The Winners Manifesto
The Winners Manifesto
The Winners Manifesto
How To Unleash Your Inner Champion —
& Live Full Of Health, Wealth, And Freedom
by Marczell Klein
America’s #1 Success Coach
As seen on:
Biz Insider - ABC - CBS - Thrive Global - Yahoo Finance
01 Contant
Chapter 1 02
Mastering Your Mind
Chapter 2 09
Becoming Magnetic
Chapter 3 13
How To Win BIG
Chapter 4 16
Unstoppable Self-Confidence
Chapter 5 21
Goal Setting For Winners
Chapter 1 02
Chapter 1:
Mastering Your Mind
Think about your biggest fear... Now if you thought that was difficult — I want you
Now imagine that fear was as small and insignificant to think again. You see, our brains run on patterns
as a piece of garbage on the sidewalk. and we see the world through filters. And our BE-
Would it still have an impact on your life? What if you LIEFS about how things work filter everything out.
could go back in time and stop that fear from ever Look at the numbers again.
even forming? The possibilities for everything you This time I want you to realize that your brain
could achieve would be limitless. might have been seeing these numbers through a
Take everything you see and know in your everyday filter.
life. A belief that made you think your memory is not
Like, for example, the amount of information you can as good as you believed it to be.
memorize in a given moment. Now I want you to notice that the numbers are in
As a thought experiment, try and memorize the num- increments of ten.
bers below, just by reading them out individually... Twenty-three, thirty-three, forty-three, etc…
2333435363 2333435363
03 Chapter 1
This time around, it was much easier for you to memo- The majority of our actions are unconscious, which is
rize, right? why it is so important to make sure that the programs
You see, when we get rid of our filters, things we didn’t running your life are congruent to achieving your goals
think were possible… suddenly become possible. and winning in life.
This is important to understand because everything Your conscious mind makes up less than 1% of your
you do in life is dictated by the beliefs you have been mind. This is the part of your mind that has logic and
conditioned to believe. reason. Think of this as the mouse on a computer. It
Your mind is made up of two parts — the conscious clicks on an application and then the program starts to
mind and the subconscious mind. run.
Your subconscious mind makes up over 99% of your To give you perspective as to how powerful your mind
mind and works like a computer. is, realize your conscious mind can only take in about
Think of it as a computer with different programs and 50 bits of information at any given second. This trans-
applications. In order to keep the computer on, there lates to about 7 things at any given moment — which
are lots of applications constantly running in the back- is the equivalent to a phone number or license plate.
ground. On the other hand, your subconscious mind can take in
In humans, this would be something like breathing, for about 50,000,000 bits of information every second!
Chapter 1 04
If someone looks up and to the left they are recalling If someone looks down and to the left they are having
an image. For example, if you think of your room, you an internal dialogue. That is why most people tend to
would move your eyes to the top left. read time by looking down and to the left when they
If someone looks up and to the right they are con- are wearing a watch.
structing an image. An example would be if you were If someone looks down and to the right they are ac-
to try and imagine what my room looks like. cessing an emotion. For example, try and remember a
If someone looks to the left towards their ear they are time when you were excited to do something.
recalling words or sounds. For example, if you were to Just be aware, if someone is left-handed everything
ask someone “What is one thing you heard today?”, tends to be flipped.
they would look to the left.
Chapter 2:
Becoming Magnetic
Understanding what representational systems people If you are naturally in rapport with them already, then
favor is vital to understanding their model of the world. you will do it subconsciously.
It is the most effective way to communicate with them. It does not matter if you match what they are doing or
Establishing rapport with someone is necessary if you mirror them.
wish to change their belief system. The good news? In fact, you can even cross your arms or your hands and
This is very easy to do once you have mastered a few still be in rapport with them.
simple techniques. Matching their breathing rate with your own is also a
MATCHING AND MIRRORING great way to establish rapport.
The person we like and trust the most is ourselves. You Another thing you can do to create rapport with some-
can make people find you very trustworthy and even one is to match the tempo and tonality of their voice.
feel like they have a strong connection with you just by If someone starts speaking to you very slowly then
matching and mirroring their body language. you should match the speed in which they speak. This
For example, if someone has their right leg crossed over will create a strong sense of connection in their minds
their left and they are sitting across from you — then towards you.
you should also cross one of your legs.
