Tutorial ARTIGO
Tutorial ARTIGO
Tutorial ARTIGO
The reaction mechanism for the formation of Sr2SnO4 by solid-state reaction between SrCO3 and SnO2 has been inves-
tigated using thermal analysis (TG and DSC) combined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. It is observed that the
formation of single-phase Sr2SnO4 takes place by reaction between SrO and SrSnO3 at temperatures C 900 C. Based on
these studies, a few compositions of the system Sr2-xLaxSnO4 (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.10) have been synthesized
by calcination at 1000 C for 8 h. Rietveld refinement of the XRD data confirmed that all the synthesized samples have
tetragonal structure, space group (I4/mmm) and symmetry group D17 4h. The crystallite size and induced lattice strain has
been calculated using size strain plot (SSP), varies from 30 to 50 nm and from (3.00 to 6.27) 9 10-3, respectively. Raman
and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy techniques have been utilized to ponder local changes in the
structure of Sr2SnO4 with La incorporation. The optical properties of the samples have been studied using UV–Vis
spectroscopy. The systematic shift in the position of the absorption edge (toward the higher wavelength) indicates the
incorporation of La in the lattice of Sr2SnO4. The direct and indirect band gap of the samples calculated through Tauc’s
plot. The variation in the value of direct band gap is attributed to changes in the charge compensation mechanism or/
reduction in particle size.
Keywords Layered perovskite: Sr2SnO4 Core–shell Rietveld refinement Raman spectroscopy UV–Vis absorption
U. Kumar et al.
site or by the Ni site doping with other transition metals, considered as the preferred choice for the bulk production
typically Cu and Co [6, 9, 11]. of powder for industrial application; therefore, in this
The development of flat panel displays, such as field investigation, powders have been synthesized by the solid-
emission displays (FEDs), plasma display panels (PDPs) state reaction method.
and thin film, electroluminescent devices (TFEL) needs In the present work, the formation mechanism of Sr2-
constant improvements in the phosphors. Efforts have been SnO4 using raw materials SrCO3 and SnO2 by solid-state
made to discover novel host materials as well as activators reaction method has been studied extensively. Further-
with high performance for phosphor applications [12, 13]. more, a few compositions of the system Sr2-xLaxSnO4
Practically, oxide phosphors are more attractive than the (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.10) has been synthesized
traditional sulfide or halide phosphors due to their resis- by calcination at 1000 C for 8 h. The crystal structure and
tance to moisture. During the last decade, alkaline earth phase identification of the samples have been investigated
orthostannates, M2SnO4 (where M = Ca, Sr and Ba) which using the Rietveld refinement profile fitting to the powder
are also members of RP phase have been drawing more and X-ray diffraction data. All the La-doped samples are a
more attention as a host matrix for new phosphors because single phase with tetragonal crystal structure and space
of their stable crystalline structure and high physical and group D17 4h(I4/mmm) similar to host Sr2SnO4. The crystal-
chemical stability [14]. Incorporation of optically active lite size and lattice strain of the samples were obtained
lanthanide ions into the stannate host matrix resulted in using the size–strain plot (SSP) of XRD data. The syn-
phosphors possessing photoluminescence (PL) [12, 15] and thesized samples have been additionally analyzed using
long-lasting phosphorescence (LLP) [16] properties. In Raman and the Fourier transform of infrared (FTIR)
alkaline earth stannates, strontium stannate (Sr2SnO4) has spectroscopic techniques. The optical band gaps (both
an ordered tetragonal K2NiF4-type structure with space direct and indirect) of the samples have been calculated
group I4/mmm, lattice parameters of a- and c-axis are using Tauc’s equation generated from UV–Visible
4.052 and 12.580 Å [17], respectively. Rare earth metals absorption data of the samples.
