Introduction To Criminology Definition of Terms

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Introduction To Criminology - Definition Of


Alienist – This term is applied to a specialist in the study of mental disorders.

Anthropology – Science devoted to the study of mankind and its development in relation
to its physical, mental, and cultural history.
Auto-phobia – (monophobia) A morbid fear of oneself or of being alone.
Behavior Systems in Crime – Progress in the explanation of disease is being made
personally by the studies of specific diseases. Similarly, it is desirable to concentrate
research work in criminology on specific crimes and on specific sociological units within the
broad area of crime and within the legal definition of specific types of crime such as
kidnapping and robbery.
Biometry – A measuring or calculating of the probable duration of human life; The attempt
to correlate the frequency of crime between parents and children of brothers or sisters.

Bio-Social Behavior – A person’s biological heritage plus his environment and social
heritage influence his social activity. It is through the reciprocal actions of his biological and
social heritages that a person’s personality is developed.

Broader Social Group -

1. School
2. The Church
3. The Police
4. The Government
5. The Prosecution
6. The Court
7. Correctional Institutions

Broken Home – The modification of home conditions by death, divorce or desertion has
generally been believed to be an important reason for delinquency of the children.
Cesare Beccaria – In his book “An Essay Of Crimes And Punishment” London 1767,
advocated and applied the doctrine of penology that is to make punishment less arbitrary
and severe than it had been; That all persons who violated a specific law should receive
identical punishment regardless of age, sanity, wealth, position or circumstances.

Cesare Lombroso – A medical doctor who made extensive research in physical

characteristics of criminals, political crimes and revolutions and relationships between the
criminal and anthropology.
Charles Goring – An English statistician who studies the case histories of 2000 convicts.
He found that heredity is more influential as a determiner of criminal behavior than
Colajani – A criminologist, describes the direct and indirect deficiency of the means to
satisfy the numerous necessities of man is sufficient stimulus for him to adopt honest or
criminal methods in the struggle that ensues. “To this man delinquency is strongly
influenced by socio economic”.
Competitive Development of Techniques Of Crime And Of The Protection Against
Crime – Both sides may appropriate the inventions of modern science so far as they are
useful to them. When the police develop an invention for the detection or identification of
criminals, the criminals utilize a device to protect themselves.

Cretinism – A disease associated with pre-natal thyroid deficiency and subsequent thyroid
inactivity, marked by physical deformities, arrested development, goiter and various forms
of mental retardation including imbecility.

Crime Index – Any record of crimes such as crimes known to the police, arrest, conviction
or commitments to prisons.

Crime Statistics – A reported instance of a crime recorded in a systematic classification.

Criminality In The Home – One of the most obvious elements in the delinquency of some
children is the criminalistic behavior of other members of the child's family.

Criminal Psycho-dynamics – The study of mental processes of criminals in action, the

study of the genesis, development and motivation of human behavior that conflicts with
accepted norms and standards of society; This study concentrates on the study of
individuals as opposed to general studies of mass populations with respect to their general
criminal behavior.

Criminogenic Process – The process which explain human behavior, the experiences
which help determine the nature or a persons as a reacting mechanism, the factors or
experiences in connection thereto impinge differentially upon different personalities
producing conflict which is the aspect of crime.

Criminology – Scientific study and investigation of crime and criminals as well as the
identification of criminals and detection of crime.

Cultural Conflict – A clash between societies because of contrary beliefs or substantial

variance in their respective customs, language, institutions, habits, learning traditions, etc.

Decriminalization – To remove or reduce in status the criminal classification through

legislation of certain criminal laws.

Delusion – In medical jurisprudence, a false belief about the self caused by morbidity,
present in paranoia and dementia praecox.

Dementia praecox – A collective term for mental disorders that begin at or shortly after
puberty and usually lead to general failure of the mental faculties with the corresponding
physiological impairment.

Dr. Cesare Lombroso – Advocated the positivist theory that crime is essentially a social
phenomenon and it cannot be treated and checked by the imposition of punishment.

Economic Approach – The unjust utilization of economic resources sometimes create

resentment among individual which often lead them to frustration and develop a feeling of
hatred and provocative criminal conduct will result.

