Jainism and Budhusm
Jainism and Budhusm
Jainism and Budhusm
Q1. What were the main reasons for the rise of Jainism and Buddhism in india?
Ans 1) Discontent with the caste system
2) Domina on of priestly class.
3) Complex and elaborate religious rituals
4)Difficult language of Vedas wri en in Sanskrit.
Ans. 1. "Samyak Darshan (Right Faith) - One must understand and have faith on the teaching of
2. *Samyak Jnan (Right Knowledge)- One must learn and understand the correct meaning of the
teachings of TIRTHANKARA
3. *Samyak Charitha (Right Conduct) - One must strictly obey and prac ce the five Great Vows.
Q3. What were the Four Great Sights in Gautama Buddha's life? How did they affect him?
Ans. The Four Great Sights were:
Gautama Buddha saw an old man, a sick person, a dead body being carried to the crema on ground
and an asce c seated in medita on beneath a tree. These sights saddened and disturbed him. He
renounced his royal life and became an asce c.
*Place of origin-Indian sub con nent
*Founder-Gautama Buddha
*Goal- Freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth
*followers- Buddhiists-Sub Sects-Hinayana and Mahayana
ANS1. At Bodh Gaya in Bihar
ANS2.At a deer park in Saranath
ANS3.Middle path, Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path
Ans4.Simplcity, language and rejec on of caste system