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Minister for Planning made in this House and in the other House and
the progress that has been made in the Third Five Year Plan and the
promise that everything is going to turn out all right and that there
need not be any fear or anxiety in the country. Madam, while saying
this, I realise that the country has made certain progress in the
in planning, and these are all to the credit side of the Plan.
Unfortunately, Madam, the price that we have paid for this progress
out of control unless definite steps are taken to see that the
question and comes up again and again in one form or the other
before this House and though I realise that no definite opinion is
the subject, there is clear indication of the fact that if not economic
place before the country. Similarly, the imbalance between the rural
and the urban sector is also increasing. I do not know whether in the
planned development.
It is possible that the well to do peasants, the richer peasants, might
very fact that urbanisation takes place at such a rapid rate in our
country is visible proof that the imbalance has been growing with the
result that neither the urban areas not the rural areas are today in a
position to live the life that they were living before our planned
urban areas; the civic amenities are all on the point of breaking down
and the continuously break down with the slightest accident here or
difficulties due to lack of resources, they are unable to deal with the
higher taxes, they completely forget that year by year one earner has
to support more and more people and we have got the authority of
no less a person than the Planning Minister himself to say that the
real income of the earner, at least in the lower income groups, has
not risen and, in spite of that, that earner has to support a larger and
country that people clamouring against rising prices and rising taxes.
has happened in the first year of the Third Plan Period and we are
grateful to him for this frank picture. The figures that he has cited
He has tried to explain the reasons that are responsible for this state
of affairs and he has also indicated that the Planning Commission is