Verbs Definition & Types

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plus catatan inten <3

Verbs Kata Kerja

verb is a word or combination of words that Indicates action and condition.

erp subsetofenglish sentences -

Kata kerja inimemiliki
peran yang in
besar terhadap sebuah Kalimat
SCr EY/PUEBI (B. Indo) verba=> predikat
bisd seperti
· BASIC Forms ofverbs. dan sebuah Kalimatdapat dikatakan
1. Base--Childern play the
football -
in field "tidak logis/tidak bako"tanpanya.
2. Infinitive -

Tell them not to play

past tense -
they playedfootball last week

4 past principle I have played with them yesterday


present principle I heard them playing at night

Gerund I don't mindhelping

you with the balls.
6. -

verb with-ing yang dalam Kaliman sebagainoun/kata benda.

be usedin the
Transitive (can Intrasitive (cannot be used in the
passive voice)
passive voices
setelah rb ->
object verbs berdiri sendiri
↳ adverb of
Membutuhkan ↓ diskutiKeterangan/manner/
Predikat objek
gives the preview of "her Pelengkap
verb I predicate ngan
writings to Adore Pla ex: DaFFY whispers so softly
Rion Stole DAFFY's that almost pia couldnot
predikat/ direct indirect them.
verb object predicate
object ->

DIA can to the nearest

PIA ordered mixue book store adverb

verb direct OFplace/

object Keterangan.

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