Abuse - excessive use of a substance that differs from Disinhibited - a state in which a person is unable to
societal norms. suppress urges or statement which is socially
Affect - emotional range attached to ideas outwardly unacceptable.
manifested. Disorientation – disturbances in orientation of time,
Blunt - slow or dull. place or person.
Flat - absence or near absence of any signs of Dysthymia – a 2 years chronic depressed mood
affective expression. disturbances.
Inappropriate - incongruent between the Delusion - fixed false beliefs that have no basis in reality.
emotional feeling Paranoid – (“somebody is going to kill me”)
Labile - unstable mood with rapid change. Grandiose – false belief that one is powerful
Broad – shows full range of emotional (“I am the most handsome male in my class”)
expression. Religious – (“The devil told me to do this”)
Restricted – shows one type of expression. Somatic – (“I might get sick”)
Agitate - to excitement with severe motor restlessness. Ideas of reference – (“I hurt my neighbor. The
Akathisia - motor restlessness generally expressed as lady I saw in the television told me to do it”)
the inability to sit still. Depression - a mood disorder characterized by sadness,
Akinesia – absence of movement. despair, apathy and discouragement.
Alogia - inability to speak. Denial - avoidance of disagreeable realities, refused to
Ambivalent – opposing feelings/emotions. (love and recognize.
hate) Desensitization – gradual exposure to stress-provoking
Anhedonia - feeling of no joy. stimuli.
Anxiety - feeling of apprehension or tension. (fear of the Dyskinesia – abnormal involuntary skeletal movement
unknown) usually producing a jerky motion.
Apathy - lack of feeling, interest, concern or emotion. Dystonia – rigidity of muscle that controls posture, gait
Associative looseness - disorganized thinking that jumps and ocular movement.
from one idea to another with no evident relation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
between the thoughts. (“cannot see the sky…oh my Echolalia - repetition of words heard.
love…just asking…mmm maybe tomorrow”) Nurse: “Can you please keep the door open.”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patient: “Can you please keep the door open.”
Bipolar disorder/manic-depressive - a mood disorder Echopraxia - repetitive, meaningless movement or
characterized by one episode of manic behavior with or imitating others.
without a ECT Electro convulsive therapy – doses of electric shock
history of depression. administered to clients with Manic Depressive
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disorders.
Euphoria - a subjective, exaggerated feeling of well-
Circumstantiality - client eventually answers the being characterized by confidence, elation and
question being asked, but only after giving an excessive assurance.
amount of unnecessary details. EPSE – Extra Pyramidal side effects. A drug induced
Nurse: “Where are you going for the parkinsonism.
weekend?” Exhibitionism – display of body parts to attract others.
Patient: “I feel like visiting my sister…I just ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
remembered she ask me a favor…a picnic Fear – a response to objective threat/external. Fear of
maybe, in the beach, in hours it gets crowded. the known.
That is why I don’t prefer in that place. So, I Fetishism – adoring something which serves as a
decided instead to go to my brothers place a substitute of the original love object.
nice and big house but now I prefer to stay in Flight of ideas - flow of verbalization jumps from
my own house.”) unrelated one topic to another. There is a connection
Clang association-rhyming of words between some topics but it is difficult to identify.
(“I am reading a book, in a shady nook, with (“What is today?…might not be taking a bath…
the food I cooked”) I will be cooking at home…the dog kept on
Confused - bewildered, unclear. barking… there are flowers around me…the
Coprolalia – repeating words socially unacceptable. food for sure will be delicious)
Confabulation - unconscious filling of gaps in memory or Flooding – exposure to fear.
untrue experiences that a person believes but have no ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
basis in reality. Detailed fantasy. Gait – manner of progression in walking.
Nurse: “How are you Tess?” (who spent the ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
day in her apartment) Hallucination - false sensory perception without
Tess: “Well, I came from my friend’s house external stimuli.
who just arrived from Canada. She gave me a Visual: (seeing thing that are not there)
lot of gifts, we ate out…it was a wonderful day. Auditory: (hearing voices which is not present)
I will be going with her when she goes back. Olfactory: (smelling things that does not exist)
Cyclothymia - mood swings of hypomania and Tactile: (feeling touched but absence of
depression. stimuli)
Gustatory: (experiencing taste in the absence
Dependence - a state where a drug user takes or of stimuli)
increases dose of a drug in order to prevent the onset of Helplessness – incapable and powerless.
symptoms or withdrawal. Hopelessness - despairing, no hope.