Chapter 2 10
Have you ever spoken to someone and felt like you guys Once you have rapport with someone you can start to
just had a magnetic connection? I guarantee you guys walk with them in their shoes into another world or
were in rapport. belief system.
Our minds are naturally programmed to conform to one If you have ever persuaded someone to buy some-
another. We are very social creatures and back when thing, eat somewhere, or do anything that they
we still lived in caves we relied on one another to sur- originally were not sure of then you have used this
vive. You can use this to your advantage because once technique.
you have established rapport with someone they will Before paying me $10,000 for a private coaching call,
subconsciously want to remain in rapport with you. one of my clients went to multiple different psychol-
PACING AND LEADING ogists and psychiatrists and felt like he could not be
This is one of the most important principles in changing helped.
someone’s belief system. He had a hard time focusing on them and everything
If someone sees the world a certain way and you get they did could not get through to him. I let him won-
into rapport with them, what you are really doing is der while sitting in front of me and I started to match
stepping into their world. You are walking in their shoes his breathing by tapping a pen on my desk to where he
and meeting them where they are. could hear it.
11 Chapter 2
After about two minutes I started slowing the pace When you change emotional states your physiology
in which I tapped the desk down and his breathing changes as well. Your brain releases different chemi-
started to follow. cals into your body that make you feel a certain way
After about five minutes I had captured his subcon- which then make you change your physiology.
scious attention and established rapport with him. It also works the other way around. If you change your
I then proceeded to coach him and helped him with body language, you will also change your emotional
his ADHD. Not only did he get ridiculous results but I state.
was the only person he went to who was able to help For instance, move your body into a closed off position
him… so much so, that he signed up for my $50,000 with your arms tucked into each other and your shoul-
private monthly coaching on the spot (and he’s still a ders slouched over.
client to this day). Now try and get motivated, it will be difficult if not
Rapport is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you need to impossible for most people.
have to create long lasting change in a person’s life. If Now open up your arms, relax your shoulders, and sit
you have great rapport with someone you can change up or stand with an erect body posture.
their life in seconds. Before we get into how to do that Now try and get motivated. You’ll notice it’s dramati-
the last thing you need to understand is how connect- cally easier.
ed your mind is to your body.
Chapter 2 12
Similarly when you’re angry, sad, or even nervous you This works especially well when you are trying to make
can change your emotional state to that of happiness a good impression with someone. Imagine meeting
and excitement just by smiling. When you smile your someone who could add great value to your life.
brain releases a “happy chemical” called dopamine and Human beings are programmed to create relationships
when you smile at someone else their brain releases based on value. The more value each person offers
dopamine, too. That’s why smiling is considered “conta- each other the stronger the relationship will be.
gious” and “charming”.
It is important to understand this because when estab-
lishing rapport with someone, you want to connect with
In order to do so you need to step into their reality and
match their emotional state. By matching and mirroring
the physiology of the person in which you are trying to
create change, you step into their world where change
then becomes possible. It allows you to feel their emo-
tions and then lead them to their desired state.
13 Chapter 3
Chapter 3:
How To Win BIG
Have you ever wanted something so bad... and then out The reason I gave the first volunteer a $1000 bill is be-
of nowhere things just happen to fall right into place? cause I presented an opportunity and that opportunity
What if you could replicate that with everything you do? led to a reward.
The good news is that you can. Every single person in that room had the tools neces-
Not long ago, I was speaking on stage to an audience of sary to come up and open that water bottle.
2500 entrepreneurs. During the talk, I asked for a volun- Often in life we miss opportunities because we are too
teer and called them up to the front. shy to go up to someone or just let fear get in the way.
I then proceeded to ask them to open my water bottle When you get rid of these filters and limiting beliefs
for me. After taking a sip I reached into my pocket and you can take advantage of every opportunity that
took out a $1000 bill. comes your way.
I then asked the volunteer to close the bottle and hand- Will every single one lead to a reward?
ed them the money. Of course, not. But you will build a healthy relationship
I then asked for another volunteer and almost everyone with failure and rejection.
in the room raised their hands. (I then told everyone to
put their hands down.) After all, in order to succeed you need to fail.
