Jericho Ebook1

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Introducing a Warning

Before we get started on the content of this groundbreaking work, it would be remiss not to point
out some stone cold facts when considering your position based on this declaration and the
contents of this accompanying e-book.

As you all know by now all administration courts are NOT adverse to screwing you over at every
opportunity since they are not courts of record nor are they lawful courts. I’m not going to repeat
Lord Denning s words on this matter it has been said so many times from so many people.

But it does behove us to point out without ambiguity the risks you take in certain circumstances if
you intend to use this declaration as part of your defence. This includes the trust collapse
document that you purchased with this declaration.

As many have seen with the likes of Council tax, admin courts don’t give a sh*t about lawful and
legal distinctions, they are there to collect money from you at any cost (usually to you). So let us
clarify this particular aspect.

If a claim is being brought against you or the claim is currently ongoing the declaration makes it
impossible for you to enter this into the admin court system since both sides are acting outside of
their jurisdiction. Thus you will not be heard, since they cannot deal with a “living” wo/man.

It is the suggestion (since we do not give advice) you act carefully when initiating the use of this
declaration in the correct manner. Below are a few examples of what we mean exactly when using
or attempting to use within the lower admin courts which are as follows.

1. If you are already on an admin court track this will not give you a “get out of jail free” card since,
as stated above they will not allow it into evidence after documents have been filed and even if
they did it is out of jurisdiction as already explained.

2. If a claim has not yet evolved into a court case in and of itself but “could do” in the near future,
then in order for this to be effective, you have to get in first by including within your notices the
“living status” backed by your declaration. What this does is place you in charge of where the claim
is going to be heard before “they” have a chance to suck you into admin courts.

3. There are many circumstances/claims we all get on a weekly basis from all sorts of scumbags
trying to contract with you. It is during this period you can use the declaration and the detailed
ideas/suggestions within this e-book.

Approaching claims this way (without court being mentioned at this stage) you establish your
status FIRST! It now becomes a question of who “they” are trying to contract/communicate with. If
they are unwilling to recognise you or ignore your status, you have a claim under the many
instances contained within this e-book and listed on the declaration.

In some circumstances the knowledge you have accumulated and the declaration will I have no
doubt see some of the “chancers” running for the hills.
Of course if the “claimant” against you is in any way connected to the crown or the banking system
you can bet your butt they will not give up so easy. In which case, as stated you have to get in first
and drag them into a court of equity. In the case of this living declaration that would be chancery.

Now that you are aware of the limitations of the admin courts and by extension the power of this
declaration if used in the incorrect venue as a defence for an ongoing claim…


We are not suggesting you don’t try and get this into the admin courts, since “some” judges (not
many) may be fully conversant with what you are saying and push it up to a higher courts, knowing
they have no jurisdiction or dismiss the case. Point is if you have a weapon you may as well use it
but as I have stated in this venue it is not a given it will be honoured. If it is there is a high
probability the case will be dismissed then and there, which I have seen on occasions and I am sure
many of you have seen older videos establishing that fact.

So to be clear; I cannot be held accountable for the misuse or misunderstanding of when, where
and how this information/declaration is to be used. You should always strive for equity not roll
over and allow admin to rob you of property or your status.

If there is not yet a summons in play from the admin courts drop the declaration on them in your
notices with a mind to claim in a court of equity. Now think about this…

If YOU cannot be heard as a living wo/man in admin courts, what chance do you think “they” have
in being heard in equity having established your status?

So to recap:

Ongoing case (Admin courts), try it out it “may” get dismissed but don’t hold your breath.

However as some of you may have already heard on this video (at the end) a declaration of status, endorsed by a notary public in Scotland was
accepted in the lower courts as part of the evidence bundle and the case was dismissed. Does this
mean it will work everywhere? Certainly not, but it does spur us onwards to make sure we include
it and see if “they” risk breaching several established laws.

Still at the “communication” stage of a claim, send your notices and include the declaration, they
may fold or they may ignore you. If they fold great. If they ignore, get in first on status (not the
claim). And pull them into equity.

And the final option which is probably your most powerful;

Don’t wait for them to contact you, initiate the establishment of your status towards whomever
you feel the need to and take them into a court of equity if they fail to do so. This assumes you
have covered you ass in giving the opposition time to respond (Pre-Action-Protocols).

Now we have covered the different circumstances, enjoy, learn and benefit from the declaration
and contents of this e-book.
At the time of editing I am sure you can appreciate the additions so close to distribution that even
this declaration and e-book is ever changing and can always be updated by you or myself as time
gores on and we collect further helpful information.

I uploaded the video I placed a link to (above) with three links referencing “PERSON” and the fact
those links (below) make explicit mention and inclusion of certain legal definitions means they also
“exclude” others, namely “man/woman.”

Here are the additional links as mentioned for you within that video.

UK Tax:
Interpretations Act:
Public bodies:

One last suggestion I would make is this...

Even if you have no current claims either way (for or against you) edit the declaration as you see fit
pertaining to your personal circumstances. Locate a Notary Public and get it stamped and hold it
on file for any and all future incursions upon you. That way you have a powerful tool ready to go at
any time in the future. Keep this on file perminatly to protect your status.

Of course if you have purchased this package you will already have a Notray public contact details
and they will do business over the net so no need to get a face to face. Your signed/stamped
documents will then be sent back to you via special delivery.

Now if you point out Observation Deck sent you, all subsequent documents (not the first one) will
be dealt with at a discunted rate...Your welcome.

Notary details as follows:


Southgate Chambers
37/39 Southgate Street
SO23 9EH

Telephone: 07771 977092

Email: [email protected]

All the best

Robert O’Deck

This last newsletter is included in your Jericho pack as an additional aid to your over-standing of
the contents. It was/is not part of the original e-book but I thought it would set the scene for PJ
members and the public alike.

The final Step of your Project Jericho journey

Welcome to one of the most, if not THE most important lessons and tool/s you will get.

This penultimate content you are receiving exclusively as PJ students has no equal in the public
domain. Personally we at PJ have been dying to share this final tool with you since day one. But as
you know, everything needs simmering, prior knowledge needs to be collected and understood for
what comes next (in your life) to be as effective as you wish it to be. Hence the need to be familiar
with previous lessons and hints on how to play this “Game of Thrones.”

Just to clarify the title; This is the penultimate lesson, the one most have been waiting for, the one
with the final play and how all this comes together behind the scenes. However before we get to
any type of summation you will be receiving the court documents, redacted where necessary once
filed at a later date.

Once those documents have been sent out we would like you to see how we transferred some of
the contents of the declaration and the 43 page e-book you are now getting with it. The
declaration and e-book makes it easy for you to build a claim and stand your ground using your
own approach.

This will act as the final set of documents which now gives you a full over-standing of the process,
the art of law and with the addition of this unique set of tools exclusive to students of PJ an upper
hand you in future “negotiations.”

This is not going to be a long “newsletter” since we know you are all dying to get to the jewel in
the crown of your fight for freedom from fanatical fascist fiduciaries;)

We know there are a few who thought this journey was a little expensive and somehow not “value
for money.” So let me (OD) speak on behalf of the team…

None of you would be here if you thought you were not going to get value. But here is the most
important thing I personally felt when we started PJ and knew soon after for sure.

It did not go unnoticed that most of you joined because deep down you knew value was not going
to be an issue, nor would you be left with egg on your face, why? Because I think you all know how
important my word is to all of you, this applies equally to Craig and Jody’s appreciation of the faith
you have in our work and efforts to do right by you all.

So how would YOU value the opportunity to access your CQV Trust?

How would you value the ability to cite over 15 laws, cases, treaties and international agreements
all laser focused on one single point…STATUS RECOGNITION AND RIGHT TO IT!
This aspect of our lives which has been destroyed by manipulating laws, act and imposing
legislation is based on a single premiss: You are a PERSON! (Of any description).

Well now you can establish from day 1 who and what you are using the tools provided.

Can you imagine just how much crap you can stop instantly by using laws they made against them?

Let me give you a typical “Art of Law” example, which you should be familiar with by now (the
thoughts behind the strategy)

Like any good general we seek the best course of action in order to affect the desired outcome.
That part is obvious.

What some find difficult is how to translate that to the “Art of Law” so let me help with two
examples which, fear not, form part of the e-book you are getting.

Example 1: Come in from left field...

Call me crazy but they are:

There are many established laws concerning ID theft, and I bet many of you hit that lightbulb
moment straight away;)

I am not going to go into detail here since I have included everything you need in very good detail
the salient aspects of ID theft, how it is described and dealt with (Fraud 2006 much of the time).
But for those still sitting there wondering what the heck I am talking about, it is this…

Our status was changed from “living” to dead” by the state putting it in basic terms. Then we were
placed in trust (birth cert) and made wards of the state and liable for state debt. Now consider the
fact if someone steals your ID with a motive to make money out of you, your living spirit, steals
your ID, imposes another, while all the judiciary and government agents are complicit in this
international ID theft perpetrated by bankers and robber barons.

Example 2: I want a divorce…

There are again established laws on forced marriages here in the UK and in many other nations.
There are also international agreements of the same. It clearly states no one can be forced into an
arranged marriage unless they freely and willingly wish to do so. No coercion, force, psychological
manipulation may be used to force a marriage.

That is exactly what the law states: Now all you have to do is point out this is one of the most
solemn oath “contracts” anyone can make, but a contract nonetheless.

So whom exactly has forced YOU into a marriage of convenience ignoring your personal rights,
beliefs and wishes? (I think that is a mic drop moment;) And if you disagree, let me add the
following just for shits and giggles…
Check out your new e-book on the marriage section and take a look how powerful one single
sentence can be in the right hands: Until death do us part takes on a whole new meaning when
dealing with being lost at sea;)

Example 3:

I have added this short thought experiment to show you how to set up the opposition for a fall.
Consider the format and style, along with what is stated first, then used against them a little later.


To give you yet another example of how to play court chess and win, while at the same time using
question tactics to trap the court into submission and you are now becoming the grand master of
court chess…

Imagine you have been invited to a local court and you have graciously accepted by way of “special
appearance” just to see if you can sort things out (On your terms).

