CHAPTER-10 Training in sports class 12

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Sports Training is a special process of preparation of sports persons based on scientific principles
aimed at improving and maintaining higher performance capacity in different sports activities.


Talent identification is the process of recognizing current players that have the potential to excel. It
involves an attempt to predict the future capacity of performance of an individual.

Predictors of Talent Identification

Physical:- Physical predictors of talent are fitness tests done to predict what area and what sports is
suited for the athlete. Some physical predictors are height, weight, somatotype, muscle girth, arm

Physiological :- The physiological predictors are again fitness tests testing anaerobic capacity and
aerobic capacity. Anaerobic capacity is measured by the athlete sprinting 40 meters as fast as they

Psychological :- The psychological factors include confidence, concentration, decision-making, and

game intelligence.

Kinesthetic and skill decision making:- These consist of anticipation, decision making, game
intelligence, and skills. Anticipation is the ability to read the game.


Sports training cycle also known as Periodized Training works on the concept of overload and
adaptation; by stressing the body over time.

Periodization is the process of dividing an annual training plan into specific time blocks, where each
block has a particular goal.

During base training you focus on the development of aerobic and muscular endurance.

During the intensity phase this focus switches to lactate threshold and aerobic capacity.

As you enter the competition phase greater emphasis is placed on boosting anaerobic capacity and
neuromuscular power.


A Macrocycle refer to your season as a whole. It is the longest cycle which incorporates all 52 weeks
of annual plan. Macrocycle could be displayed as 4 periods:- Preparation, Pre-competition,
Competition and Transition.
Preparation phase is further broken up into general and specific preparation. General preparation
builds an aerobic base for an endurance athlete. Specific preparation would be to work on the
proper form to be more efficient and to work more on the final format of the sports.

Competitive phase can be several competitions, which lead to the main competition.

Transition phase is important for psychological time towards training means some time off.


A mesocycle refer to a particular training block within that season; eg. The endurance phase.

The mesocycle represents a specific block of training that is designed to accomplish a particular goal.
This mesocycle may include three weeks of threshold intervals followed by a week of recovery.


A microcycle refers to the smallest unit usually a week of training . It is the shortest training cycle,
typically lasting a week with the goal of facilitating a focused block of training. It consists of very hard
workouts for two or three consecutive days followed by an equal amount of recovery.



STRENGTH:- Strength is the ability of a muscle to overcome resistance. It is the total amount of force
a muscle can exert.

Types of Strength:- i) Static Strength:- It is the ability to act against resistance from one position
without any movement. It is also known as isometric strength.

ii) it is the ability to act against resistance with movement. Movements are visible
when someone is doing dynamic strength training. It is divided into three parts.

 Maximum Strength- It is the ability to act against maximum resistant.

 Explosive Strength- it is the ability to overcome resistance with high speed.
It is generally required in jumping activities.
 Strength Endurance- It is the ability to overcome resistance for longer
period under conditions of fatigue.

Method to Improve Strength

 Isotonic Exercises:-Isotonic Exercises tone up the muscle. Muscle become flexible. Isotonic
Exercises are of two types:-Concentric- It is the upward movement of action in which flexor
muscles shortens and extensor muscle lengthens in size.

Eccentric- It is the downward movement of action in which flexor muscles lengthens and
extensor muscle shorten in length.
 Isometric Exercises-In these strength training exercises , the length of muscles remains the
same during workouts. These exercises have no external movement, but the tension created
inside the muscle eg. Pushing the wall, lifting heavy weight etc.
 Isokinetic Exercises:- In these exercises, there is a movement with continuous tension in
both flexor and extensor muscles. In this muscles contract throughout the range of
movement at a constant speed eg. Swimming, cycling etc.


Endurance is the ability to resist fatigue for a longer period of time.