Edwin H. Sutherland – An American authority in criminology who in his book Principles of

Criminology considers criminology at present as not a science but it has hope of becoming a
England During The Last Half Of 19th Century – Place and period where and when the
classical school of criminology and of criminal law developed based on hedonistic
Episodic Criminal – A non-criminal person who commits a crime when under extreme
emotional distress; A person who breaks down and commits a crime as a single incident
during regular course of natural and normal events.
Erotomania – A morbid propensity to love or make love. Uncontrollable sexual desire or
excessive sexual cravings by member of either sex.
Euthanasia – It signifies the release from life given a sufferer from an incurable and painful
Extrovert – As opposed to introvert (a person highly adapted to living in and deriving
satisfaction from external world) he is interested in people and things than ideas, values,
and theories. He likes people being around them and being liked by them.
Family – It is the first agency to affect the direction which a particular child will take and
that no child is so constituted at birth that it must inevitably become a delinquent or that it
must inevitably be law abiding.
Fashions In Crime – Certain types of crimes have disappeared almost entirely thus the
general situation may change and cause the disappearance of crime.
Ferri – A sociologists who theorized that it is the impulse of opportunities more than innate
tendency that determine the crime.
Gang – Means of disseminating techniques of delinquencies of training in delinquency, of
protecting its members engage in delinquency and of maintaining continuity in delinquency.
George L. Wilker – A criminologist who in his book “The Scientific Adequacy Of
Criminological Concept” argued that criminology cannot possibly become a science.
Accordingly, general proposition of universal validity are the essence of science, such
proposition can be made only regarding stable and homogeneous unit but varies from one
time to another, therefore, universal proposition cannot be made regarding crime and
scientific studies of criminal behavior are impossible.
Government – It is an organized authority that can influence social control through its
branches, particularly in the making of laws.
Hallucination – An apparent perception without any corresponding external object,
especially in psychiatry, any of the numerous sensations, auditory, visual or tactile
experienced without external stimulus and cause by mental derangement , intoxication or
fever hence, maybe a sign of approaching insanity.
Heredity – It may be a transmission of physical characteristics, mental traits, tendency to
disease etc. from parents to offspring. In genetics, the tendency manifested by an organism
to develop in the likeness of a progenitor due to the transmission of genes in the
reproductive process.
Heredity and Environment – Have been believe to share about equally in determining
disposition that is whether a person is cheerful or gloomy, his temperament and his nervous

H. H. Godard – Advocated the theory that feeble-mindedness inherited as Mendelian unit

cause crime for the reason that feeble minded person is unable to appreciate the
consequences of his behavior or appreciate the meaning of the law.
Home – Considered as the cradle of human personality for in it the child forms the
fundamental attitudes and habits that endure throughout his life.
Home Discipline – it is considered as 4 times as important as poverty in the home in
relation to delinquency; that it fails most frequently because of indifference and neglect.

Insanity – Common Types

1. Dementia Praecox (madness)

2. Manic Depressive ( characterized by mania and mental depression)
3. Paralysis – condition of helpless inactivity or of inability to act.
4. Senile – mental deterioration often accompanying old age.
5. Alcoholic psychosis

Inspector to Superintendent – Appointed by the chief of the PNP as recommended by

their immediate superiors and attested by the civil service commission.

Introvert – An individual with strongly self centered patterns of emotion, fantasy and

John Gaspar Lobater – A Swiss theologian, regarded the lack of beard in man, the swirly
eye or angry eye and weak chin serve as clues to unfavorable personality or characteristic
traits of an individual.
                                  - phrenology or any of the protuberances of the skull as interpreted
with reference to one’s mental faculties (pseudonym science) as popularized by Hanz Joseph

Jonathan Edwards family – One family tree that contradicted the theory that criminality
is inherited. A famous preacher in the colonial period, none of his descendants were found
to be criminals.

Jukes Family – Family trees have been used extensively by certain scholars in the effort to
prove that criminality is inherited.

Kleptomania – An uncontrollable morbid propensity to steal.

Legomacy – A statemetn that we would have no crime if we had no criminal laws and that
we could eliminate all crime merely by abolishing all criminal law.

Mania Fanatica – A morbid of insanity characterized by a deep and morbid sense of

religious feeling.

Masochism – A condition of sexual perversion in which a person derives pleasure from

being dominated or cruelly treated.

Maturation – A process which appears in the life history of persisting criminals. This
process describes the development of criminality with reference first to the general attitudes
toward criminality and second to the techniques used in criminal behavior.

Mc Naghten Rule – Insanity is used to describe legally harmful behavior perpetrated under
circumstances in which the actor did not know the nature or quality of his act or did not
know right from wrong. This explanation was formulated in England in 1843.

