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Final Internship Report


For the award of a Master's degree

Specialized in: Green Building Engineering and Energy Efficiency


Defended on September 21, 2023.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
BD+C v4 certification project for 'Hebergements' at
University Momamed VI Polytechnic in Rabat

Under the supervision of

Mr. Abdelghani EL ASLI

Mr. Taha Yassine SAMIR

Academic Year 2022 – 2023


The work presented here was conducted within the company Sustainway in

The development of this report would not have been possible without
substantial support and assistance from several individuals:

I wish to express my deep gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to my mentors,

Mr. Abdelghani EL ASLI and Mr. Hicham MASTOURI, for their invaluable
guidance and the remarkable interest they showed in my project, sparing neither
their time nor their efforts.

I also want to convey my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Mr. Taha Yassine

SAMIR, for his constant provision of valuable feedback and advice, despite his
busy schedule and responsibilities.

I am profoundly grateful to Ms. Wiam SAMIR, the dedicated director of

Sustainway, whose leadership and guidance were instrumental in shaping my
learning experience during this six-month internship. Additionally, my heartfelt
thanks extend to Ms. Hiba ELBASSITI and all the members of the Sustainway
team for their instruction, counsel, trust, support, cheerful disposition, and
availability throughout this valuable period of learning.

Additionally, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Hassan

RADOINE, our School of Architecture, Planning and Design's director. His
unwavering support, visionary leadership, and commitment to excellence have
been instrumental in shaping my educational journey and our school's collective

Moreover, I want to extend a heartfelt nod to my parents for their enduring

love and tireless support, which have been the bedrock of my journey. Their
unwavering belief in me has been a constant source of strength and motivation,
and I'm profoundly grateful for their presence in my life.

Finally, I cannot forget the fantastic group of friends and colleagues who have
stood by my side, offering unwavering support and encouragement. Our shared
experiences and collective dedication have made this journey truly

GENERAL INTRODUCTION...........................................................12
I. Context and challenges..................................................................12
II. Problem.......................................................................................13
III. Objectives and Methodology...................................................14
I. Company description.....................................................................16
II. Company's activities...................................................................16
I. Introduction on green building......................................................19
II. Historical development of tools..................................................19
III. Green building rating...............................................................20
III.1 Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM)................20
III.2 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).......................................................21
III.3 Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE)..................................................................................22
III.4 Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE)............................................................23

IV. Drivers for green building implementation.................................24

V. Overview of barriers to undertaking green building projects.....25
VI. Law and regulations that framed sustainability in Morocco.......26
VII. Sustainable construction: Achieving notable success through
green building certifications................................................................27
VIII. Research problem..................................................................28
IX. Research hypothesis....................................................................28
UM6P RABAT ACCOMMODATIONS............................................29
I. Project presentation.......................................................................29
I.1 Presentation of UM6P Rabat.......................................................................................................29

II. LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental

II.1 Presentation of the methodology...............................................................................................31
II.2 LEED certification process...........................................................................................................32
II.3 Details of Results........................................................................................................................33
a. Data collection......................................................................................................................33
b. Writing proofs......................................................................................................................33
Location and transportation category (LT)...................................................................................33
 Credit 4: Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses (LTc4)- v4...........................................33
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................33
2) Requirements................................................................................................................34
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................34
4) Applying credit to the project.......................................................................................34
 Credit 5: Access to quality transit (LTc5) - v4..................................................................38
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................38
2) Requirements................................................................................................................38
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................38
4) Applying credit to the project.......................................................................................39
Water efficiency category (WE)...................................................................................................40
 Indoor Water Use Reduction prerequisite and credit (WEp2c2) - v4................................40
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................40
2) Prerequisite’s requirements...........................................................................................40
3) Credit’s requirements....................................................................................................41
4) Documentation required...............................................................................................41
5) Applying prerequisite to the project..............................................................................41
 Water Metering Prerequisite & Credit (WEp3c4)- v4.......................................................43
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................43
2) Prerequisite’s requirements...........................................................................................43
3) Credit’s requirements....................................................................................................43
4) Documentation required...............................................................................................44
5) Applying prerequisite to the project..............................................................................44
Energy and Atmosphere category (EA)........................................................................................45
 Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy Performance (EAp2) - v4.............................................45
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................45
2) Requirements................................................................................................................46
 Credit 2: Optimize Energy Performance (EAc2) - v4.......................................................46
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................46
2) Requirements................................................................................................................46
 Documentation required for both prerequisite and credit..............................................47
 Applying prerequisite and credit to the project.............................................................47
 Results..........................................................................................................................49
 Building-Level Energy Metering prerequisite 3 and Advanced Energy Metering credit 3
(EAp3c3) – v4..........................................................................................................................51
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................51
2) Requirements................................................................................................................51
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................52
4) Applying prerequisite to the project: Building-Level Energy Metering........................52
5) Applying credit to the project: Advanced Energy Metering..........................................53
 Renewable energy production credit (EAc5) – v4........................................................54
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................54
2) Requirements................................................................................................................54
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................55
4) Applying credit to the project.......................................................................................55
 Prerequisite 1: Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance (IEQp1) – v4.........................59
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................59
2) Requirements................................................................................................................59
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................59
4) Applying prerequisite to the project..............................................................................60
 Credit 1: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies (IEQc1) – v4.......................................60
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................60
2) Requirements................................................................................................................60
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................61
4) Applying credit to the project.......................................................................................61
 Credit 4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment (IEQc4) – v4....................................................63
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................63
2) Requirements................................................................................................................63
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................64
4) Applying credit to the project.......................................................................................64
 Credit 6: Interior Lighting (IEQc6) – v4.1........................................................................66
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................66
2) Requirements................................................................................................................66
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................66
4) Applying credit to the project.......................................................................................66
 Credit 8: Quality views (IEQc8) – v4...............................................................................67
1) Intent.............................................................................................................................67
2) Requirements................................................................................................................67
3) Documentation required...............................................................................................68
4) Applying credit to the project.......................................................................................68
II.4 Summary of results.....................................................................................................................72

III. Comparison of results with literature.......................................73

IV. Barriers to LEED Certification at Hebergement of UM6P Rabat
GENERAL CONCLUSION...............................................................77

