Appendix A

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Appendices Lump-Sum

Engineering Services for the Development of Surumana Multi- Purpose Dam in

Donggala District, Central Sulawesi Province

A. Background

1. The Terms of Reference (ToR) is the outline of the scope of works, deliverables and work
program for the Preparation of Surumana Multi-Purpose Dam Project in Donggala District,
Central Sulawesi Province. The services to be sourced to a single firm or association of
consultant firms are under the assignment of Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery through
Better Engineering Services Project (ESP)14, which are financed by the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) and counterpart funding of the Government of Indonesia. The assignment will
contribute to achievement of the Government’s 2015-2019 National Medium-Term
Development Plan (RPJMN)15.

2. The services to be provided by Consultant will be based on the previous dam potential study
conducted for Surumana Multi-Purpose Dam as follows:

Table 1. Surumana Multi-Purpose Dam Previous Study

No. Study Year
1 FS reservoir of Sulung River 2015
Basin Donggala District

2 Composing in the Palu Lariang 2015

River Basin management plan
stage 2

3 Detail Design of Surumana Dam in 2016

Donggala District

4 Environmental Impact Assessment

Surumana Dam in Donggala 2016

5 LARAP Surumana Dam in 2017

Donggala District

3. Surumana Riven Basin Map is illustrated in the following figure:

Surumana Dam will be built on Surumana River, at Village of Ongulara and Malino,
Bawana Selatan District and it is ± 57 km from Palu City. Geographically, Surumana
dam is located at 57 '9.36" South Latitude — 1 19036'48.77" East Longitude.

Surumana Dam will be designed as random earth fill with vertical core.

14 ADB. 2016. Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Technical Assistance
Loan to the Republic of Indonesia for the Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery through Better Engineering Services
Project. Manila. (Loan 3455-INO).
15 Government of Indonesia. 2015. Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah National, 2015–2019. Jakarta. (National

Medium-Term Development Plan).

IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

The Technical Data of Surumana Dam can be seen in this table below.

Dam Purpose :
Irrigation 2,100 ha
Fish Pond 500 ha
Bulk Water 0.2 m3/s
Micro Hydropower 1.5 MW
Technical Data
River Surumana
Watershed Area 199.70 km2
Annual Rainfall 395.76 mm/yr
Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) 395.76 mm
Flood Discharge Q25 : 484.74 m3/ s
Q100 : 558.47 m3/ s
Q1000 : 661.08 m3/ s
QPMF : 1897.02 m3/s
Maximum Reservoir Storage 61.228 Million m3
Normal Reservoir Storage 45.139 Million m3
Effective Storage 33.535 Million m3
Dead Storage 11.603 Million m3
Bottom Outlet Elv. 94 m
Normal Water level Elv. 89 m
Flood Water Lever Elv. 12.851 m
Type Box Culvert with horseshoe type
Size 5m x 5m
Thickness of wall 1m
Diversion Length 330 m
Tunnel Slope 0.005
Bottom Elevation Inlet of Tunnel El. 42 m
Bottom Elevation Outlet of Tunnel El. 40 m
Dam Body
Type Random Fill Dam
Dam Crest Length 306.23 m
Dam Crest Width 10m
Dam Crest Elevation El. 95 m
Dam Height 53 m
Upstream Slope 1:3
Downstream slope 1 : 2.5
Type Side Spillway, Ogee
Length of Spillway 80 m
Height 7m
Discharge QPMF 1747.905 m3/ s
Normal Elevation El. 89 m
Elevation at QPMF El. 92.911 m

The technical data above still needs to be checked again and it is possible to conduct a
review of whether the type of dam with the dimensions specified is in accordance with the
conditions at the location that is at risk of an earthquake.
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4. Location Map of Surumana Dam

Figure 1. Surumana River Basin

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B. Objective of the Assignment

1. The DGWR seeks to appoint a suitable qualified Consultant for the preparation of Surumana
multi-purpose dam to be implemented under the Engineering Service Project (ESP)
2. The consultant will review and update engineering and associated works for the dam as
a. Feasibility study, following to Ministerial Regulation No. 10/PRT/M/2015 and the
guideline of Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP-IHA)16 and which
includes technical, economic, social, and environmental feasibility;
b. Environmental Impact Assessments / AMDAL;
c. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP) documents;
d. Environmental and Social Safeguards documents;
e. Detailed engineering design (DED) and dam certification process;
f. Bill of Quantity, Cost Estimates and Bidding documents.

The consultant will apply highly assurance standards in the preparation of dam
projects and supervise by PIUs responsible to DGWR.

C. Scope of Services, Tasks, and Deliverables

1. The services implemented over a period of 12 months.

2. Before review of the studies that have been carried out at the Surumana Dam, these studies
below must be done first.
i) Seismic hazard assessment and seismic hazard analysis studies that will determine
whether the dam is feasible or not related to the magnitude of the earthquake at the dam
ii) Potential liquefaction at the location of dams and reservoir area.

3. Feasibility Study
a. The Consultant will prepare Feasibility Study (FS) for Surumana Dam Development
with the provisions of the following:
i. Law No. 17 Year 2019 regarding Water Resources;
ii. MPWH Ministerial Decree No. 27 Year 2015 regarding Dams17;
iii. Ministerial Regulation No. 10/PRT/M/2015;
iv. Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP-IHA).

b. The Consultant should check previous FS Surumana Dam, in case need to be revised,
before deciding to do the analysis and survey as follows:
i. Analysis of topographical conditions for dam site plan, access road, quarry and
borrow area, material storage, disposal area and inundation area;
ii. Geological analysis related to dam site, location of dam materials, and inundation
iii. Hydrological analysis of the catchment area;
iv. Analysis of population in dam site, inundation, and benefits in recipient’s area;
v. Social, economic, and cultural analyses in dam site, inundation, and recipient’s

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IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

vi. Technical, economic, social and environmental feasibility analyses, including life
time of service and each alternative plan of dam;
vii. Alternatives Dam Location (minimum 3);
viii. Basic design of dam;
ix. Dam utilities.

The consultant firm shall assess the feasibility location to determine the most feasible
location for dam construction.

3. Survey, Investigations, and Studies

Provisional sums provided to finance the surveys, investigations and studies implemented by
Sub-consultants, as listed below:
i. Seismic Hazard diffraction
ii. Geoelectrical survey for potential liquefaction at the dam and reservoir area
iii. Topographical survey and mapping (LIDAR)
iv. Geotechnical survey
v. Geological survey and mapping
vi. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) / AMDAL Study
vii. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP)
viii. Environmental and Social Safeguard surveys and studies
ix. Hydraulic Model Test.

The contracted consultant will need approval from the owner to implement these surveys. The
Terms of Reference will be prepared under supervision of the owners, together with the detailed
Bill of Quantity and costs.

