Training Methods

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Training Me th od s

Sports training is the physical, intellectual,

Mean ing of Train ing technical, psychological and moral preparat ion of
Training means to impart specific knowledge and skills to an athlete or a player by means of physical ·
carry out a particular task. It is the process of preparation for exercises. We can say that sports training is the '
some task. This term is widely used in sports. Sports overall scientific and systematic channel of
training is considered a long-term training programme preparation of sportspersons for the highest level of
which aims at improving the performance of a sportsperson. sports performance.
Sports training also consists of alf those learning ·
Definition of Sports Train ing influences and processes that are aimed at enhanci ng
Many countries have recognised the importance of an performance. The aim of sports training is to improve
effective training programme in a wide range of activities, rapidly the sports perform ance of a sportspe rson,
not oniy for success in major international competitions, but particularly in sports competitions, which is mainly
also for the development of healthy participation. based on his physical, psychol ogical, intellect ual and
Without effective sports training, any sportspe rson's technical capacities and capabilities.
potential will never be fulfilled. A comprehensive sports
tr~ining programme is the key factor in producin g skillful Impo rtanc e of Sports Training
high perfonners.
Sports training has great importa nce because it improve s
According to Matwijew (1981 ), 'Sports training is the basic the required level of
~;~ 0_f pr~paration of sportsmen'. According to Martin, (i) Persona lity , (ii) Physica
{~mmg m sports is a planned and controlled process in . l fitness ' .
w tch, for achieving a goal, changes in complex sports (iii) Skills/te chnique s (iv) Tactics employ ed ·
:otor perfonnance, ability to act and behavio ur are made (v) Mental ~onditioning (vi) Postural alignmen.t
rough measures of c~ntent, methods and organisa tion.' (vii) Muscles to fat ratio
. ISC Solved Papers : PHYSICAL ~DlJ
( 10 \
'- f Continuous Training Method
Types ~ training is of three types
.hods of Training Continuous . • M .
Met . · are tinuous Trammg ethod ,_
. thods oftraznzng ( .) Slow C 00 · -lll
Vanous me d i d the speed or pace 1s set slow but
metho , d' ·
.. Training Metho · . o f workout or
duration . 1stance. 1s long ·
1 Repet1t1on d b runners . swimmers,
· · · use Y ' . of workout 1s approximately 1 to""
It is a fonn of trammgrt persons. It is different from Duration . 10 2
or the distance covered is to Okilorne
cyclists ~~ ::;~~s In the length of the work

other tra.mmg ount of recovery between .. Fast Continuous Training Method The I
interval and tbe am · . (n) work out 1·s performed. with faster pace or the
repetitions. .. f short duration at high intensity . workout is faster. It is ped~ormed for a durati
P';~:: :Oe!;f:;;::coovery, are ~uita~le for the
:provement of anaerobic capacity. It s usually
15 to 3 o minutes, or the 1stance c~vered is S
. . . u: • ble Continuous Training 'Method
(m) ,-aria . . f .c: .
applied in high performance sports. . . . ,
are me th o d is the . o-C.1ast and
combmat1on d
Advantages The advantages of repetlt10n method
continuous . methods. It
. 1s peuonne for .
d. 30 1111
(i) This method of training h~lps ~n the development
to 1 hour dmation. Distance covere 1s IO to
of neuro-muscular coordmation. ·
(ii) . It improves speed and speed endurance. In fact,
for endurance athletes require speed for the start Purpose It is the most common type ef tr~ining
and final phases of the competition as well as for for maintaining general health and well bemg.
the intermediate phase. Advantages The advantages of continuous tra' ·
(iii) It also helps in the improvement of speed ability, method are
maximum strength, explosive power, phosphagen (i) It increases glycogen in muscles and liver.
stores and glycolytic processes.
(ii) It increases the efficiency of heart and lungs.
Procedure In repetition method, an activity is
performed with pauses or intervals of complete (iii) It is the best exercise for reducing the extra
recovery. the body.

2. Continuous Training Method (iv) It develops a strong base of aerobic fitness.

It is one of the old methods in which a playeF Procedure Always find a safe place ·to practice.
performs running or activity for a long period without clothing and complete the exercise under a coac
having any rest, break or pause in between. · duration of exercise should not be less than 30 ·
Continuo~.s training is when low to mid intensity and may last up to two hours or even more. The
exercises are performed for more than 20 minutes involved in it are running, wallcing, cycling, etc.
without resting intervals. Generally, this type of
training is used to prepare the body for sustained sports
3..Fartlek Training Method
such as marathons and triathlons bwt can also fue The wond 'fartlek' is a Swedish word which m
effective fo:
more c~sual athlete;. J,t a)lows the body to play. T!mis m.eth:od was first mtroduced by Gos
work from its aerobic energy stores to imprnv.e overall
farHek trainling i~ a type of exercise that is don
fi~e~s a?d endurance. Chief benefits of continuous
wh~re the person significantly changes the pace
~min~ mclud~ fat burning, muscle building and .
increasmg maximum aerobic potential. . :ht•h the person is running. It is continuo~ el
her~ short and fast sprints are alternated with
;xer~ise_ modes noted 8s suitable for continuous sfo>w J0gging . . ,. ·
ruam~ng mclu~e indoor and outdoor cyclin .o . [P ·.
!1D1~g, walking, rowing, stair climb. ~• J gg1ng, ~rpose P~oses of fartlek training method :11
chmbmg, nordic skiing ell. t. 1 .I~g, sim1d ated .
riding, aerobic dancing, b Ip ~ca tirauung, aerobic ~i) .This is am. effective method for the dev
in•line skating, Fape slti ~nc st~p ae~obics, hiking, · enchrrance and speed. In this method,
Water aeF00ics. . PPtng, sw1Illnling and . lilatura} resources and environment tb
Thus, a naturai t'ack is utilised for
· at·
______ _ _ _r~ .11)
Training Method s _ _ _ _ __;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Advanta ges Advantages of interval trainin.g method

