Parasites and Susceptibility
Parasites and Susceptibility
Parasites and Susceptibility
Jennie Hoglund,
CCH & Kendra
Needham, HHP
Parasites and
Kendra Needham, HHP
and Jennie Hoglund, CCH
Overview 01
Difference between how parasites (and all diseases) are addressed in
conventional medicine vs. homeopathy:
Conventional medicine: germs or invading pathogens are the ultimate
cause of disease, and there is nothing we can do about it in terms of
strengthening our constitution - most of it is luck!
Homeopathy: At least 50% of illness is caused by individual susceptibility.
The vital force can be strengthened, leading to increased vitality, resiliency,
and immunity!
If your child (or you) matches one of these remedies, we typically recommend dosing with a
30c potency (2 pellets per day) every day for 2 weeks and then reassessing. If there is an
improvement, you can reduce to 1 dose every other day for another 2 weeks, and then reassess
in another 2 weeks. If there is resolution of parasite symptoms, stop the remedy. Repeat the
dosing protocol upon reoccurrence. If you are not seeing improvement, select another
remedy or consult a professional homeopath.
Holistic Support 04
Assessing & Dosing
Cestodes, Nematodes, and Trematodes all increase TH2, so you will see exaggerated immune
responses and increased sensitivity. You may be more sensitive to the sun or to certain foods.
A weakened terrain is what increases our susceptibility to parasites. This is why homeopathy
plays such a big role as well.
Low stomach acid Environmental toxins like mold
Iron overload Unfiltered water
Overuse of antibiotics Mouth-breathing
Poor diet Stress
Good: Bad:
They feed on excess iron and heavy metals They feed on other nutrients
They want their host alive They create waste that our own
elimination systems need to try and
They cause persistent low-level
They house mold, yeast, and other bacteria
Holistic Support 06
Assessing & Dosing
Testing for parasites can be quite challenging. Because of the high inaccuracy of stool
sampling and testing processes in many labs, parasitology research has not advanced as far
as the studies of other microbes. Some specialty labs can be run that give a more accurate
Speciality labs:
Genova Diagnostics
Doctors Data
Diagnostic Solutions
If you are presenting with a lot of symptoms, have any chronic illness diagnosis, have only a
few but very persistent symptoms, it is more likely than not that you have parasites.
The problem with parasite cleansing is unless we reduce what is making us susceptible in
the first place, parasites will come right back.
Increase stomach acid
Eat with the season, locally
Address nutritional deficiencies
Reduce stress
Heal & seal the gut
Clean up your environment
Keep drainage and detox pathways open
Holistic Support 07
Assessing & Dosing
Increase minerals
Certain foods can create a more inhospitable environment for parasites. Incorporating Biofilm
busters allows access to the parasites that have protected themselves from harm. Baking soda
will significantly help reduce any herx reactions by reducing the acidity in the body that is a
result of toxic waste and die-off.
Ginger, Ginger Tea Beets
*Garlic Carrots
Pineapple *ACV
*Pomegranate seeds Lemon
Papaya Coconut oil
*Oregano *Turmeric
Pumpkin Seeds *Honey
Baking Soda:
This will significantly reduce any herx reactions.
1/4 tsp in water for kids
1/2 tsp in water for adults
Holistic Support 10
Assessing & Dosing
A neurotoxin produced by parasites and other bacteria, you'll notice a pretty distinct body odor
if ammonia is an issue. A high-protein diet can increase ammonia as well so consider digestive
enzymes if you are consuming a lot of meat and noticing ammonia symptoms.
Some solutions:
Baking soda
Activated charcoal
Hu58-microbiome labs
Biotoxin Binder-cellcore
Ammonia Scavange
Diatomaceous earth and other silica products are capable of absorbing a lot of water
and other liquids. When they come in contact with parasites they absorb their lipids, which
accelerates the loss of body water and kills them by suffocation, often quite rapidly and
effectively. The sulfur content of MSM is essential for detoxification. In the case of chronic
parasitic infestation, you’re likely to be in a state of sulfur deficiency as the parasites feed
on it. Mimosa Pudica scrubs the gut.
Para Kit (cellcore)
Use beginner dose for 2 weeks
One week off
Unwanted Organisms (Global Healing)
40-day program
2 weeks on, one week off
Desbio EndoPara Clear
60-day program
Instructions included
Biocidin Dosing:
GI Detox 3-6yo 5 drops 3x per day
Beyond Balance 6-10 8 drops 3x per day
Parazomin 10+ 10 drops 3x per day
Tox-Ease Bind Binder: 1 capsule 2x per day
Byron White A-P Byron white:
Cellcore Biotoxin Binder cut dosage in half (stronger than biocidin and
beyond balance)
Note: Some younger kids can handle more drops than older kids. It never hurts to start slow
over the course of 1 week. Sometimes age doesn't reflect dosing. Ask your doctor.
Holistic Support 12
Assessing & Dosing
If you are someone who struggles with histamine, I suggest increasing your support PRIOR to
starting the cleanse itself.
HistoPlex (fullscript)
Hista-aid (fullscript)
Quinton Minerals (fullscript)
Neuroprotek by Algonot (amazon)
Mast Ease by beyond balance (Doctors supplements store)
Of course, maintaining results largely depend on your terrain. This goes back to keeping our
stomach acid optimal, avoiding constipation, repopulating with good bacteria via probiotic-
rich foods or supplementation, eating high-quality foods, and maintaining optimal vitamin
and mineral levels. Eating with the season can naturally help rid the body of parasites as well.
Tincture options to help keep microbial burden in order:
Bioray Happy (kids) 3 days per week
Bioray Microbe Slayer (adults) 5 days per week