FQT2023 1
FQT2023 1
FQT2023 1
Sheet 1 — HT23
[Last update: 00:47 on 2023-01-17]
Throughout this course we will refer to examples of quantum systems that were introduced in the A11 Quantum
Theory course. It will be important to be familiar with these examples, so if you have forgotten some of this, you
should solve the revision problems on any sheet. These will normally not be discussed by the tutor in classes.
1. Consider a quantum particle moving in one dimension. Show that the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian
P2 1
+ mω2 X2 ,
2m 2
can be expressed as H = ℏω α+ α− + 21 = ℏω α− α+ − 21 where you should define α± with (α+ )∗ =
α− .
Eψ (H) 1
||α± ψ||2 = ± .
ℏω 2
4. Suppose there is a normalised state |ψ0 i (the ground state) for which α− |ψ0 i = 0. Show that |ψn i =
(α+ )n |ψ0 i is an energy eigenstate with energy En = (n + 21 )ℏω.
Comment on the existence and uniqueness of these energy eigenstates.
Consider the outer product |ξihη|, which acts as a linear operator on a Hilbert space |ξihη| : |ζi 7→ |ξihη|ζi =
(η, ζ)|ξi.
1. Show that if |ξi and |ηi obey hξ|ηi = 1, then |ξihη| is a projection operator onto the one-dimensional
subspace spanned by |ξi. In particular for |ξi normalised, |ξihξ| is an orthogonal projection.
2. Demonstrate that if φ1 , φ2 , . . . φn form an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space H, then nj=1 |φj ihφj |
is the identity operator 1H .
[The trace of a linear operator A can be defined as Tr[A] = j (φ j , Aφ j ) with {φj } an orthonormal basis.]
This problem is a modified version of problem 2.19 from Sakurai’s Modern Quantum Mechanics.
1. A coherent state of the quantum harmonic oscillator is an eigenstate of the normalized annihilation op-
erator α− . Show that for any λ ∈ C, the state |λi = e− 2 |λ| eλα+ |ψ0 i is a normalised coherent state with
α− eigenvalue λ.
2. Determine the expansion of the coherent state |λi in terms of the (normalised) energy eigenstates |ni =
|ψn i/||ψn ||. Find the most probable value of n to be observed when measuring the energy of |λi.
3. Show that a coherent state can be obtained by applying the finite displacement operator T(a) = exp (−iPa/ℏ)
to the ground state |ψ0 i.
4. Determine the overlap between two different coherent states |λi and |μi for μ 6= λ. Explain why there is
no contradiction in the fact that states with different eigenvalues are not orthogonal.
In this problem it may be useful to look up and use the “Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff ” formula if you have not
seen it before.
Consider a free particle in one dimension whose initial wave function (at time zero) is the stationary Gaussian
wave packet given by
1 x2
ψ(x) = exp − 2 .
(2πσ2 )1/4 4σ
2. Now evolve the resulting state to some time t using the fact that the free particle Hamiltonian is diago-
nalised on the momentum states.
3. Calculate directly the time evolution of the position-space wave function using the free particle propa-
gator U(x′ , t′ ; x, t) as described in lectures.
Comment on the behaviour of the dispersions Δ ψ (X) and Δ ψ (P) over time.
In this problem, you may find it useful to know (if you don’t know it already) the expression for the general
Gaussian integral (valid for R(A) ⩾ 0) is
Z∞ r 2
1 2 2π B
exp − Ax + Bx dx = exp .
2 A 2A
1. Consider a system of two identical particles. First, assume that they are free to move in the interval [0, a]
with respective coordinates x1 and x2 .
(a) Explain why, if the particles are fermions, the ground state wave function is
ψ(x1 , x2 ) = √ (ψ1 (x1 )ψ2 (x2 ) − ψ1 (x2 )ψ2 (x1 )) ,
where x1 and x2 are the positions of the particles and ψk (x) = a2 sin kπx a . What is the ground
state wave function if the particles are bosons?
(b) In both cases, calculate the probability that, in the ground state, both particles will be found in the
interval [0, 21 a].
2. Now the particles move on the full x-axis with quadratic external potential V(x) = 21 mω2 x2 . They also
repel one another with a force arising from an interaction potential Vint (x1 , x2 ) = − 41 κmω2 (x1 − x2 )2
with 0 < κ < 1 is a real constant.
(a) Define new coordinates y± = (x1 ± x2 )/ 2. Show that if the particles are bosons, then the wave
function when written as a function of y± must be an even function of y− . What if the particles are
(b) Show that the time-independent Schrödinger equation separates when written in terms of y± .
(c) Given that the normalised ground state and first excited state wave functions of the standard har-
monic oscillator are given by
2 − 41 x2 2x ℏ
ψ0 (x) = (πσ ) exp − 2 , ψ1 (x) = ψ (x) , where σ2 = ,
2σ σ 0 mω
determine the ground state wave function of the coupled system when the particles are bosons and
when they are fermions. Determine energy spectrum in both cases.
(d) Show that the expected distance |x1 −x2 | between the particles in the ground state is twice as large for
fermions as for bosons. This is an example of what is sometimes called Pauli repulsion or degeneracy