68 - SD221237 - RPS Draft Intuisi Dan Wawasan Data - Id.en

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(Learning Analysis, RPS)
Intuition and Data Insight

Amri Muhaimin, S.Stat, M.Stat, MS

Data Science Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science

East Java Veterans National Development University

I. Data Science Study Program Learning Achievements
Code CPL Description
Able to demonstrate the attitude of being a person who is devout, responsible, independent and cooperative, in accordance with the
values of defending the country, love of the homeland, and concern for society and the environment
Able to analyze and apply data analysis techniques using software to solve problems in the field
of data analysis
Able to design, integrate and implement database management architecture for large-scale data
processing needs
Able to master the concept of big data and develop predictive models based on artificial intelligence in solving
problems in various fields and scientific domains
Able to design, develop and implement artificial intelligence-based systems in the form of intelligent
system applications
Able to design, build, and combine algorithms and statistical models in identifying patterns, making decisions,
and creating prediction models based on the data provided
Able to design, implement, develop knowledge, and document scientific research in the field of data science
CPL08 Able to communicate information in the form of narratives and visualization of findings and data insights
Able to master the concepts of mathematics, statistics and basic computer science to strengthen the scientific foundation of data
CPL10 Able to build programming, development frameworks, and deployment of artificial intelligence-based
CPL11 Able to have interpersonal and professional skills by applying ethical values in the data science profession
II. Learning Analytics

CPMK Basic Machine Learning Course II:

CPL02=>CPMK07 Students can explain, apply visualization techniques in an interesting and easy to understand way, as well as design and compose stories resulting from
analysis according to the intended audience effectively and efficiently.
CPL08=>CPMK29 Students have the ability and creativity to solve problems in the field of data analysis through the data analysis analysis process using
software as well as understanding the concepts of mathematics, statistics and basic computer science so that interpersonal and professional skills will
be formed by applying ethical values in the profession data science.

Final Semester Evaluation/Examination (16th Week)

Sub-CPMK 3: Students are able to understand basic concepts Sub-CPMK 4: Students are able to design stories resulting from data analysis
and apply effective and interesting data visualization techniques. that suits the intended audience. They can integrate data
They are able to design appropriate data visualizations visualization techniques in compiling analytical stories and
with the intended audience. communicating data analysis results effectively and

Evaluation/Midterm Exam (8th Week)

Sub-CPMK 2: Students are able to develop creativity

Sub-CPMK 1: Students are able to understand the basic concepts of data analysis and in solving data analysis problems and applying them
software used and can recognize the relationship between data analysis data analysis process using software
and mathematical, statistical and basic computer science concepts. relevant and deepen understanding of mathematical concepts,
statistics, and computer science.
III. Semester Learning Plan (RPS)


INTUITION AND SD221237 Subject Theory = 2 Practice = 1 V/VI February
DATA INSIGHT Choice 2024

Amri Muhaimin, S.Stat, M.Stat, MS Dr. Eng. Dwi Arman Prasetya, ST, MT
CPL02 Able to analyze and apply data analysis techniques using software to solve problems in the field
of data analysis
CPL08 Able to master the concepts of mathematics, statistics and basic computer science to strengthen the scientific foundation
of data science
Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK)

CPMK07 Students can explain, apply visualization techniques in an interesting and easy to understand way, as CPL02
well as design and compose stories resulting from analysis according to the intended audience
effectively and efficiently.
CPMK29 Students have the ability and creativity to solve problems in the field of data analysis CPL09
through the process of analyzing data analysis using software and understanding the
concepts of mathematics, statistics and basic computer science so that interpersonal and
professional skills will be formed by applying ethical values in the science profession
Final Ability of Each Learning Stage (Sub-CPMK)
Sub- Students are able to understand the basic concepts of data analysis and the software used and can recognize the
CPMK1 relationship between data analysis and the concepts of mathematics, statistics and basic computer science.
Sub- Students are able to develop creativity in solving data analysis problems and implementing data
CPMK2 analysis processes using relevant software and deepening understanding of mathematics, statistics
and computer science concepts.
Sub- Students are able to understand basic concepts and apply effective and interesting data visualization techniques
CPMK3 and are able to design data visualizations that suit the intended audience.
Sub- Students are able to design stories resulting from data analysis that suit the intended audience and are able to
CPMK4 integrate data visualization techniques in compiling analytical stories and communicating the results of data analysis
effectively and efficiently.
Correlation of CPL to Sub-CPMK

