Aaleesa Pattnaik
Aaleesa Pattnaik
Aaleesa Pattnaik
glacier stick-slip
Submitted by
JAN- 2024
A geophone wireless sensor network for investigating
glacier stick-slip
A Seminar Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Name – Aaleesa Pattnaik
Reg. No. – 2001209378
SIC – 20BECC22
Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering
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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Pin code – 751024, Odisha, India.
Biju Patnaik Institute of Technology, Rourkela
This is to certify that the Seminar entitled “A geophone wireless sensor network for
investigating glacier stick-slip motion” by Aaleesa Pattnaik, bearing Registration
Number 2001209378, has completed his Seminar in the academic year 2023-2024, in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering under Biju
Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela.
Also my heartfelt thanks to all those who have indirectly guided and helped me in
preparation of this seminar.
Last but not the list, I am very much thankful to my parents who guided me in every
walk of my life.
Static wireless charging is becoming popular all over the world to charge the electric vehicle
(EV). But an EV cannot go too far with a full charge. It will need more batteries to increase its
range. Dynamic wireless charging is introduced to EVs to capitally increase their driving range
and get rid of heavy batteries. Some modern EVs are getting off this situation. But with
Dynamic WPT the need of plug-in charge and static WPT will be removed gradually, and the
total run of an EV can be limitless. If we charge an EV while it is driven, we do not need to
stop or think for charging it again. Eventually, in the future the batteries can be also removed
from EVs by applying this method in everywhere. Wireless charging needs two kinds of coils
named the transmitter coil and the receiver coil. The receiver coil will collect power from the
transmitter coil while going over it in the means of mutual induction. But the variation of
distance between two adjacent coils affects the wireless power transfer (WPT). To see the
variation in WPT, a system of two Archimedean coils of copper is designed and simulated for
vertical and horizontal misalignment in Ansys Maxwell simulation software. The transfer
power for 150 mm air gap is 3.74 kW and transfer efficiency are gained up to 92.4%. The
charging time is around 1 hour and 39 minutes to fully charge its battery from 0 state for a
150mm air gap for an EV with 6.1 kW power may take. Also, a charging lane is designed for
dynamic charging. Then the power transfer is calculated from mutual inductance when the EV
is driven on a charging lane. From the load power, it can be calculated how further an EV can
go with this extra power.
The motion of glaciers is highly dependent on the behaviour of meltwater (generated at the
glacier surface by atmospheric melting) which can influence the rate at which glaciers move by
creep (Duval, 1977), reduce friction to allow basal sliding (Weertman, 1957; Iken et al., 1983),
and deform underlying sediments (Boulton and Jones, 1979). Recent studies of continuous
measurements of glacier velocities by GPS have indicated that ice motion is commonly
episodic and it has been proposed that this reflects stick-slip motion (Bahr and Rundle, 1996;
Fischer and Clarke, 1997; Tsai and Ekstrom, 2007; Wiens et al., 2008). Such a process would
generate microseismic events (ice quakes) at the glacier bed, which could be measured by
seismometers (Weaver and Malone, 1979; Anandakrishnan and Bentley, 1993; Metaxian et al.,
2003; Smith, 2006). However, other sources of ice quakes within the glacial environment
include ice calving (Qamar, 1988; O’Neel and Pfeffer, 2007), crevassing (Neave and Savage,
1970; Deichmann et al., 2000) and basal fracture (Walter et al., 2008).
Wireless sensor networks which are designed to be deployed for earth-science research have
brought low power networking to remote areas (Chong and Kumar, 2003; Martinez et al., 2004;
Hart and Martinez, 2006; Gehrke and Liu, 2006; Oliveira and Rodrigues, 2011; Huang et al.,
2015). These environmental sensor networks have enabled a wider range of areas to be
monitored for fundamental science and hazard warnings (Szewczyk et al., 2004; Delin et al.,
2005; WernerAllen et al., 2005; Hasler et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2014).