such as Eu, Sm, Nd, Tb, Dy doped Sr2SnO4 solid solutions
have shown exciting emission properties [14, 17]. It is
reported that doping of Ti on Sn site of Sr2SnO4 emits blue Experimental
light which is suitable for the display devices [18]. Ter-
bium-doped strontium orthostannates system, Sr2Sn1-x- The synthesis of Sr2-xLaxSnO4 with composition x = 0,
TbxO4, has been investigated as yellow pigments with high 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.10 has been carried out by solid-
infrared reflectance for energy saving applications [19]. state ceramic route using SrCO3, La2O3, and SnO2 (pu-
As mentioned above, Sr2SnO4 structure consists of rity C 99.5%). A stoichiometric amount of these com-
layers of cubic perovskite SrSnO3 interconnected with pounds was mixed in a Ball Mill (Retsch PM 200,
rock-salt-like layers of SrO along c-axis. Properties of La- Germany) at a constant speed of rotation 200 rpm for 8 h
doped on alkaline earth site of perovskite oxides, MSnO3 using acetone as the mixing media. The prepared mixtures
(M = Ba, Sr and Ca) have been investigated widely. La- were dried in an oven for 12 h. Thereafter, thermal analysis
doped SrSnO3 and BaSnO3 have been used for various (TG and DSC) of the mixtures was carried out using
applications such as humidity sensor, transparent con- simultaneous TG-DSC (Mettler Toledo, Germany) thermal
ducting oxides, proton conducting electrolyte in fuel cells, analyzer in the temperature range 30–1000 C at a constant
etc. [20]. The interesting properties of La-doped perovskite heating rate of 10 C min-1 in the nitrogen gas atmo-
stannates motivated us to synthesize and study the effect of sphere, to ascertain the calcination temperature. The pre-
La-doping on the properties of layered perovskite RP phase pared mixtures were transferred into an alumina crucible
compound Sr2SnO4 and explore its applications. To the and calcined at 1000 C for 8 h. The X-ray diffraction
best of author’s knowledge, this will be the first report on a (XRD) pattern of the calcined powders was recorded using
study of La-doping at the Sr site on structural and optical X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku Miniflex II Desktop, Japan)
properties of Sr2SnO4. In the literature synthesis of employing CuKa radiation and Ni filter in the angular
nanopowders of Sr2SnO4 has been reported by different range 2h = 20–80 with angular step size D2h = 0.02.
chemical routes such as sol–gel [14], combustion [21], gel Raman spectroscopic technique (T64000, Jobin-Yvon
polymerization [22], etc. The use of expensive chemicals Horiba, France) was employed to probe various rotational
and lengthy steps involved in the synthesis mentioned and vibrational bands active in the samples. Fourier
above routes makes these methods impractical for the bulk transform of infrared (FTIR) spectrum of the calcined
synthesis of the powder required for the industrial appli- powders in the wave number range of 400–4000 cm-1
cations. The solid-state reaction method [23] is a simple were recorded by the spectroscope (Shimadzu, Model DF
method and requires inexpensive chemicals, is still 803, Japan) using a KBr pellet method. The UV–Visible
Investigation on phase formation of Sr2SnO4 and effect of La-doping...
spectrums of the calcined powders have been recorded in Theoretical mass loss calculated according to Eq. (1) is
absorption mode in the range of wavelength 200–800 nm 29.72% which is slightly higher than the experimental mass
by a spectrometer (Ocean Optics, HR 4000, USA). loss (27.58%), which indicates that partial conversion of
SrCO3 into SrO has taken place within investigated tem-
perature range and used rate of heating (10 C min-1). In
Results and discussions the DSC curve of SrCO3, two endothermic reaction peaks
centered at 926 and 977 C were observed, which are in
Thermal analysis (TG/DSC) of raw materials (SnO2 agreement with results reported by J. Bera et al. The first
and SrCO3) and their mixture peak is assigned to the polymorphic phase transformation
of SrCO3 from orthorhombic (space group Pmcn) to
The thermogravimetric (TG) and differential scanning rhombohedra (space group R-3m), while the second peak
calorimetry (DSC) curves of SnO2 and SrCO3 powders to decomposition of SrCO3 into SrO as indicated by the
were recorded after grinding for 1 h in an agate mortar with reaction (1) [24].
