RTS Slids Lec1
RTS Slids Lec1
RTS Slids Lec1
» Primarily through:
• Lectures: 45 hours/semester, 6 hours/week.
• Homework and programming assignments:
• Semester project: project for each student
» We will also discuss student projects.
Real-Time Systems Prof. Kasim Al-Aubidy 4
Course Objectives:
The main objective of this course is to :
Provide a general introduction to real-time computer control systems .
Provide examples of real-time systems including functionality and
implementation platforms.
Study computer control strategies and their implementation techniques.
Describe and exemplify design parameters for real-time systems including
execution time, implementation, communication & user interface.
Study a range of methodologies for specifying and designing real time systems.
Understand hardware and software design and implementation of real-time
Describe and apply systems engineering methods and techniques in the design
and analysis of real-time systems.
• The course will involve a real-time system design project.
• Define your own project and write a proposal
• Experimental investigation requires a programming project and a
final report.
• Final report contents: Project title, Objective, Introduction,
Hardware design, Software design, Conclusion, References.
• Team projects are allowed, but they must be significant!