Equity Research Report Varun Beverages LTD 1700908867
Equity Research Report Varun Beverages LTD 1700908867
Equity Research Report Varun Beverages LTD 1700908867
VBL has been granted franchisees for various PepsiCo products across 27 Nifty 50 VBL
States and 7 Union Territories in India (responsible for 90% beverage sales
volume of PepsiCo India). VBL has also been granted the franchise for the
territories of Nepal, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Zambia and Zimbabwe. India is the
largest market and contributed 80% of revenues from operations (net) in Fiscal
Global Economy
Global GDP Projections (%)
The global economy witnessed a slowdown in CY 2022 due to 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0%
multiple factors, including ongoing effects of COVID-19, Russia and
Ukraine war, tightening financial conditions, high inflation and World
increased cost of living. This has resulted in a decrease in global
growth from 6.0% in CY 2021 to 3.2% in CY 2022. Advanced Economies
Central banks across the globe are fighting with inflation by rate
hikes. The recent conflict between Israel and Gaza could pose Emerging Economies
challenges in energy cost and supply chain smoothening.
The global growth is projected to fall from an estimated 3.5% in CY
2022 to 3.0% in both CY 2023 and CY 2024.
Due to the above issues, the global economy grew at a slower pace of
3.5% in CY 2022 as against 6.0% in CY 2021.
The developed economies grew at 2.7% in CY 2022 against 5.2% in CY Morocco
2021. The emerging and developing economies grew at 4.0% in CY
2022 against 6.6% in CY 2021. Zambia
The rise in central bank policy rates to fight inflation continues to Zimbabwe
weigh on economic activity. Global headline inflation is expected to
fall from 8.7 percent in 2022 to 6.8 percent in 2023 and 5.2 percent in India
2024. Underlying (core) inflation is projected to decline more
gradually, and forecasts for inflation in 2024 have been revised
upward. 2022A 2023P 2024P
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024P 2025P In CY 2022, India posted a growth of 7.2% which was above the global
growth of 3.5%. India was also able to beat the GDP growth rate of
Emerging and Developing Economies which was 4.1%.
India is expected to remain one of the fastest-growing economies in
India Global the world due to robust domestic demand. The IMF has forecasted
Source: IMF, World Bank, RBI India’s GDP growth to be 6.3% in CY 2023-24 which is greater than the
forecasted global GDP growth of 3.0%.
Indian GDP Quarterly Growth -Actual vs
On the demand front, urban consumption is flat while rural demand
16.0% Projected is showing signs of revival. Investment activity is benefitting from
14.0% public sectors capex. Further, Inflation is expected to be soften and
within the targeted range soon.
With strong levers of strong credit growth, resilient financial markets,
10.0% and the government’s continued thrust on capital spending
of other emerging economies.
Q2FY22 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q1FY23 Q2FY23 Q3FY23 Q4FY23 Q1FY24
Actual Projected
The global FMCG market size was valued at $11,490.9 billion in 2021 20000
and is projected to reach $18,939.4 billion by 2031, registering a
CAGR of 5.1% from 2022 to 2031. Growth is driven by increasing 15000
consumer awareness of FMCG products, growing population in the
middle disposable income category, strong distribution channel 10000
system in the market. Easier availability of goods used by common
people is also contributing to the growth of the market. Changes in 5000
consumer lifestyles in developed and developing countries are also
boosting market growth. 0
21A 22P 23P 24P 25P 26P 27P 28P 29P 30P 31P
According to data published by Un.org in 2018, about 55% of the Source: Allied Market Research
world's population currently lives in urban areas, and this number is
expected to rise to 68% by 2050. It is projected that an additional 2.5 Leading Global Beverage Company Sales
billion people may live in urban areas by 2050, with approximately (In $Mn)
90% of this growth occurring in Asia and Africa.
Suntory Holdings Ltd. 19717
According to the FMCG market forecast, the food and beverage Diageo PLC 24785
segment gained a major share of the global market by product type in
Starbucks Corp. 32250
2021 and is expected to maintain its market share during the forecast
period. Growth in disposable income, multicultural inclusion and PepsiCo Inc. 36283
population growth is driving the food and beverage business. The The Coca-Cola Co. 43000
transition to a healthier diet has significantly affected the growth of Nestle SA 45167
the food and beverage business.
