Jalmar Ironsword
Jalmar Ironsword
Jalmar Ironsword
"Take no more than seven breaths to decide on a course of action. Then you must see this decision through with total
attention. That is the way of the true warrior." Jalmar Ironsword
Jalmar's close association with Arkat led to his understanding of certain mystical disciplines; but
Jalmar was ever true to his god Humakt and resisted the dark temptations of the hazardous way of
Illumination. When Arkat decided to break with his restrictive Hrestoli origins, it was Jalmar who
inducted him into the Humakt cult. As a Humakti, Arkat found new allies, and the chaos armies were
pushed further and further back towards Dorastor, Gbaji's homeland.
However, after Arkat abandoned Humakt to become a troll, Jalmar became disheartened with his
lord's excesses and returned to Dragon Pass. It was here that he founded the Order of the Knights of
Truth, which was renamed the Brotherhood of Jalmar after his death. This order of sword-brothers
was founded to battle all chaos, but particularly to suppress the influence of Gbaji and other hidden
chaos in Dragon Pass.
Although discomforted by Arkat-Kingtroll's shocking actions, Jalmar could not turn his back on him,
and returned to Dorastor with a legion of his followers to aid in the final, terrible battle with Gbaji.
Jalmar and most of his followers were slain in the tumultuous conflict, although Arkat emerged
victorious. Through careful preparation, Jalmar's soul passed into the Heroplane instead of Hell, and
was later contacted by his surviving followers who established his worship.
The Order's High Holy Day is not fixed, and many worshippers make the irregular pilgrimage to
Heortland to observe it each year.
Members of the Brotherhood may be found throughout all Heortling lands, but are few and
scattered, operating in small cells. Inquisitive outsiders who learn too much are either inducted into
their number, bound by Oaths or slain. Even other Humakti in the temple of a region that contains a
chapter of the Order are far too respectful to seek any details as to the workings or objectives of the
Jalmari. These other mercenaries know that if their help is required it will be asked for. The Brothers
of Jalmar are usually recruited from one of the other Humakti Subcults (rather than initially starting
as worshippers within this subcult). They are recruited due to perceived skills and attitudes, mostly
from Hu, Indrodar, and Kargan.
There is only one major center of the cult, and this is the secluded 'Monastery of the Light of Truth'
high in the Stormwalk Mountains, the place where the Brotherhood was founded. Since there are no
temples to Jalmar, other than at the Monastery, the subcult's inter-chapter organization consists
entirely of coded messages and personal messengers.
The Grand Master of Jalmar resides within the Monastery, and his Lieutenants wander the lands,
seeking converts and acting against hidden chaos. Many regions support a chapter of the Jalmari, led
by the Senior Knight. Those newly initiated into Jalmar's traditions are known as Apprentices rather
than initiates, and when they have attained sufficient understanding of Jalmari philosophy they gain
the title of full 'Knight' (rather than Devotee). The worshippers may have various other ranks and
positions within society, but these have no bearing on their status within the Brotherhood.
Membership Requirements
The Brotherhood is unusual, in that a person does not normally seek to join it actively. Instead,
suitable candidates are approached after an investigation is carried out to determine their worthiness
to become members of the Order. Once a candidate has been thoroughly vetted by the Brotherhood,
he or she is secretly approached. Because the Order is very thorough in its investigations, candidates
who refuse to join are rare.
The initiation ritual may take place at any Humakt Holy place, or simply in the presence of a Senior
Knight and his Lieutenants. The Brotherhood takes pains to keep such events a great secret. Jalmar's
gift and geas are always the same, and are granted during this ritual:
Gift: Jalmari Philosophy - The followers of Jalmar are spiritually awakened so as to be able to study
certain mystic arts, despite being Theists.
Geas: The Brotherhood of Jalmar must never be betrayed, or discussed with any outsider, unless such
is specifically ordered by the Senior Knight or his Lieutenants. (The effectiveness of the
Brotherhood's members depends on their ability to operate without suspicion.)
Keywords and Explanations
Mundane Abilities taught: See Hidden, Tracking, Strike Fast.
