Glossary CMY1502 M
Glossary CMY1502 M
Glossary CMY1502 M
Glossary CMY1502 2019
Assault: An attack that may not involve physical contact; includes attempted battery
or intentionally frightening the victim by word or deed.
Attractiveness of the target: The appeal (rich, old, young) of the target to the
criminal-prone individual.
Burglary: Breaking into and entering a home or structure for the purpose of
committing a crime.
Crime control: The preservation or conservation of the current levels of
crime or behaviour; it is more reactive in nature.
Crime prevention: Any activity that is designed to reduce the actual levels of crime
and /or perceived threat or fear of crime.
Crime victim: Somebody who has been negatively affected by a
criminal act committed by a perpetrator.
Empathy (empathetic): The ability to understand another person’s feelings,
experience, etc.
Empowerment: To enable the victim to regain ownership of the criminal
event and its repercussions; to give somebody more control over their
own life or the situation they are in.
Facilitation: Victims fail to take conventional precautions and thus in some
cases unknowingly make the criminal’s task easier by being negligent or careless
(e.g. making burglary easier (facilitating it) by leaving a window open or a
door unlocked, or making car theft easier by leaving the keys in the
ignition lock.
Fear of crime: Anxieties about crime or the perceived prospects of victimisation.
Assault: An attack that may not involve physical contact; includes attempted battery
or intentionally frightening the victim by word or deed.
Mbaviso: Nhlaselo lowu nga vaka wu nga katsi nkhumbo wa miri; swi katsa ndzingeto
wa nkhumbo wa miri kumbe ku chavisa hivomu muhlaseriwa hi marito kumbe xiendlo.
Attractiveness of the target: The appeal (rich, old, young) of the target to the
criminal-prone individual.
Vukokamahlo bya xipakanisiwa: Ku vitanisa (wo fuma, mudyuhari, muntshwa) ka
xipakanisiwa eka munhu wo va na vugevenga.
Burglary: Breaking into and entering a home or structure for the purpose of
committing a crime.
Vutshovi: Ku tshova na ku nghena emutini kumbe eka xivumbeko xo karhi hi
xikongomelo xo endla vugevenga.
Crime control: The preservation or conservation of the current levels of crime or
behaviour; it is more reactive in nature.
Vulawulavugevenga: Vuhlayisi kumbe nhlayiso wa xiyimo xa nkarhi wolowo
xa vugevenga; endlelo leri i ngopfu ro angula hi muxaka wa rona.
Crime prevention: Any activity that is designed to reduce the actual levels of crime
and /or perceived threat or fear of crime.
Vusivelavugevenga: Nghingiriko wun’wana na wun’wana lowu nga endleriwa ku
hunguta xiyimo xa ntiyiso xa vugevenga na/kumbe nxungeto kumbe nchavo wa
vugevenga leswi swi ngo anakanyiwa.
Crime victim: Somebody who has been negatively affected by a criminal act
committed by a perpetrator.
Mutwisiwakuvava hi vugevenga: Munhu loyi a nga khumbiwa hi ndlela yo
biha hi xiendlo xa vugevenga lexi nga endliwa hi muhlaseri.
Empathy (empathetic): The ability to understand another person’s feelings,
experience, etc.
Ntwelo (ntwelavusiwana): Vuswikoti byo twisisa matitwelo ya munhu
un’wana, leswi a swi tokotaka, sw. sw.
Empowerment: To enable the victim to regain ownership of the criminal event
and its repercussions; to give somebody more control over their own life or the
situation they are in.
Vunyikamatimba: Ku pfumelela mutwisiwakuvava ku tlhela a kuma vun’wini
bya xihumelelo xa vugevenga na switandzhaku swa xona; ku nyika munhu
vulawuri byo engeteleleka ehenhla ka vutomi bya yena n’wini kumbe xiyimo
lexi a nga eka xona.
Facilitation: Victims fail to take conventional precautions and thus in some cases
unknowingly make the criminal’s task easier by being negligent or careless (e.g.
making burglary easier (facilitating it) by leaving a window open or a door
unlocked, or making car theft easier by leaving the keys in the ignition lock.
