Inaugural-Dissertation Zur Erlangung Des Doktorgrades

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For the description of the nuclear states, we haveconsidered a phenomenological collective model
and used experimental valuesfor the reduced nuclear transition probabilities. In the second stage the
hit information of electron candidates in the subdetectors istransferred to one central module, the
Matching Unit, which has been designed and builtas part of this thesis. Inthe following, we discuss
several aspects of possible future NEEC experiments. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ?(kb ) E (keV)42.198
18575 Re 2.36 ? 10?5eV Figure 3.2: NEEC cross sections for 18575 Re as a function of the
continuum electron energy 3.2 Possible experimental observation of NEEC Highly-charged heavy
ions are the most important ingredients required in anyexperiment concerning NEEC. The resonant
part can be writtenin terms of the NEEC rate, that accounts for the nuclear excitation, and
theradiative rate that characterizes the nuclear decay. In particular, they indicate integration of
previous visual information into current visual search, thus visual search does not start anew with
each eye fixation but benefits from previous experience. The modules are the following ones:
Initialization In this module all the internal registers are set to the appropriate values and the exter-
nal devices are reset (for example the FIFOs which buffer the IPU data first). The important
implication of this result is that the current paradigm established with the “control experiment” (7)
provides a useful method to investigate effects on location priming induced by interfering events
between sequential trials. Deficits were expected to be indicated by altered or disturbed priming
effects in those patients as compared to priming effects in healthy control subjects and furthermore,
in patients with right-hemispheric lesions not involving the parietal lobe. Darum war es unser Ziel,
fur zukunftigeExperimente messbare Isotope zu ermitteln. The NEEC term is scaled in both cases by
a factor of 10?2. 58 Page 59. The results in the present experiment apply to exogenously driven
covert attention shifts. We consider, just as in the case of the total cross section, Coulomb-Dirac
wave functions for the continuum electron. Implications of spatial remapping deficits on visual
search impairments following right parietal lesions are discussed. Page 59. The cut-off sections were
determined randomly and independently for each target and distractor stimulus. Recently, Khan,
Blangero, Rossetti, Salemme, Luaute et al. (in press) demonstrated dissociation between the ability
to conduct saccades accurately and to shift attention covertly in a patient with posterior parietal
damage. Two high-resolution semiconductor detectors were to be used to recordthe emitted photons,
in coincidence with the charge-selected and momentum-analyzed transmitted ions. In this case the
NEEC radiation would have a differentenergy than the RR photons and therefore a much better
signal to backgroundratios would be expected. The individual signalsare added (analog) by the MTU
(Multiplicity Trigger Unit) and discriminated to deliverthe LVL1 trigger. This can be also
qualitativelyexplained by the different time scales that characterize the two interfering pro-cesses.
For this task the RICH IPU, TOF IPU, Shower IPU and the Matching Unit have to besimulated in
software and the results of the offline analysis and hardware algorithms(performed in software as
well as in the hardware IPUs) have to be compared. Page 86. Presumably, and in accordance with
Pisella and Mattingley?s (2004) assumptions, healthy subjects were able to integrate subsequently
presented visual information by successful remapping of preview and search display representations
on the saliency map. Therefore, only elec-trons and positrons emit Cherenkov light. RR plays an
importantrole in plasma physics, in particular for the spectroscopic analysis of fusionplasmas and also
occurs as an important background in traps or in collisionsinvolving highly-charged ions. While
facilitatory priming was equally present in patients with neglect following right-hemispheric damage
compared to healthy subjects inhibitory priming was shown to be present however slightly
diminished, especially in two patients with lesions encroaching on the frontal eye fields (Finke, et
al., in press). Hence, we expected location priming to be basically present in patients with parietal
lesions in the “control experiment” (7). Its current achieved maximum electron beam energy is 100
keV. The studyof the angular distribution of the emitted photons in the recombination processcan
provide additional means of discerning between RR and NEEC. Hence, the results of study 3 are not
in accordance with the model’s assumptions that covert shifts of attention would induce spatial
remapping requirements with the spatial remapping mechanisms anatomically located in the parietal
lobe. In order to keep the size of the stimuli perceptually comparable to experiment 1, subjects
viewed the monitor from 20% less distance (44 cm) compared to the distance of experiment 1.