Chapter 3 14
I want you to start to see failure and rejection as prog- Whenever you find yourself saying things like “I hope”,
ress, because one or more of the opportunities you “I think”, or “maybe” you are holding yourself back.
seize will transform your life. These phrases all stem from limiting beliefs.
It might not happen overnight, but I guarantee if you Imagine a dark room — the darkness represents your
do not take advantage of the moment it will not hap- negativity, the negative self talk.
pen at all. Once you turn on a light in a dark room, what hap-
Of course, you are not the type of person to just sit pens? No darkness can enter.
back and watch your dreams pass by right in front of That light is true confidence.
you... are you? Have you ever heard someone say, “make a realistic
If so, tell that voice in your head to SHUT THE FUCK UP! goal.”
If you have any self doubt, this is something you NEED If someone ever says that to you tell them to take their
to pay attention to. advice and shove it up their ass. Throughout your en-
The words you tell yourself, are the very things dictat- tire life people have imposed limiting beliefs onto you.
ing your reality. If there is a part of you that believed them, it’s only
You can be your own worst enemy. because you chose to listen.
In order to change that you need to become your big- We have the power to change any beliefs we have and
gest supporter. to accept or reject anything anyone tells you.
15 Chapter 3
If there is anything I say in this book that you disagree When you exude this level of confidence, not only do
with, you can absolutely reject it. you allow yourself to take advantage of any opportuni-
Why? Because there is one thing successful people ty, but you also open the door for others to reach out
have in common... to you. When you are confident, your body language
They are LEADERS. becomes more erect, your voice is projected louder,
Leaders do not listen to other people when they im- and you allow yourself to feel comfortable.
pose their limiting beliefs onto them.
Your future, your dreams, are a direct result of your
Earlier, I mentioned true confidence.
That is a level of confidence you reach when you do
not give the slightest fuck about other people’s opin-
ions level is at 100%.
Imagine walking around knowing how incredible you
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 16
Unstoppable Self-Confidence
I realized that much like that paper I had been living The words you tell yourself and the tools you develop
my whole life believing that it takes a lot of time to will make it easier for you to reach these goals.
make real change. Imagine a car that can completely drive itself. All you
We have been conditioned to believe that we need a have to do is type in the address and you show up at
lot of repetition to change a habit. “It takes 60 days,” your destination. This is how your subconscious mind
some people say. But at that moment I saw the possi- works. You have a set of beliefs which then creates a
bilities of what can be done. bunch of patterns.
Fast forward to today, and after working with over A pattern of behavior is just a strategy to help you get
5000 clients, I’ve learned that there really is no limit what you want.
to what’s possible. The human brain is capable of For example, if a little girl always gets what she wants
anything and our brain is what pilots our bodies. when she cries, then she will develop a pattern. Fast
Earlier I mentioned how powerful your subconscious forward twenty years to her relationship with her
mind is… boyfriend. She will most likely cry to get what she
It is one million times more powerful than your wants from her boyfriend.
conscious mind. That’s why your subconscious mind What would happen if that stops working for her?
dictates whether or not you get to live out your This is when we are forced to reflect and allow our-
dreams or not. selves to change.
Chapter 4 18
If you are not aware of the patterns running your life When you program your mind for success you will
they will dictate everything you do and sometimes notice opportunities, and find yourself constantly
even work against you. showing up at the right places at the right times.
You need your conscious mind to be in rapport with For instance, prior to buying my first Mercedes, the
your subconscious mind, so you can make the change idea of driving it consumed me…
that is necessary.
When you get both parts of your mind working Something interesting started to occur. I started to
together you are using 100% of your brain power notice that Mercedes E class everywhere I went.
towards everything you do. I was previously driving a car my parents had given me
Your subconscious mind is what really dictates your that had over 180,000 miles on it. I named her Kim.
life. By figuring out what your limiting beliefs are and One day I went to turn Kim on and she wouldn’t start.
planting new ones, you’re setting yourself up to win. In order to fix Kim I would’ve had to pay a pretty
Much like the car that drives itself, the patterns in penny, so I started considering my options. I looked at
your mind act much like an address. They dictate your Hondas, Toyotas, Chevys, and Fords. (This is back when
destination. If you develop yourself, you will take the I was a broke student, before I became a millionaire.)
fastest route to your destination. Your mind is always It became a routine — I’d walk up to a dealership feel-
on autopilot. If you program your subconscious for ing excited and leave with disappointment. Every single
success you will automatically start to go there. dealership refused to give me the time of day.