Surveys and investigation should refer to the guidelines of Pedoman Kriteria Umum Disain Bendungan No.

Topographical Survey and Mapping:

 Conduct topographical mapping using LiDAR;
 Scale of 1: 5000; of the project area included their facilities;
 Stripe survey of the access road traces: situation, long-section and cross-section scale 1:
2000 (L) and 1: 200 (cross);
 Regional measurement dam inundation scale of 1: 5000 including the greenbelt;
 Binding of geodetic control network to the closest triangulation point (XYZ);
 Measurement of detailed situation of dam site (dam axis) scale of 1: 2000;
 Measuring the access road traces;
 Measuring long-section and cross-section of dams axis scale 1 : 200 – 1 : 500 ;
 Measuring long-section and cross-section of spillway scale 1 : 100; and
 Landscaping
Geological survey and investigation:
 Consist of surface geology investigation and sub-surface geology investigation (core drilling,
seismic, and neo-tectonic survey);
 Assignments to the sub-consultant are to conduct geotechnical investigation, laboratory test,
material research for SHA and other necessary data in such way that the results meet
applicable quality standards;
 Conduct neo-tectonic survey to investigate active fault;
 Seismic and geological diffraction;
 Liquefaction dan geoelectrical to know landslides
 Laboratory investigations.


IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

Geotechnical investigation:
 Define Borrow area and Quarry aggregate deposits, location, and transportation facilities,
laboratory test result;
 Geotechnical investigation data, logs of test pits and drill holes, interpretations, and soil
 Percolation tests and ground water condition;
 Borrow area and aggregate deposits, location, and transportation facilities, laboratory test
Hydrometric and Sediment Survey:
 Updating hydrological climate survey and data collection;
 Updating rainfall and water discharge observation;
 Sediment survey and water quality laboratory analysis.
Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan (LARAP):
Among studies that will have to be conducted are the identification of land acquisition objects,
and affected land and non-land assets, as well as the replacement cost study (RCS) to be
conducted by a property appraiser licensed by the Ministry of Finance or BPN. The consultant
will also carry out the following basic of assessments.
(i) fair replacement value (this value can be understood as a value based on the interests of
the owner);
(ii) market value equivalence;
(iii) non-physical losses caused by the compulsory right relinquishment of property owner;
(iv) property ownership is not limited to ownership rights, but can be interpreted as the control,
management and use of property in accordance with applicable laws and regulations or
according to the agreed scope of the assignment;
(v) valuation date is the announcement date site determination for development for the public
interest in accordance with the applicable legislations; and
(vi) value adding should be calculated based on the risks incurred from owner potential losses
and measured appropriately.

Environmental safeguards study:

The consultant will:
(i) prepare the categorization in line with government regulations and ADB Safeguards Policy
Statement (2009);
(ii) prepare the environmental impact assessment (EIAs or AMDAL);
(iii support the approval process of the EIA with government authorities. In undertaking the study on
) the Environmental Impact Assessment as per ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009)19
requirements the Consultant will define and discuss the affected environment and the
environmental consequences (both beneficial and adverse) of the proposed action, and of each
and every viable alternative, including the "no action" alternative, while ensuring that they are as
per government requirements. It will include an assessment of:
existing environment and its physical characteristics;
biological, ecological, man-made, socio-economic and cultural characteristics; and
the environmental impact, thereof.

An integral part of the environmental assessment will be the social safeguards mechanisms that will need
to be assessed by the Consultant and will include processing of the required permits and licenses. All
projects must comply with the review and clearance procedures specified under Indonesia’s environmental
system and following ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) requirements.

Social safeguards study:

The consultant will:
(i) Undertake a detailed assessment of condition of land ownership and land use based on current
conditions with reference to detailed design (inundation area, dam site and access road);

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IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

(ii) prepare the categorization in line with ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (2009) and
government regulations;
(iii Prepare and supervise the subcontract for socio economic survey and consultations; prepare the
) land acquisition and resettlement Action plan (LARAP) in accordance with ADB Safeguards
(iv) Policy Statement (2009) and government regulations including cost estimates ensuring that
appropriate measures are taken to mitigate any negative social impacts and giving special
attention to vulnerable groups and severally affected persons; coordinate with local government
authorities for the preparation of a livelihood restoration program if needed; and
(v) support the implementing agency to obtain the land acquisition determination permit (izin lokasi)
and in implementation of the LARAP until delivery of compensation.

4. Detailed Engineering Design (DED)

a. The DED shall be prepared based on these regulations:
i) General Dam Design Criteria by Dam Safety Commission as listed in Water
Resources General Director / Head of Dam Safety Commission Decree No.
ii) MPWH Ministerial Regulation No. 27/PRT/M/2015 regarding Dams.
b. The Consultant should check previous DED Surumana Dam (2017), in case need to be
revised, before deciding to do the scope of DED work will be the dam and its
appurtenances as follows:
i) Technical drawings of dam plan, including its supporting buildings and facilities
related to dam construction and inundation map;
ii) Design note, which includes all design criteria to prepare engineering design and the
associated calculations;
iii) Technical specifications, to obtain the required quality and equipment to be used in the
iv) Implementation method, which at least includes the avoidance of river flow,
hoarding of dam body, installation of hydro-mechanical equipment, etc.;
v) Calculation of budget plan for construction, which includes work volumes and the
associated costs.

5. Dam Design Certification.

The Consultant will provide assistance to DGWR in securing the approval of the dam design
by the Ministry of Public Work and Housing through Dam Safety Commission. In this regard,
the consultant will prepare all additional documents, reports and analysis, as may be required.

6. Bill of Quantity, Cost Estimate and Bidding documents preparation.

The Consultant will undertake preparation and finalization of the following activities, but not
limited to:
(i) Bill of Quantity, Cost Estimate and bid documents, civil contractual agreements;
(ii) assist during project pre-bid consultations;
(iii) bidder qualification and bid evaluation criteria;
(iv) monitoring and evaluation frameworks;
(v) institutional arrangements and;
(vi) assistance with the bid process (e.g. setting up of data room, issuance of all bidding-related
notices/requests, conduct of pre-bid interactions, conduct of bidding, responding to
queries, pre-qualification of bidders), bid evaluations, and contract negotiations, expected
to lead to the award of the project to the preferred civil contractor. In preparing the
construction contracts, the Consultant will use– upon coordination with DGWR–the
improved FIDIC-based contracts that give clear delegated powers to the supervision
engineer and that hold parties accountable for performance. The Consultant shall ensure
adequate timing of civil works contracts that should be only determined by the
requirements of the construction implementation.
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

7. While preparing the cost estimates,

The Consultant shall consider that the civil works of the project is stated for implementation
in 2022. Hence, the cost indexed to inflation. The consultant will also prepare construction
plan and method covering construction schedule, equipment used and schedule for
mobilization, effective working days and engineering cost estimates. The consultant shall refer
to the unit price of Province / District on 2020 fiscal year and Ministry PUPR Regulation no.
28/PRT/M/2016 concerning the unit price for Public Works20.