Megalomania – A mental disorder in which the subject thinks himself great or exalted.
Melancholia – A mental disorder characterized by excessive brooding and depression of
spirits; Typical of manic depressive psychosis accompanied with delusions and

Mobility – The most significant social condition accompanying the industrial and democratic
revolutions because of this a condition of anonymity was created and the agencies by which
control had been secured in almost all earlier societies were greatly weakened.

Multiple Factors Of Cause Of Crimes -

1. Biological
2. personality
3. Primary Social Group
4. Broader Social Group

1. Heredity
2. Endocrine Glands
3. Anatomical Structure/Physical Disease/Disorder

Napolcom – Shall administer the qualifying entrance exam. For policeman.

Necrophilism – Morbid craving usually of an erotic nature for dead bodies.

Neurosis – Is any kind of the mental functional disorders characterized by anxiety,

compulsion, phobia, depression, dissociation, etc.

Organization Of criminals – This may be developed thru the interaction of criminal, this
may be a formal association with recognized leadership understanding, agreements and
division of labor or it may be a formal similarity and reciprocity of interest and attitudes.

Heredity – A sexual desire of an adult for children.

Personality -

1. psychopatic Personality
2. Psychosomatic Personality
3. Alcoholism
4. Other Personality Deviation

Physiognomy – Art of discovering character by observation and measurement of outward

appearances especially the face.

Primary Social Group -

1. Home
2. Bad Neighborhood
3. Broken Home

a. Environmental Delinquents – which is characterized by being occasional law


b. Emotionally Maladjusted Delinquents – who are considered as habitual law


and who therefore can not avoid or stop from doing it.

c. Psychiatrist Delinquent – refer to a child who becomes delinquent due to

illness coupled with serious emotional disturbance in the family.
Professionalization – When applied to a criminal refers to the following things the pursuit
of crime as a regular day by day occupation, the development of skilled technique and
careful planning in that occupation and status among criminals.

Progressive Conflict – This process begins with arrest which is intgerpreted as defining a
person as an enemy of society and which calls forth hostile relations from representative of
society prior to and regardless of proof of guilt, that each side tends to drive the other side
to greater violence unless it becomes stabilized on a recognized level.

Prussian Law of 1784 – prohibit mothers and nurses from taking children under 2 years
old of age into their beds.

Psychosis – Is a major mental disorder in which personality is very seriously disorganized

and contact with reality is usually impaired.

Rafael Garofalo – A criminologist who pro-founded that society sets only 2 elements in
crime, the opportunity and victim. He classified criminals into murderers, thieves, sexual
offenders (cynics) And violent criminals.
                          - Italian criminologist who developed a concept of the natural crime and
defined it a violation of the prevalent sentiments of pity and probity.

Regionalism – crime rate not only vary from one region to another but also generally
among the several sections of each nation.

Religion – It emphasizes of morals and life's highest spiritual values, the work and dignity
of an individual and respect for the person and property of others generally a powerful

Rural Criminality – According to Marshall B. Olinard, this kind of criminality is explained by

the persons identification with delinquents and his conception of himself as reckless and
mobile an explanation which is consistent with differential association.

School – It is a strategic position to prevent crime and delinquency.

Segregation – This may be observed in the interaction between criminals and the public
thus, a person with criminal record may be ostracized in one community but may become a
political leader in other communities.

Sixto de Leon – The first chairman of the board of criminology.

Social Institutions And Crime – The general explanation of one topic in relation to
criminal behavior is that causes of crime lie primarily in the area of personal interaction and
that personal interaction is confined most entirely to local community and neighborhood.

Social Psychological – Advocated by John Dewey, George Mead, Charles Cooley and W.I.
Thomas, that development of criminal behavior is considered as involving the same learning
process as does the development of the the behavior of a banker, doctor etc.; that the
content of learning not the process itself is considered as the significant element
determining whether one becomes a criminal or non-criminal.

Socialist School of Criminology – Based on writings of Marx and Engels, began 1850 and
emphasized economic determinism; that crime is only a by product, variations in crime
rates in association with variations in economic conditions.

Sociological And Cultural Approach – It includes assessment of those forces resulting

from man's collective survival effort with emphasis upon his institution, economic, financial,
educational, political, religion as well as recreational.

Sociological School – Interpreted crime as function of social environment; emphasizing

importance of imitation in crime causation.

Sociology – May mean a study of human society, its origin, structure, function and

W. A. Bonger – Classified crimes by the motives of the offenders as economic crimes,

sexual crimes, political and miscellaneous crimes with vengeance as the principal motive.

White Collar Crimes – crimes committed by persons on the upper socio economic level or
occupying a high position in the organization.

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