Most current commercial passive seismic systems require large power supplies and do not
provide “live” data. Surface based deployments also require regular manual re-levelling, due to
surface melt. In contrast, we required a long-term, low power automatic system housed in a
borehole in order to avoid re-levelling, lessen the effects of noise from the glacier surface and
insure a direct contact with the ice. We have developed a low power borehole geophone as part
of a wireless sensor network, which can be used alongside GPS, subglacial wireless probes
(Martinez et al., 2004), temperature and time lapse camera data (Young et al., 2015) to monitor
a range of glacial processes. One advantage of the sensor network is its ability to send data
back to a server in the UK daily, which provides researchers with a “live” feed via an internet
connection. Due to the potentially high levels of data produced from continuous recording, we
used an event detection system, so that the system only stored and communicated data related
to the ice quakes (events). This new system, which is the first of its kind, consists of a small,
borehole based, low power, event detection system providing a “live” data stream. The design
has the potential to allow geophone sensing over longer time periods while providing
researchers with frequent updates and an understanding of the state of the hardware. It could be
used in other seismic deployments where long-term monitoring of short-term events is
The aims of this paper are:
• To discuss the design and development of the geophone system and its integration into a
heterogeneous environmental sensor network.
• To report the findings from a field trial using a commercial passive seismic recording device
on the glacier surface. This was undertaken to detect basal ice quakes and also investigate the
required sampling rates, detection and filtering for our custom system.
• To present analysis of data generated from the new system to study the timing and nature of
microseismicity associated with daily stickslip motion at an Icelandic glacier.
Skalafellsjökull, Iceland (Fig. 1a) is an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull icecap which rests on
Upper Tertiary grey basalts. This glacier has an area of approximately 100 km2 and is 25 km in
length (Sigurðsson, 1998). The study site was located on the glacier at an elevation of 792 m
a.s.l., where the ice was flat and crevasse free. The subglacial meltwater in this area emerged
3 km away at the southern part of the glacier (known as the Sultartungnajökull tongue, Fig. 1b).
The Glacsweb sensor network was deployed at Skalafellsjökull, Iceland (Fig. 1a) (2008–2013)
and provided the ideal infrastructure for this research. This consisted of multiple heterogeneous
nodes which have been developed during several years of continuous deployments (Martinez et
al., 2009, Martinez et al., 2012, Hart et al., 2006). Fig. 2 illustrates the design of the wireless
sensor network system in 2012/3. A set of sensor nodes on/in the glacier used appropriate radio
frequencies (868 MHz surface, 173 MHz ice) to communicate to a base station that uses either
Wi-Fi or GPRS to send the data to a server hosted in the Amazon Web Services cloud
(Martinez and Basford, 2011). As well as acting as routing nodes the gateways include a
meteorological station, GPS, cameras and other diagnostic sensors. There were also four
standalone dGPS units recording ice velocity 2012/3 and a time-lapse camera monitoring river
discharge (Young et al., 2015).
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys and borehole measurements have shown that the
glacier at the study site ranges from 0 to 200 m in thickness. The glacier rests on a fine grained
till, with a series of active till thrust sheets approximately 5 m thick, moving at 3 m per year
throughout the year. The water content (calculated from GPR) of the glacier is very low (0.5%),
but surface meltwater moves rapidly though englacial crevasses and moulins to the glacier bed
(Hart et al., 2015). Data from the wireless Glacsweb probes show the water pressure in the till
is high during the summer, but fluctuates during the winter depending on meltwater inputs.
Weather data were obtained from the base station and, during periods of mechanical failure,
from a transfer function applied to data from the neighbouring Icelandic meteorological station
at Höfn. Daily surface melt was calculated by the degree day algorithm (PDD) (Braithwaite,
1985, Hock, 2003), using degree day factors for Satujökull, Iceland (Johannesson et al., 1995),
5.6 mm d−1 °C−1 for snow and 7.7 mm d−1 °C−1 for ice. Albedo was calculated from
the MODIS data, using the threshold between ice and snow to be 0.45, on a 30×30 m grid
Basal signals are typically marked by an initial P wave followed by the S wave. The
approximate velocities of these waves in ice are well known (3600 m s−1, 1800 m s−1)
(Röthlisberger, 1972), and the time difference between the arrivals can be used to calculate the
ice quake source (Smith, 2006).