8. Innovation and quality

a. The consultants will design the project considering improved/innovative design standards
in line with the new technologies and design standards adopted or being adopted by
DGWR, to the extent that are relevant for the multipurpose dams.
b. The consultant shall also take into account the national and international best practices be
adopted in other countries with respect to improved design standards for similar projects
for ensuring value for money and high-quality output (value engineering), sustainability
of the project, and minimizing construction time.
The consultants will need to ensure that FS, DEDs and bid documents that they will develop
are in compliance with construction regulation of MPWH, to the extent they are applicable for
the project preparation activities21. During the entire contract period, the consultants will also
need to comply with the MPWH’s regulation on gratification22.

D. Post FS Stage
1. The consultant shall discontinue services under the contract after preparation of FS
2. and the services if the FS concludes that the project is economically and socially not
3. If the FS concludes that the Project is technically, environmentally, economically, and
socially feasible, then the consultant firm shall proceed to the preparation of DED,
EIA/AMDAL, LARAP, safeguard documents, and bidding documents.

E. Team Composition and Qualification Requirements for the Experts

The input will be 11 Person-month for International Key Expert, 71 person- months
for National Key Expert, 83 person-months Sub-Professional Staff, 180 person-month
for Supporting Staff.

Law No. 17 Year 2019 regarding Water Resources
MPWH Regulations no 14/PRT/M/2016 about Gratification can be found at
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

Table 3: Summary of Consulting Services Requirement

IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

International Specialists
1. Team Leader (TL) / Senior Dam Specialist (International, 7 Person months).
The specialist shall have a master’s degree in civil engineering. S/he shall have about 10 years
of experience in Water Resources Management Planning; feasibility study, design and
construction supervision of which 5 years as team leader in dam planning and/or construction
supervision. Experience of working in similar projects in Indonesia will be an advantage.
Member of international commission on large dam (ICOLD) or other professional
associations will be an additional merit. Responsibilities of the dam specialist will include:
No Description
1 Liaise with the PMO and DGWR’s PIU and keep all stakeholders apprised of any
issues or concerns that could affect project performance and or completion of the
consulting assignment; and responsible of all reports produce by PPC team.

2 Be responsible for drafting inception report, progress reports, and updating

the agreed work program, and provision of timely information to the PMO and the
PIU on contract administration issues;
3 Manage the team of experts to ensure integrated monitoring of the agreed
work program;
4 Coordinate the inputs of team members as per the agreed work plan, advise team
members of changes to the work plan, and monitor team members’ other project
commitments to ensure appropriate priority attention is given
to the assigned task;
5 Ensure that outputs of team members are in accordance with the contractual TOR
and the client’s quality expectations, especially with regards to DED standard and
preparedness (LAR, environment, and
permits) government requirements;
6 Ensure smooth implementation of the internal quality assurance mechanism and be
ultimately responsible for output quality by reviewing, commenting upon and
approving all such outputs;
Ensure all contracted deliverables are prepared in a timely manner including
management of project scheduling;
7 Brief and supervise team members on (a) quality management, and (b)
integrity and professional conduct; and keep the team updated on changes in the
operating environment or procedures; and
8 Provide all required support for speedy commencement of civil works

2. Structural Dam Design Specialist (International, 4 person-months)

The specialist shall have a master’s degree in civil engineering and 10 years of experience
in designing dam structures. S/he will work closely with PIUs for the design of the
structural components of the dam infrastructure. The specialist will:

No Description
1 Together with the National dam specialist establish procedure and criteria for
designing: main dam, spillway, outlet, diversion structure and other
structures by considering workload, foundation bearing capacity, standard quality,
and available material;
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

2 Prepare layout of structure by using situation map;

3 In coordination with other Specialist, prepare the design of diversion tunnel
/ channel, spillway, dam and non-dam related structures including its components;

4 In coordination with geotechnical and geology specialist to find quarry for dam
material to investigate and survey to ensure conformity with the quality and quantity
requirement; and seismic survey evaluation concerning the
dam safety
5 In coordination with geologist and geotechnical specialist to evaluate seismic survey
concerning the dam stability.
6 Prepare design drawing consisting of plan, long and cross section, including details,
dimension and necessary information;
7 Prepare construction plan and method, determine effective work days per year, plan
the construction schedule, and undertake incidental activities;
8 Prepare technical specifications and engineering cost estimates

National Specialist
1. Dam Specialist / Deputy Team Leader (National, 12 person-months)
The specialist should have a master’s degree in civil engineering. S/he shall have 4 years of
experience as a team leader in Dam Management Planning; feasibility study, design and
construction supervision. The Specialist should have a Certificate of Expertise for minimum
Ahli Teknik Bendungan Besar - Madya legalized by LPJKN and experienced as Dam Expert
in Dam Planning and Dam Construction Supervision.
Responsibilities of the dam specialist will include the following:

No Description
1 Carry out a review of the feasibility of dam based on all available geotechnical and
topographical survey information, and draw attention to changes which may have
become necessary since their preparation;
2 Carry out the detailed design of the dam;
3 Ensure that all matters relating to dam design, implementation and operation are
dealt with according to National and International best practices;

4 Review bearing capacity of dam foundation and recommend foundation treatment,

if excess seepage occur either through dam body or dam
foundation underneath, which may endanger the stability of the dam;
5 Review of bank slope stability by using the updated geotechnical data;
6 Review of construction plan and method, determine effective work days per year,
plan the construction schedule, and undertake incidental activities;
7 Carry out Dam Break Analysis, and followed the composing of Emergency Action
Plan (EAP)
8 Review of technical specifications and engineering cost estimates
9 Assist the team leader in timely preparation of reports.