Figure 5. Six stimuli positions around a fixation cross in the left or the right half of the monitor
screen, respectively, were possible. Using this approach, essentially the samecode can run in all DSPs.
MatchingUnit PR CR RU VM E CPLDs DTU CPU FrontendModules FrontendModules Priv ateJ 2-
B us MUFifo x12 X3 96 Controller Controller ResultFifos Ring Recognition Memory Memory
FifoFifo Sequencer VM E-B US Readout Readout Pattern ReconstructorControl Inte rfac e Page 49.
Location based facilitatory and inhibitory priming effects were measured as a function of the
preceding trial: Targets appearing at previous target locations are detected faster and more accurately
(facilitation), while detection of targets at previous distractor locations is slower and more error-
prone (inhibition). Be the first Join the discussion Add a quote Start a discussion Ask a question
Can't find what you're looking for. In the “spatial remapping experiment” (9), NONPAR and CON
group showed priming effects. Subjects were instructed to saccade in turns from left to right and
from right to left, accordingly. Heassigned me a very interesting topic and supported me in every
aspect of mywork, physics matters as well as technical or administrative details. Hence, one has to
determine all contributionsto the lepton cocktail. The individual distribu-tions are shown: The 1%
mass resolution is enough so that one can easily dis-tinguish between the ? and ?. Page 31. They
were former patients of the rehabilitation clinic. Page 112. We analyze our theoretical results along
withthe present possibilities offered by storage rings or electron beam ion trapsexperiments. 3.1
Numerical results We consider heavy ion collision systems involving electric E2 and magnetic
M1transitions in isotopes with low-lying nuclear levels that make the occurrenceof NEEC possible.
The liquid dropmodel was historically the first one proposed as an explanation of the differ-ent
properties of the nucleus. Furthermore, we were interested whether facilitation and inhibition might
be affected differentially by attentional shifts. This can be suppressed by demanding a track inthe
MDC at the cross, which is missing. Page 58. A theoretical framework of spatial remapping
mechanisms More recent models agree with the idea that visual input provided with each eye fixation
is integrated across space and time by updating representations of the external world on a more
central map. It is taken from the back-side of the detector, the beam is approaching the camera. The
main advantage in using a crystal compared to gas targetsor electron beams is the high electron
density. Targets appearing at previous target locations are detected faster and more accurately
(facilitation), while detection of targets at previous distractor locations is slower and more error-
prone (inhibition). Theoffline analysis offers a more sensitive method for lepton identification than is
avail-able online. All gave written informed consent to participate in the study, according to the
declaration of Helsinki II. The RICH IPU is implemented on two 6U-VME boards for each of the 6
detectorsegments. A significant excess ofdileptons by a factor 3 to 5 is seenin the data, especially just
belowthe region of the. RICH IPU Hardware Algorithm Threshold 1 Trigger Efficiency Effi cien cy
Rat e RelativeDouble Ring Rat e Trigger Fake Rate Fig. 5.2: Qualitative plotillustrating the
dependenceof the efficiency, fake rateand fraction of double ringfound by the algorithm on
thethresholds set for the ringalgorithm in the RICH IPU. ?ana ?trig? Page 88. As the initial andthe
final states for the direct and resonant channels coincide, the total crosssection includes also a third
term accounting for quantum interference betweenthe two processes. The discussion of the present
experimental possibilities regarding the ob-servation of NEEC has focused on the accelerator and
electron beam ion trapfacilities. Asa DSP has very special features and possibilities (as described in
chapter 4.2.3 “DigitalSignal Processors” on page 67) a abstract language is not able to use these
intensively.Therefore, for speed purposes it is recommended to program the DSPs in their
specialassembly language. In order to study the resonant capture into the L-shell ofHe-like, Li-like
or Be-like ions the Feshbach projection operator formalism hasto be extended to include for the
electron-electron interaction and electronic 74 Page 75. With these parameters it is pos-sible to
control many aspects of the operation of the Matching Unit. LVL2 Triggers 0xE80C Number of
LVL2 triggers given by the MU, read only. The relativistic ion-beam is then shot throughvery thin
foils (beam-foil method) or gas targets that act like strippers andremove a part of the ion’s electrons.