pestle and are shown in Fig. 1a, b, respectively. No sig- Figure 1c shows TG/DSC curves of the stoichiometric
nificant changes were observed in the TG/DSC curve of mixture of 2 mol SrCO3 and 1 mol SnO2 obtained after
SnO2 in the temperature range 30–1000 C; however, the ball milling for the formation of Sr2SnO4 (S2L0). The TG
TG curve of SrCO3 (as shown in Fig. 1b) shows a single curve shows a mass loss of approximately 19.1% in a
step mass loss (approximately 27.58%) in the temperature temperature range of 650–950 C. In order to visualize
range 850–1000 C. The observed experimental mass loss mass step more clearly, dm/dT versus temperature, i.e.,
may be due to the evolution of CO2, according to the derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) plot has been gener-
reaction given below; ated from the TG data and illustrated in Fig. 1d. The DTG
SrCO3 ¼ SrO þ CO2 : ð1Þ curve depicts two distinct peaks in the temperature range
650–750 and 800–950 C and mass losses corresponding to
Heat flow/mW
14 7.0
–60 30
–80 6.5
6.0 926 °C 10
977 °C
12 –140 5.5 0
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature/°C Temperature/°C
(c) DSC
9.5 –0.000
9.0 –0.005
DTG/mg °C–1
Heat flow/mW
760 °C
8.5 –0.010
Fig. 1 Simultaneous TGA/DSC curve of a raw material SnO2 b raw material SrCO3 c mixture of raw material SrCO3 and SnO2 d derivative
thermogravimetric (DTG) curve for mixture of raw materials
U. Kumar et al.
these peaks were found to be 1.06 and 17.04%. It is calcination is illustrated in Fig. 2. These patterns were
expected that the formation of Sr2SnO4 through a reaction compared with standard XRD data available for SrCO3(-
between raw materials (SrCO3 and SnO2) occurs according COD-1539128), SrO [25], SnO2(COD-1000062), SrSnO3
to reaction given by Eq. (2); (COD-1521093) and Sr2SnO4 (COD-1539931) com-
2SrCO3 þ SnO2 ¼ Sr2 SnO4 þ 2CO2 : ð2Þ pounds. X-ray diffraction pattern of the powder obtained
after calcination at 800 C contains peaks mainly of reac-
The mass loss calculated theoretically according to tant phases SrCO3 and SnO2 along with a small intensity
Eq. (2) is 19.7%, which is approximately equal to the sum peak (at 31.44) of SrSnO3 phase. No peak corresponding
of the experimental mass losses occurred in two different to Sr2SnO4 phase was found in the XRD pattern. The
temperature ranges mentioned above. This result suggests formation of small amounts of SrSnO3 may occur due to
that the decomposition of the whole amount of SrCO3 into the direct reaction between SrCO3 and SnO2 according to
SrO has taken place below 950 C, which is slightly lower the following reaction;
than the decomposition temperature observed for the
SrCO3 þ SnO2 ! SrSnO3 þ CO2 : ð3Þ
SrCO3 (Fig. 1b). In the DSC curve of the mixture, a weak
endothermic peak around 942 C was observed which may This result is in agreement with the DTG result which
be attributed to the formation Sr2SnO4. The observed lower also exhibited a small mass loss in the temperature range
decomposition temperature and absence of a peak in the below 800 C. However, from the XRD data, it is clear that
DSC curve corresponding to change in the crystal structure a significant amount of reactant SrCO3 has not decomposed
of SrCO3 in the mixture is possible on account of pro- into SrO. As the calcination temperature increased from
longed ball milling (8 h). During ball milling, particle size 800 to 900 C, peaks corresponding to SnO2 and SrCO3
of the reactants get reduce and due to small particle size phases disappeared. Furthermore, the intensity of peaks
cause change of the crystal structure is also possible. corresponding to SrSnO3 phase increased and few peaks of
Considering that major amount of decomposition of SrCO3 SrO phase appeared in the XRD pattern. The XRD pattern
into SrO and CO2 in the mixture occurred at temperatures of the powder calcined at 1000 C contains only peaks of
higher than 800 C (Fig. 1c, d), therefore, the calcination Sr2SnO4 phase, which confirms that a weak endothermic
of the mixture was carried out at three different tempera- peak in the DSC (Fig. 1c) curve is due to the reaction
tures 800, 900 and 1000 C for 8 h to understand reaction between SrO and SrSnO3 for the formation of Sr2SnO4
steps involved in the formation of Sr2SnO4. In order to according to the following reaction;
understand the complete reaction mechanism, the help of SrO þ SrSnO3 ! Sr2 SnO4 : ð4Þ
the powder X-ray diffraction technique has been used. X-
ray diffraction pattern of the powders obtained after On the basis of detailed thermal analysis (Fig. 1a–d)
combined with the XRD results (Fig. 2), the formation
mechanism of Sr2SnO4 from the 2SrCO3–SnO2 mixture is
@SrCO3 # SnO2 ⃰ SrO
COD-1521093 schematically illustrated by Core–shell model in Fig. 3.
