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Interview Art

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Laura Chen. Ok.

Okay, so, Laura, what is something that intrigues you? So do you have any goals for the future in terms of education, jobs and
intrigues me? lifestyle? Has this changed over the years for you? Why?
yeah, it could be anything about the world. Uh, I actually don’t know. I feel like…as for education I'm going to uni, but I don’t know
Literally anything? …How cranes work. what I'm going for. I just want to… I want the environment to be nice to be a social
How cranes work? Yeah. Because how the hell do you get it that far up how do you get it environment.
that far up? And what University do you have in mind?
Yes. Is there any further elaboration on that? On how cranes work? UNSW.
I don't know how they work, that's why they're fascinating. Interesting. No, because how UNSW?
do you hold it in transportation? Because, no, genuinely... How do you transport it? Yeah, Yeah. For the lifestyle. Jobs, my dad wants me to take over his company.
because do you like, rebuild it on the site or something? But what’s a job that you would genuinely be interested in?
…Next question, What did you get into the school for? Are you still sticking Me?
to this subject and are you still passionate about it? Why? / why not? It doesn’t even have to be something you think you could achieve, even a dream.
I got into the school for, um, dance and I am currently doing dance and music. I’ve never …Maybe fashion…a rug company.
really felt that passionate for dance because it was kinda just… something I had to do Rug company?
regularly because I started it at a young age…so it’s just something I had to do. No, genuinely! I researched about this. Rug company, or like, kinda like my dad’s
Did you ever like it at one point in your life? business, wholesaling, but in goods like food or like, kinda like a Costco, Like a wide
I like when we do competitions, other than that I hate the process of continuously doing range of stuff.
the dance, going over the mistakes that other people did. Yeah. Cute! And has this changed over the years for you? Did you used to think something
You would say you're a competitive person. different?
Yeah! Competitive I am. I was passionate about it just from one aspect I reckon. I think I used to never have an idea, I was just going for what my parents wanted me to do. So,
it's because of the joy of like, knowing your work so hard in achieving a goal. there was no questioning, there was no need to. But now I’m like…
*Special Guest Mrs Chung Lee*: (peeks in) Oh your recording her. I still remember Laura’s Do you feel like there was a reason for that?
audition. For what?
(Laughs) For going with what your parents were saying?
I still remember the tutu, was it the yellow one? Cause they have standards, and they’re (holds microphone close) Asian. They have the
Yeah (Laughs again)Yep. stereotypical Asian background. Yeah. Going to school, going to Uni, getting a good job,
I remember you wearing that yellow tutu coming in, And red lip. oh yeah.
Aww. What values are most important to you and how do they guide your
Oh, don't even. decision-making? This is a very general question.
I remember I felt so nervous for her, she had to change between two pieces, she had to change Like Values of me? Or like…
her outfit. Wow, I'm getting old. Yeah what are your moral values, how do you value things and how does that affect what you
(Leaves) do?
Wow, we got Miss Chung Lee’s input (Laughs). Can you give me some examples?
Ok…So how would you describe the school to someone completely new Are you a very motivated person? Do you believe that…
and unaware of anything about it? Like, they have no idea what it is? Ok, got it. I am a very unmotivated person, cause I am driven in the sense that I have to
Um, the environment is very… It’s very connected. It’s such a small school so a lot of get things done before deadline, but I procrastonate. I believe in hard work, when you
people know each other. If your like, in seniors, you know the seniors and a little bit of genuinely put the effort in, you will get good results and improvements. Even though
the juniors, and vice versa. It’s based more on creativity and the arts, rather than packing sometimes it does your head in, it’s okay. Decisionmaking? How do they guide my
down school. decision-making?
Packing down school, what do you mean by that? Well, I guess that’s what you decide to…
Like, hammering for school work, getting it done. I mean, it's still a requirement but it's No okay, my value is I know I can procrastinate as much as I want, but I must get
not as enforced, the standards are lower obviously, yea. whatever I need to do done.