2. Structural Design Specialist (Non-Dam) (National, 9 person-months)

The specialist should have a master’s degree in civil engineering and 4 years of experience in
designing dam’s appurtenant structures. The Specialist should have a Certificate of Expertise
for minimum Ahli Teknik Sumber Daya Air - Madya legalized by LPJKN and experienced
in Non-Dam Structural Expert for Water Resource
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

Planning and Construction Supervision or similar work. S/he will work closely with PIUs for the design of
the structural components of the dam infrastructure. The specialist will:

No Description
Together with related specialist led by the International and National dam specialist
1 establish procedure and criteria for designing spillway, outlet, diversion structure
and other structure by considering workload, foundation
bearing capacity, standard quality, and available material;
2 Prepare layout of structure by using situation map;
In coordination with Hydraulic Specialist, prepare the design of diversion
3 tunnel / channel, spillway, and other dam and non-dam related structures including
its components;
Identify quarry for material procurement and make necessary investigation and
survey to ensure conformity with the quality and quantity requirement;
Prepare design drawing consisting of plan, long and cross section, including details,
dimension and necessary information;
Prepare construction plan and method, determine effective work days per
year, plan the construction schedule, and undertake incidental activities;
7 Prepare technical specifications and engineering cost estimates
Prepare detailed design of access roads, its x-sections, horizontal and vertical
8 alignment and design of embankment and also in poor granular soil conditions and
where density consideration require, even lesser height
Prepare detailed design of structures preparation of General Arrangement Drawing
9 (GAD) and construction drawings and cross-drainage structures
and culverts, bridges, etc;
Supervise and guide topographic survey and mapping / geo-technical investigations,
etc. for road and bridge plan;
11 Prepare road geometric design, all structural designs;
12 Prepare the design for signs and road markings;
All other tasks that may be required to design all roads and structures for the purpose
of dam project;

3. Hydraulic Specialist (National, 5 person-months)

The specialist should have a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and 6 years of experience
in designing water resources structures, particularly dam projects. The Specialist should have
a Certificate of Expertise for minimum Ahli Teknik Sumber Daya Air - Madya legalized
by LPJKN and experienced in dam planning and construction supervisioning. S/he will work
closely with PIUs for the design of the structural components of the dam. The specialist will:

No Description
1 Together with related specialist led by the International and National dam
specialist, establish design criteria to be followed in conducting hydraulic
calculation and related flow capacity of the dam structures;
2 In coordination with Dam Structural Design Specialist, prepare the design
of diversion tunnel / channel, spillway structure, outlet structure and its
components based on determined design flow;
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3 Support the hydraulic modelling in flood flowing on spillway structure by

providing hydraulically information and design parameters;
4 Assist the team leader and deputy team leader in the timely preparation of reports.

4. Hydrologist (National, 6 person-months)

The specialist should have a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering related to hydrology or
water resources engineering, or related field with 6 years of experience in hydrological
studies. S/he will have extensive work experience in a related field, good knowledge and
understanding of hydrological conditions of tropical river basins.
The Specialist should have a Certificate of Expertise for minimum Ahli Teknik Sumber
Daya Air - Madya legalized by LPJKN and experienced as hydrologist in dam planning.
The specialist will have demonstrated ability to work in a multidisciplinary team and will
possess excellent communication (written and oral) skills. The major duties and
responsibilities will include the following:
No Description
1 Carry out a review of the project preparation documents with regard to hydrological
analysis and draw attention to changes which may have become necessary since
their preparation including climate change
2 Conduct the preparation of the hydrological survey and analysis for feasibility
study and detail engineering design;
3 Report on the findings of the hydrological study and their implications on the
4 Support the hydraulic modelling for spillway structure by providing hydrological
information and design parameters;
5 Assist the team leader and deputy team leader in the timely preparation of reports.

5. Geotechnical Specialist (National, 4 person-month)

The specialist shall have a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with 6 years of experience
in dealing with geotechnical aspects of dam design. The Specialist should have a Certificate
of Expertise for minimum Ahli Geoteknik / Ahli Teknik Sumber Daya Air - Madya
legalized by LPJKN and experienced in dam material planning.
S/he will lead in processing and interpreting geotechnical investigation reports and record
data used for design. The specialist will:

No Description
1 Prepare TOR and bidding document for geotechnical investigation and
related laboratory works and carry out bidding process for recruitment of sub-
2 Give assistance to the dam specialist in determining the foundation treatment to be
applied for the dam design;
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Description
3 Supervise the geotechnical survey and investigation conduct by sub consultant;

4 Ensure that high quality geotechnical analysis and design is achieved and that all
works carried out are in full compliance with the engineering design, technical
specifications, and other requirements by dam safety commission,
DGWR, and other related parties;
5 Assist the team leader and deputy team leader in the timely preparation of reports.

6. Geodetic Specialist (National, 4 person-month)

The specialist shall have a bachelor’s degree in geodetic engineering with 6 years of
experience in dealing with topographic survey aspects to be used in designing dam structures.
The Specialist should have a Certificate of Expertise for minimum Ahli Geodesi - Madya
legalized by LPJKN and experienced in topographical mapping.
S/he will lead in procuring topographic survey data to be used for designing. The geodetic
specialist will:
No Description
1 Collect and assess existing data and identify the required additional data;
2 Prepare TOR and bidding document for topographic surveys, and carry out bidding
process for recruitment of sub-consultant;
3 Supervise the implementation sub-contract and check the product;
4 Assist the team leader and deputy team leader in the timely preparation of reports.

7. Geologist (National, 5 person-month)

The specialist shall have a bachelor’s degree in geological engineering with 6 years of
experience in dealing with geological aspects of dam designs. The Specialist should have a
Certificate of Expertise for minimum Ahli Geoteknik / Bendungan Besar – Madya
legalized by LPJKN and experienced as geologist in dam planning. The Certificate of
Expertise for Ahli Sumber Daya Air – Madya will be additional merit.
S/he will lead in processing and interpreting geological investigation reports and record data
used for design. The specialist will:
No Description
Investigate if there are any geological phenomena and the probability of leakage
which may endanger the stability of the dam;
Collect and identify geological information of the project area through site
2 inspections, mapping, and review of existing reports, to determine the possible
difficulties that may be encountered by a specific construction
Ensure the nature of the sub-surface soil and its properties and behavior in order to
3 safely design, build, and operate the engineering structures of the dam;
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Identify ground hazards and risk assessment for natural disasters such as
earthquakes or landslides as may be necessary;
5 Prepare TOR for geological survey-investigation and mapping;
6 Coordinate and supervise the geological survey-investigation and mapping;
Assist the team leader and deputy team leader in the timely preparation of reports

8. Hydro Mechanical Engineer (National, 3 person-month)

The specialist will have a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with 6 years of
experience in designing dam hydromechanical. The Specialist should have a Certificate of
Expertise for minimum Ahli Mekanikal / Teknik Bendungan Besar – Muda legalized by
LPJKN. S/he will work closely with PIUs for the design of mechanical works under the
project. The hydro-mechanical engineer will:
No Description
1 Take overall responsibility for the design of mechanical component of the dam
2 Ensure that safety measures (structural safety, material safety, and
personal safety, community and infrastructure safety) instituted in relation to the
design and structural elements of the dam.