Figure 1.Evolution of the number of electronically filed building permit applications by category
[Rokhas, 2023]......................................................................................................................................14
Figure 2.Compliance of the Moroccan Building Stock with international certifications baselines over
the past 5 years....................................................................................................................................14
Figure 3. Summary of the activities provided by SUSTAINWAY............................................................16
Figure 4. Campus boundary Master site...............................................................................................30
Figure 5. Location of the "Hebergements"...........................................................................................30
Figure 6. LEED certification process......................................................................................................32
Figure 7. Points awarded for the first option of LTC4...........................................................................34
Figure 8. Identification of the project site using Google Earth.............................................................35
Figure 9. Presentation of Buildable and Non-Buildable Lands..............................................................35
Figure 10. Denser buildings identified within a 400-meter radius from the project boundary............36
Figure 11. Mapping walking routes to uses..........................................................................................37
Figure 12. LEED v4 User Guide Cut sheet.............................................................................................38
Figure 13. University Bus Station..........................................................................................................39
Figure 14. Bus shelter...........................................................................................................................39
Figure 15. LEED v4 User Guide Cut sheet [USGBC, 2013].....................................................................40
Figure 16. LEED v4 User Guide Cut sheet [USGBC, 2013].....................................................................41
Figure 17. Indoor Water Use Reduction calculator...............................................................................42
Figure 18. Flush rate calculation in Indoor Water Use Reduction calculator........................................42
Figure 19. Fixture information in Indoor Water Use Reduction calculator...........................................42
Figure 20. Calculator's results...............................................................................................................43
Figure 21. Water Metering Installation................................................................................................45
Figure 22. Commitment letter..............................................................................................................45
Figure 23. Climate zones as defined by ASHRAE 90.1-2010 standards.................................................48
Figure 24. 3D model of residence 4R....................................................................................................48
Figure 25. 3D model of residence 8R....................................................................................................48
Figure 26. Charts – Proposed vs Baseline – Energy Consumption (MWh/Year)- Residences 4R and 6R.
Figure 27. Charts – Proposed vs Baseline – Energy Consumption (MWh/Year)- Residences 5R and 7R.
Figure 28. Charts – Proposed vs Baseline – Energy Consumption (MWh/Year)- Residences 8R..........50
Figure 29. Summary.............................................................................................................................51
Figure 30. Energy metering schematic of the Hebergement................................................................53
Figure 31. Total Annual Energy Consumption of the Project’s Individual End Uses.............................54
Figure 32. Equation to calculate percentage renewable energy cost contribution according to LEED
BD+C v4................................................................................................................................................54
Figure 33. Points for renewable energy according to LEED BD+C v4....................................................55
Figure 34. Solar Irradiation Map of Morocco.......................................................................................56
Figure 35. PV feasibility study...............................................................................................................56
Figure 36. Basic ventilation rates required to dilute the emissions due to people...............................60
Figure 37. Location of permanent entryway systems on the project site.............................................61
Figure 38. CO2 sensors in densely occupied spaces.............................................................................63
Figure 39. Screenshot from LEED BD+C v4...........................................................................................64
Figure 40. Screenshot from LEED BD+C v4...........................................................................................65
Figure 41. Calculation of Flush-Out Duration Using an Excel Sheet for Hebergement 4R as an example.
Figure 42. Calculation of Flush-Out Duration Using an Excel Sheet for Hebergement 8R.....................65
Figure 43. Cut sheet of the Interior lighting calculator - Ground floor example...................................67
Figure 44. Summary of Light Fixtures Used in This Project - Cut Sheet from the Interior Lighting
Figure 45. Screenshot of quality views calculator................................................................................69
Figure 46. Regularly Occupied Spaces Identification............................................................................69
Figure 47. Screenshot showing access to view type 1 in Ground Floor Dining Room...........................70
Figure 48. Screenshot from Master Plan Showing Access of Hebergement 4R to View Type 2 - Objects
Figure 49. Screenshot from Master Plan Showing Access of Hebergement 4R to View Type 2 -
Figure 50. Screenshot from Master Plan Showing Access of Hebergement 4R to View Type 2 - Objects.
Figure 51. Screenshot from quality views calculator............................................................................72

Table 1. BREEAM certification overview...............................................................................................21

Table 2. LEED certification overview....................................................................................................22
Table 3. HQE certification overview.....................................................................................................23
Table 4. EDGE certification overview....................................................................................................24
Table 5. Moroccan Government efforts for sustainable cities..............................................................26
Table 6. LEED Categories overview with point allocation [USGBC, 2013].............................................31
Table 7. Summary of Location and Transportation (LT) category credits and prerequisites................33
Table 8. Diverse uses calculator...........................................................................................................37
Table 9. Bus frequency.........................................................................................................................39
Table 10. Summary of Water Efficiency category (WE) credits and prerequisites................................40
Table 11. Summary of Energy and Atmosphere category credits and prerequisites...........................45
Table 12. Proposed vs Baseline – Energy Consumption.......................................................................49
Table 13. Proposed vs Baseline – Energy Cost & Consumption............................................................50
Table 14. Calculation of the Total Estimated Annual Energy Cost for the Buildings ($/year)...............56
Table 15. Calculation of the Cost of Usable Energy Produced by the PV System ($/year)....................57
Table 16. Calculation of the percentage of Renewable Energy Cost....................................................58
Table 17. Summary of the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Category credits and prerequisites....59
Table 18. Extraction Flow Rate of some spaces....................................................................................62
Table 19. Summary of points earned for the Hebergements Project...................................................72

In response to evolving societal diversity and technological advances over the past decade,
college campuses have witnessed significant transformations in student housing. These
changes have posed a challenge for institutions of higher education, necessitating the creation
of residential facilities that not only offer a healthy and comfortable living environment but
also serve as catalysts for academic success.
This report presents the LEED certification process for UM6P Rabat's "Hebergements"
building, showcasing sustainable construction practices across key categories: Location and
Transportation, Indoor Environmental Quality, Energy and Atmosphere, and Water
Efficiency. The study underscores the advantages of green building certification, including
resource conservation, emissions reduction, and occupant well-being, while addressing
implementation challenges. The project successfully secured 58 LEED points, 17 of which
resulted from campus approach, and is poised to attain Silver certification. Notable
accomplishments encompass a 47.43% reduction in water use, a remarkable 56.8% decrease
in energy consumption and associated costs through renewable energy sources, and a
significant 27% reduction in energy costs (excluding on-site renewables). These outcomes
underscore the project's unwavering commitment to sustainability and demonstrate how
sustainable building practices can align with the evolving landscape of student housing to
create healthier and academically conducive living environments on college campuses.