OK, so door opens, you walk in to the court. After the usual trap questions which you will not reply
to, you begin...

“Before we start I would just like to point out my protected status under equality and
discrimination laws, along with my human rights is currently being denied me and I demand
assurances from the court you will uphold these right under law before we proceed.

Now of course the court will jump to agree, after all they are there to uphold the law...Tee-He. In
other words you just got the court to “contract” with you (wait and see).

You continue…

“Just to be clear on my protected rights, specifically my faith and beliefs. They are currently being
insulted and denied and I insist you take appropriate measures to remedy this otherwise I will be
forced to take this matter further.

Now the court will not know what the hell you are talking about so they need to ask you “What
rights?” Now you have them…

“You said you would uphold my rights when I ask you, and yet you continue to ignore my faith and
the secret oath I have made to my god where it clearly states in Act 10 : 34 The law, gods law is no
respecter of persons.

Yet you insist I am a person when clearly I am not, I am a living wo/man under god and will not and
any other title bestowed upon me against my will. And furthermore refute any presumption you
have concerning my living status.

I am not a person, I cannot go against the fact our lord clearly stated in Genesis, we have dominion
over everything. That makes me a beneficiary of gods divine trust and as you agreed to uphold my
protected right under the provisions set out within English law, the human rights act and other
international treaties. I move this court to dismiss the claim or act as true trustees on my behalf
and settle the matter.

Exhibit 1 declares my status (Your status declaration, which you should have notarised), Exhibit 2
establishes my standing, (which is the document of collapsing the trust.)

My only question before we start is; If you are going to uphold the law of the land and not
discriminate or lessen my standing by presumption, and since now I have made my position clear,
the law must be followed and my protected rights must be maintained.

Is there anything else you wish to discuss before you settle this matter as trustees?”

You will note that exhibit 1 is a document I have entered into the case collapsing the presumed,
constructive trust better known as the CQV, for it has no value. And it instructs the trustees to
work on my behalf as the beneficiary, not the trustee, since that is now you.

Exhibit 2; This is my declaration signed by a notary to support my deeply held religious beliefs and
evidencing my status as “living” while rebutting any and all person/persona presumptions to the
contrary by the courts or anyone else in these matters.

Once we have agree to uphold my protected right I will be happy to listen to what you have to say.

We sincerely believe PJ has already furnished you with value many others have no idea of. Given
the contents of your previous lessons and this final set of tools, if used with due-diligence can
change your life. But more than the obvious (as if that was not enough) the goal has also been to
show you how to “think” when approaching claims or cases, to be adaptive and open to other
possibilities when presenting your case/claim. To be aware of more than one way of approaching
any matter, the idea you can think laterally by using “principles in law.”

Learn to craft your claim, be aware of the endless possibilities you could use when presenting any
part of your claim. I know it has been said before but it is going to be said again before signing off
for this lesson: Taken from the accompanying E-book.

Break your claim down into three distinctive parts

Makes sure you treat each part to start with as separate and isolated parts.
Gather everything connected to that part before you move on.

Those parts are:

Cause of action: What did “they do?”
Supporting evidence (first hand; laws, case law, examples supporting your claim (like all the ones
mentioned (ID theft, Forced marriages etc.…))
Remedy “known” to English law. (If you have part 2 above sorted then part three will fall into
place) The biggest mistake many make is saying what they “want” the judge to do. This will not
work unless you are quoting directly from the law books and case law.

Critical point many forget or are not aware of is you need to make a solid bridge between all three
parts especially parts 1 & 3.
And if you are in any doubt as to what type of form you need to fill in, then default to a part 8
claim. (Part 7 is for money) Part 8 for a judgment in the context of this pack it is your
status/standing you want remedy based upon). Obviously you may have other considerations in
mind, in which case edit accordingly.

IMPORTANT DETAIL: If you are going specifically for status recognition then take note of where
that type of hearing will take place and who has jurisdiction over it. In other words the power to
effect the remedy you are asking for because not only have you to consider what it is your asking
for or demanding but to whom you are addressing it to. You see Chancery judges have a very wide
remit to deal with claims of equity in all its forms. However if it boils down to anything close to
human rights and status recognition, it may well be heard from the Queens Bench. But you will
have to know which of those (Chancvery/QB) based on your own claim.

Here is a link to what the Queens bench Judges cover:

From the link above only you can decide which court you are going to claim in but it would still use
a part 8 and I believe the costs are the same.

Well, I won’t keep you from your treasure trove of tools any longer.

The team at PJ wish you well on your continuing journey and we will forward the court documents
as and when they are ready for distribution to students only of PJ. These documents will never be
shared in the public domain until PJ members have had time to digest them and get them
notarised if required.

The time has come from you to take off your stabilisers and start to walk on your own two feet. It is
time to put childish emotions to one side in favour of logic and rational in order to experience the
emotions you wish to have and keep.

This should not be taken on board as a “Crack at the Crown” this is and should always be in
compliance with the common laws of this land in voicing with quiet confidence (from due diligence
and commitment) instances of dishonour with evidence and the remedy you seek, for self or
others, less educated. Please try not to confuse lack of knowledge with stupidity, its an insult to
the student and a reflection of your less desirable characteristics.

I think it appropriate and seriously thought provoking leaving you on the final words I placed into
your e-books to keep you reminded of the part you play, not just in your life but as a positive role-
model influence on those around you.

Enjoy these last words and I will meet you on the other side…

“I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid. You’re afraid of
us. You’re afraid of change.
I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came
here to tell you how this is going to begin. I’m gonna hang up this phone, and then I’m
gonna show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m gonna show them a
world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders and
boundaries… a world where anything is possible. Where you go from here is a choice I
leave to you.”

Live long and prosper;)

R. O’Deck

Let me start by welcoming all you fellow travellers in the search for peace through knowledge. My
baptism of fire over the past few years has been one of the steepest leaning curves I have ever had
but thankful for it.

For those of you who purchased this as a stand alone tool after the completion of project Jericho
you will also note in the next section the last lesson in the collection that was sent to PJ students.
The reason that has been included is it contains even more details and food for thought directly
related to this set of tools, so you get a sneak peek of what we covered.

There are many journeys we have to take alone but that does not mean we can’t prepare for them
ahead of time. Once you have read and fully understood what you are reading, I think the
implications will have a profound effect if you chose to act upon your new knowledge.

It is not as complicated as most would have you believe, which I guess is one of those factors which
kept you from exploring previously.

This is the only publication at time of writing that beaks down the CQV Act 1666 paragraph by
paragraph in order for you to fully overstand how powerful the tools you now have.

While I respect the efforts of past explorers, I have to admit it was they who gave me the idea. You
see in principle they were correct in making a statement of truth. But it was clear many of those
efforts went to waste because of no clear cause of action, no supporting laws, evidence or case law

If it were not for those brave souls who pioneered such sovereign audacity we would not be here
today. My gratitude to all who have gone before and may you all keep that legacy alive by
spawning new ideas or approaches based on your efforts...I personally thank you all.

It seems to me if you are willing to put your money where your mouth is, then I have no doubt
your examination of this e-book page by page will have the greatest benefit for you. Not simply
over content, but you being the driving force for your own dedication to positive change.

Next you will read a copy of what was sent to the students as an addition to the full contents you
now own. PJ students if this is your first reading but have had the March lesson then skip to
“Statutory Declaration section below.

I’ll see you on the other side…


In this document I will explain why the statutory declaration (SD) why it is being used in this
format. Once you know why it is an SD you will know why we did not use an affidavit.

First let me explain what and SD is:

What is a statutory declaration and how can they be used?

A statutory declaration is a formal statement made affirming that something is true to the best
knowledge of the person making the declaration. It has to be signed in the presence of a solicitor,
commissioner for oaths or notary public.

Statutory declarations are generally used to satisfy a legal requirement or regulation when no
other such evidence is available.

Statutory declarations need to be completely truthful and accurate so a solicitor other than the
one acting for you in a legal matter will deal with the statutory declaration to ensure that it is valid
on the grounds of being impartial.

Now one would argue that filling in such a “statutory” declaration places you in their jurisdiction.
From one POV that is correct, but from another if you state clearly there was/is no other remedy
available to you in which the court will hear you, then you had no alternative.

Just make sure you state “within” your declaration you do not claim to be a creature of statute. If
you are in any doubt then simply remove the word “statory” from your documents. I have included
it in order for you to be fully informed.

Examples of how statutory declarations are used

 By people who wish to change their name as a method of legally adopting their new name so they
can use it on documents such as passports and driving licences

 By financial institutions to transfer money to people legally entitled to deal with the estate of a
person who has died, such as executors of a will

 Declarations of identity, nationality or marital status when documentary evidence is unavailable

 By company directors declaring solvency when going into voluntary liquidation

 Affirming the provenance and nature of goods for export or import

 Declaration statements of originality of an item as part of a patent application.

How to word a statutory declaration

A statutory declaration is a legal document that is governed by the Statutory Declarations Act
1835. All statutory declarations must contain the following wording.

“I (name)of (address) do solemnly and sincerely declare, that/as follows...

(Insert here the text setting out what you need to declare)
and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of
the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835. Declared at (leave blank for
solicitor/commissioner to insert address
This of 2022 (leave date blank)
Before me……(leave blank for solicitor/commissioner to sign)”

That is the basic premise of a declaration, all we now have to do is add our “text” and we are good
to go.

Unlike previous attempts in the world of remedy to get a foothold based on archaic laws, this
declaration is based on current legislation and if challenged would elicit serious allegations of fraud
and human rights abuses, not to mention the other examples used in the declaration itself.

The challenge was coming up with something that if you were to take to a notary public and they
refused (make sure you record the conversation) but if they refuse to witness your document, then
you require the reason a legal document cannot be signed by them.

Since this declaration follows the current laws to the letter, what defence has a notary public have
for not doing what you have asked for?

NOTARY PUBLIC (If that is the road you want to take).

Let me explain two alternatives you should consider when putting your case/claim together.

