassword=<system user password>'; } | sh registerCustomSchema.sh
appsUser=<apps user name> customSchemaName=<custom schema>

Package the Script in a Zip File

When you finish developing the code for your task, you must package the wrapper
script in a zip file together with all its supporting files.
1. Create a directory to hold the code files for the task.
For example, for the task to register a custom schema, you could create a directory
named RegisterCustomSchema.

2. Move the wrapper script for the task into this directory, along with all the
supporting files on which the wrapper script has a dependency.
For the example task, the wrapper script is registerCustomSchema.sh, and it
has a dependency on the commonHelper.sh script for some functions, so you
would move both these files into the RegisterCustomSchema directory.

3. Create a zip file of the entire directory.

The following example shows the zip command to use for the example task:
zip -r RegisterCustomSchema.zip RegisterCustomSchema/

4. When you create the task in the Extensibility Framework UI, upload this zip file in
the Source Code Library field. See Create a Task, page 8-12.

Tasks in the Extensibility Framework A-21

Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager

Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager

When using Advanced Provisioning to provision an environment, or when creating a
standby environment, you are prompted for the operating system time zone you want
to use for your instance. This appendix describes how default values for the operating
system time zone are derived, as well as the implications of overriding the default
When taking a backup of an on-premises environment, you will be prompted for the
operating system time zone that you wish to use when restoring the backup in Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure. This value will be saved as backup metadata in a property called
When provisioning a new environment from a backup, the default value for the
operating system time zone is derived based on the following logic:
• The value of the Oracle E-Business Suite profile option Server Timezone (code
SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID) is used, if it exists.

• Otherwise, if the Server Timezone profile option is not set, then the default value is
derived from the value of the SRC_OS_TIMEZONE property in the backup's
metadata, if it exists.

• Otherwise, if both of the prior values are unavailable, then the default value
becomes 'UTC'.

The following table illustrates some examples of scenarios with the default value for the
field Operating system time zone as well as the time zone to be set in Oracle E-Business
Suite Cloud Manager.
In these examples, the user has chosen not to bypass the Server Timezone profile

Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager B-1

In this table, the property SRC_OS_TIMEZONE is taken from the backup's metadata. The
Oracle E-Business Suite profile option Server Timezone is referred to by its code,

Table B-1 Examples of Time Zone Values for Advanced Provisioning

Backup Default User- Time Zone Time Zone Exadata Time Zone
Metadata Value Selected to be set to be set Infrastruct Variable (
Shown in Value on on Base ure Time TZ) to be
UI Compute Database Zone set on
Service Exadata
DB Database
Systems Service

SRC_OS_T UTC America/N America/N America/N Europe/Lo Time zone

IMEZONE = ew_York ew_York ew_York ndon is
ID =

SRC_OS_T Asia/Kolka Asia/Kolka Asia/Kolka Asia/Kolka Europe/Lo Time zone

IMEZONE = ta ta ta ta ndon is
Asia/Kolka Asia/Kolka
ta ta
ID =

SRC_OS_T IST IST IST IST Europe/Lo Time zone

IMEZONE = ndon is IST

ID =
30) India

B-2 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

Backup Default User- Time Zone Time Zone Exadata Time Zone
Metadata Value Selected to be set to be set Infrastruct Variable (
Shown in Value on on Base ure Time TZ) to be
UI Compute Database Zone set on
Service Exadata
DB Database
Systems Service

SRC_OS_T America/N America/N America/N America/N Europe/Lo Time zone

IMEZONE = ew_York ew_York ew_York ew_York ndon is
IST America/N
- 5) Eastern

Note the following:

• In the first example, neither the backup's metadata nor the profile option has a time
zone specified, so the default value is UTC.

• In the second example, the backup's metadata includes a time zone but the profile
option does not; therefore, the metadata's time zone becomes the default.

• In the third example, the backup's metadata does not specify a time zone but the
profile option does; therefore, the time zone specified by the profile option is used
as the default.

• In the fourth example, both the backup's metadata and the profile option specify a
time zone, but different ones. In this case, the Server Timezone profile option takes
precedence, and its value becomes the default value.

In the case of environments that use Exadata Database Service Dedicated, where there is
one system with many databases on it, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager cannot
use the operating system time zone for a given environment, but instead uses the time
zone defined in the Exadata Database Service Dedicated infrastructure.
Alternatively, you might choose to bypass the Server Timezone profile validation.
In the examples in the following table, the user has chosen to override the default value
for the time zone, and has chosen to bypass the validation.

Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager B-3

Table B-2 Examples of Time Zone Values Bypassing Server Time Zone Profile Validation

Backup Default User- Time Zone Time Zone Exadata Time Zone
Metadata Value Selected to be set to be set Infrastruct Variable (
Shown in Value on on Base ure Time TZ) to be
UI Compute Database Zone set on
Service Exadata
DB Database
Systems Service

SRC_OS_T Asia/Kolka America/L America/L America/L Europe/Lo Not Set

IMEZONE = ta os_Angeles os_Angeles os_Angeles ndon
Asia/Kolka (Override)

ID =

SRC_OS_T Asia/Kolka America/L America/L America/L Europe/Lo Not Set

IMEZONE = ta os_Angeles os_Angeles os_Angeles ndon
NOVALUE (Override)
ID =
30) India

SRC_OS_T Asia/Kolka America/L America/L America/L Europe/Lo Not Set

IMEZONE = ta os_Angeles os_Angeles os_Angeles ndon
America/N (Override)

ID =
30) India

In the case of environments that use Exadata Database Service Dedicated, where there is
one system with many databases on it, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager cannot

B-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide

use the operating system time zone for a given environment, but instead uses the time
zone defined in the Exadata Database Service Dedicated infrastructure. The time zone
variable is not set.
In the case of creating a standby environment from an on-premises environment, the
default value will be derived based on the Oracle E-Business Suite profile option Server
Timezone (code SERVER_TIMEZONE_ID), if it exists. Otherwise, 'UTC' will be used.

Time Zone Support in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager B-5

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