MIT8 04S16 ps3 2016
MIT8 04S16 ps3 2016
MIT8 04S16 ps3 2016
• Recommended Reading: Griffiths, sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5.
Problem Set 3
1. Exercises with commutators [10 points] Let A, B, and C be linear operators.
Useful integral: Valid for complex constants a and b, with real part of a positive:
Z ∞ r
π b2
−ax2 +bx
e dx = exp , when Re(a) > 0 .
−∞ a 4a
Physics 8.04, Quantum Physics 1, Spring 2016 2
x′ = x − vt , t′ = t .
where the function f (x, t) involves x, t, ~, m and v, and such that Ψ′ satisfies the
corresponding Schrödinger equation in primed variables.
∂Ψ′ ~2 ∂ 2 Ψ′
i~ = − .
∂t′ 2m ∂x′2
(a) Find the function f (x, t). [Hint: Note that the function f (x, t) cannot depend
on any observable of Ψ; it is a universal function that is used to transform any
Ψ. Thus if Ψ is a (single) plane wave, f cannot depend on its momentum or its
(b) Demonstrate that the plane wave solution
Ψ(x, t) = A ei(kx−ωt)
and using the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation to derive the form of the prob-
ability current J(x, t) that should appear in the conservation equation
+∇·J = 0.
Physics 8.04, Quantum Physics 1, Spring 2016 3
At time equal to zero the value of |γ(0)| is very small. As the packets evolve and
spread, what will happen to the value of |γ(t)|? Will it increase as the packets
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