BML (T) 601

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DR. B.C. ROY ACADEMY OF PROFESSIONAL COURSES (Formerly DR. B.C. ROY ENGINEERING COLLEGE, DURGAPUR) COLLEGE CODE: 323 Semester: 6TH | Course: B.SC MLT Paper Code & UPID: BML(T) 603 & 600033, Time allowed: 50 mins Session: 2024 Paper Name: Clinical Endocrinology & Toxicology Full Marks: 25 yy Squestons Anse. 12) Define FT3. () Oxytocin secreted from (@) Define LDSO. (@) Which ofthe folowing hormone is known as {e) Excess release of thyrold hormone In body causes the {0 Write the normal level of Mercury In human bedy. () Define Teratogen. (anterior pitaltary/pesterlor pltsltary)- ght hormone=) Thyroxta ll) Adrenaline Hil) ADM ty) Oxytocin i) Hypethyrotdizm tl) Goltre il) Hyperthyroldismaly) None ef the above Answer any 4 question setez0 24a) Write the neurotexte effect of Mercury Toalelty, () Describe the process of Thyrold Hormone sysmthests. (6) Make a short note on hyperseerction of adrenocertlen! hormone. (@) Write the ellnica! significance of growth trormone. (@) Weltea short note on thyrold profile test. (0) Deseribe the procedure for T3 determlantion from btoo

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