Class23 MathG10 Inclass Feb 27-Mar 03
Class23 MathG10 Inclass Feb 27-Mar 03
Class23 MathG10 Inclass Feb 27-Mar 03
Geometry 1
► In-class questios
1. In the diagram at right, 2 concentric circles are drawn and the area of the ring trapped between
them is shaded. A chord AB is drawn in the larger circle that is tangent to (just touches) the smaller
of the 2 circles.
1) If the radii of the 2 circles are 8 and 17, calculate the area of the ring.
2) If the radii of the 2 circles are 8 and 17, calculate the length of the chord AB.
3) Show that for any 2 such circles, with the length of the chord AB equal to x , the area of the
ring is A = πx2/4
2. If 3 lead spheres of radii 3, 4, and 5 are melted and recast as a single larger sphere, what is the
radius of the new sphere, assuming no lead is lost in the process?
3. Two circles of radius 6 are drawn with centres C1 and C2 as shown. If each of the 2 circles has its
centre on the other circle, calculate the area covered by the 2 circles.
4. A circular table is pushed into the corner of a square room so that a point P on the edge of the
table is 8 inches from one wall and 9 inches from the other wall as shown. Find the radius of the
table in inches.
Meritus Academy MathG10 Class 23
5. Triangle BCD is inscribed in a semi-circle of diameter 4 as shown in the figure. What is the area
A of triangle BCD as a function of x?
6. A square and a circle have equal perimeters. What is the ratio of the side of the square to the
radius of the circle?
7. Three cylindrical drums of 2-foot diameters are to be securely fastened in the form of a triangle
by a steel band. What length of band will be required?
8. When people play pool, they first arrange the balls inside a frame, as shown in the figure. The
diameters of the balls are all the same. Given that AH=33 cm, find the diameter of a ball.
9. Find the difference between the area of the circle inscribed (the inner circle) in a regular hexagon
of side length 3 and the circle in which the hexagon is inscribed (the outer circle)?