Based on the thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction
results described above, the few compositions of system
# @ Sr2-xLaxSnO4 (x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.10) have
@ @ @ 800 °C
# @@ been synthesized by calcination at 1000 C for 8 h. Cal-
# @ # # @ #@ cination temperature and time were kept same for all
Characterization of La-doped Sr2SnO4
Fig. 2 Powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the ball milled mixture The room temperature powder X-ray diffraction pattern of
calcined at different temperatures and theoretical X-ray diffraction
pattern of SrSnO3 (COD 1521093) and Sr2SnO4 (COD 1539931)
all the samples has been recorded and shown in Fig. 4. All
Investigation on phase formation of Sr2SnO4 and effect of La-doping...
Calcination at 1000 °C
software suite’ and refined patterns are shown in Fig. 5a.
The refinement was performed by employing crystal
structure as tetragonal and space group (I4/mmm). The
S2L6 pseudo-Voigt function was adopted for the peak shape,
while the background is described by the interpolation
U. Kumar et al.
powders. Here Yobs, Ycal, S2L0
Yobs - Ycal and Braggs
positions represent the
experimental data, calculated
data, the difference between Yobs Ycal Yobs – Ycal Braggs position
both and Braggs position, S2L1
respectively. b Crystal structure
of S2L4 obtained after
refinement S2L2
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Angle, 2θ °
reason for the initial decrease in tetragonality is that the takes place in the layer, there is an attractive force domi-
increment in the value of lattice parameter c is smaller than nates between the Sn and La which results in a decrease in
the increment in the value of lattice parameter a. From lattice parameter. Therefore, based on nature of variation of
Fig. 6 (b), it is observed that lattice parameters first lattice parameters with dopant concentration and higher
increase up to x = 0.04 and thereafter starts decreasing with solubility limit, in this case, we propose that up to com-
further increase in the doping concentration (x). A similar positions with x = 0.04 La is occupying lattice sites of Sr
trend was observed for the variation of cell volume present in SrSnO3 and the compositions with x = 0.06 and
(Table 1). The change in lattice parameters and cell vol- 0.10, the La is occupying the sites of Sr present in the layer
ume with increasing La-concentration indicates that La has SrO. In order to understand the effect of La-doping on the
successfully substituted the Sr site. In the structure of length and angles of different bonds and their numerical
Sr2SnO4 (as shown in Fig. 5b), the coordination number of values have been obtained from the refinement and given in
Sr is 9 and the ionic radii of host ion Sr2? and dopant ion Table 1.
La3? in coordination number nine is 1.31 and 1.21 Å,
respectively. Based on the value of ionic radii of the host Determination of crystallite size
(Sr) and dopant ion (La), it is expected that lattice
parameters have to decrease with increasing dopant con- Debye–Scherrer’s equation The broadening of the
centration, but experimentally it is observed that lattice reflection peaks observed in the XRD pattern occurs on
parameters increase with increasing dopant concentration. account of small crystallite size. The average crystallite
The observed increase in the lattice parameter is not sur- size (D) of the synthesized powders was calculated from
prising because similar results have been reported about the X-ray line broadening of (013) peak using Scherer’s
La, Sb-doped BaSnO3 systems [27, 28]. In Sr2SnO4 formula [29]:
structure, if La is substituted at Sr sites, it can occupy sites kk
of Sr present in the perovskite SrSnO3 or present in SrO D¼ ð5Þ
b cos hmax
layers or distribute among both types of Sr sites. The local
environment of Sr site present in the perovskite is different where k—wavelength of X-rays used (1.54056 Å for CuKa
than present in the layer. The solubility of La at Sr site in radiation), b—the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of
SrSnO3 is limited up to B 2 atom% [27]; the higher solu- the (013) plane in radians, hmax—the corresponding inci-
bility of La in layered perovskite Sr2SnO4 as compared to dent angle, k is Scherer constant equal to 0.94. The width
SrSnO3 may be possible due to occupancy of La at Sr sites of the Bragg peak observed in XRD is the combination of
also present in the layer of Sr–O. As the substitution of La various factors like instrumental broadening, lattice strain
Investigation on phase formation of Sr2SnO4 and effect of La-doping...