9. Road and Bridge Specialist (National, 3 person-month)

The specialist shall have a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering with experience of which 6
years in the design of roads and bridges. The Specialist should have a Certificate of Expertise
for minimum Ahli Konstruksi Jalan dan Jembatan – Muda legalized by LPJKN.
The primary responsibilities of the consultant would include, but not limited to, the
No Description
Prepare detailed design of access roads, its x-sections, horizontal and vertical
1 alignment and design of embankment and also in poor granular soil conditions and
where density consideration require, even lesser height
Prepare detailed design of structures preparation of General Arrangement Drawing
2 (GAD) and construction drawings and cross-drainage structures
and culverts, bridges, etc;
Supervise and guide topographic survey and mapping / geo-technical
investigations, etc. for road and bridge plan;
4 Road geometric design, all structural designs;
5 Prepare the design for signs and road markings;
All other tasks that may be required to design all roads and structures for the
6 purpose of dam project;
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

10. Value Engineering and Financial Specialist (National, 4 person-months)

The specialist should have master’s degree in accounting with 6 years of relevant professional
experience in working as a financial specialist / economist in development projects, with solid
understanding of economic factors that impact water resources infrastructure project
developments, especially in proposed dam. S/he has experience and a good understanding of
economic considerations in Government project. The specialist will be responsible, among
others, for the following outputs:
No Description
1 Together with inter National financial and economic analyses specialist,
carry out the economic analysis of investment projects, while ensuring its
compliance with relevant government guidelines and ADB guidelines;
2 Economic analysis shall cover the cost–benefit analysis as the major determinant of
project rationale. The appropriate analytical methodology is to be determined.
Common methodology include quantification of (i) flood damage avoidance (for
flood prevention), (ii) cost savings (for non- incremental, residential or industrial
water consumption), or (iii) willingness- to-pay assessment (for incremental,
residential or industrial water
3 Conduct sector assessments, demand-supply analysis, opportunity cost
implications, projected project benefits, economic rationale and economic impact
in comparison with alternative options, and develop indicators for project
performance monitoring, including willingness to pay and realistic
economic rates of return for the project under various scenarios.
4 Prepare financial management assessment and design the funds flow and
disbursement mechanism based on such assessment;
5 Provide detailed and close support in the preparation of all progress and other
6 Value engineering reviews at 30% design completion;
7 Constructability reviews at 30% design completion;
8 Design reviews at 50% and 90% design completion;
9 Risk evaluation reviews, including hazardous operations and safety in design at
50% and 90% design completion.
10 Optimize design to meet functional requirement
11 Perform cost estimating activities throughout the product life cycle
12 Prepare Order of Magnitude (RoM) and Parametric cost estimates
13 Perform and manage various simple to complex “should cost” analysis to help
manage cost including preparation of Bottoms-up, Rough
14 Optimize project cost within the capped budget

11. Procurement and Cost Estimator Specialist (National, 2 person-month)

The specialist shall have bachelor’s degree in economics and related studies, with 6 years of
experience in dealing with procurement and cost estimator processes in implementing dam
structure. The responsibilities of the specialist shall include:
No Description
1 Work closely with the PIU/Balai of DGWR and relevant tender committees to assist
with planning, execution and administration of procurement of goods, works and
services by ensuring compliance with procurement rules
and regulations;
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

2 In association with other specialists, preparing standard bidding documents

comprising minimal the following:
 Instruction to bidders and data sheet;
 General and special conditions of contract;
 Technical Specifications;
 Drawings;
 Bill of Quantities and method of measurement
 Form of bidding;
 Form of security;
 Appendix to bids.
3 Jointly with International Procurement and Contract Specialist, assist PIU and/or
Balai with advance procurement/recruitment where necessary;
4 Jointly with International Procurement and Contract Specialist, assist the PIU/Balai
in carrying out of the bidding for the procurement of civil works and goods for each
project/sub-project. The responsibilities shall include, but not limited to:
 Assist the issuance of bidding documents;
 Conduct pre-bid conferences and prepare minutes/ amendments, etc.;
 Assist during opening of proposals;
 Assist the Pokja members in evaluation of technical and financial proposals
and in preparation of all reports/schedules, etc.;
 Assist the preparation of contract documentation and in all tasks until award
of the contract.

5 Prepare detail cost estimate of all structures related to the Surumana Dam;
6 Conduct assessment of cost estimate quantity and policies of other similar dam
projects in accordance with DGWR requirements;
7 Calculate most effective cost estimate for all DEDs and others with relevant
government guidelines.

12. Landscape Architect (National, 2 person-months)

The specialist should have bachelor’s degree in Architecture. S/he should have 6 years of
practical experience as a landscape designer. The specialist is expected to consider the local
artistic/culture and incorporate them into the design landscape of the dam facilities. The
Specialist should have a Certificate of Expertise for minimum Ahli Arsitektur Landscape -
Muda legalized by LPJKN. The primary tasks of the specialist will include the following
overall scope:
No Description
1 Apply diversified knowledge of planning and landscape architecture principles and
practices in dam area;
2 Create plans, designs and drawings using computer-aided design programs
regarding the landscaping of the dam and its facilities
3 Undertake surveys to support the landscape design of the dams as may be
required, discuss requirements with clients, and seek opinions from locals and
others who will benefit from the site;
4 Liaise with other professionals such as surveyors, planners and civil engineers;

5 Incorporate the “green infrastructure” design concept to the dam design and its
6 Assist the production of conceptual and detailed designs (and associated contract
drawings), presentation drawings, schedules and specifications;
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

7 Liaise with cost estimator to prepare cost estimate for landscape design;
8 Develop 3d graphics/visualizations plan;
9 Assist with preparing of lighting plans as may be required;
10 Produce design graphics, using CAD, for construction documents;
11 Collaborate with internal and external clients on the landscape design packages for
projects such as; mixed-use, residential, and commercial, etc.
12 Communicate with project team members, client representatives, review
agencies and others as appropriate to the project;
13 Coordinate the preparation of project drawings, exhibits, and calculations with other
engineers, designers and technicians;
14 Visits project sites to review conditions as appropriate;
15 Prepare design report and drawings;

13. Social Safeguards Specialist (National, 4 person-months)

The specialist should have bachelor’s degree in social science and related studies with about
6 years of experience in professional experience related to dam or other infrastructure design
projects. The specialist will ensure adequate due diligence on the project’s resettlement and
social impacts and consistency with the country’s social/gender and safeguard policies/
resettlement issue in preparing documents for land acquisition and resettlement plan as well
as the updates, support implementation and conduct internal monitoring. The responsibilities
of the social safeguards specialist will include, but not limited to, the following:
No Description
1 Prepare a social impact assessment of the identified project affected persons from
both involuntary resettlement and indigenous people policy perspectives, following
ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and prepare required social safeguards
planning; land acquisition and resettlement plan (LARP), and/or Social Impact
Management Plan (SIMP) in the case that land to be acquired has been owned by
the executing/implementing agency and occupied by the people, and/or Indigenous
People Plan (IPP) in the case of the project triggers indigenous