Method 1 I have mentioned above. Get your declaration notarised, even if you have no claims
pending. Reason being you now have a legal document which states exactly what you are (not
who), why that status is “protected” and an offer to contract transparently (like hell they will)
You my fellow traveller are the very essence of honour and transparency (give yourself a well
earned pat of the back).

Method 1 gives you a sort of “passport” when trespassers come calling. An example of that type
of approach would be that no matter who wants what from you (the person) your first recourse is
NEVER ARGUE THE CLAIM. But fight for your legal rights on status recognition backed up by a copy
of your declaration and send back some “like” the following… Go next full page.
To whom it may concern,

I am sure you are aware of the legal ramifications of ignoring certain members of society. One
could cite discrimination, human rights international treaties and even UN agreements, all covering
one critical aspect of all our lives: “Status Recognition.”

These national and international rights are enshrined in many nations laws including those of the
United Kingdom. (place your country here wherever you may be).

The enclosed declaration notarised by a member of the judiciary as having legal standing is a fully
transparent document in which I am informing you, as to my status. Now that you have be made
aware of my living status and the laws which protect rights to be recognised, I have only one
question before we move forward with this matter.

Who/What exactly are you trying to communicate with in this matter?

Any attempt at ignoring national and international laws on equity, discrimination, status
recognition may allow us to respond accordingly.

If you think that I, a living man owes you something or is obligated to some specific performance I
have concerns which need addressing, and since you are not above the law and must comply with
a lawful demand.

Considering the national and international laws on contracts and equity are well established and
that any demand/request for commercial gain falls directly into these areas of law:

Produce the contract I signed or an agreement “we” have which evidences my living status
obligation to you or your organisation.

By what authority do you make these demands to a living wo/man?

What evidence do you have my status and my right to have this status recognised is overridden by
your claimed authority?

What law specifically compels a living wo/man to enter into any agreement without the basics of
contractual laws which I am sure you are aware of.

I would have thought the very first thing to establish is who you are doing business with (all
demands for money are commercial and therefore contractual). You have made it clear who you
are and whom you represent and I am now doing the same.

I accept your claimed status and standing and ask you afford me the same. And considering we
both enjoy the same right under the law, I believe you have no alternative.
I am aware of the presumption of law which automatically classes all contacts as “Legal persons”.
This notice removes any and all presumptions of law, claim and any other presumption you may
have as to my status.

Your presumptions will always be rebutted and my living status is established and enforce using all
the available case laws, treaties, Human rights and a plethora of other agreements which PROTECT
THESE RIGHTS. It is my contention you have no standing to conduct commerce without my

Can you produce any evidence which shows otherwise?

I look forward to you recognising my status and clarifying who you wish to contract with. Please
include for transparency any evidence you have pertaining to this claim and to whom “exactly” is
your claim referring to. Now you have been made aware of my status, protected under various
laws I will expect you and your agents to adhere to them, this is not open to debate.

I am clear on the fact I will not contract with a fictional entity in the public since all my affairs are
conducted in private under contract laws in which my status is recognised and my terms

No further communication will be made unless you adhere to the laws pertaining to my status
recognition. We can thenceforth conduct commerce in a transparent and equitable manner as
befitting honourable types such as we.

If however, you chose not to continue to contract under the protected terms and conditions you
are free to confirm in writing and we can agree and end to this matter.

Good day

Sign in any way you wish, I personally like this:

Living wo/man by faith, belief, culture and laws, my status is protected and valued by all nations.


(Now send that to banks and debt collectors and see what happens)
Its all a journey but do it for shits and giggles and lets see who (in the debt world) folds and who is
going to try and defend their claim with BS...ENJOY.
So there is an example of using the declaration as is. As you can now see, it is very powerful since
we are no longer arguing the contents of ANY CLAIM. We are establishing our status FIRST, then
offering to contract, provided they recognised you as stated.

But did you catch the “Hook” at the end?

If they write back recognising your status but continuing to make a claim (some idiots might) you
have them hook line and sinker. Wrong jurisdiction and they gave you the perfect tort to take them
to court or you slap in a strikeout counter-claim based on the one thing you need to get where you
want to go...A case you on status alone. (Forget the claim of money.)

On the other hand (still talking about the “Hook”) they may ignore your demands to be recognised
in the face of the notice you sent, with a copy of your declaration (notarised if possible, but not
essential). In which case they have broken the law and put it in writing!

Now do you see why this approach is so powerful?

If they do recognised you, where is the contract? (Since you are now a confirmed agent of the
fiction, you have no liability).

If they do not recognised your status, they have broken laws…


Method 2: Again as with above, you could get it notarised but in this case you could also make it
part of a counter-claim by adding it to your evidence. A statement of truth may require a solicitor
but if your case depends on removing the presumption of law then use it no matter what.

One way to get what you want into evidence is to make it part of your pre-court correspondence,
that way you have good cause to bring it up at the very first instance.

Once you do, the judge has to dismiss the case or refer it to a higher court since your status is
above crown/country court jurisdiction and firmly in the world of equity (chancery). But if you
stand your ground, the case will be more likely dismissed as no “administrative” court has standing
with an equity case, which it becomes the moment you establish your living status.

Now imagine the various claims and trespass you have endured over the years, fighting every
claim, defending what little they have left you with and all because our status was presumed to be
something it is not. The simple fact is…

We are slaves to our lack of knowledge

Why is it so difficult for us to evidence our status?

I believe it is imperative we fully overstand why this dichotomy exists. It is beyond all logic and
reason that anyone should have to evidence they are “alive.” In a rational world, there would be no
question and others would think you crazy if you claimed for all to see; You are alive!

I suspect many would think you have lost the plot, but then we don’t live in that world do we. That
should be enough evidence we are in a world of made up fictions, dragged into the land of the
dead and kept as pets to be exploited at every opportunity.

You have alleged intelligent people in places of great authority stating they can’t hear you but will
be happy to talk with a dead fiction. (Section them under mental health?)

The crazy part is we are not only “dead” but somehow we jumped on a boat, without a compass,
with no experience and got lost at sea “presumed dead”...Ffs!

Any outsider reading that would think I’m mental!

Yet this is the world the elites have created for us all and billions are none the wiser.

But why?

What makes it almost impossible to get anyone in authority (I use that term very lightly) to see
how crazy this is and to be recognised for who you really are, based on medical rational, logic and
not fictional commerce. Personally I think we have a strong case to dismiss the presumption since
the “authority” is not qualified to judge that condition. The evidence being the opposite to the

Now let me share with you the reason behind why it is so difficult and the secret agreement all
USA/UK bar members have before they are permitted to practise.

In the Erie versus Tompkins case (USA) decision of 1938 the significance is that since the eerie
decision no cases are allowed to be cited that are prior to 1938 there can be no mixing of the old
law with the new law.

The significance of new law Vs old law was to stop anyone citing case law prior to 1938 since much
of the wrong type of cases were won. What type were they?

Read on…

The lawyers who are members of the American bar association were and are currently under and
control by the lawyers guild of great Britain. They created formed and implemented the new
bankruptcy laws. The American bar association is a franchise of the lawyers guild of great Britain
since the Erie versus Tompkins case was decided the practice of law in USA/UK was never again to
be the same.
It has been reported that every lawyer currently practising and every lawyer coming up has to take
a secret oath to support bankruptcy not only do the lawyers promise to support the bankruptcy of
the state…

In addition the lawyers and judges promise never to reveal who the true creditor party is. In the
bankruptcy proceedings in court there is never identification and appearance of the true character
and principle of the proceedings.

If there is no appearance of the true party to the action then there is no way the defendant is able
to know the true nature and cause of the action. You are never told the true nature and cause of
why you are in front of their court.

The court is forbidden to tell you that information. That's why if you question the true nature and
cause, the judge will tell you it's not my job to tell you you are not retaining me as an attorney and
I can't give you legal advice from the bench I suggest you hire a lawyer.

Hiring a lawyer is the problem here since if you hire a lawyer who is pledged not to reveal the true
nature and the cause, how will you ever find out the nature and the cause?

You won't if the true nature and the cause of the action against you is revealed. It will expose the
real creditor (you) from whom this action and cause came. In other words they will have to name
the true creditor.

The true creditor will have to state the nature and the cause, the true creditor will have to say it's a
bankruptcy proceeding, the true creditor will have to say I'm the creditor and he's the debtor!

That declaration would open the door for you to question who the hell are you how did you get
attached to my back and by what vehicle did i promise to become a debtor to you?

In this country the courts on every level from the justice of the peace level all the way up even into
the international law arena called the world courts. They are all administrating the bankruptcy and
are pledged not to reveal who the true creditors really are. Or how you became pledged as a party
or participant to the corporate UK/USA debt?

How did the bankers gain control over the judiciary and governments?

On that far flung day before the “new laws” the international bankers told various
countries they were now in a state of bankruptcy.

The countries had been taken over by the creditor bankers and there was no choice but for all
these participating countries to declare bankruptcy. If they refused bankruptcy the bankers
threatened to collapse the economies and thereby put the countries back into the depression like
the one from which they were just emerging.

The bankers made an offer no governments could refuse. To elaborate, in 1930 there was a
worldwide depression the bankers said look you can do it either of two ways the easy way or the
hard way. You accept the bankruptcy and we'll let you out of the depression. If you don't you're on
your own.
So the countries involved agreed since they realized the international bankers had them by the
throat. The countries therefore planned over a period of several years they would pass statutes
and legislation for the implementation of the bankruptcy in favour of the international bankers.

It would probably be correct to say the key bankers were the Rothschilds and their agents by way
of Rockefeller by way of the federal reserve bank. Who the bankers were is immaterial, the fact
remains there was an international bankruptcy and an international conspiracy to cover it up.
There was a banking creditor who made the offer the countries accepted. The offer, was in order to
enable the countries to continue without revolution and to allow the politicians to remain
comfortably in place under a delusion of solvency and sovereignty.

