Isha Prayer

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Night prayer ‘Isha Prayer 4 raka’ah

1 Stand facing Qiblah Intention in heart to say ‘Isha prayer

2 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
3 Fold hands on chest, right I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Audho billahi min ash-shaytaani
over left Shaytaan. rajim
4 Remain standing; recite al- 1. In the name of Allah, Most 1. Bismillahi rahmaani rahiim
Fatihah (the opening). Gracious, Most Merciful. 2. Alhamdu lil-lahi rab-bil
2. Praise be to Allah the ‘alameen
Cherisher and Sustainer of the 3. Ar-rahmani ar-raheem
worlds, 4. Maliki yawm id-deen
3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful, 5. Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka
4. Master of the Day of nasta’een
Judgment. 6. Ihdiinas siratul
5. Thee do we worship and Thine mostaqeem
aid we seek. 7. Siratul lazeena an’amta
6. Show us the straight way, ‘alayhim ghayril
7. The way of those on whom maghdubi ‘alayhim walad
Thou has bestowed Thy grace, daal-leen
those whose portion is not
wrath, and who go not astray.
5 Amen Ameen
6 Remain standing; recite any 1. Say: He is Allah, the One 1. Qul hu Allahu ahad
surah from the Qur’an. This 2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute 2. Allahu samad
one is Surah 112, Al-Ikhlas 3. He begetteth not, nor is He 3. lam yalid, wa lam yulad
(Purity of Faith). begotten 4. wa lam yakun la kufuwan
4. And there is none like unto ahad.
7 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
8 Bow with hands on knees Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
9 Return to standing position Allah listens to those who praise Him Sami’a Allahu liman hamidah
10 Stand with arms to side or Our Lord, to you be all praise. Rabbana wa lakal hamd
folded on chest
11 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
12 Prostate; touching forehead, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
nose, palms, knees and Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottoms of toes Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
13 Sit up Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
14 Sit on left foot O my Lord, forgive me. Rabbii ighfirli
15 Prostrate again Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
16 Forehead, nose, hands, feet, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottom of toes on floor. Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
17 Stand up, raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
18 Fold hands on chest, right 1. In the name of Allah, Most 1. Bismillahi rahmaani rahiim
over left. Remain standing; Gracious, Most Merciful. 2. Alhamdu lil-lahi rab-bil
recite al-Fatihah (the 2. Praise be to Allah the ‘alameen
opening). Cherisher and Sustainer of the 3. Ar-rahmani ar-raheem

Night prayer ‘Isha Prayer 4 raka’ah
worlds, 4. Maliki yawm id-deen
3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful, 5. Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka
4. Master of the Day of nasta’een
Judgment. 6. Ihdiinas siratul
5. Thee do we worship and Thine mostaqeem
aid we seek. 7. Siratul lazeena an’amta
6. Show us the straight way, ‘alayhim ghayril
7. The way of those on whom maghdubi ‘alayhim walad
Thou has bestowed Thy grace, daal-leen
those whose portion is not
wrath, and who go not astray.
19 Amen Ameen
20 Remain standing, recite any 1. Say: I seek refuge with the 1. Qul ‘a’udhu bi-Rabbi-
surah from the Qur’an. This Lord and Cherisher of (a)n-nas(i)
one is Surah 114, An-Nas mankind, 2. Maliki-(a)n-nas(i)
(Mankind). 2. The King (or Ruler) of 3. ‘Illahi-(a)n-nas(i)
mankind, 4. Min sharri-(a)l-waswasi-
3. The God (or Judge) of (a)l-khannas(i)
mankind, 5. ‘Alladhi yuwaswisu fi
4. From the mischief of the suduri-(a)n-nas(i)
whisperer (of evil), who 6. Mina-(a)l-jinnati wa-(a)n-
withdraws (after his whisper), nas(i)
5. (The same) who whispers into
the hearts of mankind,
6. Among Jinns and among Men.
21 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
22 Bow with hands on knees Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
23 Return to standing position Allah listens to those who praise Him Sami’a Allahu liman hamidah
24 Stand with arms to side or Our Lord, to you be all praise. Rabbana wa lakal hamd
folded on chest
25 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
26 Prostate; touching forehead, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
nose, palms, knees and Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottoms of toes Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
27 Sit up Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
28 Sit on left foot O my Lord, forgive me. Rabbi ighfirli
29 Prostrate again Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
30 Forehead, nose, hands, feet, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottom of toes on floor. Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
31 Sit up, sit on left foot, hands Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
flat on knees.
32 Remain sitting. Greetings, prayers and the good things Attahiatu lilahi wasalawatu
of life belong to Allah. Peace, mercy watayibatu. Asalaamu alaika
and blessing of Allah be on you, of ayuhannabiyu wa rahmatullahi wa
Prophet. May peace be upon us and on barakatuhu. Asalaamu alayina wa

