Attachment - PDF - Piya Kesar - Wild - Pigs-CR
Attachment - PDF - Piya Kesar - Wild - Pigs-CR
Attachment - PDF - Piya Kesar - Wild - Pigs-CR
How to get rid of them Trapping them isn’t easy. Trappers use bait
to lure pigs into a corral. They watch them
Alberta has set up a tip line called
on remotely-operated cameras.
“Squeal on Pigs.” It encourages people Wild
Then they drop the gate.
to report wild pig sightings. boars who
become elusive
“It’s important… not to
But once the pigs become established, are difficult to find,
catch, or track. have any on the wrong
it’s almost impossible to get rid of them.
side of the gate,” says one
The animals are hard to track. They trapper. “Any that escape
run away at any sign of danger. will become more trap-wise.”
They hide in thick cover. They
Their growth is exploding. There have
make underground burrows or nest
been close to 62,000 reports of wild pigs
in cattails. In winter, they tunnel
across Canada. More than 75 percent of the
into snowbanks and build ‘pigloos'.
sightings have been in the last five years. Now
They’re very suspicious. “They become they're spreading into the United States.
real wary of humans,” says one scientist.
“Wild pigs are the worst invasive
Hunting doesn’t work. The animals spook wild animal on the planet,” says one
and scatter when they hear guns. expert. “They’re a global menace.”
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