Pandoro Opcr Part I
Pandoro Opcr Part I
Pandoro Opcr Part I
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao De Oro
Nabunturan, Davao De Oro
1.2 Conduct meetings to teachers Once a 1% 100% of the regular meetings Conducted 12 out of 12 meetings , 5 5 5 5.000 0.050
month conducted within the semester with without lapses and conducted 2days
two lapses ahead of schedule
1.3 Conduct Clinical Supervision Once every 2% 100% of the needs based clinical Conducted 18 Clinical Supervision , 5 5 5 5.000 0.100
quarter supervision conducted/provided within without lapse and within timeline
the semester with two lapses
1.4 Monitor and evaluate NAT Results End of the 2% 2% increase in NAT results attained S.Y 2019-2020 GSA obtained 82.46%, over the 80.04%
GSA of S.Y 208-2019, so, there was an increased of
3 3.000 0.060
school year 2.42% .
1.5 Monitor the implementation of Once every 2% 100% of the implementation of IM’s Monitored 79 out of 80 Instructional 4 4 5 4.333 0.087
instructional materials quarter monitored within the semester with two materials for 5 teachers with 1 lapse
lapses and monitored on time
1.6 Monitor the implementation of Once every 2% 100% of the implementation of teaching Monitored 20 teaching strategies with 5 4 5 4.667 0.093
teaching strategies quarter strategies monitored within the semester 1 lapse and monitored on time
with two lapses.
1.7 Formulate intervention Once every 2.25% 1 intervention program / innovation per 1 intervention programs implemented 5 5 5 5.000 0.112
programs/innovations for learners quarter learning area across grade levels with no lapses and implemented
development based on the analyzed developed and implemented within the within scheduled date
pre-tests and post-tests semester with two lapses
1.8 Provide safe learning environment June 2019 1% 100% of the school facilities are hazard 1 incidence of accident with no lapses 4 5 5 4.667 0.047
free with two lapses hazardous structure addressed on time
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao De Oro
Nabunturan, Davao De Oro
1.10 Supervise and monitor home Within the 1% 100% of the needed home visitations Supervised 20 out of 20 Home 5 3 5 4.333 0.043
visitations school year conducted are supervised within the Visitation with 2 lapse and supervised
semester with two lapses within timeframe
1.11 Lead and implement educational Once every 0.25% 10% increase in sponsorship in the Adopt There were 12 benefactors for the 2nd quarter 3 2 4 3.000 0.008
quarter a Child Program in June 2019 without of 2019 over 11 benefactors of 2018 in Adopt a
programs to prove participation, School Program for the month of May with
survival, retention rates and reduce shortfall shortfalls
dropout rate
Once every 0.25% 100% parent-teacher conferences Monitored the conducted 24 over 24 5 5 5 5.000 0.013
quarter conducted by the teachers within the parent-teacher conferences without
semester monitored without lapses lapses and monitokred as scheduled
Before the 0.25% 100% culminating performances Conducted 6 culminating performances 5 5 5 5.000 0.013
conduct of conducted by teachers within the had been conducted by the teachers which
the activity semester monitored without lapses is equivalent to100% without lapses and
monitored on time
1.12 Monitor teachers upkeep of March 2019 1% 100% of students records checked and Monitored teachers with 110 pupils' 5 5 4 4.667 0.047
students records August 2020 validated within the semester without record without lapses and monitored 1
lapses day before timelines
1.13 Supervise and direct all school Within the 1% 100% of teaching personnel supervised Supervised and directed 5 teachers 5 5 5 5.000 0.050
teaching personnel school year and directed within the semester without without lapses and supervised and
lapses directed on time
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao De Oro
Nabunturan, Davao De Oro
January to 1% Annual report on waste materials Prepared and submitted 1 annual 5 5 3 4.333 0.043
August 2019 submitted in April 2019 without error report of waste materials without error
and within ttimelines
2. 2 Implement wellness program June 2019 to 2% 1 Wellness program implemented within Implemented 1 wellness program 5 2 4 3.667 0.073
March 2020 the rating period without lapses effective on July 2019 with lapses
2. LEARNING 2.3 Implement DRRM mobilization plans Within the 2.5% 100% of the DRRM mobilization plan Implemented 2 out of 2 DRRM 5 5 3 4.333 0.108
ENVIRONMENT school year activities implemented within the rating mobilization plan activities within the
period without lapses rating period with lapses, within timeline
2.4 Implement Project W.A.T.C.H. Within the 2.5% 100% of Project WATCH indicators 2 out of 3 Project Watch indicators are 5 5 5 5.000 0.125
school year complied with within the rating period complied without lapse and
without lapses implemented witihn the timeframe
2.5 Implement BRIGADA ESKWELA Within the 3% 100% of BRIGADA ESKWELA activities Implemented 3 out of 3 Approved 5 5 5 5.000 0.150
school year implemented within the rating period Brigada Eskwelaplan without lapses
without lapses and within time frame
2.6 Mediate and ensures resolution of As the need 3% 100% of conflicts within the rating period Resolved 1 out of 1 conflict in school, 5 5 5 5.000 0.150
MFO 1 BASIC conflicts in school arises resolved without lapses within the school year without lapses and
EDUCATION resolved on time
3. HUMAN 3.1 Organize and conduct In-Service Once every 5% 100% of needs-based INSET’s conducted Conducted 3 out of 3 needed INSET's 5 5 2 4.000 0.200
RESOURCE Trainings (INSETs) quarter within the rating period without lapses or LAC sessions, without lapse and