Types of Endurance

Muscular Endurance/Short term Endurance

 Speed Endurance:- This is the type of endurance in which the activity is done with high
speed and intensity. This endurance is for shorter duration (from 30 to 60 sec. ) with
80% to 90% of top speed ability.
 Strength Endurance:- The type of activity is done powerfully and forcefully for a shorter
duration. This duration is from 2 to 3 minutes.
 Long Term Endurance:- This type of endurance is required when the activity is done for
a longer duration and the intensity or speed is slow.

Method to improve Endurance

i) Continuous Training Method:- In this method, speed remains slow because the exercise
is done for a longer period. This method develops a very high level of Endurance.
 Slow continuous training method- This method is used by long distance
runners. Duration of workout is 1-2 hours, distance covered is 10-20km.
 Fast Continuous Training method- - This method is used by middle distance
runners. Duration of workout is 15-40minutes, distance covered is 5-10km.
 Variable continuous training method- - This method is a combination of fast
and slow pace continuous methods. Here the workout is done with a variable
speed of 40-100% of the best capacity.

Advantages of continuous training method

i) Increases Glycogen in muscle.

ii) Increases number and size of mitochondria.
iii) Increases efficiency of heart and lungs.
iv) Improves will power and confidence.
ii) Interval Training Method- In this training method, the total workout is done in small
parts, where incomplete rest is given between each workout. By looking Volume or total
distance, intensity or speed of work, Duration of work out, number of repetition,
Duration of rest, Mode of recovery.
Fartlek Training Method

Fartlek means speed play. It is a combination of continuous and interval training method. In this
method, an Athlete used natural environment for a workout.

Advantages of Fartlek Training method:

i) It can practiced in off session period.

ii) It develops creativity and gives adventure.
iii) Natural motivation is there with no boredom.
iv) Art of self-learning is experienced


Speed is the ability to perform the movement at a faster rate. It is the capacity of moving a body
with greatest possible velocity.

Types of Speed

i) Reaction Time:- it is the time taken by the body to respond immediately after the
stimulus. It is the first reaction to bring our body in to action.
ii) Acceleration Ability:- It is the time taken by the body to reach maximum speed. This
ability depends upon the explosive strength, technique and flexibility.
iii) Speed of Movement:- It is the time taken by the body to perform complete action.
iv) Locomotor Ability:- It is the ability to maintain maximum speed for maximum distance.
v) Speed Endurance:- It is the ability to perform movements with high speed under
conditions of fatigue.

Methods of Improve Speed

i) Acceleration Run:- In this method, Athlete try to attain top speed as fast as possible.
They run for 20-30M distance with maximum Speed.
ii) Pace Run Training Method:-Pace races mean running the whole distance of a race at a
constant speed. For 800m training athletes can run a distance of 300m or 20% of racing
distance at full speed.


Flexibility is when the joints can move to their maximum range. It is the ability to execute movement
with greater range.

Types of Flexibility

i) Passive Flexibility:- Joints can move in maximum range with external help, eg. Stretching
with a partner.
ii) Active Flexibility:- It is performed without external help. It is further divided in to two
part. i) Static Flexibility- It is the flexibility performed from a stationary position, e.g.
Chakrasana, toe touching. ii)Dynamic Flexibility:- It is the flexibility performed while in
Methods to improve Flexibility

i) Ballistic Method:-In this method, individuals perform various stretching exercises while
in motion.
ii) Static Stretching Method:- In this method, various slow stretching exercises are done
from a stationary position and hold the final position for sometimes.
iii) Passive Flexibility Method:- In this method flexibility exercises are done with external


Coordinative Ability is the ability of the body to perform the movement with perfection and
efficiency. It requires quality of movement.

Types of Coordination

i) Adaptive Ability:- Ability to adjust the movement effectively based on changes.

ii) Balance Ability:- Ability to protect the body in a stable position.
iii) Rhythm Ability:-Ability to observe the rhythm of a movement and to regain balance
iv) Reaction Ability:- Ability to react immediately and quickly to a signal.
v) Coupling Ability:- Ability to combine the movements of different body parts of
performing a perfect sports movement.

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