Anheuser-Busch InBev 57786
Indian Beverage Market by Region Given its increased penetration into rural markets, changing
demographics, and expanding middle class, the Indian beverage
industry has a lot of room to grow in the coming years. Also,
9% customers are prepared to spend more on niche and luxury goods as
a result of the increase in per capita income.
24% 38%
The industry is expanding as a result of urbanization, since more
people are moving to cities and having more disposable income. The
three primary product categories that make up India's soft drink
market are bottled water, juices, and carbonates. In terms of value,
carbonates is the largest category.
Source: Maximize Market Research, Multiple Reports
North West South East
Indian Food and Beverage Market Size
Revenue Share of Major Players (In Crores) –
(In $Bn)
6380 600.00
Quarterly Trends
Revenue grew up 49.3% YOY EBITDA grew from 18.9% to 21.2% YOY
60,000 16,000 30.0%
50,000 25.0%
40,000 20.0%
20,000 10.0%
10,000 5.0%
0 0 0.0%
Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23
180 25.0%
175 20.0%
170 15.0%
165 10.0%
160 5.0%
155 0.0%
Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23
Management Analysis
Below are the details and experience of Management
Independent Directors
Below are the details and experience of Management
The company has strong management with vast experience and technical expertise. Further, the independent directors come from
diversified industries and include dignified professions such as Cardiothoracic Surgeon, mechanical engineering, advocate, etc. Basis on our
screening of publicly available data, we do not found any prominent political connections of leadership and independent directors with
national and regional political parties. Further, we do not found any conflict of interest of Independent directors with the company, as
The current Managing Director of the company Mr. Varun Jaipuria has been actively working with the Company since 2009 and has been
instrumental in comprehensive development of Company’s business including acquisitions and integration of acquired territories. Under
his leadership, Varun Beverages was awarded PepsiCo’s Best Bottler in AMESA (Africa, Middle East and South Asia) sector in 2021 in
recognition of Company’s operational excellence, governance practices and sustainability initiatives. The top and bottom line of the
company has grown 3.42x and 13.71x respectively from 2015 to 2022. Mr. Varun Jaipuria has been actively working for the company for 13
years, other directors have been associated with the company for more than 26 years.
Shareholding Pattern
The company has majority of its shareholding with Promoters of 63.09%. As on September, 2023, Promoters are holding 63.09%, FIIs are
holding 27.55%, DIIs are holding 3.36% and public holding is at 6.01%. The Promoters Pledging stood at 0.04% shares of their holdings in
December 2021 and stands flat at 0.04%. Promoter’s Shareholding has been reduced from 73.66% in March 2017 to 63.09% in quarter
ended in September 2023. Though, there is a decrease in promoter holdings, it is not significant to conclude management’s strategic exit
from the business.
10% 5%
0% 0%
Sep-21 Dec-21 Mar-22 Jun-22 Sep-22 Dec-22 Mar-23 Jun-23 Sep-23 Sep-21 Dec-21 Mar-22 Jun-22 Sep-22 Dec-22 Mar-23 Jun-23 Sep-23
Management Remuneration
During FY22, the company has incurred managerial remuneration of INR 497.32 million as against INR 263.76 million in FY21 (88.55% increase
in YoY basis). The details are as under:
Name Designation Ratio of Remuneration with FY22 FY21 Growth in Sales Growth Net Profit
median employee salary (x) Remuneration YoY% Growth YoY%
Mr. Ravi Jaipuria Non-Executive Chairman 199 73.46 - - 49.30% 100.99%
Mr. Varun Jaipuria Executive Vice-Chairman 148 54.69 48.39 13.02% 49.30% 100.99%
& Whole-time Director
Mr. Raj Gandhi Whole-time Director 153 56.60 63.47 -10.82% 49.30% 100.99%
Mr. Kapil Agarwal Whole-time Director 641 237.21 78.60 201.79% 49.30% 100.99%
Mr. Rajinder Jeet Whole-time Director 142 52.45 40.49 29.54% 49.30% 100.99%
Singh Bagga
Mr. Rajesh Chawla Chief Financial Officer 26 9.61 3.4 182.65% 49.30% 100.99%
Mr. Ravi Batra Chief Risk Officer & 36 13.30 10.99 21.02% 49.30% 100.99%
Group Company
Mr. Vikas Bhatia Chief Financial Officer - - 18.42 - 49.30% 100.99%
Total 497.32 263.76 88.55% 49.30% 100.99%
Median ratio of Key Managerial Personnel remuneration with median employee salary is 148x.