The countries were allowed to continue to operate as though they were solvent while in fact the
representative countries were bankrupt and still are. Hiding old laws (not repealing them) slowly
removes them from the minds of the people, to be forgotten making our present life the norm.
The bankers created and executed the worlds largest financial power grab in the 1930’s and it is
easy to see now we are further from that point in time. You need to overstand what it is you are up
against and that no representation will have your interests at heart, no judge will be honest with
you, they may not lie, but they will be dishonest, I can assure you.
The case here in question protects the fraud that is all the lower courts (admin) and covers the fact
we have had our status switched by deception and had imposed upon us through administrative
laws the burden of debt through ever increasing taxes.
This monetary scenario is the basis for daring to question the presumption you are who “they” say
you are, since that title makes you liable for any and all claims (taxes). To know where you are and
where you wish to go, we have to look at where we have been and what methods have been used
to steal our status.
It does not take much effort to give a high-level view of some key dates or events to see the big
picture here:
The great Fire of London reset: CQV Act 1666 (Land grab & ID theft)
FED created
Gold standard removed (Wrong descriptor) Gold stolen and replaced with paper (huge con-job)
Secret bankruptcy agreements. This included the deal to print money @ the cost of $20 for paper
and ink producing 200,000 $50 bills! Talk about printing a profit!!! All that “currency” is then sold
to the government in return for government bonds (agreement to increase taxes on the debtors)
Now you know why the case above attempts to ensure the memory of the creditors is wiped from
the records and history.
But as I hope you can begin to realise, your status is the key to removing the claims and
presumptions and p[laces you back in charge as the creditor.
I am aware many have stood in courts and fought the presumption of law and some have won. But
many did not have the knowledge and confidence to hold fast and bring into evidence those laws
which fully support your status all in a single document.
Now tell me, is that something worth having in your tool kit for any occasion? I would say so.

It is up to you when it comes to how you use your tools, it has the power to stop most claims and
fend off over-enthusiastic traffic police. Or can be used as stated above in various situations from
parking tickets to Mortgage payments/contracts (do your own home work on the possibilities).

As you may have figured out by now, these are tools, not methods. It would have been impossible
to design anything which is a “fit-all” profile. This is as close as I could come with laser-focus on this
single aspect the whole system builds on...That you are a dead fiction.

We know the system is 100% morally corrupted and laws are made to protect the money and in
most circumstances collect it from our treasury accounts without our knowledge. This leads me
into an area I know all of you want to know about.

Your faith in our work has given you (we hope) knowledge, confidence and a will to succeed in the
face of adversity. And because of that faith and your trust in this journey of discovery I am giving
what could be the “Holy Grail of the Remedy world”

Bold statement eh?

Now please go to the next page:

CQV 1666

This information will never be placed on YouTube or any other platform by myself and I hope NOT
to see it anywhere outside of PJ or Gaiauni. If you do there is always “Trust Law” which can be
brought into any claim we at PJ could make if a copy should end up in the wrong hands. No it is not
a threat, it is a reminder of your honour and trust agreement when you signed up/purchased this
IP material.

If you think by sharing this you are increasing your chances of gaining access you are shooting
yourself in the foot for life, they will shut the approach soon enough I suspect.

Like all things when a “code is cracked” and I am not saying it is. The system will fill the gap with
something to stop it from being exploited. The more you share, the less chance you have of
succeeding, its not rocket science and you paid for this information so you know its true value. If it
is distributed for free every half brained red-neck will be throwing the opportunity away for
everyone...keep this information for you and your family only for all our sakes.

If you have not guessed by now I am going to be covering the CQV treasury subject but only in
terms of how it may apply to you now you have established your status.

Let me start by giving you a very quick overview of what we are most interested in within the 1666
CQV Act. I will leave a link below to the act itself for you to READ CAREFULLY.

The upshot is, 1665, pandemic (inside job?), 1666 big fire (inside job?) Crown can’t find owners,
result “assume everyone is dead, even the survivors.” The birth of the CQV trust.

But what is it?

Under the guise of repatriating the survivors with “lost property” the bankers and crown thought it
a good idea to “hold in trust” all property until such time as the presumed dead person comes
back and shouts “I’m Here!”

This was the first documented separation of the living and the dead fictional entity. How do we
know this, well think about it; On the one hand the Crown presumes your dead, on the other it
collects taxes from your fiction and a whole lot more. You effectively had your voice taken away
and replaced by a fictional debtor whom you are now presumed liable for hence the colossal
amount of crap in our lives.

OK, so we now have the crown setting up a trust for the people, which makes you the
beneficiary...or does it?
Well yes and no. You see until you return from the sea there is no beneficiary and until the crown
sees that you are “back from the sea” you are still the fictional debtor who can be held liable for
the dead entity, which all administrative processes apply to. (They are not laws).

Now I hope you can finally figure out why we placed all the jigsaw pieces around the table as we
did. The case which gave birth to the status correction was just a claim to push forward the status
correction theory. We felt if we could gain that right of status through the courts against a crown
agent, then we fulfilled the key to the CQV door.

While many thought we were challenging our status and nothing more, I hope you can see the
potential of the long game we had planned for. Our goal and yours once you have done your
homework and tested your tools based on your personal situations.

The warning here is do not do anything in this area until you have perfected your own learning and
are ready for the challenge. For those who were members of project Jericho, you will already know
how important confidence through knowledge and experience is. All this will give you the training
you will need to have a crack at the holy grail.

Here are some of my takes based on the Act itself, I hope you expand upon them and have
returned what was taken by moral corruption all those years ago.

What caught my eye was the fact it states within the CQV that in order to evidence you are back
from the sea, you must present yourself before a judge/jury. And make that declaration under oath
(I would presume). Now here is the problem with that…

If the only purpose for your claim is to set that record straight as per the CQV you cannot in all
normality “present yourself” before a judge? You see the system is set up in such a way that a
claim can be brought only if there is a tort or contravention of contract.

You would have thought CQV fits both but it does not fit either, as much as your emotions want to
scream otherwise.

Law and the stock market have no room for emotions

Believe me I have search for many ways to get in front of a judge without a tort since it is an act
not a tort and status correction cannot seemingly be had in this regard unless a tort has been
claimed. Now you see why we brought the case against the DVLA as an agent of the crown as not
to rouse suspicion when we hit them with the CQV hammer once status has been granted.

At the point of establishing your status you have fulfilled the terms of the CQV act and placed
yourself before a judge of equity (not a crown court) in Chancery, who has the power to grant back
that which was taken in trust. NOW YOU ARE THE BENEFICIARY.
So as you can see there is more than one way of skinning a cat as they say. If it is possible to get
before a judge without a tort being involved and his judgement recognised then please let me

On to another aspect of the CQV; It states clearly (so go read it) a court is held on a regular basis
(once every seven years I heard?) by a judge and jury to continue to claim you are still dead
because you did not appear.

Again, the problem is we have no idea when this fictional court sits, who the jury members are,
what opportunity were we given to appear, how does one book an appearance (without making a
claim?) You see the convoluted problems we have, caused by them to block our status correction
at all costs.

However, if you ever find yourself in crown court and want to push it up to chancery, you can. As I
mentioned previously, if you have established your status in a lower court they have to push it up
since they (administration) have no jurisdiction. Or as in cases I have been informed about more
likely the case itself will be dismissed since they know no matter how high the court goes, your
status is the key and that will not change if you continue to stand your ground. The chances of the
case being dismissed at this point is greater than being reffered to a higher court.

Think of all the opportunities (claims) you could now use in your devious plan to establish your
status, be subtle my young Padowan…

As was stated at the outset of Project Jericho, the type of case is not important, getting your status
in and recognised is.

Now you see just how critical this “keystone” is and why we called it THE KEYSTONE.

What you have in the form of the declaration and these accompanying notes is enough to change
the way you live your life if implemented as suggested. One thing I will share with you from my
own experiences is this…

Once I had started to implement this idea into my everyday life, and own the document to
evidence my status, I found I changed as a result.

I have spent the last three years deep into the world of legality in one form or another. My focus
on debt obviously gave me insight into everything that has transpired, I did not anticipate anything
out of the ordinary to happen...but it seems to have done just that.

Gaining status also grants you the mental capacity to fully overstand what it means to be a child of
the world and not a citizen of a nation.
The reset will happen, banks and stocks will crash and digital currency will be the norm. These are
simple facts and as I stated previously emotions have no place in law or the stock markets.

Correcting your status is not just a document for your convenience. It is a declaration of how you
conduct yourself in every walk of life, especially in commerce when required. It does not presume
anyone other than you are fully responsible and liable for all thoughts, feelings and actions, this
naturally flows towards self-reliance.

Reducing debts and outgoings is the first steps, using the ideas shared here you could start that
journey now...But I suggest you give it some serious thought as to your overall game plan first.

I often find creating a very detailed image, with sounds, feelings and dates helps me back engineer
what I have just seen “in detail.” Now I back-engineer so I end up with a set of steps which will
eventually take me to that location I just created.

Now be honest what corporation has the power to turn thoughts into reality? And don’t say all of
them since corporations are dead and it is and has always been the domain of the “living” to

Please tell yourself you are now getting the idea of just how powerful you really are and have now
got the documents to prove it. The pen is mightier than the sword and I wish I had figured that out
years ago.

We are capable of creating our own remedy, we are capable of imagining a life where we can now
demand our status be recognised by all as would be the rights of any group of individuals.

The status correction you now hold has the potential to change your life and that is not some click-
bait claim. The challenge is now you have the tool or this weaponised document what are you
going to do to become a master at using it where needed?

My hope is I have not just given a razor blade to a baby to play with, if you get my point. I, in no
way wish to offend anyone when saying that. I want to emphasis the importance of meticulously
planning your strategy before you use it. Maybe try it out of a few low-life examples first (like a
debt agent?) Then work your way up the chain.

For those of you who purchased my e-book on Council Tax, add this to your claim, use this angle
(but keep paying) until such time as the local council states it does not recognised you, now you
have a tort...your welcome. Buy my CT E-book before you use this declaration otherwise you will
end up in the wrong jurisdiction and probably railroaded, so do your homework. Here is the link to
the CT e-book:

Combine the Council Tax with status correction and ask where the contract is;) (But read my book
first to know how to do it without getting a summons).
There are no claims in existence that are sent to a living wo/man. That tells us immediately that
“status” is everything and I must admit I missed the obvious myself for a while. Of course they
have to presume you are who they say you are, since if they do not the trust is revealed and you
cannot be a debtor and a beneficiary at the same time. (Your fiction is the commercial half with
debt, you are the agent/beneficiary without liability.) And all you need to establish that fact is in
your hands.