Yeah. You are very stubborn :)
That’s it. Thanks! And I am very brutally honest.
What are your interests, hobbies, and things you do in your spare time? A How has this affected you?
I blurt things out way too quickly sometimes, and I think that causes tension within my
basic question, I know, but…
relationships, especially with my mother. Not always in a bad way, I just know that I do it.
Interests, um, sewing, no not sewing sorry, knitting, playing sport. I love Netball. No, any
You're conscious of it.
sport. Contact sports, in particular, where I can tackle people. Um, cooking, baking, I
love. Um, Interests… I think I also like anything to do with teaching little kids, I do that
sometimes. How do you cope with stress or difficult situations in your life?
What do you like about teaching little kids? Um, I eat, I stay up late, I cry … in my bed. No, you know how I cope? I push everything
They don’t know things, so they explore and ask why, they’re curious. Things I do in my back, which makes it more stressful. I push things back to later dates, but it is still in my
spare time, I sit at my desk and procrastinate, I dance, I do tutoring for business, English head 24/7 causing me stress. How do I cope? Um, lying in my bed and thinking about
and piano lessons for music. I watch a lot of Tik Toks, and oh eating! I love eating! I love how I would do it, setting goals in my brain, but then forgetting the next day. That’s just a
eating. way of getting through the night. That’s… That’s genuinely how I cope. And then I tell my
I eat when I'm bored, Yes I eat when I am bored. And um, I even… no it cures your Mother, but then she gets mad at me and says “Why didn’t you just do this earlier?!”,
emotions, Cause you know how there is hungry, no hangry! Once you eat it makes “Oh you're so ungrateful, if you are really scared you shouldn’t be watching TikToks! Or
everything ten times better. Boom. going on Youtube, or trying to shop for clothes!”. Yeah.
How do you perceive your strengths and weaknesses and how have they Final question, describe a moment that made you exceptionally happy or
shaped your life choices? proud. Could be something that you have done, could be something
In terms of like what? someone else has done, just something that really sticks with you and
Your character and… resonates.
Like what type of life choices? Happy?
What do you do in your everyday life, what do you do to achieve your goals? Happy or proud. Could be about anyone.
My strength? … Proud or happy… How old was I? Oh, can I say two?
Yea like what they do to affect what you do. Yeah!
Like, what qualities do I have? Ok one of them is when my dance troop won a trip to America for free, it was a
What put you here as you are today? Doing what you do, your position at school, your position memorable moment cause we were kids! And I was really grateful, because they paid for
in your home, your position with your friends, how your strengths and weaknesses… your flights back then, and also the entry fees for the dance comp. Now all they do is
Ok my strengths, it’s almost like your duty, to devote yourself to what you want to do, or send you and you have to pay yourself. With time that becomes memorable because we
even stuff you don’t want to do. Like, nasty subjects in school you don’t want to do. But were lucky, As well as the opportunities that we got while performing in America, and me
you’ve got to do it in order to get a good mark, or like, to help you in the future. You base actually placing in them was pretty slay! The competition there is really tough, and I was
it off what other people say, what may or may not be true but it’s still going in a positive so crap at dance. Like so crap!
direction. What other strengths?...... Well, obviously not if you placed.
Do you have any weaknesses if you can’t think of more strengths? No so bad. And then, one more. When I got to see my grandma after covid. Cause, my
In terms of… I don’t know. Weaknesses… grandma had open heart surgery, so I was lowkey scared, and it's terrifying when you
In terms of academic, social… can’t see them overseas, and I didn’t know during covid, I was just hypothetically
Oh, English! Oh, I am really bad at grammar, punctuation and all that, Ms Davis will thinking about it, you know? Like if something happened to her, I wouldn’t be able to go,
confirm that for you. which made me really sad. But then when I finally went, she looked ok, and she still goes
How has that affected where you are at the moment? to the gym and all that stuff like a normal teenager I don't even know.
