Earthworms and Nightcrawlers: in The Home Lawn

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CMG GardenNotes #554

Earthworms and Nightcrawlers

in the Home Lawn

Outline: Pesticides and earthworms, page 1

Reducing earthworm activity in lumpy uneven lawns, page 2

Earthworms and nightcrawlers are considered beneficial because they aid in the
decomposition of turfgrass thatch and grass clippings, which helps to recycle
nutrients and organic matter into a lawn’s soil. The tunneling and burrowing
caused by earthworm activity provides a natural cultivation effect that is much
more effective than that experienced with mechanical core cultivation/aeration
equipment. These tunnels help oxygen and water to enter the turf root zone more

Unfortunately, earthworms are regarded by many homeowners to be pests because

their burrows and castings can cause a lawn surface to become anywhere from
slightly to extremely bumpy.

Several species of earthworms are found in the U.S. The nightcrawler, Lumbricus
terrestris Linnaeus, and the red earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus Hoffmeister, are
the most common larger species. Smaller species belong to the genera
Allolobophora and Eisenia. Earthworms are generally found in the top 12" to 18"
of the soil because this is where food is most abundant. The worm ingests soil and
organic matter that is swallowed and ground in the gizzard. The ejected material
(called castings) is used to line the burrow or is deposited at the entrance (on the
lawn surface). Earthworm activity is greatest when soil is warm and moist,
becoming active when soil thaws in the spring. The worms will move deep into
the soil if it becomes dry during the summer.

Pesticides and Earthworms

Preservation of a healthy earthworm population is important for thatch and
compaction management in turfgrass systems. When insect, disease, or weed
problems occur and a pesticide application is deemed necessary, it is important to
select products that have the least detrimental effect on earthworm populations.
Some pesticides can cause severe and long-term reductions in earthworm numbers.
Most earthworm species grow slowly, live for several years, and have low
reproductive rates. Earthworm populations may take many months or years to

recover following intentional or non-intentional pesticide applications that reduce
worm populations.

To reduce detrimental effects of pesticide use on earthworm populations in lawns:

1. Apply pesticides only when needed; eliminate preventive applications

whenever possible.
2. Use spot applications of pesticides.
3. Select products that are least injurious to earthworms and do not exceed
labeled rates.
4. Avoid pesticide applications when earthworms are near the soil surface
(soon after a rain or irrigation).

Reducing Earthworm Activity in Lumpy Uneven Lawns

In many lawns earthworm activity can cause the surface to become mildly to
excessively lumpy and uneven. Where earthworm populations approach nuisance
levels, some measures can be taken to discourage activity or to reduce the impact
of earthworm activity on surface smoothness.

1. Core cultivation of the lawn and spreading of the plugs throughout the
lawn may cause some leveling of a severely bumpy surface.

2. The use of heavy rollers to flatten the lawn surface can be effective.
Heavy rolling is likely to cause soil compaction. Heavy rolling should be
followed by core cultivation.

3. Topdressing (spreading a thin layer of soil or other material) the bumpy

lawn can provide some relief. Appropriate materials might include good
quality compost, composted sewage sludge, or soil from an adjacent
vegetable garden or flowerbed. Spread ½-1 inch of material on the lawn
and rake it into the grass canopy; repeat every 1-2 weeks, until surface is
acceptably level. Sand (on a clay soil), peat moss, sawdust, or wood
shavings are not good topdressing materials because they will disrupt
water movement into the soil and may cause nutrient deficiencies to occur.

4. Earthworms prefer moist soil. Less frequent irrigation that allows the soil
surface to dry out between irrigation events may reduce surface activity of
the earthworms.

5. Dethatching mowers, also known as power rakes, can be used to level the
earthworm mounds. Adjust the power rake so that the teeth operate low
enough to shave off the tops of the worm mounds, but not so low that the
crowns and roots of the grass plants are pulled up. It is best to do this
early in the spring, before the lawn has begun greening up.

6. Earthworms are generally intolerant of acidic soils (pH < 6.0). On some
soils (those in the eastern, Midwest and southern US) the use of sulfur,
ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, or other acidifying fertilizers can
reduce worm activity. However, it important to note that the pH of most
soils in Colorado lawns can NOT be easily acidified by fertilizer

7. Lawn care operators may not apply any pesticide for the purpose of
controlling earthworms.

8. Employees of Colorado State University Extension may not recommend

any pesticide application for the purpose of controlling earthworms in any
turf area.

The presence of earthworms in the home lawn is an indicator of a healthy soil

environment. Earthworms aid in the breakdown of thatch and other organic matter
and create tunnels, which promote water infiltration, oxygen movement, microbial
activity, and deeper grass rooting. Rich in nutrients, their castings are a
combination of minerals moved from deep in the soil and from their main food
sources: grass clippings and thatch. Although the bumpiness caused by earthworm
mounds can be annoying, the homeowner should consider the benefits provided to
their lawn’s health and avoid the temptation to use pesticides to reduce or
eliminate earthworm populations in the lawn.

Author: Tony Koski, Ph.D., Extension Turf Specialist, Department of Horticulture & LA, Colorado State University

o For additional information on lawn care, refer to

o Colorado Master Gardener GardenNotes are available online at
o Colorado Master Gardener training is made possible, in part, by a grant from the Colorado Garden Show, Inc.
o Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating.
o Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.
o No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.
o Copyright Colorado State University Extension. All Rights Reserved. CMG GardenNotes may be reproduced, without
change or additions, for nonprofit educational use with attribution.
December 2010


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