Vuoloviseri: Vatwisakuvava va tsandzeka ku va na vuxiyaxiya bya ntolovelo
kutani mikarhi yin’wana hi ku ka va nga lemuki va vevukisela xigevenga ntirho hi
ku honisa kumbe ku va na futa (xik.: ku olovisa vutshovi) hi ku tshika fasitere ri
pfulekile kumbe rivanti ri nga lotleriwangi, kumbe ku olovisa ku yiwiwa ka movha
hi ku siya makhiya eka xidumiso xa wona.
Fear of crime: Anxieties about crime or the perceived prospects of victimisation.
Vuchavavugevenga: Michavo ya vugevenga kumbe ku vona onge munhu byi
nga n’wi humelela.
Assault: An attack that may not involve physical contact; includes attempted battery
or intentionally frightening the victim by word or deed.
Kgobalo: Tlhaselo e e e ka neng ya se amane le kgolagano ya mmele, e
akaretsa teko ya petso kgotsa maikaelelo a go tshosa motswasetlhabelo ka
lefoko kgotsa tiro.
Attractiveness of the target: The appeal (rich, old, young) of the target to the
criminal-prone individual.
Kgogedi ya ntlha: Boikuelo (bahumi, batsofe, baswa) ba ntlha mo go motho
yo o ka itemogelang bosenyi.
Burglary: Breaking into and entering a home or structure for the purpose of
committing a crime.
Bogodu: Go thuba le go tsena ka mo ntlong kgotsa kago ka lebaka la go dira
Crime prevention: Any activity that is designed to reduce the actual levels of crime
and /or perceived threat or fear of crime.
Thibelo ya bosenyi: Tiro nngwe le nngwe e e diretsweng go fokotsa maemo
a bosenyi le/ kgotsa letshogo le le akantsweng kgotsa letshogo la bosenyi.
Crime victim: Somebody who has been negatively affected by a criminal act
committed by a perpetrator.
Motswasetlhabelo wa bosenyi: Motho yo mongwe le yo mongwe yo o neng
a ka anngwa ke tiragalo ya bosenyi e e dirilweng ke motlhodi wa bosenyi.
Facilitation: Victims fail to take conventional precautions and thus in some cases
unknowingly make the criminal’s task easier by being negligent or careless (e.g.
making burglary easier (facilitating it) by leaving a window open or a door
unlocked, or making car theft easier by leaving the keys in the ignition lock.
Bobebofatso: Batswasetlhabelo ba retelelwa ke go tsaya ditlhokomelo tsa
tlwaelo, mme ka jalo mo mabakeng a mangwe ka go se itse ka go dira tiro ya
mosenyi go nna bonolo ka go se nne kelotlhoko kgotsa boatla (sekao, ba dira
tiro ya bosenyi go nna bonolo (ba e bebofatsa) ka go tlogela letlhabaphefo le
butswe kgotsa lebati le sa notlelwa, kgotsa go dira bogodu jwa koloi go nna
bonolo ka go tlogela dinotlolo.
Incest: Sexual activities between individuals who are closely related by kinship.
Thobalano ya ba losika: Ditiragalo tsa thobalano magareng ga batho ba ba
golaganeng ka madi a losika.
Lifestyle: People may become crime victims because their lifestyle increases
their exposure to criminal offenders.
Mokgwatshelo: Batho ba ka nna batswasetlhabelo ka gonne mokgwatshelo
wa bona o oketsa ponagalo ya bona mo go basiamolodi ba bosenyi.
Murder: The unlawful killing of a human being (homicide) with malicious intent.
Polao: Polao e e seng mo molaong ya motho (polao e se ka maikaelelo) ka
boikaelelo jo bo maswe.
Pornography: Books, videos, etc. that describe or show naked people and
sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that
many people find offensive.