Sub-CPMK1 -
Sub-CPMK2 - -
Sub-CPMK3 -
Sub-CPMK4 - -
BRIEF DESCRIPTION The "Data Science Intuition and Insight" course provides a deep understanding of the concepts, techniques and
MK applications in the field of data science, with an emphasis on developing analytical intuition and a solid understanding
of the insights required in data management. Students will learn relevant principles of mathematics, statistics, and
computer science, as well as apply data analysis and visualization techniques to present analysis results clearly. Apart
from that, ethics in data science practice is also a focus, so that students are ready to face challenges in academic and
professional environments.
STUDY MATERIALS 1. Introduction to data analysis to gain intuition
MATERIAL 2. Basics of data analysis
LEARNING 3. Application of data analysis techniques
4. Ethics in data analysis
5. Data visualization techniques
6. Design a data analysis story
1. Tan, P. N., Steinbach, M., & Kumar, V. (2005). Introduction to Data Mining. Pearson Education. Conte and Carl de
Boor. 1995. Elementary Numerical Analysis: Algorithmic Approach. McGraw-Hill.
2. Provost, F., & Fawcett, T. (2013). Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know About Data Mining and Data-
Analytic Thinking. O'Reilly Media, Inc.

1. Peng, R.D., & Matsui, E. (2015). The Art of Data Science. Leanpub.
2. McKinney, W. (2018). Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython. O'Reilly Media, Inc.

3. Knaflic, C.N. (2015). Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals. Wiley.
4. Davis, K., & Patterson, D. (2012). Ethics of Big Data: Balancing Risk and Innovation. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
SUPPORTING LECTURER Period 2023/2024-Odd
(a) Amri Muhaimin
SUBJECT Introduction to Statistics
Learning Forms,
Sub CPMK Methods Learning,
(Achievements Evaluation Weight
Sunday Assignments Student Learning materials
Learning [estimated time] Evaluation
To- [References]
Subject) (%)
Criteria and
Indicator Offline Online

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1,2,3,4 Sub-CPMK-1: 1.1 Internal accuracy Technique: -Studying -Studying Material :
Student data analysis and Test and -Discussion[PB: Online 1. Exploratory data
able to understand his role Non- test 2x(2x50”)] -Discussion analysis
basic concepts in context Criteria: -Task 1: Asynchronous 2. Opportunity
data analysis and At the moment. Non-test: Give 3. Descriptive statistics
software 1.2 Accuracy Student RTM-1 related E-learning:
used explain present and Sub-CPMK 1. KNOWLEDGE

and can basic concepts do [PT+KM: (2+2) https://ilmu.up

recognize data analysis discussion during x(2x60'')] njatim.ac.id/
the linkages between 1.3 Accuracy lectures
data analysis use (2%)
with concept software Assignment:
mathematics, in analysis Student
statistics, and data do
basic science 1.4 Internal accuracy that task
computer. understand EDA has been given
in (4%)
get Tests:
intuition and Quizzes (5%)
data insight ETS (10%)
1.5 Internal accuracy

5,6,7 Sub-CPMK-2: 2.1 Accuracy Technique: -Studying -Studying Material :

Student in Test and non- -Discussion[PB: Online 1.Regression

capable use test 1x(2x50”)] -Discussion 2.Group analysis

regression for -Task-2:
develop Asynchronous
get Criteria: Lecturer
deep creativity
intuition and Non-test: give E-learning:
finish outlook. Student related RTM KNOWLEDGE
problem 2.2 Accuracy present and sub-cpmk 2 https://ilmu.u
data analysis and in discussion during [PT+KM: pnjatim.ac.id/
implement the process use lectures (1+1)
data analysis correlation for taking place x(2x60'')]
with get (2%)
intuition and Do
outlook. that task 29
software 2.3 Accuracy given
relevant and in (4%)
deepen use Tests:
understanding analysis Quizzes (5%)
draft group for Evaluation

mathematics, get Middle

intuition and Semester
statistics, and science
outlook (18%)
2.4 Accuracy
data interpretation
2.5 Accuracy
data to-