I could not possibly cover everything this tool “could” do for you since everyone's circumstances
are different. But if there is any hope of fulfilling the rights to access your trust account through
the back door via a status correction embedded in a tort it has the potential of reaping great

Before you go running off and ignoring the need for less emotions more logic consider the

How much work did you put into decorating you home?

How long did it take you to research and pick exactly what you wanted within the budget you have.

How much research did you put into buying that car or van?

Did you consider all the ramifications if you could not afford it?

What about that presentation you put so much into and felt it was not received as well as it could
have been and yet you put your heart and soul into it for work.

All of these things show you are capable of doing some serious homework when it comes to many
things in life. What I find hard to understand is if something has the potential in changing your life
and that of everyone around you it receives at best a half-hearted attempt to see if it works. It will
not work until you pay more attention to the whole subject more so than the pulling power of your

Get your priorities in the correct order!

Get some perspective and make the correct investments in your time. I left the corporate world
when I was on a good salary and took responsibility for my own income. I realised the investment
of my time was best spent on me, not someone's else's dreams of which I was being paid a
pittance for.

What we are missing when we sell our time to someone else is the fact we are not just trading
valuable time, but we have agreed to place our dreams on hold to help your employer get theirs,
while being taxed for the efforts your making.
Status correction has hidden advantages because it starts you thinking in different ways and takes
on a life of its own, I guess it could be seen as the life you should always have had. But like all
things dealt with by a living wo/man, YOU deal with them, it is not anyone's duty to interfere or be
held accountable for lack or bad judgement on the part of the living wo/man. This is what taking
charge is all about, which I hope includes due diligence at every step on your part.

With that in mind one last idea you may wish to consider. The most valuable commodity we have is
our time. We can trade it for anything if we are capable of producing the results the customer likes.

But how can we increase the production of our time without using up any extra time?

I hope this is not treated as just another digital download that stays on your hard-drive. I am sure if
we measured the amount of time you put into a project for your employer, it would be greater
than establishing your status.

Your first task is to set you personal priorities and allocate time to the most important investment
you can make, YOU.


Think of your time/efforts aimed at any task as mental and physical fuel. At the start of the week
you have to allocate that fuel to those tasks which will benefit you the most. Take stock of what
you are currently burning that fuel on, is is adding or taking away from your goals? Then pump or
dump it.

Regret, fear, apprehension, hate, and all other negative emotions are consumers of your time and
effort, don’t let them empty your tank. No problem was ever solved by focusing on the

Most of us think we get paid for the amount of time we work. What millions do not get is the fact
we “paid” much more than time. Dreams placed on hold (forgotten) time away from special events
in life because of “work” issues, emotional turmoil over job and the people you work with resulting
in problems within relationships at work and home. Add to all that your freedom, physical health,
mental health, your sense of individuality replaced by “Company values.” And for all that you get
taxed to the point of not being able to jump off the treadmill of work and debts.

There is no such thing as 9 to 5, labouring for others is a full time pursuit and the only slight respite
we have is when we are asleep, and even then thoughts about work disrupts recharge time. Now
ask yourself:

What is left for you and your family?

That my fellow travellers is the basic truth and one I hope you will find ways to act on.

How about deciding to engage your inner potential, determination and self-dedication in order to
change the game you wish to play?

What excuse are you going to give yourself to continue to read, but essentially do nothing?

Forgive me if you think I am being too harsh by pointing out 90% of those on a journey are nothing
more than “collectors” and will never see or act on the true value of what they hold for one simple
reason...They have yet to step out from the shadows through fear of consequences, and it is those
“thoughts” of consequences that act as a barrier to action. It is not exactly a self-imposed
condition, that would be unfair, but it is part of our brainwashing indoctrination we must force
ourselves to be rid of and it is not an easy path.

It only becomes self-imposed when you realise the truth and remain inactive, remains fear based,
but self-imposed. Do you really feel your job and the stuff you have accumulated is just
compensation for your happiness and health?

You may not think this has anything to do with the declaration but it is necessary to coach some of
you into the mind set which will ensure your success with this tool later.

Simple truths are usually the most powerful things if you gave it more than a cursory thought. One
truth being… Money controls us and until we learn to control money we will remain debt slaves.
This tool is a very powerful step, if used with all the due diligence you can muster when declaring
your status and the right to be recognised as such.

The only thing you need to move forward is confidence in yours own abilities and when to use the
tools and knowledge you have gathered. Unlike a claim that has been made against you, now you
have this, it is you that can set the trap for later use in the most subtle way you can think of. You
stand a better chance in the very early days of communication of getting them to slip up on these
laws, rest assured, they will not make the same mistake higher up the peaking order. (Hopefully
you will get the office idiot.)

May I remind you all of the Maxim:

He who makes a lawful command must be obeyed. This applies to everyone no matter, rank,
privilege or authority, so get with the program!

There has to be a time when you fully overstand what is going on (and I suspect you do) and
DOING SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF ABOUT IT. We can give you the hammer, but you have to learn
to swing it accurately without hitting your thumb, and not everything is a nail.
This declaration is more than the words it claims to represent, it must be accompanied with a
change in you and an inner conviction you are a living breathing result of God’s grace and no man’s
law or presumption has sway over that (now documented) fact.

Unlike many other remedy tools you have probably looked at I do not think a single document
comes with such a detailed breakdown of its true potential.

If you study how the document is set out it leaves no room to question your status. It also makes a
point of establishing status has been granted before by the crown to lesser properties (River &
Statue) and given the current agreements, laws and treaties on equality, discrimination and the
right to be recognised is already without question more than enough to hold those accountable if
they presume otherwise.

So, like any skilled crafts wo/man, you have a powerful tool; how much time and effort will you
invest into becoming and expert at using it?

I hope a good percentage of you see the potential and know your investment will pay for itself in
due course. I can assure you a living wo/man does not fear the reset, they make plans to use it to
their advantage...and that may be a subject I will cover at a later date.

For now I hope you use this tool well and become the dreamer you once were only this time you
know who exactly you are investing your time and efforts in and so does anyone who makes a Taxman, who are you writing to?

Study the CQV in detail break every sentence down and pay particular attention to the last establish your status in any way you feel is suited to your circumstances.

Here is a little test to see how much you notice from the title of the CQV I will place the complete
sentence below for you to consider in a more forensic way, just to make sure you are paying

It states:

An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons

beyond the Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend.

My question for you is simple.

What are “they” claiming your situation to be?

Most of you shouted “dead, lost at sea” and that is correct, but it is not accurate.

Did you think only one claim had been made in that title?
Maybe, two or even three claims all in succession of each other.

1 = Your dead
2 = Your missing (lost) presumed dead
3 = You went to sea (Why?)

You may think I’m being pedantic but each “element” makes a claim, one, I may add that cannot be
evidenced. On the contrary I have evidence they are false and I can evidence it!
1 = My notarised declaration protected under lawful provisions
2 = I have “official” documents I got from the “Missing persons Unit” who I may add liase with all
police forces and Interpol on missing persons.

I have emailed conformation on letter headed paperwork I have never been nor am I currently a
“missing person.” Yes I really got that document! (See below) I like to make sure I have covered all
my bases.

3 = At Sea? Show me any evidence I went to sea. TBH if I am “Alive & NOT missing” the sea claim
becomes moot.

So did your forensic eye spot the three claims right off the bat? Or did you miss it. Don’t feel too
bad, it took me many readings of the whole document to spot such an obvious set of claims
hidden in plain sight.

I hope it also points to another fact; If you were to ask the court or government for evidence that
you are dead, lost at sea or made the statement (as in the declaration) rebutting those
presumptions, then would not be able to argue that critical matter and you are left whole again.
Which also means you are now a protected private wo/man.
And not a single word relating to Freeman on the land or Sovereign since I know they will block
attempts at a claim from those angels like it or not.

Cut your teeth on small claims first and move up as your experience allows. Once you are
confident enough you may want to take a closer look at your loan agreement or mortgage
documents and ask a few well chosen questions.

But these are things to considerer rather than dive into without experience in some small way. And
yet also this could be adventitious if you were to work in a small group and plan your
projects...your call.

Which brings me to the final bonus that comes with this package, as if you had not already got
enough. I am going to give you a framework upon which to build your status going forward (Yes I
know I try too hard to please.)

There are two important ideas and factors I want to share with you, just to make sure you have
everything I can think of to help you establish your living status.

The first is...


If you think of the advantages of group research and results, especially if you have a background
profession that can help support the group. I am encouraging you to seek out people you can work
with in a group as you can get more done with little risk.

More done is obvious, little risk needs further explanation.

In a group each member can pay a small contribution, this is your “claim fund.” Rather than each of
you standing alone with a claim, the group works together and uses the fund to “test” the claim
(status recognition) then analyse the results, rinse and repeat until your group has the experience
it needs to take on bigger claims. Minimum risk, potentially increased gains.

Remember this...We only have to gain one judgement out of all the status recognitions that will be
created from this work. One single case to set a precedence of status can then be added as a ruling
to all future documents. That in itself will enforce and support our claims that the presumptions of
law are reject at the outset.

A single court of record is all we need in order to cite from that point on. Whatever part of the
commonwealth you live in, weather you be suppressed by Australian government tyrants or
Canadian dictators to Biden’s Bull Shi* status and enforcement of laws on presumptions could be
dealt with if equity was invoked.

Once status is corrected and you have what you need, the doors could start to open if you really
thought about what you now have. Keep several copies of key documents including a standard
contract should any authority wish to stop you and do business with you. I am sure many of them
will be too busy to take you up on your kind and transparent offer to contract.

If you ever find yourself in front of a judge and he says he recognises your living status, make sure
you hit him with some thing like “Now we have established my status, can we discuss the remedy
now available to me under English law.

