Phase 1 Report
Phase 1 Report
Phase 1 Report
Agroecology is one of the jobs that help sustain and preserve
agriculture, investigating which other solutions are there to help
control the over use of agriculture.
Table of Contents
Tables of figures....................................................................................................................................2
Task definition.......................................................................................................................................4
Focus question.......................................................................................................................................4
10 Questions..........................................................................................................................................0
Discussion and analysis..........................................................................................................................1
APPEDIX A: SOURCES TABLE..............................................................................................................0
APPENDIX B: SCREENSHOT................................................................................................................0
Learner declaration of authenticity.......................................................................................................1
Tables of figures
In reaction to the deterioration in the quality of the natural
resource base linked to contemporary agriculture,
sustainable agriculture emerged relatively recently . A simple
technical discussion of agricultural production has given way
to one that is more complex and includes social, cultural,
political, and economic aspects. Because of the various
meanings and interpretations that exist, the notion of
sustainability is ambiguous and contentious. Nonetheless, it
is a helpful idea since it tackles issues with agriculture that
arise from the co-evolution of natural and socioeconomic
systems . Given that agricultural development arises from the
intricate interaction of a number of factors, a deeper
understanding of the agricultural setting necessitates
studying agriculture, the global environment, and social
Task definition
Focus question
1.What is Agroecology?
Sustainable farming that respects nature is known as agroecology. Ecology is the study of
the interactions and balances that exist between humans, animals, plants, and their
surroundings. The use of ecological principles and concepts in farming is known as
2. Effects Agroecology has on agriculture and the environment?
Offers Natural Pest management: This agricultural approach offers natural pest
management by way of advantageous ecological processes. Enhances Water and Nutrient
Cycling: Water and nutrient cycling are enhanced by sustainable farming practices. Natural
soil biota is supported by the application of natural fertilizers. Prevents Soil Erosion: Using
agroecological techniques helps to prevent soil erosion.
3. How does Agroecology get accomplished?
The term agroecology first appeared in 1928 under the pen of American agronomist Basil Bensin. His
understanding of agroecology then referred exclusively to the application of methods of ecology to
the processes of agronomic research.This idea grew progressively during the 1960s, 1970s, and
1980s. By then, the notion of agro-ecosystem started to transform into the idea of an ecosystem
modified by human activity for exploitation purposes.
10.What kind of solutions can be found under Agroecology and how can some of them be elevated?
Discussion and analysis
Guidelines for creating diverse agroecosystems that capitalize on the
benefits of integrating animal and plant biodiversity are provided by
agroecology. The optimization of ecosystem functions and processes,
including biotic regulation of pathogenic organisms, nutrient
recycling, and biomass production and accumulation, is achieved
through the enhancement of complex interactions and synergism
through integration. Improved economic and ecological sustainability
of the agroecosystem is the ultimate goal of agroecological design,
with the suggested management strategies being particularly
tailored to the local resource base and operational framework of the
current environmental and socioeconomic conditions. Management
elements emphasize the preservation and augmentation of
indigenous agricultural resources (soil, beneficial fauna, plant
biodiversity, germplasm, etc.) by stressing a development approach
that promotes farmer involvement, traditional knowledge utilization,
and farm enterprise adaptation to local requirements and the
biophysical, socioeconomic.
Categor Type of Summary of
No Question n Level Bibliographical information Quality of Information found
y Source Information found
URL Coverage
URL Coverage
5 What is the 1 Solution Authors(s) Clara Dell Authority Is a collection of ideas that,
via encouraging diversity,
Name of Website/Web lowering risks, and including
purpose and Currency farmers and other
aim of this Page
producers in information
practice? Date created/updated Wed March 22nd, 2023 Accuracy exchange and political
decision-making, helps to
fortify the connections
Date accessed Objectivity
between development and
humanitarian efforts
URL Agroecology: Goals, Coverage
Criticisms and How It
7 Why is 2 Problem Authors(s) Helen Browning Authority The way we farm and eat
can make a world of
Organic difference. Organic is an
Products in Title Why Organic Currency 'agroecological' farming
Agroecology system that offers many
Date published 1 Sept 2020 Accuracy benefits. It's better for the
important? planet
Publisher Soilassociation Objectivity
1. It has higher
animal welfare
2. It's better for
Coverage wildlife
3. It's better for
Did you receive any help/information from anyone to complete this project?
I hereby declare that the contents of this assessment task are my own original work (except
where there is clear acknowledgement and appropriate reference to the work of others) and
that I have not plagiarised, copied, from someone else work or used work previously submitted
for assessment by anyone.