The intermediate nuclearstate may decay radiatively, or, when possible, by internal conversion.
We consider therefore a liquid drop of constant density andwith a sharp surface. Spatial remapping is
required along with changes on the saliency map due to spatial shifts of attention, which can occur
overtly, accompanied by saccades and covertly, without saccades. HYDRA contains classes for the
full event reconstruction and analysis. The intermediate nuclearstate may decay radiatively, or, when
possible, by internal conversion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 113.
Page 177. Due to confinement (single quarks havenever been observed), these form color neutral
objects, called hadrons. Given that the presence of facilitation and inhibition provided evidence for a
basically successful integration of visual information across trials, the purpose of the “control
experiment” (10) could be considered to be not derogated. Therefore, it is impor-tant to optimize the
operation of the RICH IPU. We were interested in whether robust effects accompanying visual
search under specific conditions (e.g. robust facilitation and inhibition within a certain arrangement
of stimuli) outlive spatial shifts of attention, and if, whether, firstly overt and covert attention shifts
would have a different impact on priming effects, and secondly, facilitation and inhibition would be
affected differentially by our experimental modifications. We consider, just as in the case of the total
cross section, Coulomb-Dirac wave functions for the continuum electron. Influence of neglect 16 out
of 30 patients (11 out of 15 PAR and 5 out of 15 NONPAR patients) suffered from mild residual
neglect. The DSPs writetheir data to a large FIFO, which can be read on the other side by the CPU
can readfrom at the same time (achieved by separating the buses). The external RAM devices are
SRAMs (Static Random Access Memory) whichallow the fastest access of data at arbitrary positions
in the memory without overheadand glue logic (as compared to DRAM). 4.2.6 Physical Interface to
the IPUs There is one common bus standard and physical protocol used to transfer the hit coor-
dinates from the three IPUs to the Matching Unit. Special thanks go to Ellen (“Dr. Nase”) and
Melissa, and to all my friends for unshakable faith and support in so many ways. Furthermore, ?
stands for electric (e) or magnetic (m)waves. In the “spatial remapping experiment” (9), NONPAR
and CON group showed priming effects. En is the nu-clear excitation energy, Ed is the energy of the
continuum elec-tron at the resonance and ?d is the width of the excited nuclearstate. The recombined
ions were deviatedwith a dipole in a 5.6 m straight section, where some ions lost the electronsdue to
internal conversion. We analysed facilitation and inhibition in six experiments. This triggersystem is
presented in chapter 3, with the focus on the second level trigger, designed andbuilt in Gie?en. It is
defined as the imaginary part of the propagator and can be inter-preted as the mass distribution of
the particle. By analogy, this is similar to the effective massof an electron moving in a crystal lattice;
the surrounding potentials of the lattice resultin a change of the mass used in the differential
equations of their motion. Lesion reconstructions of the 18 patients The patient data were again
compared to the data of 10 age- and education matched control subjects (CON). In order to derive
the NEEC rate for this case, we use the assumption that theelectron does not enter the nucleus,
which allows a convenient separation ofthe electronic and nuclear matrix elements. In this chapter we
present a versatile formalism for describing theoreticallythe processes contributing to PR, including
the NEEC recombination mecha-nism. Theyare used for very precise tracking and determination of
momenta of the electrons. Since they perform the algo-rithm and receive and send all data, special
care has to be taken to choose the appropri-ate device. In six experiments, we test the assumption that
location priming effects as they occur in priming of pop-out visual search outlive saccadic shifts of
overt attention and covert attention shifts. These corrections are neglected in our treatment as
theyare expected to be far less than the overall accuracy of experimental nuclearexcitation energies.