(ii) SeJf-discipline plays a vital role in fartle.k training
(i) It is more beneficial for respiratory and circulatory ·
;\dvantages The advantages of fartlek training method
systems a:nd they can be trained bot~ at the same .
are time. ·
(i) It is good for aerobic and anaerobic fitness. That is · (ii) It gives a better result in a short time. lt means an
why it makes an athlete a better sprinter as well as a
athlete achieves his peak .performance in a short
better long distance runner.
(ii) In this training method, no equipment is required.
(iii) Suggestions can be given by a coach to the athlete
Hence, it can be organised without any problem.
during the recovery phase regarding any fault.
(iii) It keeps the heart rate up, allowing an athlete to get .
good cardiovascular endurance. · (iv) More workouts can be performed -in a short
duration. Patience can be increased in athletes.
(iv) It is not rigid but flexible in nature. It is easily
adaptable to the athlete. .. Procedu re Interval training method is repetition of
300 metres running at high speed (80-95% of the
Procedure The following diagram highlights the maximum) and 100 metres slow jog with a combina tion
procedure of fartlek training method . of walk and then again getting ready for the next
repetition. In this method, recovery period varies from
athlete to athlete. .· '

War ming Up,· Cond ition ing

ping Jacl<s

~ and Coo ling/ Limb ering

Meani ng of Warm ing Up
:, 7
0. Warming up prior to any physica l activity does a number
Procedu re of Fartlek Training Method of beneficial things, but primarily it prepares the body and
mind for more strenuous activity. One of the ways of
4. Interval Training Metho d achieving this is by helping to increase the body's core '
temperature, while. also increasi ng the body's muscle
This method was first invented by the Swedish coach
temperature. This helps to make the muscles loose, supple
Gosta Holman in the 1930. Dr Woldem ian Gershler also and pliable.
· formalised a structured system of interval training in ·
Germany in the 1910 and again modifie d by Reindell. An effective wann-u p also has the .effect of increasi ng
respira tory rate. This
This training method is based upon effort and recovery -.. both your heart rate and your
principle. increases blood flow, which in tum increase s the delivery
of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles . All this ·
During interval training, recover y period is given to the
helps to prepare the muscles and tendons for more
athlete after a speedy workout. Recover y period can be
strenuous activity.
adjusted according to the efficien cy of the athlete.
Keeping in mind tm; aims @r goais of an effectiv e
Interval training is a type of disconti nuous physical
warm-u p, we can then go on to look at how the warm-u p
training that involves a series of low to high intensity
should be structured. Warmin g up prepare s the body for
exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods.
physica l activity.
The higli intensity periods are typicall y at or close to
It prevent s a rapid increase in blood pressure and
an~e~obic exercise, while the recover y periods involve
activity of lower intensity. . improve s blood flow to the heart through the veins. It
increases the perform ance of the player and reduces the
Purpose The main purpose of this method is to improve
· risk of injury.
speed and cardiov.ascular fitness,
1SC Solve d Pa per::,~■-- •~•'='~ [ Et)
chap~•~· . .
. · · ·d wind morehreadily, i.c .
, 12 :· . s secon fr .,
(xi It bnng on's abi"lity to breat e eel"
d •
. Warming Up the pers
. after having been out of brea11.
. R lated to • up are exercise, •
Exercise e . elated to warmmg . n include - f Conditionmg
The basic exercises r ise Aerobic exerc1ks~ ca1·ng etc for 5 O
' Meaning the warm up and it Pro\'J."-
(i) Aerob ic Exerc
·. !king, eye1·mg, s 1pp perature Oonditionm ·
. g follows . th . \II:
e time of"·
. · bnsk wa he body tem 1-se done dunng
. •ty h "
Jogging~ It increases t h body. - °.
fit f exerc
:d10 minutes. out from t e
slowly sweat come~ e much important to
.. Stretching Exer~ise It t~l: ~oups of the body
wanning up
·nvolves a long
_ t e bene 1· is as h o rt-term . . w ereas CO
and regular trammg .process. Beiag
sports or games means grea•--
1 d for any • ·""I'
(u) stretch all the maJO~o~u~acti~e or giving any conditione rticipation for improved and
which can be used p , . . t morepa h .