Table 1 Structural parameters obtained from the Rietveld refinement of XRD pattern of the samples
Sample/Code Sr2SnO4 Sr1.99La0.01SnO4 Sr1.98 Sr1.96 Sr1.94 Sr1.90
(S2L0) (S2L1) La0.02SnO4 La0.04SnO4 La0.06SnO4 La0.10SnO4
(S2L2) (S2L4) (S2L6) (S2L10)
and size of the sample, etc. In order to separate out these Size–strain plot method The crystallite size obtained
contributions, it is necessary to collect the additional using Debye–Scherrer’s method is not accurate because
diffraction pattern from line broadening of the standard line broadening may have the contribution of microstrain
model such as silicon to determine the instrumental also. Therefore, it is reported in the literature that in case of
broadening. Now, the b corresponding to the most intense isotropic line broadening, a better evaluation of the particle
peak is estimated using the relation: size and strain parameters can be obtained using ‘‘Size–
Strain Plot’’ (SSP) [31]. The advantage of this method is
b2 ¼ b2 measured b2 instrumental :
that it gives less weightage to data of reflections arises from
After subtracting the instrumental broadening, the higher angles, where the precision is lower. According to
crystallite size for all samples for a most intense peak has size strain plot method, Eq. (6) has been used to calculate
been calculated using Eq. (5) and is listed in Table 2. From the crystallite size and microstrain of the samples:
Table 2, it is observed that the crystallite size of doped 2
dhkl b cos h 2 kk dhkl b cos h e 2
samples is lower than the undoped sample. The La3? at the ¼ 2
þ ð6Þ
k D k 2
Sr2? site of the Sr2SnO4 is a donor; it is reported that donor
doping in perovskite oxides inhibits grain growth and where dhkl is the interplanar spacing corresponding to the
hence the smaller crystallite size of doped samples agrees plane (hkl), e is the average strain produced in the lattice
with the literature [30]. and the description of the parameters k, b, k and D is same
as described above for Eq. (5) and k is the Scherrer
U. Kumar et al.
Lattice parameter/a = b Å
3.1080 4.054 12.595
Lattice parameter/c Å
Degree of distortion/R
3.1077 12.594
3.1074 12.593
3.1071 12.592
4.051 12.591
a = b 12.590
3.1065 c
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Fig. 6 Variation of a degree of distortion (R) and b lattice parameters with a concentration of La (x)
Table 2 Crystallite size and lattice strain obtained from size–strain plot (SSP) and optical band gap from Tauc plot of the samples
S. no. Sample code Crystallite size (nm) obtained from Strain(e) 9 10-3 Optical band gap/eV
Debye–Scherrer method SSP plot method Direct band gap Indirect band gap
constant = 3/4 for spherical particles. The plot of detect impurity phases even though present in the trace
2 2
dhkl b cos h d b cos h amount. The Sr2SnO4 synthesized in this work crystallizes
vs. hkl k2 for three representative samples
in the tetragonal with space group D17 4h(I4/mmm) having
S2L0, S2L2 and S2L4 are shown in Fig. 7a–c, respectively. two formula units per unit cell [32]. The theoretical mode
Similar plots were obtained for other samples also. analysis according to group theory for tetragonal crystal
In SSP plot, the value of crystallite size is determined structure and with symmetry group D17 4h exhibits maximum
from the slope of the linear fitting of the data, and the 14 bands which are given below:
square root of the intercept on y-axis gives the value of
Coptic ¼ 2A1g þ 2Eg þ 4A2u þ 5Eu þ B2u : ð7Þ
lattice strain. The value of crystallite size and lattice strain
obtained from SSP of the samples is presented in Table 2. Figure 8 illustrates the room temperature Raman spec-
Slightly higher values of crystallite size obtained from SSP trum of the samples in the wavenumber range from 100 to
