Kitchen Remedies
Kitchen Remedies
Kitchen Remedies
Remedial properties:
1) Very high in potassium
2) Anti fungal
1) Arthritic and gout pain (Immersion)
2) Vulvodynia (Douche)
3) Warts (Douche)
4) Vaginal infections (Sitz
5) High Fever (Sponging the skin), give 1) Hair care (Oil)
cool enema. 2) Skin afflictions (Oil)
6) Athlest foot (Baths)
In another prophecy the Saviour
declared, "Reproach hath broken My
heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I
looked for some to take pity, but there
was none; and for comforters, but I
found none. They gave Me also gall for
My meat; and in My thirst they gave Me
vinegar to drink."" Psalm 69:20, 21. To
those who suffered death ath by the cross, it
was permitted to give a stupefying
potion, to deaden the sense of pain. This Remedial properties:
was offered to Jesus; but when He had 1) Alkalinizant
tasted it, He refused it.. He would receive Indications:
nothing that could becloud His mind. 1) Chemical or acid burn (add ice water
His faith must keep fast hold upon God. and make a plaster)
This was His only strength. To becloud 2) Relive pain and neutralizes acids
His senses would give Satan an
advantage. {DA 746.2} Caution:
The salads are prepared with oil and Prolonged internal use may damage the
vinegar, fermentation takes place in the pancreas and hinder some mineral intake.
stomach, and the food does not digest, Use it in time of emergency only.
but decays or putrefies. As a The use of soda or baking-powder
powder in bread-
consequence the blood is not nourished, making is harmful and unnecessary. Soda
but becomes filled with impurities, and causes inflammation of the stomach, and
liver and kidney difficulty appear. Heart often poisons the entire system. Many
disturbances, inflammation, and many housewives think that they can not make
evils are the result of such kind of good bread without soda, but this is an error.
treatment, and not only are the bodies If they would
ould take the trouble to learn better
affected, but the morals, the religious methods, their bread would be more
life, are affected. {2MR 143.3} wholesome, and, to a natural taste, more
Contraindications: palatable. {PHJ, July 1, 1905 par. 17}
1) Low blood platelets
Remedial properties:
Remedial properties: 1) Mineralizing
1) Nutrient Restorer 2) Serotonin
Indications: 5) Gout (Fruit)
3) Arthritis and Gout (Fruit)) 6) Piles (Fruit)
4) Oedema (Mix ix with Raisins) 7) Malaria (Infused seeds)
5) Laxative(Fruit) 8) Fractures (Paste of seeds applied
6) Anaemia(Fruit) externally)
9) Tumours(Paste
(Paste of seeds applied
BEET ROOT externally)
10) Wounds(Paste
(Paste of seeds applied
Remedial properties:
1) Purgative
2) Emollient
1) Cataract (Eye drop)
2) Dr hement pathak-Allergies
(Ingestion once in a while)
The capsicum in the red pepper extract uses 3) Tumours, (Compress/
almost all the p-substance
substance (Neurotransmitter 4) Ovarian Cysts (Compress/Packs)
of pain). 5) Irritable bowel (Compress/Packs)
6) Indigestion (Compress/Packs)
NB: If you take cayenne and start to feel it 7) Fibroids (Compress/Packs)
locally, there may be a weak spot there. 8) Diarrhoea (Compress/Packs)
9) Constipation (Compress/Packs)
CELERY 10) Piles (Wet Cotton Suppository)
11) Bone spur (Compress/Packs)
12) Congested chest
13) Diverticulitis (Compress/Packs)
NB: you can use the compress
for a month,, adding a tea spoon
Remedial properties:
1) Diuretic
2) Appetizer
COCONUT OIL 3) Diuretic
4) Remeneralizing
5) Carminative
1) Eye diseases (Juice)
2) Eczema and Psoriasis (Poultices)
Resists the worst of nature. 3) Low RBC(Juice)
The fruit rides the ocean waves for 4) Duodenal Ulcers –Juices
thousands of miles without losing its 5) Amenorrhoea (Juice)
ability to germinate. 6) Oedema (Juice)
In India it’s called kaipa uriksha
uriksha- a 7) Skin problems (Juice)
tree that provides everything. 8) Colic (Juice)
9) Alternative babies milk
10) Parasites and worms (tops)
Remedial properties: 11) Mineralizing (tops)
1) Antimicrobial
2) Mineral restorer (Calcium, Poultice:
Phosphorus, magnesium) Boil carrots until soft, or they can be
Indications: used raw, mash to a pulp, add some
1) Vulvodynia ( Swab) vegetable oil to keep from hardening,
2) Electrolyte drink (Tea) spread on a cloth, and apply. Excellent
3) Skin moisturizer (Ointment) for offensive sores. GMK
4) Hair conditioner (Ointment)
5) Vermifuge (Ointment)
6) Nutrition for babys-Milk
7) Bronchitis (Ointment)
8) Dysentery (Ointment)
9) Infectitious boils (Compresses)
10) Malnutrition (Tea)
11) Diseases of the uterus
12) Osteoporosis
Remedial properties:
1) Antidiarrheic
2) Vermifuge
EPSOM SALT 2) Diuretic
1. HBP (Tea)
Remedial properties:
1. Magnesium sulphite
1. Muscle relaxant (Baths)
2. Aching muscle (Baths)
3. Burn (Swab) Remedial properties:
4. Alternative of aloe Indications
5. Sinus (pack) with peppermint 1) Facial (Mask)
6. Gout (Immersion) 2) Melanoma -with with Vinegar set for
7. Aid circulation and perspiration (Salt three days.. (Poultice)
glow) 3) Honey plus chicken egg= temporary
8. Liver (part)-with
with grapefruit and olive skin membrane.