I really hope he gives you that response because if he makes a mistake and allows you to speak the
next sentence he is screwed.

On the assumption you get lucky enough (it only needs one remember) the judge allows you to
“elaborate” on your initial question...bring into evidence (again) your declaration of status and add
a copy of the CQV Act; But read all of it and you will clearly see what YOU have to do in order to
establish your status. As was my intent from the start, possible access to your treasury trust
account. I know it is not the most direct route others have attempted but I figured if we start by
complying to the conditions within the CQV trust, that would give us a big advantage over other
peoples previous attempts only to be denied that opportunity.

Click here for CQV

At the very least you now have a fighting chance of approaching that area, complete with your
established status and now you can see why, if at all possible to “use” a notary public to ratify your

Point out that you have completed your end of the trusts conditions and now wish to establish
your status with the trust as the living beneficiary back from the sea. How can he refuse???

CHECKMATE...In a perfect world :-)

As with any of my publications I have included as much as possible to get you to where you want to
go. And as such I have included the link to the CQV ACT 1666 but more than that I am going to
break down what was the ultimate goal of Project Jericho and that was to set the stage for you to
complete what the act states you need to do (which you now have) and then...and I quote…

“If the supposed dead Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested. Action for mean Profits with

Excited yet?

So if you thought the CQV Act 1666 was complex, it is not, let’s go through it together.

It is split into four parts: (We are only dealing with those parts that are still enforceable) much of
the original act has been repealed or replaced by other legislation. However what we require is still
very much enforceable if you can get in front of a judge. By creating a case over “status” (without
giving too much away to start with) establishes a solid case for your defence AND sets you up for a
run at the trust account since you have met the conditions of the CQV Act (3 rd para).

 Intro
 Reason for Act
 What happens if you don’t do something about it
 What you have to do about it.

So let me break down each area as far as you need to know. If you wish to go into all the detail
If you are new to my publications then pop over to my shop and take a look at other aspects of
mind body and lawful remedy.

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

1666 CHAPTER 11 18 and 19 Cha 2

The intro is short and sweet:

An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons beyond the
Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend.

What the above is saying; Here is an act which allows you to get redress for the BS trust we created
which took all your property and placed you as a debtor to the crown. If you do not state
otherwise, we will continue to screw you over. It is clearly stating what this “remedy” is.

The Reason for the Act:

X1Recital that Cestui que vies have gone beyond Sea, and that Reversioners cannot find out

whether they are alive or dead. Whereas diverse Lords of Mannours and others have granted
Estates by Lease for one or more life or lives, or else for yeares determinable upon one or more life
or lives And it hath often happened that such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates
have beene granted have gone beyond the Seas or soe absented themselves for many yeares that the
Lessors and Reversioners cannot finde out whether such person or persons be alive or dead by
reason whereof such Lessors and Reversioners have beene held out of possession of their Tenements
for many yeares after all the lives upon which such Estates depend are dead in regard that the
Lessors and Reversioners when they have brought Actions for the recovery of their Tenements have
beene putt upon it to prove the death of their Tennants when it is almost impossible for them to
discover the same, For remedy of which mischeife soe frequently happening to such Lessors or

OK, Lets break this down…

They agreed amongst themselves they would “lease” your property from you (that includes you)
until you say your not dead and back from wherever they thought you had gone (presumption of
law). They talk about the “efforts” to find you (but your dead) and you remain absent for many
years in the eyes of those who claim you are dead (but they still tax the debtor). Now it is the last
part of the above paragraph we can start to get an idea of how corrupt this act is...

They are claiming (to cover their asses) some claims are fraudulent and so unless before these
“Lessors or Revisioners” A “Lessor” (Leaseholder) btw the way is the one who alleges title to the
property and the revisioners could be a local or higher judge whom the lessors have to abide by.
The problem is, as you may have already guessed the lessor and the revisioner are one of the
same: THE CROWN. Talk about conflict of interests…

What they and you should do:

Cestui que vie remaining beyond Sea for Seven Years together and no Proof of their Lives,
Judge in Action to direct a Verdict as though Cestui que vie were dead

If such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have beene or shall be granted as
aforesaid shall remaine beyond the Seas or elsewhere absent themselves in this Realme by the space
of seaven yeares together and noe sufficient and evident proofe be made of the lives of such person
or persons respectively in any Action commenced for recovery of such Tenements by the Lessors or
Reversioners in every such case the person or persons upon whose life or lives such Estate
depended shall be accounted as naturally dead, And in every Action brought for the recovery of the
said Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners their Heires or Assignes, the Judges before whom
such Action shall be brought shall direct the Jury to give their Verdict as if the person soe
remaining beyond the Seas or otherwise absenting himselfe were dead.

So the first part of the above (again) sets the conditions and adds the seven year rule. Some have
suggested we have to “confirm” our status every seven years otherwise it reverts back to “person”.
But I have no evidence that is the case but I would not dismiss the clause.

The next part is where it gets interesting; It speaks of the lack of evidence set before them and so
they continue to presume your status as dead because YOU have not made a counter-claim to
evidence otherwise. You have never commenced an action for recovery of your property or estates
(with interest) It goes on to say that (if you are dead) “ Action brought for the recovery of the said
Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners their Heires or Assignes, the Judges before whom such
Action shall be brought shall direct the Jury to give their Verdict as if the person soe remaining
beyond the Seas or otherwise absenting himselfe were dead.
My over-standing of the above clause states (in plain English) this...

Anyone can make a claim against you and you will not be heard in any court as a living entity,
which leaves you open to every scumbag in the planet. They ensured you do not have a voice
within the judicial system because of this age-old act that stole your ID. Yes ID theft on a colossal
I bet some of your minds pricked up on that analogy ID THEFT BY THE CROWN! Now that would
make an interesting approach;)
Don’t worry I cover that too in a moment (I told you I am giving you all that I have because you
have faith in my work and that is the most important aspect of my efforts to bring you possible
Let us look at the final part of the CQV:
What you have to do about it:

If the supposed dead Man prove to be alive, then the Title is revested. Action for mean Profits
with Interest.
Provided alwayes That if any person or [X3person or] persons shall be evicted out of any Lands or
Tenements by vertue of this Act, and afterwards if such person or persons upon whose life or lives
such Estate or Estates depend shall returne againe from beyond the Seas, or shall on proofe in any
Action to be brought for recovery of the same [X3to] be made appeare to be liveing; or to have
beene liveing at the time of the Eviction That then and from thenceforth the Tennant or Lessee who
was outed of the same his or their Executors Administrators or Assignes shall or may reenter
repossesse have hold and enjoy the said Lands or Tenements in his or their former Estate for and
dureing the Life or Lives or soe long terme as the said person or persons upon whose Life or Lives
the said Estate or Estates depend shall be liveing, and alsoe shall upon Action or Actions to be
brought by him or them against the Lessors Reversioners or Tennants in possession or other persons
respectively which since the time of the said Eviction received the Proffitts of the said Lands or
Tenements recover for damages the full Proffitts of the said Lands or Tenements respectively with
lawfull Interest for and from the time that he or they were outed of the said Lands or Tenements,
and kepte or held out of the same by the said Lessors Reversioners Tennants or other persons who
after the said Eviction received the Proffitts of the said Lands or Tenements or any of them
respectively as well in the case when the said person or persons upon whose Life or Lives such
Estate or Estates did depend are or shall be dead at the time of bringing of the said Action or
Actions as if the said person or persons where then living.

Well, well, look at that first line, a clue?
They want evidence, then they will pay you what they owe you, plus interest. The trick (as you will
see is getting in to a situation where you can present the evidence and yourself to those who make
the descisions).
You are being asked to evidence (proofe) in action or accepted documentation your “alive” status”.
Not only that but if you (at the same time) show evidence your status was mistakenly changed
from “live birth” your estates and interest is backdated from the “time of eviction” of that status
and this your share of the land and property of the UK is revested (given back).
Additionally the use of the word “Supposed” at the start indicates they know it is not true or real,
it is supposed, surmised and presumed AND UNTIL something like your declaration comes along
and you present yourself correctly (find a tort, attack using stealth and misdirection) this
presumption will continue.
It goes on to say that everything will be given back and that contract will last for the rest of your
life (so not seven years then?) AND you can claim and recover full interest and damages, this all
has to be paid back by the crown who “profited” from your property for all this time.
That is all the current parts of the CQV, not as complex as many though once you actually take the
time to read it. The critical point is this…

We now have the tool to place as evidence of our status but have found no clear path to bring up a
case of direct status correction based on the CQV in any literature. This comes as no surprise since
they don’t want you to “get before a judge” in order to get back what the judge is duty bound to
protect since we are dealing with the same thieves on both fronts.
But before I get into that aspect let me add the angle of ID Theft and modern laws which may (or
may not) help in assessing your options to use other means to support your assertions of living
status. It may be a long shot but the way I see it what the Crown did is described perfectly in
modern laws made to stop this very high jacking of our ID.

I know one could argue ID and “status” are not mutually exclusive but the fact is clear when you
get sight of the latest information on the subject. So here is a small slice from a law site which
makes perfect sense and “could” form the basis of a claim. (If you want to read it in full jump to the
appendix then come back here or check it out after you get through this)
So how do we get before a judge in order to evidence our status?
Now you know why the DVLA was not the important part of Project Jericho, it was just a vehicle
(excuse the pun) to get that declaration in front of a judge. The only way I could see the
opportunity to stand before the judge and evidence my status is for there to be controversy, a tort
of some sort, even though I believe the CQV is a tort in itself but the crown does not see it that
way so we have to get creative.

Thus the declaration of living status using known international agreements/laws in order to compel
the judge to follow those laws AND revert our property back to us with interest!
Biblical Quotes
Some of you may well be thinking why am I not using biblical quotes within the declaration. You
could of course add Genesis 1:26-28, which as many of you know has “man” is positioned as
having dominion over all. Yet we have been given (imposed) the title of “Person” and the state has
stolen our status and reduced it to a corporate debtor. (Remember that ID theft?).

Why is it not in the declaration?