Night prayer ‘Isha Prayer 4 raka’ah
the devout slaves of Allah. ala ibadillahissalalihiyn.
33 Remain sitting, raise index I testify that there is no god but Allah, Ashadu ala ilaha ila lahu wa ashadu
finger of right hand. and I testify that Muhammad is his slave anna Muhammadan abduhu wa
and messenger. rasuulallah.
34 Stand up, raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
35 Fold hands on chest, right 1. In the name of Allah, Most 1. Bismillahi rahmaani rahiim
over left. Remain standing, Gracious, Most Merciful. 2. Alhamdu lil-lahi rab-bil
recite al-Fatihah (the 2. Praise be to Allah the Cherisher ‘alameen
opening). and Sustainer of the worlds, 3. Ar-rahmani ar-raheem
3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful, 4. Maliki yawm id-deen
4. Master of the Day of Judgment. 5. Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka
5. Thee do we worship and Thine nasta’een
aid we seek. 6. Ihdiinas siratul mostaqeem
6. Show us the straight way, 7. Siratul lazeena an’amta
7. The way of those on whom Thou ‘alayhim ghayril maghdubi
has bestowed Thy grace, those ‘alayhim walad daal-leen
whose portion is not wrath, and
who go not astray.
36 Amen Ameen
37 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
38 Bow with hands on knees Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
39 Return to standing position Allah listens to those who praise Him Sami’a Allahu liman hamidah
40 Stand with arms to side or Our Lord, to you be all praise. Rabbana wa lakal hamd
folded on chest
41 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
42 Prostate; touching forehead, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
nose, palms, knees and Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottoms of toes Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
43 Sit up Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
44 Sit on left foot O my Lord, forgive me. Rabbi ighfirli
45 Prostrate again Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
46 Forehead, nose, hands, feet, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottom of toes on floor. Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
47 Stand up, raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
48 Fold hands on chest, right 1. In the name of Allah, Most 1. Bismillahi rahmaani rahiim
over left. Remain standing, Gracious, Most Merciful. 2. Alhamdu lil-lahi rab-bil
recite al-Fatihah (the 2. Praise be to Allah the Cherisher ‘alameen
opening). and Sustainer of the worlds, 3. Ar-rahmani ar-raheem
3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful, 4. Maliki yawm id-deen
4. Master of the Day of Judgment. 5. Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka
5. Thee do we worship and Thine nasta’een
aid we seek. 6. Ihdiinas siratul mostaqeem
6. Show us the straight way, 7. Siratul lazeena an’amta
7. The way of those on whom Thou ‘alayhim ghayril maghdubi
has bestowed Thy grace, those ‘alayhim walad daal-leen

Night prayer ‘Isha Prayer 4 raka’ah
whose portion is not wrath, and
who go not astray.
49 Amen Ameen
50 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
51 Bow with hands on knees Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty Subhana rabbiayl a’zim
52 Return to standing position Allah listens to those who praise Him Sami’a Allahu liman hamidah
53 Stand with arms to side or Our Lord, to you be all praise. Rabbana wa lakal hamd
folded on chest
54 Raise hands to ears Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
55 Prostate; touching forehead, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
nose, palms, knees and Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottoms of toes Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
56 Sit up Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
57 Sit on left foot O my Lord, forgive me. Rabbi ighfirli
58 Prostrate again Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
59 Forehead, nose, hands, feet, Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
bottom of toes on floor. Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
Glorified is my Lord, the Exalted Subhana rabbiayl A’ala
60 Sit up, sit on left foot, hands Allah is Greater Allahu Akbar
flat on knees.
61 Remain sitting, raise index I testify that there is no god but Allah, Ashadu ala ilaha ila lahu wa ashadu
finger of right hand. and I testify that Muhammad is his slave anna Muhammadan abduhu wa
and messenger. rasuulallah.
62 Remain sitting, lower index Oh Allah, bless Muhammad and his Allahuma salli ala Muhammad wa
finger. family as you blessed Ibrahim and his ala aali Muhammad, kama salayta
family. You are the Most Praised, the ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Ibrahim.
Most Glorious. Oh Allah, bestow your Innaka hamidon majid. Wa barik
grace on Muhammad and his family as ala Muhammad wa ala aali
you bestowed it on Ibrahim and his Muhammad kama barakta Ibrahima
family. You are the Most Praised, the wa ala aali Ibrahim. Innak
Most Glorious. hamidon majid.
63 Look to right shoulder Peace and mercy of Allah be on you. Asalaamu alaika wa
64 Look to left shoulder Peace and mercy of Allah be on you. Asalaamu alaika wa

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