We have observed variation in revenue growth of the company and growth in KMP remuneration. The revenue grew at 26.89% CAGR over
the last 5 years and 22.71% CARG in the last 3 years. Whereas, the KMP remuneration has increased by 19.85% CAGR over last 5 years and
increased by 40.03% over last 3 years.
Board Efficiency
Basis our research, Board of Directors (BOD) has adequate representation of independent directors, industry experts, finance and legal
experts as required by the statue.
The efficiency of BOD can be gauged with their contribution in various important meetings held in FY22. The details are as under:
During FY22, the company has been supervised by the BOD efficiently as majority of members of the board have attended all the board
meetings which shows good participation by the board in key matters discussed during the year and helped the company in taking effective
Quarterly Snapshot
FY22 FY23
Particulars (INR Mn)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3E Q4E
Net Revenues 28,275 49,548 31,766 22,142 38,930 56,110 37,586 25,973
Total Expenditure 22,965 37,042 24,776 19,067 30,949 41,010 29,044 22,084
EBITDA 5,310 12,506 6,990 3,075 7,981 15,100 8,542 3,889
EBITDA Margins (%) 18.8% 25.2% 22.0% 13.9% 20.5% 26.9% 22.7% 15.0%
Depreciation 1,313 1,531 1,531 1,797 1,722 1,720 1,790 1,795
Interest 470 464 453 475 626 690 500 490
Other Income 85 105 106 92 101 420 122 106
Profit before EO expense 3,612 10,616 5,112 896 5,734 13,110 6,374 1,710
Extraordinary Expense - - - - - - - -
Profit before Tax 3,612 10,616 5,112 896 5,734 13,110 6,374 1,710
Tax Rate (%) 25.0% 24.5% 22.6% 9.0% 23.5% 23.0% 22.0% 22.0%
Net Profit 2,542 7,874 3,810 748 4,291 10,050 4,806 1,256
Net Profit Margins (%) 9.0% 15.9% 12.0% 3.4% 11.0% 17.9% 12.8% 4.8%
Annual Snapshot
Particulars (INR Mn) FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23E FY24E
Sales 40,035 51,053 71,296 64,501 88,232 131,731 161,894 188,385
YoY Change % 3.7% 27.5% 39.7% -9.5% 36.8% 49.3% 22.9% 16.4%
Material Cost 18,101 22,441 32,194 27,639 40,347 62,612 76,147 88,094
Employee Cost 4,628 5,830 8,108 8,897 10,077 12,166 14,510 16,653
Other Cost 8,947 12,716 16,517 15,946 21,262 29,072 36,150 41,657
Total Expenses 31,676 40,987 56,819 52,482 71,686 103,850 126,807 146,404
Total Expenses % of Sales 79.1% 80.3% 79.7% 81.4% 81.2% 78.8% 78.3% 77.7%
EBITDA 8,359 10,066 14,477 12,019 16,546 27,881 35,087 41,981
EBITDA Margins (%) 20.9% 19.7% 20.3% 18.6% 18.8% 21.2% 21.7% 22.3%
Depreciation 3,466 3,851 4,886 5,287 5,313 6,172 7,385 8,229
EBIT 4,893 6,215 9,591 6,732 11,233 21,709 27,703 33,752
EBIT Margin (%) 12.2% 12.2% 13.5% 10.4% 12.7% 16.5% 17.1% 17.9%
Interest Expenses 2,122 2,126 3,096 2,811 1,847 1,861 2,357 1,728
Other Income 125 218 425 370 679 388 512 550
Profit Before Tax & EO Item 2,896 4,308 6,919 4,290 10,066 20,236 26,082 31,521
Extraordinary Item - - - -665 - - - -
Profit Before Tax 2,896 4,308 6,919 3,625 10,066 20,236 26,082 31,521
Tax 769 1,339 2,241 52 2,606 4,735 6,263 7,542
Net Profit 2,102 2,928 4,690 3,290 6,941 14,974 19,551 23,692
Net Profit Margins (%) 5.3% 5.7% 6.6% 5.1% 7.9% 11.4% 12.1% 12.6%
EBITDA Margins
Inventory 0 16%
FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23E FY24E
While company’s revenue growth and growth in Inventory is
almost aligned, there is a marginal decline witnessed in EBITDA EBITDA Margins
Inventory days during FY22 (116 days vs 131 days in FY21).