, Cond t'tioning reduces
ce .
t e. nsk of ini~
·perfonnance. . rt specific exercises perfonnan · can achieve therr max1mllln po
'd .n a
.fl Exercise
(iii) Sport Spec1 ic. . . hThe frequently. use _1
are spo th at the players •• • .
are those exercises whic . are short spnnts, . . s Re Ia t.e d to Cond1t1omng
rt These exercises are" ·
particular spo · . Tty exercises, etc. Exercise . related to conditioning
. . .
e runs, shooting drills, ag1 I
' ' .
. b • exercises
The . asi~ al training, circ~1t tra1m~g, fartlek
Types of Warming Up trainmg, mter_v · d ·c alisthemc exercises.
erobic exercises an
·n up may be classified into two types . a • • •
Warmi g . U It prepares the Advantage 5 of Cond1flomng
.. .
(i) Psycbolo~icd~I Wta :I~;e p~actice or competition. . a d van tages of.cond1t10mng are
mental attitu e ow d hr gh The. roam
It helps the athlete to get mentally rea y t ou (i) Avoids se~ond wmd. . .
-various psychological ways like feedback, .
motivation and behavioural changes, remov~ng (ii)· Improve s neuro-muscular coordination.. .
mental stress, etc. · . ( .. ') Storage capacity of glycogen and creatine
11l • f
(iv) There is less accumulation o was e pro
(ii) Physiological Warming Up This_ prepares the
body to take the workload of physical stress or lactic acid.
.. ,
workload of competit10n. (v) Better performance.
Physiological warming up can be _done in two .ways (vi) Increase in blood cir~ulation.
(a) Active Warming Up In this type of warming
Meaning ·o f Cooling Down/Limbering D
up, the athlete warms up hi~ body _th_r?ugh
actual participation in physical activ1t1es. Cooling down(limbering down is also called'! ·
(b) Passive Warming Up In this type of warming down.• Cooling down allows the body to transit
up, the athlete warms up his body through · from an exertional state to resting or near resting
some external sources ·like sauna bath, hot appropriate cooling down, we should performjo
water bath, hot beverages, m~ssage, etc. well as walking for 5 to 1Ominutes. Static stre
Advantages of Warming Up more appropriate to cool down, as they help m
The advantages of warming up are relax re-align muscle fibres and re-establish th ·
range of movement.
(i) It increases the speed of nerve imp1dses.
(ii) It decreases the resistan€e in muscle capillaries. Exercises Related to Coolin.g/Limbering
(iii) It increases the speed of transfer of oxygen and The basic exercises of co~-l ing down are ~tretc •
fuel to tissue. ·
muscle_s, stretching your quadriceps, stretching
(iv) It increases the speed of muscles. hamstrings, stretching your calves, etc~
(v) _It avoids injury.
(vi) It reduces anxiety and tension. Advantages of Cooling/Limbering Do
(~i) It ~nhances cooling efficiency, . The main advantages of cooling/limbering I I '.. ,!
(v111) It improves neuro musclJlar coordinatio~ ~~) Proper removal of waste products.
(ix) It improves the level of pe~ . . (u) It reduces the chances.of dizziness
~ et
x It decreases reactian tim 1onnance.
( )

(~) It decreases
- - - - - - --'I-.._,13)
,. ·,...,g Meth ods

Adv anta ges of Isotonic Exercises

0 r11et
ric and Iso ton ic E_x erc ise s The various advantages of isotonic exercises are _
ean ing of Isom etri c Exe rcis es (i) They develop dynamic strength, which is mostly
required in games and sports.
eiric exercises are those exercises which are not , as
m . . h b ly (ii) These exercises develop strength and endurance
~ible. Jsometnc exercises ave ecome increasing together.
both can be developed
ular, because they have been proven to be effective
~elpin g people achieve and maintain a fit and · (iii) They bring about hypertrophy of muscles i.e.,
allhYbody. muscles gain ma_ss along with thickness.
s ihe renn suggests, isometric exercises refe·r to exercises Types of Isotonic Exercise
at are perfom1ed without altering the length
of muscles.
_1ey require you to tense your musc
les without actually These were developed by De Lune (195_4). 'Isoto nic'
mean s
oving any part of your body. These exercises are wide
ly derived from the Greek word 'isoto nos', which
aciiced by fitness enthusiasts beca use they can be used . 'same tension'. Isotonic exercises are of two types
n in
strengthen specific muscle groups in the body . (i) Conc entri_c ·I t is the upward movement of actio
ises are pressing or pushing the which the flexor (agonist) muscles shorten during
1 amples of these exerc les
ng a static position, action whereas, extensor (antagonist) musc
:11 11. lifting very heav y weights, holdi
lengthen in size, e.g., biceps curling, lifting
ulling rope in tug-of-war, etc.
dumbbells , throwing the ball, chin-ups, etc.
dvantoges of Isom etri c Exerdses (ii) Ecce ntric It is a type of isotonic exercise in whic
e various advantages of isometric exercise are the extensor muscles shorten in lengt h whereas,
· flexor muscles lengt hea durin g the action. e.g.,
(i) They can be perfo rmed anywhere; moreover, no of hand, dips, push -ups, etc. '
helper is required.
down. ward movement .