En réponse à l'évolution de la diversité sociétale et aux avancées technologiques de la

dernière décennie, les campus universitaires ont connu des transformations significatives en
matière de logement étudiant. Ces changements ont constitué un défi pour les institutions
d'enseignement supérieur, nécessitant la création d'installations résidentielles qui non
seulement offrent un environnement de vie sain et confortable, mais servent également de
catalyseurs pour la réussite académique.
Ce rapport présente le processus de certification LEED pour le bâtiment "Hebergements"
de l'UM6P Rabat, mettant en valeur les pratiques de construction durable dans les catégories
clés : Emplacement et transport, Qualité de l'environnement intérieur, Énergie et atmosphère,
et Efficacité de l'eau. L'étude souligne les avantages de la certification des bâtiments
écologiques, notamment la conservation des ressources, la réduction des émissions et le bien-
être des occupants, tout en abordant les défis de la mise en œuvre. Le projet a obtenu 58
points LEED, dont 17 grâce à l'approche du campus, et est sur le point d'obtenir la
certification Argent. Les réalisations notables comprennent une réduction de 47,43 % de la
consommation d'eau, une diminution remarquable de 56,8 % de la consommation d'énergie et
des coûts associés grâce aux sources d'énergie renouvelables, et une réduction significative de
27 % des coûts énergétiques (à l'exclusion des sources d'énergie renouvelables sur site). Ces
résultats soulignent l'engagement inébranlable du projet en faveur de la durabilité et
démontrent comment les pratiques de construction durable peuvent s'aligner sur le paysage
évolutif des logements étudiants pour créer des logements plus sains et plus propices à

I. Context and challenges

When we delve into the history of humanity, we realize that forms of energy, societies,
and buildings are closely interconnected. The emergence of sustainable development as a
recognized concept can be attributed to the growing environmental awareness and the need
for responsible resource management. It gained significant traction in the latter half of the
20th century when concerns about climate change, depletion of natural resources, and social
inequality became more pronounced. There is increasing talk about sustainable development,
new technologies, healthy homes, ecological, green, sustainable, and eco-energy-efficient
dwellings. These terms used demonstrate that this concept is gaining popularity and is being
embraced due to the logical ideas it conveys and advocates for, namely sustainable buildings.
The publication of the landmark report "Our Common Future" by the World Commission on
Environment and Development in 1987 further solidified the concept and propelled it into the
global discourse. This report, also known as the Brundtland Report, defined sustainable
development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs" [McGUINN et al. 2020]. Less than 5
years later, the Rio Declaration validated this definition of sustainable development and
launched the Agenda 21: a global action plan [ONU, 2023]. Since then, sustainable
development has become a guiding principle for governments, organizations, and individuals
worldwide, aiming to strike a balance between economic growth, social progress, and
environmental protection.
Considering the variety of objectives, strategies, and practical approaches of sustainable
development at different levels and in different areas, it can be stated that "certification
systems" are a tool to assess these objectives and approaches [M.Pacetti et al.2012].In other
words, they are a quantitative standard to measure the concept of sustainable development in
each area [M.Pacetti et al.2012].
These tools are used to assess the performance of buildings in relation to a set of criteria that
encompass the theme of sustainable development. The evaluation criteria are defined using
quantitative and/or qualitative scoring scales [S. GHIEZEN, 2014]. Therefore, points (credits,
performance levels, etc.) are assigned to the building when it is deemed to meet the
requirements of these criteria [S. GHIEZEN, 2014].
These tools have numerous goals. On one hand, the consideration of diverse and
multidisciplinary constraints should lead to an overall improvement in the quality of the
building. They should also contribute to setting quality objectives and ensure that the best
decisions are made to achieve them. Additionally, they serve to compare buildings with one
another. Although their use is voluntary, they are increasingly becoming a criterion in
architectural competitions. In general, the tools are attempting to: achieve continuous
improvement to optimize building performance and minimize environmental impact; provide
a measure of a building’s effect on the environment; and set credible standards’ by which
buildings can be judged objectively [Richard et al, 2009].
Morocco, like many countries worldwide, is committed to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, targeting a 42% reduction by 2030 and aiming to secure 52% of its electricity from
renewable sources by the same year. In the frame of its development strategy, Morocco has
adopted the concept of sustainable development with its promotion for a balance between
environmental, social and economic spheres [Guadaoui et al. 2021]. Accordingly, the
kingdom established the stepping-stones to achieve this sustainable development vision
through several political, institutional, legal and socio-economic reforms. This process was
strengthened by the adoption of the National Charter of Environment and Sustainable
Development [Guadaoui et Guadaoui et al. 2021], launched following the directives of His
Majesty King Mohammed VI, during his Throne speech of July 30th, 2009.
Morocco's Sustainable Development policy focuses on implementing the "Environmental
Charter" and law 99-12 [Jamea, 2017] to protect the environment and promote energy
efficiency in key sectors. Renewable energy promotion is crucial for the policy's success.
On the other hand, the national energy strategy is based on two laws and one decree. The
Law No. 47-09 is about energy efficiency with the aim of establishing an institutionalized
system of governance, a legislative and regulatory framework and standard norms [STNEE,
2020]. Law No. 13-09 is about the promotion of renewable energy [STNEE, 2020]. The
Decree No.2-13-874 establishes energy performance regulations for construction permits
[Merini et al, 2020].