It has made me frustrated, furious. If I don’t get something good, I need to get a better But yeah! That’s it with Laura, bye!
mark. And also, strengths, if I don’t get something, no matter what, I know I need to get it.
Like if I were to ask questions, like I ask you for example, I ask until I fully understand
what we are doing. Um, I think that’s a strength. Weaknesses, I need more. Weakness
*laughs* what is my weakness? I am very stubborn!
Callum Bedoe-Hills. actor since I was six. I always thought that if I didn’t try my hardest I’d be letting myself
Ok, so Callum. Callum Bedoe-Hills… What is something that intrigues you down. And so, I’ve always had a similar goal.
in life? It could be something that has nothing to do with you, or it could be, What values are most important to you and how do they guide your
whatever. decision-making?
That … there are eight billion people, and all of them have unique lives. That everybody I think the values that are most important to me are that you need to be able to stick to
you see ever, all have individual experiences. It kinda puts into perspective, how little a your guns, you know? If you think that something is wrong, it is important to me that it
lot of things matter. gets solved. I think honesty is very important, don’t pretend to like someone, and don’t
pretend to not like someone just because someone else doesn't like them. It doesn’t
Ok so what did you get into the school for, are you still sticking to this
change anything, it won't make you more popular. You're just ruining your moral
subject, and are you still passionate about it? Why? / Why not? integrity. Personally, I think, one of my biggest values is just because you can do
Um, I got in for drama. I’m still doing it for drama. My passion for it changes as I think something mean, or just because you can do something that is hurtful or just that you
about possible future careers and stuff like that. For a while, I wasn’t as passionate about are better at something than someone else, that doesn’t mean you have the right to do
it cause I didn’t think I wanted to be an actor. But now as we get to the end of school I that. If you are good at something, be good at it and help others improve, don’t be good
have been picking it back up and thinking about being an actor, and those two things are at it and try to differentiate your quality from others and make it seem bigger. Whereas in
very tied. There are also been moments where I have been more passionate about drama reality, it probably doesn’t matter.
because of the current topic we are studying, or who I am working with, so it maintains What are your interests, hobbies, and things you do in your spare time?
the same sort of level but it varies with the surrounding context.
Well my hobbies, I like to go to the gym, to cook, I’m really into bacon. I like gaming, but I
How would you describe the school to someone completely new and don’t game as much anymore. I like going to markets, I always find that fun. And I like
unaware of anything about it? going to restaurants. You wouldn’t think that would be someone's interest, but I like it.
Um… it’s not the prestigious almighty performing arts school that people think it is. Like How do you perceive your strengths and weaknesses and how do they
when I first came I thought numbers were so low because it was selective. But it’s not the shape your decision-making and life choices?
prestigious, almighty performing arts school that a lot of people think it is. I would kinda
I think I have ranged from being a bit of a egomaniac, to maybe not giving myself enough
say academically, it's going to be easier if you come from a large academic school
credit as was due. I think what my strengths would be are acting, teamwork, you know
background, but coming here, people still take it seriously but some might take drama as
the usual things that people say. I think I am quite social and I always enjoy a
a bludge subject for example. We look at the advantages like the PA days and stuff like
conversation, I think I have a good ability to listen. But as a disadvantage, I don’t always
that, but it's not going to be perfect. I came here thinking it was going to be the high
say what I think needs to be said, because I take judgment on very seriously. When I was
school version of Julliard, and I stood very corrected. No hate. It’s a great school, it’s just
young, I had ADHD but nobody knew I had ADHD so everybody thought I was weird, and
not what I expected, and it’s just the advantages and disadvantages of being in a small
they made fun of me for being weird. So that has definitely translated into how vocal I
am. I think my ability to pay attention is not up to par. I think I need to care about things
Do you have any goals for the future in terms of jobs, education and more that are important to me. I think I have a tendency to be like ‘Oh, they’ll be fine’.