2 Refer to the prevailing laws and regulations to ensure overall project

compliance with Indonesia’s relevant regulatory frameworks.
3 Undertake a 100% census of the affected persons based on detailed
designs of the projects, undertaking a sample socio-economic survey;
4 Prepare a resettlement plan, if required;
5 Guide the sub-consultant to prepare replacement cost survey for land and
non-land assets and calculate the budget for safeguards activities;
6 Guide the sub-consultant to prepare relocation strategy that consider the existing
social, economic and cultural parameters both for the people
affected and of any host populations if required;
7 Guide the sub-consultant to prepare indicative schedule of activities for LARP or
IPP or SIMP and its implementation, and monitoring to be synchronized with the
project schedule of civil works construction; Guide the sub-consultant to prepare
relocation strategy that consider the existing social, economic and cultural
parameters both for the people affected and of
any host populations if required;
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Description
8 Assess and design institutional capacity building plan for selected agencies
to implement social safeguards;
9 Implement the capacity building training for local government on social
safeguards and transfer of assets, monitoring, and coordination for social
10 Provide other required support to the project for complying with requirements
for obtaining permits and clearances necessary for social safeguards prior to civil
11 Assist the team leader and deputy team leader in timely preparation of
reports and in delivering the monitoring reports on a timely manner.

14. Environmental Specialist (National, 4 person-months)

The specialist should have bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering or related studies.
He/she will need to have about 6 years of working experience on project related to
environmental impact analysis in dam project. The Specialist should have a Certificate of
Expertise for minimum Ketua Tim Penyusun AMDAL legalized by Ministry of Forestry
and Environment.
The consultant will have demonstrated experience in environmental science, engineering,
and related field with experience in overseeing environmental management plans of
infrastructure projects, including Indonesia’s regulatory framework on environment, climate
change, and project adaptation measures and extensive knowledge of international best
practices in environmental impact assessment and mitigation.23 S/he must have proper
accreditation from the government as an environmental assessment consultant and should be
fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Familiarity with Indonesian environmental laws and
regulations is necessary, as well as international best practices is a requirement in addition to
ADB safeguards policies.
S/he will provide technical guidance, capacity building, support and advice to the local
offices of DGWR and/or the PIU in all aspects of environmental management and
environmental safeguards and the environmental laws and regulations of the Government
of Indonesia.
No Description
1 Supervise and guide to the comprehensive environmental assessment by sub-
consultant and ensure substances consistency with the Governments of Indonesia
and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009)
2 Screen all subprojects for categorization in accordance with the Government of
Indonesia and ADB SPS (2009) requirements;
3 Arrange of public consultation, including informing the affected persons and local
non-government organizations, and information disclosure of project- specific and
quantitative information on potential environmental impacts
(both positive and negative) and proposed mitigation measures;

In doing so, the consultants may be guided by the environmental sustainability requirements of the InterNational Financial
Institutions, which, in one way or another, might be attracted to financing or implementation of the infrastructure projects. For
example, ADB’s enviromental sustainability requirements can be found in ADB Safeguard Policy Statement. (2009)
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Description
4 Review various reports/assessments and other relevant background information
available regarding the project and collect additional information to update
him/herself with the current status of environment related aspects of the project and
familiarize him/herself with potential environmental issues
relevant to the proposed interventions in each subproject area;
5 Refine the environmental impact assessments and studies as needed;
6 Review the feasibility studies with regard to environmental impact and draw
attention to changes which may have become necessary since their preparation;

7 Develop strategy to effectively carry out the submission of environmental

assessment documents to the concerned government offices;
8 Assist the local offices of DGWR and/or the PIU in the preparation of applicable
checklists and screening criteria and the environmental
categorization forms of the subprojects;
9 Assist the local offices of DGWR and/or the PIU in contracting, reviewing,
submitting and obtaining approval of all AMDAL and UKL-UPL reports that meet
the requirements from the Government of Indonesia and ADB SPS
10 Include environmental management plan (EMP) in the bidding documents, along
with the requirement to comply with mitigation measures therein; address, record,
and report on any grievances brought about through the
Grievance Redress Mechanism in a timely manner;
11 Ensure that occupational and community health and safety are assessed in the EIA
report and properly addressed in the EMP;
12 Collaborate with provincial and district environmental agencies to include
environmental safeguards and awareness aspects in the capacity building and
awareness building activities;
13 Develop TORs and budget for environmental safeguards monitoring during
implementation of the infrastructure projects;
14 Provide technical assistance and capacity building to the local offices of DGWR
and/or the PIU in monitoring the implementation of the AMDAL, and
UKL-UPLs; and
15 Provide assistance to the Satker’s environment officer (government staff)
appointed to play the lead role in implementing, monitoring and ensuring
compliance with the AMDAL/UKL/UPL.
16 Assist the Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader in timely preparation of
reports. Deliver the environmental monitoring reports timely as per guidance

15. Gender Specialist (National, 4 Person-months)

The specialist should have bachelor’s degree in social science with 6 years of experience
related to dam or other infrastructure design projects. The Specialist will be responsible for
assessed enhancing and strengthening women empowerment and gender integration into its
programs. He/she will be part of the gender unit reporting to the unit director and will be
responsible for the technical assistants of all activities relating to gender and women
empowerment under the gender unit. The specialist will be responsible for the following
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Description
1 Communication with SFD sectors and gender focal point team (GFT) to
follow up tasks and plans related to gender mainstreaming
2 Helping in introduce innovative activities for women economic/ social
3 Help in Survey women associations, establishing cooperation and
partnership relations with them
4 Follow up statistics related to women on the regional/ sub-regional,
national and international level
5 Represent the gender unit in events, workshops..etc.

