The Physical Self

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The Physical Self  Plato connected beauty as a response to love and desire.

He asserted that beauty exists in the realm of Forms, and

Reporter: Labesores, Jan Elmer L. that objects are found beautiful because they are a
NUR-1B reflection of the idea of beauty that already exists in the
realm of Forms. So, Plato was saying that a thing can be
Good day everyone, I am Jan Labesores and, in this time, I will considered beautiful when it reflects the realm of Forms
be reporting about Physical Self. But before that, let us first such as redness, the roundness and the goodness of
determine our learning competencies to gain a clearer picture things.
of the things that we will be learning today.
 Aristotle asserted that the chief forms of beauty are
Learning Competencies order, symmetry, and definiteness that can be
At the end of this lesson the students are expected to: demonstrated by mathematical sciences. So, for Aristotle
1. Define the Physical Self and Beauty he iterated that beauty can be associated by Metaphysics
2. Differentiate the two most debated views about beauty that delves on the conclusiveness of things

3. Recognize the discovery of Psychology about beauty

Beauty as a personal preference
4. Explain how culture traditions shape body image.
 David Hume- “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It
5. Describe the impact of body image towards self-esteem
exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and
6. Realize the importance of physical beauty
each mind perceives a different beauty. One person may
even perceive deformity, where another is sensible of
And Now let us proceed to the lesson proper
beauty; and every individual ought to acquiesce in his own
sentiment, without pretending to regulate those of
Lesson Proper
others” So, in short, David Hume was trying to say that
beauty does not greatly rely on the quality that it
Defining Physical Self and Beauty
possesses as we have different perspectives.

Physical Self- is the concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of

 Immanuel Kant- “The judgement of taste is therefore not
the person that can be directly observed and examined. So, in
a judgement of cognition, and is consequently not logical
greater sense Physical Self entails everything about our
but aesthetical, by which we understand that whose
physicality or the things can be seen with the naked eye.
determining ground can be no other than subjective” So
they have like the same concept with Hume that stresses
Beauty- defined in so many ways, but in its simplest sense,
the idea that we have different preferences however in
beauty can be described as happiness. So, there is no standard
Kant’s perspective it was also made mentioned about
definition for beauty as a person’s view may vary from one
disregarding the thought of judging things.
another but I bet we all can agree that beauty can transpire
where there is happiness and just like what Marilyn Monroe
 Francis Hutcheson- “The perception of beauty does not
said “A Smile Is the Best Makeup Any Girl Can Wear”
depend on the external sense of sight; however, the
internal sense of beauty operates as an internal or reflex
As what Helen Keller said, “The best and most beautiful in the
sense. The same is the case with hearing: hearing music
world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with does not necessarily give the perception of harmony as it
the heart” distinct from hearing. So, for Hutcheson he was stressing
on the significance of internal qualities rather than the
Way before, many philosophers have been indulged in the tangible things or the things that we can perceive with our
most intriguing view about beauty and these two notions are: naked eye.

Under the view that beauty is objective consists of St. What did Psychology discover about beauty?
Augustine, Plato, and Aristotle. Under the view that beauty is Research found that a person who is perceived as
subjective consist of the following philosophers: David Hume, attractive makes more money than a person of below-average
Immanuel Kant, and Francis Hutcheson looks. In politics voters who are not actively engaged in social
or political issues choose candidates based on “looks” 90% of
The two-most debated views about beauty the time. So here are some related terms that may have
1. Beauty is objective attributed to this way of thinking.
2. Beauty is subjective Cognitive bias is an error in reasoning, evaluating,
remembering or any other mental process that is often a result
Beauty as an objective quality of holding on to one’s preferences and beliefs regardless of
contrary information. So cognitive bias is like allowing your
 St. Augustine asked whether things were beautiful personal feelings towards things to intervene when you are
because it gave delight, or whether it gave delight because deciding. In doing this, most of the time the decisions become
it was beautiful. He believed it to be the latter. For me, irrational.
what St. Augustine was trying to relay here is that things Halo Effect (also known as the physical attractiveness
that possess the quality of what is beautiful are what lead stereotype and the “what is beautiful is good” principle) refers
us to be captivated as he also believes in a hierarchy of to the tendency of people to rate attractive individuals more
beautiful things, based on how much form they possess or favorably for their personality traits or characteristics as
lack. compared to those who are less attractive. So kani siya when
we get to be captivated or charmed by a person’s beauty naay As what Helen Keller said, “The best and most beautiful in the
tendency na mas paboran gyud nato sila noh kaysa sa lain. world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with
the heart”
How culture traditions shape body image

Cultural Traditions include events, rituals and customs that a

society shares that can either be a positive or negative
influence on body image and self-esteem. So way before noh
we’ve been exposed to commercials that stresses on fairer
complexity, comparing two women of different shades and
telling us na mas makagwapa if mas puti ka and this has led
people to not appreciate their Morena beauty.
Body Image is generally defined as how one thinks and feels
toward one’s body.

The Philippines is undoubtedly influenced by Western culture,

particularly American culture; a culture that generally tends to
hyper-focus on dieting and body appearance. Digitally
retouched photos are the norm (I.e., photoshopped), and this
mentality can negatively influence a person’s body image.

Does your body image have an impact on your self-esteem?

Self-esteem was coined by William James in 1800 and he

presented self-esteem as the number of successes a person
achieves in the domain of life that are important to him or her,
divide by the number of failures that occurred in those areas.

If you have a positive body image, you probably like and accept
the way you are, even if you do not fit the popular notion of
“beautiful” or “handsome”. This healthy attitude allows you to
explore some other aspects of rowing up and can help you
boost your self-esteem.

How important is physical beauty?

Physical beauty is extremely important.
 In order for your self-esteem to be alleviated, one
must know the correct definition of physical beauty
 The dictionary’s definition for beauty is, “the degree to
which a person’s physical traits are considered
pleasing or beautiful
 The definition did not indicate “who”
determines what type of physical traits is
attractive or unattractive
 Physical beauty standards differ from one person to
 Have a positive self-image and a higher self-esteem.
You must fix your false beliefs about physical
attractiveness first
 Self-image problem
 We are living in a world where the material and
immaterial self are both present. With the
advancement of technology, we only not live in a
physical world but also in the virtual reality. The way
we view ourselves in each world differs especially that
the society plays a huge role in shaping our
perceptions toward our physicality. That’s why it is
essential nowadays to foster a positive view towards
our selves by understanding that healthy, attractive
bodies come in many shapes and sizes, and that
physical appearance says very little about our
character or value as a person. So today, we will be
delving more and understand about our physical self
and the impact of society.

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