Page Industries: Revenue Growth Improves While Margins Decline
Page Industries: Revenue Growth Improves While Margins Decline
Page Industries: Revenue Growth Improves While Margins Decline
Result Update
volume growth). As per the management, growth was broad based- men’s,
womenwear and athleisure reported good growth. Kidswear continues to
be the key focus area of the company. The management highlighted that
green shoots were visible, with a gradual pick-up in footfalls across its
exclusive branded outlets (EBOs). Realisations increased 2.7% YoY to Particulars
| 166.8/ piece in Q2FY20, with the management affirming its guidance to Particular Amount
increase prices by 4-5% for FY20E. Overall revenues grew 12.3% YoY to Market Capitalisation (| Crore) 26,691.2
| 775.4 crore. EBITDA margins for the quarter declined 270 bps YoY to
Debt (FY19) (| Crore) 72.5
18.0%, owing to lower gross margins (down 180 bps YoY), higher sales
Cash (FY19) (| Crore) 44.1
incentives and employee expenses. However, the management has affirmed
EV (| Crore) 26,719.7
its stance of maintaining EBITDA margins of 20-21% for FY20E.
52 week H/L 28200 / 17140
Products, distribution enhancement to aid revenue growth Equity Capital (| Crore) 11.2
For H1FY20, revenues grew 7% YoY to | 1610 crore, with volume growth of Face Value (|) 10.0
Our earnings estimates remain largely unchanged. We pencil in revenue and Bharat Chhoda
[email protected]
earnings CAGR of 11% and 18%, respectively, in FY19-21E. Driven by higher
focus on product quality & innovation, coupled with enhancement of Cheragh Sidhwa
distribution reach, we believe that Page could benefit from the improvement [email protected]
in the market scenario. A sustainable improvement in volume trajectory
would remain the key monitorable ahead. We ascribe a HOLD rating to the
stock with a revised target price of | 23430 (earlier: | 23490).
PBT 132.1 137.2 142.0 -7.0 185.3 -28.7 Lower other income (down 47% YoY), led to PBT decline of 7% YoY
Tax Outgo 17.5 34.6 49.4 -64.5 60.8 -71.2
Lower effective tax rate (13.3% vs. 35.0% in Q2FY19) boosted PAT
PAT 114.5 102.6 92.6 23.6 124.4 -8.0
Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research
The company has enriched the kids product portfolio by adding 100
styles with multiple SKUs and rolled out the presence in top 50 cities.
Another significant step has been the setting up of a national sales
team for the kids segment with a sales force of 100 sales personnel
and headed by a separate national head. The company has
appointed ~150 distributors (40 exclusive distributors for the kids
segment) and has extended its reach by addition of 2000 multi brand
outlets to its kids segment network in Q2FY20
% | crore
FY14 Q4FY15 20.2
Q1FY15 54 153.8 Q3FY15 377
FY15 21.1
Q2FY15 50 Q4FY15 372
Q1FY16 22.4
Exhibit 6: Valuation
Q3FY15 45 FY15 1,514
Q2FY16 21.7
(| cr)
Q4FY15 47 Q1FY16 445
Q3FY16 18.7
Exhibit 3: Revenue trend
FY15 196.0
Exhibit 4: EBITDA margin trend
Financial story in charts
FY16 1,796
Q4FY16 57 Q2FY17 20.1
FY16 231.5 Q1FY17 569
Q3FY17 18.8
Q1FY17 68 Q2FY17 534