6 Assist in reports righting for gender unit

7 Assists in gender capacity building activities

8 Assists in Coordination between gender unit and donors, NGOs, and SFD

16. Assistant to Structural Design Specialist (National, 9 Months)

Bachelor Degree in civil engineering and minimum 3 years’ experience in designing dam’s
appurtenant structures.
17. Assistant to Hydraulic Specialist (National, 5 Months)
Bachelor Degree in civil engineering and minimum 3 years’ experience in designing water
resources structures, particularly dam projects.
18. Assistant to Hydrologist (National, 6 Months)
Bachelor Degree in civil engineering related to hydrology or water resources engineering, or
related field and minimum 3 years’ experience in hydrological studies and a good knowledge
and understanding of hydrological conditions of tropical river basins.
19. Assistant to Geotechnical Specialist (National, 4 Months)
Bachelor Degree in civil engineering and minimum 3 years’ experience in dealing with
geotechnical aspects of designing water resources structures, with specific reference to dam
20. Assistant to Geodetic Specialist (National, 4 Months)
Bachelor Degree in geodetic engineering and minimum 3 years’ experience in dealing with
topographic survey aspects to be used in designing dam structures.
21. Assistant to Geologist (National, 5 Months)
Bachelor Degree in geological engineering and minimum 3 years’ experience in dealing
geological aspects of dam designs.
22. Assistant to Hydro Mechanical Engineer (National, 3 Months)
Bachelor Degree in mechanical engineering and minimum 3 years’ experience in designing
hydromechanical of dam structure.
23. Assistant to Road and Bridge (National, 3 Person-months)
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering with minimum 3 years’ experience in designing roads
and bridges.
24. Assistant to Value Engineering and Financial Economic Specialist (National, 4
Bachelor Degree in accounting and minimum 3 years’ experience in the economic factors
that impact to water resources infrastructure project developments, especially proposed dam
and in accordance with Indonesian public procurement regulations.
25. Assistant to Procurement and Cost Estimator Specialist (National, 2 Months)
Bachelor Degree in economics and related studies with experience in dealing with
procurement and cost estimator processes in implementing dam structure in accordance with
Indonesian public procurement regulations.
26. Assistant Landscape Architect (National, 2 Month)
Bachelor Degree in architecture or related field with minimum 3 years of water resources
landscaping project.
27. Assistant Social Safeguards Specialist (National, 4 person-months)
Bachelor Degree in Social Science and related studies, with minimum 3 years’ experience
related to dam or other infrastructure design projects.
28. Assistant Environmental Specialist (National, 4 person-months)
Bachelor Degree in environmental engineering or related studies with minimum 3 years’
experience on project related to environmental impact analysis in water resources project.
29. Assistant Gender Specialist (National, 4 person-months)
Bachelor Degree in social science, with minimum 3 years’ experience related to dam or other
infrastructure design projects.
30. CAD Operator (National, 12 person-months)
Diploma III/Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering with relevant experience of minimum 3
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

G. Reporting and Deliverables

The lists of main reports are summarized in the following table. The Consultants should submit
to the EA and ADB inception, monthly project progress, and final project reports in accordance with
the requirements set out below. All reports should be submitted in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
All of consultant output should be documented in the form of both soft and hard copies, including
reports, maps, drawing and other raw materials.
Table 4 : Reporting

No Item Description Due Time

1 Contract Quality Plan This report will be made by Consulting Firm 4th week
Report after the contract signing and will be
presented at Jakarta Office. After
presentation and revision, the final report
will be copied as many as 10 documents.

2 Inception Report The consultant shall submit an inception 4th week

report 4 (four) weeks after commencement
of the services. This report will present the
consultant’s preliminary evaluation of the
scope of works, field conditions, availability
and status of data and reports, methodology
and detailed work plan (5 copies).

3 Monthly Reports The consultant shall submit, at the end of Monthly

each month, a progress report giving
summary of the progress, team activities
during the reporting period, technical and
management problems, if any, contract
administration, financial and person-months
utilization and work anticipated to be carried
out in the next reporting period (5 copies).
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Item Description Due Time

4 Quarterly Progress The consultant shall submit, at the end of each Quarterly
Report study quarter, a progress report giving
summary of the progress, team activities
during the reporting period, technical and
management problems, if any, contract
administration, financial and person-months
utilization and work anticipated to be carried
out in the next
reporting period (5 copies).
5 Interim Reports The consultant shall submit, at the medio of 24th week
duration contract services, a progress report
giving medium results works of the progress,
team activities during the reporting period,
present the dam systems, multi-purpose dam
management process, the management
institutions and the infrastructure facilities,
management information and giving
decision support systems technical and
management problems. (5

6 Draft Final Reports The consultant shall submit the draft final 47th week
report 1 (one) month before the end of the
contract. The draft final report will content of
completed overall design engineering detail
including design of related multi-purpose
dam (5 copies). The draft final report subject
to be presented and discussed with the Client.

7 Final / Completion At the end of the services, the consultant shall 48th week
Report submit Final Reports / Completion Reports
(Improvement of the Draft Final Report after
being discussed with the PIU) 5 copies and
Soft Copy which contents of the whole Final
Report included all drawings and all design
notes, consolidated in one External Hard-
Final Report shall include all DED reports,
Project Economic Report, Sustainable
Development Goal Report
and Gender Report.
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

H. Deliverables

The table below presents technical deliverables. After being presented to relevant stakeholders
and making some revisions, the reports will be finalized. Key expected and time schedule for
deliverables are as follows:
Table 5 : Deliverables

No Item Description Due Time

1 Review and Update i) Review of previous survey and investigation 16th week
Feasibility Study data (hydrological data, rainfall patterns,
Report climatology, geological maps, sediment, and
other data which are relevant and necessary
for carrying out the basic design)
ii) Review of previous Potential Dam Study
iii) Review of previous Feasibility Study which
include adequate financial analysis of the
projects, as well as estimation of O&M cost
necessary to maximize operation life of the
to-be-built infrastructure facility Analysis of
topographical conditions for dam site plan,
access road, quarry and borrow area, material
storage, disposal area and inundation area;
iv) Geological analysis related to dam site,
location of dam materials, and inundation
v) Hydrological analysis of the catchment area;
vi) Analysis of population in dam site,
inundation, and benefits in recipient’s area;
vii) Social, economic, and cultural analyses in
dam site, inundation, and recipient’s area;
viii) Technical, economic, and environmental
feasibility analyses, including life time of
service and each alternative plan of dam;
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Item Description Due Time

ix) Proper Dam Plan;
x) Basic design of dam;
xi) Water use plans.