Special Abilities taught: Jalmari Philosophy, Meditation, Mystic Movement.
Virtues: Dedicated, Reticent.
Affinity and feats:
Anti-Chaos (Impede Chaos Wound, Know Chaos, Resist Chaos, Resist Sorcery, Undetectable to
Death feat: Annihilate Chaos
Honor feat: Sense Chaos
Jalmari Philosophy
Philosophical training is the cornerstone to the Jalmari path. General attitudes favored by the Jalmari
- Using violence only when absolutely necessary, and then use sufficient force to completely solve the
problem as quickly as possible;
- Realizing that the mundane world is filled with distractions, and choosing which distractions to be
involved with - not letting them choose you;
- Realizing that life is as sacred as death, they exist in balance - thus using death only in the
enhancement of life, so that the balance will remain.
The Jalmari 'Philosophy' ability in game terms has highly specific applications: resisting Mind
Control, resisting unsought Illumination, Debating with proponents of other philosophies...
However, worship of Jalmar explores the Illuminated aspect of Humakt, and allows some leeway in
interpreting Humakt's tenets. Whilst Brothers of Jalmar vow to uphold both the Honorable and
Courageous ideals of Humakt they are able to interpret how closely to uphold the Code of Humakt
when fighting an evil or chaotic foe. For instance they are not expected to honor the fallen if they are
chaotic, nor to stay and fight to the death if by fleeing they can warn others of an impending
significant Chaos threat.
Jalmari can use both their Meditation and Mystic Movement abilities as augments on a wide variety
of abilities (particularly those involving fast or co-ordinated action or focussed application of will -
including magic use, respectively). Training to make this possible occurs at whatever rate the Knights
are capable of leading. Groups of warriors are taught together, typically for around three hours, three
or four times a week, and must spend further time practicing under their own dedication. Training
consists of ritual movements, guided meditations, philosophical discourse, and (at advanced levels)
minor Heroquests. NB: Meditation can normally only be an augment, though of course unusual
situations might arise in which it could be used as a base ability. Slightly more situations could arise
where Mystic Movement could be used as a base ability, but these too would be rare, more often
HeroQuests than in the mundane world - or perhaps resisting magic that halts or slows motion.
Meditation Training
Force of will is enhanced through meditation. Regular Humakti are encouraged to meditate daily on
the thought of inevitable death. This is not in order to make them morbid, but to increase their
acceptance of mortality and thus remove the effects of fear and uncertainty when they are in combat.
Jalmari use other meditations, which of course are indiscernible even to the trained observer. Their
focus whilst meditating is on aspects of Jalmari philosophy. Meditation trains the warrior on mastery
of his own mind, and may be used to augment any other mental ability, as well as being a separate
ability to resist mental control or other mind magics.
Jalmari may appear in their day to day life to be as cold and controlled as any regular Humakti, but
this is primarily because they are trained to exert total focus on the task in hand. In every situation
they cultivate mastery over their involvement, whether it be the deadly seriousness of the battlefield,
or an exchange of dry wit whilst bargaining a canny troll trader out of a week's worth of profits.
Knights of Jalmar
The life-task of a Knight is the vanquishing of chaos. Knights roam the world ruthlessly and
efficiently rooting out chaos and evil. They are also responsible for the seeking out and recruiting of
new members, and must ensure no member strays from the path of Law and Justice. To become a
Knight (devotee) of Jalmar, one must have sufficiently advanced towards mystic enlightenment
within the Brotherhood of Jalmar (Jalmari Philosophy 10w).
Mystic Rituals
Banish Demon: Successful completion of the ritual will undo any summoning magic and return the evil
entity to its origins. (This ceremony is only used if there is no opportunity to simply slay the demon,
or else such an opportunity would be too costly in terms of the lives of innocents.)
Sword of Truth: This ritual causes a magical blade to appear, burning with white flame, before the
subject (who must be a Jalmari Knight). The Knight must grasp the purifying fire of the blade, and if
they are found wanting their failings are made known to the other participating cultists, who will then
act appropriately. This ritual is used to prove loyalty.