oil. 4) When you see that you are becoming
9. Bronchitis (Baths) weak physically, it is essential for
10. Eczema (Baths) you to make changes, and at once.
11. Laceration -with
with grapefruit Put into your diet something you
12. Magnesium deficiency –Epsom Epsom salt have left out. It is your duty to do
bath. this. Get eggs of healthy fowls. Use
13. Sinus- For those who have the these eggs cooked or raw. Drop them
sniffles, we need to demonstrate the uncooked d into the best unfermented
sinus pack. This will turn the trick wine you can find. This will supply
for you. We have about a quart of hot that which is necessary to your
boiling water in this bowl. We want system. Do not for a moment
to add a teaspoon of peppermint oil. suppose that it will not be right to do
Hold a cotton cloth by the edges and this. {MM 286.3}
dip it in the water, twist it to remove
excess water. Then just hold over the GINGER
Remedial properties:
1) Antimicrobial
2) Anticoagulant
3) Digestive
Remedial properties: 4) Carminative
1) Laxative 5) Anti-inflammatory (Joint)
4. Arthritis (Poultice)
Indications: 5. Parasites(Tea)
1) Anti nausea (Tea) 6. Candida(Tea & Suppository)
2) Digestion (Tea) 7. Tumours (Potassium broth)
3) Joint inflammation ....Gout/arthritis 8. Respiratory problems (Eaten raw and
(Poultice) chest poultices)
4) Cough, colds and Asthma (Tea) 9. UTI (Poultice)
5) Lack of appetite (Ingestion) 10. Worms (Eaten raw)
6) Brain Swelling or Injury(Plaster) 11. Malignant tumours (Tea & Poultice)
7) Sleeping during day time (Tea) 12. Tuberculosis (Eaten Raw)
8) Blood thinner (Tea) 13. Bronchitis (Eaten Raw)
9) Toothache (Paste) 14. Hypertension (Eaten Raw)
10) Amenorrhoea (Infusion) 15. Asthma (Eaten Raw)
11) When chilled/ feeling cold (Tea) 16. Prevents cancer (Eaten Raw)
12) Sore throat (Tea)
13) Sore back (poultice)
14) Inflamed joint (Poultice)
Remedial properties:
1) Antimicrobial
2) Blood thinner
3) Vasodilator
4) Hypotensive
5) Hypolidemic
6) Hypoglycaemic Remedial properties:
7) Aphrodisiac 1) Sedative
8) Anthelmintics 2) Antispasmodic
9) Ant catarrhal 3) Vermifuge
4) Sudorific
Indications: 5) Anodyne
2. Any joint inflammation (Poultice) 6) Antioxidants
3. Brain Swelling or Injury (Plaster)
1) Cancer and diabetic wounds,
Indications: gangrene and burns.... Honey mix
1) Abrasion and bruises (Plaster) turmeric (Swab)
2) Open wounds and reset broken 2) Egyptians used honey to embalm
bones (Plaster) corpse -take
take a dead rat and put it into
3) Liver problems (pack) honey as an experiment.
4) Toxaemia (Juice) 3) Eye problem- disinfects and
5) Lacerations- (Plaster it with Epsom strengthens the eyes. Lemons &
salt) if you don’t want stitches. honey cleanses nerves instead of duct
6) Back pain ( Crushed seeds poultice) of tears(Eye Drop)
7) Heart disease and coughs ( Dried 4) Honey plus chicken egg= temporary
peel tea) skin membrane.
