Air Monitoring System
Air Monitoring System
Air Monitoring System
Air pollution is the biggest problem of every nation, whether it is developing or developing. Health
problems have been growing at a faster rate mostly in the urban areas of developing countries where
industries and numbers of vehicles lead to the release of a lot of gas pollutants. It has an adverse
impact on the living organisms like humans, animals, food crops etc. It may result in allergies,
harmful diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases and can also cause death. Every
year nearly 1.2 million Indians die due to air borne pollutants. According to the survey, due to air
pollution 50,000 to 100,000 premature deaths over a year occur in the U.S whereas in the EU the
number reaches to 300,000 and over 3,000,000 worldwide.
Air pollution monitoring system monitors the air quality using Arduino and the buzzer will beep if
the air quality is less than the threshold level, meaning the harmful gases where present in the air
such as CO2, NH3, LPG, benzene, alcohol, smoke and NOx. It will show air quality in PPM on the
LCD screen.
Air pollution is one of the most adverse issues in the environment. It causes major effects like
cancer, heart diseases and lung diseases etc. Air pollution which is caused by solid, liquid particles
and some gases that are present in the air. These particles and gases are evolved by industry,
transport, factories. To detect the quality of air, the Arduino based air quality monitoring system is
used to monitor the air quality. The buzzer starts beeping whenever the air quality goes below a
threshold level, that means a lot of harmful gases are present in the environment such as carbon
dioxide, smoke, alcohol, benzene, NH3 and NOx. The quality of air is shown by PPM on the LCD
screen. By this the air quality can be monitored easily.
In this system, Arduino Uno, MQ135 gas sensor and some other components are used. Arduino has
high speed and compatibility compared to the others.MQ135 gas sensor is used to detect the
harmful gases which present in the air and can be measured accurately and it shows the
concentration in PPM.
The objective of the air quality monitor using Arduino project is to create a low-cost and
customizable solution for monitoring air quality in various environments. By leveraging Arduino
microcontrollers and compatible sensors
To implement the method there are many different types of technologies and ways.But we have
opted for the motive of the Air quality management system using Arduino as it is very efficient and
easy process to get the concentration of the particulate matter (PM) in the form of PPM (parts per
million). This method we have considered is very less expensive and in addition to this it is an easy
go technique where we can get our desired applications to happen.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int sensor = A0;
int val = 0;
int limit = 40;
void setup() {
Atharva Deorukhkar
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print("Air Monitoring");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
void loop() {
val = analogRead(sensor);
val = map(val, 306, 750, 0, 100);
if (val > limit) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Harmful Gas is");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(6, LOW);
tone(8, 1000);
else {
digitalWrite(7, LOW);
digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
Atharva Deorukhkar
Atharva Deorukhkar
The code monitors gas levels, alerting users if they exceed limits with visual and audible warnings.
It employs Arduino functions like analogRead(), digitalWrite(), and tone() for sensor reading, LED
control, and sound. Real-time gas concentration feedback is displayed on an LCD for user
awareness. Yet, improvements like advanced sensor calibration and error handling are suggested.
Adjustments to the mapping function might be needed based on the gas sensor's characteristics.
As the air pollution is increasing day by day due to human activities, it is desirable to take
measurements to resolve the problem on the basis of the particulate matter present in the
atmosphere. In our project, various techniques for measuring the particulate matter concentration
are analysed. Compared to the others. The circuit for the air quality management system has been
designed using Arduino Uno, MQ135 messenger and
other components through and Arduino software is such a way that it shows that particular
concentration in
PPM. Stimulation results suggest that the proposed design of air quality management system using
Arduino has less circuit complexity and high performance compared to other techniques that can be
incorporated in higher applications. The proposed method is used in both indoor and outdoor air
quality monitoring.
Future Scope
The future scope for air quality monitoring using Arduino presents exciting opportunities for further
innovation and advancement in environmental sensing and data analysis.
Atharva Deorukhkar