Chemistry HL - Fast Facts - Second Edition - Pearson 2014
Chemistry HL - Fast Facts - Second Edition - Pearson 2014
Chemistry HL - Fast Facts - Second Edition - Pearson 2014
• The sum o
of all chemiccal reactions occurring in an organism
m is known as metabolism
m. These reactions occurr in
aqueous solution
s in co
ontrolled environments.
• Anabolism
m refers to metabolic
m patthways of synthesis, cataabolism referrs to metabo
olic pathwayss of
• Condensaation reactions occur durring synthesis, and hydro
olysis reactions occur durring breakdown.
• Photosyntthesis synthe
esizes energyy-rich moleccules from CO
O2 and H2O using
u light en
• Respiratio
on is the controlled breakkdown of en
nergy-rich mo
olecules in ceells to releasse energy.
• The functions of biom
molecules dep
pend on theiir structures and shapes..
• 2-amino acids
a are amphoteric and d can exist ass zwitterionss or as cation
ns or anions in
i solution. Their
T charge
depends on
o the pH an nd their isoellectric point.. They can acct as pH bufffers.
• There aree 20 differentt amino acids that differ in their R gro
• ondensation reactions fo
Amino acids join by co orming peptide bonds, which are amiide links. Theere is an
enormouss variety of protein
p strucctures possib
ble due to thee variety of amino
a acids.
P struccture Nature of
o interactions
seccondary hyd
drogen bonds within the polypeptidee chain involvving groups in
i the peptid
de bonds
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• Enzymes b
bind specificcally to their substrate (reeactant) at a region calle
ed the active site. The forrmation of
enzyme–ssubstrate complex provid des an altern
nate reaction n route that has a lower activation
a en
• Enzyme sttudies show saturation kinetics
k as [S]] increases.
• Vmax refers to the
e maximum rate
r of the reeaction undeer the specified condition
• Km reefers to the substrate
s concentration required forr the rate to be Vmax/2.
• The lower the vaalue for Km th he affinity of the enzyme for its substtrate.
he greater th
• nds on its conformation, and so is sensitive to changes in tem
Enzyme activity depen mperature, pH, and heavyy
metal ions.
• Chemical inhibitors caan regulate enzymes.
e Theere are two main
m types:
nding site on
n enzyme binds at activee site binds at allostteric site
efffect on Vmax no
ot affected decreased
• Product in
nhibition gen
nerates a feeedback loop that
t can be used
u to regu
ulate the concentration of
o enzymes
accordingg to the need
ds of the cell..
• The aminoo acid compo
osition of a protein
p can be hy and by gel
b analysed by paper chrromatograph
• The pH off a buffer solution can bee determined
d from know o its acid/base and by th
wledge of thee pKa or pKb of he
ratio of itss acid/base to
t salt.
pH = pK a + log10
• The proteein concentraation in a sollution can bee determinedd using UV-vvis spectrosco
opy and a calibration currve
based on known stand dard concentrations. Thee Beer–Lamb bert law show ws that the absorbance
a o a compound
at fixed wavelength
w iss directly pro
oportional to its concentrration.
B..3 Lipidss
Lipids are a broad group of biomo
olecules that are largely non-polar
n and are therefore insolublee in water.
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• Cholesterrol is a steroid.
• Hydrolysiss of a fat pro
oduces fatty acids and glyycerol. It is carried out byy enzymes caalled lipases,, and acidic or
alkaline co
• Rancidity of fats occurs either at the
t ester linkkages in triglyycerides or at
a the carbonn–carbon double bonds in
unsaturatted triglycerides. Saturated fats are more
m stable than
t unsaturrated fats.
B..4 Carbo
C tes are oxygeen-rich biomolecules that play a centtral role in metabolic
m reactions of eneergy transferr.
B..5 Vitam
Vitaminss are organic micronutrieents with dive
erse function
ns and which
h must be ob
btained from
m the diet.