3.2. Basal events
Basal events are assumed to occur at ice depth or further from stations, and be detectable by
several stations. There were at least 5 basal events that occurred on at least 4 stations. These
occurred within the virtually continuous recording period from 17.00 h day of the year (DOY)
215–12.00 h DOY 219. Fig. 4 shows an example of the event 16:43:37 on DOY 218. The
average difference in time between the P and S waves during this event was 0.03 s (s.d. 0.009),
and for the five basal events 0.039 s (s.d. 0.014). The difference between the P and S waves
gives an estimated distance of 72–205 m which is similar to depth recorded from the GPR
survey (up to 200 m). This provides evidence that they were basal events.
Fig. 5 shows the air temperature, rainfall, recording time and seismic events during the
fieldwork period. The seismic events occur during days of relatively high temperature (and low
rainfall), over 8 °C, and very soon after peaks in temperature (9 min to 3 h 28 min). If these
events represent stick-slip events then they show that the water melted from the glacier surface
travels quickly to the base of the glacier where it lubricates the bed allowing it to rapidly slide.
3.3. Outcomes
The results of the 2011 field trial were to a) demonstrate that basal events occurred and could
be detected by a passive seismic system; and b) to determine the appropriate parameters for the
design of the Glacsweb geophones. A threshold ratio of 10, LTA of 0.1 s, STA of 0.005 s, a
total record time of 1 s and pre-trigger record time of around 0.3 s was used as the basis for the
design of the Glacsweb geophones.
As a borehole has to be drilled to insert the geophone node it was also simple to position a
surface node above it and avoid surface runs of cable to the central base station. The cable link
also allowed power to be sent to the geophone node from the SSN which has a larger 12AH
battery. However, the cable is likely to break in a long deployment so the design also included
a backup 173 MHz radio link. This frequency had been found to work well in glaciers (Hart et
al., 2015) although it was not deployed due to a lack of testing. Data retrieved by on the surface
node is then transferred via the 868 MHz radio network to the base station. This surface
network was a custom design based on the Glacsweb packet structure used in the sub-
glacial sensor nodes. A file transfer protocol based on XMODEM was added in order to
retrieve the files over radio links without any errors. The system was designed so that the data
reaches a safer place with each transfer, from the node to the surface, to the base station then
the server. This could give researchers new data every day as long as the surface networks were
The geophone nodes continually sample the output of three orthogonal geophones and store the
data to microSD only when an event is detected. We used 28 Hz Geospace GS-20DH
geophones encapsulated in resin inside a 70 mm diameter polycarbonate tube (Fig. 7a and b).
These geophones were chosen because they had been used successfully in glacier borehole
experiments with a commercial logger on the surface (Walter et al., 2008). Our nodes also
measure their orientation, with a 3D accelerometer, digital compass and temperature. The
nodes contained seven 14.5 AH 3.6 V Lithium Thionyl Chloride AA-size batteries for use
when the surface power feed was unavailable. Fig. 7c shows one being lowered into a bore-
The sampling parameters were chosen taking into account the experience with the
commercial system. An instrumentation amplifier (INA321E) was used with a gain of 25
dB amplifier to provide sufficient signal. Then a bandpass filter of 0.5–234 Hz. The
sampling rate of 512 Hz was chosen to preserve signals up to 256 Hz. The 12 bit ADCs
where oversampled to provide 16 bits per sample.