8) Diabetes ( Juice) 5) Burns -with
with one part olive oil or
9) Scurvy ( Juice) wheat germ oil and comfrey
10) Ant carcinogen (Compress)
6) Cough
With this grapefruit and Epsom salt, Poultice:
we can make an extremely good Honey is very healing and will kill
drawing poultice. Blend or chop the infections.GMK
grapefruit, then add Epsom salt until
all the moisture of the grapefruit is NB: [It is] not good to eat much honey: so
soaked up. This should be hot (heat [for men] to search their own glory [is not]
the grapefruit in a pot without water). glory. Proverbs 25:27
he more Epsom salt you use the
better it works. Get it so thick that it ICE
is hard to stir. When you apply this Remedial properties:
as a poultice, it will have a 1) Vasoconstrictor
tremendous drawing effect
effect, for any 2) Stimulant
type of swelling, inflammation, Indications:
arthritis or rheumatism related pain Laceration and burns
as well as muscle spasms
spasms. Put it in Localized pain
the center of a clean cloth. Apply it Low Immune system
to the area. You can apply a heating
pad or a fomentation to heat the area. LEMON
You want to retain that heat for a
long period of time. GMK
Remedial properties:
1) Sedative
2) Antispasmodic
3) Sudorific
4) Vermifuge
5) Anticeptic
Remedial properties: 6) Venotonic
1) Antimicrobial 7) Alkalinizant
Indications: 8) Citric acid or vitamin C
1) Eye problems (Eye Drop)
2) Piles and fissures. Spread the chicks ONION
and apply the lemons. (Drops)
3) Acidosis (Juice)
4) Electrolyte drink (Juice)
5) Kidney stones-with cayenne and
olive oil. (Tea)
6) Staph bacilli (applied)
7) Liver flush (Tea with olive oil)
8) Toxaemia (fruit acids)
9) Low Hydrochloric acid (Juice)
10) Iron deficiency (Juice)
11) Cosmetic (Ointment) Remedial properties:
12) Tonsillitis (Gargles) 1) Antibiotic
13) Corn and warts (Rind Plaster) 2) Expectorant
14) Colds and cough ( Juice and rind) 3) Hypotensive
15) Low hydrochloric acid 4) Diuretic
5) Depurative
LENTILS 6) Anticoagulant
7) Vermifuge
8) Hypoglycaemic
1) Earache (Compress)
2) On boils (Compress)
3) All respiratory problems (Juices and
Chest or feet poultices)
Remedial properties: 4) Itching (Compress)
1) Appetitive 5) Sore throat (Poultice)
2) Antacid 6) Tumours (Potassium broth)
7) Insect bites, tumours (Poultices-
3) Astringent Mixed with honey)
4) Cardiac 8) Promotes Menstrual flow (Eaten
Indications: raw)
1) Lack of appetite (Decoction of 9) Purifies the blood (Eaten raw)
pods) 10) Diabetes (Eaten raw)
2) Cure Early stages of leprosy 11) Kidney/gallstones (Eaten raw)
(Decoction of pods) 12) Asthma (Eaten raw and chest
3) Bronchitis (Decoction of pods) poultice)
4) Flatulence and gas in the stomach 13) Diabetic ulcers (compress)
(Decoction of pods)
5) Heart disease (Decoction of Poultice:
pods) Make in the same way as carrot poultice.
6) Piles (Decoction of pods) Very stimulating to indolent sores, and
7) Cough (Decoction of pods) for slow boils. GMK
8) Candida (probiotic)
Flue bomb:
1) Insomnia (Juice)
2) Nervousness (Juice)
3) Migraines (Juice)
4) Digestive problems (Juice)
5) Heart palpitations (Juice)
6) Menstrual pains (Juice)
7) Lacerations (Plaster with Espom salt)
8) Heart disease (Juice)
9) Coughs (Juice)
10) Flatulence (Juice)
11) Painful swellings (Plaster)
MILK 12) Acne (Ointment)
13) Prevents cancer (Juice)
14) Allergies (Juice)
15) Infectitious diseases (Juice0
Remedial Properties
1. Parasitic infestation (Enema cocktail)
2. Anti venom (applied in the eyes)
Remedial properties:
1) Sugars
Remedial properties:
1) Digestive
2) Carminative
3) Antiseptic
4) Analgesic
5) Aphrodisiac
6) Choleretic
Remedial properties:
Indications: 1) Bromelin
with vegetable fat and
1) Vicks rub (with 2) Expectorant
clove oil) 3) Digestive
2) Cough (Tea) Indications:
3) Dyspepsia(Tea) 1) Tumours (Poultice of peel)
4) Intestinal gas(Tea) 2) Gonorrhoea (Unripe with Leaves-
5) Headaches (Liniment) Juice)
6) Massage (Muscular Aches) 3) Goitre (Juice)
4) Gout (Juice)
PARSLEY 5) Overweight (Juice)
6) Bladder and prostate (Juice)
7) Loss of memory (Juice)
Remedial properties:
1) Diuretic
Indications: Remedial properties:
1) Promotes the flow of urine (Salad or Indications:
juice) 1) Gangrene (Plaster)
2) Promotes Menstrual flow (Salad or 2) Diabetic wound (Plaster)
juice) 3) Cancerous wound (Plaster)
3) Expel Gas (Salad or juice)
4) Rheumatism Poultice:
5) Cancer Mix one pound of white sugar ½ ounce
of iodine, apply on wound. Also you can
mix one part sugar and one part honey
apply on wound as needed. GMK