II. Problem
Buildings exert a significant environmental impact throughout their life cycle,
encompassing design, construction, occupation, and demolition. In general, as mentioned by
Bribian et al. (2011) manufacturing activities represent 60% of raw non-renewable
consumption [Assadiki et al, 2022]. Each year, construction accumulates 16% of the total iron
and steel production, while the steel industry is responsible for about 6.7% of global carbon
emissions [Assadiki et al, 2022]. These statistics underscore the construction sector as a major
consumer of non-renewable resources, leading to waste generation, air and water pollution,
and a reduction in available land area.
In Morocco, the construction sector, recovered in 2021, registered an estimated growth of
10.6% in real terms [MCM, 2022]. Furthermore, Data analysis reveals that the number of
construction permits issued has been increasing steadily over the years. The chart below (see
figure 1) displays the evolution of the number of building permit applications filed
electronically, categorized by the size of the projects, from 2019 to 2023. In 2019, there were
2446 applications for large projects and 7373 applications for small projects. The following
year, the number of applications for large projects doubled to reach 4512, while the number of
applications for small projects tripled, reaching 21623. In 2021, there was a sharp increase in
both categories of projects, with 11426 applications for large projects and 59067 applications
for small projects. This trend continued in 2022, with 16098 applications for large projects
and 67217 applications for small projects. In 2023, with 8988 applications for large projects
and 28834 applications for small projects in almost a trimester confirms the exponential
growth of the construction sector. Overall, the chart depicts a dynamic trend in the number of
building permit applications filed electronically over the five-year period.
There are 116 assets in Morocco that are certified or ongoing the certification process,
where 55 of them are associated with HQE, 53 LEED, 3 BREEAM and 5 EDGE.
Hence, out of the 227,766 assets built or in the process of construction or design over the past
five years (2019-2023) only 0.05% have demonstrated adherence to the baselines dictated by
green building certification schemes, which is quite a negligible portion, whereas the vast

majority of buildings solely meet the local regulation requirements (RTCM), as illustrated by
the graph (see figure 2).

Figure 1.Evolution of the number of electronically filed building permit applications by category [Rokhas, 2023]

Figure 2.Compliance of
the Moroccan
Building Stock with
baselines over
the past 5 years.

T he
implemented local incentives to promote sustainable buildings, encouraging energy efficiency
and environmental certifications. For example, the Casablanca urban agency offers a 5%
bonus in constructability for projects with energy-saving techniques and certifications like
Additionally, the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) has
established a 90 million euros credit line called the Green Value Chain, supporting energy and
resource efficiency. Sustainable building projects can receive financial support and grants by
demonstrating a 20% reduction in energy or carbon emissions.
These incentives have boosted Morocco's construction industry, driving adoption of
sustainable practices and reducing the country's carbon footprint.

III. Objectives and Methodology

This study holds great importance in terms of sustainable development and implementing
sustainable certification especially in universities. It goes beyond providing a historical
overview of sustainable building certification tools aiming to understand their relevance and
theoretically compare a selection of these tools. By highlighting the differences between
certification standards and assessing their effectiveness namely HQE, LEED and BREEAM,
this study contributes to promoting sustainable practices in the construction industry and
guides universities in making informed decisions about implementing sustainable
certifications. The evaluation and certification of accommodations at University Mohamed VI
Polytechnic in RABAT (UM6P) using the LEED certification tool serve as a practical case
study, providing valuable insights into the challenges and successes of implementing

sustainability in a university context. In summary, this study plays a vital role in advancing
sustainability efforts and creating a more sustainable future.

This thesis report consists of three chapters organized as follows:

-The first chapter provides a detailed presentation of the host organization. It offers an
overview of the organization's background, mission, and role in the context of sustainable
development. Additionally, it highlights the specific initiatives and practices undertaken by
the organization to promote sustainability within its operations and projects.
- The second chapter is dedicated to conducting a comprehensive literature review and a state-
of-the-art analysis of sustainable certification tools. It delves into the historical development
of these tools and explores various tools available for certifying sustainable practices, namely
LEED, BREEAM, HQE, and EDGE, with a focus on their relevance, features, and
applicability in diverse contexts. Additionally, the chapter examines the drivers behind the
implementation of green building practices, identifies key barriers associated with green
building projects, and provides an overview of the laws and regulations that shape
sustainability in Morocco.
-The third chapter is dedicated to presenting the specific categories and credits relevant to the
UM6P accommodation case study within the LEED certification. It conducts an in-depth
examination of the sustainability criteria and requirements outlined by this framework.
Furthermore, the chapter discusses how these categories and credits align with UM6P's
sustainable development goals and showcases the potential impact of implementing the
certification on the university's accommodations. It's important to note that the results
presented in this chapter are corroborated by insights gathered from relevant literature.




During my internship, I had the opportunity to work at SUSTAINWAY, a company

situated in Casablanca. My role within the company was that of a Sustainability Consultant.
In the following sections, I will provide more details about the company and its activities.

I. Company description

Sustainway is a company based in Casablanca that operates in the "Business to Business

to Society" services sector. Its main mission is to foster trust among businesses, public
authorities, and consumers. They offer audit and certification services to help clients improve
their efficiency, rigor, and credibility in sustainable development efforts. Sustainway focuses
on enhancing both the client’s operations and contributing to environmental sustainability as a
As a consulting firm, SUSTAINWAY advises and supports organizations in developing
sustainable strategies and securing financing. Despite being a relatively new player in the
market, the company has gained the trust of several organizations and multinational
companies. Their services are aimed at promoting sustainability and helping clients enhance
their commitment to sustainable practices.

II. Company's activities

The activities provided by SUSTAINWAY can be classified into six main categories,
as depicted in the accompanying diagram.

Audit and

Green Finance Certification


Figure 3. Summary of the activities provided by SUSTAINWAY

a) Eco-design/Eco-construction

Sustainway assists its clients in achieving Carbon Neutrality by guiding them in life cycle
analysis of their products, materials, buildings, and services. It also offers support for
integrating eco-energy and environmental design practices, implementing green construction
sites to minimize disturbances, and promoting integrated design approaches through
collaborative processes supported by Building Information Modeling (BIM) for a smooth
energy transition.

b) Audit and Measurement

The company believes that the best way to analyse documentary evidence and on-site
installations is to conduct simulations under real conditions. Following performance
measurements and white audits, Sustainway's experts help clients develop action plans to
improve the environmental, health, and energy quality of their spaces. This prepares them for
future audits. Auditors and performance agents provide recommendations and objectives,
which can be verified during subsequent assessments.

c) Certification

Accredited experts at Sustainway offer the opportunity for third-party validation of

measured performances to obtain certifications or labels that support the achieved results. The
validation process depends on the chosen approaches and the implementation and monitoring
of the operation.