(ii) In isometric exercises, very less or no equipment

is required as imm ovab le objects are used. Circuit Training
tion for
(iii) Less time is requi red to perfo rm these exercises Circuit training is a very popu lar and effective varia
s. In circu it
whereas; effects are more. - improvement in the components of phys ical fitnes
. ·
(iv) They can also be perfo rmed by injur.ed players training, several exercises are done one after the other
(according to playe rs level unde r care and by
talcing suitable preca ution s).
., , ..
eaning of Isotonic Exercises . Squats
. (ii) Arms and
Isotonic exercises prov ide·a powerful workout for

Pull- ps
beginners and professional athle tes alike. Most peop
techn ical (ix) Legs
perform isotonic exercises with out reali sing the Oii) Abdomen
Step Ups
term for the movement. Isotonic exerc ises are those . Sit-ups
exercises in which move ment s can be seen directly.
In short, an isotonic exerc ise forces musc les to carry
sta tic weight throughout a rarige of motions. So basically,
· (viii) Building Strength
,, Vertic::al Jump
\rN;~LI .
any fonn of weight training, with eithe r free weig hts
~achines, qualifies as isotonic. The comm on bicep s (v) Arms and
uppe r arm, is a
in Which you lift a dumbbe11 to work the Shoulders
classic isotonic exercise. Thes e exerc ises can be done Dumb-bell Curl
or wit· hout apparatus . (vi) Back · and Presses
Shuttle Run
:xamples of these exercises are biceps, curling, Procedure of Conducting Circu it Train ing
ownward movement of hand, dips, push -ups, etc.
. ISC s~lv ed Papers : PHYSIC:~
Cha pterw ise
( 14 -.
Advan tag es Adva ntag es of weight t,.,,.:_.
. in rotation is called.
t of each exercise (i) Impr oves postu re
Completion of one se. s in a circuit are arran~ edd in in
such a
und The exercise (ii) Impr oves diet · . ·
one ro th.t different muscle groups are. exercise (iii) Cont rols body weig ht
manner a
exercise. • tram
tages of circuit · m· g are (iv) Incre ases stren gth
Advantages The various adva~ can learn to train himself.
. learn. A tramee Disadvantages Disa dvan tage s of weight tra·
(i) It is eas~ to . method of training. (i) Injur ies are com mon
(ii) It is an.mteres~mg d results in a short period.
(iii) The trainee gams goo (ii) Not reco mme nded for cardiac Patient
.. . . .
. arts can be exercised. . . · (iii) Need s a good coac h .
(1v) All body p . can be provided easily.
The equipment for exercises (iv) Need s prop er diet
(v) . t form of training for most sports
(vi) It is an appropna e . . . (v) Requ ires a supp orter
and games. . · . . .
Disadvantages The various limitations of circuit trammg
· (i) It is time consuming to set up.
are Training Me thods Help
(ii) It can only be conducted w~ere appropnate an Ind ivi du al .
equipment/facilities are .available. Sports train in~ ~s ~ spe~ ialis ed proc e.ss_of all
phys ical cond 1ttom ng aime d at the preparation
Weight Trainin g spor tsper sons for impr ovin g perfonnance in g
Weight training exercises are type of strength training
exercises in which you use the force of gravity to build
Mus cles ate . direc tly affec ted by wanning up,
muscle strength, often through the use of fitness equip and isoto nic exer cises . So, train ing methods h
such as dumbbells, barbell bars or gym equipment. Weig indiv idua l in diffe rents spor ts. Training meth
training is one of the oldest methods for development impr ove
of · .
strength. To increase strength, weight training is cons
idered (i) Strength It is th~ abili ty of the muscl
as one of the best training methods.
over com e resis tanc e. It is an essential
There are several ways you can carry out weight train
ing phys ical fitne ss whic h is improved by
(i) Dumbbell exercises, in which you use a set of
exer cises .
(ii) Spee d All train ing meth ods help to·
(ii) Ball exercises, in which you use an exercise bail,
also spee d of a spor tspe rson . Thus, more
called a fitness ball or a swiss ball. . ·
can be .perfonne d in a shor t duratioq.
(iii) Band exercises, in which you use an exercise ba~d
. also_called a fitness band, stretch tube or resis tanc; (iii) Stamina · Spor ts train ing increases
band. · ._ stam ina of an indiv idua l whic h ts re
(iv) Ba:bell exercises, in which you ~se a barbell bar phys ical, men tal and psychologica~
weight plates of various sizes. . . .(iv) Skill . Spor ts train ing is most impo
(v) Stre_ngth exercises, in which you use fitness . de~e lopm ent of skill . Spor ts help
equipment _usually found in professional , child ren to deve lop phys ical (motor
each machme is specifically b 'It c. gyms, :Where
ui 10r one exercise. (v). Endurance It is the abili ty of an o
exer t itsel f and fema in activ e for a
of time .
Marks Questi ons 8. Which of the following in an incorrect method of
training? (ISC Specimen Semester- I 2021)
uftiple Choice Questions ·
(a) Interval training method.
introduced by
1. Interval training method was (b) Continuous method.
(a) Gosta Holmer (ISC Specimen 2023) (c) Explosive strength method
(b) JF Williams (d) Fartlek method
(c) Charles A Bucher _Ans (c) Explosive strength method.
(d) J Alfred
· 9. A type of exercise in which the muscles contract
,ts (a) Gosta Holmer ·
and change their length to produce force is
2. The pwpose of conditioning in sports is to · known as (ISC 2023)

