Ontheotherside PDF
Ontheotherside PDF
Ontheotherside PDF
The stairs . . .
1 Lead down one level.
2 Lead up one level.
3 Are in truth a trap. Anyone who doesn’t
spot it in time loses their footing when the
stairs turn into a slide. The slide connects
to the next level of the dungeon. Whee!
4 Lead down two levels.
5 Lead to a different level that is not
accessible in any other way. A long passage
stands between the door and the stairs.
6 Lead down three levels.
A spacious chamber with glass walls
and ceiling. The glass is enchanted,
offering a look at a distant place.
The stairs . . .
1 Lead down one level.
2 Are in poor shape. Every round, there is
a two-in-six chance they collapse and the
heroes fall to the next level.
3 Are an illusion. Anyone who fails a
Wisdom save falls to their death.
4 Lead down two levels.
5 Are actually a sleeping rock elemental. If it
wakes, it will not be too happy to find the
heroes using its body in this way. Maybe it
shouldn’t have looked like stairs.
6 Lead up one level.
A large fireplace, a small well, and a
wood-fired oven dominate most of the
space in this cramped chamber.
The cistern is . . .
1 Bone dry. Ya know. Because of all the bones
lining the bottom of the pit.
2 Half-filled with clean water.
3 Half-filled with disgusting water.
4 Completely filled with nasty water.
5 Filled with clean water . . . and a terrible
monstrosity with razor-sharp teeth, a doz-
en tentacles, and a bad attitude. Whatever
the hell it is, it doesn’t like the adventurers.
6 Empty, save for a thick and massive patch
of yellow mold that spits poisonous spores
into the air if it is disturbed.
Music Room
Comfortable, finely-upholstered sofas
and chairs are arranged in a half-circle
around a large organ.