Sustainway suggests the following approaches:

 Sustainable Buildings: HQE, LEED, BREEAM, Passivhaus, EDGE.
 Well-being and Quality of Life in Spaces: WELL, OsmoZ.
 Connectivity and Infrastructure: R2S, Wired Score.
 Sustainable Hotel Management: Clef Verte, Green Globe.
 Sustainable Buildings in Operation: HQE Exploitation, EDGE, LEED O+M,
BREEAM in Use.
 Sustainable Urban Planning: HQE Management, LEED ND, BREEAM
Communities, DGNB Urban District, Green Star.
 Healthy Space Reopening: Well Health-Safety.

d) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Sustainway aims to support its clients in their Environmental and Social Responsibility
initiatives by offering a range of services, including:
 Assisting in the implementation of CSR strategies and preparing annual reports
 Certification of practices in accordance with ISO 26000 (social responsibility),
ISO 9001 (quality management system), ISO 50001 (energy management), and
ISO 14001 (environmental management) standards.

e) Green Finance

The company supports its clients in socially responsible investments through various
 ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) extra-financial analysis and support
for company and project reporting.
 Assistance in financing the energy transition and analysis of Green Bonds and
Green and Environmental Funds.
 Support in integrating rating criteria for the Casablanca ESG 10 index.

f) Training

With its specialized knowledge and pedagogical approach, Sustainway provides training
on eco-design, eco-construction, regulations, health-safety-environment (HSE),
environmental certifications, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and carbon footprint to

its clients' teams. The company also shares its professional experience by presenting various
evaluation tools and lessons learned from previous projects.


In conclusion, Sustainway is a company that recognizes the importance of delivering

quality services while meeting the diverse needs of its clients. They achieve this by investing
in both human development and sophisticated equipment. With accreditations from various
certification schemes such as LEED, HQE, and WELL, Sustainway's professionals possess
the necessary expertise to implement sustainable projects that address current environmental
challenges. They utilize advanced software packages, e.g. DesignBuilder, Module OneClick
LCA and IES Virtual Environment, and technical apparatus to conduct accurate analyses and
provide recommendations. By leveraging their knowledge in circular economy, sustainable
strategy, and energy projects, Sustainway ensures optimal return on investment, reduces
dependence on fossil fuels, and preserves natural resources. Through their commitment to
staying abreast of technological advancements, Sustainway offers effective, cost-efficient, and
sustainable solutions to its clients.


In the global context of sustainable construction projects, various green rating systems
have been established to assess their sustainability. These systems continuously update their
categories and criteria to align with the evolving trends in building development.
This chapter provides a brief overview of the current state of the art in sustainable
certification tools for construction projects. We explore the development of these tools and
compare some of them (HQE, LEED, BREEAM and EDGE), highlighting their unique
features and potential synergies. By reviewing existing literature, this chapter contributes to
understanding the effectiveness of sustainable certification tools.

I. Introduction on green building

The rapid growth of urbanization has led to heightened public and societal awareness of
environmental and energy concerns. As a result, the adoption of the green building concept
has emerged as a central focus in modern construction practices. Green buildings are
perceived as promoting health, safety, comfort, and environmental friendliness in order to
address these pressing issues. Due to different levels of economic development, geographical
surroundings, resource availability and other factors, there has been no mutual definition of
green buildings in the literature [Ding et al, 2018]. For example, the World Green Building
Council (WGBC) defines a green building as one that can reduce or eliminate negative
impacts, and create positive impacts on our climate and natural environment in the process of
design, construction or operation [ Lai et al, 2023]. The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) defines (also known as green construction or sustainable building as follows: the
practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and
resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from siting to design, construction,
operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practice expands and
complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and
comfort [Latif et al, 2018]. The concept of Green building has been continually revised and its
definition is commonly accepted as “providing people with healthy, applicable, efficient space
and natural harmonious architecture with the maximum savings on resources (energy, land,
water, materials), protection for the environment and reduced pollution throughout its whole
lifecycle” [Doan et al, 2017].

II. Historical development of tools

After establishing the green building concept, there was a need to develop a framework to
evaluate the implementation and performance of green buildings. Therefore, in 1990, the
Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) was
developed, evaluating buildings in a more detailed and broader perspective [Ding et al, 2018].
From this point, additional green building rating tools were developed, including the
Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design Leadership (LEED) [Ding et al, 2018], and
High Environmental Quality (HQE) in France around 1998. Many countries see these evaluation
tools as a means to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. Each country develops its own
method, based on an existing tool that undergoes adaptations to fit their local specificities. This is
why, in general, most sustainable certification tools are similar in essence but emphasize different
The interest of these methods lies in considering multiple criteria. They go beyond
prescribing performance limits for energy consumption and CO2 emissions, also focusing on
water consumption limitation, appropriate material usage, health and environmental impact
assessments, and often conducting life cycle assessments. An important characteristic of these
tools is the performance gradient: the minimum level always corresponds to legal or normal
requirements. Certification, therefore, signifies a level of performance above existing

standards. The political component comes into play through the establishment of more or less
binding laws that align with market realities.
In the development of these methods, the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) have defined standardized
requirements that different sustainable building certification methods must meet (CEN 2005,
2007; ISO 2000, 2006a, 2006b) [S. GHIEZEN, 2014].
The use of these tools increasingly contributes to decision-making assistance, as their
manipulation and understanding of the provided results do not require highly specialized
resources. This is not the case with other methods such as multi-criteria/multi-objective tools,
which determine the best solution based on defined criteria using algorithms [S. GHIEZEN,
2014]. The ambition to use sustainable certification tools as aids in design and decision-
making is reinforced by the impact of choices made during design on the future performance
of the building. Evaluating different scenarios based on environmental, social, technical, and
economic performance should enable project authors to make the best decisions.

III. Green building rating

There are tens of international sustainable building certifications in the global scene, in
the following sections, the focus will be mainly on HQE, LEED, BREEAM and EDGE,
which are the most commonly used certifications in Morocco.

III.1 Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

BREEAM is seen as the first green building rating assessment in the world, launched and
operated by BRE (Building Research Establishment) in the UK. It was introduced to the
market in 1990 and was first revised to assess offices in 1993. BREEAM is widely used
owing to its flexibility. It not only assesses local codes and conditions but also allows
application in international buildings. In addition, BREEAM enables evaluation of a
building's lifecycle in view to design, built, operation and refurbishment; BRE provides New
Construction, In-use, Refurbishment and Fit-Out, Communities, and Infrastructure manuals
for planners, local authorities, developers, and investors. As a result, BREEAM has so far
issued 535000 certifications with a further 2,217,000 registered for certification [BREEAM,
2020]. While many of these are in the UK, increasing numbers are now in more than 74 other
countries. Although all of the sustainability pillars could be assessed by BREEAM, the
environmental factor is still predominant with ten main categories including Management,
Health and wellbeing, Energy, Transport, Water, Materials, Waste, Land Use & Ecology,
Pollution and Innovation. The following table further present an overview about BREEAM

Table 1. BREEAM certification overview.

