Grade-5-Chapter-11 - The United Nations
Grade-5-Chapter-11 - The United Nations
Grade-5-Chapter-11 - The United Nations
3. Where is the International Court of Justice located? What is its primary function?
Ans: The International Court of Justice situated in The Hague, the Netherlands. It is the main
judicial organ of the UN. It has 15 judges elected for a period of nine years. It settles disputes
between countries, gives advice on international law and safeguards human rights.
4. How is the Security Council different from the General Assembly? Give two points.
Ans: Security Council: The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and
security. It comprises 15 members, 5 of which are ‘permanent’. The five permanent members the
USA, the UK, France, Russia and China have the veto power, which literally means ‘I deny’. If any
one member votes against an issue being discussed, it cannot be passed. The non-permanent
members are elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years.
General Assembly: The General Assembly is the main body of the UN. All the member nations
are represented in this assembly. Decisions regarding issues related to the objectives of the UN are
taken here. These decisions are based on the votes of the member nations.