I was torn between using the ecclesiastical angle because it has been used so many time in the
past and many Notaries refused to give it their seal, which considering who the head of Notary
Public is (The Archbishop of Canterbury) is firkking crazy!
I am not saying do not edit your version of the declaration to include these biblical quotes, I am
simply erring on the side of caution when dealing with NP’s. If you wish to quote them by all
means do so and in case you feel strongly enough to do so. I am sure there are many biblical
quotes one could include and a cursory look at many of them would yield many more if that is your

It has not gone unnoticed that NP’s are answerable to the church and NOT the BAR, so some of
you may well take the step to include such quotes, that is your choice.
The route I have taken on this declaration is one of laws already in place since NP’s tend to be
more concerned about breaking those than pissing off the Archbishop. Since if NP’s are not willing
to support your protected rights they themselves are now on the wrong side of their own laws.
Using Crown/Crown agent claims/registrations gives us the opportunity to create that tort by
pointing out the fallacy of “presumption” (remember if you say nothing, you will not be heard in a
court). So stop the presumption! Stop the claim, (can’t contract with a living wo/man) demand
your trust and property back (chancery and above).
Now just when you thought I was done…
No my fellow travellers, the Art of Law has more angles some may find interesting.
But first let me get you to consider the following…
Would you agree that “marriage” is a “contract?” In fact I would go so far as to state it is the most
sacred of contracts requiring all the pomp and circumstance, witnesses, both parties and under the
watchful eye of a higher force (or whatever faith/beliefs you share).
The point I am making is if the principles set out in the following laws protect those in need of
protecting against “FORCED MARRIAGE.” Remember, it is a contract, so with that in mind here are
the opening lines of the…
Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007
Now tell me if you think (in spirit) therefore giving you justification for using it as an example in
your own communication to support your status claim, look at this opening text:
63A Forced Marriage protection orders
Sec (3) in ascertaining that person's well-being, the court must, in particular, have such regard to
the person's wishes and feelings (so far as they are reasonably ascertainable) as the court
considers appropriate in the light of the person's age and understanding.
Sub Sec (6) “force” includes coerce by threats or other psychological means (and related
expressions are to be read accordingly)
I think you get the point I am making. The elements and therefore the spirit of this act lends itself
well to the “marriage/contract.” The crown and all other fictional entities impose (forced
marriages) by “coercion, duress and threats or other psychological means”; Using the very same
tactics they outlawed above!
For a “Marriage” style bonus and another example of the mind of an “Art of Law” student (which I
am one) I want to you to consider actually reading the marriage vows of your faith.
I suspect part of that verbal affirmation and contractual agreement would be about when the
“contract” terminates, by using variations of “Until death do us part.”
If you have not guessed yet (come on Art of Law students of supreme strategic methods) I am
going to give you all a moment to consider those words of a binding marriage contract...Until
death do us part, witness by God himself and his representative here on earth in his house of
OK, I’ll put you out of your misery…
Your marriage certificate, even though it is a state document (even better) clearly affirms by all
things holy you are ALIVE at the time of marriage. Since if you were anything other than “Alive,
living being” would you not have been parted by death?
And yet here you are making a contract with the living with all the witnesses you could ever need
and walking away with a document adds yet another powerful tool to your arsenal you can cite in
your favour against the crown and access to your CQV (if possible).
Do with that aspect what you will, I do think it would make for a great supporting example of the
hypocrisy this system is known for. On the one hand you have laws protecting people from forced
marriages/contracts; On the other you have the nationwide “presumption of law” which forces
you into a role (marriage) you do not wish to be in. There is a word for these people but the distant
echo of my mothers memory urges my restraint in saying anything, but use your imagination.
How about some more supporting case law?
This approach is truly international with a few local laws tweaks, which given the subject matter
and what has already been included could be used in many of the signatory nations to
international agreements but here is a little more to be going on with…
For those of you over the pond (USA) apart from the international laws on status recognition or in
this case; your right to hold any belief you wish is protected, religious or not under the following
laws, I am sure if you looked for your local laws you would not have to dig very deep.

USA students may also benefit from understanding this explanation prior to presenting any
documents: Religious Belief Vs Personal Belief:

What about “status change?

The next links are included, not because they are ridiculous but it shows another important aspect
of a claim: Namely, the crown has the ability to allow and recognise a change of status if it wishes.
That is why I have placed such examples here, in order to shut down the excuse “my hands are
tied”! Which is a favourite phrase they use when they are screwing you over.

Now if "The Crown" has the power to make a RIVER in NZ a "legal person" it admits the distinction
between the two: UK Case law here:

Case number two by the crown granting person status. To a bloody statue!

Declaration of Indigenous people. Check the paragraph “Affirming” (page 3). Pay close attention to
the paragraph “Concerning”, read it twice if you have to and go from there.

I have listed below more links that I felt were important enough to include, so they should be
important enough for you to follow up on and get familiar with the contents. Everything in this
ebook is desgined to stregthen your claim, educate you on how to use the "not so obvious" but still
stay focused on your ultimate goals.

The content and links provide you with the opportinity to make the most of your future without
wasting time down rabbit holes distracting you from what should now be obvious. Learn to play
the chess game on your own terms. The ONLY proof of life you need is YOU and if they want
evidence of that beyound the obvious, well now you have all the ammo you could want.


International Standards on freedom of religious belief. (Living flesh and blood wo/man)

Digging down deeper, you might want to pay particular attention to the following:

The above link makes careful note of the ability to use your own “Language” (Living flesh and

You may think it strange why I would mention “Gender Recognition laws” namely the: Gender
Recognition Act 2004. In relation to “status recognition”. This law is a strong example of how
important “recognition” is. So I think it should be included as an example rather than as part of any
“cause of action”.
Let’s make one thing perfectly clear here. Human rights are not granted by any state. These
universal rights are inherent to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, language, or any other status.

UK CASE LAW (2010)

I now share UK Case law I feel is of utmost importance, not for the fact it was about discrimination
but from what the judge said in his rulings (yes I really do read the case laws I reserach), check this
little gem of a case out...

Grainger plc v Nicholson [2010] IRLR 4 (EAT) is a UK employment discrimination law case,
concerning the protection of religion or belief. Regarding the question of an employee's conviction
about climate change, it examines the scope of the legislation's protection.

You can check the facts of the above case for yourself if you wish. I am more interested in what the
judge had to say...

Burton J held that a conviction that climate change exists is a protected "belief". At para 24 of
the judgment [1] he set out the five criteria for this.

(i) The belief must be genuinely held.

(ii) It must be a belief and not an opinion or viewpoint based on the present state of
information available. (iii) It must be a belief as to a weighty and substantial aspect of human
life and behaviour.
(iv) It must attain a certain level of cogency, seriousness, cohesion and importance.
(v) It must be worthy of respect in a democratic society, be not incompatible with human
dignity and not conflict with the fundamental rights of others.

[1] The final requirements — democratic respectability and compatibility with human dignity
— exclude those beliefs that reject social pluralism or that indignify other people. In this
regard, Burton distinguished the beliefs of Darwinism and creationism, and the belief that
either of those beliefs should be promoted exclusively of the other.

So does your idea/faith/belife/status that you are a living breathing "alive" creation of your maker
tick those case law boxes above? I am sure they do :-) You, me and everyone else meet ALL FIVE OF
THOSE CRITERIA! So use them!

But, if that was not enough I'll throw in one more just to nail this aspect down and hand you an
even better chance to get back you own keys to your stolen kingdom, how about this...

Eweida v United Kingdom

Eweida v United Kingdom [2013] ECHR 37 is a UK labour law decision of the European Court
of Human Rights, concerning the duty of the government of the United Kingdom to protect
the religious rights of individuals under the European Convention on Human Rights.[1]

The European Court found that the British government had failed to protect the
complainant's right to manifest her religion, in breach of Article 9 of the European
Convention. For failing to protect her rights, the British government was found liable to pay
non-pecuniary damages of €2,000, along with a costs award of €30,000. (Looks like the bar
membners got a good deal out of that)

But more to the point, I think that case establishes the validity of the declaration along with the
laws mentioned on the declaration and within this additional publication. The judge in this case
went on to say...

On one side of the scales was Ms Eweida's desire to manifest her religious belief. As previously
noted, this is a fundamental right: because a healthy democratic society needs to tolerate and
sustain pluralism and diversity; but also because of the value to an individual who has made
religion a central tenet of his or her life to be able to communicate that belief to others.

What you do with this information is your decision but I think you have enough of a start to put
something together the next time you get a claim. It does not have to be a crown agent, it just
needs to get in front of the right judge. And if your claim becomes one of “equality” (equity) then
you can move it out of the “admin” lower courts and into where you can state your case. And given
the above case law, you are in a very strong position. What judge is going to question established
laws and case law?
Back to basics for a moment…

How to formulate claim questions:

I know many have a challenge adapting content to actual documents for use especially when trying
to discern “cause of action” which in turn dictates Evidence, laws and the remedy you seek.

The easy way is as follows: Take careful note of the laws, cases and other supporting evidences. As
you work your way down what the case law stated, or the law itself states or a treaty was signed
and the details are clear to see. Now take all of that information and turn what you wish into
questions that are designed to trap your opponent.

An example of this approach: (I like to start as if I was in a courtroom and they are on the stand,
giving me the opportunity to cross-question the claimant, which in fact is what these notices

Are you familiar with equality laws?

Does your organisation adhere to all laws and basic human rights?
Are you aware “status recognition” is a “protected right”?
Can you evidence any law which denies me those rights?
Do you have evidence which allows you or your organisation to impose any status against my will?
Can you provide me with evidence you have any right to dictate my personal status?
Are you aware my protected status places any claim you have in equity? (That scares the poo out
of scumbags who use admin courts)
Can you show evidence you have authority to override Gods laws? (If you include quoting any bible

I think you get the point. Questions should not be quickly put down on a document. They should
be crafted in such a way it leaves no room for the opposition to manoeuvrer and they are screwed
if they do. They even more screwed if they admit they are imposing a status you have
rebutted...tut...tut. The reality is no one will rebut your questions because they cannot...period!