According to the secret records of the current Brotherhood, a chapter of the Jalmari order existed in
the original city of Pavis (c.850 - 1040). However, when a band of the Brothers came to Dorasar's
newly-founded Pavis-Outside-the-Walls in 1550, they originally could find no trace of their brethren
in the ruins now known as the Big Rubble. Although privy to Heroquesting mysteries and rituals of
fabulous power (most of which have otherwise been lost), the Jalmari of Old Pavis were believed to
have utterly perished during the five centuries of strife and invasion the city suffered at the hands of
nomads and trolls. Nevertheless, these modern Jalmari were certain that the secrets of the old
chapter lay buried somewhere in the Rubble.
Whilst posing as independent mercenaries, based within an old fortified mansion as a base to
comb the ruins, their full-scale (yet covert) excavations of likely sites generated rumors of a great
treasure. Oldtown frequently became the target of treasure-hungry adventurers and Lunar agents due
to their actions. However, at last they were successful, and confirmed that one particular Manside
ruin had been the joint temple of the Jalmar and Kargan Tor subcults of Humakt during the days of
Old Pavis.
One major local objective of the Order is to probe the mysteries of the enigmatic Puzzle Canal.
The Canal was built by the demi-god Labrygon in ancient times, and is said to be an elaborate
Nysalor Riddle or a physical pathway to mystical enlightenment. The Brotherhood have organized
several expeditions into the canal, and know at least as much about it as do the Lhankor Mhy sages.
Their main concern is to discover whether or not this place is one of the sources of Old Pavic chaos,
and to stem the tide if that proves to be the case.
Although the Humakt cult as a whole maintained a mantle of neutrality when the Lunars invaded
Prax, the local Jalmari used their influence within the cult to strenuously oppose the chaos-embracing
Lunars' encroachment. When New Pavis was taken in 1610, the Brothers took refuge in the Rubble.
Some (including the Senior Knight of Jalmar in Pavis) remain there to this day. The chapter is
covertly linked to the Free Pavis faction, who seek the city's independence.
Leader: Senior Knight of Jalmar - General Caspian Vur. In his role as a commander of the Pavis
Royal Guard, General Vur was active in the defense of the city against the Lunars and has been
declared an outlaw for this. Because of the price on his head, General Vur cannot openly return to
New Pavis. He remains here in Manside, secretly coordinating the Brotherhood's activities. (The
Lunars presume he has long since left the area.)
Renowned Members: Due to their low-key presence, no members are renowned.
Membership: Almost two dozen Apprentices and Knights.
Other Contacts: The other Humakti in Pavis are unaware of this hero cult's existence, and one will
occasionally attempt to join what they consider is an informal mercenary band. Since membership is
through recruitment only, such people are merely told that the membership is fixed at a certain
(unspecified) ritual number and currently there are no vacancies.
Membership Keyword
Membership Requirements: Recruitment due to aptitude and ability.
Mundane abilities taught: Big Rubble Survival, Old Pavic Military Signals
Typical Personality: Enigmatic, Secretive, Taciturn
Magic: see Guardian Being below
Risteed (Guardian)
Method: Emanation
Form: Risteed appears as a ghost within the Old Pavis Humakt Temple, and is bound to an old
bronze dagger. He was once a Hero of Jalmar in Old Pavis, slain defending the temple from chaos
Communication: Risteed can communicate with anyone worshipper who touches the dagger and advise
them about Old City Geography and magic. However, his recollections are often dim.
Sense Deceiver: Risteed provides only one function. Anyone who worships him gains this talent,
which Risteed himself mastered on a rare and dangerous Jalmari HeroQuest. It is noted in various
ancient records of the Brotherhood, that Arkat quested to find a way for his followers to distinguish
fellow Arkati from disguised followers of Nysalor. Risteed repeated this quest, and this talent
specifically reveals those with a connection to chaos that is hidden through Illumination. It may also
be used as an augment to the 'Sense Chaos' feat if the being is in any way trying to hide the fact that
it is Chaotic.