(a) reduce injury. (ISC Specimen 2023) (a) Isometric exercise (b) Isokinetic exercise ..
(b) detetjorate the performance. (c) Isotonic exercise (d) Warming up exercise
(c) decrease familiarity. Ans (c) Isotonic exercise ,
(d) weaken athletes:
1O. Isotonic contraction, which means equal tension, is
115 (a) reduce injury. known as (ISC Specimen Semester I 2021) ·

3. Which one of the following is not a method to . (a) Eccentric contraction. (b) Static contraction.
improve flexibility? (ISC Specimen 2023) (c) Concentric contraction. (d) Dynamic contraction.
(a) Ballistic (b) Static Stretching Ans (d) Dynamic contraction · _
(c) PNF (d) Fartlek ·
t1. When an isotonic exercise. is performe d against
resistance, the load remains (ISC Specimen Semester I 2021)
4. What is the advantag e of Cooling Down? (a) constant ·· (b) variable
(ISC Specimen Semester I 2021) · (c) static (d) oscillating
(a) Abnormal blood circulation. · Ans (c) static
(b) Efficient work of the bodily system to work efficiently.
(c) Increases in level of Adrenaline in the blood. : 12. Which of the following is not an objective of the
sports training? (ISC Specimen Semester I 2021)
(d) Proper supply of blood and oxygen to muscles.
(a) Technique development ··
s (a) Abnormal blood circulatio n.
(b) Aerobic endurance training
5. Which of the following is not a compone nt of physical (c) Physical fitness
fitness? (ISC Specimen Semester 12021)
(d) Tactical development
(a) Agility . (b) Anaerobi c capacity
Ans (b) Aerobic enduranc e training _·
(c) Flexibility (d) Muscle compositi on
11s ( c) Flexibility
13. What is the rate of speed, at which physical activity is
performe d, known as? (ISC Specime~ Semester I ~021)
6. Which of the following is not a Weight Training ·(a) Work-load (b) Exercise volume
exercise? .(ISC Specimen Semester 12021) (d) Intensity ·
(c) Load stimulus .
(a) Shoulder press (b) Bench press
Ans (d) Intensity
(c) Running (d) Triceps press
Ans (c) Running · 14. Who develope d [nterval training method?
(ISC Specimen Semester I 202 J
7. Fartlek, which means 'speed play' is a variation of :,·· (a) Woldemar Gerschler and Dr Hans Reindell
·. _ 1

(a) Fast continuous method. rise Specimen Semester I 2021) Eb) pr Harre and Dr Martin ·
(b) Interval method. · · (c) Gosta Holmer
(c) Acceleration runs. · (~) Dr V Aaken .
(d) Circuit training. . · Ans (c) Gosta Holmer
Ans (a) Fast continuous metn~d.
C so1vea rupo_,.,. r-nJ::ilC~
Chapterw ise . IS .