Hypervigilant - alert to danger.
Hypomania – elevated state that is less intense than full Somatic – adjective referring to the body.
mania. Somnambulism – it is when a person sleepwalks.
Hypersomnia – increased and prolonged sleeping. Stereotype - persistent repetition of senseless act or
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- words.
Insomnia – inability to sleep or disrupted sleep patterns. Suicide - a self-inflicted death.
Illusion - misinterpretation of the real sensory stimulus. Sialorrhea – excessive drooling of saliva
(Patient insists a gray sock on the floor is a Xerostomia – reduction of saliva
mouse) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tardive Dyskinesia (TD)– an irreversible neurologic
Libido – energy usually associated with sexual instinct. disorder.
Limit setting – establishing a structured environment TCA – Tricyclic Antidepressant
with clear ground rules. Tolerance - to increase amount of substance to achieve
Lucid intervals – patients reasoning and judgment the same effects.
appears to be normal for a brief period. Transference – unconscious emotional reaction to a
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- current situation that is actually based on previous
Malingering – deliberately pretends an illness or experience.
disability. Countertransference – a reaction based on the nurses
Mania - a mood disorder characterized by irritability, past experience.
elation and hyperactivity. Thought blocking - sudden cessation of thought in the
Masochism – gaining sexual pleasure from being middle of a sentence, unable to continue the train of
physically hurt. thought. (“I am going to buy a new bag.”………
Mutism - refusal to speak. I forgot to say what is next)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thought broadcasting – a delusional belief that others
Negativism – motiveless resistance to all instruction. can hear or know what the client is thinking.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thought control – a delusional belief that others can
Oculogyric Crisis – eyes rolled back in a locked position. control a person’s thoughts against his will.
Obsession - recurrent disturbing thoughts which is Thought insertion - a delusional belief that others have
difficult to push out of the mind. the ability to put thoughts in a person’s mind against his
Compulsion - repetitive behavior that a person is will.
obliged to do to decrease anxiety. Thought stopping – a technique to stop a client thinking
Neologism – inventing new words which is meaningful of unwelcoming thoughts.
only to the person. Tic - involuntary, recurrent muscular spasm. Motor and
(“I cannot stay with you because you are a nic- vocal tics.
no-kets”) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Word salad - combining of words or phrases that do not
Paranoid – extreme suspiciousness of others and their have connection & no sense.
action. (I am fine….apple tree…books…toys
Pica – ingestion of non-edible food. for sale…be okay)
Phobia – exaggerated fear of non-dangerous object or Worthlessness - having no value.
Postpartum depression – occurs 30 days or less in the
postpartum period.
Psychomotor retardation - slow speech and body
Psychosis - mental illness during which the patients lose
contact with reality and demonstrate bizarre behavior.
Psyche – the mind.
Primary gain – relieving anxiety by an individual to feel
Perseveration - resistance to change the topic, verbally
repeating of a sentence.
N – How are you? N –
From, where are you? N –
What is your name?
P - I am fine.
P – I am fine.
P – I am fine
Preoccupied - engrossed.
Religiosity - preoccupied of or with religious idea or
Resilience - it is the capacity of the individual to move
forward despite psychosocial diversity or genetic
Secondary gain – relieving anxiety with the help of
SSRI – Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. Historical Perspective
Sadism – gaining sexual pleasure by inflicting pain to the
mentally ill persons were treated by tribal rites. If their surroundings and their roles in the hospital to the
this failed, they were left alone to die of starvation extent that they resisted returning to their homes.
or to be attacked by wild animals.
Greek and Roman Era Twentieth century
Their temples were used to house mentally ill overt change in the hospital system of mental
persons that have fresh air, pure water and health care began. The government believed that
sunlight. Sometimes they were treated with it was necessary to acquire more knowledge
kindness, while at times treatment was harsh and concerning the cause, prevention and treatment of
barbaric. They were treated by bleeding and mental illness and professionally trained workers
were needed to improve the care and treatment of
the mentally ill persons.