Pioneering certification in the construction world, launched in 1988 by

the Building Research Establishment.
BREEAM is distinguished by having different weightings according to
the specificities of each country.

Certifying Body BRE Global Limited (part of the BRE group)

Country of Origin United Kingdom
BREEAM New Construction for new assets
BREEAM Refurbishement and fit-out for retrofitted assets
Certification Scopes BREEAM In-use for operational assets
BREEAM Communities for community projects
BREEAM Infrastructure for public realm projects
BREEAM is structured around 10 categories:
1. Management
2. Health & wellbeing
3. Energy
4. Transport
Certification Themes 5. Water
6. Materials
7. Waste
8. Land use & ecology
9. Pollution
10. Innovation
There are five certification levels:
1. Pass (≥ 30 points)
2. Good (≥ 45 points)
Certification Levels
3. Very good (≥ 55 points)
4. Excellent (≥ 77 points)
5. Outstanding (≥ 85 points)
3 BREEAM projects in Morocco ongoing
Number of certified assets
535000 BREEAM certified projects worldwide and 2217000 ongoing

III.2 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

The LEED green building certification system was developed in 2000 by the United States
Green Building Council (USGBC), which is a consensus-based nonprofit establishment. It
was first launched in 1998 with a pilot version (LEED 1.0) [Suzer, 2015]. Since its initial
launch, LEED has experienced rapid growth and has gained a strong reputation for credibility
worldwide. It has become widely accepted as a guidance and evaluation tool for green
buildings, not limited to the United States. Over the years, LEED has evolved within the
framework of ongoing efforts and has expanded its application since 2000. It undergoes
constant updates to adapt to changing conditions and needs, introducing new versions as
advancements occur.
LEED v3, introduced in 2009, builds upon the existing rating system's fundamental
structure while incorporating new technologies and addressing critical priorities such as
energy use and CO2 emissions. The most recent version, LEED v4, released in 2013, stands
out for its focus on new sectors not covered in previous versions. It has raised technical
requirements, making notable advancements in environmental matters like climate change and
promoting optimization in energy and water consumption.

LEED v4 offers increased clarity, ease of understanding and implementation, and
enhanced functionality. Notably, it places greater emphasis on material and product
transparency, introducing innovations that leverage technology's role in sustainable building
Thus, LEED lays a foundation for its future versions and seems to progressively continue its
leadership throughout the world despite the efforts of various countries to develop national
certification systems [Latif et al, 2018]. Similar to BREEAM, LEED predominantly evaluates
environmental factors including Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere,
Material and Resources, and Indoor Environment Quality categories. All of the building's
lifecycle could be evaluated based on the criteria from Building Design and Construction,
Interior Design and Construction, Building Operations and Maintenance, Neighborhood
Development manuals [Doan et al, 2017]. The table 2 provides a concise overview of LEED

Table 2. LEED certification overview.

The most widespread certification in the world with a coverage of 164

countries. It was created in 1998 by the US Green Building Council and
launched internationally in 2012.

Certifying Body GBCI (Green Business Certification Inc.)

Country of Origin United States
LEED ND for Neighborhood Development
LEED BD+C for Building Design and Construction
LEED ID+C for Interior Design and Construction
Certification Scopes
LEED O+M for Building Operations and Maintenance
LEED Homes for the Residential Buildings
LEED Cities for entire cities and sub-sections of a city
LEED is structured around 8 categories divided into several
prerequisites and credits:
1. Sustainable Sites
2. Location and Transportation
3. Water Efficiency
Certification Themes
4. Energy and Atmosphere
5. Indoor Environmental Quality
6. Materials and Resources
7. Innovations
8. Regional Priorities
There are four certification levels:
1. Certified (40–49 points)
Certification Levels 2. Silver (50–59 points)
3. Gold (60–79 points)
4. Platinum (80+ points)
53 LEED certified projects in Morocco or ongoing
Number of certified assets
161 258 LEED projects worldwide

III.3 Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE)

HQE, which stands for Haute Qualité Environnementale, was established in 1994 in
France as a response to the discussions sparked by the ECO 92 conference held in Rio de
Janeiro [Gustavo, 2020]. This conference prompted various countries to contemplate
environmental concerns. HQE was conceptualized and developed by the ‘Center Scientifique

et Technique du Bâtiment’ (CSTB) in France, as noted by Vazquez et al. in 2011 [Gustavo,
The HQE Certification, a product of these efforts, centers around four fundamental
categories: Energy, Environment, Health, and comfort. These categories are further
subdivided into a total of 14 criteria. The certification process involves considerations related
to selecting construction materials and products. This includes the utilization of
environmental product declarations, which encompass Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data, as
discussed by Giama and Papadopoulos in 2012 [Gustavo, 2020].
One distinctive characteristic of HQE Certification is its substantial emphasis on the
health category, constituting more than half of the overall importance weight [Gustavo, 2020].
This particular weighting distribution suggests that HQE places less focus on the economic
dimension of sustainability, as highlighted by Jensen and Birgisdottir in 2018 [Gustavo,
2020]. Table 3 presents a brief outline of HQE certification.

Table 3. HQE certification overview.

A standard for green buildings in France, based on the principles of

sustainable development first set out at the 1992 Earth Summit.
Launched in 2005 and internationally in 2012.
CERTIVEA for non-residential and CERQUAL for residential
Certifying Body
Country of Origin France
HQE Residentiel
Certification Scopes
HQE Non Residentiel
HQE is structured around 4 categories divided into 14 targets:
1. Energy
Certification Themes 2. Environment
3. Health
4. Comfort and wellbeing
There are five certification levels:
1. Pass (respecting all prerequisites)
2. Good (up to 3 stars)
Certification Levels
3. Very Good (4 to 6 stars)
4. Excellent (7 to 9 stars)
5. Exceptional (10 to 12 stars)
55 HQE Certified projects in Morocco or ongoing
Number of certified assets
+100 billion square meters certified HQE worldwide

III.4 Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE)

EDGE, which stands for Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies, is a
comprehensive platform for creating environmentally friendly buildings. It includes a global
standard, software, and a certification program. It's for people like architects, engineers,
developers, and building owners who want to design greener buildings [EDGE User Guide
V3, 2021].
EDGE helps these professionals find smart solutions in the early design phase to save money
and reduce harm to the environment. By inputting information and choosing green practices,
EDGE shows how much money can be saved and how much less pollution a building can
create. This information helps make a strong case for choosing sustainable building methods
[EDGE User Guide V3, 2021].
EDGE works for different types of buildings like Homes, Apartments, Offices, and more.
It can be used to certify buildings at any stage of their life, from planning and construction to
existing buildings and renovations.
The people behind EDGE are the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the
World Bank Group. To meet the EDGE standard, a building needs to show that it will use
20% less energy, water, and materials compared to usual practices. EDGE sets a global rule
while considering the building's purpose and location [EDGE User Guide V3, 2021].
EDGE focuses on a small number of changes that make buildings work better, saving
money on bills, making equipment last longer, and being kinder to nature. Additional
information is provided in Table 4.

