The numbers in the margin indicate the weight that the Examiners expect to
assign to each part of the question.
Section A
1. What is the relationship between B and and the vector potential A? Demonstrate,
using selected Maxwell’s equations, under what circumstances it is correct to represent
the E-field as the gradient of a scalar potential φ, and when A must also be included.
Consider an infinite straight wire carrying a steady current I. For the region outside
the wire write down the B-field and a valid expression for A. [5]
Determine the field each dipole experiences, and the torque on each dipole evaluated
around its own centre. Why are these torques not equal and opposite? [5]
[You may assume that the potential at a position r from a dipole of moment p is given
by V = p.r/4π0 r3 .]
3. Derive the condition that relates the B-fields in two media separated by a bound-
ary. [2]
A circular ring of radius R is formed of soft-iron of relative permeability µr , with
a small air gap of extent d.
I d
Around the ring is a coil of N turns of wire through which a current I passes. Calculate
Bg , the flux density in the gap. [4]
A ferromagnet of the same geometry (without the coil) is prepared with large
magnetisation of magnitude M , directed around the ring. What is Bg in this case?
Sketch the B and H field lines inside the magnet material and in the gap. [2]
2662 2
4. A plane diffraction grating consists of N very narrow, equally spaced slits. The
centremost N/3 slits are obscured by an opaque strip. Using a phasor diagram, show
that the angular distance from the principal maximum to the nearest minimum is 3/4
of that displayed by the unobscured grating. [6]
7. Derive an expression for the self-inductance per unit length, L, of an infinite air-
filled solenid of n turns per unit length, and radius a. Show that the work done per
unit length in raising the current in the solenoid from zero to I is given by 12 LI 2 . [4]
˙ there is an azimuthal electric
Show that as the current is raised at a steady rate I,
field Eφ = nIµ0 a/2 at the outer radius of the solenoid. Hence calculate the magnitude
and direction of the Poynting vector at this radius. By performing an appropriate
integration, obtain the value of the final stored energy in the electromagnetic field and
compare this with the above result for the work done. [6]
A circular wire loop of radius b a and of resistance R is coaxial with the solenoid
in the plane z = 0, where the z-axis is aligned along the axis of the solenoid.
Ring Portion of
The current in the solenoid is now decreased gradually at a rate α. Calculate Il , the
current induced in the loop. By considering the magnetic field arising from Il , show
that the Poynting vector evaluated just outside the outer radius of the solenoid and at
a longitudinal distance z away from the loop has magnitude
µ0 nab2 Il α
S= .
4(b2 + z 2 )3/2
Sketch the lines of Poynting flux during this period for the region r > a as viewed in
the r-z plane. [7]
Show that the total power obtained by evaluating this Poynting flux over the
surface area of the solenoid is equal to the rate of energy dissipated in the resistive ring. [3]
R dx x
[You may use (c+x2 )3/2
= c(c+x2 )1/2
. ]
2662 4
8. An electromagnetic wave propagates through a homogeneous, isotropic medium
of conductivity σ, relative permittivity r and relative permeability µr . Use Maxwell’s
equations to show that the the electric field E obeys the following relation
∂E ∂2E
∇2 E − σµ0 µr − 0 r µ0 µr 2 = 0. [4]
∂t ∂t
Consider a plasma in which electrons of charge −e move under the influence of
a sinusoidal electric field E and are retarded by a damping force −ξv, where v is the
velocity of the electrons. Show that the conductivity of this plasma is given by
σ0 σ0 mω
σ= 2 2
1−i ,
1 + (σ0 mω/ne ) ne2
where m is the electron mass, n the electron number density, ω is the angular frequency
of the field and σ0 = ne2 /ξ. Sketch the relative behaviour of the E field and the current
density J as a function of time when ξ = mω. [6]
For a low density plasma damping effects may be neglected. For such a plasma
derive the dispersion relation
c2 k 2 = ω 2 − ωp2
where ωp = (ne2 /m0 )1/2 is the plasma frequency. Obtain an expression for the group
velocity of waves in the plasma, and state for what range of ω a wave can propagate
through the plasma. [6]
Radio waves are detected from a pulsar which is 530 light years distant. The
arrival time of the pulses differs by 5 s if they are detected in a narrow band centred
around frequencies of 400 MHz compared with a band centred on 200 MHz. Explain this
observation and calculate the mean electron density in the space between earth and the
pulsar. [4]
I0 sin2 (N ud/2)
I(θ) =
N 2 sin2 (ud/2)
10. Explain, with the aid of a suitable sketch, the physics of a Fabry–Pérot etalon. [3]
Show that the intensity of the fringe pattern varies as:
It (δ) = ,
1+ (4F /π 2 ) sin2 (δ/2)
where F = π R/(1 − R) is the finesse of the etalon, and you should provide suitable
definitions of δ, R and I0 . Sketch the variation of It with δ in the limits of high and low
values of R.
In an appropriate limit, show that the finesse can be interpreted as the ratio of
the distance between adjacent peaks and the peak half-width. [10]
A monochromatic beam of light passes through an etalon at normal incidence
with an optical path length of 1 mm. By gradually tilting the plate, a periodic change
in intensity is observed from 100% to 1% of the peak transmitted beam intensity. The
angle corresponding to the 10th peak is 0.07 radians. Estimate the wavelength of the
light and the resolving power of the etalon. [7]