NSG 102 Lec Reviewer
NSG 102 Lec Reviewer
NSG 102 Lec Reviewer
• Good channel: individual, group & mass Insufficient emphasis by the sender
education. (health professional)
1. The stress of acute and chronic illness, • Serves as coordinator of teaching efforts
anxiety, sensory deficits.
• 3-by ensuring consistency of information
2. The negative influence of the hospital
environment itself, resulting in loss of
Purpose, Goals & Benefits of
control, lack of privacy, Patients & Staff Education
3. Lack of time to learn due to rapid patient Increase the learner’s competence &
discharge from care can discourage and confidence of clients for self-management.
frustrate the learner, impeding the ability and Goal: increase the responsibility &
willingness to learn. independence of clients for self-care. What is
4. Personal characteristics of the learner have the single most important action of nurses as
major effects on the degree to which caregiver?
predetermined behavioral outcomes are Goal - if they can’t independently maintain or
achieved. Readiness to learn, motivation and improve their hx status-they can’t reach their
compliance, developmental-stage full potential. (SELF RELIANT)
characteristics, and learning styles are some
of the prime factors influencing the success of Question - prepare pt & family of self-care
educational endeavors. Our goal is to support patients through the
5. The extent of behavioral changes needed, transition from being invalids to being
both in number and in complexity, can independent in care; from being dependent
overwhelm learners and dissuade them from recipients to being involved participants in the
attending to and accomplishing learning care process; and from being passive listeners
objectives and goals. to active learners. If clients cannot
independently maintain or improve their health
6. Lack of support and ongoing positive status when on their own, we have failed to
reinforcement from the nurse and significant help them reach their potential. In light of cost-
others serves to block the potential for containment measures by healthcare
learning. agencies and despite the sometimes-scarce
7. Denial of learning needs, resentment of resources available, nurses continue to follow
authority, and lack of willingness to take the goals of involving patients in exploring and
expanding their self-care abilities through Patient Education: The process of helping
interactive patient education efforts. clients learn health-related behaviors to
achieve the goal of optimal health and
2. Improve Patient Outcomes
independence in self-care.
Goal: improve the quality of care delivered by
Staff Education: The process of helping
nurses & recognize the importance of lifelong
nurses acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills
to improve the delivery of quality care to the
Goal-improving the nation’s health & consumer.
recognize the importance.
Comparison of the Nursing Process
keep their knowledge & skill current/updates. to Education Process
3. Increase Patient & Staff Satisfaction • Nursing process
-the benefits to nurses: ↑ job satisfaction, -focuses on planning & implementation of care
enhanced patient-nurse autonomy, increased based on the assessment & diagnosis of the
accountability in practice, & opportunity to physical & psychosocial needs of the pt.
create change.
• Education process
3-after educating & improving pt’s condition
-focuses on the planning & implementation of
-increase job sates-----once recognize that teaching based on assessment & prioritization
their teaching actions have forge therapeutic of pt’s learning needs, readiness to learn &
rel. learning styles.
-create change to make a difference to the ASSURE Model of Education
lives of others
Concepts of Teaching, Learning, & • A- analyze the learner
Education Process
• S- state the objectives
• Education Process
• S- select the instructional methods and
-is systematic, sequential, logical, scientifically materials
based, planned course of action consisting of
2 major independent operations (T & L). • U- use the instructional methods and
• Teaching
• R- require learner performance
- is a deliberate intervention that involves the
planning & implementation of instructional • E- evaluate the teaching plan and revise as
activities & experiences. necessary
-an effective teacher is skillful in IR. Skills such -valued by students include clearly
as taking a personal interest in learners, being communicating expectations, providing timely
sensitive to their feelings & problems, feedback on student progress, correcting
conveying respect, alleviating their anxieties, students tactfully, being fair in the evaluation
being fair, allows expressions of POV, allows process, giving test pertinent to subject
Q&A. matter.