lifestyle and has this changed over the years for you? Why? Where in reality if something matters to me I should make sure that I treat it with the
In terms of education, there is a general understanding, I am not calling anyone out, that I attention I want to treat it with, not just the attention that I can be bothered to give.
am not a very intelligent person. That is what is usually assumed. When it comes to How do you deal with stress or difficult situations in your life?
education, my main motivator for school is really trying to prove that wrong in a way that Sorry if it’s a bit personal.
matters. In terms of my occupation, I wanna be an actor, I wanna do something to do with Oh no, I have a tendency to put stuff off till the last minute. I think I'm a relatively calm
acting, and I wanna be involved in projects that impact people and tell stories that people person when it comes to stress, but if I get stressed I lose control of that. I have the
want to hear, instead of a generic movie or tv show that is just playing into the audiences ability to overthink to a concerning degree. I have a thing where if I'm stressed about
wants. Doing things that matter. Putting myself on a platform where the things I do can something or on the edge about something, I think about how much control I actually
matter have over it. For example, if something is happening socially, I can’t control what
Has this changed over the years? Have you thought differently in the past? everyone is doing so it’s not something for me to really be stressed about. If an
Oh definitely, there have been times in the past when I thought ‘Oh I can’t do this’, ‘I have assessment has come up and I haven’t studied for it, I have to do the assessment
to give up’, But coming to Australia and seeing how much tradies get paid totally regardless. There are some things not worth freaking out about because, in reality, it
changed it… *laughs*. But the truth is it has changed over time, but I've wanted to be an
doesn’t need to be treated like a bad thing. We are not in control of everything in our Eden
lives and I think you should embrace that not fear it, you know what I mean? Ok so, what is something that intrigues you in life?
What is a moment that made you exceptionally happy or proud? I’d say, definitely the way people think, I guess. I'm very into psychology and how people
When my family was living in Singapore, my younger sister Harriot had issues at school react to things. I’m very interested in knowing why things happen, I guess, and how
and didn’t really get along with everybody, and wasn’t good at making friends. So a people react in the way that they do. Not in a bad way, just like, in general.
moment that I would be most proud of is watching them transition into being a teenager, What did you get into the school for, are you still sticking to this subject?
into themselves and being able to watch them let themself grow in a direction without
Are you still passionate about it? Why?/Why not?
any self-judgment. They’ve done a really good job at improving on not caring. They don’t
I got into the school for music, playing the guitar, trumpet and singing. I’m still really
care about how people think about how they act, they let themself be happy, even if it
passionate about it because my whole family are musicians. I recently got into art which
means they do something that people think is stupid or lame. I’ve watched them go from
is pretty cool, I want to be able to do all things creative. Yeah, I…really like music.
a really shy person into someone that is confident in who they are. I have watched them
go from thinking and experiencing emotion as a bad thing into someone who has been How would you describe the school to someone completely new and
able to be open about it and improve on it, and has taught me a lot about how to deal unaware of anything about it?
with overlapping issues in both of our lives. They’re my best friend. I just love watching Unpredictable. But in a good way.
them become someone they are proud of, which has made me proud. Ok, nice. Any further elaborations on that?
Not really, I mean expect the unexpected. Go at your own pace.
Do you have any goals for the future in terms of education, jobs and
lifestyle? Has this changed over the years for you? And why?
I used to want to be a really popular singer, I still kind of have that dream, I guess. Now I
kinda just want to make songs at home, kinda relax, and do things my own way. With my
education, I really want to become smarter, and build knowledge, especially in science.
It's something I'm really passionate about.
Would you consider any jobs to do with science?
I would actually if I didn’t do music, or if I somehow don't like music anymore, which is
very unlikely. But if I do, I probably would want to be a biologist or something. Something
to do with biology and science.