Table 4. EDGE certification overview.

A green building certification system focused on making buildings

more resource-efficient. An innovation of IFC, a member of the
World Bank Group, EDGE empowers emerging markets to scale up
resource-efficient buildings in a fast, easy, and affordable way.

Certifying Body GBCI (Green Business Certification Inc.)

Country of Origin United States
EDGE Homes
EDGE Hospitality
EDGE Offices
EDGE Hospitals
Certification Scopes
EDGE Retail
EDGE Warehouses
EDGE Light Industry
EDGE Education
EDGE revolves around 3 types of measures:
1. Energy Efficiency Measures
Certification Themes
2. Water Efficiency Measures
3. Materials Efficiency Measures
There are three certification levels:
1. EDGE Certified (20% savings)
Certification Levels
2. EDGE Advanced (40% savings)
3. Zero Carbon (100% savings)
5 ongoing EDGE certified projects in Morocco
Number of certified assets
More than 500 EDGE certified projects worldwide

IV. Drivers for green building implementation

In this part, we define the term 'drivers' as the underlying motivations that prompt
stakeholders to adopt Green Building Technologies (GBTs). Various prior research works
have explored the factors influencing the adoption of green building practices and
technologies within the construction industry [Darko et al.2017].
For instance, [Love et al. 2012] identified several drivers for the adoption of sustainable
technologies in Australia, including enhancing occupant health and well-being, effective
marketing strategies, reducing the environmental impact of buildings, lowering overall life
cycle costs, marketing and landmark development opportunities, and attracting premium
clients and achieving high rental returns. Meanwhile, [Low et al. 2014] in their study on
greening buildings in Singapore highlighted drivers such as return on investments, both

locally and internationally, increasing energy expenses, corporate social responsibility, and
the motivation to enhance marketing and branding.
[Zhang et al. 2011a] uncovered significant drivers in the Chinese construction industry,
which encompassed building a green reputation and positive image, gaining a competitive
edge, committing to corporate social responsibility, reducing construction costs, developing
unique green products, and decreasing operation and maintenance expenses. Meanwhile,
[Serpell et al. 2013] emphasized corporate image, cost reduction, and market differentiation as
the primary drivers for sustainable construction in Chile.
In the UK, [Edwards, 2006] revealed that green offices contributed to a 2-3% increase in
employee productivity due to the improved workplace environment, subsequently reducing
employee absenteeism. Furthermore, numerous studies in different countries, such as South
Africa [Windapo, 2014]; [Windapo and Goulding, 2015], Turkey [Aktas and Ozorhon, 2015],
and India [Arif et al., 2009], have delved into the drivers behind the implementation of green
building practices and technologies.
In the Moroccan context, the dynamics surrounding the adoption of Green Building
Technologies (GBTs) exhibit unique drivers and considerations. While some drivers may
align with those found in other regions, Morocco's specific circumstances also play a
significant role.
Morocco's drive to adopt GBTs is influenced by several factors. First and foremost is the
nation's commitment to environmental sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint. As a
country that experiences water scarcity and environmental challenges, there is a growing
emphasis on sustainable practices in construction to mitigate these issues. Additionally,
Morocco's involvement in international climate agreements and its desire to meet renewable
energy targets further propel the adoption of green technologies in the construction sector.
Economic considerations are also pivotal in Morocco's context. The government recognizes
that sustainable construction practices can lead to cost savings over the long term. Reduced
energy consumption and lower maintenance costs are particularly appealing in a country
aiming to bolster its economic stability. Moreover, the tourism sector is vital to Morocco's
economy, and the integration of green technologies can enhance its global appeal, attracting
environmentally-conscious tourists.
Local regulations and incentives provided by the Moroccan government play a crucial role.
They encourage compliance with evolving environmental regulations and building codes,
further motivating the integration of sustainable practices.

V. Overview of barriers to undertaking green building projects

Although green buildings are attractive, environmentally friendly, and have a major role
to play in reducing GHG emissions and protecting the environment, there are several
challenges to increasing the adoption of green buildings [Azhgaliyeva and Rahut, 2022]. This
latter issue faces numerous barriers, as extensively researched by various experts across
different countries. These barriers have been investigated by a number of green building
researchers and practitioners. Prior studies have shown that barriers to GBTs and practices
adoption exist in both developed and developing countries [Albert et al, 2018]. In terms of
developed countries, Ahn and its coworkers [Ahn et al. 2013] identified the top five barriers
to green building in the US: first cost premium, long payback periods, tendency to maintain
current practices, limited subcontractor’s knowledge and skills, and higher costs of green
products and materials. [Chan et al. 2016] found resistance to change, higher costs of green