Considering the size and scale of companies operations, the
inventory days seems to be normal.
6 Days
CAPEX 1000
4 Days
500 2 Days
During FY22 the company invested in various expansion projects 0 0 Days
including Rs. 6300 million for greenfield expansion in Bihar and FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22
Jammu and brownfield expansion at Sandila facility. Amount of
Rs. 2500 million towards brownfield expansion in Zimbabwe and Debtors Debtor Days
Morocco. Additionally, Rs. 3700 million for purchasing land for
capacity expansion in future years.
As of 31st December 2022, the company had a CWIP of Capex
approximately Rs. 6066 million for further greenfield expansion
in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh and for FY23 brownfield 25,800
expansion at six existing plants in India. The total Net CAPEX
estimated for FY2023 is around 15,000 million.
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22
Net Debt stood at Rs. 34,096 million as on Dec 31, 2022 as
against Rs. 30,053 million as on Dec 31, 2021. Net Debt increased
on account of Greenfield expansion in Rajasthan and Madhya Debt
Pradesh and Brownfield expansion at six plants for FY2023 in 34,096
India. 32,461
30,158 30,053
As of June 30th, 2023, net debt stands at Rs. 31,716 million 26,715
showing a decrease from Rs. 34,096 million reported in Dec 31st,
2022. The debt figures includes 9,000 million for CWIP and
Capital Advances allocated for the CAPEX planned in
Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Odisha for the FY2024 season.
The company’s financial leverage remains solid and Debt-Equity
and Debt-EBITDA ratio stands at 0.48x and 0.96x respectively.
FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22
Average Total Asset 4,628 5,050 5,637 7,187 8,411 9,013 10,599
Average Shareholder Equity 959 1,732 1,884 2,663 3,426 3,802 4,591
Equity Multiplier (C) 4.83 2.92 2.99 2.70 2.46 2.37 2.31
Return on Equity (A*B*C) 4.42% 12.14% 15.54% 17.61% 9.60% 18.26% 32.62%
Return on Asset
Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 Dec-21 Dec-22
Net Profit 42 210 293 469 329 694 1,497
Average Total Asset 4,628 5,050 5,637 7,187 8,411 9,013 10,599
Return on Asset 0.92% 4.16% 5.20% 6.53% 3.91% 7.70% 14.13%
Return on Asset (A*B) 0.92% 4.16% 5.20% 6.53% 3.91% 7.70% 14.13%
DuPont Summary
ROE of Varun Beverages made a low of 9.60% in FY2020 due to COVID-19 Pandemic, which now has rose to Pre-Covid levels and
currently at 32.62% as of 31 Deceember 2022.
ROE has been increased significantly in past 7 years from 4.42% to 32.62%. The company was able to increase the net margins from
1.10% in FY2016 to 11.37% in FY2022. Asset efficiency of the company is significantly improved, leading to increase in ROE. The
Financial Leverage has seen a slight decrese in recent years.
ROA of Varun Beverages has been increased from 0.92% in FY2016 to 14.13% in FY2022. This significant increase is due to Improved
margins and asset efficiency.
Peer Comparison
Peer Stock Performance (1Y) - Indexed
Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23
VBL Hatsun Agro Bikaji Foods Mrs Bectors Dodla Dairy Parag Milk Foods
# Name CMP Mkt Cap PEG P/E Debt Int Coverage EBITDA (%) ROCE % ROE % EV /EBITDA
1 Varun Beverages 1003 130245 1.3 65.2 3726.4 11.9 23% 27% 34% 37.4
2 Hatsun Agro 1110 24732 8.7 107.9 1973.5 3.3 11% 11% 13% 32.5
3 Bikaji Foods 524 13101 4.0 76.0 180.0 30.2 14% 18% 14% 46.9
4 Mrs Bectors 1214 7141 3.2 63.7 127.3 14.0 15% 21% 18% 33.2
5 Dodla Dairy 736 4377 2.0 32.1 42.4 128.8 8% 16% 13% 17.6
6 Parag Milk Foods 221 2592 -11.3 29.9 541.4 2.3 6% 10% 10% 16.1
Source: Screener.in
Academic Research Project – Not a Recommendation
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