Ditshwantsho tsa maponapona: Dibuka, dibidio, jj, tse di tlhalosang kgotsa
di bontshang batho ba ba sa aparang le ditiragalo tsa thobalano ka
maikaelelo a go dira batho gore ba ikutlwe ba eletsa thobalano, bogolosegolo
ka mokgwa o batho ba le bantsi ba tla kgopisegang.
Self-esteem (low or poor): A feeling of not being happy with your own
character and abilities.
Boitshepo: (jo bo kwa tlase kgotsa bokoa): Go ikutlwa o sa itumela ka
semelo sa gago le dikgono.
Sexual harassment: Comments about sex, physical contact, etc. usually at
work, that a person finds annoying and offensive.
Tshotlo ka thobalano: Ditshwaelo ka ga thobalano, kgolagano ya mmele, jj.
gantsi kwa tirong, tse motho a di bonang di tena le go tlhapaola.
Victim precipitation: The idea that the victim’s behaviour was the spark that
ignited the subsequent offence, when the victim abused the offender verbally
or physically.
Assault: An attack that may not involve physical contact; includes attempted battery
or intentionally frightening the victim by word or deed.
U rwa: U thoma muthu hune ha nga si tou katela fhedzi u kwamana nga muvhili; hu
katela u rwa kana u tshuwisa mupondwa wo ḓiimisela nga maipfi kana zwiito.
Attractiveness of the target: The appeal (rich, old, young) of the target to the
criminal-prone individual.
Lunako lwa thagethe: U kunga (lupfumo, vhukale, vhuswa) ha thagethe kha muthu
ane a nga ita vhugevhenga.
Burglary: Breaking into and entering a home or structure for the purpose of
committing a crime.
U pwasha: U pwasha wa dzhena muḓini kana kha tshiimiswa hu na ndivho
ya u ita mulandu.
Crime prevention: Any activity that is designed to reduce the actual levels of
crime and /or perceived threat or fear of crime.
Nzivho ya vhugevhenga: Nyito iṅwe na iṅwe yo itelwaho u fhungudza ḽeveḽe
dza vhukuma dza vhugevhenga na/kana tshushedzo kana nyofho dza vhugevhenga
Crime victim: Somebody who has been negatively affected by a criminal act
committed by a perpetrator.
Mupondwa wa vhugevhenga: Muthu o kwameaho nga nḓila i si yavhuḓi nga
nyito dza vhugevhenga dzo itwaho nga tshigevhenga.
Facilitation: Victims fail to take conventional precautions and thus in some cases
unknowingly make the criminal’s task easier by being negligent or careless (e.g.
making burglary easier (facilitating it) by leaving a window open or a door
unlocked, or making car theft easier by leaving the keys in the ignition lock.
U leludza: Zwipondwa zwi a kundelwa u dzhia tsirakhombo ya tshiga tsha vhoṱhe
na zwenezwo kha dziṅwe nyimele u ita uri mushumo ya tshigevhenga i leluwe u
sa zwi ḓivhi nga u sa londa kana u sa vha na ndavha (sa tsumbo, u ita uri u
pwasha zwi leluwe (u hu leludza) nga u sia wo vula mafasiṱere kana u songo khia
mavothi, kana u ita uri u tswa goloi zwi leluwe nga u sia khii dzo ṱomiwa kha
Incest: Sexual activities between individuals who are closely related by kinship.
Vhudzekani ha vha malofha mathihi: Nyito dza zwa vhudzekani vhukati ha
vhathu vha re mashaka a dzofha ḽa tsini.
Lifestyle: People may become crime victims because their lifestyle increases
their exposure to criminal offenders.
Kutshilele: Vhathu vha nga vha vhapondwa vha vhugevhenga nga ṅwambo wa
kutshilele kwavho kune kwa engedza u ṱanea havho kha zwigevhenga.
Murder: The unlawful killing of a human being (homicide) with malicious intent.
Vhupondi/vhuvhulai: U vhulaya muthu lu si ho mulayoni (u zwizwiedza) wo
ḓiiimisela u ita tshiṱuhu.
Pornography: Books, videos, etc. that describe or show naked people and
sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that
many people find offensive.