building technologies (GBTs), lack of knowledge and awareness, lack of expertise, and lack
of government incentives as the most critical barriers affecting GBTs adoption in the US.
[Hwang and Tan, 2012] and [Hwang and Ng, 2013] studied the barriers faced during green
building projects management in Singapore. They identified the following as crucial barriers:
higher costs of green equipment and materials, lack of interest and communication amongst
project team members, lack of research, lack of interest from clients and market demand,
lengthy preconstruction process, and uncertainty with green equipment and materials.
In Kong Hong, [Lam et al. 2009] showed that extra costs and delays caused by green
requirements, limited availability of reliable green suppliers, and limited knowledge were the
most dominant barriers to integrating green specifications in construction. Lack of
government incentives and promotion and high maintenance costs were identified by [Zhang
et al. 2012] as the top barriers to adopting extensive green roof systems in Hong Kong.
Regarding studies on green building barriers in developing countries such as Malaysia and
China, the identified barriers include a lack of knowledge and expertise, limited demand, and
inadequate regulations [Bin Esa et al., 2011]; [Zhang et al., 2011a, b, c]. In contrast, India,
Turkey, and Ghana encounter barriers associated with cost, education, and awareness [Aktas
and Ozorhon, 2015]; [Djokoto et al., 2014].
While there is a lack of research on the specific barriers to Green Building Technologies
(GBTs) adoption in Morocco, it's essential to note that the barriers that prevent the spread of
green building vary from country to country. Factors that are more important in one place can
be less critical in a different place due to country-specific characteristics, such as economy,
socio-political factors, and environment [Assadiki et al. 2022]. This discrepancy arises from
reconsidering and readjusting existing green building practices to the needs and capabilities of
the country [Assadiki et al. 2022]. Therefore, it's essential for Morocco, like other countries,
to assess its unique context and identify the specific barriers to GBT adoption within its
borders. Tailored strategies, including regulatory reforms, educational initiatives, financial
incentives, and industry collaboration, can then be developed to address these barriers and
promote sustainable construction practices in the country. Additionally, international best
practices and experiences from other countries with similar contexts can be leveraged to
inform Morocco's efforts in promoting green building technologies and practices.

VI. Law and regulations that framed sustainability in Morocco

As it is assessed so far, a general policy was implemented in various fields framing
sustainability in order to boost the development of the country. In urbanization sectors,
different actions were taken as shown in Table 5. Within the frame of regulations, a thermal
regulation was, for the first time, implemented to minimize the energy consumption in the
building sectors [Rharbi et al.2023].

Table 5. Moroccan Government efforts for sustainable cities.

Years Actions

2004 “Cities without slums” Program

2010 ADEREE: Development Agency of

Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency

2011 Zenata Sustainable City: CDG development,

Call for expressions of interest, New City of


2012 Benguerir Green City project: Launched by

OCP Group

2016 AMEE: Moroccan Agency for Energy


Eco-Projects: Djemaa neighbourhood,

Gueliz neighbourhood by BET International
2016 "Territorio y CUIDaD"

2017 Referential for sustainable town planning

RTCM: Implementation of Moroccan

Thermal regulations of construction by the
2018 Decree No. 2-13-874

Eco-City Benslimane: Ministry of

Development, town planning, housing and
2020 city policy; Promotion of an ecocity in

VII. Sustainable construction: Achieving notable success through green

building certifications

In the realm of sustainable construction and the pursuit of environmentally conscious

building practices, green building certifications have emerged as instrumental tools for
assessing and promoting sustainability. Among these certifications, the Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design (LEED), wich will be the main focus of this report, stands out as a
pivotal force in driving positive change. LEED has played a significant role in improving the
green building certificate system in the world. It tries to decrease negative impacts on the
environment and maximize energy efficiency, making it a cornerstone of sustainable
construction initiatives globally [Amiri et al. 2019].
[ Wu et al. 2017] conducted a comprehensive study encompassing 3412 building projects
holding LEED 2009 certificates. Notably, the majority of these projects, precisely 2770
buildings (equivalent to 81.1%), were situated within the United States. China accounted for
126 projects (3.7%), Turkey 53 (1.6%), Brazil 40 (1.2%), Chile 34 (1%), and Germany 30
(0.9%). This data underscores that the United States houses the largest share of LEED-
certified buildings. Furthermore, the global count of both LEED-certified and LEED-
registered buildings has been steadily on the rise. The additional costs associated with LEED
certification have been estimated to range from 2% to 10% of the overall project expenses
[Amiri et al. 2019]. [Uğur and Leblebici, 2018] specifically noted that the additional
construction expenses for two LEED-certified buildings, one at the Gold and the other at the
Platinum certification level, amounted to 7.43% and 9.43% of the total project costs,
respectively. In contrast, LEED-certified buildings command a rent premium of 3–5% and a
sale premium of up to 25%. Beyond these financial benefits, LEED-certified buildings offer
advantages stemming from reduced operating costs related to water and energy consumption,

maintenance, insurance, management, and security [Amiri et al. 2019]. Additionally, it is
noteworthy that certain building features can be incorporated at the design phase without
incurring extra expenses [Amiri et al. 2019]. For instance, designing buildings with an east–
west orientation can maximize the utilization of natural sunlight [Jones, 2007].

VIII. Research problem

The lack of research on the impact of LEED certification on building performance within
university campus residential buildings poses a significant knowledge gap in the context of
sustainability. With growing environmental concerns, universities seek comprehensive
indicators that extend beyond mere energy efficiency measurements, encompassing local and
societal considerations. University case studies provide an opportunity to identify successful
strategies and practices, setting benchmarks for sustainable campus development. In light of
these factors, two primary research questions emerge:

- What are the advantages, energy efficiency implications, and strategies for universities
striving to transition into green campuses through LEED certification?
- What are the key barriers that have hindered the assessment and adoption of LEED
certification within university environments?

IX. Research hypothesis

Based on the research problem and as an initial answer to it, the following hypotheses can
be presented:

- Hypothesis 1 (H1): Implementing LEED certification improves building

performance, enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in university campus
residential structures.
- Hypothesis 2 (H2): Universities strategically adopting LEED certification
demonstrate increased capacity to transition to environmentally sustainable campuses,
integrating green principles and optimizing energy use.
- Hypothesis 3 (H3): The primary barriers to LEED certification adoption in
universities are financial constraints, administrative challenges, limited awareness of
its benefits, and difficulties in accessing necessary documentation.

In conclusion, this chapter has provided a thorough overview of sustainable construction
and green building certifications, emphasizing their relevance and application within the
context of Morocco. It has discussed the global landscape of sustainable construction,
examined key certifications, highlighted drivers and barriers, and showcased case studies.
The next chapter, Chapter 3, will delve into a specific case study focused on the LEED
certification process for UM6P Rabat Accommodations. This case study will offer a detailed
analysis of the application of LEED principles in a real-world context, providing valuable
insights into the challenges and successes of pursuing green building certification in Morocco.

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 Apendix 1: use types and categories

 Appendix 2: Total floor area

 Appendix 3: Commitment letter

 Appendix 4: Thermal balance- Excerpt from the Ventilation Sizing
Note of this Project.

Appendix 5: Ventilation monitoring equipment cut sheet)

 Appendix 6: Densely occupied spaces

 Appendix 7: Flush-Out Report


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