9,10,11,12 Sub-CPMK-3: 3.1 Accuracy Technique: -Studying -Studying Material:

Student explain Test and non- -Discussion[PB: Online 1. Scatter plot
able to understand principles test 2x(2x50”)] -Discussion 2.Boxplots
data visualization Task – 3: Asynchronous 3.Pie charts
basic concepts and
effective. Criteria: Lecturer
apply 3.2 Accuracy Non-test: give E-learning:
techniques in Participation and RTM-3 KNOWLEDGE
data visualization explain presence [PT+KM:
student https://ilmu.u
effective and types (2+2)
graphics and (2%) x(2x60'')] pnjatim.ac.id/
interesting and
its use Do
able to design
in tasks (4%)
data visualization
get Tests:
appropriate intuition and Quizzes (5%) 25
with the audience data insight Evaluation
which is aimed. 3.3 Accuracy End
in Semester
use (14%)
3.4 Accuracy
strong narrative
13,14, 15 Sub-CPMK-4: 4.1 Internal accuracy Technique: -Studying -Studying Material: 25
Student do Test and non- -Discussion[PB: Online 1. Composing sentences
able to design that communication test 2x(2x50”)] -Discussion narrative

story of the analysis results effective -Task-4: Asynchronous 2. Data analysis

appropriate data 4.2 Internal accuracy Criteria: Lecturer comprehensive
with the audience skills and Non-test: give E-learning:
the target and interpersonal Participation and RTM-4 KNOWLEDGE
capable in context presence [PT+KM: (2+2)
student https://ilmu.u
integrate data science profession x(2x60'')]
visualization techniques 4.3 Internal accuracy (2%) pnjatim.ac.id/
data in do Do
compose the story management tasks (4%)
analysis and intuition project and Tests:
communicate data insight Quizzes (5%)
and analysis results 4.4 Internal accuracy Evaluation
data effectively compose a narrative End
and efficient. descriptive Semester (14)
and effective


1. Learning Achievements of PRODI Graduates (CPL-PRODI) are the abilities possessed by each PRODI graduate which are the internalization of attitudes, mastery of knowledge and
skills according to the level of the study program obtained through the learning process.
2. CPL imposed on courses are several learning outcomes of study program graduates (CPL-PRODI) which are used for the formation/development of a course consisting of
aspects of attitude, general skills, special skills and knowledge.
3. Course CP (CPMK) is a capability that is specifically described from the CPL imposed on the course, and is specific to the study material or learning material of the course.

4. Sub-CP Courses (Sub-CPMK) are abilities specifically described in CPMK that can be measured or observed and are the final abilities planned at each learning stage, and
are specific to the learning material of the course.
5. Indicators for assessing ability in the process and student learning outcomes are specific and measurable statements that identify the ability or performance of student learning outcomes accompanied by
6. Assessment Criteria are benchmarks used as a measure or measure of learning achievement in assessments based on predetermined indicators. Assessment criteria are
guidelines for assessors so that assessments are consistent and unbiased. Criteria can be quantitative or qualitative.
7. Assessment techniques: test and non-test.
8. Forms of learning: Lecture, Response, Tutorial, Seminar or equivalent, Practicum, Studio Practice, Workshop Practice, Field Practice, Research, Community Service and/or
other equivalent forms of learning.
9. Learning Method:Small Group Discussion,Role-Play & Simulation,Discovery Learning,Self-Directed Learning,Cooperative Learning,Collaborative Learning,Contextual Learning, Project
Based Learning, and other equivalent methods.
10. Learning Materials are details or descriptions of study materials which can be presented in the form of several main points and sub-topics.
11. Assessment weight is the percentage of assessment for each sub-CPMK achievement whose size is proportional to the level of difficulty of achieving that sub-CPMK, and the total is 100%.
12. PB=Learning Process,PT=Structured Assignments,KM= Independent Activities.

The assessment evaluation component consists of:

8% Participatory activities + 16% Assignments (RTM) + 20% Quizzes + 28% ETS + 28% EAS

Validated By,

Data Science Study Program Coordinator,

Dr. Eng. Ir. Dwi Arman Prasetya, ST, MT, IPU

NIP. 198012052005011002

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