SV Estimate

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Estimate Of Construction

Estimate of completing the Construction of Building of Mr. Sandeep Verma S/o. Mr. Sudesh Verma
situated at Plot no. 37, Seema Enclave, Hazipur, Phagwara Distt. Kapurthala.
Date – 12.03.2024
As detailed in the attached plan.

Proposed Specifications:
The General Specifications are as Follows:
1. The foundation Concrete is to be of B. B. C. C. (1:6:12)
2. The brick work in plinth & Superstructure is of 1st Class in c.m. (1: 6)
3. The R. C. C. work is to be carried out in the proportion of (1:2:4) by Machine mixing.
4. The wooden doors are to be provided with brass fittings & fixtures & with wooden frame, 5.
The Vitrified Tile flooring will be provided.
6. The inside cement plaster will be of 12 cm thick & of proportion (1: 4)
7. The sand faced plaster is to be provided on the exterior surface of walls.
8 The glazed tiles are to be provided in the bath rooms, with a Dado of 80 cm.
9. The underground concealed type wiring is to be provided for Electrification.
10. Own Arrangement/Own arrangement is to be done for Water Supply.
11. Own Arrangement/Own arrangement is to be done for Sanitation.
12. O.B.D Will be used Inside & Snowcem paint will be used Outside.

The quantities of various materials Required & Labour requirement is Calculated & the cost of
Materials Labour & Services is calculated based upon P. W. D. Schedule of Rates 2020 with
appropriate premiums there upon up to 2023 (on page no. 2,3 &4) & Comes out to be Rs.

As a result of appraisal & analysis it is considered opinion that the estimated cost of
constriction of above building is ₹21,68,000/ (Rupees Twenty One lakh Sixty Eight thousand
Total Plot Area = 2,250sft.
Proposed G.F. Covered Area 1,435sft. 134sq.m.
Proposed F.F. Covered Area 1,061sft. 99sq.m.
Total Proposed Covered Area 2,496sft. 233sq.m.
S.No. Item Quantity Rate/unit Amount in Rs.
1 Bricks(in nos.) 59112 6.3 372406
2 Cement in Bags 788 390 307320
3 Steel in Kg 4628 66 305448
4 Timber for Frames & Shutters(cu.m) 4.638 32000 148416
5 Sand (cu.m.) 114 651 74214
6 Coarse Aggregate 20mm & down(cu.m) 41 655 26855
7 Coarse Aggregate 40mm & down(cu.m) 36 871 31356
8 Brick Aggregate (cu.m) 26 818 21268
9 Primer in lit 16 150 2400
10 Paint in lit. 25.326 350 8864.1
11 Glass (sq.m.) 15 42 630
12 Bitumen (kg) 417 50 20850
Door and window fittings
(a)Butt Hinges(no.) 100mm 55 50 2750
75 mm 88 35 3080
50mm 60 25 1500
(b) Sliding bolts 250mm(no.) 14 25 350
(c )Door Lock (no.) 8 450 3600
(d)Tower bolts(no.) 250mm 35 45 1575
150mm 60 40 2400
100mm 23 35 805
(e) Door Handles (no.) 100mm 37 35 1295
(f) Cup Board Knobs(no.) 5 50 250
(g) Ball Catcher (no.) 10mm 5 25 125
(h) Hook & Eyes(no.) 100mm 32 50 1600
(i) Chain & Hooks(no.) 300mm 7 50 350
(j) Hasp & Staples(no.) 115mm 4 35 140
(k) Fan light Catch (no.) 14mm 7 45 315
13 Rain Water Pipe 100mm 21 45 945
Bend 7 55 385
Plain 7 45 315
Total Rs.1,341,807
No. of Rate / Amount in Labour Days Day Rs.
1 Mason 338 600 202800
2 Mazdoor 1139 500 569500
3 Carpenter 266 650 172900
4 Painter 21 650 13650
7 Bar Bender 59 650 38350
Total Rs.997,200
Total cost of Materials & Labour Rs.2,339,007
Add 2.50% Sundries 58476
Add 10% Profit & Overheads 233901
Total Rs.2,631,384
Item Rate per sq .m Amount in Rs.
Water Supply Arrangements 1058 245,456
Sanitary Arrangements 705 163,560
Electrical Arrangement 1058 245,456
Total Rs.654,472
Item Rate per sq .m Amount in Rs.
For stub column arrangement in walls 715 166595
For Vitrified Tiles flooring 1275 295800
Construction of boundary wall 7'-
0" High with stub columns
Length in rm 3 2735 8205
Total 470600
Grand Total Rs.3,756,456
Work Already done Rs.1,588,050
Say Rs.
Amount required to complete the work 21,68,000/

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