Pornography: Books, videos, etc. that describe or show naked people and
sexual acts in order to make people feel sexually excited, especially in a way that
many people find offensive.
Phonogirafi: Bugu, vidio nz. zwi ṱalutshedzaho kana u sumbedza vhathu vha
songo ambara na nyito dza vhudzekani u itela u ita uri vhathu vha pfe vha tshi
takalela zwa vhudzekani, nga maanḓa nga nḓila ine vhathu vhanzhi vha wana
i songo dzulisea.
Self-esteem (low or poor): A feeling of not being happy with your own
character and abilities
Vhuḓifulufheli (ha fhasi kana vhu si havhuḓi): Vhuḓipfi ha u sa takala nga
mvumbo na vhukoni hau.
Victim precipitation: The idea that the victim’s behaviour was the spark that
ignited the subsequent offence, when the victim abused the offender verbally
or physically.
Assault: An attack that may not involve physical contact; includes attempted battery
or intentionally frightening the victim by word or deed.
Uhlaselo: Uhlaselo olunganyanzelekanga ukuba kusetyenziswe izandla, ukubetha
omnye umntu okanye ukumoyikisa ngamazwi okanye izenzo
Attractiveness of the target: The appeal (rich, old, young) of the target to the
criminal-prone individual.
Umtsalane wexhoba: Kukuthandeka kwexhoba (isityebi, umntu omdala, osemtsha)
kubaphuli mthetho.
Burglary: Breaking into and entering a home or structure for the purpose of
committing a crime.
Ukuqhekeza emzini/kwisakhiwo: Ukungena emzini okanye kwisakhiwo
ngaphandle kwemvume ngenjongo yokuba izinto ezilapho ngaphakathi
Crime control: The preservation or conservation of the current levels of crime or
behaviour; it is more reactive in nature.
Ukulawula ubuqhetseba/ubugebenga/ulwaphulo-mthetho: Indlela kunye
nemisebenzi yokuhlisa izinga okanye umgangatho wolwaphulo-mthetho
Crime prevention: Any activity that is designed to reduce the actual levels of crime
and /or perceived threat or fear of crime.
Ukunqanda ubuqhetseba/ubugebenga/ulwaphulo-mthetho: Nokuba ngowuphi
umsebenzi ojolise ukuba kunciphe izinga lobundlobongela nobugebenga
Crime victim: Somebody who has been negatively affected by a criminal act
committed by a perpetrator.
Ixhoba lobugebenga/lobuqhetseba/lolwaphulo-mthetho: Umntu othe
wachaphazeleka okanye kwenziwa kuye uqhetseba okanye ubugebenga
Empathy (empathetic): The ability to understand another person’s feelings,
experience, etc.
Uvelwano: Isakhono sokuvelana okanye ukuqondisisa amava okanye izimvo
zomnye umntu
Empowerment: To enable the victim to regain ownership of the criminal event
and its repercussions; to give somebody more control over their own life or the
situation they are in.
Ukuxhobisa: Ukuxhobisa umntu olixhoba lobugebenga ngolwazi lokuba
akufanele avumele abaphuli mthetho ukuba balawule ubomi bakhe ngenxa
Facilitation: Victims fail to take conventional precautions and thus in some cases
unknowingly make the criminal’s task easier by being negligent or careless (e.g.
making burglary easier (facilitating it) by leaving a window open or a door
unlocked, or making car theft easier by leaving the keys in the ignition lock.
Ukuncedisa: Ngamanye amaxesha amaxhoba obugebenga awenza ube lula
umsebenzi wezigebenga ngokuthi bangaqaphelisisi izinto ezithi zitsale
amehlo wezikrelemnqa, umz. Ukungavali iifestile endlwini xa kungekho bantu,
okanye umntu ashiye isitshixo semoto yakhe emotweni.
Fear of crime: Anxieties about crime or the perceived prospects of victimisation.
Uloyiko lobugebenga: Xa umntu ehlala esoyika ukugetyengwa okanye oyike
ngenxa yezinto ezakhe zehlela abanye abantu