1' 16 ..
'· . . ornetric
·· 15
·ng tee hn1·ques
. stresses"? Ans • ing method is also kno\Vti
Which tram la
Which of the follow1 f work and recovery ster 12021) 3.
1S. "prograw....
...,...,ed phase o (/SC Specimen Seme '? (fSt
h. d Play . tr i"ning It is also called 'sn..a ..
. . (b) Continuous met o F rtlek a - h · r~
(a) Interval tr~i~mg (d).Acceleration runs Ans a_ . involves varymg t e intensify Or
(c) Fartlek tra1~m_g tram~ng
running t 0 improve your fitness and
Interval trammg
Ans (a) 1 re of circuit training? 1) . tra m·fag is generally used for .
· the centra co
1 . 1 1 .
16. What IS (/SC Specimen Se~ester I 202 . 4. .fi hanges m fitness eve . D1~.ft-
. specl IC C -,~·
(a) Exercise intensity (b) Exercise dens_1ty. .
(d) Exercise contmmty . ·t training is a form of body COndi .
(c) Exercise volu~e .
Ans Crrcut · h' h .
istance trai· ning usmg 1g -mtensity
(d) Exercise contmmty . res strength building and muscular
Ans . fit from warming exercise targets .'. 1 ti'
17 Players particularly bene . Semester 12021) • An exerc1·se circmt .1s one comp e on of"',' ,...
• (ISC Specimen
because d forthe 'bed exercise m the p:rogranune.
. comp 1e te ' one begms e firrs t exercise
(a) the cardio-r~spiratory system gets rea y . th .
ensuing act10n. · , .. 1s • · · h 8
.- 1· t A specific crrcmt, owever !'.hi
(b) they gain a lot with little effo_rt.. . f new circu . . . '-""
. (c) running incorporates only a hm1ted range o ~vera1 exercises mvolvmg the· same InlJScJ . ,·
movements. . · . I
(d) this accelerates therr penpheral blood supp y. 5 Marks Questions
Ans (a) the cardio-respiratory systemgets ready for the
ensuing action. Write short not~ on the f~llowing. (ISC
1. (i) Isometric Exercise . · ('")
n pram s .
18 Circuit training method was developed by 021)
• · (ISC Specimen Semester I 2 Ans (a) Jsometric exercises are those ex~ci
(a) GD Sondhi and Mr Dorabji Tata not visible, Infact, there ar~ no drrect
(b) Dr DG Noehrem . hence they can't be observed. In these
(c) Mr Dorabji Tata work is performed but is not seen .
(d) RE Morgan and GT Adamson these exercises, a group of muscles
Ans (d) RE Morga~ and GT Adamson tension against the other group of m
19. .Which of the following is not a type of strength (ii) Sprain is a ligament injury. It may
training? (ISC Specimen Semester I 2021)
· · overstretchin g or tearing ~f ligaments.
(a) Maximum strength (b) Knock-out strength can cause sprain. Falling, twisting, or
(c) Explosive strength , (d) Strength endurance can force a point out of its nonnal po
Ans (b) Knock-out strength 2. Briefly expl~in interval training. Give any
. · ·, ~ advantages of this training. ·
20. Which of the following rules is not related to weight
training? (ISC Specimen Sem·e ster) 2021) A,ns interval training method was first inven
. (~) Concentrating on the ~uscles during exerci~ink ·tiie Swedish coach Gosta Holman in the 1
(b) Ma!ntaining a good rhythm during exercise. · Dr Woldennan Gershler also formalised 1
(c) Resting between the sets for 30 fo 60 seconds. structured system of ip.terval tr~ining ~
(d) Not wanning up and stretching before the work0uts. , ; . in !11~ 19J0 and again modified, by Rem d
Ans (d)_Not Wanning up and strefohing before the.workouts. training method is based upon effort an
~ ,;f •. . ·, Principl~.
Very Short Answer Questions ·
1 . .
During interval traini~g, ·recovery period
- 1s preparatory
knoWn session just
as · before the main actjvity the athlete after a speedy workout. Rec<>
. · · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · ·. (ISC Specimen 2023) period can be adjusted according to th0
Ans general preparatory •. ·. . the athlet~. .
2. An.············ ···· e~ercise is performed against a fi d Int~1;a1 training is ~ type of diso ·
tmmoveaMe (l)OJect.
©F · . Xe.
?"aUUng that involves a series of I
· llSC Spec11nen 2023) · ltltensity ex.ercise wnrkou: ·
;ning Methods ----:------=----~----------------------__.( , 7!)

TM high intensity periods ape typieaUy at or close t@ · Ans (ii) •~s@tonic' is derived from the Greek wo11<d
anaerobic exercise, while the recovery peri0ds 'i.sotonos', which means 'same tension'. These
involve activity of lower intensity. weFe <developed by De Lune (1954). Isotonic
purpose The main pmp0se of this meth0d is t@ exercises provide a powerful workout for
improve speed and cardiovascular fitness. beginners and professional athletes alike. Most
,Advantages Advantages of im.terval m.ethod people perform isotonic exercises wi~hout
11ealising the technical term for the movement.
. Isotonic exercises are those exercises in whioh
(i) It is more beneficial for respiratory and
movements can be seen directly. In short, an
circulatory systems and they can be trained ibotih
isotonic exercise forces muscles to carry a static
at the same time.
weight throughout a range of motions. So
(ii) It gives a better result in a short time. Hr means ~asically, any form of weight traiming, with eitheF
an athlete achieves his peak performance in a . :fFee weights or machines, qualifies as isotonic.
short time. The common biceps curl, in which you lift a .
(iii) Suggestions can be given by a coach to the athlete · dl!lmbbeU to work the upper arm, is a classic
during the recovery phase 11egarding any fault. isotonic exercise. These exercises can be done
3. What are the conditioning exercises? Write any .two with or without apparatus.
advantages of conditioning exercises ' Tm.e various advantages of isotonic exercises are
. (ISC 2023)
• 'fhey develop dynamic strength , w'hiclil. is mostly
0ther Similar l?uestions required in games and sports. ·
Or How are conditioning exercises ~dvanta~eo~-~to ~n • These exercises develop strength and
individual? endurance, as both can be develope<il together.
Or Define conditioning exercises. Give their advantages.
• They bring about hypertrophy of muscles i.e.
s Conditioning follows the warm up and it provide muscles gain mass aiong witb thickness. ·
athletes the benefit .of exercise done during the time
of warm up. Warming up is a short-teliin activity 0 Additional Info· · ·
whereas conditioning involves a fong and Fegular Isotonic exercises are @f two types
training process. Being conditioned for any spoFts or • Concentric It is the upward movement @ faction in
games means ·greater enjoyment, more participation -which the flexor (anagomist~muscles sh@rten during
. action, whe~eas extensor (antagonist) muscles lengthen
· for improved and better performance. Conditim1ing
iFI size. For examples, bic:eps ewrli m~, liftililg dumbbells,
reduces the risk of inj ury, so that the players can throwing the ball, chim-wps, etc.
achieve their maximum p otential. • Eccentriic It is a type ef isotonic exercise in which the
Exercises Related to Conditioning . e~terasor muscles sh@rmen ira length, wher-eas flexor
The basic exercise related to conditiomumg are weight rrnusc:les length.en <during the actioA. For examples,
<d©wmwa rrd movement of hand, dips, push-ups, ete:;:.
training, interval training, circNit m-am in;g, farit~ek
training, aerobic exercises an~ cal~sth.ernic e:Kereises. (ii) Tih:e woFd 'Fartlek ' is a Swedish word which
Advantages of Conditioning . means 'speed pfay'. 'fhis method was first
The main advantages of conditioning aFe ioimioduceGI by Gosta Holmer.
(i) Avoids second wind. _F artlek Wabn~ng is a type of e* ercise· that is done
(ii) Improves neuro-musculaF coondima~i@m. · wkeli~ lhe 11>erson significantly changes the pace ~
.(iii) Storage capacity of gl~c@gem a~:d cFeatine ·m cveases. which ~he person. is running. It is continuous.
e~ercise where short and fast sprints are
(iv) There is less accuml!lfation of waste ~F@dl!lcts and
lactic acid. a]tem atecl with easy slow jogging.

