LP 2 Ignition System

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Teacher: ALBERT J.

CAMBALON Grade Level: 8

No. of hours: 2 Learning area: Automotive Servicing I
Date: December 11-14 2021 Quarter: III
Time: 7; 30- 9:45 AM/3:00-5:00 PM

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the 85% of the class are expected to:

1. know the basic rules of troubles diagnoses;

2. identify the ignition system trouble;
3. explain the importance of trouble shooting;
4. relate the ignition system trouble and remedies in real life situation;

A. Content Standard:

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the principles in servicing the

ignition system.

B. Performance Standard:

The learner independently services the ignition system.

C. Learning competencies.
LO 1.2 Explain the possible remedies for the identified ignition system trouble.

II. Subject Matter:

Ignition system troubles and remedies

Learning resources: Basic automotive Electricity, Toyota manual,
By: Felizardo Y. Francisco
Automotive Mechanics 7th edition
By. William H. Crouse

Materials: Laptop, projector, textbook, instructional equipment, whiteboard marker.

III Procedure:

Preliminary Activity:
A. Prayer
Checking of attendance
B. Review and recall

Direction: Identify the different types and component of ignition system.

(See the power point presentation on this activity)

C. Motivation/ Presentation
Most trouble encountered in the automobile could have been avoided if only
the operator, or the driver, has done a periodic inspection, adjustment and
replacement of parts that are most likely to fail. This could easily be done by
following a daily routinary maintenance check up by the driver itself.
This morning/afternoon we are going to discuss the ignition system trouble
diagnoses and remedies.

D. Discussion


Power point presentation of ignition system troubles and remedy.

The student will observe the possible trouble of ignition system and its
remedies and take down notes on their observation.


1. What are the equipment’s we use in ignition system service?

2. What are the possible troubles in ignition system?
3. What are the rules of trouble diagnoses?

E. Abstraction:
Explain the causes of ignition failure and its remedies.

F. Application:
The teacher will call one student to give the possible trouble and causes of
ignition system and its remedies.

IV. Evaluation:

Short quiz/ oral

1. What are the basic steps in diagnosing troubles?

2. Give the importance of trouble shooting in engine.
3. What are the possible cause and remedies if the engine crank but does
not power?

Day 2-3 Discussion on the different troubles and remedies of ignition system.

If you are going to relate the ignition system troubles and remedies in your real life
situation what would it be? What is its importance or significance? Explain.

Short quiz/oral

1. As a technician, is it importance to know and apply the basic rules of trouble

diagnoses? Why?

December 18-21 2021

Performance task

Each student will perform how to check the component parts of the system and
possible trouble and remedies

January 8-11 2021

Continuation of activity in ignition system trouble diagnoses and remedy.

Teacher: Rodmar P. Sumando Grade Level: 11
No. of hours: 2 Learning area: Automotive Servicing I
Date: January 15, 2018 Quarter: II
Time: 7; 30- 9:45 AM/3:00-5:00 PM

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the 85% of the class are expected to:

1. give the distributor setting procedure;

2. demonstrate the proper sequence in distributor setting procedure;

3 . give the importance of following the procedure and safety practices in real life

A. Content Standard:

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the principles in servicing the

ignition system.

B. Performance Standard:

The learner independently services the ignition system.

B. Learning competencies.
LO 2. Check ignition coil, ballast resister and high tension cable resistance.
2.1 Inspect and test ignition coil
2.2 Inspect and test ballast resistor
2.3 Check high tension cable resistance
2.4 Test wiring installation

II. Subject Matter:

Distributor setting procedure

Learning resources: Basic automotive Electricity, Toyota manual,
By: Felizardo Y. Francisco

Materials: Laptop, Instructional battery, cable connector, projector.

III Procedure:

Preliminary Activity:
D. Prayer
Checking of attendance

E. Review and recall

Direction: Identify the different types of engine troubles and remedies.

(See the power point presentation on this activity)

F. Motivation/ Presentation
After service, the distributor must be timed to the engine. Good timing
assures that a spark will occur when it will do the most good during the
compression stroke of the piston.
Using timing light is the best method of timing a distributor.

This morning/afternoon we are going to discuss the distributor setting


D. Discussion


The teacher will perform and demonstrate on how to set the distributor in
the engine.

The student will observe the procedure in setting of distributor and take
down notes on their observation.


1 What are the distributor setting procedures in a vehicle?

2. Is it necessary to use the correct materials in performing a distributor setting in
the vehicle?
3. What happen if you are not following the process of installing the distributor?
What will be its effect on the condition of the vehicle?
4. What is the importance of following these procedure and safety practices in real
life application.
E. Abstraction:
Let the students give the procedure in distributor setting.

F. Application:
The teacher will call one student to demonstrate the procedure in setting the

IV. Evaluation:

Performance Task

Each student will perform how to set the distributor in the vehicles.

Note: Evaluation will be until January 17.

Day 2-4 will be focused on individual Performance Task.

Prepared by:

Rodmar P. Sumando
Teacher: Rodmar P. Sumando Grade Level: 11
No. of hours: 2 Learning area: Automotive Servicing I
Date: January 29, 2018 Quarter: II
Time: 7; 30- 9:45 AM/3:00-5:00 PM

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the 85% of the class are expected to:

1. give the spark test procedure;

2. demonstrate the proper sequence in spark test;

3. give the importance of following the procedure and safety practices in real life

A. Content Standard:

The learner demonstrate an understanding of the principles in servicing the ignition

B. Performance Standard:

The learner independently services the ignition system.

C. Learning competencies.
LO 2. Check ignition coil, ballast resistor and high tension cable resistance.
2.5 Test and analyze ignition system electrical spark.

II. Subject Matter:

Spark test procedure

Learning resources: Basic automotive Electricity, Toyota manual,
By: Felizardo Y. Francisco

Materials: Laptop, Instructional battery, cable connector, projector.

III Procedure:

Preliminary Activity:
G. Prayer
Checking of attendance
H. Review and recall

Direction: Identify the correct procedure of distributor setting.

(See the power point presentation on this activity)

I. Motivation/ Presentation

Spark plugs have been around as long as internal combustion engines have,
and are often a misunderstood component. In nearly every case of plug failure, the
cause must be corrected before new or reconditioned plugs are installed. The first
sign of failing is when the engine misfires. Faulty plugs are not the only cause of
engine misfire. But check the condition of the plugs.

This morning or afternoon we are going to discuss the spark test procedure.

D. Discussion


Let the student demonstrate how to conduct the spark test in their own idea.

Process the student output using the guide question below.

1. What do you think the preliminary procedure that you are going to conduct a
spark test?
2. Do you think the procedure demonstrated by your classmate is correct? Why?
3. What are the processes in testing the spark plug.

E. Abstraction:
Let the students give the spark test procedure.

F. Application:
The teacher will call one student to demonstrate the spark test procedure.

IV. Evaluation:

Performance Task

Each student will perform how to apply the spark test in the vehicles.

Note: Evaluation will be until February 2, 2018.

Day 2-4 will be focused on individual Performance Task.

Prepared by:

Rodmar P. Sumando

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