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Abstract—An emerging research area in biophotonics with po- not focus on providing a spatial map of the macroscopic op-
tentially near-term clinical applications in early stage cancer de- tical properties of the tissue under test. Instead, they seek to
tection involves the investigation of possible correlations of the detect minute cellular physiological differences, such as those
elastic light scattering properties of tissues with alterations in their
cellular composition and nanostructure. Until recently, exploring between normal and cancerous/preinvasive cells, by examining
these correlations has been impeded by a lack of robust and ac- the changes in spectral, angular, and polarization characteristics
curate mathematical models of the light scattering properties of of light scattered from tissue. By providing information about
complex structures. In this paper, we review recent progress in this tissue and cellular structures on the micro/nano scales, light
area. Topics include: 1) development of accurate reduced-order scattering based techniques may offer improved diagnostic sen-
expressions for the total scattering cross section spectra of a wide
range of nonspherical and inhomogeneous particles; 2) rigorous sitivity in living tissue. This realization has motivated increased
finite-difference time-domain modeling results showing how the interest in utilizing elastic light scattering as a diagnostic mech-
backscattering of light can be sensitive to nanometer scale features anism, and incorporating the scattering features into traditional
embedded within micrometer-scale particles; and 3) development imaging based approaches to enhance their accuracy and sen-
of accurate reduced-order expressions for the backscattering depo- sitivity. Representative recent developments include optical co-
larization properties of a wide range of inhomogeneous particles.
These advances provide an improved science base for cellular level herence tomography enhanced by spectroscopic analysis [9] and
biophotonics, and have promise to accelerate the development of static light scattering microscopy [10].
novel corresponding clinical technologies. For any technique relying on elastic light scattering as a di-
Index Terms—Cancer diagnosis, finite difference time domain agnostic mechanism, data analysis and correlation of the light
(FDTD), light-scattering spectroscopy, scattering. scattering properties of tissues with alterations in their cellular
composition and nanostructure plays an essential role in the di-
agnostic process. Conventionally, the interpretation of measured
I. INTRODUCTION data involves extracting the size, refractive index, and density
URING the past decade, it has become apparent that the of tissue structures such as cell nuclei and other organelles by
D analysis of the elastic light scattering characteristics of liv-
ing tissue can provide valuable diagnostic information. Prelim-
comparing the observed scattering features with Mie theory,
which is an analytical solution of light scattering by homoge-
inary data has suggested that alteration in these light scattering neous spherical particles. This approach has been demonstrated
signatures may be used as a sensitive marker to detect neoplasia to be a powerful tool to provide quantitative information on cel-
at an earlier stage than possible by histological analysis, where lular structures [2], [11]. However, this approach clearly relies
some crucial information may be lost due to tissue fixing, stain- upon the approximation of the cellular scattering particles as ho-
ing, and the limited resolution of microscopes [1]. A number of mogeneous spheres. This approximation cannot account for the
techniques, such as elastic light-scattering spectroscopy [1]–[5], complexity of the structures of biological tissue. Furthermore,
angle-resolved low coherence interferometry [6], [7], and the re- it cannot account for the subtle and complex cellular changes
cently proposed coherent backscattering spectroscopy [8], have during the initial onset of the malignancy, including changes in
been developed to exploit the elastic light scattering properties the morphology and internal texture characteristics of the nuclei
of tissue for disease diagnosis. In general, these techniques do and organelles.
In order to fully utilize the potential of elastic light scattering
for disease diagnosis, it is important to understand the mecha-
Manuscript received December 31, 2004; revised August 4, 2005. This work nism by which changes in shape and internal structure of nuclei
was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants BES-0238903 and cell organelles affect light scattering. This understanding
and ACI-0219925. The computational resource was provided by the NSF Tera-
grid under Project TG-MCB 040062N. will provide researchers with fundamental insights regarding
X. Li is with the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Depart- the means to improve techniques and data analysis methods to
ment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, maximize diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy. For example, it
Evanston, IL 60208 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).
A. Taflove is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com- is important to know which tissue properties can or cannot be
puter Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 USA (e-mail: determined by use of light scattering. From a clinical standpoint,
taflove@ece. if certain measures of the light scattering signal from tissues can
V. Backman is with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL 60208 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). be unambiguously and reliably associated with disease-specific
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2005.857691 cellular changes, this knowledge will facilitate the development
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