Middle ages
The treatment of the mentally ill was left to the Is a “state of complete physical, mental, and social
priests, the superstitious beliefs flourished. They wellness, not merely the absence of disease” The
were flogged, fettered scourged and starved in the person is in a state of emotional, physical, and
belief that the devils that possessed them could be social well-being fulfills life responsibilities,
driven out.
function effectively in daily life, and are satisfied
Sixteenth century
with their interpersonal relationships and to
The mentally ill were locked up in jails, dungeons,
or lunatic asylum where the curious could pay to
watch the “performance” of the sick inmates. The MENTAL ILLNESS
harmless inmates were forced to seek charity on
the streets as beggars. Mental disorder is a behavior or pattern that
Seventeenth century occurs in an individual associated with present
God and Satan were still thought to be engaged in distress or with an increased risk of suffering
a battle for the possession of one’s soul. The death, pain, disability or an important loss of
dungeons were the only place where violent freedom.
mentally ill person could be committed. Purging
and bleeding was the favorite therapeutic FACTORS CONTIBUTING TO MENTAL ILLNESS:
procedures done. The whip was religiously applied
by the cell keepers. A. INDIVIDUAL:
Eighteenth century 1. Biological
In 1792, Frenchman Philippe Pinel was 2. Anxiety
instrumental in proving the error of treating 3. Worries
mentally ill persons inhumanely. Benjamin Rush, 4. Fears
the “Father of American Psychiatry,” began 5. Loss of meaning in one’s life.
working in 1783. He believed that the phases of 6. Disharmony in life.
the moon influenced the person’s behavior which
he called “The Lunar Theory of Insanity.” At the B. INTERPERSONAL:
same time he invented the “tranquilizer.”
1. Ineffective communication
Although mentally ill patients were relegated to
2. Excessive dependency
the cellar, they were assured clean beddings and
3. Withdrawal from relationship
warm rooms. .
Nineteenth century 4. Loss of emotional control
The most shocking to people of today was placing
the poor and the mildly demented on the auction C. CULTURAL AND SOCIAL:
block, where those with a strongest back and the 1. Lack of resources
weakest mind were sold to the highest bidder. The 2. Violence
returns of the sale are being kept in the town’s 3. Homelessness
treasury. 4. Poverty
5. Discrimination
Dorothea Dix, a teacher raised money to build suitable
hospital for mentally ill persons. The institution was PSYCHOPATHOLOGY:
designed to provide a homelike environment that would
also be safe. And because of the remoteness of the setting It is a systemic study of mental disorder.
the institution had to produce its own food, heat and other
necessities. Patients were able to work on the farm, in the
kitchen, laundry, machine shop, on the grounds or wards. PSYCHIATRIC NURSING:
For some patients, this responsibility proved therapeutic
It is a process where in a nurse assist a person,
because it provided meaningful activity, which increased
their sense of self-esteem and group cohesiveness. Having individual, or in group to develop a positive self-
no contact with the outside world the patient adapted to
concept, satisfying interpersonal relationship and NURSING RESPONSIBILITY OF A PSYCHIATRIC NURSE IN
satisfactory role in a society. RESTRAINING AND ISOLATING A PATIENT:
C. Therapeutic N-P relationship
The nurse caring for a mentally ill patient is Communication skills
expected to know and anticipate the various types
of hazards which may develop as a result of the Coping strategies
individual patient’s mental status. The nurse can Therapeutic intervention
be held liable if, in the opinion of the court, the
nurse was negligent in providing protection and
care constituting prevention against the Triad of Needs:
development of any situation injurious to the
A. Physical – nutrition, clothing, shelter, exercise
patient. Suicide attempts as well as accidental
and protection from body harm.
injuries, occurring in the hospital.
B. Psychological – love, trust and affection.
Duty to warn: To inform health care team of any harm the C. Social – feeling of being a member of a group
patient might do/plan. and feeling of being valued member of a
A. Environment:
Safe – avoid danger/harm