Respiratory System
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
definitions :
→ breathing is the activity of exchanging gasses in the body through inhalation and exhalation
→ gas exchange is the exchange of oxyge carried by the blood in the capilaries with carbon
dioxide that comes from the body’s cells
based on location :
= the entry of oxygen from the body's cells into the mitochondria to produce energy (biological
1. nasal cavity
= consist of several parts, turbinate bones or nasal conachae which will allow incoming air flows
with a steady and regular pattern, and nasal epithelium which covers the inner wall of our nasal
cavity with and by :
b) goblet cells → produce water and mucus to trap particles and miosten the air with its
evaporated water
2. pharynx
3. larynx
= there is a vocal cords, which will vibrate with air when we speak or produce sound.
it functions to prevent food from entering the airways (instead it will direct food to enter
esophagus (digestive system)
4. trachea / windpipe
5. bronchi / bronchioles
= one bronchi leads to the right lung and the other leads to the left lung.
= branches of trachea
= consist of cartilage and smooth muscles
= it’ll help moisturize the air human breathes, screen out foreign particles, and deliver it to the
6. lungs
= located in chest cavity, above the diaphragm (a muscular and membrane structure which
divides chest and stomach cavity)
= the lungs are enclosed and protected by a thin membrane called as pleura.
= right lung consists of three lobes, while left lung consists of two lobes.
= inside it there are many bronchioles and alveoli which is about 600 mio
= because its small size and numerous, it’ll create a vast surface area for our body to absorbs
volume of lungs
1. tidal volume = the volume of air breathed in and out in a normal condition ( 0,5 L )
2. inspiratory reserve vol = the extra amount of air that can be breathed in with maximum
effort after a normal inspiration
3. expiratory reserve vol = the extra amount of air that can be breathed out with maximum
effort after a normal expiration
4. vital capacity = the maximum capacity of air in our lungs in one breath ( 4,5 L )
5. residual capacity = the air that remains after expiration
6. total capacity of lung = vc + rc = 6,5 L