Simple format for your “Trap questions”:

Ask three “yes” questions to start with (not if they were in court using the questions above I got
three yes replies (metaphorically).

Switch to questions that force them to either contradict what they just agreed to or have to
answer in the same BS way. In which case (if you milk it enough) places you beyond their

Make sure you DO NOT jump too early in the “slam-dunk” questions. If you got three or more
agreements at the start aim for a +1 set of contradictions to really bury the BS.

An example of the above approach:

Do you agree I have protected rights (Yes)

Would you support the idea and principles of those protected rights? (Yes)
Would you agree those rights include status recognition? (Yes)
(Now turn up the heat)
Do you have in your possession a copy of my declaration as a living wo/man (Yes)
How do you reconcile what you just said (above) and my declaration of status?
Do you know the legal definition of “Person?” (If not quote it to them)
Given the documents you hold (declaration) and my protected right of my faith, belief and status
presented here and your previous replies (above) are you denying those protected rights by
ignoring my status?

Case dismissed and you place your costs and compensation in to the judge and ask him.

“Is it still 28 days for the looser to pay in full, your honour?

Just to make a point;)

After crafting that notice/affidavit (and I do mean “craft”) with the above considerations and what I
now share with you below, you will have at your disposal everything you need to craft any notice
or correctly write out a claim.

Break your claim down into three parts

Treat each part as separate section.

Gather everything connected to that part before you move on.

Those parts are:

 Cause of action: What did “they do?”
 Supporting evidence (first hand, statements of truth, unrebutted affidavits; laws, case law,
examples supporting your claim (like all the ones mentioned (ID theft, Forced marriages
 Remedy “known” to English law. (If you have part 2 above sorted then part three will fall
into place) The biggest mistake many make is saying what they “want” the judge to do. This
will not work unless you are quoting directly from the law books and case law.

Critical point many forget or are not aware of is you need to make a solid bridge between all three
parts especially parts 1 & 3.

And if you are in any doubt as to what type of form you need to fill in, then default to a part 7
claim since if pure status correction it is not a money claim as such. However upon recognition it
becomes one and having established this truth automatically invokes the clauses in the CQV.

Will a senior judge accept this? If they were to follow the law from the start of your claim to the
point of recognition then 100% yes they have to.

Will they?

Your guess is as good as mine but unless you have them by the balls (like I think we have here) they
won’t even consider such a thing. But if you are really subtle in your approach, it would be “keyed”
into the wording of your documents...I trust you overstand what I am saying;)

IMPORTANT DETAIL: If you are going specifically for status recognition then take note of where
that type of hearing will take place and who has jurisdiction over it. In other words the power to
effect the remedy you are asking for.

Not only have you to consider what it is your asking for or demanding but to whom you are
addressing it to. You see Chancery judges have a very wide remit to deal with claims of equity in all
its forms. However if it boils down to anything close to human rights and status recognition, it may
well be heard from the “Queens Bench.”

Here is a link to what the Queens bench Judges cover:

From the link above only you can decide which court you are going to claim in but it would still use
a part 7 and I believe the costs are the same.

Many of you should already be familiar with creating a basic contract, if not go grab a copy of
“Laws of Liberty” everything is contract from

You would be wise to have a few of your own contracts ready and your fees included should
anyone wish to contract with you. This should be ready to go after establishing your status with the
notarised (if possible) declaration of status. After all every living being capable of looking after
themselves should always be prepared to contract or not.

To give you an example of how we can use “supporting arguments” which places the opposition in
defending a difficult position. We should aim to make the oppositions claims (that we are anything
but who/what we say we are) and realise with the amount of tools you now have, they are trying
to defend the indefensible.

Consider the core principles in the act below...

Gender Recognition Act 2004:

In response to its obligation, the UK Parliament passed the Gender Recognition Act 2004, which
effectively granted full legal recognition for binary transgender people. Since 4 April 2005, as per
the Gender Recognition Act 2004, it is possible for transgender people to change their legal gender
in the UK.

I have included this as supporting arguments in your “living status” recognition. My point being, if
the government can recognise the legal status of transgender individuals, the principle of this is
applicable to status recognition.

The other points to mention here is the word “Dysphoria.” This is cited within the above law as a
cornerstone of the “Suffering” of a transgender individual who is not recognised as such. This
“dysphoria” is assessed my a medical doctor and if the individual passes this interview/test s/he
gets the medical certificate and sends it to a government department and an “official ID” comes
back with the “gender reassignment.”

Dysphoria is a state of generalized unhappiness, restlessness, dissatisfaction, or frustration, and it

can be a symptom of several mental health conditions.

How does the above description sit with you concerning your status recognition?
Are you suffering from dysphoria as a result of being denied your deep seated feeling and
beliefs? (protected under several other laws)
Has this led to mental suffering and depression?

I think you get he point and may cause some difficulty to any defendant trying to cause you
indirect harm by ignoring your status. In our case it is direct harm and loss of property but for now
use it as they wrote it against them.

Considering the subject matter you are reading, the refusal of governments / judiciary /
corporations ALL cause “DYSPHORIA” as protected by law for others. (A double-standard to say the

You cannot protect the rights, feelings and beliefs of “some” members of society and not others

Any “authority” that refuses to recognise your legitimate deeply held faith in your status as a living
being causes YOU status recognition dysphoria, now we can move directly to...
Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination, for example in employment or the provision of
public services, on the basis of protected characteristics, one of which is gender reassignment.
However, this Act allows providers to offer single-sex services that exclude transgender people if it
is “a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”.

Of course you can cite all the other information but craft your case carefully using this publication
as a sort of “nexus” for the referencing of supporting evidence based specifically on your

Think of this as a collection of “building tools” which, until you arrive on the job, you won’t know
which tool/s to use. Your “job” is to construct the best case you have using the tools provided.
Seek out more information/evidence if you can. I would recommend you do since it would be
impossible for me to locate and include what I am sure is available in the public domain.

I wish you the very best of times ahead and I applaud you for being a seeker of truth who is driven
by passion towards freedom...Now how much is the future of you and your family going to cost
you in time and effort, because if your willing to pay that small price (when you study more for
drivers Ed) you can look forward to less interference and fewer claims against you. Lets not forget
you making claims against others, if they trespass on your property (which includes you).

If you enjoyed this run of lessons and this final tool kit of legal bombshells then keep an eye out for
a master class later this year, may even take it out into the sunshine, I’ll let you all know.

Using this and all the other information to form your own strategy, learn to use the law rather than
be afraid of it. Look for laws and then the case law, see if any of it helps you and supports your
case. Try to keep your supporting evidence/laws/cases on-point and relevant to your claim/case. If
you stretch it too far you may get a vexatious claim against you or just have your case dismissed, so
do your homework and do not let your emotions get involved.

Remember: Anger is the quickest way into poverty and it will keep you there. Think, don’t fight
your way out of poverty and slavery.

Our imaginary chains are reinforced by emotions which makes them stronger than steel. Change
your emotions and pick the locks of your slave chains.

If you appreciated this publication and feel it is (I hope) value for money check out my Street
Gangs in Suits, it is all you will ever need to deal with debt agents and if you add this declaration
you can quickly move on with your life.

I cannot make any promises about your particular approach as you are well aware of the
incalculable amount of variables in life. But at the very least you have gained a lot of knowledge
and wisdom in order to increase your odds of standing your ground.
See you on the other side now build the future you really want...

Robert (OD)

Judicial manual

This is just an angle I thought of, it has never been tested (to my knowledge) but is included for
your personal consideration. If you think you have a strong case for using it, then my blessings to


What is identity crime?

Identity crime is a general term used for identity theft, creating a false identity, committing identity
fraud, and other situations in which personal details are misappropriated for financial or other
gain, and/or to cause loss to the victim.

What is personal identity theft?

Personal identity theft is the theft of the personal information of another person (alive or dead),
without their knowledge or consent. This is done through accessing and harvesting digital data,
stealing personal documents such as bank statements or passports, using social media sites, using
phishing emails, and so on. Identity theft is almost always done for the purposes of criminality such
as identity fraud. The criminals recognise that identity is highly valuable, and will use what means
they can to steal someone’s identity for gain.

What is identity fraud?

Identity fraud occurs when a false or stolen identity is used to obtain goods or services, or to
access funds by deception. Identity fraud may also occur where someone claims to be a victim of
identity fraud to avoid a financial obligation or other liability. The stealing of an individual’s identity
does not, on its own, constitute identity fraud, it is merely identity theft.
Of course it could be argued the Crown has not done this but as all of you know the “bait &
switch” the crown pull at birth would certainly be classed as ID theft at the very least.
It is a sad indictment of our world that we have to defend ourselves from these evil fraudsters and
the erosion of our freedoms. This need, in and of itself evidences the corrupt world we have to
endure and those who seek to enslave us, our families and steal our sweat equity need to be
brought to account.

I admit we are all at a disadvantage, not because we do not have the power to make change, but
the fact there is not enough of us confident enough in the face of these odds to force that change.
At the very least, you now hold a torch which could shine light on these injustices and my hope is
you will, though your due-diligence continue to increase how powerful you and those around you
can illuminate those injustices and encourage others to do the same.
Take a look at the accompanying declaration and feel free to make any edits you wish, just make
sure you know what you are doing and enter that into any and all claims from this point onwards.
Establishing who & what you are is the keystone to halt any and all presumptions of law. Without
rebutting those presumptions we are slaves, pointing them out and declaring otherwise
establishes you as the true creditor and as some of you may have figured by now, gives you a
fighting chance to access and reverse the CQV 1666 on the terms laid out therein.

I wish you all the very best of life, remembering luck has nothing to do with establishing your
status, that is down to you. So use these tools, live as an honourable wo/man and strive to add to
the information that has now been shared with you.

I have added the declaration on a separate document in order for you to edit where you think
appropriate. You can certainly use the declaration as is but you may also wish to edit it to suit your
specific needs.

You honour our efforts when you supported this work, now honour yourself by establishing your

You only fail when you stop trying, the rest is just a learning curve.
I cannot sign these conclusions for Team PJ as they are my own sentiments but I am sure the team
would agree with them.


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