What values are most important to you and how do they guide your
That’s a good question (laughs). I’d say my family is most important, to me and are a very
big part of my life. They guide my decision making being one of the biggest influences in
my life. Whenever I’m about to do something I think ‘Is this something my parents would
do?’, Which is a strange question to ask, but I really admire my parents and who they
are. Basically, they made me who I am, so…
What are your interests, hobbies, and things you do in your spare time?
I have a lot of crafty hobbies, I guess. Aside from music making, playing around on the
guitar, crocheting, and scrapbook, I like journaling. I have a lot of free time on my hands,
So, I like self-reflecting a lot.
What do you like about all of those things? How you are able to self-reflect?
I like writing down my thoughts, it’s easier to recognise them and my feelings.
Sometimes I have a hard time communicating with people, So I usually like to write it
down, it makes it easier.
How do you perceive your strengths and weaknesses, how have they Jackson
shaped your life choices? What is something that intrigues you in life?
I think that one of my strengths is learning things quickly, but I think that I should slow I think just knowledge. The earth and the universe are just far too interesting for us to be
down a little bit, and get to enjoy it more. I think a lot of things in my life go by really fast, bored of them. It’s inexcusable really, because the world is so incredible. I feel like I'm
And it's just kind of like I’ve gotta get this done, I’ve gotta get this done. I wanna slow it interested in... I guess discovery. Learning about these things, new species, new shapes,
down, and appreciate everything. I often think too fast, so I should just slow it down. new colours. I guess as of right now, I just really like art. I guess I can’t really do anything
When it comes to decision-making, I often just pick one option and then i don’t think else, I don’t want to do anything else.
about the consequences. Ok so what did you get into the school for, are you still sticking to this
How do you generally deal with stress or difficult situations in your life? subject, and are you still passionate about it? Why? Why not?
Usually, the stress comes from school. I usually, or sometimes talk to my friends, which I got into the school for drama. If I remember correctly I did two monologues, one from
can help. If I don’t feel like putting that all on them, I just write it in a journal. I like to keep Hamlet, to be or not to be. The other one, I forget. I still do drama, and show up to class
a journal of my thoughts, so I can just get it out. Also, I like listening to music, and just every now and then. I do come to school. Yea, I guess I do still like it, I do have a
sitting there with my thoughts, that’s another way I just, kind of breathe. connection with just playing around with an idea or a character, an ideology, it’s
What is a moment that made you exceptionally happy or proud? interesting to me. Im not sure if I’ll make a career out of it though.
I’d say when my little sister rocky was born. Or when my sister, she did this painting, and Did you always have an interest in art or did it develop at this school?
it was like, it was just amazing, I was crying because it was so good. I think the first time I really started drawing was in my church as a kid. My mother gave
What was the painting of? me a notebook, and I just did whatever with it, and that's how I started. I’d do it for hours
It was a painting of…I think it was a hand holding these roses. I really admire my sister, because my services went on for hours and I’d just be sat down in my seat, turning,
she’s like my favourite thing in the world. ripping pages and that just went on for hours and hours. So I guess I’m more self-taught
than not.
How would you describe the school to someone completely new and
unaware of anything about it?
I’d say it’s very small. It’s a small amount of people. But I guess that’s a good thing in the
end. It may not be your thing, your cup of tea, but it offers an experience you can’t find
anywhere else. I mean the people who started the school were artists themselves who all
went to art schools. I guess it’s really good to be surrounded by that type of people. But
of course, you can still find heaps of art schools across the globe, so it’s not really that
special but... This school is, at most, intriguing. It has an interesting history. I mean I’d
love it if more people found out about it, maybe we could buy some more space,
floor…space. Nearly 300 students here. It’s great.
Do you have any goals for the future in terms of education, jobs and
lifestyle? Has this changed over the years for you? And why?