19 Chapter 4
My credit was new and I was 18. One day I was on my I had six weeks before my first car payment was due. I
phone and saw an add for this beautiful Mercedes could barely afford gas and I knew my income had to
E class. I knew I could not afford it at the time, but I change fast.
was sure that was going to be my car. I walked into Tony Robbins once said: “If you do what you’ve always
the dealership with extreme confidence and went up done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.”
to the sales rep. I took a second to evaluate myself and realized that
I told him I wanted to test drive that car. He got the there were beliefs I had held onto that were preventing
keys and I was ready to close the deal. He ran my me from making more money.
credit and by some kind of luck, I got approved! When I was younger my parents lost everything.
I thought to myself this must be too good to be true. Because of that experience, they always told me: “you
Then he gave me the numbers. I would be paying need to be a doctor otherwise making money is hard.”
20% interest on a car I could not afford. (The monthly But after buying the Mercedes, I suddenly noticed new
payments cost more money than I was making as a opportunities all around me.
part-time valet.) Places such as Starbucks, Ralphs, and even the gym
However, being persistent and stubborn, I knew I were now ways to gain clientele. So many people had
would find a way to pay for the car. I signed the pa- problems that I had the solutions to.
pers and I was on my own. Maybe you believe having a lot of money can lead to
something bad.
Chapter 4 20
Chapter 5:
Goal Setting For Winners
One of the most important things I realized in gaining Every single person has a dream. There is something
success is finding your purpose. you would be happy doing the rest of your life if you
Your purpose is the very thing you are here to do. It could. Maybe it is singing, acting, starting a company,
could be anything from having a family and raising kids or even changing the world.
to changing the world. The reason most people never get there is because
When you ask little kids what they want to do when they lose focus. Your focus becomes your reality.
they get older most of them will say amazing things… If you choose to focus on how terrible your life is
“I want to be an astronaut.” rather than how amazing it’s going to be, then you will
“I’m going to be the president of the United States.” have a less enjoyable life.
But as they grow older, their dreams feel further and Similarly, if you focus on all the negativity surrounding
further away. you, rather than the beautiful things life has to offer
Your whole life people have imposed their limiting be- you, then your mind will delete all of the amazing
liefs onto you — your parents, teachers, friends, idols, things around you.
and sometimes even strangers.
Chapter 5 22
Albert Einstein once said: “You never fail unless you One of the biggest excuses I hear from people is that
stop trying.” their circumstances have placed them in a situation
Success is not an accident. where it’s nearly impossible to succeed.
If you see someone who is extremely successful and But your circumstances do NOT determine your out-
feel any negative emotion that is a problem. comes.
Envy, jealousy, hatred, anger, sadness, or any negative Success is a DECISION and it starts with your opinion
emotion towards success is information. of it.
You can use this information to look within yourself What excuses are you making for why you are not
and remove the limiting beliefs. Usually this stems successful?
from a lack of confidence and self esteem. There is ALWAYS a solution and your excuses are just
People who do not think they can be successful tend keeping you away from your dreams.
to have negative emotions toward success. If you feel Every single self made success started off with a vision.
negatively about success, you will not succeed. That vision turned into a goal.
Like attracts like and if your emotions are not congru- You need to be able to envision yourself in one year,
ent with the outcomes you want to achieve, then you two years, five years, and even ten years.
will not attract it.
23 Chapter 5
Make the vision clear. I would sit down, close my eyes, and envision myself
What are you wearing? Are you wealthy? What are you five years from then having a seminar in front of thou-
doing? sands of people. I made it so real that it felt like I was
Now imagine for a moment that you are really there. actually there. The details of peoples faces, the way
Now get into a time machine and go all the way back the stage looked, even the wrinkles in my suit were
to this very moment. The person reading this book. so clear. I then looked in a mirror and asked my future
In becoming the person you are going to be right now self, “What do I need to do to make this my reality?”
you have taken the biggest step in achieving your Future me answered, “You already know everything
goals. you need to know.”