(v} BetteF , enormance. . Purp@ses off artlek training method are

(vi} foc, ease in bi©@<d eiF0ulatiom. • For the development of endurance and speed,
, a natural track is utilised for running. It is
4· w·nte slil.@Ft notes ©n ~ e fallowing (ISC 2023, ISC 2075) selected such that it has .hills, forests, rivers,
(i➔ ls010mfo exereises roads, etc.
~iii) FaFitiJe~ triaiim.img mebhlold • For developing self-discipline.·
. . £ol1/ed Papers : PHYSICAL ED\JCl\t
Chapterwise ISC . I
( 1S:-:~).. ___ ___. . : . - - - - - - - - - - . e~ the transfer spe_ed of oxygen atid

The advantages O
f Fartlek training method are
d for aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
Th t
• It m~~eas f ssue by reducing the resistanc
nutntion to 1 . . e of
a muscle capillan es. . . .
• !t ishgo~t akes an athlete a better sprinter as
IS W Y 1 m • It enhance s c .
ooling efficienc y an<d reduces :inb•
II as a better long distance runner. . . ~1
, . or tension. ·
weth_ tra1'ning method no equipment is reqmred. •· ·ury during the actual training
• Hence,
In 1s '. • It prevents mJ
it can be organised w1'thou t any pi:oblem. .. . 0r
• It keeps the heart rate up, allowing an athlete to
competi tion. . , .
an athlete to bnng second Wind' Ill.ore
get good cardiovascu!ar e~durance. . . • . • It a11.OWsmeaning · 1ong d"1stance
that, ma race :i..
• It is not rigid but flexible m nature. It 1s easily read11Y,
. athlete who is out of b reath and t oo tired ·
adaptable to the athlete. · .
contmue , suddenl y finds the stre1r1gth to press
5 What is meant by sports training? Explain the . . 0n
top pe1.10rmance
. with less exertion .
• importance of sports training in the field of games.
(ISC 2020, ISC 2016) O Additional Info .
Ans Sports training is the physical , intellectual, technical, Other advantages of warming up ar_e
psychological and moral preparation of an athlete or a • Increase bloo d flow and metab0hsm.
player by means of physical exercises . We can say • Increase body tempera ture.
that sports training is the overall scientific and
systematic channel of preparation of sportspersons for
7• E xp lain briefly what is meant ~
by inteFVal '·
d· f .
the highest level of sports performance. It consists of training. Write the methoUJ,.1
OJ! con. uc_mg mterval
all those learning influences and processes that are training. · ' ,_ ·. · · (ISC 201
aimed at enhancing performance. .
Ans The interval training method ~as first hl~~duced by-
Sports training have great importance in the field of
Woldem ar Gerschl er and modifie d by R.emdel. This
games because it helps to · · training method is ba.sed upon 'effort and re~overy
• Improve personality ·
principl e' : ·
• Improve physical fitness
It is a type of disconti nuoNs physica l training
• Improve skills/techniques
that involves a series of low to high intensity
• Improve tactics employed 1' ;