from the ADC while the rest of the hardware is in sleep mode. If the ADC comparator
circuit detects an impulse in the signal it sets a flag which causes the processor to write the
data buffer to the SD card (Martinez et al., 2012) when it is woken up. This was the
simplest technique to implement for this prototype, however a filter-based algorithm (Song
et al., 2009) could be implemented in hardware in the future to reduce noise sensitivity. If
the node detected an event in the one second sample it recorded the data to a file on the
micro-SD card. The binary file format created used a 28 byte header (time stamps) and each
of the three channels in 16 bit words, for a total of 3100 bytes. The micro-SD card had a
capacity of 2 GBytes and could therefore store 692,000 samples/events, which was far more
than expected in one year. The surface nodes also have a 2 GByte card to store all data,
which provides a backup which can be retrieved if the radio systems fail. The node uses
300 μA while sampling, with bursts of 3 mA when writing to the SD card.
There was a generally positive relationship between events per day and glacier surface melt
(Fig. 8a), and we can divide the results into three time periods based on geophone activity
(Fig. 8a). High seismic activity (DOY 270–279), is associated with high and generally
positive air temperatures at the base station. The day with the highest melt has the most
events. This is followed by a period of low seismic activity (DOY 280–288), when air
temperatures are lower and are below zero at night. Here the maximum events also occur
on the day with the most melt. Finally, there is an intermediate seismic activity (DOY 289–
295) during the winter when temperatures are almost always below zero, but on a few days’
temperatures at the base station rose above zero (DOY289, 290, 294 and 295). Day 294 had
the highest positive temperatures during this period and had the highest number of seismic
There was also a relationship between diurnal temperature patterns and events. At the site, the
temperatures were lowest during the night (18:00–08:00) and warmest during the afternoon
(12:00–16:00). The majority of seismic events occurred during the temperature rise and peak
and during the night (Fig. 8b). The mean hourly summer ice velocity is also shown (from the
available period DOY 218–269). Glacier velocities are highest during the temperature rise and
peak and lowest during the night.
•Type A – consisting of a low frequency wave (Fig. 9a). This typically has a dominant
frequency of 14 Hz (with smaller peaks at 4 and 6 Hz).
•Type B – consisting of a distinct wave form which we interpret to reflect the P and S wave
(Fig. 9b). This also has a dominant frequency of 4 Hz (and smaller peaks at 6 and 8 Hz).
•Type C – consisting of a cigar shaped envelope (Fig. 9c), with a dominant frequency of 6 Hz
(and also 8–16 Hz)
Fig. 11 shows the diurnal occurrence of each event type during the three distinct time periods.
During the high seismic activity period all three seismic types are found and 17% of events
occurred during the temperature/velocity rise, 23% during the temperature/velocity maximum,
and 60% after the temperature/velocity peak. Type A and C events occurred most during the
temperature/velocity fall (73% and 100% respectively), whilst Type B occurred mostly during
the temperature/velocity rise (33%).
During the low seismic activity period only Type A occurs, and 38% of events occurred during
the temperature/velocity rise, 8% during the maximum, and 54% after the peak.
During the intermediate seismic activity (winter) period all three seismic styles are present,
76% of the events occurred when air temperatures were negative, and 80% of these were Type
A events (16% Type C and 4% Type B) of which 86% occurred during the
temperature/velocity decline.
5.3. Interpretation of the event types
It has been suggested that different microseismic sources can be identified by distinct wave
forms, but that basal signals may be masked by other signals (in particular crevassing)
(Pomeroy et al., 2013, Helmstetter et al., 2015). However, it has been shown that crevassing is
typically characterized by high frequency (20–35 Hz) events (with short duration (<1 s)
impulsive onsets), whilst basal events are characterized by low frequency (6–15 Hz) events
Our results show that 91% of the dominant frequencies were between 3–18 Hz, showing a
prevalence of low frequency events. Combined with the evidence for basal events from the
2011 field trial, we conclude that our 3 event types reflect subglacial events.
Type A – These are the most common event type and occurred throughout the whole period,
even when air temperatures were negative. They are most commonly found during the night.