Q2FY17 69 Q4FY17 19.6 Q3FY17 528
Q3FY17 63 FY17 19.4 Q4FY17 497
Q4FY17 67 Q1FY18 19.6 FY17 2,129
FY17 266.3 Q2FY18 20.5 Q1FY18 697
Q1FY18 85 Q3FY18 20.8 Q2FY18 626
Q2FY18 84 Q3FY18 621
Q4FY18 24.1
Q3FY18 83 Q4FY18 608
Q4FY18 94 FY18 21.2
FY18 2,551
FY18 347.0 Q1FY19 23.2
Q1FY19 815
Q1FY19 124 Q2FY19 20.7
Q2FY19 691
Q2FY19 93 Q3FY19 22.4
Q3FY19 738
Q3FY19 102 Q4FY19 19.7
Q4FY19 75 Q4FY19 608
FY19 21.6 FY19 2,852
FY19 394.0
Q1FY20 22.4 Q1FY20 835
Q1FY20 111
Q2FY20 115 Q2FY20 19.2 Q2FY20 775
FY20E 461.1 FY20E 20.8 FY20E 3,111
FY21E 544.8 FY21E 21.3 FY21E 3,519
ICICI Direct Research
Result Update | Page Industries ICICI Direct Research
20,020 50.0
15,020 40.0
5,020 10.0
20 0.0
Price Idirect target Consensus Target Mean % Consensus with Buy
Source: Bloomberg, Company, ICICI Direct Research
Financial summary
Exhibit 11: Profit and loss statement | crore Exhibit 12: Cash flow statement | crore
(Year-end March) FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E (Year-end March) FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E
Total operating Income 2,551.4 2,852.2 3,110.6 3,519.4 Profit after tax 347.0 394.0 461.1 544.8
Growth (%) 19.9 11.8 9.1 13.1 Add: Depreciation 28.0 31.1 36.4 40.3
Raw Material Expenses 1,087.3 1,196.7 1,307.5 1,470.1 (Inc)/dec in Current Assets (12.4) (190.7) (69.2) (114.1)
Employee Expenses 406.5 467.5 528.8 587.7 Inc/(dec) in CL and Provisions 116.3 (10.2) 14.6 18.1
Other Expenses 516.8 571.0 628.1 710.7 Others - - - -
Total Operating Expenditure 2,010.7 2,235.2 2,464.4 2,768.5 CF from operating activities 478.9 224.2 443.0 489.1
EBITDA 540.7 617.0 646.1 751.0 (Inc)/dec in Investments (165.9) 218.0 (50.0) (70.0)
Growth (%) 30.9 14.1 4.7 16.2 (Inc)/dec in Fixed Assets (29.8) (93.7) (65.0) (48.0)
Depreciation 28.0 31.1 36.4 40.3 (Inc)/dec in CWIP (34.4) 51.3 2.2 -
EBIT 512.7 585.9 609.7 710.6 Others (0.2) 23.0 (3.1) 1.5
Growth (%) 32.0 14.3 4.1 16.6 CF from investing activities (230.3) 198.5 (115.9) (116.5)
Interest 16.6 16.3 15.0 14.0 Issue/(Buy back) of Equity - - - -
Other Income 21.5 36.4 21.8 31.7 Inc/(dec) in loan funds (38.1) 23.0 (26.9) (5.6)
PBT 517.6 606.1 616.4 728.3 Others (164.1) (468.5) (278.3) (328.9)
Growth (%) 31.1 17.1 1.7 18.1 CF from financing activities (202.2) (445.5) (305.2) (334.4)
Total Tax 170.5 212.1 155.3 183.5 Net Cash flow 46.4 (22.8) 21.9 38.1
PAT 347.0 394.0 461.1 544.8 Opening Cash 20.5 66.9 44.1 65.9
Growth (%) 30.3 13.5 17.0 18.1 Closing Cash 66.9 44.1 65.9 104.1
EPS (|) 311.1 353.2 413.4 488.4 Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research
Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research
ICICI Direct endeavors to provide objective opinions and recommendations. ICICI Direct assigns ratings to its
stocks according to their notional target price vs. current market price and then categorizes them as Buy, Hold,
Reduce and Sell. The performance horizon is two years unless specified and the notional target price is defined
as the analysts' valuation for a stock
Buy: >15%
Hold: -5% to 15%;
Reduce: -15% to -5%;
Sell: <-15%
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