method than Debye–Scherrer method are because of Debye 1000 cm-1. The Raman spectrum of Sr2SnO4 is not
Scherer formula contribution of broadening in the XRD available in the literature, since the Sr2TiO4 exhibits sim-
peaks due to lattice strain was excluded, but it was included ilar symmetry element, structure, and space group as Sr2-
in the SSP method. From Table 2, it is observed that the SnO4. Therefore, Raman spectrum of the undoped and
value of lattice strain for all the La-doped samples is higher doped samples has been compared with Raman spectrum
than undoped. The higher value of lattice strain for doped of Sr2TiO4 [32, 33], in this it exhibiting an intense and
samples may arise due to the small ionic radius of the La3? broadband at 570 cm-1 assigned to A1g mode. However, in
ion (1.21 Å) in comparison with the Sr2? ion (1.31 Å). the Raman spectrum of Sr2SnO4, this band has split into
two bands: one at 561 cm-1 and another at 581 cm-1. The
Room temperature Raman spectrum analysis splitting of the A1g band in Sr2SnO4 is attributed to a large
difference in the bond length of Sn–O in the layer and
The Raman spectroscopy is a simple and non-destructive perpendicular to the layer (perpendicular to c-axis and
tool to probe structural information at the single unit cell parallel to c-axis). The values of these bond length are 2.02
level. We have used the Raman technique to study the ´
and 1.91 Å for Sr2SnO4, whereas for Sr2TiO4 1.94 and
incorporation of La3? ions in the lattice of Sr2SnO4 and ´
1.93 Å [34]. The two characteristics bands observed at
Investigation on phase formation of Sr2SnO4 and effect of La-doping...
(dhkl β cosθ /λ ) 2
(dhkl β cosθ /λ ) 2
5.0 × 10 –5
2.0 × 10–5
2.5 × 10–5
1.5 × 10–5 4.0 × 10–5
1.0 × 10–5
3.0 × 10–5 2.0 × 10–5
5.0 × 10–6
Fig. 7 Size–strain plots (SSP) for the determination of crystallite size and lattice strain
U. Kumar et al.
(FTIR) spectrum of the sample S2L10
b enlarged view of the band
corresponding to stretching
mode of Sr–O and Sn–O6
97 S2L0
96 S2L2
S2L2 95
690 720 750 780
BaCO3 -OH group
careful observation, it is noticed that in the UV spectrum of band on increasing the concentration of La in solid solu-
doped samples, a shoulder is present in wavelength range tion. This donor can act as trapping level for the electrons
300–350 nm which may be due to the electronic transition which may bring a shift in the position of absorbance edge
from d to f shell of La3?. With increasing the dopant toward visible region. In the literature, similar results have
concentration, the position of shoulder also moves toward been reported on lanthanide doped ZnO, La-doped per-
the visible region (up to 500 nm) for S2L4 which shows ovskite [41, 42]. In order to estimate the optical band gap,
the incorporation of La into the lattice of Sr2SnO4 [40]. To the optical absorbance data can be analyzed through the
the best of authors’ knowledge, no report is available in the following relation which is formerly known as Tauc
literature on UV spectrum of La-doped Sr2SnO4 solid equation;
solutions. The La3? at the Sr2? site in Sr2SnO4 behaves as
ðah#Þ1=m ¼ B E Eg ð8Þ
a donor, and its energy levels lie just below the conduction
band. The position of donor level moves toward conduction where a is an absorption coefficient related to the optical
absorbance (A0) and thickness of the sample in the sample
1.5 1.5 S2L0 holder (d) by the equation; að#Þ ¼ 2:303 Ad0 , B is a
200 240 280 320 to band transition (direct band gap), while m = 2 leads
Wavelength/nm S2L10 transition mediated through the defect levels (indirect band
0.5 gap). In the band to band transition (direct transition), the
Shoulder total energy of the photon and momentum are conserved.