On the right-handside the nucleus is schematically represented as undergoing the transition fromthe
ground state (G) to the excited state (E) and then back to the ground state.
The presence of priming effects despite interfering overt and covert attention shifts was taken as
evidence that processes that integrate visual information along with attention shifts operate
flawlessly in healthy subjects. However, a differential effect on priming in the PAR group as
compared to the NONPAR and the CON groups as it has been obtained after overt shifts of
attention stayed away. Allocation of spatial attention is modulated differentially according to
previously made experience. In the “relevant distractor experiment” (12) a secondary task was
conjoint with the peripheral distractors, thus covert attention was shifted voluntarily (endogenously).
Page 110. Taken together, the results of the present study do not support the idea that spatial
remapping mechanisms in the parietal lobe operate in order to re-fresh information on the saliency
map after shifts of covert attention. After the interaction region of 2.5 m, theelectrons are deflected
from the ion orbit, decelerated and finally dumped into acollector. Since successful spatio-temporal
integration of visual information across subsequent trials in the PAR group is indicated by the
presence of priming effects, the selective attenuation of inhibition but not of facilitation might have
occurred in this group during the long ISI used in the present “control experiment” (10). An
equivalent approach uses the properties of spher-ical tensors and provides a more elegant and
compact formula for the matrixelement of interest. They were former patients of the rehabilitation
clinic. Page 137. This concept turned out to be not ideal for the HADES LVL2 trig-ger. The metallic
intercon-nect allows a fixed timing of about 7 ns from pin to pin for this chip (when no loopbacks
are used). This is exactly the effect which the HADES shower detector uses to discriminatebetween
electrons and hadrons: electrons will produce an electromagnetic shower,whereas pions and protons
will not. Due to the very narrow width of the nuclear excited state, the in-terference effect turned out
to be small in comparison with the RR and NEECcontributions to the total cross sections. In six
experiments, we test the assumption that location priming effects as they occur in priming of pop-out
visual search outlive saccadic shifts of overt attention and covert attention shifts. This method
allowed for disentangling the influence of saccades from the influence of spatial remapping on
priming effects. The acronymGRASP stands for General-purpose Relativistic Atomic Structure
Programand is a suite of FORTRAN codes developed from the 1980s for various cal-culations of
relativistic atomic structure. RTs were lower after the peripheral distractor had been flashed within
the right compared to when it had been flashed within the left hemi-field, thus the tendency of a
respective result obtained with exogenously covert attention shifts in the “nonrelevant experiment”
(11) was more pronounced in the present experiment. Furthermore, there are principle limitations in
increasing thering finding efficiency, as the background in the RICH data will not allow a 100%
identi-fication of all rings, in software and hardware. Additionally, there are plans for the extension
of the HADES detector with addi-tional subdetectors which also should be included into the LVL2
trigger. After the least significant bit a parity bitis appended, which is the XOR of the 3 bits. There
was a tendency towards a significant difference between RTs at neutral positions in the left
compared to respective values in the right hemi-field (p The Group. For smaller angles the
hadronshave higher velocities and therefore the probability to misidentify a hadron as an elec-tron
rises sharply. The Matching Unit has been developed in the framework of this thesis, this includesthe
concept, the algorithm, the realization in hardware, the programming and the com-missioning of the
Matching Unit at the experimental site. 1.1 The Structure of Hadrons Hadrons are bound systems
consisting of quarks (with the gluons as the field quantaof the strong interaction between the quarks),
and one is interested in their internal struc-ture. It describes a transition fromstate t to s and it is the
nuclear analogue of the electronic transition current. The current result suggests that lesions exhibited
by PAR group patients increased facilitatory priming but did not alter inhibitory priming. Their
extensivetabulation of the RR cross section as a function of the electron energy withrespect to the
ion represents a benchmark in the field. In Section 5.3 we present numerical results for the photons
emitted in the 59 Page 60. Shown is a electron, which producesan electromagnetic shower as well as
an proton which does not. Page 37. Thisregion of q2 values is called the unphysical region. For the
HADES experiment these amounts of data can not bestored and analyzed.

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