exercise workou ts interspe rsed with rest @:r

· • Improve mental condition
relief periods.
• Improve p>ostural alignment
• Improve muscles to fat ratio It is a training of the heart through emdurance
. • Age gracefully This method is conside red as the
best method for
develop ment of enduran ce. Interval training meth
• Maintain flexibility all year
a special enduran c·e training rt:hat involves a burst of
• Teach the athktes how to achieve proper balance in .
high intensity work@ut foUowe d by low activity or
their lives so that sports do not overshad ow
personal or family life. rest. In interval trainiRg m ethod th.e total workout
done in small parts, wher ein co~plet e rest is giv_en
6. What is meant by warming up? Write the advantag es between each workou t
of warming up. . · (ISC 20i9) rt is like
Ans. Wanning up is a process in which the athlete's
muscles are wanned up by running, jogging and
perfonni n? _some freehand exercise s prior t@training
9- +~ ~- +~ ~) +
or competit10n. A warming up sessiom is diivided into [n interval training method the total workout to
two parts, general and specific. Warmin g up shel!lld · :Perform ed is split or divid;d into small periods.
not be less than 15 min and not more than 40 min.
The advantages of warming up are
~~ocedure of Conducting Interval Training
• !t incre~ses the speed of the muscles , thereby
~~) Train comfort ably at IO kms/hr on the tread
impr@vm g the level of perfonna nce. . (u) After warm up and a few minutes at this sp
• I~increases the sp~ed of nerve impulses to all parts ~ou sprint for one minute at 12 kms/hr and
o the_ bo?y, thus, improvin g nel!ll'o-muscular . ... Jog again at 10 kms/hr for 3 minutet.
eo0x:dinatiom an<d <decreasing reaction time to stiinuli. (iu) You continue. these intervals fory
worko:u: d .t ..i ~
' i 'l;,Lown1or
( ) 9)
. •,ng Methods
rrotn -----------------------

n the procedure of conducting circuit trnining 9. Explain the meaning of weight training. Write any
8 Explai eight weight training exercises. (ISC 2011)
· with the he_l~ ~fa diagram. Explain any four benefits
(ISC 2017)
of circuit tram mg. Ans Weight training exercises are a type of strength
.,tns Circuit tr~nii_1g is a very p~pul ar and effective . training exercises in which you use the force of
variation 1or improvement m t11e components of gravity to build muscle strength, often through the use
physical fitness. In circuit training, several exercises of fitness equipment such as dumbbells, barbeU bars
are done one after the other. Completion of one set of or gym equipment. Weight training is one of the
each exercise in rotation is called one round. The oldest methods for development of strength. To
exercises in a circuit are arranged in such a manner increase strength, weight training is consic:lered as one.
that different muscle groups are exercised in each . of the best training methods.
exercise. There are several ways to carry out weight training
The various advan tages/ benef its of circuit training are (i) Dumbb.ell exercises, in which you use a set of
(i) It is easy to learn. A trainee can learn to train dumbbells.
himself. (ii) Ball exercises, in which you use an exercise ball,
(ii) It is an intere sting metho d of training. also called a fitness ball or a swiss ball.
(iii) The trainee gains good results in a short period. ' (iii) Band exercises, in which you us·e an exercise
band, also called a fitness band, stretch tube or
(iv) All body parts can be exercised.
resistance band . .
(i) Legs
(iv) Barbell exercises, in which you use a barbe ll bar
Jumping Jacks
and weigh t plates of variou s sizes.
Squats (v) Strength exercises, in which you use fitness .
equipment usuall y found in profes sional gyms,
(ix) Legs
where each machi ne is specif ically built for one.
(iii) Abdomen
Step Ups
(vi) Sandb ag hang exercises, in w~ich bangi ng on the
sandbag with closed fists help devel op muscu lar
(viii) Building Strength
Vertical Jump
11;,1~L1 strength.
(vii) Farme rs walk in which pickin g up a heavy pair of
(v) Arms and
dumb bells and walki ng with them for a time
Leg Raise . Shoulders period of 30 sec to 2 min.
~ Qumb-b ell Curl
(viii) Powe rlifter s which mean s bendi ng over and
, Shuttle Run pickin g up a heavy objec t is also a good exerc ise.
Procedure of Condu ct of Circui t Training
Ci#Mi'41 rEsTJ
. is the ability of muscle to overcome res·
~ Mark Questions · ···· · . rtance of sports training.
7 Write the impo .
1 In which method, a player performs running or ·. h le of the repetition training m
activity for a long period without rest? , , 8 What 1s t e ro
(a) Repetition method s orts and games?.
(b) Continuous method p . three advantages of fartlek training
(c) Fartlek training method
9 Wnteany
(d) Interval training method
Answers . ·
2 Which training methods have many rounds of
exercise to target each muscle in body?
1. (a) j. 2. (c) I 3. (d) I 4. (a)
(a) Weight training
(b) Isotonic exercise
(c) Circuit training
(!E Marks Questions
(d) Isometric exercise
10 Write short notes on the following.
3 Which among the following is/are the advantages of (a) Fast continuous training method
warming up? _
(a) It avoids injury · (b) Variable continuous training method . ·
(b) It reduces anxiety and tension '
( c) It increases the speed of muscles
11 List the.type of isotonic exercises.
( d) All of the above 12 What are the advantages of variable continuous:
4 ............ is not a weight training exercise. training method? ·
(a) Running
(b) Dumbbell
13 What is the role of warming up in sports? WritJ
( c) Bench Press advantages of warming up. ·.
(d) Norie of the above · ·
14 Write short notes on the following. ·
5 ...... :.. is !he dbility of an organism to exert itself (a) Sport specific exercise
and remain active for a long period of time. (b) Physiological warming up

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