10.1515 - ZNB 2007 0712
10.1515 - ZNB 2007 0712
10.1515 - ZNB 2007 0712
Synthesis routes to rutile-type oxides with 4d and 5d transition elements are summarized. Trends in
electronic structure have been established through an analysis in the framework of density functional
theory presenting the band structure, the density of states and the properties of chemical bonding.
The metal-oxygen bond is found to play the major role in bonding of the system in the valence
band. Throughout the series 4d → 5d (RuO2 , RhO2 , PdO2 and PtO2 ) the crystal field analysis of the
band structure shows a lowering of eg towards t2g manifolds and a broadening of the overall density
of states. In the vicinity of the Fermi level the role of the antibonding metal-oxygen character is
investigated in the context of instability towards possible magnetic polarization, especially for RuO2 .
0932–0776 / 07 / 0700–0949 $ 06.00 © 2007 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Tübingen · http://znaturforsch.com
950 G. Demazeau et al. · Chemical Bonding in T O2
Fig. 2. Band structure of the rutile-type oxides T O2 (T = Ru, Rh, Pd, Pt) along major directions of the tetragonal Brillouin
population (COOP) [17] or the crystal orbital Hamilto- Brillouin zone of the simple tetragonal Bravais lattice.
nian population (COHP) [18] can be employed. Both Note that these oxides have 2 formula units per cell
approaches provide a qualitative description of the (T2 O4 ) so that one expects two sets of bands, i. e. 2 ×
bonding, nonbonding and antibonding interactions be- 2 eg , 2 × 3 t2g for the d metal and 4 × 3 p bands for
tween atoms. A slight refinement of the COHP was re- oxygen.
cently proposed in the form of the “energy of covalent The Oh -like crystal field analysis follows from the
bond” (ECOV), which combines COHP and COOP to simple counting of the bands. From the first panel
calculate quantities independent of the choice of the (RuO2 ), looking at the ZA line, one finds the four eg -
zero of potential [13]. Both COOP and ECOV give like bands by counting 4 dispersion lines from the top
similar general trends, but COOP, when defined within of the panel. The eg bands are all found above EF and
plane-wave basis sets, exaggerates the magnitude of well separated from the six t2g -like bands which are
antibonding states. In the present work the ECOV was crossed by the Fermi level. In RuO2 , the interesting
used for the chemical bonding analysis. In the plots, feature of the flat band in the close neighborhood of
negative, positive and zero ECOV magnitudes are rele- the Fermi level should be correlated with an instability
vant to bonding, antibonding and nonbonding interac- of the system when accounted for in the spin degener-
tions, respectively. ate (total spins) configuration such as the one assumed
here. This point is further discussed in the DOS sec-
Results of the Calculations and Discussion tion. The oxygen bands are within the valence band
Band structure and they can be counted to be 12 in number. Along
the 4d series (Ru, Rh, Pd) with one electron added up
Fig. 2 shows the band structures of the four metal for each step and a larger filling of the d subshell, the
oxide systems plotted along the major directions of the trend is towards a smaller energy difference between
952 G. Demazeau et al. · Chemical Bonding in T O2
Fig. 3. Site projected DOS accounting for the site multiplicity of the rutile-type dioxides T O2 (T = Ru, Rh, Pd, Pt).
the different bands (eg , t2g and p) and a lowering of contribution arising from the ES. It is sufficient to say
the eg bands which are crossed by the Fermi level for that they receive charge residues from both T and O.
T = Pd and Pt; for the latter the bands are no longer Due to the crystal orientation used in our calculations,
separated and one observes just one block of bands. the t2g and eg manifolds are inclusive of dx2 −y2 , dxz ,
This is a sign of an increased covalence of the bond- dyz , and dxy , dz2 , respectively. This approach is some-
ing upon going from RuO2 to RhO2 where eg and t2g what different from the usual procedure, but the differ-
mix together along the ZA line. From Pd to Pt, which ence is artificial since the physical concept is the same.
are isoelectronic, the trend is the same but with a larger From this one can notice that the eg states are mainly
energy window since the Pt(5d) bands are broader than responsible for the DOS within the valence band VB,
the Pd(4d) bands. i. e. they secure the bonding with oxygen (see for in-
stance the energy window from −8 to −6 eV), while
Density of states the t2g -like states are less involved in the bonding and
The site projected DOS (PDOS) accounting for site show intense peaks such as at EF . The different PDOS
multiplicity within the rutile structure, i. e. 2 metals per can be seen to mirror the observations made above with
4 oxygens, are shown in the four panels of Fig. 3, the the following trends:
energy reference along x being at the Fermi level. For (i) From the first panel showing the RuO2 plots,
the sake of clarity we do not show the small PDOS both the Ru and O PDOS run alike for the lower (at
G. Demazeau et al. · Chemical Bonding in T O2 953
computations providing a quantitative description of ization of Ru(4d) states within a mean field theory of
the band structure, the density of states DOS and the band ferromagnetism. The bonding within the VB is
chemical bonding characteristics can be carried out in found to be predominantly of metal-oxygen character
the framework of density functional theory. They al- with low lying σ bonding and π -like bonding at higher
low for showing trends within the series of T O2 ox- energy, followed by π ∗ and σ ∗ states in an MO like
ides: The metallic character is mainly due to d states manner.
of the transition metal with different degrees of t2g /eg
character. From energy positions of the bands and the Acknowledgements
DOS shapes the role of the metal and oxygen orbitals Calculations were carried out on the main frame com-
has been analyzed. There is an increasing rate of co- puters of the Université Bordeaux 1, M3PEC-Mésocentre
valence within the series mainly through a broadening (http://www.m3pec.u-bordeaux1.fr). This work was sup-
of the valence band (VB). A large DOS magnitude at ported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Eu-
the Fermi level was identified for the ruthenium oxide ropean Science Foundation through the COST D30 pro-
system and analyzed regarding on-site magnetic polar- gramme.
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