MANAGEMENT AND conducted beyond the time frame
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao De Oro
Nabunturan, Davao De Oro
3.3 Update 201 files End of the 2.5% 100% of teachers’ 201 Files updated in Updated 5 out 5 teachers' 201 files without 5 5 2 4.000 0.100
school year February 2019 without error error and updated later than February
3.4 Rate all school Personnel July to 2.5% 100% of teachers / staff performance Reviewed and evaluated 5 out of 5 teachers' 5 2 3 3.333 0.083
Performance and recommend August 2019 appraised and submitted within the rating documents who are due for promotion and
submitted with errors and on due date
promotion period without error
July to 2.5% 1 school succession program prepared Recommended 1 out of 1 teacher for promotion 5 5 3 4.333 0.108
August 2019 within the semester without error and prepared in March 2020 without error
4. PARENTS' 4.1 Establish linkages with stakeholders June to 2% 100% of resource generation within the rating 4 out of 4 resource generation was 5 2 3 3.333 0.067
INVOVEMENT AND to support resources August 2019 period is supported by stakeholders without supported with lapses on scheduled
COMMUNITY shortfall / deficiency dates
4.2 Meet parents Once in 2% 100% of the scheduled regular meetings Conducted 2 out of 2 General PTA 5 5 5 5.000 0.100
regularly to confer/inform about school every with parents within the rating period Assembly, 2 daygs before the
accomplishment quarter conducted without lapses. scheduled dates without lapses
4.3 Harness Within the 2% 100% of the Alumni planned activities Implemented 1 out of 1 of the approved 5 2 1 2.667 0.053
participation of alumni and other school year implemented within the rating period implementation plan of the Alumni plan
without lapses/deficiencies with lapse implemented 2 or more days
organizations (NGOs, LGUs, PPP) after the schedule
4.4 Affiliate in organizations Within the 2% 1 Affiliation in recognized organization 1 Affiliation in recognized organization 5 5 4 4.667 0.093
school year done within the rating period without without deficiencies in February 2019
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of Davao De Oro
4. PARENTS' Nabunturan, Davao De Oro
Name of Employee : SHERYL L. BALAQUI Name of Rater : PHOEBE GAY L. REFAMONTE, CPA
Position Title / Designation : Teacher II/Teacher In-Charge Position : OIC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Review Period : Approving Authority : EUFEMIA T. GAMUTIN CESO V
Division : SCHOOLS DIVISION OF DAVAO DE ORO Position : Schools Division Superintendent
5. SCHOOL 5.1 Perform school leadership and, March 2019 4% 100% of the AIP implemented and Implemented 20 out of 22 of the 5 5 3 4.333 0.173
LEADERSHIP management and operations functions to June 2019 evaluated within the rating period annual implementation plan without
MANAGEMENT AND without lapses lapse and prioritized on scheduled
5.2 Prioritize needs/ Allocate funds for October 2% 100% of identified needs in K to 12 100% of identified needs prioritized 5 5 3 4.333 0.087
K to 12 implementation 2019 to July implementation prioritized within the without lapses on schedule
2020 planning period without lapses
Last week of 2% 100% of financial resources appropriately 100% of financial resources 5 2 5 4.000 0.080
the month allocated within the planning period appropriately allocated with errors
without error allocated on time
5.3 Allocate/prioritize reproduction of Every end of 2% 100% of identified needs on instructional 100% of identified needs prioritized 5 5 5 5.000 0.100
instructional materials the month materials for reproduction prioritized without lapses prioritized on time
within the rating period without lapses
Within the 2% 100% of financial resources for 100% of financial resources 5 5 5 5.000 0.100
school year reproduction of instructional materials appropriately allocated without error
appropriately allocated within the rating allocated on time
period without error
5.4 Monitor the implementation of June-July 4% 100% of the implementation of IPC of 100% of the implementation of IPC of 5 5 5 5.000 0.200
Results-Based Performance 2019 School heads and Teachers monitored School heads and Teachers monitored
Management System within the rating period without lapses without lapse within timeframe
6.1 Wearing of prescribed uniform Within the 4% 100% compliance with dress code/ Wore the prescribed uniform for 180 5 5 5.000 0.200
school year uniform policies on prescribed days days without lapse
without lapses
6.2 Attendance and participation in Within the 4% 100% attendance in flag rites within the Attended 178 out of 180 flag rites 4 5 5 4.667 0.187
Flag Rites school year rating period without lapses without lapse arrived 15 minutes
before the scheduled time
6.3 Attendance in meetings, Within the 4% 100% of required meetings, conferences attended 10 out of 10 required 5 5 4 4.667 0.187
conferences and other related activities school year and other related activities attended meetings, conferenc es and other
6. OTHER SUPPORT without lapses related activities arrived 10 minutes
REQUIREMENTS before scheduled time
6.4 Submission of required reports Within the 4% 100% of the required reports submitted Submitted 41 out of 41 required 5 5 3 4.333 0.173
school year within scheduled dates with two revisions reports without revision on due dates
6.5 Accuracy and completeness in the Within the 4% 100% of required reports/forms 41 out of 41 required report/ forms 5 5 3 4.333 0.173
accomplishment of forms and reports school year accomplished with accuracy and without lapse on due date
completeness within the rating period
with 2 lapses