On the other hand, in transitions mediated through defect
levels (indirect transitions), the total energy of the photon
is conserved through creation of phonon which results in
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 only conservation of energy not momentum. The Tauc plot
Wavelength/nm is generated using Eq. (8) from the absorbance data of the
Fig. 10 Room temperature UV–Visible absorption spectrum of the samples for both the values of index parameter m = 1/2 and
prepared samples 2 and shown in Fig. 11. The optical band gap (both direct
Investigation on phase formation of Sr2SnO4 and effect of La-doping...
and indirect) has been determined through the intercept of La2 O3 ! Sr2 SnO4 2La:Sr þ 2e0 þ 3Ox0 : ð9Þ
linear region in the Tauc plot on x-axis (Energy) where
y = 0. The value of energy for both the band gap obtained The formation of donor level (LaSr.) lies below the
using this method is indexed in Table 2. From Table 2, it is conduction band compensated by creation of electron as
noticed that the direct band gap for Sr2SnO4 is 4.70 eV and shown in Eq. (9), which cause a repulsive force between
the indirect band gap is 4.08 eV. The obtained value of donor level and conduction band may be responsible for
band gaps are consistent with the values reported in the increase in the band gap up to x = 0.04. With the increase
literature for Sr2SnO4 [23]. From Table 2, it is noticed that in the concentration of La (in case of compositions with
energy value of direct band gap is increasing with an x = 0.06 and 0.10), donor level shifts toward the conduc-
increase in the dopant concentration (x) up to x = 0.04 and tion band and merges together to form a continuous band
thereafter decreases on further increase in the dopant causing decrease in the band gap. Similar results have been
concentration (for x = 0.06 and 0.10). The two possible reported on other donor doped oxide materials [44, 45].
explanations for the change in value of the direct band gap (2) The second explanation is based on the Quantum
are: (1) the first explanation is based on the charge com- confinement theory. According to this theory, the holes in
pensation mechanism. As it is known, La3? at the Sr2? site the valance band and electrons in the conduction band are
is a donor and charge compensation mechanism can be confined within the potential barrier of the surface or/po-
represented by Eq. (9) [43]; tential well of the quantum box (crystallite size). With
(α hν )2
1.5 2.0
(αhν )½
(αhν )½
20 1.5
1.0 40
0.5 20
4.00 eV 4.74 eV 3.98 eV 4.78 eV
0 0.0 0 0.0
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
Energy/eV Energy/eV
80 Direct bandgap S2L2 3.0 Direct bandgap S2L4 3.0
Indirect bandgap 80 Indirect bandgap
2.5 2.5
2.0 60
(αhν )½
(α hν )2
(αhν )½
(α hν )2
40 1.5 40 1.5
1.0 1.0
20 20
0.5 0.5
3.35 eV
3.98 eV 4.78 eV 4.87 eV
0 0.0 0 0.0
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
Energy/eV Energy/eV
12 2.0 100 3.5
Direct bandgap S2L6 Direct bandgap S2L10
Indirect bandgap 3.0
10 Indirect bandgap 80
60 2.0
(α hν )2
(αhν )½
(α hν )2
(αhν )½
6 1.5
0.8 40
4 1.0
20 0.5
2 0.4
3.90 eV 4.78 eV
3.83 eV 0.0
4.73eV 0
0 0.0 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 11 Tauc plot (by putting m = 1/2 for direct band gap and m = 2 for indirect band gap) obtained from absorption data of the samples
U. Kumar et al.
decreases in the particle size, the confinement width of decrease in the value of direct band gap was found which is
electron and holes increases and leads to the increase in the attributed to the change in the charge compensation
band gap [46]. In the present system, also as concentration mechanism or/decreases in the particle size. These mate-
of dopant La (x) changes, particle size and band gap also rials can be used for various optical device applications by
change which may be due Quantum confinement phe- manipulating defects levels as a metastable state.
nomenon. The concept of quantum confinement has
already been used to correlate the change in energy band Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Head Department
of Physics and Coordinator, Central Instrument Facility Centre
gap with the particle size/crystallite size [47]. (CIFC), IIT(BHU), Varanasi, for providing the experimental facilities
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gap is lower than the value of direct band gap of the same the authors Mr. Upendra Kumar is thankful to the Ministry of Human
composition. The lower value of indirect band gap may be Resource and Development (MHRD), Government of India, for
financial support in terms of Senior Research Fellowship (SRF).
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