This really made sense to me when I decided to host Suddenly everything became clear. The person I was
my first seminar. going to be in five years needed to be the person I
I wanted to make an event that would be unforget- was now.
table. I decided I was going to hypnotize someone There were gaps in who I was now and who I needed
quickly and make them forget their name. to be, so I started to make the changes I needed to
I had four weeks to get everything together, but the make, and pushed myself further than I ever had.
only problem was I had never hypnotized anyone.So I I went out and attempted to hypnotize every single
developed a routine that I would do every single day… person I saw — I would speak to them as if I was giving
them my seminar.
Chapter 5 24
My goal was to hold their attention for as long as I Have you ever heard the saying, “shoot for the moon
possibly could. If they would listen for hours, it meant and if you miss you’ll still end up in the stars”? It’s true.
that I was charismatic enough to listen to. So set BIG goals and never underestimate yourself.
At first people would give me excuses and walk away. Ask yourself how much money you would be happy
However, slowly but surely after two weeks and hun- making an hour. If your answer is anything less than
dreds of people later, I would have crowds around me $1000 smack yourself! Literally lift up your arm and
to listen to me speak and hypnotize people. slap your face.
For the last two weeks before my seminar, I went out NO ONE would be “happy” making $15 an hour, for
everyday and sold tickets to strangers. instance.
I had a vision, which created a goal, which I then The only reason anyone would have that for an answer
turned into a reality. is because they do not believe that they can make
My seminar was a huge success. And I realized that it more! Here is an example that can help train your mind
was so much simpler than I thought and that I could into increasing your goals and even making it feel like
apply it to everything I did. you can achieve them...
The first step in making your dreams come true is to Suppose your goal is to make $10,000 in the next 24
set a goal. Your goal should be clear and big. Dream hours. Think about how that goal makes you feel? Now
big! set a larger goal and imagine making $1,000,000 in the
next 24 hours.
25 Chapter 5
How would your life change? What would you buy? Do not make the foolish mistake of learning from your
What would be different? How would you feel? own mistakes. This is a waste of time and will make
Now go back to the idea of making $10,000 in the next your journey towards your goals much more difficult.
24 hours. It should seem much easier and tangible. The solution can be found in a process called “model-
Sometimes it’s hard for the brain to believe that it can ing.”
achieve your dreams, so make them huge on purpose, Modeling allows you to take someone who is already
and you’ll be surprised as to where you will end up. successful and create the same results with yourself.
If you do not know what you want in your life, then For example, if this successful person takes ten steps
you are wasting time! I can not emphasize how import- forward from point A and ends up on point B and you
ant it is to set a goal. If you do not know where you are take the same exact ten steps from point A you will
going how will you ever get there? You need a destina- likely end up at exactly the same spot.
tion and if you do not have a destination you at least
need to be headed in the right direction. The clearer
your goal is the easier it will be for you to achieve it.
The second step is to form a winning strategy.
Depending on your goal the strategy needed to get
there will change.
Chapter 5 26
The most vital part of reaching your goals is your There are things that successful restaurants have in
MINDSET. common, and things that unsuccessful restaurants
When you are modeling someone else it is very import- have in common.
ant to model their mindset. If you look at qualities successful restaurants have
You can know exactly what you need to do, but if you like, cleanliness, friendly hospitality, great food, etc...
have the wrong mindset you will not take the actions you can replicate those qualities in your restaurant.
necessary to get the results. And the same principle can apply to any goal. (For
The biggest mistake I notice my private clients make example, good basketball players vs bad basketball
is they tend to focus on how to achieve their goals players, and so on… whatever you desire.)
instead of the mindset that will do it for them.
When you have the right mindset, you will not only
take the action necessary towards your goals, but it
will feel effortless, enjoyable, and you will become
obsessed with the journey. So by modeling the mindset
of the person you wish to succeed like, what you are
really doing is taking the shortcut to success.
If your goal is to be a successful restaurant owner then
you need to form a strategy that outlines success.