The characteristics of these signals (Table 1) were similar to those associated with subglacial
sediment (till) deformation during stick-slip motion (Anandakrishnan and Bentley, 1993)
especially during basal recoupling after a stick-slip event (West et al., 2010).
We have shown previously shown that at Skálafellsjökull subglacial deformation takes place
throughout the year (Hart et al., 2015), and so suggest that Type A also reflects subglacial
deformation. This process occurs as the glacier begins to accelerate in the morning, but this is
more frequent when the glacier recouples with the bed as the glacier decelerates in the night.
A typical value for basal stick-slip is 1 mm in 0.01 s slip (Zoet et al., 2013). We measured 3 m
a year till movement (with GPR) at Skálafellsjökull. If we assume this represents stick-slip this
would require an average of 8.2 events per day. If we suppose our 3 seismic times represent
summer, early spring/late autumn (when night temperatures are below zero) and winter
respectively, we can calculate value of the annual average events per day. For Type A this
would be 5 events per day (and for all events 7 events per day), which is remarkably similar to
the predicted figure.
Type B – These are the second most common event, but have a far more restricted time range.
During the high seismic activity period these events occurred either just before and/or during
the temperature/velocity maxima. During the winter, these events only occurred during positive
temperature days and these all occurred during the maxima in temperature/velocity.
This type has virtually identical wave forms with a distinct P and S waves with an average
separation of 0.05 s (s.d. 0.02). The difference between the P and S waves gives an average
depth of 180 m, which is within the range of the ice depth in the study area. We suggest the
Type B events reflect a large main basal sliding event.
Type C – These are the least frequent of the event types. They only occur in the night (after the
temperature/velocity maxima). Several researchers have suggested that low frequency signals
with extended codas and weakly developed emergent onsets or no seismic phases (P and S
waves), are typical of water sourced seismicity (Lawrence and Qamar, 1979, Stuart et al., 2005,
West et al., 2010). Hydraulic events, possible disturbances of the water flow (associated with
melting), that can generate a ‘water hammer’ effect in plumbing systems could cause the
observed harmonic signal (Wolf and Davies, 1986, Kavanaugh and Clarke, 2001).
At Skálafellsjökull these events may reflect hydraulic disturbances associated with changing
drainage pathways created as a result of the stick-slip events.
6. Conclusion
This study has demonstrated the successful design and development of a borehole geophone as
part of an environmental wireless sensor network. A field trial with commercial surface
geophones served as a baseline and helped to determine the capture parameters. The design
makes it feasible to obtain long term geophone event capture, with the data being transmitted
back to a data server.
Our basal signals showed (as noted by other researchers, Smith, 2006) a predictable, periodic
recurrence of signals which suggest similar source events, occurring regularly at a similar
location from the release of accumulated stress. The results showed that there was a
relationship between surface melt production and the number of microseismic events. These
events occurred more frequently at specific times during the day. Three types of seismic events
were identified. The most common was Type A, typified by an emergent, monochromatic
waveform, which occurred mostly during the glacier velocity decrease, and was interpreted as
till deformation. Secondly, Type B, an emergent monochromatic waveform, with impulsive P
and S waves (with an average separation of 0.05 s), and only occurred during the glacier
velocity rise and peak. This was interpreted as resulting from the main basal sliding event.
Lastly, Type C, with a waveform comprising episodic events, often with a cigar-shaped
envelope, occurring typically 11 h after the velocity peak. This is interpreted as reflecting
hydraulic transience as the drainage system returns to ‘normal’.
Future work to improve the reliability of the nodes would allow more locations to be sampled
simultaneously to locate events. This would also require extra synchronisation, which could be
implemented with small GPS units on each surface node. Testing the 173 MHz radio links to
the surface could show that the backup cables are unnecessary if extra batteries are enclosed in
the nodes. The use of new techniques and technologies in this design has been shown to
provide a breakthrough in the capabilities of long term continuous monitoring for geoscience.
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