2 Survey and (i) Topographical survey and mapping 27th week

Investigation (LIDAR) report
(ii) Geotechnical survey report
(iii) Geological survey and mapping report
(iv) Hydraulic Model Test
(v) Hydrological Report
(vi) Seismic Survey Report
(vii) Geoelectrical for potential liquefaction
report and Geotechnical Report.
3 Detailed Engineering i) Technical drawings of dam plan, including its 48th week
Design (DED) supporting buildings and facilities related to
dam construction and inundation map;
ii) Design note, which includes all design criteria
to prepare engineering design and the
associated calculations;
iii) Technical specifications, to obtain the required
quality and equipment to be used in the
iv) Implementation method, which at least
includes the avoidance of river flow, hoarding
of dam body, installation of hydro- mechanical
equipment, etc.;
v) Calculation of budget plan for construction,
which includes work volumes and the
associated costs.
vi) DED Report shall includes all SID Reports,
Model Test Report, Operation and
Maintenance of Reservoir and Dam Report,
Hydraulics and Structures Design Report, and
Hydro Mechanical Report.
Certification qualification Dam safety: Seepage, spillway capacity, external 48th week
(based on Permen PUPR No. force
27/2015), Dam O&M guidelines: normal condition, flood
condition, dry condition, emergency condition.
EAP (Emergency Action Plan): dam break
4 Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) / AMDAL and Environmental 48th week
Safeguard Documents
TOR, Bill of Quantities, and The subcontract will include detailed EIA and/or
Cost Estimates documents IEE studies and surveys including consultations
for EIA and/or IEE studies
and surveys
including consultations
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Item Description Due Time

Environmental impact i. categorization in line with government
assessment (EIAs or regulations and ADB Safeguards Policy
AMDAL) and/or initial Statement (2009);
environmental examination ii. the environmental impact assessment (EIAs or
(IEE or AMDAL) and/or initial environmental
UPL/UKL) depending on examination (IEE or UPL/UKL) depending on
the potential environment the potential environment impact;
impact iii. approval process of the EIA or IEE with
ADB and government authorities.

5 Social Safeguards Documents 48th week

TOR, Bill of Quantities, and The subcontract will include detailed measurement
Cost Estimates documents surveys, socio economic surveys with gender-
for land acquisition and disaggregated information, income generation
resettlement (LAR) survey and consultations.
surveys including

Social safeguards report (i) categorization in line with ADB Safeguards

Policy Statement (2009) and government
(ii) supervision of the subcontract for socio
economic survey and consultations and
(iii) Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan
(LARAP) report in accordance with ADB
Safeguards Policy Statement (2009) and
government regulations including cost
estimates ensuring that appropriate measures
are taken to mitigate any negative social
impacts and giving special attention to
vulnerable groups and severally affected
(iv) livelihood restoration program if needed;
(v) obtaining the land acquisition determination
permit (izin lokasi) and in implementation of
the LARAP until
delivery of compensation.
Report on LARAP and The report will present detailed measurement
Socio-Economic Survey surveys including estimated costs of LAR,
including records of socioeconomic surveys with gender- disaggregated
consultations information, income generation survey, records of
consultations and GIS maps
presenting the location and plots of land.
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

No Item Description Due Time

6 Bidding documents i. bid documents, civil contractual 48th week
preparation for civil agreements;
works implementation. ii. assist during project pre-bid
(a) bidder qualification and bid evaluation
(b) monitoring and evaluation frameworks;
(c) institutional arrangements and
(d) assistance with the bid process (e.g.
setting up of data room, issuance of all
bidding-related notices/requests, conduct of
pre-bid interactions, conduct of bidding,
responding to queries, pre- qualification of
bidders), bid evaluations, and contract
negotiations, expected to lead to the award of
the project to the preferred civil contractor.
The PPC firms shall ensure adequate timing
of civil works contracts that should
be only determined by the requirements of the
construction implementation.

The implementation and payment schedule under the contract and payments linked to such
deliverables are given below:
Table 6. Payment Schedule under the Contract

Payment Schedule
Milestone % of % of Maximum
Payment3 Actual time for
Deadline1 Payment Payment2
No. Deliverable
(week) (week) as
Advance Payment (against Mobilization
2 NA 15,00% 10
Consultancy Fee) of team
1 Contract Quality Plan Report
7,50% 6,00% 12
2 Inception Report 4 of the report
3 Update Feasibility Study Report 10 5,00% 5,00% 14
of the report
Survey and
4 Investigation Report
Topographic Survey and Acceptance
4.1 12 5,00% 4,00% 20
Mapping of the report
Geoelectrical for potential Acceptance
4.2 14 5,00% 4,00% 22
liquefaction report of the report
4.3 Seismic Survey Report 16 3,00% 2,00% 24
of the report
4.4 Hydrological Report 18 3,00% 2,00% 26
of the report
4.5 Geological survey and mapping 20 3,00% 3,00% 28
of the report
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

4.6 Geo-Technical Investigations 20 3,00% 2,00% 28
of the report
4.7 Hydraulic Model Test 26 5,00% 4,00% 34
of the report
5 Interim Report 24 5,50% 5,00% 32
of the report
Detailed Engineering Design
6 (DED) Reports and Dam
Technical Design and Acceptance
6.1 30 3,00% 3,00% 38
calculations of the report
6.2 Value Engineering Review 34 5,00% 5,00% 42
of the report
Prepare Technical Drawings of
6.3 dam, appurtenant structures, 36 5,00% 3,00% 44
of the report
buildings and facilities
6.4 Constructibility Review 40 3,00% 3,00% 48
of the report
6.5 Technical Specifications 40 3,00% 3,00% 48
of the report
6.6 Implementation Method 40 3,00% 2,00% 48
of the report
Calculation of budget plan for Acceptance
6.7 40 5,00% 3,00% 48
construction, of the report
Preparation of Documents for Acceptance
6.8 42 5,00% 3,00% 50
Dam Design Certification of the report
7 Draft Final Report 46 5,00% 5,00% 54
of the report
Environment Impact Assessment
(EIA) / AMDAL and Acceptance
8 46 5,00% 5,00% 54
Environmental & Social of the report
Safeguard Documents
Social safeguards & Land
Acquisition and Resettlement 46 5,00% 5,00% 54
of the report
Action Plan (LARAP)
9 Bidding Documents 48 5,00% 5,00% 56
of the report
10 Final / Completion Report 48 3,00% 3,00% 56
of the report

From the date of Commencement of Services
From the date of Commencement of Services, which is based on a period of 60 days after submission of the
deliverables (90 days in the case of final payment).
% of the lump sum component of the contract amount
IV. Appendices Lump-Sum

1. Survey and Investigation Report includes Hydrological Report, Topography Survey and
Mapping Report, Geology Report, Seismic Report and Geotechnical Report.
2. DED Report includes all SID Reports, Model Test Report, Operation and Maintenance of
Reservoir and Dam Report, Hydraulics and Structures Design Report, and Hydro Mechanical
3. Final Report includes all DED reports, Project Economic Report, Sustainable Development
Goal Report and Gender Report.

I. Client’s Input
The Client shall provide the following:
(a) All available documents, reports, data and all other information related to the proposed
(b) Provide any letters or assistance required by the consultants in obtaining all necessary
permits and authorizations for carrying out the services.
(c) Provide assistance for the International personnel in obtaining necessary visa, entry and
exits permits, working permits and travel documents required for their stay in Indonesia.
The consultant’s personnel must obtain their visas from an Indonesian consulate abroad
before they travel to Indonesia


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