Oh yeah, it has changed so much. When I used to be a full-blown Christian, I thought I
was going to go into pioneering, which is knocking on doors all across the globe. But
that dream died since I am a fag. I guess what I wanna do right now is try to keep going
with my education. Go to art school. Hopefully, It’s good, I like the teachers and I am
allowed to do my own thing. I’d love it. It would be worth every dime. There have been
times in my life when I’ve considered not going to any higher college, I’ve considered
dropping out and getting a job, but I don’t know. I feel like I need to keep going.
Is there a reason you feel like you need to keep on going?
I feel like it will be worth it, to have an education. If not for career-wise, then in general.
Knowledge is power.
Yeah, knowledge is power exactly. I think…I was really happy…I was happy a lot as a kid actually. I guess I was just young
What values are most important to you and how do they guide your and innocent, and going to church I had lots of friends. I feel like I was part of something
that was greater, I guess holier. I was part of something that was actually loving and
caring, and then that all went to shit. Yeah, I had to kiss that goodbye as well, you know. I
I think my most important value is just…trying to be kind, and versatile in every scenario
guess more recently my happiest moment, I guess would just be my own silence, just at
and context. I guess being respectful of that belief, within the context that you don’t hurt
my own house. Im not really having to deal with anything else. Being the only person that
anyone else. I can be a pretty bad person sometimes, and I fuck up a lot, so my own
knows I exist really, at that moment at least. My proudest moment… I don’t know I like it
reality is…odd. I wouldn’t describe myself as a mean person but I do say stupid shit
when I make good art, and people compliment it, That makes me happy. I guess I like
sometimes. I feel like, as I am in this moment right now…my biggest point, of how I want
being nice to other people, I guess that makes me proud in my own way, which is not
to move through life is just to try and be kind.
succumbing to the madness quite yet.
I love that. Yeah. Self-awareness is also really good.
What are your interests, hobbies, and things you do in your spare time?
Which you’ve kind of already covered, but.
Yeah, well obviously I do art, um… I play games. The Last of Us Part 2 is my favourite. I
love my family, I love hanging out with my mother and talking about random shit because
me and her are literally best friends. My brothers are much younger than me, so it’s hard
to relate, but I still like to try you know. I'm the eldest so I have to. I go for walks, I live in
Bankstown, and it’s a beautiful area, probably the most alive place in Sydney right now
actually. Everything else is just gentrified as fuck, I’ve been to many places so I
know…Yeah. Yeah, I'm not that interesting honestly (laughs).
How do you perceive your strengths and weaknesses, how have they
shaped your life choices?
I don’t think I’m strong, in anything really. I feel like I’m pathetic and weak more than
anything but…I guess my weakness is I’m kind of terrified down inside and that’s why I
don’t try anything new because I'm terrified. I just get blown out of the water, couldn’t do
anything more at that point because I’d lose everything I do have, which isn’t a lot, but
it’s something at least. If I had a strength, I’d say it was communication, like trying my
best to explain how I feel inside, but I don’t even know really. I try my best to understand
others. And uh…I guess that’s it.
How do you generally deal with stress or difficult situations in your life?
I guess it all really depends on how much stress I’m dealing with at that moment because
if it’s way too much for me…I crumble. It’s like a falling tower just crumbling in on itself,
all buries itself deep within the ground. I isolate myself, I don’t talk to anyone or even my
own mother and I just…rot, basically. I guess I look at the world, leave my own reality for
a while, and um… that’s like the worst of the worse though. The worst times of my
life…some random stuff with my father…I don’t know really but, I guess the most casual
stresses, I’d be just constantly dealing with it over and over again, like thinking how I
could have dealt with it better. I guess I let out my feelings in my own way, like my
indulgences in art. I deal with avoidance really, like I don’t do work as well because it
scares me to actually put my thoughts down. I just avoid everything. That’s just mainly
the best, well not the best way, but the way that I deal with my own stresses.
Last question, What is a moment that made you exceptionally happy or

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