• Vitamins are
a organic micronutrien
m nts; they are synthesized in the body. Vitamin D can
c be madee by the actio
of sunligh
ht on the skin
• Vitamins are
a sensitivee to heat. Theeir solubility in water depends on theeir ability to form hydroggen bonds with
the waterr.
• Vitamin deficiency disseases are caaused by lackk of a balanced diet. Oveer-processingg of food, poor education
and nutrieent depletion can all con
ntribute to th
his. Solutionss include forttification of staple
s foods,,
supplemeentation, and d education.
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• Genetically modified food
f refers to
t food produced from organisms thaat have had their
t DNA alttered by
genetic en
B..9 Pigme
Biological piggments include a variety of chemical structures with
w diverse functions
f and
which absorb specific waveelengths of ligght.
• Pigments are colouredd compound ds produced by metabolissm. Their colour is due to o highly conjjugated
systems w
with delocalizzed electrons, which abssorb in the viisible region of the spectrum.
• Porphyrin w nitrogen-containingg cyclic ligand
n compoundss are chelatees of metals with ds.
• Chlorophyyll is the prim
mary pigmen nt involved in
n trapping ligght energy in
n photosynth hesis. Its porp
phyrin ring
contains m
magnesium. It undergoess a redox chaange and is reduced
r backk to its origin
nal form by eelectrons fro
water. Chlorophyll is more
m sensitivve to changees in temperature in aciddic conditions.
• Hemoglob bin and myoglobin contaain heme gro oups with iron(II) ion, andd act to transsport and sto ore oxygen.
Hemoglob bin is a tetrameric proteiin, which binnds four oxyggen moleculees cooperativvely. Its oxyggen
dissociatioon curve is shifted to thee right (releases oxygen more
m easily) at warmer temperatures and lower
pH/higher concentrattion of CO2. CO C acts as a competitive
c inhibitor forr O2. Fetal heemoglobin haas a higher
affinity fo
or oxygen thaan adult haem moglobin; itss oxygen disssociation currve is shifted d to the left.
• Myoglobin has a higheer affinity for oxygen and
d stores oxyggen. It is mon
nomeric so does
d ow cooperative
not sho
• Cytochrommes contain iron which undergoes
u reedox change from iron(II) to iron(III). They form the electron
transport chain in aerrobic respirattion and pho
• Carotenoiids and anthocyanins actt as accessorry pigments iin photosyntthesis.
• Carotenoiids are lipid soluble
s and can
c be oxidizzed in light-ccatalysed reaactions.
• Anthocyanins are watter soluble an
nd can act ass pH indicato
• Pigments can be analyysed by thin--layer chrom
matography (TTLC), a form of adsorptio
on chromato
ography. TLC
works on smaller samples than paaper chromattography and is more sensitive.
B..10 Sterreochem
mistry in biomole
b cules
Most biochem
M mical processses are stereeospecific and involve on
molecules with a certain configuratioon of chiral carbon atomss.
• Proteins: amino acids are chiral (eexcept glycine) and exist in the L form
• Lipids: unsaturated fats occur mosstly in the ciss form, with relatively low
w melting po
oints. Partial hydrogenattion
of fats con
nverts some of these gro
oups into thee trans positiion, which is associated with
w health problems,
p su
as cardiovvascular dise
• Carbohydrates: sugarss exist as D or
o L stereoiso
omers; the D form is the most abund dant in nature. Alpha and
beta sugaars differ in th
he positions of the –OH groups
g in C1 for glucose and
a C2 for fructose. Starcch and
glycogen are polymerrs of alpha glucose, and cellulose
c is a polymer of beta
b glucosee.
• Vitamins: vitamin A, retinal, undergoes an isom
meric conversion from 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal in thee
visual cycle.
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B..6 Biochemistry and the environm
Our increasing know
wledge of bio
ochemistry hhas led to sevveral environ
blems, while
e also helpingg to solve oth
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