Chem and Hazmat MCI 2 13 24
Chem and Hazmat MCI 2 13 24
Chem and Hazmat MCI 2 13 24
Disaster Nursing
Arranged by:
Body Substance Isolation, Biosafety MCI
on Chemical and Biological Concerns
Body Substance Isolation
Systemic asphyxiants have also been called blood agents because they are
systemically distributed via the blood. However, their site of action is not the blood
but rather at the cellular level throughout the body. Cyanide compounds and Hydrogen
Incapacitating agent is a chemical or biological agent which renders a person unable to
harm themselves or others, regardless of consciousness. The QNB is an
anticholinergic agent that affects both the peripheral and CNS resulting in confusion and
hallucination symptoms Quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) is an odorless and bitter-tasting
military incapacitating agent.
Nerve agents are the most toxic of the known chemical warfare agents. VX, like all nerve
agents, interferes with the operation of an enzyme that stops muscles from contracting. VX,
short for "venomous agent X", is one of the best known of the V nerve agents and
originated from pesticide
Chemical agents and other common industrial chemicals of concern
Pulmonary Irritants Any substance which can cause inflammation or other adverse
reactions in the respiratory system (lungs, nose, mouth, larynx and trachea). tobacco
smoke, ozone, sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxides.
Riot control agents (sometimes referred to as “tear gas”) are chemical compounds that
temporarily make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat,
lungs, and skin.
Blistering agents, also known as vesicants, are man-made chemical warfare agents.
Exposure to these chemicals can cause skin blisters and burns, as well as irritation to the
eyes and lungs. Examples of blistering agents are mustard agents, such as sulfur mustard
(mustard gas) and nitrogen mustard.
Occurred in fixed facilities – (not during transport)
Majority of incidents involved release of on chemical
Inhalation of chemicals are the most common type of
Employees are the most common individuals affected
Thermal burns produced the majority of fatalities in a
chemical scare.
Hazmat Indicators
Use of Senses
• Sarin – vapor gas agent that is one of the most toxic of the
known chemical warfare agents. It is
generally odorless and tasteless.
Exposure to sarin can cause death in
minutes. A fraction of an ounce (1 to 10
mL) of sarin on the skin can be fatal.
Hazmat Emergency Response
• Supervised by various The HAZMAT Team
routinely responds to assist
organizations emergency responders with
fuel spills, oil spills, and any
• Occupational Safety and Health other incident where there
is a known or unknown
Administration (OSHA) hazardous substance.
• Bureau of Quarantine
Hazardous Materials Training Levels
• Most potent/deadly
• Dicovered during the nazi regime
• Classified into 2 groups “G” and “V”
• G agents tabun, soman and sarin
• V agents – more pernicious amigon
• Cbc
• Serum cholinesterase
Patient management
• Supportive – symptomatic tx only
• Tearing eyes
• Runny nose
• Blisters in the skin
• Sore throat
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